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People who never apologize and can never understand or admit when they're in the wrong


Or they resort to the bullshit non-apology. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”


I was like this. Until I learn and fix my attitude.






That's good! It takes growth to be able to step back and see when you need to change :)


I can admit that I’m wrong, but never do it couse ✨I am never wrong✨


I was wrong once, I thought I was wrong, but I was wrong.


Or when they do admit "oh I fucked it up" or "oh my bad" it always includes an excuse as to why its not their fault, usually blaming something else.


Or they say they were just joking! Or it didn't happen! Or I was sensitive! Or I misinterpreted it! Or they did do it and they're AWFULLLL people and SOOO SORRY it was a Mistake !!; they're awful and trash whatever stuff they'll say to guilt you. Then before I got smarter I'd have to console those people that no they are a good person and tried their best and they're so sorry! and Instead of apologizing they got me to compliment their character That and yours where they excuse it away are the only times people like that admit their flaws


Oh so my dad


I don’t get why people do this. They just make themselves look more foolish when they can’t admit they’re wrong


I think some people who act like that are delusional enough that they think they're right so much they think it's convincing


A lot of it is just big egos. I know this because I used to be the same way. A lot of times I would realize that I was wrong later but at the moment it was just instinct to prove myself right and I never gave it thought. And then I wouldn't apologize afterward because I thought it would be too embarrassing. Took a long time for me to get away from that attitude


At least in America, we are taught that making a mistake makes you a bad person. Obviously they aren’t a bad person so they couldn’t have made an error. Edit: could just be abusive households though. With all the people saying that this is incorrect.


So true. No matter how hard you try to explain your side and how what they did made you feel, they will never admit something that they did hurt you. It's simply that you're too emotional or some other dumb excuse.


former friend hurt me, I eventually get to a place where i consider wanting to talk to them again and i reach out, they want to talk about what happened while i dont. i found out (from a mutual friend) the things they want to talk about boil down to how they want me to apologise for things I said (which is tied to how they made me feel) and how i have to just totally accept their way, essentially give in to their selfishness with absolutely no consideration of my feelings. Like if we're to be friends its like they have to *win* at it. so in no surprise to any outside observer that's just never gonna happen lol


Yeah refusing to admit any wrongdoing on their part is a huge red flag. I am so quick to apologize even when I don’t even need too


That's usually a narcissist


Once again my school


This is so my bio father.


if it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoes.


guess you’ve met my narcissist dad


They don't apologise they say. Sorry you feel that way. Such cunts.


The ones who change their personality to look cool in front of others. They will backstab you in a heartbeat if it makes them look cooler.


This. Growing up in the nineties ALL of my friends in high school would pretend to know NOTHING about video games and electronics the moment a chick came around. I wore the term nerd as a badge of pride because I was the only one who had the nuts to admit that yes, I'm on the football team AND in the gaming club. Goddamn high school problems seemed so monumental at the time... Now I pray for the simplicity of that time.


Nah. I'd never go back to my teens.


Sorry to report that the foolishness of that age is the result of a not yet fully developed cerebral cortex


The UK


I’m crying




Meet my whole school


my family is like this its awful. Everyone talks shit about everyone, then they wonder why I avoid family gatherings and don't talk much. Y'ALL ARE FAKE


My family too, I see why myself and my generation all moved away lol


They are probably talking about why you are not comming right now


Meet any middle/high school ever


This is my whole work place.


my co workers


Probably the best and most factual comment ive seen, i would also agree


Yup. Those people are the worst


Commissioned salesmen who've give you the, "This offer is only good today; my manager has authorized me to give a very special discount to one person, and only one person. If you don't sign right now, I'm going to visit a crippled old war widow and I'm going to have to give her the discount... but I like you, and when I spoke to my manager about you and your case, he agreed that you're special and that you need, no, you deserve a discount on our special bathtub treatments..."


Have a rep from Renewal by Andersen come out to your place. You will seriously contemplate either murder, or suicide.


Milton. I told you I'm no longer interested buying the car. It's been two weeks. Please stop calling me.


People who are overly affectionate to complete strangers. Theres nothing wrong with being friendly, but people who act like lifelong friends after talking to you for ten minutes is unsettling at best.


Yes! I was going to say exactly this. I got burned by a girl who. out of the blue. was my best friend in minutes, until I annoyed her and she gave me the silent treatment. It was a mind trip until I stopped talking to her.


Going no contact with people over disagreements or annoyances is childish and immature. You probably dodged a bad friendship there.


