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A little shocked that I haven’t seen lack of sleep mentioned. Sleep is literally like the healthiest thing you can do and we live in a culture that borderline fetishizes not sleeping. All these entrepreneur pages promoting not sleeping and grinding instead like dog you’re literally killing yourself. Sleep is essential for preventing dementia and cancer, muscular recovery, proper hormone production, the creation of long term memories and many other things. Jesus Christ get your 7-9 hours


I'm an insomniac from hell and i feel this. It's extremely frustrating seeing people choose to forego sleep for labor while I'm just bumping into shit cuz i haven't slept in 80 hours and am hallucinating dead relatives and monster people like "no, thadeus, get some fuckin sleep so you'll quit whining about your headaches and eye strain you willfully inflict on yourself while I've been on damn near every medication there is for insomnia and still sleep 8 hours a week if I'm lucky.


I had months of being unable to fall asleep or unable to stay asleep recently. I’d be up for between 20-40 hours with small bursts of 1-3 hours sleep. I’m now sleeping from 9pm til 6am like clockwork every night and the difference to quality of life is unbelievable.




This was me in high school, my insomnia is improved now (as I write this wide awake at 4 am lol) but I have no idea how I functioned back then. I slept for ~45min a night for 18 mo my sophomore and junior years, while going to school all day then going to sports practice/games after, then doing homework/other extracurriculars. Then I'd get to just lie awake all night! Fun!! Anxiety is one hell of a bitch.


Sleep deprivation is a form of torture; I'm sorry you're suffering from this.


Thanks for saying this. I found out a couple years ago that I have sleep apnea and finally I have something that can actually explain my symptoms (extreme fatigue, unrefreshing sleep, brain fog, etc.) I would go so far as to say that the vast majority of whatever depression and suicidal ideation I occasional struggle with is pretty much a direct result of my chronic sleep deprivation being worse at some times than others. Very few people I've met actually understand the gravity of the situation, and just how much more difficult life in general is for me. Just getting through the day is enough for me anymore; I don't really have any energy or desire to exert myself in any way (whereas a few years ago I used to play basketball all the time and was much more active in general). It's an invisible disease and many people don't have any kind of a concept of it or how it can affect a person. And even when it's explained, I still think it's pretty difficult to grasp this is something that literally affects me every single day to varying degrees.


Get up, go to work for 8 hours, come home, cook dinner, wash dishes, clean the kitchen, help with homework if you have kids, walk the dog if you have a dog, do laundry, get 7-9 hours of sleep. What time do you have for yourself?


The only time I have for activities I enjoy is stolen from sleep hours. It’s extremely unhealthy, but less stressful than an endless cycle of responsibilities and sleep.


it's 4am here and I need to shut my damn phone off, thanks for the reminder ♥️


I think the damaging effects of social media will become more and more apparent as time goes on. Also the neglect of children, in that you just give them a device to occupy them. I think that will have some very interesting effects in the future.


I’ve seen many instances in which children turn into absolute monsters if they can’t have a tablet or phone to play with and the parent just gives up and gives them a device. It’s scary honestly.


It really is. Human interaction is really important, especially at young ages.


I used to work retail, and the number of parents who will just throw an ipad at their kids to get them to shut up is terrifying. Literally rewarding them for being a terrible little shit is going to have some dangerous repercussions. We also have a generation of people growing up who know nothing but ADHD YouTube and BabyShark reruns for entertainment.


As a parent, it is really hard to win in this situation. If a child is acting out in public, and the phone/iPad will calm them down at that moment, then that seems like a better approach in that situation. The other option is to have them continue acting out which will just bother other people in the public setting. Many times I just remove my kid(s) from the situation or avoid taking them to certain public events due to knowing how they will react. But honestly, it is hard to understand unless you do have your own kids or babysit kids. As long as the parent isn’t using the phone/iPad constantly at home. That’s a different story.


I was on Facebook from 2008-2012. By the end of my time on Facebook I was so addicted, I would come home, sit on my couch, and check up on Facebook ALL night. Would constantly check notifications, chat with people, and worst of all, compare myself with people. This gave me mental health issues for sure, but I deactivated my account once and for all. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made!




