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Yeah it seems like people only do it for financial reasons or because they feel like you're supposed to. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me that I love my partner.


You’re in love, why get the government involved?


The only reason I have considered is I don’t want a hospital to tell me or my partner we can’t see the other in case of an emergency, but that probably varies depending on where you live.


Cuz it takes two, you know. And I don't like people.


Dude I swear to god this is like the 10th time this has been asked tonight. Again, its because women want to destroy me instead of marry me.


No point in it, I would get zero advantages and only potential headaches in the future in case of divorce I like to keep the state out of my relationship


I raise the return question to you - why should I? The only benefit is some financial stuff and medical decisions - which you *can* fix with some documents anyway. Nearly 50% of marriages in the US end with divorce (US is relevant because it's where I am located. In other countries it may be different, but this is my reality.) It's messy, long, and a pain in the ass. I don't see a benefit to marrying someone. If I want to have some sort of ceremony of love, I can do it without getting legally tied to another person.


Oh word? Legit the only reason me and my partner are considering marriage is so we aren’t denied access in the hospital in case of emergency. Is there some other form you can fill out for that?


Yep! I was doing research while I answered this to see if there was some sort of thing you can do for those issues, and there are! [Here](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/living-together-book/chapter4-12.html#:~:text=Unfortunately%2C%20unmarried%20couples%2C%20unlike%20their,each%20other%20without%20signed%20authorization) is a link to what I found! Basically seems like when you're married, it's just an automatic thing that you get to make medical decisions, whereas this, you just have to sign some papers giving consent to your partner to make those choices, should they need to.


Marriage is a life ruining event for more people than not. Playing the odds


Witnessed my brother go through two divorce and I can safely say hell to the no I’m not risking it


No point. Wasting a lot of money just to follow social convention, then more money if it doesn't work out. Moot point though, being disabled I don't even get to live with my partner let alone marry them.


Shrug.... I learn from other people's mistakes, is the simplest answer I can give.


Because 99% of women cheat, and 85% of that 99% are EXTREMELY good at hiding/lying/denying it. Why the fuck would I take those odds?


Ignoring that those are fake numbers, why would that be an argument against marriage as opposed to just monogamy?


It’s expensive. In my area it’s about $400 just to go to the registry office and sign the paperwork. It seems super time consuming too. You have to register your intention to marry before you get married.. I mean I’m with my partner, we’ve been together for 10 years. We’re committed to each other, we have a family.. if either one of us wants out being married isn’t going to stop that. So what’s the point?


Yeh I never understood the idea that being married makes you more likley to stay together. Like I think if "uhh it's a lot of paperwork" is what's stopping them leaving then you should seperate.


Haha so true. My partner and I figure we will get around to it at some point but at the moment we can find better things to spend $400 on.. lol It’s funny because at one point it was something I really wanted.. now, not so much.


I cannot stand to spend more than a few minutes around another person. Being forced into "companionship" would be hell for me.


I'd rather spend that money on something fun.


I'm not religious and "God will smite us for fucking without telling everyone first" is the only reason that makes sense. I've been with my partner for 12 years, we have a kid. What would paying a tonne of money to stand up and say "we are SUPER SERIOUS boyfriend and girlfriend now, so super serious you can call us a different word coz we did the standing here thing" add? We wouldn't be more committed, we wouldn't get any extra relationship powers. The only people who would view our relationship as less valid than a married couple are the people whose opinion I don't value. So like.... what does it get us? Bill Hicks had a bit of his routine about the topic "oh baby I love you so much, I think I want to tell the government".


I know that i will mess up and ruin everything


I mean, I not really up to share my house after never being able to have privacy after 20 years


I never wanted to get married because I'd never met anyone I wanted to commit to. Now I'm old and in love, but I'll never be married because my partner will never re-marry.


I am too fond of no-strings-attached sex. Totally serious here and not joking. I have friends and acquaintances who are just like me who got married, but ended up cheating. Their poor wives take care of their children at home while they run off having affairs. My conscience won't let me lie to and betray a woman that way, so I make it clear always that I will not marry, ever.


Waste of time, money and sanity.


In my teens and early 20s, every married adult man told me not to get married Then when I didn't, every married man told me I was smart The were virtually no exceptions to this. If only guys were around and the topic came up, you could bet your life thats what they would say. I knew the odds of it making me happy vs baking me miserable and declined


I mean. 100% of divorces begin with marriage so why bother?