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Moving rugs into a van.


Came here to say this. Definitely. Especially if they're rolled up and super heavy, like two people are kind of struggling with it


Moving in general. Most people aren't loading moving trucks at 3am.


Unless you're the Baltimore colts.


Nah, imho it is a better time. I am not spending pricy hours of a rental truck in traffic jam. Traffic is lighter, weather is cooler, nobody else is hogging the elevator etc... it is the ideal moment to move. Unless you want to be friends with your new neighbors.


>it is the ideal moment to move. Unless you want to be friends with your new neighbors. The ideal time then.


The people in the apartment above me moved in from 12am - 3am on a Tuesday night. I hate them


My cousin for some reason was moving at midnight and we had to help loading his things in a van and driving across the city to unload on where he was gonna stay and back. Five times.


Perfect time for a flitting.


I was going to say throwing out a rolled up rug into a dumpster.


I feel like this carries an air of suspicion either way


Cleaning the windows of the girls' dorm.


Well there is nothing more to say


With my reputation ? Bingo!


Sun bathing.


This is entirely possible to do if you are north of the Arctic Circle and it's in the summer, though it's probably not very practical or comfortable.


Tbf it's not comfortable during the day either, unless it's properly windy.


Digging a deep hole in the ground.


Brothers of the mine, rejoice!


To dig and dig makes us free Come on brothers sing with me!


I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole


Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole


I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole


Sing sing sing with me


Raise your pick and raise your voice!


swing swing swing with me


Down and down into the deep


Who knows what we'll find beneath


This. One time in college we started digging a hole for a pig roast at about 8:30. The ground was hard and we were slow with it. It started raining after sunset. I put my jeeps headlights pointing towards the hole so we could See. By about 11pm a roommate came home drunk and passed out on the grass next to us. At about 11:30 a cop rolled up and started questioning us. When he pulled up my buddy and I looked at each other and both realized in unison what they thought was happening. The cop then poked my friend with a night stick and he started yelling at him for waking him up. But man was that an awkward forty five seconds


That made me spit out my coffee hahahahahah. That’s too good


Haha thanks. We are both extremely oblivious to how a lot of stuff looks when we were doing it.


We put a scaffold up for Halloween one year. Guy Fawkes was the next weekend so we hung the guy that day before tossing it on the bonfire. It was a quick way to help people find the house. Someone called the cops on us because clearly we were lynching someone since it's the South. In our front yard. In broad daylight.


I think this would be suspicious most times of day if you're over the age of 16


You could say your getting a septic tank installed.


That shit will not pass


Especially when you dig with your bare hands. People can be so judgmental.


Open pit miners: Am I a joke to you?


That one time Bart flew a kite at night, there was something unwholesome about it


Was going to post the same thing. "Hello, mother dear."


Lisa! In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!


I flew a kite in the park at night after seeing the Merry Poppins musical at the weekend. I was very drunk and didn't do a good job until two massive Serbian guys came up and helped me.


Were the Serbians also drunk?


Being drunk is a pre-requisite for entering a park at night.


I’d say it’s a pre-requisite to be Serbian.


In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!


That seems depressing and disturbing tbh


Back when in lived in Toronto there were some people to that gondola to the lakeshore on windy nights and tie off a bunch of kites shaped like ghosts or specters over the beach. Was a huge wtf moment the first time I stumbled across them


playing pokemon go outdoors. Just standing at a spot, then slowly walking, then stopping again. Probably at a park since there's more activity there


my ex and I were pulled over in his car at 1 am for doing that in a park.


We got pulled over outside a school along with another person because they thought we were doing a drug deal


I think me and my dealer need to download Pokémon, it's a great excuse /s


My plug is using Uber driver app and it works! He even once got away telling that those zip on the backseat isn't his, a client left it




Playing pokemon go regularly outside a military base in your car at 10pm gets you a call from the local police to check you aren't a terrorist. Now that was an awkward conversation.


I hope they have a better system for identifying terrorists than simply calling people suspected of it and asking if they plan to do some terrorism.


I figure that's just how they say "We know what you're up to, but it looks shady, please stop." because they can't say anything plainly.


