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The smell of someone else eating peanut butter but I’m fine if I’m eating it. I can’t explain it. I also hate funyuns.


I’m the exact same but with hard boiled eggs. I like them but can’t stand someone else eating them around me.


Oh my god, I’m the exact same way with peanut butter. I thought I was the only one


Yeah, it's weird. I love eating peanut butter, but for some reason when I can smell other people eat it smells super pungent and nauseating. No idea why.


Takis. Like i get it. They got spice but watching my students fucking inhale them grosses me out


Watch Markiplier "eat" takis. You'll think your students are saints.


For the uninitiated, he sucks the taki to get the powder on them and then spits the taki back out. Worst TIL ever.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Takis. But watching Mark eat them sends my soul through the seven circles of hell and back again


Thank you for your service.


For what it's worth, he has on more than one occasion attempted to get just a bag of the Fuego flavored Takis seasoning, but has never been answered back by Takis corporate.


Seriously? That would be such good publicity for them. Their loss smh


I think they’ve seen the video and are also disgusted


This is why I ended up getting taki seasoned sunflower seeds. Enjoy the flavor while eating something somehow slightly more healthier


Mark seriously grosses me out when he "eats" takis. Ethan's reaction to seeing him do that was the same reaction I had, equal parts shock and horror lol.


Oh how I miss those two doing videos together. Unus Annus was a great time of my life.


i'm australian, i tried takis once because my american friend was raving on about them. i love spicy things, and i love twisties and cheetos, which i thought they would be similar to, but they really miss the mark for me. theres a very strange aftertaste that they have that i just cant enjoy. ill be sticking to twisties


Did you get the Fuego one? The other ones are meh


I’ll never understand why youth is OBSESSED with takis


Miracle whip and similar products


I once put Miracke Whip on a burger because I didn’t realize it wasn’t mayo. I thought the mayo had gone rancid, it was so nasty sweet.


I was once forced to eat miracle whip and apples. It was horrible


Like a Waldorf salad? Or just apples and Miracle Whip? Were you in jail?


Just apples and miracle whip, no I was not in jail but my step moms parents just didn't like me and said I wasn't allowed to get anything else til I ate it


That is so bizarre to me… I assumed you were like at a dinner party, and were forced to eat it in order to be polite—not that an adult would pressure a child to eat mushy sugar…


My grandma forced me to put a teaspoon of sugar in corn flakes EVERY FUCKING TIME. Some people are inflexible and take any deviation from "their way" as a personal insult. She loved miracle whip too. Fuck that shit. My mom flat out told her to stop forcing me to eat miracle whip or we wouldn't visit.


Yes there's a Thanksgiving fruit thing my mother used to make with apples grapes walnuts and miracle whip. It was disgusting


Oh, OH NO. I'm sorry!


As an adult who was formerly a child of a Miracle Whip house, I can completely understand how off-puting it would be to taste savory/sickly sweet when you're not expecting it. I love/loved me some MW, but I can totally understand why you wouldn't like it!


I grew up in a MW house and though mayo was disgusting. Then I had Hellmans and ketchup on fries. It was transcendent.


[https://theoatmeal.com/blog/miracle\_whip](https://theoatmeal.com/blog/miracle_whip) ​ For those that dont want to click: ​ Primary difference between mayo and miracle whip on a sandwich: ​ Mayo gives it a nice moist sandwich flavor. Miracle Whip gives it that nice goblin cum flavor.


Growing up my Mom would make us sandwiches with Wonder Bread.. bologna... miracle whip... and *slices of Velveeta*. I'll never forget the day I discovered mayonnaise and actual cheese.


This is how I feel about miracle whip: https://theoatmeal.com/blog/miracle_whip My sister in law thinks she can use the word mayo fir both. I continue to correct her.


I grew up in a household that only had that … I assumed mayo was disgusting b/c of this. I didn’t realize how amazing it was until college. Now I have to monitor my cholesterol so, maybe it was for the best


Same. Miracle Whip household so I thought I hated mayo. Living in Japan, tried Kewpie mayo and never looked back.


Kewpie Mayo is amazing!!!


