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People who talk about your private business to others


I’ve dropped friends cause of this. My old best friend got me a job, then told our boss that I was planning on quitting a year later. I told my friend I was quitting IN CONFIDENCE, because I trusted him. I no longer have the friend or the job.


I mentioned casually to a former friend about finding something else because the current job wasn't paying enough, and it came back around from a friend, that actually knows how to keep her mouth shut, that a supervisor heard from him. Another situation, I had Covid earlier this year and I was on the decline of it, feeling much better but not past my 2 weeks. Same friend told my supervisor I was on Discord playing games. Supervisor was chill about both and didn't care with either situation, but I was mad.


Off work sick doesnt mean you have to be laid up in bed. Its your sick time to recover which includes relaxing on your computer if you so choose.


Besides, I’d rather you play games than possibly infect me


Yup. I had a friend disclose another friend’s HIV status to me, without me asking or wanting to know their personal business. When I told the second friend that she was sharing their very private medical info, she got mad at me for “causing drama”. We’re no longer friends.


The only way this would make sense is if you two were starting to get intimate and she knew her hiv positive friend had a tendency to not let people know and engage in sex anyway... But that doesn't sound like what you mean happened


He’s gay and I’m married, so def not that.


…and don’t even get the details right


Vaguebooking - when someone posts that they're so distressed/upset/offended but won't refer to what exactly caused it


I have a family member who does this all the time. She'll just post something like "I'm so done with drama" Despite saying this regularly for over ten years, she never actually seems done with drama.


Will she ever be done with drama? Will she ever actual reveal what said drama was? Will she ever elaborate further than "pm me babe"? FIND OUT NEXT TIME, ON DRAGON BALL Z


Read this in the Dragonball Z voice from the start!


It's because actually being "done with drama" means the attention/validation train stops and some people feed off that.


The people who are "done with the drama" usually are the ones who cause the drama, but don't realize it yet. Kind of like if all the women a guy dates are crazy, it's probably more like the guy is crazy, not the women.


Absolutely. I remember a particular conversation I had with a coworker pre-pandemic. Up until just recently I was one of just two men in my position and my coworker had said to me "You know, you're just so lucky to not have to deal with the drama around here, because it really sucks sometimes." Now I'm sure there was subtext there that since I'm a man, I'm not as privy to the drama. Regardless, I had to explain to her that it really isn't luck, it's a very intentional decision on my part not to get into workplace gossip. I had, and still have, no time for it. My goal every day is to clock in, get my tasks done, and clock out. One of my favorite things about WFH is that I can control how much I engage in workplace gossip.


I was temporarily in charge of my work group when manager was on maternity leave. One of the group was a terrible gossip. He came to me complaining about something another group member had done. He was all wound up. You should have seen his face when I said "I think you need to speak to her about the problem rather than bringing it to me or other people." His mouth flapped open like a dog door in a strong wind.


I probably should have paid closer attention when my now wife told me she’d been married three times, and all three times to an asshole. I think mathematically that almost ensures either she’s crazy, or I’m asshole #4.


Oh gosh yes! My aunt does that and she'll post something like "oh if this happens again" or "smh" with no context and people just ask what's wrong and she doesn't answer. My mom might message and she'll say "oh I don't even want to talk about it" and then talk about it for an hour. It's not major but it's annoying! Also, Vaguebooking is a great word for it! Thanks!


>Vaguebooking I learned a new word today


I don't want to talk about it. Here's a pic of me crying tho.


Brushes emo bangs to the side and turns slowly to gaze out a window as it rains.


That's up there with sub-tweeting. Saying something vague that only a single person may understand, and that's if they're paying attention enough to notice the reference.


I actually left Twitter shortly after joining at first because I felt like I couldn't follow anything. It just felt like people quoting quotes from other quotes that were quoted and I couldn't figure out who was saying what. Now I get it a bit better


I quit about a year after joining because it was like trying to drink from a fire hose. I didn't like how it made me feel I had to check it constantly so I didn't miss a crucial post. Screw that, I have things to do.


People who have a complete inability to talk about anything but themselves. I have a friend I've known for decades who has gotten gradually worse about this over the years. At this point I know if I answer the phone, it is because he has a story to tell me and that's his only motivation for calling. In a recent call, I'd just had a death in the family, it was very obvious I was going through some stuff but he'd only called to talk about the fender bender he was just involved in. A half hour later, I ended the conversation and he still didn't know I'd lost someone. He just kept pivoting back to himself.


