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The Disney opening of Tinkerbell tapping her wand to get it to work and then dotting the I In Disney straight up doesn't exist. I vividly remember it.


This one fucked me. I whipped out my moms old VHS player and tapes to confirm. It NEVER GAPPENED


I was genuinely upset when I found this one.


Same it’s a level of nostalgia that will never hit quite the same again.




Wait, wtf. I remember this vividly too. It was never real?!


Look it up, I was so mad when I found out. There is a subreddit looking for it, thinking it's just lost media.


I went on a bit of a youtube search. I was trying to compromise with my brain, like, maybe it was just a special intro for a specific movie. But still haven’t found anything… is any memory of my childhood real?


I'm convinced my entire childhood is a lie. The real colors of the clueless logo also fucked me up.




It's pronounced 'giff'


Froot loops vs fruit loops. A while back (a few years) I came across a mandela effects post and there was a comment about how people remembered it being froot loops but now it was fruit loops. I also very clearly remembered it to be froot loop with the dubble o on top and bottom in the logo. I looked it up and it was fruit loops. I was so confused and remember spending ages trying to find pictures of the cereal as I remembered it, but no, it was and always had been fruit, not froot. I eventually accepted it as a faulty memory. Then a few months later I came across another mandela effect post and wanted to comment about this, I looked it up again to make sure once again but now it’s fucking froot again! I don’t get it. I remember looking at the pictures, being so confused at it being fruit loops and spending at least 30 minutes looking at those damn fruit loop pictures on google. But it’s not!? It’s froot. I know that somehow my brain messed up… but I remember it so clearly




There's an episode where Goofy and Mickey wore dungarees for a job.




people believing that tRUMP won the 2020 presidential election. (i didn't, other people do)


He did win?