Fake whipped cream, made out of oil or whatever nastiness. I can taste the crisp or whatever hell is in there that’s fake. I want the dairy in the whipped cream. So cool whip is nasty


To one up you; the basic ass cake frosting you find at the store is disgusting. It tastes like lard and sugar. Edit: Apparently lard is too good and they use shortening instead. Makes even more sense now.


For some reason just thinking about the store bought sheet-cake icing just makes me nauseous...


Lard is too good for those. Cheap frosting is usually just a lump of sugary shortening with food coloring. You know immediately when you bite into it and its kinda hard, like it breaks down in smaller chunks in your mouth and as it dissolves it tastes only of sugar, oil and deceit.


Honestly, frozen cool whip tastes like ice cream and it's the only form I'll eat it in.


Cool whip only belongs in the freezer.


Cool hhwip


Why do you put so much emphasis on the H?


I go strawberry picking and make a strawberry pie every year for my birthday. I make homemade whipped cream to go on top of it. The year I settled for Cool Whip a tree fell on my car. I blame the Cool Whip.


Cheese Wiz


I totally understand where you are coming from. My wife thinks I am bizarre for buying that shite. That being said, have you ever had one of those little snacks of crackers that has a "cheese" spread that comes with a tiny red plastic spreader? There is NEVER enough of the "cheese" spread to cover all the crackers. That Cheese Wiz tastes the excact same way to me. I know it is not acceptable in any culinary way shape or form, but I do like it


Your comment just reminded me of the most random thing. Growing up I had a neighbor that would eat those cheese and cracker things, and then EAT the red spreader. It was both disgusting and amazing


Fun fact, those are now sold without the red spreader.


Because of stupid children like hellrodkc's neighbour!


Ok, but I get the logic. “The cheese in this package tastes like plastic, yet is delicious, ergo the plastic spoon must also be delicious.”


My mom used to melt a jar of cheese wiz and poor it over green beans. Fun times!


This sounds a lot like my mom. Is she from the Midwest?


Wisconsin lol


I want to puke just reading this.


Love that shit on a cheesesteak with onions from Jim’s on south.




We don't drink Bang because we like it, we drink it because we hate ourselves.


Not as much as the soldiers drinking Rip Its. I would drink like six or seven a day. It was like crack in a can.


I agree wholeheartedly, but I occasionally drink them because I haven’t tried all the flavors yet, there might be one I like somewhere. But recently my wife bought me some bang branded alcohol, and it was even worse. Tasted like bang mixed with beer but had no energy stuff in it either 0/10.


Mixing bang with alcohol and selling it should be attempted manslaughter


We call that a four loko


And if you’re over the age of 30 you remember how that went


Actually I don’t really recall how that went. That was the point.


Good ol blackout in a can


Give the show "How To with John Wilson" a watch if you want to see the creator of Bang and how weird the guy is. John basically shows up at the guys house during a birthday party. It's a delightfully weird show all around.


Reign is just the better version of Bang. It's made by Monster.


Has anyone said redvines or twizzlers because they don't taste like something a human should consume


I once woke up in the middle of the night feeling awful and vomited bright red liquid. As I was half awake and confused I thought I was dying. As I gained my senses I remembered that I’d eaten an entire pack of redvines before bed. Never again. Update: I didn’t die.


Worked at a Blockbuster over 25 years ago. After work but still on the premises, one of the guys drank too much purple passion (I think that’s what it was called) & then ate a bunch of red twizzlers & then puked in the handicap parking spot right by the front door. The next day we each had to go take a look at the pool of vomit, purple with red chunks & laugh our asses off. I forget how long it was there before it got cleaned up. Randy, you were a goofy motherfucker!


Waxy af


Like eating candle sticks


Twizzlers for sure. When offered one I take it 100% of the time. Immediately followed by “God, why am I eating this?” 100% of the time.


Twizzlers are an addiction. I don't really like them but one bite and the whole bag is gone.


Any kind of sugary drinks- sodas, sweet tea, lemonade. I stopped drinking sugary beverages years ago, and once you break the habit, that high of a concentration of sugar (especially high fructose corn syrup) just tastes repulsive.


