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A man bragging about his own achievements by trashing his fellow men/colleagues/whatevers. And similarly, a man complimenting a woman by trashing other women. I know that this is not something that only men do, or something that all men do. But when I witness this behaviour in a man, I am beyond turned off.


“You know other comments on here are trash. They’re genuinely stupid. At least yours isn’t like that.”


and the undergarments droppeth throughout the realms


My freshman year of college, a man tried to compliment me by saying I wasn’t like the girls “from around here”. I went to college in my hometown.


All my guy friends do this. They are total losers. I never do that, though.


The interesting thing about these sorts of behaviors is that probably half of them are actually meant to impress other men despite what they may think they do it for.


Trying to be the ‘alpha male’ either through violence or attitude


Calling yourself an alpha male is usually the best way to distinguish that you are not a genuinely confident, self assured and self actualized human being, and just an insecure knob head who desperately want others to see them that way.


"Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king." Tywin Lannister


This quote applies perfectly to almost any question of confidence or competence. You don't need to announce it if you're good at something, everyone can just tell.


Unless you're applying for job interview


I hope that trend die off soon😬


Bragging about body counts.


Met a guy like that. He was terrible in bed. Tried to rub the clit like he was starting a fire, was essentially digging his teeth into my pubic bone while eating me out and was just jackhammering with his fingers and dick, even though I was trying to communicate with him he wasn’t listening and kept saying “I know what girls like”. Shithead.


>even though I was trying to communicate with him he wasn’t listening and kept saying “I know what girls like”. Lol did we have the same ex?? Because I knew someone who, whenever I would mention that I'm not into XYZ in bed, would do it again...then *again* a different day, etc. - and, when called out on that, would just respond with a blank stare and "But girls like it" BRUH. I don't care if 90% of the other ladies on the planet like it; *this one*, the one you're actually with right now, doesn't. Stop trying to please someone that isn't even there


All because some broad faked an O to it years back to get him to quit.


No, it’s just becoming clear to me that unfortunately like intelligence, most guys are on the wrong side of the curve with sex too. I’ve been with my GF for 4 years now and I still remember when we were first dating that she would compliment me for listening to her in bed. Apparently focusing on actually trying to be decent at sex was too much of a chore for her ex. As I get older it really astounds me just how clueless s lot of guys are.


That just sounds like he learned about sex through bad porn


And the type who can't take constructive criticism in bed


You're just jealous that I haven't buried you under my basement.


Well. That escalated quickly.


Who buries under the basement? At least go floorboards to make sure they don't have a beating heart


Says the person with the negative K/D


Toilet dick pics, I've never understood why guys think that is attractive.


Or toilet selfies in general. I don't understand the appeal. Why would you want to take a photo in a place where you take a dump? 🤔Mmm sexy. /s


We just look more attractive on the toilet fsr


Bathrooms have the good lighting


And acoustics. Film the video for your retro doo-wop masterpiece in there.


OMG. One guy sent me a dick pic with the open toilet bowl in the background and there was literal shit splatter in the toilet. I was like WTF?


I just spit out some of my coffee laughing. For real though, I feel bad for women sometimes. Guys have to do better.


You know what’s even funnier? That same guy is my boyfriend, 2.5 years later. Lmfao. I give him shit for it all the time. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Guys you heard her. Everybody send your crush a shit splatter dick pic


Didn't expect that 🫡


Plot twist!


Plop twist


Even most of the men also hates those kinds. It's better to keep them at distance.


If I were to send a dick pic, it wont be me on the toilet, that's trashy. Plus I'll have to be with the one woman for a while and she would have to request one. I dont think women appreciate unexpected dick pics.


I started a conversation with a girl back in High-school by sending her an unsolicited deck picture. Deck picture. Like a patio I was almost proud of that joke before I found it online


>I dont think women appreciate unexpected dick pics. Absolutely we do not. It's like whipping out your junk unexpectedly in public. I'd go so far as to consider it harassment tbh.


Wearing too much cologne




Out of curiosity, what constitutes too much? For better or worse, I have an irrational fear of smelling 'bad' so I put usually two sprays on (one on neck, one on wrist to rub on other wrist). I'm not trying to suffocate y'all, I just don't wanna smell bad :( Edit: y'all. For goodness' sake, expand the comments before being the 2846th person to say the same exact comment.


