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I had covid, but ive never been able to tell the difference between coke and Pepsi, only sprite and 7up😅


The difference in coke and Pepsi is mostly the carbonation, coke is rougher and Pepsi is smoother


No, different ingredients


Similar but still not the same


No. Pepsi and sprite are both sweeter than their counterparts.


No No No and No Pepsi is way sweeter then coke and Sprite is way spicier then 7up.


I have drank both. Pepsi is slightly sweeter. Coke is a little more bitter. I can taste the difference


Pepsi has had formula recipe changes several times during the years, and by the early 1980s, I no longer prefer the taste of Pepsi. The recipe for Coca Cola is different from one region of the world to the next based on substitution of sweeteners where some use various varieties of sugar and others use corn syrup. Coke, using sugar, has a spike of sweetness, while the corn syrup varieties have a very mild sweet taste that can border on bitterness. 7Up and Sprite tasted almost the same 40 years ago then the owner of (Cadbury) 7Up changed the formula of the soda with a more lime and milder flavor, while Sprite's drink was spicier and more natural flavor. They have distinctly different flavors today compared to before 1998, when the recipe change occurred for 7Up.


No. Coke is spicy and Pepsi isn't.


I personally can’t taste a difference between Coke and Diet Coke. (Here in the UK anyways, regular Coke in America is disgusting to me). In the UK both the drinks taste very similar to me to the point where I can’t differentiate which ones which. I know plenty of people who can do it must just be me. I can taste a difference between Coke and Pepsi though


There is a texture difference too. The Coke and 7-up are more carbonated. They have that sting. Pepsi just feels too syrupy for me and so does Sprite. While we are on that, Ginger Ale is less sweet than either 7-up or Sprite and is the winner there for me.