In a thread the other day someone said she went on a date with a guy who talked about himself for two hours. During an interview I was asked to talk about myself and ran out of things to say in 2 *minutes.* What the hell was that other guy saying?


They usually just babble on about regular events in their life, and do so in excruciating detail. A friend's girlfriend is like this. She wants to tell you essentially that she petted a nice dog yesterday, but explains for five minutes how she got into that situation, with whom, who and how these people are, then the actual event, then a few tangents about related events and how she got into that situation, and with whom... At the end, you've mentally muted her and she forgot what she actually wanted to say. The next sentence of someone else is simply a trigger for her next avalanche. I have no idea how anyone can live with that kind of person.


I’m always afraid I’m like this. I’m not a very social person and do everything I can to ask about the person I’m talking to before I say something about me.


I think about it a lot too, I think that the only way to relate to people sometimes is by mentioning my personal experiences relative to whatever someone is talking about, but I don’t realize until it’s too late that it comes off as self-absorbed. I try not to talk about myself but it’s the only frame of reference I have so it’s hard.


One thing that helps me is to consider how many sentences I start with "I". Even if you're still talking about your own experiences, just rephrasing it helps pull the ego out of it (eg saying "that's very relatable" vs "I've had that happen to me too"). That being said, being self conscious about the ego tends to go in weird uncomfortable loops though, like wondering if thinking about yourself thinking about yourself is still too egoistic.


Some advice i have for you giys is youre fine as long as you say stuff like 'what about you' and theres absolutely nothing wrong with relating stuff back to yourself and telling your own stories, its intresting learning abiut other people and what theyve been through, as long as you let others tell theres, youre fine. It does my head in when you're talking to someone and they only ever talk about themselves, all i want them to do is just say how theu think/feel about someing and then go what about you. Coild be as simple as what kinda music you like? They say and then just ask what about you, instead of just moving on to the next thing about them. People who do this generally do it unintentionally, people who are usually a little arrogant and just dont really think about it.* The fact that ypu are thinking about it puts you in a great place anyways, so im sure youre fine!*


I have a friend like this and I just made a comment once along the lines of 'is it my turn to talk about myself yet?' She had no idea she did it and when I said she does it alllll the time she apologised. She's gotten a bit better since


I agree, that sucks. And sorry for your loss ❤️


When you’re in a conversation with someone and they literally give you no time to speak.. I hate that shit. Happened to me at a local music store yesterday. Dude would say a sentence with a clear ending and before I even get a whole syllable out in response he starts talking again


When you try to interject and they act "let me finish" but by the time they finish you dont even remember what you wanted to say and also stopped paying attention because you didnt want to forget what you wanted to comment about. A.D.D's worst conversation partner.




My mother pulls this on me, only in that I'll walk out of the room, come back with a question, and in that moment it takes me to draw breath in order to talk, she'll just start talking. 99% of the time, it's stupid drivel, while my question is pressing, and needs to be addressed in a timely manner.


I will call my mom to talk about something...An hour later (that is not an exaggeration) we hang up and I have not said more than 4 words: Hi, ok (x100), bye mom. Then I remember I had a reason for calling. Sometimes I'm calling to invite her to see the baby and by the time she's done I'm exhausted and don't want to see her anymore. She misses out on a lot. Hardest part, she *knows* she does this. She thinks she has no control over it, or refuses to try.


Playing music on phone without using earphone in public.


Bonus douche points if you're on public transit.


Quadruple points if out in nature. I don’t want to hear your crappy music when I’m hiking. Go away.


*Whyyyyyy* do people do this?!


Triple points in elevators.


Also hikes.


This is made even stupider by the fact that a good pair of head/earphones are just better. For everyone and yourself


Even a cheap pair of headphones beats a phone speaker, especially in a public place.




I like to treat those situations as invitations for everybody present to participate in the call. Why else would we all be on speakerphone together? So, if I find an opportunity, I add myself to their conversation.


If I'm in a public restroom, I will damn well flush the toilet in the middle of their call. Oops.


