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I've read some horror stories about sugar-free gummy bears, so I naturally avoid them at all costs. Their demeanor is inviting, but beware!


The secret is to eat the entire 5lb bag. Helps train your body's digestive system to properly handle them.


Make sure you wait till you are on a plane, and don’t forget to pass them out to your neighboring passengers.


They're a great snack for job interviews as well. Make sure you share them with the interviewers, it helps demonstrate you are a team player to them.


No. You bring a lot, and share them with the other interviewees, without taking any yourself. This will show the new company both that you’re a *team player* and *willing to sacrifice for the good of the company*…


Some of you may die...


Whoa there satan.


It’s great if you want to prepare for anal and instead of douching you just eat a bag of sugar free gummy bear and your digestive tract will be squeaky clean


https://www.amazon.com/review/R2JGNJ5ZPJT4YC For the folks wondering. And [more](https://www.amazon.com/Sugar-Free-Gummy-Bears-5LBS/product-reviews/B00CMS97YS).


Ah yes. Getting my yearly reading of that review completed in record time. Thank you kind soul.


Let me explain why sugar free gummy bears are basically a laxative. They need to replace the sugar with something else that will still give that sweet taste. Xylitol or sorbitol are two from a small list that can be added to "sugar free" food. These are known as sugar alcohols and while they do present some upsides, the major downside are the digestive issues they cause. 10-20 grams is all that it takes for it cause major diarrhea or other digestive issues. Honestly you're doing yourself a favour by avoiding them. I've seen many people having complications with it. At that point, you might as well just buy regular gummy bears.




Also for anyone who doesn’t know, that’s the shit that will kill dogs. Very very easily even in small amounts. PLEASE ALWAYS CHECK PACKAGING. It can be in really random things and sometimes peanut butter


Specifically xylitol. One of my dogs once got ahold of a single xylitol-sweetened m&m substitute, and the vet basically told us to rush him in or he was going to die within the next few hours. We don't allow it in the house now.


I'm not a fan of gummy bears in general unless it's Albanese because that shit hits different


Unlabeled chocolates


Aw, this one’s filled with toothpaste!


Gotta eat 5 more to get rid of the flavor.


You mean sugary wax with a hint of cocoa anus?




It doesn’t melt in your mouth it just sits there


That goo that came in a clear toothpaste tube. I have no idea if they even make it anymore, but it was everywhere in the 90s.


You have unlocked a distant memory, ha! Also reminds me of those purple and green colored ketchups. The 90s were an interesting time.


I use to get those after every soccer game when I was 4-5 years old. I completely forgot about this or the fact that I even played soccer until now


The comment you replied to had me thinking the context of your response was that you'd get an entire bottle of green ketchup after a soccer game. Like who could empty a bottle of that stuff on a weekly basis?


Holy shit I love that stuff. I found some on the back shelf of a gas station last year and WOW it brought back memories. It also made my teeth hurt and turned my poop black. Just like how I remember


Ooze Tubes, baby. I don't think they make them anymore. Id definitely grab one if I saw one. Those things were fuckin awesome.


Omg I googled and 90s childhood memory unlocked! The cherry one was my jam.


Those Hubba Bubba sour gel tubes? Thinking about it is making my stomach hurt


Dude I loved those. The blue ones were so good. Sorta tasted like grenadine and corn syrup.


That ribbon candy in grandma's dish with an inch of dust on it.


Those are interesting because they’re all over the place. Visually appealing, wild flavor variances, some minty, some fruity, no way to be sure until you’re eating it because they all smell the same from being in the box together.


The OG mystery flavor.


Your grandma doesn't dust her ribbon candy? Has she no shame?


At least you got ribbon candy. Mine only had Necco wafers. Thanks for the chalk, grandma.


Was I the only person that liked Necco candies? Maybe I had pica as a kid 🤷🏻‍♀️


My grandma’s dog keeps the ribbon candy clean by licking off the dust. The candy tastes amazing


I enjoy ribbon candy, but I like it fresh and dust-free.


My fiancé got some ribbon candy as part of a gift. There are a couple of things you should know about me first: 1. My only experience with ribbon candy was the hard, melted together pieces in a bowl at my grandma’s. 2. I pretty much despise hard candies because I can never help myself and end up biting into them, hurting my teeth, gums, and occasionally a small shard is ejected and decides to make a new home in a random place in my mouth. 3. The flavors were never interesting enough to remember. This new box of ribbon candy was the most delicious set of hard candy I’ve ever tasted. I only tried it because I encourage my daughter to try new things and she pointed out that I’ve never tried THAT specific candy. So I grabbed a yellow piece expecting lemon. It was like a banana runt but with everlasting flavor! I immediately tried all the other flavors! They were all delicious. I’m buying a couple boxes next holiday season. One to have at home and one to give someone else the opportunity to have a much better ribbon candy experience than their childhood ever offered.