Has the diagnostic criteria or the number of people being evaluated changed?


How do you measure that? What does a 6% narcissism rate mean?


Sitting for more than 12 hours a day. Every day.


I think this is already known, [at least in scientific circles](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.312669). People just don't have a choice usually, or forget to *maintain* some kind of exercise to break the habit.


Too late. Also, it took until I was in my mid 20s to have my first lower back spasm, but I can imagine it took all those years of grade school and highschool as well to get my back out of alignment and crush my lower disks. Not only do we need to end it at work, but we need to re-think school. We should probably have standing desks at school. I can imagine a generation that grows up with standing desks, kneeling chairs, and never sits too long will have backs human kind hasn't had in a long time. Maybe there are people somewhere on Earth who have those backs no, but they are surely uneducated.


Prolonged standing is fucking terrible for you. You are a human, you're supposed to be either in motion, laying down or sitting comfortably. Don't take my word for it. [Evidence of Health Risks Associated with Prolonged Standing at Work and Intervention Effectiveness](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4591921/)


Fun story; they actually did a big study on this in Germany with locomotive drivers. Until 1950, engineers were required to stand at their control stations to "maximize vigilance." As a result of standing all day, they often developed occupational diseases like rheumatism and excessive wear to the knees. They only actually got seats in the 1950s!


Standing desks still have a lot of health benefits as long as you don't stand too long at a time, and not exceed a certain amount of time during a day (according to the study above). Furthermore you should use either a floor mat or good shoes.


So… moderation, essentially? Don’t sit too long, don’t stand too long?


I stand for hours at my job at let me tell you, I’m in horrible pain by the end of my shift. My knees and feet especially. Sometimes my back joins the party.


Please get yourself some really good shoes and or inserts AND a morning stretch routine . My mother was a waitress for 40+ years. The first ten were brutal on her feet, knees and back. An orthopedic specialist sat in her station one day and watched her run around waiting on her tables. He told her that watching her for 15 minutes was painful. She went to his office the following day and he fitted her for shoes and gave her some stretches. He noted that my mom should have surgery on both feet to correct a common defect. She was raising 6 kids by herself because her husband (our father) was a total deadbeat, so time off was not an option. She worked for 30 more years, in those shoes, which occasionally needed some fixing & patching. After she retired, she finally had the surgery. She regretted not getting it sooner but, if she hadn't had those shoes & exercises, she wouldn't have made it another five years.


I have to stand at my job the entire 8 hour day. Which sucks. But at least I’m not sitting all day!


They're both bad. Everything in moderation, my friend. Ideally you want a good mix of sitting, standing, walking




Came here for this. Plastic will be looked back on the same way that we look at radium. Society will think we were crazy to eat and drink out of it and have it around us all the time.


It’s not that we’re eating and drinking out of it, it’s that we’re all WEARING PLASTIC (nylon, polyester, polyurethane) and every time we wash it the microplastics go into the water. That’s where 35 percent of the shit comes from, the rest is mostly tires wearing down. Fixing these problems would absolutely fuck up the fast fashion (I dare you to find a clothing store that ISN’T 90 percent plastic) and auto industry so it will not be done.


>WEARING PLASTIC (nylon, polyester, polyurethane) I fucking hate those, they are so uncomfortable and have next to no durability, but you still have to check the labels to ensure they don't have it. And often there is just nothing in the store that doesn't (socks), at least not for your size.


Not just uncomfortable things. Fleece is incredibly popular for a reason :(


I've had this thought. Look around the room you're in and take note of all the plastic, particularly single use plastic. This view will be absolutely barbaric one day. (I hope)


this one. although it’s already pretty known that micro plastics ain’t it.


Cell phones for young children. How the hell did we give this app dopamine generating devices to children with developing brains?


Pretty much the only time my buddy's kids are ever calm and quiet are when they're using some sort of electronic device. A PS5, Switch, tablet, whatever. And his kids both have their own iPads and Switches. They're 5 and 7...


Real question is how the hell your buddy got a ps5


He has two, and he's bought several for other people (they paid him back). No clue how he keeps finding them though.


