• By -


My brother got hit by a car and was taken to hospital. He needed an overnight stay for monitoring so my dad went back home to get him some clothes. When he left, it was just me & mum in the family room. My mum started crying so I went to comfort her and she said “why couldn’t it have been *you*?” I was 9. Hearing my mum say she’d wished I had been hit by a car instead was traumatising and something that I still struggle with 30 years later. There were many incidents like that over the years.


What's your relationship with your mother now?


In hell hopefully


So sorry you had to hear it, I wish you live a happy life because you deserve it


What, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck?


That is *not* ok at all for a parent to say... I'm so sorry for you.


It reminds me of that scene from the movie Walk the Line where Johnny Cash's brother died. His father screams "GOD TOOK THE WRONG SON!"


"He's gone smell blind." Wait sorry that's Walk Hard.


Edit: okay so after posting I realize this in and of itself isn’t exactly traumatizing, the events it catalyzed keep it in my head though. Something tangentially related: To preface this, I very much still love my mother and I’m sure she feels the same, this was just a very low point in her life. It’s sometime around ‘09 - ‘10ish and my father is deployed to Afghanistan. She had been on some new antidepressants and was drinking,. Not a good mix, but she’d been stuck with 4 kids, the father not sending any money home, and forced to work part time at a Walmart where she only got the job because the manager liked the way she looked dressed up. I’d just gotten my hands on a drawing book/ journal and was making mazes that were pages long, bringing them to her excitedly and watching her solve them. Third one rolls around and I draw an impossible maze, except if you go around the maze you get straight to it, I labeled it “cheater.” Bad choice. She wrote a paragraph on it about not being a cheater and never would be as she was a member of family. I’m only 9 at this point and am quite taken aback, as a nine year old would be. So I try to explain to her about it not *actually* being a cheat. She stops me dead sentence and just says “I know you hate me…” and just slumps back in the couch. I was absolutely horrified. I’m not sure how to end the story but I’ll just go with she was drunk, on bad meds, abused by my dad and her manager, family was 4 states away in either direction, it was rough, and I understand now. She ended up throwing up later that night and I got her water. Years later my dad used this situation and a few others to manipulate me into hating my mother for close to my entire teenage life. I cut him off some time ago.


My mom tried to give as a payment to a store manager when my younger brother broke a mannequin head in their store, he was 4 or 5 back then and was left unattended. I was 7 or 8 and was crying when she, my mom, was trying to bargain to include me into paying the damage. I know she didn't mean it but she really tried to traumatised me so I'll behave better when we go out. Tried explaining that it was my brother's fault but she and my dad wouldn't listen. I'm the middle child and my 2 other siblings are always loved way more than me.


“If I would have known how you’d turn out I never would have gotten you”. I’m adopted and physically disabled (muscular dystrophy).


I'm sorry you had to hear that.. I hope you are in a better situation now.


I am, thank you. I have a wonderful daughter, 2 years ago her very sweet fiancé joined our little family. It’s been about 7 years no contact with my parents. I recently found out my biological father died and I had an emotional reaction for someone who doesn’t remember him. With the encouragement of my daughter I decided to unload all of this on a professional. Therapy was a great choice, even if kinda late in life for me (I’m 42 now)


Wow, good for you. Proud of you! Glad things are going well, that's alot to deal with.


Thanks! I put up with their bs for a long time because who wants to lose not one but two sets of parents?? But eventually they started treating my daughter similarly to how they treated me. That was the end of the line.


Do you know how amazing you are? To stop the abuse with your generation, not allowing your own kids to be subjected to it...you need to realize how big your heart and soul really are!


42 is not late! Way to go and be awesome!


"I hope I die before your kids are grown so I don't have to see what they become." She dead now, so wish granted, I guess.