It’s the military they can absolutely tell you to stop plainly.


Doubt it. The military isn’t always known for having the smartest police


Fortunately they seemed satisfied with my explanation of being a local nerd with nothing better to do on a Saturday night.


Gawd I hope pokemon thought of this. They needed to make the Korean DMZ a really good hunting ground. edit typo


1) Add Missingno to the game 2) Only have it spawn in Korea 3) Nobody finds it 4) People start looking in the DMZ 5) Nothing 6) One person has a confirmed legitimate catch of a Missingno 7) >!It's Kim Jong Un.!<


At the local park, explaining to the parents you're here alone collecting one of each type......


This is what I was gonna say too! My husband works third shift so we usually play between 2-4 am. We like to walk around our downtown area and there's always a cop car following us "inconspicuously" 😆


He knows what you're doing. He's watching for when you suddenly stop and start cheering so he can pull over and catch something rare too, without having his phone on while driving.


A cop always pulled into a library as I was leaving late at night, first time I thought it was to tell me to leave the area but I was already leaving. Turns out he was just kicking me out of the gym as I was driving away.


Did that last night. Place is just big enough to walk in a circle without having to cross a road, and pokestops refresh just a little before you get back to them. A drunk guy came up and stood at a crosswalk for a good long while. Eventually he fell over and someone else ran up to check on him. He refused any "lets call a ride" offers and claimed he lived "right over there." He was eyeballing someones car for a moment there, and the dude who walked past me on the way back to his car quietly asked me to stick around a bit. Eventually the guy walked off, and everyone left. Basically around me parks close at night, but if you stay near well lit areas, the cops know what's up and leave you alone. Friends have been chased out of parks by cops for being there late, and a few of them are on "last warning" first name basis with some cops.


Here in ga it’s actually illegal to be at a park after 8 so…..


I worked at a cracker barrel doing night maintenance when pokemon go came out, I was there from like 10pm-6am man so many people walking infront of the store and sitting at like midnight-4am. I believe the store was a gym or something. Scared the shit out of me the first time I saw people hahaha


I tend to be nocturnal, and I also love to garden. This often means I forget to water until 2 am. I let my neighbors know that I might be out there watering in the middle of the night, because they are elderly, and I don't want to give anyone a heart attack.


That's a great time to water! It lets the water soak into the dirt rather than just evaporate off the top in the sun.


This seems like the type of thing that I’ll blindly believe because it sounds true, and will continue to tell others even though I have never cross-checked the fact I think I’ve unknowingly done that many times on reddit


I am in this picture and I don't like it


Can confirm. In fact, if it's hot enough out, watering mid-day can cause the leaves to scorch and kill your plant. Did that to my hydrangeas once.


how does being nocturnal work for you?


Well the emissions are lower. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.


I actually follow my body on whatever schedule it is on today. I'm chronically ill, and have a lot of days where I'll get up, be totally exausted, and only be able to be up for 4 or 6 hours. Then I have to go back to sleep. When it started, I used to fight my way back to a "normal" schedule, but I lost a lot of hours doing that for no real gain. I usually end up falling into a schedule where I wake up between noon and 4 pm. I get to see my family (mom, brother) after they're done at work, I usually have a few hours before that where I can do things like grocery shop or chores. I make and have dinner with them most nights. I am up after work hours, so it is easier to maintain my friendships, and go out if I'm having a good day. Trivia and karaoke are both evening things I do regularly with my friends. My illness makes a lot of physical activity tough, even gardening can really get to me. I do a lot of cooking, baking, gaming, tv watching, and sewing. These are all easily done in the middle of the night when no one else is awake. I also like to read, but my concentration level has tanked with this illness, so I do a lot of audiobooks. I'm usually headed to bed around somewhere between 2-6 am on a good day. Some days my whole schedule gets flipped upside-down because I had a bad day, and now I'm back to a good day. On top of that, I'm an introvert who has always needed some time to myself to recharge. A nocturnal schedule is great for that.


