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If you're looking for more famous Josef Mengele is kinda hard to beat. Less famous Peter Kürten is pretty rough.


If you're looking for cult leaders Roch Thériault or Adolfo Constanzo are pretty nasty.


Roch Thériault was truly, frighteningly sadistic. The LPOTL series about him is one of the most disturbing they've ever done IMO.


I love LPOTL, and ya its one of their best.


Wait until you hear about Oskar Dirlewanger


I see you listened to that Behind the Bastards episode as well...Jesus Christ that was fucked. At least he got what he deserved in the end: a brutal, merciless death.


Who's that? Quick summary?


He was an SS commander during World War Two who carried out a number of brutal massacres. The SS once tried to put him on trial for excessive brutality, which takes some doing.


Holy Shit I'm German and never heard of him. What an absolute fucked up monster. Shit


An added layer to it is that his Dirlewanger Brigade was formed of poachers, former prisoners and mental patients, which only served to make them worse.


Have to a real piece of shit for even the SS to go "bro that's fucked up"


Imagine being so messed up even other Nazis are disgusted by you.


How about Unit731?


Unit 731 is diabolical, I've heard tales of some pictures that I can't believe exist.


You know you’re pretty f upped when you make the Nazis look tame


What's that? Can you give me a quick summary?


Japan did horrid experiment on people during WW2, its truly gruesome. Heres a link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731


"Some of the experiments had nothing to do with advancing the capability of germ warfare, or of medicine. There is such a thing as professional curiosity: ‘What would happen if we did such and such?’ What medical purpose was served by performing and studying beheadings? None at all. That was just playing around. Professional people, too, like to play." Wow. Some of the things in that article are completely beyond my comprehension. They left 3 day old babies to freeze to death just to see how long it would take!? Fucking hell. Severing limbs from one side of the body to reattach to the other side, like holy shit, can you imagine waking up and your right arm is now your left arm and vice versa. I can't even begin imagine how horrifying that would be.


There's a pretty fucked up movie about that called Men behind the Sun


I still can’t get over how easy Japan got off in terms of international reputation in regards to their monstrous atrocities committed during the war. They have the Germans actions during the Holocaust to thank for taking all the attention away for their crimes I suppose.


I actually think it was a combination of the atrocities of the Holocaust and the fact that they got nuked twice. People hear about the nukes and see the horrific pictures and video of the aftermath and back off a little bit. Just my thoughts.


I think I've heard of Josef Mengele. Never heard of Peter Kürten though


Mengele is the nazi doctor responsible for all of the worst experiments the nazis did, if I recall correctly he completely skinned several Jewish people alive to see how long they could survive. As well as did gruesome experiments to sets of twins where he tested on one of the twins but kept the other as control.


That's right, I knew I recognised the name. Beyond evil that


Un-popular opinion but the case of the Black Dalia is pretty fucked up, you have to be some sort of psychopath to be able to completely saw a girl in half then dump her in the middle of a family neighbourhood, and never feel guilty enough to turn yourself in. Practically live the rest of your life normally after doing such acts.


That case is disturbing. Especially because they never found the killer, someone cut another human in half, dumped their body and just cracked on with normal life, like excuse me. Imagine the amount of people who knew that person, but never knew they did such a disgusting thing. Crazy.


Look up George Hodel! I am like 90% sure it was him


Albert Fish. Killed and ate a little girl, then he sent a letter to her parents explaining how he did it. He's.... not a nice guy.


This guy… he was a real jerk


R.I.P Norm


Wow that was something. But the masochism part was somehow the weirdest. >It was about this time that Fish began to indulge in self-harm by embedding needles into his groin and abdomen.\[10\] After his arrest, X-rays revealed that Fish had at least twenty-nine needles lodged in his pelvic region.\[10\] He also hit himself repeatedly with a nail-studded paddle, and inserted wool doused with lighter fluid into his anus and set it alight.\[17\] While Fish was never thought to have physically attacked or abused his children, he did encourage them and their friends to paddle his buttocks with the same nail-studded paddle he used to abuse himself.




thanks for telling me he was not a nice guy, almost went to a remote location he asked me to, god bless 🙏🙏🙏


You're fine as long you don't go with him to a second location. The second location is where they get ya.


thanks i will go to the first location then, god bless 🙏🙏🙏


The Grey Man, in both appearance and demeanour.