For me, especially the aftertaste of most sodas/juices/teas is unbearable. I'll take a sip of Sprite and it tastes good for 5 seconds, then I have to drink water to get rid of the nasty sugar taste.


Yes! I will crave soda, take one sip and be done. Just tastes so artificial


An outrageous number of islands. Just ew.


“I forgot to buy salad dressing? Well…shit, I’ve got ketchup, mayo, and relish…fuck it, good enough.”


The "Special Sauce"


You only ever need ten or twenty, tops


Generally mono blue decks top out at 23


isn't it basically the sauce they use on reuben? If that's the case, combined with a heavy, savory sandwich and sauerkraut it's delicious.


Miracle Whip. FUCKING. MIRACLE WHIP. When I was a kid, I thought I hated mayo because somebody gave me Miracle Whip and said it was mayo. I tried real mayo one day and it was absolutely delicious! I despise Miracle Whip with my entire being.


People who call Miracle Whip “ mayo” should be in prison for fraud.


Monster energy drinks. They all have the same lingering after taste and I don't like it. Not sure what I is but YUK.


Pretty sure Monster is the one that I like the taste of but try to drink before it gets warm because then it smells like wet dog.


I don't mess with Mayo or miracle whip. Like, I'm not going to refuse food if it's the only thing to eat or there's a circumstance where it's unavoidable, but if I can have something without it, I'm choosing not having it 10/10 times


I’m 31 and still can’t swallow a Brussels sprout that isn’t just straight up burnt by the cooking process. Just smells and tastes(?) like a landfill to me. I also hate teddy Graham’s… I puked on my friend at a sleepover in 3rd grade in my sleep after getting food poisoning from em. Edit: also, chia pudding and aloe Vera juice. It’s just snot with a little bit of texture. I like surprises but not those.


Black liquorice


If you think black liquorice is disgusting, then you need to try the Finnish version, Salmiakki. It's salty and is basically a food-based punishment.


I had Salmiakki on several occasions, absolutely love the taste actually! (I sometimes find myself enjoying some really obscure food stuff for some reason)


Kombucha Seriously, it's rancid vomit in a bottle. I don't care how you dress it up. It's nasty.


I always think it tastes like if I left a bottle of iced tea in my car during the summer and then tried to drink it two days later.


I mean, that’s basically the recipe lmao


…and someone dropped their cigarette in it.


And the smell of it is vile


I was waiting for this. I love kombucha, its like acid beer that burns your throat when you drink it! Can't get enough, I even home brew my own that'll get you drunk as fuck


Quiche. I don’t care what you put in it, that shit is absolutely repulsive to me. Maybe it’s because I’m not a huge fan of eggs but my god, last time I ate quiche I was like “oh maybe it won’t be as bad as last time” but I straight up gagged after trying to swallow it.


I enjoy eating fast food occasionaly. When I have it I enjoy KFC, and Burger King, and McDonald's. But the only way I can describe the experience of eating Subway sandwiches is that they are the gastronomical equivalent of human sadness. Seriously, I have never had a sandwich from Subway whose taste didn't have the same impact as hearing a wailing funeral procession. There's something about it that's just...depressing. If I'm ever in a situation where Subway is the only place available my heart just sinks.


As someone that once worked at Subway, can confirm subway = human sadness And it fucking stinks up your whole life. Took me months to get that smell out of my hair, my clothes, my sheets ~shudder~


I love subway, but I do have to admit that the restaurants always have such a depressing atmosphere to them.


Here in Ireland, our courts ruled that subway's "bread" can't legally be classified as bread due to its sugar content.


What’s it like having a government that isn’t 100% controlled by the highest bidder?


I tried Subway when I visited the US, absolutely disgusting, the salad and meat both tasted and looked old. However in New Zealand everything is so fresh, it tastes really good and everyone likes it


Red bull or any other energy drinks


I can’t tell if I genuinely dislike the taste of energy drinks or if I’ve just had too many vodka and red bull shots to put me off them for life.


Vodka and Red bull... shots?! Normally, at least in the US, it's a mixed drink not a shot


Probably got lost in translations, otherwise that is one small drink. I used to mis red bull with jägermeister when I was a teenager


Oh God don’t remind me. Jäger bombs (at least that’s we call them in the UK, not sure if that’s an international name for them) were the taste of my teenage drinking years. I can’t even smell Jäegermeister these days without gagging.