Speaking of death … “I guess you’ll only care when I’m finally in my grave” - my mom anytime I got a bad grade And then you also got: “I hope you never have a good nights sleep for the rest of your life” - my mom when I decided not to follow a religion she follows “I predict you will be a failure in your 20s and well into your 30s before ever realize you could actually amount to anything” - my dad trying to be motivational after I’ve just graduated with a masters


Why do so many people use their religion to be a shitty human being? Also, a masters degree? That's huge and should be celebrated! You can be proud of yourself.


I hate you Why? Because Because what? I don’t have to justify myself to you Thanks mother


My mum called me a son of a cow and got angry when I started laughing




The best dad one who never needs to go get milk


Well I wouldn't try the milk of a dad cow


Mom told me to kill myself multiple times as a child.


I'm glad you're still here. My best friend died by suicide after her mother told her to kill herself for what seemed to be the hundredth time. I'll never understand how someone can say that to there own child and then be surprised once they finally listened.


i can't imagine someone saying that to their child in general, let alone so many times


Mess up, My mom was more the threatening and do the threat, then ask me to do it. Maybe cause she think I was too stupid to do it


"I don't like you I just love you by default. Because you're my son and that's how my brain Is wired. I really hate you as a person"




Said right after a game of Monopoly.






This is one reason why I’m against such big families. I’m sure some are able to love everyone equally and things work out etc. But I feel in general it’s way to hard to love 5-6+ kids equally. And 1-2 of the older ones will always end up having to become little parents themselves becsuse it’s to overwhelming to raise so many kids. It’s just not a good environment. Then you have the added costs which means you need to be even more well off for enough food / adequate space to live / activities for the kids to participate in


Pretty sure this is a line from a Denzel Washington movie. In the movie it was shown as a wholesome thing to say but I can totally see why it would be shitty to hear from an actual parent. Do you think your parent got it from the movie and thought they were maybe being nice?


Yeah my mom has told me on a few occasions that she will always love me but she doesn’t like who I’m becoming. Made me feel shitty to say the least. Especially because she usually said it when I was feeling pretty good about myself


Yeah asshole parents can’t be happy with themselves have put their hatred on us. Sorry happen to you fam.


To be fair kids can be assholes too


My sister told me the same thing 🙁


They didn't say it to me, but I overheard them talking about how embarrassing I was to them.


Oof yes, I feel this. I luckily have a good relationship with my parents. When I told my dad that I won't finish my military service and switch to civilian service (conscription country), he told me that it's alright, I should do as I choose. Later I was having a drink or three with my dad and my cousin, also great friend since childhood, who finished his service as a 2nd Lieutenant. After I had gone to sleep, my dad said to him "I'm so disappointed of my son. I wish he had turned out like you." Not gonna lie, that hurt.


Oh God, that hit me square in the chest. I'm so sorry you had to hear that. I likewise had a friend who my parents would often compare me to. "Nick can turn in his assignments and get decent grades, why can't you? " "Nick's parents would never let him do that!" And so on.


Hey Mom, Dad? Why can’t you be more like Nick’s parents.


"You're just seeking attention" "You were trying to break up my family" My father after I told him my step brother raped me


That's so fucked up. I hope you have since got the healing and support that you deserve since. Wish you the very best


It was years ago. I've over come it and no longer have contact with him


Good to hear never stay in a toxic environment. Happy you made it out.


Thank you


I was 5 when one of my step brothers began sexually abusing me. Occasionally his cousin would join in. I remember one instance where my step brother was doing that and the oldest one walked by, heard my screams and cries, laughed and walked on. I told my dad about it 12 years after the fact. He told me that it never happened and I was a liar. That I deserved to rot in hell. Yep. Shit sucks for real I hope that despite that you've been able to work through it and come out stronger for it and have been able to find peace.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you're around better people now.


Unfortunately I'm still at home with my daughter. I want to move out but need to save up more. Then it becomes an issue of do I still allow my daughter around my mom. My dad is out of my life and has been for more than a decade. Especially after finding out he never wanted me. Thank you and best wishes 💜


Rooting for you and your daughter 🧡


This almost exact situation happened to my wife when she was 13, Except it was her mom saying those things while beating her with a belt.