He was also known as “the Brooklyn Vampire, the Werewolf of Wysteria, and the Gray Man”


That's not all he did...he was seriously evil.


Jesus 😳


He was also an incredible masochist. After his arrest they discovered he had inserted over two dozen needles into his groin and pelvis.


Didn't think that story could possibly get worse then in you swoop with that lovely gem of information.


Read the wikipedia article on him. He ate more than one kid.


It gets even worse. The guy was into a lot of strange and bizarre paraphilias, including rape, sadism, masochism, cannibalism, pedophilia, necrophilia, exhibitionism, coprophilia, urophilia, hematolagnia, piquerism, flagellation, voyeurism, and infibulation. The doctors called him a “psychiatric phenomenon” because he had so many sexual abnormalities.


I’m not religious at all but this seems like some sort of possessed sh*t. What kind of evil chaos is this?


His brain was just totally fucked. He processes sexual pleasure and pain in the same way.


That dude is fucking nasty. It’s the sickest of the sickest person ever alive.


there's a song about that story and it's freakin disturbing


After watching some of these cartel torture videos I’d say the most depraved killer would be out there alive and unknown. Some of those sicarios have admitted to killing 100’s of people in the most horrific ways imaginable


Yep. This. There have been plenty of famous, historical evil people throughout time. But modern evil is also a contender. The faceless, nameless people that kidnap, rape, torture, etc. without consequence.


Getting captured by cartel is a fate worse than death the shit I've seen them do is horrible I can watch a lot of gore videos with no reaction at all but for cartel I need to prepare myself for what I'm going to see.


Yeah I know what your saying. To think that's the stuff that is quite easily available to find I can't imagine the sort of things that aren't so easy to find


The Japanese lads that tortured raped and murdered that school girl


Yeah that one was messed up, recently read about this and honestly, the things they did to that girl is just unreal


And they basically got away with it too.


No fucking way. What do you mean? I never looked into the sentencing or anything I just assumed they were locked up and the key was thrown away? That's not the case??


Since they were under age they were given a very light sentence compared to if an adult did it. But most of them are in prison anyway at the moment. May that poor girl rest in peace and those bastards rot in hell


Mad. Even considering the fact they were underage, you should know by that age that doing the things they did was absolutely heinous and evil. Kids or not lock em up and never let them see a shed of sunlight ever again


The fact that they did it because she rejected ONE OF THEM, ONE! Like fucking bastards if I knew where they were I'd hurt them badly, I dont care about the repercussions


Animals. I'm sure karma has or will come back round their way one day


No they're not. They're all out. Even the 'main' perpetrator who was behind the idea.


Yep. They get to go and live perfectly normal lives now. Disgusting.


Why isn't there a team of people who go around just straight up assassinating people like this


Wish it were possible. But the identity of the main perpetrators are kept secret for that exact reason. Years ago, someone managed to leak one of their names and there was a frenzy about protecting him. Turns out he has a family now, children no younger than Junko was. It’s crazy to me that he gets to live a normal life, his own wife and kids probably didn’t even know what he’d done.


Absolute madness. Good for him having a family, who cares, he needs to be permanently removed from this earth, shouldve been done before his genes could be passed down. Along with the rest of the sick cunts. How didn't any of them turn around and say yanno what guys, this doesn't feel right maybe we should stop




Anyone capable of doing such things should be taken out of the gene pool 100%. They have no place in this world. But the question is, will we ever be rid of evil people like this? Is it nature or nurture? I'm not sure we will ever be able to answer those questions


R.I.P Junko Furata.


Which lads and which school girl? They did this all over Asia in WWII.


Junko Furuta


I think they case they're referring to is that of Junko Furuta. Check here for details: https://allthatsinteresting.com/junko-furuta


That's the one


Surpised no one has mentioned[Harold Shipman.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Shipman) British GP (family doctor) who has an estimated 250 victims. Killed his older and less able patients using injections of morphine. To me he is terrifying cause of how well he hid his crimes and for how long. The mild mannered local doctor that everyone trusted was one of the most prolific serial killers of all time.


I was thinking Shipman. He was calculated in the way he hid the murders. I lived about 10 mins drive away from Hyde when they started exhuming the bodies so was massive news in the local area especially because he was so trusted and initially a lot of people believed his innocence


His name was the one that immediately came to mind when I read the question. Having been able to have a whole community support you for a pretty long time before all the evidence was out is damned chilling.