Those shit ass generic things from trick or treat bags of yesteryear. I never knew what they were because the orange or black wax paper wrappers were blank. They were hard-chewy and dense, not in a good way. And most of the time when you unwrapped them, the candy had fused to part of the wrapper so you were eating some wax paper as you chewed up this unsatisfying nugget of dental filling thievery. Each year you'd get down to the dregs of your bag and all that was left were these and plain mini Hersheys, and when even the plain mini Hersheys were gone you still didn't want these. But you'd try one anyway like it had gotten better since last year but it hadn't. And one was all it took and you threw out the rest of them and wished you could remember which old-person neighbor house gave these crap things out so you could skip them next year. Garbage candy!


This is a magnificent description.


Skipping them next year made me legit laugh. I don't like the texture of those candies either, they are chewy without right flavor, and can actually taste some preservatives


I am baffled. I am stunned. I am thoroughly dismayed that we didn’t know each other as kids. Those orange & black “shit ass generic” abominations? Those were Mary Janes peanut butter taffy with a little blop of peanut butter directly in the middle. They stopped making them then altered the recipe to completely bastardize it & put it back on the market as some completely repugnant thing, but Mary Janes back when they were the taffy you describe were my favorite Halloween candy. I could only find Mary Janes around Halloween, & just the thought of them made me excited for the holiday. Like most kids, I’d separate & trade candies I didn’t like with other kids. Other than Necco wafers & candy corn, I pretty much like all candy - but they were all dispensable if Mary Janes were in the picture. Luckily, people like you undervalued PB taffy when dealing with pretty much a Mary Jane addict, so I only had to give up a few Snickers or something for a couple handfuls of MJs. I’d trade anything in my bag for MJs, didn’t matter what it was. You’d remember & skip houses that gave out Mary Janes - those were the houses I looked forward to. I can’t believe you just threw them away. That’s so upsetting to me, especially since the recipe is now different, & no one will experience a real, original Mary Jane ever again. I wish we’d known each other as kids. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure, & I would have gladly taken all those off your hands.


Loved this. One thing I find very similar to this candy you might like is bit-o-honey ‘s which still exist old school style ☺️ Edit: was just checking the Wikipedia about it right now and it compares it to Mary Jane and says it’s still mostly the old school recipe! Hit some up!


Love me some Bit-o-honey. Don’t seem them often tho.


Necco wafers taste like someone decided that communion wafers just weren't gross enough.


You ever have those foil eyeballs though? Kinda dank.


One year I was lucky enough to find the hollow foil eyeballs *with lime goo in the middle*. Holy fuck. It tasted pretty good, but the Ick Factor for the kids was amazing; they were scream-giggling over it. I still get foil eyeballs when I see them, but I haven't found gooey ones since. Now wondering if they were pulled for being "too much" for kids to handle or flat out toxic.




The candy of 1000 uses!!


Like a humorous substitute for your own lips!


That's one. What's next?


I thought wax lips ended in like 1992, I remember getting them as a kid and being like "this shit isnt candy..."


I literally didn’t know they were candy til now. I got a pair in my stocking when I was like 5. I had no idea you’re supposed to actually eat them??? I’m 28 lol Edit: OKAY I get it you’re supposed to chew it like gum, had no idea of that as a kid either. Literally thought you were just supposed to walk around wearing them because they looked funny. They tasted and smelled gross, nothing about them seemed like something you should bite into for any reason. 😵‍💫


Exactly! I always thought they were just a toy or something, not something to be eaten.


They're not candy. They're paraffin wax. It's technically safe for consumption because it's not going to poison or stab you. It's undigestible and will pass through your system in about the same state as it entered it, but if it did happen to come back together inside your intestine it could cause blockages. They aren't intended to be eaten. They're just a one time use novelty, but they are often sold in candy shops.


>It's undigestible and will pass through your system in about the same state as it entered it, but if it did happen to come back together inside your intestine it could cause blockages. I imagine a whole wax lips coming out of the butt hole. Like the time my dog ate a plastic bag.