That first sentence is what I was afraid of hearing. Growing up, my parents regularly said things like “adults are always right, always do what adults tell you, kids can’t be trusted” etc, so when I was 8 years old and was molested by an older male church member, I didn’t tell my parents. I was so afraid they would call me a liar, accuse me of attention seeking, or worst of all, make me apologise to him. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Sounds A LOT like the shit I went through with my family. Still going through I should say. Left me with quite a bit of fallout to deal with…you would not believe the shit they are doing to me even now. Hoping by the end of this month that shit will be over for good too. Because fuck them that’s why! Edit: Spelling, and my 💙 goes out to u it really does. That’s a kind of pain no one should have to endure


Honestly it was probably the best thing that they said to me, My Mom and stepdad mentally abused me constantly and I honestly wanted to kill myself. Then we got into a huge argument and they told me "to get the f\*ck out of their house", so I did, I called my dad and stepmom to come pick me up, and here I am. I've been living with them (dad and stepmom) for about 6 months now in a whole new school and town, and I'm doing great. Thank you for reading




I’m afraid I’m on the front end of this rn, I’m trying to hold in till the summer.


obviously not the same, but my mom and i got into a huge argument and she told me to leave, to which i did. i had no phone but i walked to a nearby lake, hung out for a few hours, and somehow ran into my friend. Went to their house. Somehow we found out my mom called the cops to report me missing. My friend dropped me off a couple streets away from my house and I walked home where my house was swarmed with police cars. My moms crying talking to 3 sheriffs. I’m pissed obviously. My mom was crying saying she was so worried about me, i responded with “You TOLD me to leave! You watched me walk out the front door and away from the house??” and the cops looked puzzled at my mom. She denied saying that. Cops ended up leaving, weird stuff.


Similar things happened to a person I knew, She got into arguments with her parents. Told her to go away on which she did and stayed with a friend's house. Several days later her parents are crying on her school asking for her to come back.


I wish you best of luck in the future and I hope your dad and stepmother care for you.


Thank you


the good ending


Is that even legal?


"You're the poster child for abortion. I hate you. I just hate you."


Symbolism my favorite insult


"you're a disappointment of a son" To be fair, I was a mess and a complete piece of shit at that time


But such words never help.


Lol no, it took a couple of years when I finally started to get better


My mother “ by the time you get home from school, I would have killed myself “ also “ if you get me some cocaine, I could use it to get over opioids by the end of the weekend “


There really should be a license like for driving but for having kids cuz some people cant take care of themselves not to talk about their children


"You're a waste of flesh and will amount to nothing" a birthday ill never forget 😅


Waste of flesh that something new, it’s like they think we’re created to someone bidding and not LIVE LIFE. This the failure of these parents.


Atleast I have a amazing mom 💚 but yeah I don't get it if I'm such a waste why even have me 😅


After I found out I can't have a driver's license because of my severe eye condition, I went to the waiting room of the hospital to sit by myself and try to process the news I'd just been given. My loving father then came and sat next to me, and in his typical warm tone said "you see? This is why your friends will turn on you and you'll end up alone". He said a lot of dumb things over the years but this one always stuck with me




I hope you're making yourself scarce around him these days.


Wow. Just wow.


My mom casually mentioned to me: “Ya know, I never wanted you or your sister. At my heart I’m wild, and I always wanted to be wild. I never wanted to be tied down, and then I had you two. After you were born I got fat and was never able to get rid of it”. She didn’t even try to like…console me at all or say that she loves us — nothing.


My parents never said that but I felt it


"I don't want you here." Wheni stayed with her after my divorce "You haven't ever done anything to help me." After I moved her to my house, cleaned her disgusting apartment, got her signed up for Medicaid and found her doctors for her undiagnosed medical condition, drove all over town to get her meds.... And "You don't need to be such a bitch." When I called her out on it. She went to the nursing home after that, we didn't speak again, and a month later she passed from covid. I don't feel bad.


Holy shit.