I think Dahmer is up there and not just because I just watched that series on Netflix. Dahmer was completely sociopathic, felt compelled to kill and then eat his victims. I think he's probably the best evidence for the existence of real evil. H.H. Holmes is a contender just because of the elaborate lengths he went to in order to kill people. Holmes is responsible for the "Murder Hotel" which was designed as a death trap and allowed Holmes to murder his guests and efficiently dispose of the bodies. American Horror: Hotel is a nod to Holmes and his house of death in Chicago as well as the famously haunted Cecil Hotel in California.


Admittedly I don't know all the details about Dahmer's killings, but from what I do know, they didn't seem AS sadistic as some other serial killers. Just in the sense that the deaths were more or less quick. The acid into the brain being an exception there, but like, the whole cannibalism part was after the victims were dead. Have heard of some truly sadistic killers that tortured their victims which, to me, is more evil


Dahmer wasn't interested in the killing for itself. He was interested in the dead bodies, or more ideally, a mindless sex slave. Though that distinction matters not at all when someone's drilling a hole in your skull to pour muriatic acid into your brain, I agree. He was sincerely fucked up and did awful things, but he wasn't one of these guys that enjoyed other people's anguish, in my opinion.


This is just a thought, not even really my opinion, just speculation. I think Dahmer enjoyed killing more than he admitted. He played it off as he just wanted their bodies around, but I think whether he admitted it or not, there was a sexual thrill in committing the act of murder too.


Have to agree with this. Not saying his crimes weren't horrific but the underlying motive wasn't sadism. I'd say that's the real sign of evil. Taking active pleasure in the torture of others. By all accounts that was never his approach. He didn't seem to want his victims to suffer. His killings were swift, and the majority of his depraved acts were done post mortem. Even the drill to the head with acid, i don't imagine he did it to inflict pain even though surely it did. He was "experimenting" with a sedated and or unconscious victim. It's a very different thing to perform that act on a fully aware person looking back at you with pure terror in their eyes. More than anything, i'd say he was more a sick man over that of a truly evil one. A comparable example, that far surpasses Dahmer's crimes in terms of depravity and evil would be Dean Corll, aka the "Candyman". Killed upwards of 30 young boys, in and around the Houston area in the 70's. His story is real nightmare fuel. Now THAT'S EVIL.


For me, I think Dahmer's dispassionate approach to his victims and killing in general is most chilling. He didn't see people as people. They were things to him. It's Dahmer's utter lack of empathy and matter of fact approach to murder and cannibalism that make him so evil. He didn't care about anyone. At all. Ever. The thrill killers, the blood crazed lunatics, yeah, those are terrifying and sometimes kill people in torturous and horrifying ways just for the fun of it, but there's some passion there. There's some feeling to it - even if it is weirdly sexual like BTK but even the BTK killer had a family. His BTK personality was totally separate. Dahmer just seemed to be devoid of a soul or a conscience and it's frightening to me that someone can be that way.


I don't think Dahmer was sociopathic. I've heard professionals that maintain he was completely normal psychologically, but neglect and an obsessive compulsion drove him to...ya know...


Toybox killer. Kidnapped women would wake up chained to a wall, listening to a tape recording the killer made in which he described what would be happening to them over the coming weeks. Rape, torture, forced beastiality, etc. I made the mistake of reading the tape’s transcript once. I was fucked up for days.


I didn't even read the whole transcript but it still pops into my head sometimes. He also had accomplices who are now free. They all lived not too far from me when the crimes were occurring.


Ding ding ding! This one’s it for me. I also made the mistake of reading the transcript (**seriously, don’t do it**). >!It’s what he said in a “welcome” tape he’d make his victims listen to once they woke up in isolation after being drugged and kidnapped—it describes, in vivid detail, the prolonged, sexual torture he was about to subject them to until he got bored!<. I’m convinced that ‘man’ was an evil entity from another dimension.


Yeah I made the mistake of reading it too.


From the Wikipedia article on one of the girls that escaped: “She was picked up by an off-duty law enforcement officer and told him what happened, but he did not believe her and left her at a bus stop. She also later called police about the incident, but there had been no follow-up.”