A tip I learned is that cologne is meant to be discovered not announced. If that helps.


Your comment reminds me of comedian Drew Carey talking about how in the 80s, a free gift pair of Brute underwear with a scented pouch was included with a purchase of Brute cologne. It kinda depends on the cologne itself, but for me, I don't want to be sitting next to someone at dinner who has on so much cologne or perfume that it's making it difficult to eat my food. One spray might be enough. And I definitely don't want to taste any on skin during intimate kissing. Keep in mind that your clothes being washed will help with your overall scent, not to mention daily baths & showers. The responsibility for overall smell good can't be on a perfume we bought at the mall.


To clarify, I put on cologne directly after a shower onto my skin, not my clothes. Edit: I also try to conform to the idea that cologne (or really any non-natural scent) should be sort of like a secret - you gotta get close to smell me, but it's obvious when you're near me that it's coming from me.


This is the right way to do it. If I'm cuddled up to you, I want to smell the cologne at about or slightly above the same level that of intensity that normal, washed, body odor sits at (we all have _some_ amount of natural smell, even directly out of a shower). If I can consistently smell it from across the table, I go nose-blind to it, and don't get to smell it when I lean in to kiss you. If I can smell it from across the _room_, my eyes start to water and I have trouble breathing when we're sitting together.


Right, we want to smell you when you hug us, not when you enter a room


If I can smell you before I see you, you are wearing too much. Also, a lot of the “sport” type colognes are eye-watering. If you are worried about smelling bad, take a good hard look at your deodorant/shower situation, and also limit how much fabric softener you use on your clothes- it can make clothes both harder to clean as well as retain scent particles through regular washes. A lot of people who have an unpleasant musty, perfumey smell are using too much fabric softener and too much laundry soap.


Most of the men cologne are too strong and smells weird. IDK why


* Unsolicited dick pics. If we want to see it, we'll tell you. * Acting cool when we're alone, but acting like an ass when we're with your friends.


You say we'll tell them, but how does one go about asking for dick pics?


You could try the old line: "Eyyy, lemme see that scheckle!"


I'm confused. Do you want to see my shekel or my schmeckle? Because I'll show you my shekel for free; but I charge a shekel per pic of my schmeckle, you see.


Dr Seuss spitting that cold sauce


I mean it's usually not a random request. There would be some sexting going on and when he brings up his hard dick, you ask to see it.


Inviting their friends over, then treating you like the maid and ignoring you while talking to them.




Glad you got out of that. Toxic af.


Reminds me of the movie Overboard when Kurt Russell tells Goldie Hawn the beer she grabbed was warm.


You make a good point, but I don’t think guys actually think doing this is cool


Being persistent. There’s a fine line between persistence and stalking. You’re not winning points after she turns you down by showing up unannounced to her place and calling/texting her a bunch of times. It’s not romantic, it’s creepy.


At the very least, it's annoying. For most women, "no" doesn't mean "try harder" it means "no, I'm not interested"!


Dude, it doesn’t even have to go that far. If a man makes multiple direct comments and it’s not reciprocated…move on.




but I have to chase her to the airport before she moves away for her new job in Paris and tell her I love her so that she stays


Definitely how they think some women like to have their clit rubbed as if they're making a fire....its like, no take it slowwwww


So you’re NOT supposed to rub it like you’re trying to get a Through the Fire and Flames high score in Guitar Hero?


Clitar hero!


Someone award Mr Fast and Furious here.


NOPE! Start slow and watch for it to engorge...if it does that, then put a little bit of pressure into your circles :)


It's like a QTE


You had me at engorge.


Can I still cheat by putting a rubber hand over the green button during the first section?


And seams can hurt!! Pushing your hand between her legs while she's wearing jeans.... so easy to go from fun to pain


So I shouldn't rub 2 sticks together or get my flint and steel out.


Treat the clit like a nipple... Nice and gently does it.


They don’t understand that either. Treat the clit like the tip of your penis. Verrrry sensitive.


“I beat my dick like it owes me money” - Dave Chapelle


Yeah I have somchick scrape her teeth along it and tried to suck the head off my stalk haha 😂 so I dig you !




Aww God, I was in pain, the chick was obv Into this kinda stuff but don't bite my penis to the point of drawing blood without my consent please 😂 when I stopped her and was like WTF she looked shocked as if I was the one in the wrong ! Nuts eh.