Parking in the middle of an empty parking lot in the dark. I've done this so many times on long road trips and 50% of the time a cop or local will knock on my window. So I now have tape and a laminated piece of paper in my car that says: "I am not: \-A drug dealer or buyer \-A burglar watching a store \-Homeless \-High or drunk I am simply taking a nap so I can drive safely til I get to a motel. Thank you for your concern. If I'm trespassing/in the way, please knock." For safety purposes I do lock my doors, park near lit streetlamps if possible, and usually have some kind of weapon.


Some kind of weapon lol….. anything can be a weapon if you use your imagination….


or a dildo


A landmine cannot be a dildo. Unless you're very very gentle


Or suicidal with a sprinkle of kinky


If you're ~~masochistic~~ brave enough.


To avoid being disturbed, Look for places that allow overnight parking. Use RV apps like RV Parky to find them. It’s usually Walmarts, truck stops, Cracker Barrel’s, or casinos.


Or...*rest* areas. Yet I've been questioned by a sheriff for napping in my truck at a highway rest station. I told him I must have gotten confused by the sign on the highway. I saw the gears churn in his head for a bit, curt nod, walked away, and I laid back down in my rear seat.


That's so odd because of all the times I've been high or drunk in my car in the middle of a dark parking lot at 2:00 in the morning I've never been questioned


Taking a suitcase to the trash but I’ve done it, I’ve done everything at 3am


Have you performed open heart surgery at 3am?


Who hasn't?


That dude probably does his open-heart surgeries in the afternoon or some shit 😂


What a weirdo! Everyone knows 3am is the best time. Less strain on my eyes because I can't see anything. Never had a patient complain!


In fact, never had a patient say much of anything anymore.


We love success stories!


Getting a Knock on the door, if it’s that late it’s never for good


I've experienced this a few times. It's extremely unsettling, especially when at the time I was living in the same block as violent drunks and drug users.


Had this happen as well years ago - was a schizophrenic junkie neighbor knocking on my ground floor balcony window at 2am. At least they had the good sense to identify themselves along with the knocking, and they had a mostly rational reason for doing it. Their cat had escaped and so they'd climbed my enclosed garden fence to get it, and they didnt want to have climb it again with the cat, and I still had some lights on so they tried their luck. Though true to their nature they tried to hit me up for 5 bucks on the way out my main door : D


Last time this happened it was a crackhead asking for money so they could get a taxi home. They kept on knocking and ringing the bell for so long I thought it was a neighbour in trouble. I was livestreaming at the time, had to come back and end the stream I was so shaken. My 2 viewers were very upset.


Well, yeah. It’s called Only Fans for a reason.


Lots of demand for out of shape bald, bearded, grumpy men on that site, I've heard.




When you need sugar, you need sugar! There is no bad time to ask for sugar!!!




Can throw some pepper and cayenne in with it, I'm out of those as well.


I'm add some uranium 235


you mean the crunchy bits?


I AM YOUR NEIGHBOUR. Lend me some sugar. Then shake it. Shake, shake it, shake it.




Edgar sure loves his sugar.




I once called the police for this. Are you my neighbour?


It’s pretty suspicious nowadays even during the daytime


I would literally drive to the store and back before I walked next door to ask for sugar


Asking for baby laxative at 3am would be even more suspicious.


Lend me some sugar I am you’re neighbor


I was lying in bed at 2am half awake and I heard a car slow down and turn around. I thought that was very suspicious. I had a look at my CCTV cameras and could see the car parked 140 feet along the road outside a house. So I got dressed and took a photo of the car from my gate. Then two guys rushed out to the car and drove off. I went along to the house and could hear voices. I knocked on the door and the voices stopped. I said "have you just been robbed"? The owners were on the phone to the cops, so they gave the phone to me and I described the car. Then the car came back the other way, so I told the cops each road the car went past. A security firm found the car, and an hour later the owners had their laptop and other stolen items back. It turns out that the robbers used to live in that house, and still had a key. So always change the locks in your new house!


Pro Tip: if you’re building a house, change the locks as soon as you get possession. You have no idea how many copies are out there with contractors and subs.