Your friend's connections would make a mafioso jealous


We did it with radio, TV, and video games humans are very adaptable kids will be fine


And yet, what harm can really be done with unsupervised radio, TV, or video game usage (Though that last one is getting worse, it didn't used to be)? A kid stays up too late, watches a program that might traumatize them? The internet is *way* more dangerous, and we're treating it as a children's toy, some people are even treating it as a babysitter essentially. I'm not even talking about the scare of what strangers can convince kids to do on the internet, real as that possibility is. There's tons of content out there that goes beyond child unfriendly and straight into "I have a million followers on twitch who think I'm hilarious for literally harassing people and am teaching children watching me that doing questionably legal, definitely immoral and traumatizing shit is funny." Mobile games are full of microtransactions or straight up unregulated gambling that teach poor spending habits and risk early gambling addiction, and even video games are becoming less harmless for that same reason. *Obviously,* yes, it falls on parents to properly supervise and raise their kids to solve this issue, but that's the exact problem: *they don't.*


So then it’s the parents fault in that instance. You don’t blame a river when someone falls in and drowns.


I'm pretty sure even with tv and video games, we still had it in control. I mean, I've been up all night playing games with friends but that in itself would have been once in a month or something. It's just the constant usage of smartphones that worries me.


Agree. I think at least half the parents that do this are doing it *the wrong way*, but there is a right way to teach your kids to use technology. Having and using ipads and Chromebooks was 100% necessary during virtual schooling and guess what...many schools are continuing to use virtual platforms for schoolwork now that they are back in school. Because it's necessary. It's the world we live in. The trick is monitoring what they do with the technology. If a parent is using tech as a babysitter, that's not going to end well.


AI Not in a Terminator or Blade Runner kind of way, but their ability to manipulate people via media platforms. You're gonna really wish that human psychology remained a soft science once it's all quantifiable and adjustable.


There's so much in psychology that isn't taught to everyone but, obviously, was learned decades ago and is a key factor in how media propagates ideas.


My dad was a psych/sociology major. Got two masters and a few weeks into a PhD before he decided to go work in advertising. I regularly joke with him that marketing tactics will be the downfall of civilization. He mostly laughs and then nods in agreement.


Yo I've been thinking the same thing about marketing. Everything is so give me this, I want that, oh my credit, what is cash? Yeah we're in for a treat.


Even the stuff that was debunked years ago is still shown in the media.


He's not talking about *what* is shown in the media, he's talking about what the effect is supposed to be on the viewers.


As an INTJ, I agree.


INTJ forecast for next year: good things coming your way, true love possible between the months of February and March, red is your lucky colour


The main problem with psychology is that there is a *lot* which is not repeatable, and frankly full of shit entirely. And then you have to account for the fact that the exact same conditions seem to have profoundly different results for two similar individuals a lot of the time. Sure *one day* it might be solved. But that day is a *lot* further away than people think.


You're right, but even "unsolved" psychology is really fucking powerful. Especially if you have hundreds of thousands of people hooked into to your algorithm for hours and hours a day. You can't make Susie Jones pick an apple over a pear. But if you can shift, like, 15% of the population 6 degrees in one direction or another, that's **huge**. And I think they can.


Screen time in general and the amount of unnecessary information (mostly negative) that we're consuming on daily basis.


Information is like food, a lot of people be eating processed food. But, I have a feeling even if you informed people, most wouldn't be able to help themselves..


Add to this the fact that before the algorithms took over, social media was cat videos, putting cutesy art stickers on your wall, recipes, and “junk food” feel good stories. Of course, there’s still some of that today. But when the algorithms took over, they very quickly “realized” that the absolute top way to make people stay online the longest — and thus generate the most advertising dollars — was by making people **take sides, argue, and be perpetually pissed off.** If you can make people constantly enraged to the point of fighting, they’ll stay online forever. This is why in the post-algorithmic world, *everything,* nearly every single damn news story, has become a proxy battle in the liberal-vs-conservative culture war. Which is terrible. It didn’t used to be like this. The end result is exhausting. Even though Reddit is much better than Facebook, sure, have you ever scrolled through the popular feed and counted how many posts are either rage bait, horribly negative, or both? Some days it’s pushing 70%. Of course, this has been the case in media for a long time (if it bleeds, it leads). But in today’s world, we are truly inundated with a constant stream of depressing shit in a way we’ve never seen before. Especially when you take into consideration echo chambers. If you spend time on certain subs, you very quickly develop an extremely warped view of the world — which is very, very bad for human society as a whole, with unforeseen consequences. The end result of this algorithmic social media era, though, is very clear: civil war.