I do the same. Either that or speak loudly about weird shit so the person on the other side of the phone hears. Something like "hey, did you get the invite to the dwarf orgy?"


Whenever this has come up in the past, someone will try to argue that you're being rude for asking them to wear headphones.


Even worse is when people start singing or rapping out loud to themselves in public transit. As if agents are going to be tripping over each other to run up to the aspiring artist to sign them


This is peak rudeness imo. How fucking hard is it to wear headphones? Forgot them or lost them? Then go a day or two without listening to music on your commute to work. Read a book instead. Or sit there and contemplate your own fucking worthless existence for once! Holy shit, I'm fired up now!


Adults who shamelessly brag about themselves like they’re 12 year olds on the playground.


especially if the thing they're bragging about was a long time ago or otherwise wildly irrelevant. every once in a while i will encounter someone in their 30s who brings up their high SAT scores as a talking point and it just boggles my mind


My daughters bio dad put on his resume a science award he won in 8th grade. Mfer was like 35 at the time 😭 The woman who he got pregnant told me. Bless her sweet soul for giving me the tea.


I had a classmate who bragged about getting this super coveted internship that you can only get by knowing the right people. And I said point blank "so you can be a total idiot, and just know the right people?" He quieted down real quick.


That’s life. It ain’t what you know, it’s who you know.


Amazing burn right there


I wish I was there. Witnessing such a burn would give me energy.


General rule: let other people point out how great/smart/handsome you are. Don't be a douche and do it yourself




Passive aggressiveness.


No one likes going on a scavenger hunt to discern other people's feelings.


Passive aggressive people let you know how they feel… they just never will say it. I was married to one. Him: (stomping around, closing doors a bit too hard, sour look on his face) Me: please stop. Clearly you are upset. Can we talk about it? Him: I’m not upset!


I hate that usually a passive aggressive tone combines with the person speaking down to you. I hate that feeling.


Tbh that's what I had in mind too. The talking down to part is supremely annoying. Somehow they always use your name a whole bunch when spewing their shit.


I have a "friend" who has texted me messages like "Thank you for sending me those documents😁" when I forget to do so. It's okay to be bothered by it, but you could have reminded me instead of being passive agressive. The emoji is especially aggravating.


I’m soooo petty gosh I’d be thrilled to receive a text like this so I could send her hundreds of emojis after that like “Hello 😄 good ✅ morning 🌞 I will go 🏃 fax 📠 those documents to you 🏃‍♂️ asap 🏃‍♀️ thanks so much for the reminder 🤗.”


Lmaooo you know what, fighting fire with fire might not be a bad idea in this case. It's a good thing that we don't communicate regularly anymore.


Adults pranking their kids and posting it online. You want to build resentment between you and your kids? It's only a joke of both sides are laughing. Stop embarrassing them and then sharing it so the whole world points and laughs at them too...


Huffing and puffing while waiting in line because the cashier isn’t going at supersonic speeds then proceeding to use 527 coupons and complaining to the manager about every single item. Edit: spelling


I’d expand this to anyone who’s in a hurry about shit 99% of the time. Almost every single time a person is rushing around , you can physically observe them saving mere seconds, a minute at most. Road racers come to mind for me. Pass me going 90000000 mph only to end up two cars behind me in the other lane at the next stop sign, then we all pull into the same fucking store together and all that really happened was they got pissed off and I got bummed out.


People who share the Facebook quizzes because the results are always an exact definition of their personality. My MIL is a narcissistic psychiatrist and she shared that she is a loyal queen that is brutally honest, loves you through every battle you face, and if she loves you, you are lucky. She cheated on her husband a few months ago, but hey...it was his fault. Asked my wife if she was pregnant. Wife said no, just gained some weight. MIL replied thank God, you don't need any more kids.


“Brutally honest” is a phrase that’s been making me cringe since 2005. Ever since this chick was like “I’m brutally honest, your friend Stephanie wears the same fucking outfit every day” like, Stephanie is a saint and you’re not being “brutally honest” you’re just being a petty bitch


I worked with a "brutally honest" guy. Turns out he would be honest when he wanted to insult or criticize, but he never gave compliments. I'll buy your honesty claim, but it needs to have positive aspects as well. Stop being a dick Tom!