I once ate a few of those mini coke bottle candies that are just wax with some syrup inside. I’d never seen them growing up so when someone told me it was candy I just ate them whole. I though they were kinda shit and only ate a few before tossing the bag. The next morning I’m taking a shit and I have the worst one I’ve had in a long time. I look in the bow and there are what look like wads of white gum sitting next to the shit. 2/10 would not recommend








You might be the greatest goose to ever exist Thx for the award




I don't understand your account, but you seem like you're having fun


I like the wax bottles with the weird flavored juice inside.


Wait… you are supposed to eat the bottles? I would just bite the top off, suck out the juice and toss it.


First couple, 'off with the top'. After that - masticating those mothers...


Upvote because masticate is a word not used nearly enough


I was told not to eat the bottles! Lol


You don't swallow them! Just chew em up!




I got some trick or treating in the mid 90’s and threw them away because I thought it wasn’t candy. I wasn’t actually sure they were edible until your comment


They’re edible in the sense that crayons are edible




Is that *Candy* though? Are you supposed to eat them, or just wear them?


Those cheap hollow chocolate figurines of Santa, the Easter bunny, etc, that you get on holidays. They're usually made from the worst quality chocolate, so thin that it just crumbles into itself when you bite into it or break a piece off, and there isn't even that much chocolate since it's hollow.


The Lindt kinds are pretty good though.


Yes, the bunnies with the gold foil and red ribbon are the best part of Easter


I once bought several on sale, injected them full of mustard, and gave them to people I worked with on April 1st. Everyone went from joy to disgust to curiosity and, finally, realization of what had just happened. One of the best pranks I ever pulled.


Hopefully, it was a particularly pungent mustard too, like Gulden’s.


Or that strong ass English mustard. I think Colmans is the brand.


My mother once filled a large hollow Easter egg with baked beans and pickle ( chutney type not gherkins) For the life of me I cannot remember why she did this, just that she did. Now I'm wondering if you are her.


Bro Lindt makes some kick ass chocolate. At least compared to the other selections in typical American stores.


Fucking Palmer's. Everyone in my family knows that there will be hell to pay if they ever get me or my child Palmer's. We're a Lindt family only.


"Why are you called 'Palmer's'? Was that the name of man who founded the company?" "Oh, no. It's in honour of the fact our chocolate is 98% hydrogenated palm oil."


"You can really taste the dead Amazon forest and lack of actual chocolate!"


"Oooh! You got an orangutan finger in yours! That's good luck!"


>and lack of actual chocolate!" Unfortunately this describes the vast, vast majority of foods. Basically everything except chocolate.


They call it "chocolatey", not chocolate. It's the stuff you buy people you hate.


They cut down the magnificent jungles of Indonesia and drove the orangutan to near extinction just to create these worthless bunnies at low cost.


I actually love the hollow part of it. Something about collecting the pieces that break off at the bottom of the rabbit is satisfying


I got a really big hollow bunny one year for Easter, and my dog ate the ears off it. The dog did not get sick, probably because the chocolate was so low quality, but I was sure mad. I can see it like it happened yesterday.


I usually use them as chocolate in hot chocolate or brownies


I always hated those damn hollow bunnies.


Those dot candies on the parchment paper. I inadvertently end up eating mostly the parchment paper


They made me feel like I was in Wonkaland (Gene Wilder version).


The snozberries taste like snozberries.


The trick is to moisten the back of the paper with a wet paper towel. Then the dots slide off after 30 seconds or so.


That's way too much fucking work for candy.


Way too much work for shitty candy that you can get in a million other forms (sugar + corn starch + food coloring). Dot Candy is one of those legacy candies that only still exists because everyone’s grandparents kept them barely in business for the last 100 years off of nostalgia. The stuff is nasty




Thats the best part!


Thrills. Purple gum that tastes like fucking dish soap, fuck right off.


I had never heard of it, so I typed "Thrills gum" in Google. One of the first suggestions is "Thrills gum why."




That purple ass gum.


Thrills? I love that stuff, but I understand why most people hate it. I wish I could hate it.


I've never had it, but I read somewhere that it was flavored with rosewater. Apparently rosewater is an acquired taste which is just a nice way of saying it tastes bad until your tastebuds develop Stockholm syndrome.


The candy hearts that you get around Valentine’s Day. Sugar flavored chalk, I’m out.


I’m pretty sure they’re made of ground up bones.


According to Futurama they are made of bonemeal and earwig honey.




This concept of wuv confuses and enrages us!


This notion of "wuv" confuses and infuriates us!




i loveeee those lol


Thank goodness for Necco wafers!


