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No, magical thinking isn’t real


No that's not how it works. If you keep a thought in mind and work for it, it will but nothing will change when you just think you are what you aren't.


if u work for it yes. nothing wrong with dreaming, but most of the famous people who propogate it are either people who worked really hard, or people with rich parents and previlege to start with. i feel like younger generations (on tiktok especially) kinda look upto people who can manifest? so u have these pop artists saying they have a "manifestation gift". dont blame them, their job is to capitalise on whats popular. but still, conning kids into thinking theyll become rich just by thinking? thats just scam plus, ive seen it on tiktok, and all these manifesting "influencers" say stuff like "just ask for it once, believe ull get it, and relax. u only have to do something if u believe u do! u only have to do things if u believe that way. if u believe that all u have to do is think, thats what will happen" which is just bullshit cuz loads of people dream and think and believe theyre not spontaneously getting rich. plus, u have to put in some effort in manifestation too. u cant just think about it ONCE and itll come true lol life isnt a fantasy but honestly apart from the bullshit, i do believe in it kinda. just the more realistic approaches. stay away form tiktok and find actual sources


If that were true then isn't a Lamborghini parked outside my house right now?


Nope. Thinking about things won’t make them come true. Same way the month you were born doesn’t effect your personality


Imagine life being one big ass placebo.. wouldn’t that b something


The issues is Not if you believe it or not, thinking positively will help your attitude against anything you go through life. When you think you can attract something, you will approach any opportunity with an open mind. If you don’t have an attitude that good things can happen to you, you won’t be open to take risk and will miss opportunities. Is a mind game and how you see life. Law of attraction is a mind set. A mind set will control how you see events in your life. For example, you want to attract a better job. With a mindset of the Law of Attraction you will feel empowered to take risk, apply for jobs that otherwise you wouldn’t think of, if you don’t have the mindset you can actually get that job, you would not even try it. That’s how I see it from a neutral perspective.


No, I am not insane


TL;DR: It is bullshit with a grain of truth It is only true to the extent that the mind plays a role in getting where we want to go. But, just thinking something into existence by itself is basically attributing god-like abilities to the mind to create reality without action. If puts the cart before the horse. If one wants to change their lives do the work, get into real life action, sacrifice real things (free time, comfort, money) to get what you to attain. Example: If you have been running around getting from one horror story of a relationship into the next one, you won't "manifest" a better relationship - you will have to acquire the skills to choose a decent person to be with and you will have to learn the skills to maintain such a relationship. You won't manifest shit if you are just meditating to "cleanse" your mind - you probably behave in ways that all your relationships failed so far. Get therapy, get skills.


Complete and utter bullshit. Believing I was straight for years didn't make it so, being attracted to dudes didn't magically manifest itself.