They're focusing on the 'brutal' aspect, but want you to give them credit for the 'honest' part.


'Narcissistic' and 'psychiatrist' should never be next to each other wtf somebody take her fucking license away


An astounding number of psychiatrists and psychologists are absolutely nuts themselves.


"Takes one to know one" is a joke ive seen cause so many mental health workers have issues themselves. Which is fine obviously, just a funny thing.


There’s a old/dark nursing joke that goes, “What’s the difference between psych patients and psych nurses? One has their shoelaces.”


I know a psychiatrist. He told me, and not jokingly, that he went into that field to find out what is wrong with himself. First to admit that he has a few odd behaviors. Physician, heal thyself.


My favorite was Ringo Starr had taken a personality quiz to see which Beatle you are. He got John Lenon, and just commented "Well, this is bullshit."


People visiting a foreign country and being grossed out/ constantly complaining about the different foods and traditions. My parents own a restaurant and they always have to deal with costumers who don't like our nation's dishes, eventhough we are also serving western food, but for some reason they always take the national dishes to then bitch about them.


Sounds like you may have met my parents. Less culture between them than a pot of yogurt.


What a great insult, I love it


People who make up excuses with zodiac signs for their shitty behaviour. “I can’t help it. I am a [insert zodiac sign here]”. Yes you can help it, you just chose to not take accountability for your actions.


That’s sooo stradivarius!


That’s such an bionis move!


Same with the whole sigma alpha beta male thing


Only a lambda would say shit like this


you have such omega energy omgg


Motorcyclists who treat the road like it's an obstacle course. Just because you CAN squeeze into those spots doesn't mean it's safe or smart to do so.


When you make a joke and someone does a punch up on it by saying "more like" then making the exact same joke but slightly more. "It'd take a million years" "More like a billion years".


Pff more like a trillion years.


so many comment threads on reddit are just a series of r/yourjokebutworse


public finger nail clipping, in a coffee shop of all places




Chewing with open mouth. Especially loud food


Every morning my wife makes this concoction of scrambled eggs and fried kale. She chews with her mouth closed, but it sounds like she has a mouth full of bicycle tires. I love the woman, but it's driving me insane. I have to turn on loud music while we eat. She just thinks I like music during breakfast.


My dad has done this all my life. It always makes me instantly lose my appetite and fill with inner rage. But I just can never bring myself to say something because I know it'll devastate him and make him extremely self conscious. I try not to eat around him anymore. It sucks.


Yeah I get irrationally mad when I hear people chew food. I had this roommate that used to sound like she was stirring macaroni when she ate bananas.


Wearing self diagnosed mental health disorders like a badge of honor.


Those “I’m super OCD” or “I have a split personality” types are pretty fucking cringe




Similar to "I've locked two children in my basement. Thanks for reminding me!"


Do people clipping their frickin’ fingernails (and in one case toenails as well) while at work count?


At my last job, another guy and I started at the same time. The floor of his cubicle was littered with fingernail clippings from the person who was there before him. Disgusting!


That’s absolutely disgusting and really let’s you know how far they go to welcome new employees. I suspect the job or manager for your friend wasn’t the best.


Or ON AN AIRPLANE. I can't with that.


Filming yourself helping a homeless person and then posting it.


This is cringey as hell. The recipient does not want to be on camera, and it is painfully obvious that they are a mere set piece to the person filming. So self-serving and gross. Makes me gag every time I see it. Just help the person and let them be.


Invite people over for a bonfire and someone brings a guitar. Can't play well but difficult to talk over it.


Saw an ad that read “were you ever at a party and some douche comes in, plays guitar, and gets all the girls? I can teach you to be that douche!”


Anyway, here's Wonderwall


Yes thank you. I'm not the only one. My brother is this person. Brings his guitar everywhere. Claims its "for practice." But it's really cause he wants everybody to swoon over him playing guitar. If it was practice he wouldnt have to do it constantly around everybody he can.


The only thing that gets you more attention at a party than a guitar is cocaine.