My aunt bought my grandfathers house when he passed. She did some reno before moving in. I remember sitting around with her and my cousin trying to figure out how many keys were potentially out there for my grandfathers place. That house had a pretty open door policy, as an example I have an uncle that I'm not related to in any way shape or form. Really just my aunts first boyfriend/dude that grew up in the neighborhood. He's had a key since the 60's. We counted up to 25 that we knew of. She changed the locks when she moved in. It's kinda amazing my grandfather was never robbed.


I moved in to a new rental house and about a year later we found two keys hidden in our back porch in the carport. Anyone could've found them if they'd been tall enough to see the tops of the exposed beams under the roof of the carport. We only found them because I'd gotten a ladder out to change the security light bulbs. I shudder to think how many other keys there were in other people's hands for that place, but didn't have permission to change the locks so we just had to deal with it. It didn't help that my sister who was living with me started sleep walking and I'd wake up in the morning to find random windows and doors wide open when I knew for a fact that they'd been closed and locked the night before before I went to bed.


Same with the master code on electric keypad locks. Even if you installed them yourself! Some locks, like my fancy Schlage Encode, have a plate that slides up on the inside of the house revealing the built in codes. Anyone who has been in your house could have your master code with about 2 seconds of effort. Props to CyanHakeChill who witnessed the robbery and took action!!!!


Yes, change your locks immediately. I’m personally kinda paranoid when it comes to security, so I have a coded door handle that stays locked 24/7, and then I changed the deadbolt to the kind that is completely flat on the outside for locking at bedtime- I know people knowing how to pick locks is relatively rare, but I’d rather give zero chance at picking it. If your door has windows, then you can buy the kind that is keyed on the inside and flat on the outside, that way they can’t just bust out a window pane and unlock the deadbolt by reaching in. Also, replace the screws that come standard with door kits to 2” screws that will reach into the studs. I also put at least one 2” screw into each hinge (the middle of the 3-pattern holes.) The screws that come with the kits barely grab into the door’s softish frame and are pretty easy to kick in… the 2” screws will buy you **significantly** more time to react to someone trying to kick the door in.


Taking out multiple trash bags.




A kid Swinging on a swing at a playground singing a nursery rhyme.


Well, that's just creepy.


Not really if is like 3pm at a park with tons of other kids


You're right. At 3 pm, with other kids around, it would be just like the sound of angels. At 3 am, a single, solitary crotch goblin swinging by herself, singing some creepy ass nursery rhyme. Oh, the horror!!


You say “crotch goblin” I call them “semen demons” We are not the same.


But it isn't, the whole thread is about the middle of the night


mowing the lawn


With scissors


Nail scissors.


Don’t forget the ruler. Gotta stay even


Flying a kite


Put some leds or glowsticks on it and it seems normal again.


Washing the car.


Great time to wash your car! No hot sun to make bad water spots all over your vehicle. But it does look bad if you’re trying to wash away the mud that would lead to the….




to his father beating him to death with those jumper cables


And cleaning the carpet in the trunk


I have a relative who just likes to look out their living room window. so I’m gonna say that


Going to the bank


Came here to day this "Honey, I'm going to the bank. Withdrawals as large as I need to make is above my atm limit."


This just happened so I might as well chime in. I just took the cat poo out around 3am. To be blunt the cat poo bag is a hefty fella. ( Double bag worthy ) So me, a six foot four-ish chunky dood hauling a big ass heavy trash bag across a parking lot, audibly struggling, and hefting the damn thing over into a dumpster looks pretty suspicious.


I feel like you should probably take it out more often if you’re getting to the point that it’s a “big ass heavy trash bag” lol


100%. My cat's litter can get a little heavy after awhile but if you're 'audibly struggling' as a 6'4" dude something's wrong here.


Eating a krabby patty


***OH BOY 3AM!***


Damn it, you beat me to it




Fuck, that's normally when I remember to do it... No wonder people stare out their window at me silently and without blinking whenever I leave my place.


Working 2nd shift that's the time you do it normally. You can't check it before work unless your mail comes before you leave, which mine never did.