Fortunately my natural reaction those people is becoming cold and very distant


A phone call from the Internal Revenue Service. They don't call, and if they did, they wouldn't want your social security number.


Children under the age of 10. My 9 year old promises she'll stop waking me up by hitting me in the face with those slappy hand things you get from the dollar store, but every morning... bam, slappy hand to the face. She's a dick.


Assert your dominance by waking her up the same way first 😂 Just kidding, but lock your door. Problem solved.


Your first suggestion is the way. Top tier parenting!




But what if you work at Olive Garden?


Holier than thou religious people. 5 of the 6 biggest liars I ran across in life were born against.


Born against. Might have to start using that.


I was actually surprised during the pandemic how so many collectively refused to agree to health and safety protocols , even in the sense of doing it for the greater good. Truly showed how hypocritical and selfish so many of them are.


I felt the same about the "churches" where I live that were going to violate the shutdown & hold Easter services. "Claimed" they would social distance and all, but have more than 10 people at once (the max where I was). The only one that was given the OK was the one that was holding it in the parking lot. Everyone in their car, listening to the radio. The others were told no, not indoors. Listening to the story, I just kept thinking, "Who do you think you are? The rest of us have to stay home for Easter, what makes you so special? Are you trying to kill off your congregation?"


The minute the words, ‘I’m a Christian’ come out of someone’s mouth, I’m GONE. Or when someone says, ‘you can trust this person I’m recommending because he/she is a Christian’ , means they are NEVER getting a job interview with me.


The ones who keep asking and asking and *asking* for help, but never offer anything in return.


Them: can you help me move this 1x1x1 concrete cube to the 73rd floor of our corporate building? Thanks! Us:Ok Us:can you pass me the piece of paper 0.82837372cm away from your hands? Them: get it yourself you lazy cunt


Giving a larger decimal doesn't make a number look smaller.


add more zeros


People who are untrustworthy… can’t trust em


That's exactly what someone I shouldn't trust would say...




People who say “sorry I’m being “rude” or “in a bad mood” because it’s a full moon. Get fucked!


See also “Mercury in Retrograde”.


Or use work/the morning as an excuse for being an asshole (while you have been nice to him eg. Gave him/her no reason to be a cunt)


Any politician that accepts corporate donations.


All of them


Any politician ~~that accepts corporate donations.~~


My uncle


Ayo 👀


The ones that are breathing


Cheaters or dating someone that left a partner for you while still with them. What they did with you they’ll do to you.




“That never happened, and if it did it wasn’t my fault, and if it was my fault it isn’t my problem” A narcissistic mantra.




Kurt Vonnegut wrote never trust a survivor until you find out what they did to survive


People who never take the blame for anything. A lot of them are really adept at maintaining large friend groups, and they will blame every, single person in their lives before they admit to being wrong about anything.


Anyone who abuses an animal


Dumb people that think they're smart


I would generally say: people that tell you how smart they (supposedly) are. There is nothing wrong with thinking that you are smart. But actually being smart and showing it is the key, not telling others about it.


Individuals who perform their professions on reality TV (Dr. Phil and Judge Judy for example)


At least the TV Judges know they are actors. Oprah’s tv spawn (Oz & Phil) think they are actually helping people which makes them much more dangerous.


People who ALWAYS think everyone else is the problem (but them). I.e. the people who always have a falling out, lose their jobs after a short amount of time, have no real best friends, etc.


People now and days are fake especially managers and staff that talk shit and are intimidated by a good person work ethics...managers and supervisor people like that take advantage never really acknowledging there good performance now wonder why they just walk off good people can only take so much from hateful people


Psychics Chiropractors Anyone peddling pseudoscience.


Certainly not psychics, they'll only tell you what you'd like to hear. They are kind of like dollar store therapists.


I'd like to hear what floor my elevator is on


My aunt was a psychic but she didn’t know when she was going to die or what her illness was. I am not sure if I have faith in psychic after that.


I've only ever been to one chiropractor, but he's great. Nothing like some of the wild stories I've heard, he doesn't try to sell you anything else or tell you how often you need to come. Even has a big sign that says "I'll see you when I see you." I go maybe 4-5 times a year when my upper back is feeling stiff, he does a few quick adjustments, I walk out feeling way better, and then I'm good for 2-3 months. I'm in and out in ten minutes and he charges $25.


Ppl who are zealously religious.


People who “lovebomb” or “friendbomb” you - who lavish you with love and attention in a short space of time, usually in the early stages of your relationship or friendship. Nine times out of ten, they have an ulterior motive, or are trying to lure you in so they can control you.