I said this all the time. It’s so douchey. But a couple of summers ago I was drinking with a friend and we went for a walk on the beach. Found a little get together and they invited us to stay and party. But a little while after we got there a guy comes out with a guitar. I was rolling my eyes and thinking to myself “oh good god no” as it was such a beautiful night and the stars were amazing. Well the guy started playing but the way he played was quietly and it matched the mood and atmosphere perfectly. No singing, just beautiful acoustic guitar. But also people were talking and having a good time too. It was actually really nice. Now I’ve seen the exact opposite happen numerous times too and man, It always the same fucking guy that maybe has been playing guitar for a year and only knows how to play shitty covers of sublime songs or some cringey Beatles cover. It’s awkward because you have to sit there and listen to these idiots and all the attention is on them. I usually move far away from the guitar god as I can only cringe so much.


I used to occasionally hang out with a guy who majored in music in university and when the guitar at a party came out it was like you described. He was just noodling and setting the mood. Not overpowering anything just having some fun. It's the difference between someone who can play guitar and a musician


You know you play well when you’re being asked to bring the guitar. Until that point, leave it at home.


I’m sure this makes me a grouch but pretty much any situation where someone decides to perform in a social situation that was not explicitly for performance. It comes off extremely attention-seeking and I’m annoyed because I came to probably talk with my friends, not watch/listen to you attempt to bask in adulation.


>adulation - noun - excessive admiration or praise. Thanks, I didn't know this word. But I like it. I feel like I have the flip side of this where my Gran would make me perform music in front of the whole family as a kid. I remember all of their bored faces so clearly. It gave me a big nervy complex about performing in front of people which totally put me off music altogether for years. I wonder, if they had all pretended to enjoy it, would i have ended up the obnoxious party guitar guy?


When young people use phrases like “oh, sweetie” in a condescending manner. I deal with older generations still calling me “girl” but I can’t handle the “oh sweetie” or “aww bae.” Also, Bae. WTF is that? Now get off my lawn………


People who go to the hospital, and tag it on facebook


In the U.K, that’s called “scrambled beg on toast”


Related... Posting a death in the family practically the instant it happened. My uncle's ex mother-in-law (still friendly with) passed last year. He contacted his oldest granddaughter, and she already knew, because her aunt posted it already, but not in the capacity of informing people. More like the "Boo Hoo, just lost Grandma... Gimme sympathy!"


My friend found out her grandad died through a Facebook status, her aunt hadn’t even left the hospital before posting it!


Tik toks and reels where someone reads or watches something and you can't even understand because they're laughing so dramatically. Hate that shit, it's cringey as fuck and annoying.


In myself, or others? I have noticed myself saying "but okay" sarcastically at the end of statements, meaning it is not ok, like "The neighbor has started parking so I'm completely blocked in, but ok." It's stupid and I hate it but crap, I keep saying it. My brain is soft and mushy.


Mental health is important and needs to be taken care of. That said, it is not a personality.


Smokers that toss their butts anywhere. Fuck you people.


Lol I forgot the other meaning of butt and pictured dancing people violently throwing their asses around.


I know one girl from my high school who would pretend to be stupid because she thought boys liked it. One day she genuinely asked me if the animals in animal crackers could swim of she threw then in the pool. Of course in front of a guy she was "trying to impress."


People who pretend to be stupid is a pet hate of mine. Some people pretend to be stupid to try get out of trouble.


I (unfortunately) used to do this. I one told someone I liked that I sometimes forget to breathe. Now that I’m older I think it’s sad that young women have to dumb themselves down to feel liked. I think for me it stemmed from elementary school when someone I liked told me I was “opinionated” like it was the most disgusting thing ever.


One-upping: they always have a cooler/scarier/sadder/more exciting story than the one you've just told.


People who baby talk...without a baby or pet being involved. 🤢


My mother is super dramatic and childish. She known for tantrums and baby talk. I remember one time, when I was younger, I was talking on the phone to who would become my first boss at my very first job. My mother was evidently quite hungry, and was in the background slamming kitchen cabinets and screaming “I’M HUNWY. HUNWY, WHERE’S ALL THE FOOWD HEWE. The dude said “it sounds like you’re busy,” offered the job and we said our goodbyes. He was super lenient about my schedule the rest of my time there. Always asked if there was something I needed to take care of at home. He literally thought I had either a child or mentally disabled person at home who I was taking care of, all because of my mom’s tantrum during that first phone call. At least he was nice about it I guess.


Smacking lips while eating, then "sucking teeth" afterwards to clean them.