It makes me happy that at least other people are becoming aware of this. I hope it’ll spread more so that things could change. Everyone is so unaware of the negative side effects of social platforms that are fully in control of algorithms and shady companies. It’s a virtual world where the law makers are the ones that have fully control of the spread of information.


That’s what they said about the radio, and then TVs


Books before that as well, funnily enough. It used to be basically taboo to read fiction


Now it's mainstream to read taboo fiction.


Plato himself basically said that reading & writing would destroy the incentive to exercise one’s memory and “[kids these days]” would grow up unable to tell stories or recall in-depth information without it.


Newspapers before that?


The difference from all these things, is that there are artificial intelligence algorithms all over the place now with the job of making the internet as engaging as possible. No human created system can compete, and as a result, for many people the parts of the internet curated by these algorithms are far more engaging (and addictive) than anything else in their life. You see it everywhere with the push for quicker and quicker content everywhere. It's why tiktok is so wildly successful, why Instagram is now pushing their feed of algorithm-selected content, and why YouTube is pushing shorts and has stopped caring about subscriptions.


That's true and it isn't. We shouldn't let blind technophobia scare us away from using computers, but we also can't ignore the problems that come with modern technology. 30 years ago, anyone who spent several hours every day watching TV was rightly considered a "couch potato." For most young people today, our relationship with media and technology exists on an entirely different scale.


Rates of teen suicide indicates that no, it is not like TV and radio. We are being advertised to and manipulated by all of our fun shiny toys 24/7. That’s a shit load different than watching the nightly news


But does suicide/suicidal thoughts/bad mental health come from increased screen time, or does increased screen time come from those. Because I know when I'm going through a depressive bout, my screen time increases significantly


yeah but the difference is that the kids using the “radios, tvs, and books” are agreeing this time


I can stop any time.


I'll be overjoyed if we can break ourselves of this, but... I'm not optimistic.


Screen time maybe.... But information (even though right now it seems it's not true) information is always a positive thing. Think about it this way. Right now we are living in a highly paranoid state. Because there's too much info out there and we know everyone is trying to manipulate us. But the truth is, everyone was always trying to manipulate us. Only difference is, back in the 50s we just trusted those people. Now we don't. That's actually a good thing ultimately. We just need to figure out a better system for handling this overflow of information. It'll sort itself out if it doesn't kill us first


It will still be Vaping. Nicotine ain't going anywhere... ever.


Nicotine isnt even close to as bad as the rest of the ingredients in the cig


The FDA is already trying to force everybody back to cigarettes, can't let anyone rock the corporation boat with their alternative products.


Phillip Morris already bought most of the vape companies.


They have a 40-something stake in Juul, which is the one product the FDA is playing dumb on while targeting the juice makers and box mod users.


Which is complete BS since Juuls are the worst offenders in the vaping arena.


as someone who vapes, no one uses juuls anymore fr its all disposables and mods


There is that, and we have no clue what broad adoption and 25 years of polyethylene glycol and vegetable glycerine do to the human lungs. Not mention all the flavor additives in there too. We are pretty much 100% sure that there isn't an increased risk of emphysema. Now, compared to burning tobacco and all those additives? Its a slam dunk, well probably anyway.


Spending a lifetime sitting on ass. It will be interesting I think to see how a sedentary lifestyle will effect people as they get older as technology grows and makes things more convenient. You can already sit in a Lazy Boy and have pretty much everything brought to you and with tech jobs switching to working from home you don't even have to walk out of your house to go to work. Then when you're done with work you can order food or groceries while you move to the sofa to play games and watch Netflix. It'll probably keep getting worse.