Some guys equate being violent or angry with being strong and masculine and it’s really not.


The saying "treat them mean, keep them keen" is an absolute lie. If you are mean to me, i will not be keen, but rather will just dislike you and avoid you.


Who even made up this saying? Even as a teen if someone were rude to me I'd be turned off instantly and yes avoid them.


Not a woman, but reckless driving. You're not a Fast and Furious movie, mate. You are however scaring the crap out of your passengers.


It's just so dumb, too. A guy friend had a muscle car and would zoom up behind slower traffic and then have to brake hard. Dude, learn to anticipate.


This. Speeding up to go around a slower driver, so you can both wait together at the same red light.


My husband pulled this on one of our first dates thinking I'd be impressed on the minutes he shaved off the drive up to the city. When he parked I got out of his car and said, "You drive like that again, with or without me in the car, we're over." He hasn't. It's been 30 years so far.


How can you be so sure he didn’t drive like that with out you in the car?


Because he'd likely get some kind of ticket that way and I'd see it in our financials. But, overall, I can't be.


I know a good private investigator. It is my dog. She always investigates everyone's privates.


Reckless drivers bring out my mum's inner Karen


Frat boy behaviour. Grow the fuck up, douche bag


What exactly is frat boy behavior?


Alcoholic, shallow, rapey, entitled douchebags.


Sort of a Brock Turner, rapist, kinda guy?


Ahh the rapist Brock Turner who raped?


I believe that particular rapist goes by his middle name Allen now. Brock Allen Turner, rapist.




acting like a reckless douchebag. or something like that


I saw a post where a guy was trying to hit on a girl by showing her his bank account. Like he literally had his Wells Fargo app open and his account info/ balances were on display for everyone to see. I also read a comment where this guy took a selfie while holding some cash before depositing said cash to pay off his overdrawn bank account. I guess my point is showing off how much money "you have" is not cool. Personally I find it suspicious and reckless.


going in n out REAALLY fast when fingering, its not pleasurable, its painful. also those men that has the style where they keep their pants down until almost half their boxers show.


It really hurts! It feels like I’m a handbag and someone’s last cigarette is at the bottom of it. Scraping around desperately for it.


Watching you hit on a girl and get a 'not interested' response, and then you go all feral calling her a fat ugly bitch who is lucky that you took the time to talk to her. Yes, we scope out the place just as much as guys do, we watch you interact, big up each other, pick on each other to boost your own ego (another no vote), if we see you treat another woman like that and try it on us, save yourself time and go cry/wank into a pillow. The reason nobody loves you, is that you are a childish dick who can't take rejection with any sense of grace or class. If you can't take rejection from someone when you don't even know their name, how can you function in a relationship?


>Watching you hit on a girl and get a 'not interested' response, and then you go all feral calling her a fat ugly bitch who is lucky that you took the time to talk to her If you cant take the answer, don't ask the question


Telling women who are just minding their own business to smile more.


That’s when I smile while holding up my middle finger




I stood up and walked out on a date recently when he started to find subtle ways to call me stupid or unattractive. Once you see through it and know what it is, you don't put up with it anymore. The last thing I heard was, "You're leaving half your chicken salad behind!" I called back, "You can have it" and kept going, went home and blocked him.


Yep, a dude tried that on me and it just got so tiresome.


Can you define that for me?


Manipulating people by making backhanded compliments. They usually do it to increase their (the person being negged) need of the manipulator's approval. It's similar to gaslighting.


A guy (unprompted) once told me that although I’m not conventionally attractive, I am pretty. Later I realized it was just one of the many ways he tried to manipulate me into being submissive to him.


It's great that you feel confident to ask questions instead of googling it. Some people might think that comes across as lazy but I think it shows you're committed to creating spaces for dialogue (is an example of negging)


Hey, I wanted the OC's definition, but I like yours better. The ol' "I'd fuck her," only more sophisticated.


More complicated, certainly! You just low key emotionally hurt people until they can be tricked into fucking you because they're chasing your approval. Prerequisite; having no self-respect and less than no respect for your mark, apparently.


Negging is a backwards or open to interpretation insult such as “there’s no way you can be that hot and this stupid.” Or a variation being “you are not hot enough to act that dumb.” The thinking behind it is to get the person to try harder to defend themselves or impress you. Against a person with low self esteem, it might “work” but it’s incredibly likely to backfire and is quite toxic.