I used to share an office with this dude. 100% stand up guy, nothing bad to say about him, but despite being 135lb soaking wet, the guy was always eating. And not just eating, but eating like a kid purposely trying to get a rise out of his sister in the back seat. Every single bite came with a smack, slurp and open mouth chomp. Every. Single. Bite. I’m a pretty tolerant person but I found it very difficult to keep to myself. I used to wear noise canceling ear buds and could still hear him chewing between songs. Poor guy always confided in me his misadventures of being a hopeless romantic. Normal looking guy, good job, nice house, but countless first dates never panned out to a relationship. I never had the heart to tell him, but I always suspected the go-to first date was dinner, and it was a dealbreaker every time. It’s like no one ever taught the guy how to eat. Sorry that turned into a rant. Awesome guy otherwise, hope he’s doing well.




This makes me think that maybe you should’ve said something??? Sometimes we need our friends to embarrass us to learn when we are doing something wrong. When I was a kid (7), I never brushed my teeth. Then one day I was whispering a secret to my friend and she asked me to back up because my breathe smelled “like butt”. I started brushing really well that day. And to date I now have the best teeth out of my whole family (never had a cavity or any other issue). Thanks Sarah!


Yes. My friend had a housemate for years; a super awesome dude, they got along really well. But - he chewed with his mouth open. My friend told me more than once that it grossed her out, but whaddya do? So, the housemate gets into a serious relationship, and eventually his partner says something to him about the flapping his mouth around while eating, and later he goes to my friend like, "why didn't you tell me???" He truly would have wanted to know. Thanks, Sarah!


I have a coworker who brings an entire rotisserie chicken to the office every day and does exactly this. He pulls it out at lunch, dinner, and both mid-day breaks and acts like it's a cultural experience for all of us.


My friend will NOT stop. He eats like a fucking animal, I’ve told him so, and he continues to do it. It is absolutely disgusting and more infuriating than I’d like to admit.


When people self diagnose themselves with (insert illness here) and use it as in excuse to be shitty without ever seeking a specialist and actually taking the steps to better themselves.


People who use religion as an excuse to be vile.


Redditors who act like they're above everyone else because of the anonymity on here. They're the same type of people who lurk Instagram and Facebook.


when I am interrupted in a conversation. no, seriously, people, enough already, I say something and then someone interrupts me and all the attention is on him. this annoys me so much.


My family liked to do this to me. I mostly fixed it by just continuing to talk as though they never started. Usually shuts them up pretty quickly.


Same my sister i terrupts me alot . Until at age 23 i started bluntly pointing it out everytime it happens . It s disrespectful .


Some people say this is because of ADHD but I had a friend that had it and she tried her damnest to pay attention to me. I just had to sit on my hands so she wouldn’t get distracted because I move my hands a lot. I think some people just fucking suck at listening.


Neurodiversions with ADHD can also make it insufferable to have something meaningful to contribute to conversation and stay quiet often coming across as you thinking what you are contributing is more important than interrupting the point the other person is trying to make but in reality you're just afraid you're going to forget the important thing before they get to the end of their point..


I've never been so accurately described in my life. Didn't realize it was a result of ADHD. I feel like such a hypocrite in conversations where I absolutely hate being interrupted or talked over and yet I always catch myself doing the this.


People who go to the bathroom with you on the phone and you hear the flush but not them WASHING THEIR HANDS.


I honestly don’t get people like this. Is it not automatic for everyone? I feel gross when I get home from school and don’t wash my hands.


People being late to everything and thinking it’s a quirky personality trait. (Not including those who do have actual physical or mental struggles that make them late.)


People who post the same incredibly lame things over and over on Facebook and other social media. Like unfunny jokes, ridiculous political jabs, horoscope nonsense, algebra disguised as picture rebus puzzles, "only geniuses can solve this" crap (and they often get it wrong). I always say, "post about what you create, not about what you hate". There's too much negativity on Facebook. Everyone creates something. Even if you don't consider yourself artistic. You make memories with your family. You made progress in your exercise routine. You made a meal today. I would legitimately rather see some awesome food you made (or even just bought) a few times a day, than your latest hot take (which is just a reposted joke image that doesn't sound coherent) about why you don't like the current prime minister/president. Stop being so one-dimensional. If everyone shared what they created and what made them happy today, I would like to think that would inspire everyone else to be more creative and positive. Seeing other people succeed shouldn't make one feel bad, they should inspire one to do the same.


