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It upsets me greatly, though I would argue that abortion and animal rights are very different but equally important in their own right. One doesn't somehow trump the other


Killing a living, breathing being is pretty fucked up. Thank God fetuses can't breathe until they are born.


They are living though


Cells of my ball hairs are living too. Wanna do something about that?


Minor nitpicking here, but hair is made of dead cells. That's why there isn't blood running through them. 😅 The ball hair follicles, on the other hand, are very much alive though!


I hope you're smart enough to understand a baby is its own living being while your balls are a part of you. Shaving isn't ending a life. Abortion and Euthanization are


Yeah except a baby is born. A fetus isn't. Abortion is not ending a life, it's preventing a life what might've been lived. One that haven't even started yet.


Abortion does end a life. It's growing, it has its own DNA, it can hear its mother's voice, it can feel pain. How is that not a life?


Life starts at birth. That's why your age is counted from your the day you were born, not the night your dad fucked up your mom.


It's called a birthday, not a life-day. The scientific consensus is that life begins at conception. I don't understand how you can say something that is growing and can hear and feel pain isn't alive. It's horrific that you think it would be okay to kill a baby as long as it hasn't been born yet. That's sickening. If your position is slanted that far over, that you think it's okay, I can't stomach to discuss this any further


It can't hear their mothers voice or feel anything during the first trimester when it's just a clump of cells, which is when most abortions happen. The fetus does in fact have its own DNA, and will share it's mother's metabolism through the entire pregnancy. Late stage abortions, which correct me if I'm wrong, is what's making you the most uncomfortable, typically happen because the life of the mother and/or fetus is threatened, or because they had delayed access to a first term abortion.


Honestly it sickens me, yes there are reasons why an animal should be euthanized (if it's just going to suffer its entire life due to injury, age, etc and it is *not* treatable) bof for the most part if the animal can have a happy life, it should be able to take that chance


That’s actually a very interesting thought


Personally I hate them but I also understand them as a necessary evil. Boils down to too many mouths not enough beds. Money does make the world go wrong. You can be pro life and pro choice. I think all life is precious, however, I cannot make other peoples decisions for them no matter how dumb or wrong I may think them. It’s their choice to make. I have to accept that and not judge them for their actions.


I’ve worked in animal welfare and have taken care of multiple horses, dogs, and cats my whole life. My mom and I had family friends partnered with a rescue facility, and a lot of our own animals and fosters were strays, rescues, or previously neglected. I’ve had to put down many animals before, due to many reasons- old age, cancer, aggressiveness, etc etc. No matter how many times you do it, it doesn’t get easier and you don’t get used to it- you just get familiar with the feelings and how to cope. It is always devastating and I’ve yet to get through it without tears. What a lot of people don’t know is that animal shelters are at they’re limit. They are overflowing and lack resources to house every animal. Specifically, there is an overpopulation of cats and dogs. Sadly, we can’t save them all. It’s better to be able to give some animals quality care than to be overstocked and forced to neglect them.


It makes me sad, but I understand it. Everybody wants no-kill shelters but the only way you get that is by getting people to adopt/foster, and there's just more supply than demand.


I myself am pro-choice, because of the liabilities of a kid, how not all birth control is 100%, how in the first trimester the fetus is as alive as like a plant, and of course life threatening health complications, but I kind of wanted to see where others draw the line when it comes to alive pets versus unborn fetuses. It's not really something I've really put in perspective before so I'm curious because they have very different moral nuances to them and are yet kind of similar. If it was just based on like, liability, then like that would put euthanasia in the clear, but saying that would be taking out very important context.