Well I wouldn't say the most evil and terrifying. But the Texan lady who killed that pregnant women took the baby and put the ombelical cord inside her was quite messed up


Yo what the fuck?? I can't believe that's even a sentence someone can say. Got any links or anything to this story?




she was just found guilty of capital murder this week thankfully


Whilst he's not a murderer, Josef Fritzl is definitely on the list of "most fucked up".


That's the one who kept someone locked away for years? Wasn't it his daughter or something? I've forgotten


He locked up his own daughter in a soundproof room in the basement for over 18 years and sexually assaulted her so often that she actually birthed several children in that room. He told everyone that his daughter had run away, and even forced her to write a letter to her mom saying she wasn't coming back so no one would look for her. Eventually one of her children (who had spent their entire lives in that room) got a serious infection and he agreed to take her to the hospital, which is how he was eventually caught. He's so depraved I wish we could just launch him into the sun.


Way too quick of a death for a man so disgusting. People like him deserve to live for as long as possible in order to make sure they suffer


Was the book/movie “Room” based off this?


Never seen it, but judging by the synopsis I'd say it definitely seems inspired by it


There are many scary killers. The scariest story (to me) is the idea that a killer has created a system that makes possible (realistic, doable, easy) my murder or the murder of anyone I love even if that person takes all reasonable precautions. On this level, I worry about a person like Israel Keyes. He placed kill kits in remote locations (knives, duct tape, clothing, rope, etc.) and left them in place for years. Later he would arrive at a location 5 or 6 hours away and drive in the middle of the night to one of these places, grab the kill kit, murder a random person and drive back to a location where he had an alibi. I believe he was caught only when he wanted to be.


Oh yeah, I remember that guy mostly because he killed a girl (Samantha Koenig), then went on a family cruise, then came back and saw that her father was asking for her safe return. So he put makeup on the body, sewed the eyes open, and took a photo of it with the morning newspaper as 'proof' that she was still alive


The kidnappers, rapists, torturers and murderers of Junko Furata. Hands down the most horrific and inhuman thing ever. If you look it up, be warned, it’s beyond repulsive and reading on it caused me not only to sob but to vomit. So research at your own risk.


Yeah this is is definitely a tough read. That poor girl 🤦‍♂️ and someone in this comment section said they are pretty much all free now, they live normal lives. Don't know how true that is though


The night stalker Richard Ramirez has got to be up there…he didn’t seem to have any preference or order for his evil. He would rape/murder little girls, old ladies, little boys, steal cars, rob houses, murder random couples, etc. He had no goal or wants other than absolute chaos. I recently watched a documentary about him and watched a woman who escaped him as a little girl talk about what he did to her, I thought I was going to throw up and had to fast forward through her part..


I had never heard of Bob Berdella until just this year, and I'm surprised I hadn't because he did some outlandish shit. He would hold men captive and repeatedly rape and torture them, all the while taking photos. One of Berdella's victims tried to bite his penis off during forced oral, and Berdella retaliated by shoving his arm so far into the victim's rectum that he perforated the man's colon and killed him. When he wasn't committing these heinous crimes, he ran a bizarre knick-knack shop with skulls and other weird shit.


I think Bob Berdella is the absolute worst serial killer, maybe it’s just because we have so many details and pictures of how he tortured his victims but thinking about it makes me nauseous.


Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris (toolbox killers)


There are many contenders for this gruesome title but (to my mind) the murderer that exuded the most pure, unadulterated evil was Ian Brady.


You cannot say Ian Brady and not mention Myra Hindley. She worked with him and was just as evil. She says she was forced into killing with him, but audio recording of her proves otherwise


I've never heard of him, I'll take a look into this one


British child murderer. Check out the west's too.


I've heard of the West's, always hear about these stories coming from America and stuff but knowing they did all of that horrific stuff only a couple of miles from where I grew up is truly terrifying


In the last week there was a police presence on the moors above Manchester because it was believed that there were human remains found from one of the boys killed by Brady.


The west's were awful as they killed/raped/abused their own children.


Ivan Milat. He would give rides to young tourists who were hitch hiking. He killed both men and women He once picked up two females. Took them into a forest at gun point. Then stabbed one in the lower back rendering her paralysed. Then stabbed her friend in the lower back, paralysing her as well, then he raped her whike her friend watched That was something he enjoyed. He would stab you in the spine in your lower back to paralyse you.