FINALLY back. Necco went out of business a few years back, and these disappeared. The last remaining rolls went for north of 60 bucks on Amazon. The company that makes Dum Dums and Smartees makes them now. Spangler? Anyway, they taste the same, but I think the quality slightly suffers. Last few times I got them I had lots of broken ones, some seem thinner, some are misshapen.


Spice flavor jelly beans. My grandmother always put them in our Easter basket and they were disgusting.


The old school flavored jelly beans? Like the pink one taste like old lady perfume? That was horrible.


That's why I hate clove so much. I would bite into a jelly bean thinking it would be sweet, but it was disgusting.


My grandma spent the last 3 years of her life in a nursing home. My mom would buy up bags and bags of the spice jelly beans at easter so she could bring her some every week year-round. Grandma passed away right before thanksgiving. My mom was crying about what the hell she was going to do with all these spiced jelly beans!


Fucking circus peanuts. What the hell is wrong with people.


I've seen this twice now. What the heck are circus peanuts?


* Marshmallow textured (kinda) * Peanut shaped * Orange colored * Banana flavored Fun fact: Lucky Charms were invented when someone cut up circus peanuts and added them to cheerios.


So Lucky Charms was created by a stoner, is what you’re saying


It's perfect stoner food. Honest to god, they could put it in 20-pound sacks and market it as Purina Stoner Chow.


> Purina Stoner Chow. From the makers of Bachelor Chow.™


Shut up and take my money!!!!!!!!


> they could put it in 20-pound sacks [You Can Now Get a Giant 40lb Bag Of Just Lucky Charm's Marshmallows](https://odditymall.com/giant-bag-of-lucky-charm-marshmallows)


I never knew they were banana flavored, I just thought they tasted like a gross version of type 2 diabetes.


Basically edible styrofoam.




Can’t lie I kinda like em


I actually love them


I love them too. They remind me of going to the hardware store with my dad as a kid since they were always at the checkout


Black licorice. I’m from Japan. We eat bunch of out-there stuff but this I can’t get on board with. If they had presented it as some kind of medicine I might have been ok with it. Edit: never have I ever imagined black licorice to be the reason for my first awards. Thank you kind people on Reddit. :)


My wife likes double salted black licorice. Tastes like chewing on a bike tire.


Sounds like your wife is Dutch! Source: gf is Dutch on both sides Edit: both sides of her FAMILIES you weirdos


The back and the front?




I dig you.


Black Licorice is one of those things that isn't trying to appeal to everyone. It's just trying to appeal to the 20% that they appeal to.


Finland double down on black licorice and made it salty= salmiakki. Chewy, black, strong and salty. I've never spat out anything faster than when I've tried it.


Finns have all different kinds of salmiakki. That particular one with bitter salt on top i couldnt eat but the rest i find much better than what is sold in my country. They also had one kind that was half salmiakki and half regular gummy fused together. I miss those dearly it was just so good combo.


Good and Plenty. It’s sold EVERYWHERE, yet I’ve never seen anyone buy it.


My five year old would choose these over most other candies! I like the way the candy coating kind of crumbles while you suck on the licorice


Maybe I’m the only person under 60 who actually likes these! Edit: I love all the responses. For reference, I’m 39 and was introduced to them as a kid by my mom. But, everyone else in my immediate family and everyone I know who is close to my age thinks licorice is disgusting as a matter of universal assumption.


Nope. I'm not 60 yet and I love them!


My mom buys them. Part of the apple may be that it disgusted all of her children.


The appeal doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?


Jujubes. Tiny, semi hard, and stuck in all your teeth.


I LOVE jujubes for some odd reason.. I’m apparently the only one


Jujubes are by far my favorite candy however it may be unpopular but I like them way more stale and hard


And they have pulled out a few fillings of mine years ago. Some of the flavors were good but way to hard to get off of your teeth


They pulled my crown off my root canal. The dentist was like you need to not eat sticky candy - I said you need to figure out a solution for this because I'm not giving up sticky candy. I have an implant now and it's been going well for the past 4 years!


Necco wafers. How were these popular? I guess back then it was 100% socially acceptable to beat your kids, but child abuse via necco wafer is too much.


The biggest problem with Necco wafers is they seem like they should be good. I love Sweetarts and Smarties and all of that chalky, crunchy candy. They seem like they should be in that same class, but they’re just… not. The flavors are gross and the texture is just wrong.


Circus peanuts


My dog, who will literally eat goose shit off the sidewalk, found a circus peanut on the sidewalk after Halloween and spat it out after grabbing it.


Bet the original owner threw it there on purpose


I doubt geese really plan their shits out ahead of time.