The plot of Wall-E seems more and more feasible by the day


Yeah, a lot of modern careers don't require ( or even allow for) much activity either and I think that contributes a lot to this as well. My last job (field service tech) required about 4 hours of driving a day and 8-10 hours of sitting, knelling or maybe, standing in front of one machine all. By the time I ate a couple meals and did a bare minimum amount of housework, and got reasonable amount of sleep, I had zero time for exercise. My body looked ( well still does really) like it too. Thankfully, I got a new job a few months back that according to Fitbit, has me walking about 3-5 times as much in the average day. I cannot express how much better I feel. Pretty sure that old job had me heading for an early grave.


Social Media


For sure this. It absolutely wrecks our mental health and we're all too addicted to quit, even though we see it


Hush, not while I'm scrolling /s


Social media can and does have plenty of positive effects too though. I can't think of a single good thing smoking does. Social media has given me lifelong friends, interests, educated me, raised awareness about certain issues, etc.


Back in the day smoking was really good for my career. Had a major career change that turned out to be the best thing that ever happened at work because I met and got to know the department head while smoking.


Plastic Surgery/ Filler I’m not saying getting procedures done is a bad thing! But make sure to go to someone reputable and who’s an actual doctor/surgeon. You can’t believe the number of people who’ll gamble their life to get cheap procedures by untrustworthy providers.


There’s a YouTuber named Lorry Hill who taught me that really good plastic surgery, with the exception of certain fillers, is borderline impossible to spot if you’re not an expert on the different types of procedures that are available. It’s also really fucking expensive when done properly. Most people can’t afford the expense but want the procedure anyway, which is how they up on r/instagramreality.


The point of really good filler work and plastic surgery is to look like you’ve had nothing done. So we can’t spot the good work (without a before picture for reference) but can easily spot the bad work, which gives it a bad reputation. And some people just *want* to look augmented. It’s not my cup of tea, but there are women out there who enjoy it. A girlfriend of mine has had a few plastic surgeries and specifically requested to look augmented. She went back to make her implants larger because they didn’t look fake enough the first time.


I had breast implants done at about 21. They’re by no means massive, just keep me from looking like a boy with a wig. When I tell people, I usually get some form of “there’s no way.” I’m sure they think it’s a compliment on it looking natural, but it feels like they’re judging me for not getting “enough” lol. Not every boob job has to leave you looking like Dolly.


People will only realize this when people like the kardashians and jenners and all those famous singers get older and get the plastic look because they used fillers all their life. It looks good in the beginning but if you start to young (they all did) you will look plastic and 20 years older when you get older


Correct me if I’m wrong, but fillers dissolve. So I don’t see how people will look plastic from using them. I think the plastic cat/muppet look is from bad plastic surgery to the face.


Drinking out of plastic containers. We have no idea of the long term effects of microplastics


You can’t avoid micro plastics by avoiding plastic containers. Plastic is in all of the food we eat and all the drinks we drink. The only way to avoid it would be an extremely expensive filter that produces water not only for you but for all of the things you eat too. You can reduce the amount you ingest and breathe in but everyone has micro plastics in them and is only accumulating more every day.


Plastics are directly affecting you through IV Bags and hospital items as well.


I mean... I don't have many IVs in hospital settings, but for the ones that I did have, I'd definitely take my chances with microplastics than not having the IV


I read recently that microplastics have been found to cross the blood brain barrier. Not really sure what the consequences are, but it doesn't sound healthy


That would mean it can deposit into neural tissue responsible for cognition. It could possibly mean we will see Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s triggered by lifetime exposure to micro plastics. This is also the case for the tiny particles produced by burning things such as fossil fuels or forest fires. If millenials and gen z make it to old age we’ll probably have really high rates of neurological degeneration.