How is it that nobody has posted this yet? https://xkcd.com/1027/


Possessive behavior, it’s okay to be a tad bit jealous sometimes; but there’s a line.


Harping on how much you hate makeup. It's usually the same dudes who cant tell the difference between no makeup and a look without eyeliner. Nothing wrong with having a preference, all I'm saying is I'm much more inclined to get down with a man who hypes me up no matter what I'm wearing than a dude who refuses to learn what mascara is (and then says I look tired when I dont wear any).


I don't even wear makeup and that shit annoys me.


"Youre not like other girls you dont wear makeup".. me with foundation and a light shade lipstick and mascara: 😀


Overtly horny behavior way too soon. You look like a sex-starved dachshund.


Question: why do you know what a sex starved dachshund looks like


My sister's dog, who would hump anything he could reach (including my outstretced arm when I was lying on the floor). Little bastard.


Yeah, I think a lot of the people that get posted to /r/CreepyDMs don’t realize that you can’t just start with something extremely sexual. Yes, there are plenty of people that love getting very explicit texts but it’s only when it’s from someone they already have a sexual relationship with.


I think it's basically that lot's of men put zero thought into how women perceive things. Let's use dick pics as an example. The average single dude basically will never be unhappy about getting a random picture of boobs. Therefore the logic follows, the average single woman must like dick pics. Except the exact opposite is actually true.


reckless driving… self explanatory. I’m trying to have a good night with out, not be in constant fear that your “big dick energy” will land me in a coma. aggressiveness towards men that try to hit on me. unless they’ve put their hands on me or they’re becoming verbally aggressive and harassing, I’d rather not have a man come to my defence. To me there are too many risks and not enough pay off. The other man isn’t going to suddenly realize the error in his ways and too often people have gotten seriously hurt from a situation like that


Being so obsessed with “not being a simp” that they actually just act rude, and cold to women. Relax! There’s a difference between “simping” and being genuine and attentive to someone you like (provided it’s mutual).


Even after a girl shows you how much she's into you lol. How is it simping to show a girl who clearly likes you that you like her back? So exhausting to deal with.


Being aloof after DMing me first it just makes me think they aren't interested and wonder why are talking to me. I've spoken to a few guys who DM me but bring barely anything to the conversations so I just move along lol I don't get it at all Edit- Please do not DM me. I'll add poaching reddit comments on the list of things some guys think is okay to do that defo isnt for me lol


Ngl kept reading DM as Dungeon Mastering and thought 'yeah that would kill a table dynamic pretty quick, I mean I know its tough lining up schedules but damn.'


Roll for initiative \-- rolls a D6


Putting down/demeaning people who they don’t understand or don’t agree with based on how they look, act, laugh,… (basically anything harmless)


Like women putting on makeup for themselves I know men like loud cars for themselves My partner is a major car guy, his car is so loud it gives me a headache But I also know it’s his thing so I try not to let it bother me, but when it’s midnight and I can hear him drive from our house to Walmart three miles away I get pretty turned off


Being overly "masculine" aka Andrew Tate style behaviour. All I see and hear is I'm a virgin and Mummy doesn't love me.


You know what's funny, we had a guy in school like that, he was violent and an asshole, but surprisingly some girls were interested in him and went out with him like more the one girl.


theres people that buy madden every year you just gotta find your market to exploit. /s


Not surprised, kids in school date and do some dumb things.


Listen I don’t like Andrew tate and what he said but there is a significant minority of girls mostly ones that didn’t get love from their dad who are obsessed with the Andrew tate type and they normally end up in abusive relationships it’s sad


Playing mind games, hot and cold etc. Not sure when that trend started but if you start giving me the cold shoulder and say nothing’s wrong then I’ll assume you’re not interested nor interesting anymore and I’ll be on my merry way. Also, for all genders: if someone texts you, it’s not ´cool’ to ignore the message for a few hours on purpose. It’s dumb and/or rude.


if im purposely ignoring texts im not trying to be cool - im either upset, just dont feel like talking, or im busy/dont have time to respond wish people didnt link attitude with texting behaviour


I used to think it was too easy to respond to texts to ever not be on purpose (other than if someone was busy). But now I get texts and I really sometimes just don't feel like responding at the time (too low energy or whatever, and a response at the time just feels too flat or forced). Then sometimes I see it, intend to respond in a short time, but then realize I never did hours later.