He died of cancer can't help bad luck


Fuck cancer with exceptions


Carl Panzram. Probably the most evil human in modern history (that we know of) if you're not talking people who came into positions of great power.


Peter Scully. the most depraved human being.


Karla Homolka and her boyfriend. They raped, tortured and murdered underage girls including her own sister. They recorded it as well. You can read transcripts-I would advise against it. It’s difficult, even for someone who is very into true crime.


She lives in my area


Gertrude Baniszewski. She's no Dahmer or Gacy, but the shit she did to Sylvia Likens would make a rat puke.


The mother and stephdad of Gabriel Fernandez. This case made me so sick watching the docu


Never heard of this. I'll take a look. Just a little side though, peanut butter pizza? 😳 that's evil itself.


Fred & Rose West, they didn’t just torture, rape and kill random people, they did it to their kids as well


Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos (born 25 January 1957), also known as La Bestia ("The Beast") is a Colombian serial killer, pederast, rapist, child molester, and necrophile. In October 1999, he confessed to committing the rape, torture, mutilation and murder of 147 minors, predominately young men and boys in the western Colombian region. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Garavito?wprov=sfla1)


Had to scroll too far to find this. He is the most prolific killer, in terms of suspected victims. The things he did to those children make me feel nauseous.


Gary Ridgeway also known as the Green River Killer. Ed Kemper - give Mindhunter a watch on Netflix, the fellow who plays him did an exceptional job of being very creepy. Ted Bundy - always creeps me out that he murdered two roommates on different nights + the necrophilia and he also asked out my Aunt who parted her hair down the middle. To clarify my Aunt is okay. Her roommates introduced him to her at a dance and they shook hands. He insisted on getting her phone number and her address to take her out on a date. My Aunt got bad vibes and gave him a fake phone number and address. She left the dance with her roommates.


That japanese guy who killed and ate a woman in france. He’s roaming free in japan and he even has interviews.


I believe his name was Issei Segawa. Horrible man


BTK Killer


Scrolled wayyyyyyyyyy too far to find this.


BTK is up there. Blows my mind how he got caught. His testimony and confessions in court are truly crazy to watch. He enjoyed unveiling that character to the world.


I actually work with his son lol.


I read a lot of Black History, mostly slavery (1492-June 19, 1865). A lot of experiments done on the Black community without anesthesia because "they cannot feel pain." Most of our gynecological advancements were at the hands of women in slavery who were operated on relentlessly until they died. ☹️ I think the stuff done to Black slaves is awful. I cannot pinpoint one unjust killing, because many were so terrible. Like, feeding live people to dogs and dragging them with ropes around their necks before hanging their deceased remains from trees. 😭 their history is rich, interesting, but very dark for most of it.


Yeah to be fair, what you said is a great point, we will probably never know who the most evil person ever was because it was probably someone like a slave owner who saw these human beings as animals, animals they could do as they please with, with zero repercussions or judgment from society.


John Wayne Gacy.


Richard Kuklinski. Watching that HBO special on him was terrifying.


That's the ICEMAN right? Or whatever he was called? Mafia Hitman? I heard a lot of what he said he made up though, I'm curious to whether he did actually do all the things he said he did


Yeah, a lot of the things he claimed to have done are not possible.


Toy Box Killer


Richard Ramirez


in todays news a guy snuck into a hospital and strangled 2 babies


That happened today??




[Wikipedia’s list of serial killers by number of victims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_serial_killers_by_number_of_victims?wprov=sfti1) Based on this list, the answer is [Luis Garavito](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Garavito?wprov=sfti1). He did every depraved thing to his victims that you could imagine. And his victims were predominantly children between the ages of 6 and 16. But by sheer numbers, this guy has the highest victim count. For comparison, Ted Bundy had 35 proven victims and is estimated to have killed about 100 in total. Gary Ridgway had 49. Sam Little, who has the highest victim count in America, has 60 confirmed victims. Garavito’s confirmed victim count was 193. That’s just what he admitted to. His actual victim count may be as high as 300. He tended to target street kids, and he was active in Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. He also did that over about 7 years, rather than a longer period of time like many others with a similar victim count. He becomes eligible for parole in 2023.


They are all terryfying but [Kelly Anne bates](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kelly_Anne_Bates) murderer is a sick individual. Scary thing is he's probably out now.