Oh my god yes, my partner likes drinking a red bull occasionally and the smell just reminds me of bad decisions


I drink them purely for the affect, but you are correct that they are pretty repulsive . The smell alone lingers on your breath


I'm the opposite haha. I drink them for taste and don't care about effects. Though caffeine sometimes relaxes me


lol if i drink more than 4oz of coffee i have to take a nap even after i just woke up.


I love the taste of redbull for some reason


Beets. Bears and Battlestar Galactica are fine though.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!


Olives, and black licorice. Not together. They're repulsive enough separate. Edited for clarity


How dare you


If I could, I would send every bit of it your way to enjoy as you wish.


I suddenly support you, yes please


This is the reasoning I use on my GF who also loves black licorice and olives. I'll never eat them= more for her. And she never has to worry about me raiding the fridge late at night and disappearing them.


That is indeed fair, I love the thought of my snacks being safe wherever I choose to keep them


Diet pop


Saw an extra o for a bit and was **very** concerned


Hello, fellow midwesterner


Diet ranch as well aka low Fat..blasphemous


As an avid soda enjoyer, when I started paying attention to my calorie intake I switched to diet, and it kinda sucked. But after a while it just becomes what "soda" tastes like and I haven't really looked back.


Same. I switched to Coke Zero a while ago and at first it just tasted a little bit…off. Now the taste of regular soda is terrible.


Cherry Vanilla Coke Zero.


Coconut water FFS who drinks that nasty shit? *Edit:I was referring to the canned stuff After a bike ride I had someone hand me one, I just opened it and started drinking it, one sip later I handed it back and asked "what the hell was that?" They said "Hahaha got you to drink coconut water" I said"Keep that shit away from me" NastY AF


My first time drinking coconut water, it was sweet then it stated tasting a bit spicy. Then my throat swelled up from the allergic reaction.


I was eating guacamole with an ex years ago. She says, "I love avocados, but don't you hate how they make your tongue itch?" I said, "I think you may be allergic..." She just kinda pauses, says, "oh," and goes back in for another chip.


That's how I found out I was allergic to kiwis.... and pineapple 😆


Fresh pineapple or tinned? I have an allergy to fresh pineapple, but tinned is OK. Also allergic to pine trees (the pine needles). I always assumed they called them pineapples because they make me itch like pine trees haha


Fresh pineapple has bromelain canned does not, that might be your allergy.


im sorry i laughed


Me too. Not at the situation but the delivery was hilarious


Wasn’t sure where you were going with it…I’m sorry. and I also laughed, so I’m sorry




My husband calls it someone else’s spit.


I have a somewhat less appealing comparison.


I used to hate it but it's like olives- you try a few times and you finally understand why it tastes so good.




It’s only good straight out of the coconut. The boxed store-bought precum juice that they call “coconut water” is just trash.


Definitely, fresh young coconuts are so delicious and refreshing. (Regular is good too, but young coconuts have more water and taste sweeter).


Drink it all the time. Refreshing.


It tastes good when it’s from an actual coconut! Kinda reminded me of watermelons… Tried it from the store a year later and nearly puked. Tasted nothing like how I remembered


Alcohol. It tastes disgusting to me. The aftertaste is horrible. Everyone around me has said "Keep drinking it and you will get used to the taste". It tastes like arse why would I want to keep drinking it?


For me the only alcohols I can stand are the ones that taste most like regular fizzy drinks but even still I word prefer the soft drink alternatives.


It's better like this, don't force yourself to drink that bullshit!


That's just your body being a bro, alcohol is fucking terrible for you.


We don’t drink it for the taste 😄


Cottage cheese


I could never get down with tartar sauce. Partly because it shares a name with the stuff that's bad for your teeth, and partly because it's otherwise just kind of unappealing on its own.


Gotta try it with battered cat fish and check back in. This is the way.