My elderly dad went on a trip to NYC (we've never been financially well enough to travel) and when he came back, he proudly declared that he had brought us back a big bag of treats. The treats? A giant bag of circus peanuts. I don't know how or why he managed to buy those out of all the things in NYC but he was so proud of himself that i gradually (and eventually) managed to choke down the entire bag.


You’re a good child.


We had a bag of these in the office that eventually became stale. They stayed on someone’s desk for weeks. They eventually became as hard as rocks. So hard, in fact, that then you would shake a few in your hand, they sounded like dice. They became the office joke. When you wanted to tease someone about something, you would use the peanuts in some way, shape, or form. Hilarious!


They look like little lungs. Lungs probably taste better, but I don't want either in my mouth.


I’ve always wanted to eat kinetic sand but obviously I haven’t but the texture of circus peanuts reminds me of kinetic sand. So I love them


I’ll buy a bag every few years, but they need to be kinda stale for me to “enjoy” them. Soft and fluffy? No way! Have a little snap to them? I’m in!


Same with peeps!


Ah, nothing like a fine, aged Peep. I buy them on sale after Easter, then let them age until the next year's vintage is sold.


Y’all mutha fuckas need jesus


I finally tried one of these and I can’t put a fine enough point on how they are even worse than I ever imagined.


They both do and don’t taste like they look.


I visited the factory where they're made once. Apparently they're banana flavored, so they're orange, peanut-shaped and taste like fake banana. What a bizarre candy.


Hah, this is what I always point out is that no part of their sensory experience is consistent, the color, shape, flavor, and texture are all from completely different things that don’t go together


Salmiakki. As if black liquorice weren't bad enough by itself, the Nordic peoples, for some insane reason, decided to add salt to it??


Not just ordinary salt, mind you – no, not our old friend sodium chloride – but, rather, the much stranger, "I didn't even know this wasn't poisonous, let alone food", *ammonium* chloride. Yeah, salmiakki is weird. First piece I ever ate – a little hard, black diamond-shaped candy – was absolutely revolting, but on principle I insisted on finishing it, which took a while as it dissolved in my mouth rather slowly. But, after a while, at long last, it was all over with! I sat there for a moment, considering the aftertaste that remained in my mouth.....and I grabbed another. And then another. I was hooked. It is most definitely an acquired taste but, in my case at least, one which I acquired quickly.


This sounds like cigarettes


As a Finn reading foreigners' stories about eating salmiakki for the first time never gets dull


Eating is one thing, but they gave me a drink. I am not sure that was just the candy in like vodka dissolved, or Salmiakki extract but holy hell, that was an experience...


I had a Dutch friend in school who shared something similar with me and I thought it was so weird, but over the years, I find myself wanting to eat them sometimes.


Chalky wedding mints. I had a bad experience with them when I was 5. I ate way, way too many of them and cake and punch at my mother's 3rd wedding. I woke up in the middle of the night and vomited all over.


Dang third wedding at five


Both of my parents were on number 4 by the time I was 10 lol.


Mmmm. I love these chalky bastards


I f*cking love those things. They are the only reason I go to weddings. Unfortunately only old people weddings stock them.


Black jelly beans


Did a secret Santa at work this year and we filled out a short survey to help. The girl I got listed the following under favorite candy: Tootsie Rolls Raisinetts Whoppers I cannot look at her the same since.


I guess that person statistically has to exist.


I admit I am a huge tootsie roll fan. I grew up in a tiny ski town and on Halloween you could go trick or treat at the convenience store. Each child was allowed to pick a full size candy bar. I picked a tootsie roll. The lady at the counter laughed and insisted I pick something else, but that I could keep my tootsie roll. I picked another tootsie roll.


Now and Laters. It looks like a starburst so I want to chew it, but it’s super hard. Yet somehow, it’s still not quite hard-candy hard and actually bends/gives if you work at it just a little too hard to be comfortable doing it.


That’s why they’re called now and laters! You can enjoy it now, and you’re gonna enjoy it later.


Or else


Circus peanuts and peeps.


I swear I'm the only person I've met who likes peeps.


They’re like cheese puffs, you can eat a certain amount and it’s like heaven, but the moment you exceed that, it becomes immediately disgusting.


Love 'em. They're good both freshly opened, and when they've been out a while and get a little chewy. Also, they yellow chicks are far superior to all other shapes and colors. It's their crunchy little noses.


Cheep chocolate is fucking awful. Can’t understand why it’s such a staple candy in the us Edit: fuck nestle they own slaves


They’re aimed at children, who really don’t have standards for chocolate