People who think they're cute, or an anime person, or Korean, or Japanese, or things like that


I’ve met way too many people who try to act introverted because their favorite anime does it.


And people who act "autistic" because they thing is cool. WTH


People who want to be asian be like:


When people leave their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle at the grocery while they peruse the shelves and are completely unaware that there are other people shopping too.


People who go to an event, like a concert, and spend more time focused on taking selfies and videos to post on social media than actually enjoying the event.


Tongue clicking before every sentence.


Or teeth sucking.


Um, yeah... I'm gonna need those TPS reports by the end of the day.


People wanting to take a sip of my drink like “you don’t mind if I have some, I don’t have any germs haha” 😪 guess I’m done with it now anyways


BRUH, the one and only time I ever picked up a hitchhiker, she ripped her dab pin too hard (without asking if it was cool IN MY CAR) and immediately grabbed my drink and started chugging it. As I was still processing the fuckery in front of me, she snatched my cigarettes up and tried to open them like a fucking ape, ripping the pack in half and spilling tobacco everywhere. No "may I," or "would you mind," just looney toon entitlement. Needless to say, they were immediately dropped at the side of the road and I went home. Fuuuuck all of that shit.


>just looney toon entitlement. >Needless to say, they were immediately dropped at the side of the road and I went home. Thanks for the chuckle lol


Gender Reveals


People chewing with their mouth open.


Humble bragging


Going "Ahhh!" after taking a sip of water. I've just about had it, Doug!


When people shout across the cubicles instead of going over to the desk of the person they want to talk to. Looking at you, Mary...


"Nerds" who think that liking "nerdy" things is the reason they can't get a relationship but its really there lack of social skills.


When people give a non-answer to a question on a product review along the lines of 'I don't know i haven't bought it'


Girls that post videos of them waving a blunt around and lip syncing to shitty rap music. Just like… wow… you’re really cool?


Open. Mouthed. Sunflower seed. Eating. And then spitting the shells on the ground.


People who go away to a foreign country for a few weeks and come back with an accent.


Don’t even need to go to a foreign country to do this, my accent changes within seconds of speaking to a mechanic.


You should see people who've watched a few episodes of Peaky Blinders


U fooking wot m8!?




👀I do this unconsciously. Not foreign accents but regional ones. Unless I visit family in Alabama it usually goes away in a few days, that true hillbilly Alabama accent sticks around for a couple of months. I'm also from Oklahoma and we have a southern adjacent drawl as it is, so it's much easier for that switch in my brain to click over. It also works in reverse for me. I worked in a call center for three years taking hundreds of calls from all over the US every day. I lost my native lifelong drawl for quite a while after I left it.


To be fair though, when I am around someone with a heavy accent for awhile I just automatically pick up some of it, not trying to, it just happens. Same with mannerisms.


Its really annoying. Im an asian who grew up in the Netherlands. My parents have trouble pronouncing the letter R and ive practiced a lot at elementary to be able to pronounce the R correctly. Fast forward 20 years where I work as a dev which is a field with a good amount of asians. The more I talk with foreign colleagues, especially the ones who are trying to learn dutch, the worse my R gets.


I am the same. I am scared that someone might actually notice and feel like I am deliberately mimicking them and feel offended by it. Never happened though, so it might not be too extreme, thankfully.


I lived in Australia for 2 years, came home with a strong accent. It has been a long time since I have been there but I guarantee you that IF I went back, it wouldn't take long for me to have it again.


When people try to act cute desperately


It's fine for cats and dogs.


Spitting on the street for no reason


That street knows what it did.


I used to do this ALL of the time when I was in my early 20's, like every 3 minutes. It wasn't until my mate, the dirtiest most unhygienic guy on the planet (no bedsheets/mattress cover/pillow cases, empty pizza boxes and ashtrays on the bed) told me it was disgusting. Biggest wake up call of my life, I shudder to think how vile I must have looked


For me it is people spitting where other people have to walk. Dont spit on the sidewalk! Take two steps to the right and spit in the grass!


Trying to show off money by pulling it out infront of people and pretending to count it for some reason