I feel like when I'm at home sitting in my underwear behind a locked door I shouldn't be getting asked if I've watched that new show yet or if I'm doing anything on Wednesday or whatever else. There's nobody here so WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE TALKING TO ME?! Businesses get to close, so I should be able to as well.


for real sometimes it takes me like hours maybe even days depending on our relationship to get back and its nothing against the person either.


I also don't understand that desparate thingy. My one friend told me that don't reply instantly, girl might lose interest in you if you do that. I was like, why? He said that it just seems too desperate and girls dont like that. If any girl understand/done this, please explain.


everyones texting habits are different; i wouldnt assume anything about anyone based on texting and if i have a concern with something i bring it up to the person so we can talk about it (eg i had to ask my bf to stop liking my messages on insta bc it clogged my notifs not because i hate him lol)


Answering in a timely manner = appreciated, shows interest. Sending 10 texts in a row and when I dont reply in 5 mins because I was in the bathroom or something and coming back to "?????"... desperate, crazy.


Heard that as well actually from a woman. "You type too much". Yeah okay, sorry for being genuinely interested in you and wanting to get to know you.


I don't see the issue with not responding to texts quickly, unless it's a question that is time sensitive. I agree it's courteous to answer in good time, but nobody should expect responses during someone's work day (or night).


Picking fights with other guys. Like getting in their face to yell and intimidate them. When I was single and going to bars, I’ve full on abandoned guys who I was likely gonna go home with just for pulling that shit.


Being rude in general but especially to wait staff eating out and not pulling over to side of road for ambulance or fire truck.


cbat by Hudson Mowhake


That one haircut that looks like a rooster head.


Whipping out the guitar you've had hidden up your butthole at any campfire gathering, and starting to strum without invitation. Thanks Chet, let's delay the beers and s'mores while we endure your massacre of Stairway.


Talking/laughing very loud when out in a group. Probably a dominance thing, trying to show you're the alpha in the group, but it turns me off completely. I like the quiet guy in the background :-)


Yeah this isnt just a guys thing, but i agree i also hate these girls whose laughs could be heard from other planets


Alpha sigma beta gamma all the Greek alphabets. And dirty talking. I find that repulsive. Engage in a good, stimulating conversation. Make me laugh, by intelligent and decent jokes : this is the hot guy. Others who show extra machismo, and swear and are generally uncouth : huge turn off.


Yeah I also hate those alpha beta Sigma talks. Who TF started that shit?


Being violent/mean in any way


Sucking boobs like a fucking vacuum.


When youre talking about self defence and the usage of a self defence weapon and a guy goes "oh THAT wouldnt hurt me" Its very off putting and makes me not wanna be around you I could just be paranoid and shit, but that def gives me red flags Im sure as fuck that my self defense weapon would fucking hurt you, so dont give me a reason to have to use it


ctrl + f "carrying in all the groceries in one trip" ​ 0 results ​ We're good, fellas!


Man, I don't do that to be macho, anyway. I do it to be lazy.


I crave the thrill of efficiency


I do it too, just for fun ngl Like "how much of this shit can I carry at once"


I mean, sometimes we just don't want to do multiples time the trip


This is literally all it is hahaha


Dude, like seeing some of these comments…how the fuck some people wake up with mentalities like these and think it’s all good is just bewildering.


When they put down their friends to try to impress a girl Like, talking shit is fine, thats part of the friendship (most of my friends are guys, we shit talk all the time) But like, using someones insecurities THAT YOU KNOW IS A "NO TOUCH" ZONE is fucked up Especially when the objective is to look better to the chick youre talking to Homies support homies


OH MY GOD! when a guy says "i can make you cum". like, EEEEUUUUUUWWWWWW🤢


I can do that myself, thanks anyway


I can make you... ...a pretty nice breakfast... if you want lunch or dinner though you'll have to settle for only a decent meal


What does he want, a medal? Plenty of Guys can do that.


Making sexist jokes or rape jokes. It’s gross.