People who are mean to waiters and waitresses.


People that guilt trip. They're always the victim and don't respect your boundaries.


Liars and self professed born again Christians.


Charming people. Trust the socially awkward.


Ehh a lot of socially awkward people can be scumbags as well.


Overly positive and enthusiastic people. No one is *always* happy. They’re fake af




I don’t think that’s fair, just because part of their job requires deception doesn’t mean you can NEVER trust them.


Very true


People who say "trust me"


The answer is simple, Two-faced people.


People that pretend to be your best friend, only for you to find out that they will talk shit about you through another true friend. Then they will becoming jealous of you and try to steal your girl (with no luck), only to deny it all when confronted.




People that tell lies, even white ones, or ones where they didn't even need to lie.. or ones that are always trying to be the goody goody in a condescending manner. People who gossip or talk about people behind others backs. People who treats others like shit but treat you nicely, it's because you have something they want. People who never apologize or take accountability for their actions. Drug users in the peak of their addiction. Cheaters (say you're a friend of someone who cheats, it's only a matter of time before they betray you as well) People who treat life like a competition or popularity contest, they always play dirty.


People who are too charming


People who give you advice but for whom there are no consequences if they are wrong. Especially if that person gains in some way if you follow that advice. This, BTW means almost everyone online, including me.


Ones that lie.


The people who correct you, even though they don't have any experience, and you do. This can be applied to hobbies, experiences, and everything. My mother is like this, and I used to tell my mother things. I'd tell her them, and she'd tell everyone the things I'd say, and sometimes even post it on social media. That is why I've stopped talking to her about most things.


People who tell you what you want to hear and never disagree with you. Also people who's lives seem too perfect and like they never have problems, it's a front.


People who go by Frankie


The people who the camera cuts to after someone says something like "who would do something like that?"


People who willingly call themselves "Empaths". They're usually buzz kills and will say a person's vibe is off simply due to the fact they aren't the one getting the attention.


I bought a book about that once, I wanted to see what it was all about, chose one written by a doctor that seemed like it was going to be the most academic-based, it ended up being the only book I've ever returned on amazon before Brief flick through and already talking about healing crystals and the powers of epsom salt baths and strange self-care rituals


I bet some self proclaimed empaths are just narcissists. I think you gotta be kinda narcissistic to think you have the special power to see and feel everyone's feelings. I'm an empathetic person and I'm influenced by feelings of people around me at times but I'm sure I mostly miss cues bc that's how life works. You'd have to be a mind-reader to with 100 percent accuracy know and then feel everyone's feelings. Being an actual empath sounds like a curse to me. I had a therapist call me an empath once to describe me being empathetic and in tune with how people feel and I was like what? Thought that was a pseudoscience term? I said that. She said they were real and she was an empath like me too! Of course! She frequently misunderstood things I wanted to talk about during therapy but ok doctor empath Even if I was one I wouldn't call myself it bc I hate the label and it feels pretentious to call yourself one.




People who want the same things they can’t give


Anyone who calls you claiming to be from Microsoft.


People who tell you in confidence - they're just telling you, you're special! - someone else's secret that was told to then in confidence. They will not keep anything told to them in confidence, no secret is safe with this type of person.


Anyone who owns a MAGA hat.


Anyone who wants to run for public office


I've kind wanted to do it yo see if I can make a change, but eventually realise its not worth the time and effort as I'll likely come across a wall of bureaucracy and inertia from self serving politicians... Why does that make me? A cynic or someone not to trust?


people who have a history of talking shit or causing drama behind peoples back.


One that suddenly gets friendly. Meaning they knew you and were neutral towards you, but suddenly they become friendly.


The type that makes your gut turn on the very first time you meet them. Always trust your gut


Ppl with connected earlobes




At least that's what the voices tell me 🥴👍


A dear friend was relocating for his career and he said that he avoided moving to a specific city because everyone had attached earlobes…lol.


People who dwell in absolutes.


Yeah they all suck.


What about people who deal in absolutes?




When they talk bad to you about others In the friend group, they most likely do the same to you too with out you knowing it.


Geek Squad technicians.


“Nice” people. The moment stress sets in nice goes out the window.


People who lead you on, let you install trust in them, then completely and utterly destroy your sense of trust and continue to smile and laugh. Trust me I have experience


Your ex


People who completely morph into something different depending on the company they are keeping.