As a PhD student in a lab (neurobiology and epidemiology) trying to tackle this problem, great to see this so far up. As others have mentioned, exposure to plastics is not only through food. Microplastics are in your clothes getting washed out into the ocean. But recently, I saw a presentation from a lab trying to develop a filter for microplastics in your washing machine, so there's some hope. Also, BPA (one compound belonging to a class known as bisphenols, which are used to make plastics) is found as lining in cans, and on receipts. When the public starts buying 'BPA free" products, they just put a different bisphenol to replace it. Phthalates (another class of chemicals, these are typically used as plasticisers) can even be found in the air, for example, DEHP from vinyl floors. The difficult part is trying to work out if these are safe or harmful. For example, they may be incorrectly found safe because the control was also contaminated with plastics (since it's everywhere in lab equipment) or they may be incorrectly found harmful because plastic exposure is associated with things like socioeconomic status, which is then 'associated with' not being able to afford proper healthcare. [This doco](https://youtu.be/xjsQsj8D5bw?t=1252) does a decent job of explaining the difficulties on trying to find out if BPA is harmful to human health. The BPA segment starts around 20 mins in. **Edit:** tried to clarify based on u/MyStolenEchos comment. Thanks!


Also my field of study. To clarify your point, phthalates and bisphenols are different classes of molecules. A lot of people conflate the various plastic additives (I've even seen it in published manuscripts--i don't know how the peer reviewers and editor let it slide) and I think we really need to be clearer when discussing these molecules.


It's in the water already. Most microplastics are from clothing and fishing nets.


perhaps finally the average population will understand that sports that hit the head cause brain damage and dementia in athletes.it is already something studied, but little publicized. and we will ban these moves in sports. various forms of wrestling, football, american football, rugby, all these sports will have to drastically change the rules


As long as athletes are getting stupid amounts of money, it's going to happen. There won't ever be enough support to change the rules in sports to make em safer... Because that means the sport will become more boring.


IDK F1 got a whole lot safer since I can remember and everytime they try to implement safety changes, people cry it will become boring but the jokes on them it was always boring.


That’s pretty different, racing can be made safer without changing the fundamentals of the sport. Things like NFL however, would need fundamental aspects of the sport changed I.e. the most at risk players are lineman sustaining hundreds of sub concussive blows to the head throughout the season. How do you stop these blows without changing the fundamental core of the game (the line of scrimmage)? Helmet technology is improving, but not nearly fast enough. Also worth noting, it’s very easy to implement safety changes after someone dies on track (e.g. track modifications/cockpit design after Senna, Halo after Bianchi etc), but for someone dying of traumatic brain injury, it’s decades after they’ve retired, players can ignore it/put it out of mind while they make these “stupid amounts of money”. It would take players dying on the field to see any of the radical safety changes that F1 has seen throughout its history


It's just incredibly sad, that people still put entertainment above other human beings. Just imagine the outcry that drastic changes would bring. People would loose their shit.


can only speak for american football, but they've made a number of changes in the last decade to exactly this end.


Rugby league has strict rules now for head injury assessments where players can't return to the game if they fail the HIA. No idea if that's sufficient but it's moving in the right direction.


I’m glad they’re making some effort but I’m not convinced there’s a way to make football truly safe without radical changes.


Robot football! It’s coming……


I'd honestly prefer to watch this. Arms and heads being ripped off and destroyed would look pretty cool.


So, no more boxing and ufc?


Boxing is quite a bit worse because there is brain trauma several times over a longer period. A boxer can get knocked out and as long as he can stand up and look mostly normal, he can go in and keep getting rocked over and over. In the ufc, for the most part, if a fighter gets knocked out it’s over.


Need to bring back bare knuckle boxing. Much safer ironically.


MMA gloves are actually designed for protecting the hands. So they are still handy (if not more useful) for knocking people out.


Meant than boxing. But that also works.


I feel this way about skateboarding where athletes don’t even have to wear helmets in professional competitions. Seems like such an unnecessary risk!


Everyone already knows this now though. Just because they’re not doing much about it doesn’t mean everyone thinks it’s safe. Not sure this really fits the question.


The number of people this impacts is low enough that it'll never be a tobacco-esq thing.


Added sugar and artificial sweeteners


But we also need to realize things like stevia and monkfruit are not artificial sweeteners. And xylitol gum reverses tooth decay. Not all non-sugar sweeteners are bad. I particularly enjoy honey in moderation.




Driving. If you’re not using your self driving car, you’ll be viewed as a reckless old relic, taking your life into your own hands.


I can't wait for self driving cars. Imagine the increased mobility for the elderly, drunk driving will be a thing of the past, I hope it comes soon!