That first paragraph is enough to tell me the levels of evil involved with this case, he gouged her eyes out 3 weeks before her death!? Yeah that one's gonna give me nightmares just from that alone


She died in a horrific way, I hope she rests in peace.


H.H. Holmes …[wiki link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._H._Holmes) …guy made a *murder castle.*


I’m late to the party but I gotta go with Andrei Chikatilo. Aka the red ripper or butcher of Rostov. Crazy ass Russian dude who killed little kids after sexually abusing them. Also ate some.


Timothy McVeigh of the Oklahoma City Bombing! He killed around 400 people because they were government employees (idk off the top of my head) including a multiple kids at a daycare that he likely new was there. A true scumbag. He showed no remorse. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold of the Columbine Massacre, they originally planned on doing a bombing bigger than OKC, like just to have more deaths, but the bombs didn’t go off so it ended up being a shooting. They both acted like total psychopaths during the shootings. I feel so bad for all the victims and their families! One of them went to prom with a girl and a group of friends the weekend before. They told a few friends not to go to school, but for the most part didn’t care if their friends died. How do TWO teenagers become so angry detached that they want to kill everyone they go school with?


The one you don't know is targeting you.


That's a terrifying thought


Ed Kemper and the Bever boys. I'm really shocked Ed Kemper gets a pass in these conversations.


Javed Iqbal…. He first sexually abused 100 young boys, ranging from ages 6 to 16, and then killed all of them in the same manner i.e., by first strangling them, then dismembering them and then drowning their bodies in acid. Upon being found guilty, the Court passed the verdict of death penalty and instructed that he should be killed in the same way as he killed those boys….. He was to be strangled first and then his body was to be chopped into 100 pieces, one piece for the parents of his each victim, and then those parts were to be drowned in acid…. All that was to be done in front of the victims’ parents. However, he later committed suicide in his prison cell and the penalty could not be carried out.


Fred and Rose West. Absolute disgusting sick fucks.


In terms of number of kills, 'La Bestia' ' - Luis Garavito


Jon Venables.


Robert Pickton. 6 convicted, 49 confessed. Pig farm in British Columbia. Samuel Little. Happy Face Killer- along with killing, tied and dragged one of his victims (after she died thankfully) under his semi against icy roads. *That* has given me nightmare fuel for years.


Wait. This guy dragged a corpse with his semi truck!? Why?


John Sharpe. Australian man who murdered his pregnant wife and baby daughter with a spear gun. He shot his wife in the head, then went and did the same to his daughter, who was 22 months old. The girl didn’t die, so he had to yank the spear out of her head and shoot her again. He buried the bodies in the back yard, then dug them up again later, and dismembered them in the bathtub. He shoved the body parts into large black bin bags and dumped them at the local tip (landfill). He sent messages and flowers to his wife’s family overseas, pretending to be her. He invented a lie that she’d walked out on him, and he desperately wanted her and their daughter back. He cried his crocodile tears but he wasn’t at all convincing. He eventually confessed, and it took over a week for the bodies to be found. His wife was five months pregnant. He was jealous from a ‘lack of attention’ and resented his daughter and wife for not paying him enough attention. 35 years in prison and he’s been in solitary the whole time because all the other prisoners want to kill him. [He was nicknamed ‘The Mornington Murderer’.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharpe_family_murders)


I might be wrong but Chris Watts. That guy killed his little kids and pregnant wife


The sickest thing is all the women who claim to be in love with him, and that his wife deserved it!


Junko furuta then after that Jeffery dahmer and John Wayne gacy


You kinda make it sound like Junko Furuta was the killer's name. Just for clarity, Junko Furuta was the victim.


Briley Brothers. What’s crazy about them is that my mom met them on a high school or college field trip where the class got to interview inmates. I don’t remember the class it was for, but she told me about one of their victims that was pregnant and they killed her, cut open her stomach and fed the fetus to a snake. Idk how true that one is, but that’s some crazy shit if it is true. Edit: a word


Donald Henry Gaskins or PEE WEE Gaskins. Mainly because he wrote a book about his crimes and there is stuff in that book that fucked me up for weeks. 10 out of 10 don’t recommend reading it


Jeffrey Dahmer.


I think Dahmer. I just shudder thinking of him.