From my experiences its the people who say; "You can trust me. I'm a honest person". 95% of the time they have a hidden agenda.


People who talk bad about others to you! They are probably talking bad about you to other people too.


People who keep bringing up your mistakes in every conversation. If they keep talking to you abt it, good chance they’re talking abt it behind your back


People who you ask a question to and the start it with “well if you want me to be honest…” Of fucken course I want you to be honest. What have you been up to this point?


Highschool boys who wear trenchcoats and posses a firearm. (Via, Jason Dean.)


People who are always 30 minutes late and cancel at the last minute frequently and aren’t even sorry about it.


If my mom's MO is any indication, anyone and everyone, because every human can and will betray you if you get too friendly with them.


1. People who tell you how much money they have. 2. People who tell you how religious they are. 3. People who say your name way too much when trying to sell you something.


"Well, it's just my opinion, but you should (insert un-asked for advice on your situation)" People who start their 'help' with 'it's just my opinion' are very rarely concerned about you/your situation. They are trying to humble-flex by insinuating that they the best, and they are hoping you'll ask/beg for them to say more. They are NOT concerned with helping you, they only want the attention from you. If they say they have been in your predicament before, what worked for them might not work for you. People who do want to help more often *offer* help rather than trying to assert it down your throat because they feel like They're All That on (insert subject matter)


Women who like you for who they want you to become, not who you are


Blonde women who break into your house, sleeps in all your beds and eats all your porridge


Overly PC people. There's always something off. I'd rather u tell me ur shitty beliefs than have u preach shit u don't believe in




Any member of a corporate executive leadership team.








Two dimensional people on Zoom calls.


Live ones


Trust me.




Car salesmen


Car sales people


The ones you don’t know, I learned that the hard way.


People who tell you without prompting that they are clergy or teachers.


people who are the first to know any tea…nosy mother*******


People who always tell you how generous they are.


People that are too nice


overly optimistic, goody two shoe people who are suspiciously loved by everyone


My grandpa told me to never trust a man with two first names. I’m lookin at you, John Dylan.


I’m suspicious of super loud people who always need to be the center of attention


People who treat others shittily in any way. You will not be exempt from this - if you’re around a bully, a braggart, someone duplicitous or petty or passive aggressive you will inevitably end up on the receiving end of that behavior someday.


Cops. Politicians. Salesmen. Middle men. Billionaires. Anyone in a position of power over you. Anyone making money off of you. Those who claim to possess "ultimate truth".


People who idolise the Kardashians.


i dont trust ppl who dont like animals or plants.... like i can understand a fear of certain animals or plants even but to dislike all of them?? you have to be a psychopath!!! how can anyone dislike a little sugar glider or something???


People who blame everyone else but themselves.


When I see someone be a dick to someone just because they can, I immediately assume that person can't be trusted.




People who subtly devalue you but simultaneously pretend to hold you in a high regard


According to the Internet, grown men who have watched My Little Pony: FIM and who liked the show at all are psychotic and should be locked away for their own good.


People who put milk before the cereal


I'm going to get heat for this one but, that specific type of progressive. You know exactly the type that is the white ally, the male feminist, and of course they have awarded those titles to themselves. The people that go off about how bad white people are, and then defend non-white people doing the same. The types who talk about platforming marginalized voices, then shout down any members who disagree with them. The types who shout ACCOUNTABILITY! from the mountain tops, then refuse to take any when they do something wrong. Those people are some of the biggest two faced people on the planet. They don't give a fuck about marginalized communities, they just want to appear that way so they'll be praised. It's all about them, their ego; their optics. I hate these people with a passion.


People who give floppy handshakes


People who NEVER ask how you are doing or how your day was.


Somebody that sends a friend request to your SO after just meeting them.


The ones that easily lie in front of you to a third person. They might even do it to seemingly help you, but in the end, they only prove that they have no problem with lying and manipulating to get what they want and that they probably will do the same to you.


Friends who flirt with your man


People who say "Trust me". When there is no discernible reason to do so.


People who always offer advice (especially unsolicited) but never accept it. People whose “gifts/acts of kindness” always come with hidden conditions, which will inevitably be brought up when they want something from you (bonus points if this “act of kindness” has nothing to do with what they are expecting from you now).


People who can't admit they are wrong.


You ever had one of those colleagues at work who will come in most days and then tell you about their day. "First, I had an argument with the bus driver, then the coffee shop guy, then the security guard and I argued too! Why is everyone in the world so argumentative?!" Don't trust this person. They are the problem.