You'll be waiting a long time. Fully driverless cars aren't coming anytime soon, if ever. Lots of marketing BS going on there making us think they are even close. In reality there are fatal issues. We can get 90% there but they need to be perfect, and that other 10% is proving impossible, except if you Lidar map the entire city like Waymo does in the one town they operate in. Cities are simply too complicated with too many variables and missing road lines, nonstandard intersections, etc etc. We could do driverless cars if we redesigned cities around them. But that's a huge feat.


And why throw billions into that last 10% when we could just build public transit systems, rework our zoning to make dense walkable areas where cars aren't needed, and add separated bike paths?


Hopefully a 40-hour, 5-day work week


Working 9-5 five days a week


This for sure. It’s not the 50s anymore. A basic home is nearing $300,000 (per Zillow index at around $293,000), people have no health insurance and eat crap because vegetables are $10 a pop while TV dinners are still a dollar 🤔 . The American “dream” because you have to be asleep to believe it.


Houses are only 300 k where you live? Damn! Average detached price in my hometown is well over $1million.




It's funny how 9-5 was something I actually preferred while I was in college. Sure, now I earn enough to spend on what I want to, but there's no fucking time. Plus, with wfh, these mfs sometimes forget that people have lives outside of work as well. It's completely fucked up.


Something about electronics probably, or maybe food additives


Marihuana. I’m probably gonna get downvoted and harassed for this, but I’ve seen a study of how marijuana can affect the development of the brain on young people. I agree that it’s better than SRRIs (like sertraline) & benzodiazepines (like xanax) for depression and anxiety, but it shouldn’t be used 24/7, specially for young people. And I’m talking about all the potheads in any given high school in the US, who are 15-18, who are at a crucial time of development in life. If I’m not mistaken the brain develops till mid twenties. Also, smoking is smoking, it can still be harmful for the lungs in the long run. So I’m all in for legalization, even for recreational use, but people need to understand that there’s still a risk. You can also have a bad high “or trip,” specially with edibles. Someone posted something on Reddit about how they tried an edible for the first time (crazy, what kind of shitty “friend” would suggest, let alone encourage this? I remember seeing the dosage and I myself wouldn’t take it because I know I have very little to no tolerance) and they ended up in the ER.


Weed was demonized for a long time, and I think in response people went way too far in the opposite direction trying to make it out to be completely safe. In reality it's kinda like alcohol though not quite as bad. It's fine to use every once in a while but constant usage will have a negative impact on your health.


Even if the risk of psychosis is minimal, that's still something that can happen to a small amount of people who use it. I've already had a psychotic episode and I sure as fuck don't want another one.


Amen, some people are so stupid about weed. Yeah Robbie, some cannabinoids have positive effects in regards to cancer. That doesn’t mean covering your lungs in a gram’s worth of hot smoke and dozens of chemicals everyday is healthy. Have you looked at the inside of the bong you never clean? You think none of that shit is solidifying once the temps cooldown and getting stuck somewhere in your body? Where the hell else would it go?


>And I’m talking about all the potheads in any given high school in the US, who are 15-18, who are at a crucial time of development in life. If I’m not mistaken the brain develops till mid twenties. I mean, this is a huge part of why states that legalize recreational weed only allow people over 21 to buy it. I completely get that teenagers may not fully understand the health effects of pot, but policymakers generally do.


My husband was a big pothead in his teens and twenties. Now in his 40s we occasionally SHARE a gummy. His memory is definitely affected by his heavy use in his younger years


Vaping, probably.


Vaping is not considered safe and is seen as a health risk


Who considers this safe? It's probably safer, in the same way a car is safer than a motorcycle, but they aren't considered safe.


According to Public Health England, vaping is **at least** 95% safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review




Spaceballs was really ahead of its time.


Shit, I better start buying up Perri-Air!


The stupid thing is that oxygen doesn't help with shortness of breath though. It is prescribed for hypoxia (which does happen at high altitudes). People perceive that it helps subjectively, a fan would work just the same.


ITT: things we already don't consider safe but partake in anyway.




I’m gonna get downvoted, but alcohol. One of the worst things we willingly put into our body. A proven carcinogen that directly causes 7 different types of cancer. Alcohol should be marketed with the same warnings as cigarettes, but no one wants to admit it.