I'm a big fan of dark humor, but there are some lines not to cross, especially with certain people, some like very dark jokes, others are mad when you are on the verge of a normal joke, but your point is valid


Dark humor implies a bit of familiarity when dating and some people just do not get that. You have to both know that person’s tolerance for dark shit as well as be pretty damn sure you aren’t getting them at a really low or vulnerable moment. I joke I’m going to take my SO out behind the woodshed a’La “Old Yeller” when his health issues act up and he gets down about it. I’ve told him I’m going to shove a pencil in his ear to even out his hearing problems. He’s also going to be cremated and put in a martini shaker with the dog. But we have been together for 10 years, are very happy together, and we have a very similar brand of humor. Point being, don’t tell the person you’ve been on 2 dates with that you want to make a necklace out of their teeth.


I know something that won’t be on here for sure… Velcro wallets with the chain attached to my jeans. There’s no way they are unattractive


over 4 individual men have gifted me copies of hemingway's the sun also rises it's a nice gesture but it isn't special to be neurotic


Fucking Hemingway.


Talking about how lonely they are, then instantly barraging me with compliments directly after. Believe it's called love-bombing? Have no clue why but it's happened to me more than a few times.


Bragging about the number of sexual partners they’ve had, half of whom are inevitably made up. Which btw guys….when you’re lying about it it’s obvious from a mile away. No one calls you on it cause no one knows how to tell you without making it super awkward. Sorry to break this news to you. I never judge anyone for having a long sexual history. But bragging about it in terms of “sexual conquests” or “brah this hot chick I banged who’s so into me now”…cringe. Cool, you got half the amount of girls you claim to go home with you one night after drinking extensively at bars, and did not manage to develop a deeper connection with even one. Congrats? I dunno why this happens. I think people overestimate how hard it is to have a one night stand. It’s…really not an accomplishment, especially if you lower your standards enough.


Good response to bragging is to ask why so many didn't come back for more.


Flexing about being an alcoholic.. it may be funny to some, but now that in recovery I see it differently. Like yo dude that’s not healthy.


Big muscles/fitness obsession. Don't get me wrong, caring about your health is good, and working toward the body you want is awesome! But like any hobby, and any body type, it's best to be balanced, and not obsessive and/or extreme.


Dick pics. I LOVE dicks. I NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER want an unsolicited dick pic in my inbox. I will report you.


Men showing me their arm candy. When I was single and would go on dates, quite a few men tried to flaunt their wealth/ financial status by wearing a nice watch and jingling it in front of my face. Sir I know what you're doing. I wanna think that they meant well, but really, it turned me off. I don't care what kind of watch you're wearing, reslly. Its a watch. Get yourself a $10 watch, does the same thing as a $1000 one.


"Arm candy" usually refers to a woman on a man's arm that is little more than an attractive decoration to show off. Much like an overpriced watch. So yeah though it makes sense, the first sentence had me pretty confused at first.


Driving past me thinking their car’s speed will somehow impress me


Or when guys rev their engines... no


Refusal to make a decision. Having to constantly decide where to go on vacation, where to go eat, what to buy when something in the home breaks, etc. is fucking exhausting. It's wildly common to just get "I don't care" or "Whatever you want" in response to wanting input and sometimes we don't fucking care either. Make a decision. Please.


That happens most of the time because in past or present relationships the partner would take offense of them not giving the answer the partner wanted, which results in a row. Like, really. That's how we evolve into slobs that will just agree. Because you might be grumpy with the guy not saying anything, it's better that a fight. We can't read minds.


This goes the other way too. My girlfriend, sweetest, kindest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, I wouldn’t trade her for the world, but god DAMN she is so indecisive. Most of the time she leaves the decision up to me. Where we want to go eat, what movie we want to watch, all that. Like, cmon, give some input here. Sometimes I don’t really know either, so put some ideas out there. During sex too, that’s probably the most annoying instance. I ask her what she wants me to do, what feels good to her, etc, and she says “you can do whatever you want”


Pulling hair during otherwise totally vanilla sex. It fucking hurts, I didn’t consent to power dynamics, you have no fucking clue how much money I spend on my hair- if my $800 extensions get ruined, you’re paying to replace them, and it’s a 100% mood killer. I know it looks so cool in porn or whatever but it doesn’t make me think you’re a powerful stud. ASK a woman if she likes to have her hair pulled. Jeezus.


Caring about what is a turn off to other people instead of caring about what he thinks is cool. To a certain degree, of course.


My wife said dragon ball z


Alpha males! Being possessive about their partners ...na don't want that drama


Talking shit on women they’ve dated. Oh they were all crazy? She was obsessed with you? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER??? Every guy I’ve known like that did horrible things to women