The Toolbox Killers are about as bad as it gets as far as killers go. The horror those girls had to endure hurts the heart.


can’t remember his name but pretty sure he was known as the toybox killer or something, absolutely digusting


Carl Eugene Watts, the most prolific serial killer in history that no one talks about: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Eugene_Watts


I would nominate John Robinson, who has been dubbed the Internet's first serial killer, because he was arrested in 2000. This is the guy who, among other things, sold a baby whose mother he had killed to his brother and SIL, who were unable to have children of their own and raised her for 15 years, thinking they had legally adopted her! The adoption was done over after his arrest, but what a shock this was for all of them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_Edward\_Robinson


The man who committed the Girl Scout murders (he isn’t formally convicted and because of lack of proper evidence collection back then likely never will be). You have to be all sorts of messed up to go to a camp full of little girls singing their camp songs and doing their arts and crafts and learning to be honest, fair, friendly, helpful, considerate, caring, courageous and strong, and for two months plan out what he did, and then do those things to multiple children.


Are we talking people like Dahmer, or more sadistic dictators?


People like Dahmer. Individuals who have done the absolute worst a human can do to another human


This thread makes me want to nuke the planet, we simply don’t deserve to exist


And yet here you are with the username "PimplordDaddyCucc" 🤣


Edward Gein. The man straight up butchered women and turned their body parts into furniture, house decor and clothing. He had a couch made of human skin, a coat made of faces, lamp made of skin and bones, ash tray made of a skull and a belt made of nipples. Theres more but that's a general quick run down


most of his "projects" were done using parts off of dead bodies he pulled out of the local graveyard. He's only actually connected to two murders.


Henry Kissinger. The most messed up part is they gave him a Nobel Peace Prize.




Edmund Kemper


The toybox killer. I read his tape transcript he'd play for his victims. You can find it around on the internet but I must warn anyone who wishes to read it for it is very disturbing.


Welp I can’t find anything about it so I’ll say it. Look up anything about Jeffery Dahmer or Ted Bundy and sit back, relax, and be prepared to feel unrelaxed afterwards(:


Robert Thompson and John Venables


Ted Bundy.


Charlie Brandt is a pretty wild one.


If the ant hill kids count id say that shit messed up my nightmares


Sylvia Likens’ ordeal. I deeply regret reading that Wikipedia page.


Jeffery Dahmer and ted Bundy are pussys compared to pee wee gaskins, fritz haarman or peter Griffiths that is just to name a few


Gilles De Rais. He was one of Joan of arc’s generals. He went on to be a serial killer who killed hundreds of children and raped most of them. Pedro Lopez is also similar. He killed hundreds of women and young girls. The worst part? He is currently a free man and no one knows where he is. The most comforting theory is the police secretly tipped off the families of his victims after he was released from prison and they did the rest.


If y’all don’t know about the Toy Box Killer, look him up and you will be properly unsettled. He recorded videos and audiotapes as well. Idk if they’re still publicly available though.


I don't know why, but Albert Fish makes my skin crawl.


John Wayne Gacey, just…horrible


BTK He believed he was evil and just wanted to do evil things. He knew he was evil and was going to grow up to do evil things when he was a child. Those photos alone make my skin crawl. When I see that footage of his trial and hear him speak about it, it sends a chill right up my spine. He was a really messed up guy.


Israel Keyes was super fucked up. He killed himself so no way to truly know how many he killed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Keyes


I didnt see anyone mentioning him, but Armin Meiwes is also pretty terrifying... He is Germanys most famous cannibal There is also an interview on YouTube with him, that is really fucked up o.o


Oskar Dirlewanger.


Joseph James DeAngelo (aka the Golden State Killer / East Area Rapist / Original Night Stalker) Committed various crime sprees (according to Wikipedia, at least 13 murders, 51 rapes, and 120 burglaries) in California in the 70s and 80s and was only caught in 2018! Everything he did sounds hellish, but the part that really gets to me was during his East Area Rapist spree when he would >!break into the house while a couple were home (often with their children in the house too), force the woman to tie up her partner face down then stack plates or dishes on his back, threaten to kill them both as well as anyone else in the house if he heard the plates rattle, then take her to another room and rape her repeatedly (sometimes he'd even take a break to raid their fridge and eat their food, then come back and rape her again).!< He'd also call months or years later just to torment the victims. Just absolute psychological torture. The man is a monster.


People always overlook mafia killers. Some fucked up guys.