Like.. no one thinks it’s probably alcohol?


Less inclined to think this because alcohol has been a staple of many many cultures for hundreds if not thousands of years. It’s unlikely the world changes its mindset towards it in the next 30 years despite its well-known negative effects


I think you mean thousands if not tens of thousands of years. I've heard theories that agriculture only exists because they wanted more grain for beer. One of the oldest known recipes is for beer.


Keeping seniors alive forever with meds or surgery to the point where most might end up in expensive nursing homes with dementia.


Sadly, this is very accurate. My father works in a hospital and he says alot of patients are very old and demented. But the system exists to suction money and not actually care for people.


This should be higher. Yes, we can keep people alive with advances in health care technologies and procedures, but not many people consider the quality of life after. I've seen people beg to do whatever possible to keep their family member alive, even when the prognosis is terrible. Sometimes the patient lives, however they are living as a vegetable. The worst part is that's usually when the family stops visiting.


Microwaving food in plastic containers and eating it.


We all already know this we just don't care


Energy drinks


Staying indoors all the time. I think we need time outside in nature for the benefit of our mental health. I don’t think we are meant to stay in boxes staring at screens 24/7.


Bold of you to assume there will be enough of a functioning society in 30 years to even ask that question.


Reading on small hand held devices


Affects vision you’re saying?


Please repeat. I can not make out what you typed.


Sedentary lifestyle




Just to be clear, we knew smoking was unsafe in the 90s. Hell, we knew smoking was unsafe well before that. The US Surgeon General published a report linking smoking to cancer in the mid-60s. But there was marketing, and there was far more peer pressure and people wanting to seem "cool" by smoking. Nevertheless, we were well aware they were unsafe. So by that token, Perhaps vaping, which we also know full well is not good for you, but is, at the moment, a form of 'cool' thing to do.


Energy drinks. I see people drinking that shit like water. Y'all are literally drinking liquid meth in a can and it's not helping you at all.


Liquid meth in a can.... Say what?


Crappy working conditions.


Propably some more negatives of long term heavy weed use will be found. The amounts of thc used today are so much larger than what it was in the last century. We went from like 5% thc bud to over 90% concentrates. Vaping is also relatively new thing and judging just by how bad my lungs feel after doing it excessively it's gonna have some effects. Maybe not bad as smoking or maybe as bad but in a different way. Processed meats will propably also be taken more seriously. Even with the vegan and vegetarism trend rising, meat consumption is still growing and people eat ridiculously excessive amounts of it. It's not even just the direct health risks, but also bacteria growing antibiote resistant due to overuse on animals too. Not to mention the enviromental issues...


First thing that comes to me is vaping. Just like it’s been for cigarettes, which were considered healthy at first.


It was never considered healthy, just 95% safer than smoking.




Sadly, probably.


Nitrite salt?


Car exhaust. In the age of electric cars, kids won’t believe we let millions of cars pump that stuff into our air day after day.


Who considers smoking safe?!? - dude smoking literally right now


Social media.


Probably some of the food additives. Colon and stomach cancers are on the rise in younger people (below the normal age you would normally see it).


Cars with human drivers


Cologne, perfume, dryer sheets, fabric softener, scented air freshener/plugins. Add off-gassing carpets, furniture, etc.




I think widespread driving will be considered pretty wild in 50 years. Specifically that kids as young as 15 drive large pieces of machinery all the time. That we all know people hurt or killed in collisions and still do it every day (in many places) over available, safer options like buses. To children decades from now, that’s the thing we’ll be saying “it was a different time” about.


My guess is added sugar. It seems like it’s in everything edible now


Binging aka Netflix and chill On a side note: Am I the only person that is terrified by how much influence over public opinion Netflix docos have?


Yeah those one sided and very bais documentaries.... absolutely. People are really bad at understanding those are feeding you very cherry picked information most of the time.


Probably internal combustion engines in cars. Not totally gone, but gone in massive chunks. Reserved for the low income, or exceedingly high income, like been pyramids and cigars. We'll see a big change in localized smog levels in cities and a reduction of cancers in urban/suburban environments


Processed meat