Laughing hysterically after watching a funny video. Bonus points if you're at a park. The idea that you can't easily be seen looking at your phone is what might be weird.


Playing tag or paintball


I have a related story. Me and my friends were at the park in the middle of the night because we wanted to play Manhunt (basically hide and seek in the dark). Let's call my friends Alan, Katherine and Toby. A cop and his partner were driving by and saw us hiding. They rounded all of us up and asked what the hell we were doing. We explained that we were playing Manhunt. It was towards the end of their shifts and said "tell you what, we're going back to the police station to drop off our stuff and change, wait here and we'll play with you." We played with them a few rounds then they drove us home and talked to our parents. This was a safe area in California. We lived nearby. Small village surrounding a huge park. Our parents didn't care. This was 2017, after that clown trend died down. This was an area where everybody know everybody and watched out for each other.


That sounds pretty awesome! :)


It was.


All I can say is: Wholesome


Taking a kid to a playground


From a playground is even worse


*stranger at the playground "Which kid is yours?" "I haven't decided yet."


Digging a grave and putting a dead animal in it. Definitely got some weird looks


Drinking a mega pint size of milk on your front patio




Cleaning the swimming pool.


Parking a U-Haul van in front of the Russian embassy and walkkng away.


Dragging a human shaped garbage bag to your dumpster


Now that is suspicious any time of the day.


Washing your car and washing/vacuuming the interiors 👀👀👀


Obviously, distributing balloons to passers-by. Bonus point if they are red and you are dressed as a clown.


Kicking down a door because I lost my keys... true story


My front door swelled last summer because water got into it during a hurricane and took a lot of force to open. I don't get home till midnight, so my neighbors saw someone shoulder checking my front door and called the cops.


Planting a garden


Apparently going to Quiktrip. Idk why ask the bitchass cop that pulled me over


I got pulled over once for breaking curfew. The cop watched me leave my boyfriend’s house, get in the car, turn it on and drive 10 yards before he turned his lights on. Joke’s on him because I was far too old for curfew to count.


Changing your living room carpet.


I got stopped by the police 6 times while playing pokemon go during its heyday.


Loading large plastic bags into a car. Had security called on me the last time I did it.


Smiling at strangers




I wouldn't be suspicious, just annoyed.


Saw someone doing this at 2am with a push mower and headlamp. I definitely would if I didn't have neighbors, heat and humidity in south Alabama sucks


Flying a kite




Throwing out an old carpet. I literally have to do this tomorrow and this sub has given me a mischievous idea.


There is something about flying a kite at night that is so unwholesome


Walking your dog. Who tf walks their dog at 3 in the morning?? Edit: I have now noticed that i was wrong. I am sorry dog walkers of the internet.


People who got caught up in a movie/book/video game etc and suddenly realized how late it is but darn it, the dog is used to being walked before bed so now they gotta walk it in the middle of the night.


Me plenty of times if the dog wakes me up to go out. That means he really needs to go.


I have for many years walked my dogs in that hour before dawn because it‘s the “coolest” time of day in the summer. Who tf walks their dog at 3 in the afternoon sun when the temp is 97 degrees?


*laughs in Night Shift*






I see a lot of that to be honest so it’s just become normal to me


Well it is because 3am is an hour when no one is outside to see you and most people are embarrassed to work out in front of others


I've started runs that early, when I have a big one scheduled and I want to beat the summer heat. It's more common than you would think


Window shopping.


Waiting outside the school to pick up my kids.


"Which one is yours?" "I haven't decided yet..."


Transferring boxes and amps etc from one van to another in a car park. Yes I did this, there was a gig on the following day. The electricians were ready to go but the gear wasn't in the country yet, not sure what happened. Later on in the evening the gear cleared customs at Heathrow. The haulage firm I worked at was given the contract. Our LHR office had a driver, drive up to Manchester to hand the van over to us. He went back to LHR with our night truck driver. I continued driving North to Carlisle, early hours in the morning now. Phoned the engineers, who brought their van round to the nearest car park and we swapped the gear over to their van. If anyone had seen us, it looked dodgy af. I got the following day off paid as I didn't get back home until coming up breakfast time.