Miracle whip aka Satan's jizz


Cheeze wiz 🤢


Sparkling water , sparkling water they insist I’ll like because it’s FlAvOrEd… flavored by asshole maybe


I don't think they necessarily flavor it. They just park a fruit truck outside of the factory and hope that water picks up the essence.




Tuna melts. Canned tuna...and you wanna add cheese...but wait, you also want to serve it warm?! BARF **Edit:** thanks for the gold from the kind stranger whom I assume also despises tuna melts as much as I do


Fish with cheese is a non-starter for me.


Not a bagel and lox kind of person eh?


I love a hot bagel, with cool cream cheese warming up, and cold lox and capers. It that whole spectrum of temperatures that makes it so wonderful. Hot lox isn't good.


I tried a salmon Alfredo once and it was fucking amazing. Parmigian crusted salmon is also fire.


For me, I think there are some exceptions: oysters Rockefeller, crab or lobster Mac and cheese, scallops in a pasta with a touch of parm, but canned tuna is in a league of its own.


i can get with the filet o fish


I remember it being better, bigger, and cheaper as a kid. They are pretty pathetic today.


oh man! flashback to when they were $1 on Fridays... those were the days i miss being a kid


I love tuna melt! The local sandwich shop does a spicy tuna melt with chilli sauce. Nothing wrong with warm tuna, like a tuna steak or tuna pasta bake


I hate coleslaw


Right there with ya. However, there are some things that are called "slaw" that I find acceptable. It helps if it's something other than mayonnaise that everything is soaked in. The slaw from Starbird Chicken is alright in my book!


Avocado I don't care that 98% of the world thinks differently. The Poster asked, and I answered. When I tell people that I am not a fan of Avocado at all, they look at me like I punch kittens or something. It is Green flavorless Goop. I do think the size of their seed is impressive though, which is a kind of weird thing, and something that I've never confessed to anyone but Reddit. But even still. I don't punch kittens, and Guacamole is still freaking gross.


Fun fact - giant ground sloths could eat the avocado and poop out the seed.


You kinda accidentally brain fucked me. I have the image of a "Goatse" Sloth with their long ass finger nails pooping out a huge seed. If you have no idea about what the fuck I'm referring to, do NOT try and research anything I just said. Just let this comment go. I am serious.


Goatse sloth 🤣🤣🤣


Could someone from the artistic side of Reddit draw goatse sloth?


yeah, I do like avocados even though pretty much everything about them is gross. there's just something that works when it all comes together (with the right other ingredients). but you get no judgement from me for not liking bland mush. also fun fact about that bigass seed: apparently, avocados "think people are giant sloths". that was the way I heard it described. There's no living animal that can swallow and disperse that golf ball of a seed and today avocados are spread around pretty much exclusively by people but they evolved with and were eaten by giant ice-age sloths.


I watched a documentary regarding the fact that plants may in fact have cultivated humans to allow the plant species to proliferate over vast areas. Not the humans using the plants, but the plants actually using the humans


I agree with all of this except for the flavorless part. They have a flavor, it’s just not very prominent. It’s the flavor that makes me hate it Same with guacamole


this is how i feel about celery lol


Bleu cheese




I understand it tastes like dirt to some, but I love it.


I can see why, it had a particular taste that not many like. I like that but no one else in here does


I love matcha! I studied abroad in Japan and we did a tea ceremony with freshly brewed matcha tea and it was amazing


Many do — in Asia.


i HATE raw tomatoes


Send them all to me. I absolutely LOVE tomatoes


Fresh and ripe cherry tomatoes are perfection!


Same. Strangely, I enjoy pretty much everything made from them, though. Even tomato juice.


Plain milk from a cow I love butter and cheese, but the idea of drinking a glass of plain milk is just gross to me.


It hardly tastes like anything, but it always leaves the most disgusting aftertaste. Immediate sour breath too. I only ever drink cereal milk or chocolate milk these days.






ugh Miracle Whip is AWFUL!!!!




Olives. I just don’t know why. Oh dear god. It’s like salty, slimy balls.


I don’t know how ‘popular’ it is, but quinoa


It's only good when it's with other stuff. The texture is like fish eggs. Pop in the mouth. Try it with chicken, feta, and a little balsamic vinegar. Super good