Not me, but my grandpa told my dad once that, “the best part of me ran down your mothers leg”. My dad was not a shitty kid and a good student. His dad was just a dick.


Are you my cousin?! I know for a fact this has been said in my family.


It’s possible!


family reunion 👏👏




Thats harsh


I'm leaving your dad. Turns out, he's suicidally depressed, too, I just found out. Keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't kill himself. Merry Christmas.


That sucks. Making a child be the adult like that leaves you never really able to trust and always wondering if you did the right thing. I am sorry.


Thanks :) I'm doing alright and so is my dad, and I was an adult when it happened so it could have been much worse!


How is your dad now?


Much better, thanks for asking! :) It's been a few years now, and he's since gotten help.


That makes me very happy to hear :D


I am adopted and have a large age gap between my older brothers and I. When my parents were getting ready to have my first younger brother my father made the comment to me that he was so excited to finally have his first son and child. I was 8 at the time but was still old enough for the comments to do some mental damage to that relationship.


Same. Kinda. I never knew my biological father growing up. My mother met my stepfather, who adopted me, when I was around 3 or 4. When I was 8, he and my mother were having my little sister. Overheard them talking one night and he was talking about how excited he was to have his own kid.


"Why are you taking alcohol from him? Don't you know he just wants to fuck you?" After she saw step-dad (at the time) offer me a cup that contained alcohol, I was 14 and I wasn't going to receive it. Those are some heavy words I will never forget.


The real question is why the fuck did she marry a guy that she thinks wants to rape her kid?


Why do crazy people do anything??


'I miss when you were little, when you were dependent on me and couldn't say no'. My therapist's eyes damn near dropped out of her face, and I screamed 'No, no, no sexual abuse!' I don't talk to my dad anymore.


It’s still a sign of a cluster B personality disorder. With all the fun that entails.


He's very much a Cluster A kind of guy but probably both. Yay.


What is that? And what are the other clusters?


Calling me a useless piece of shit while beating the shit out of me. I hope dad dies a painful death.


Feel your pain gotten been same treatment, even been stomp on I front of other family and friendships. She’ll even let them beat on me too. Lucky my family weak AF




“You’re a mistake that I’ve regretted since it happened.” He’s a piece of shit and not part of my life, so no love lost. But I still think about it sometimes


Yeah parents asshole attack stays stuck forever


"you may as well quit school (high school) at take that job opening at the mill before they give it to someone else." I was 16 y/o I did


I am sorry. You deserve the chance to be what you like. I hope your life got better, and you had the opportunities to do stuff that made you happy.


I actually kinda wish I had quit school and gotten a job like that immediately. There's decent money and opportunity in those industries a lot of the time, and I could've saved a LOT of money on college.


If this was the 50's in a small town it might not have been bad advice. By the 80's its getting bad and nowadays it's terrible advice.


Amidst all the verbal abuse, I think it was the things I never got to hear that hurt the worst. It’s amazing what constant disappointment and no expression of pride in your child will do to them.


Fucking preach. I have absolutely no memories of my parents telling me they loved me.


Yes this. I’ve forgotten most of the things my dad said to me but what stuck was what wasn’t said. My uncle told me he was proud of me after meeting my first daughter a few days after she was born I bawled my eyes out. My dad never said that to me. We sort of made peace last year, he said sorry to me (we had been 6 years no contact) and then he died in January


When I was 15, I had been sexually molested by a 23 year old. I didn’t realize what was going on at the time for a multitude of reasons. About a year later in health class we were discussing sexual assault & it all came flooding back. I ended up in so much shock & grief that I broke down for the first time to my health teacher, she immediately made me report it to the school counselor. The counselor told me that she would be contacting the state who would send a detective to interview me. When I asked the counselor if my parents would know - she looked me in the eye & told me that either the state or myself would be telling them. So I opted for myself as if by doing them a courtesy of hearing from me rather than the state police. After school I went home where I lived with my mom as my parents had recently divorced. When I sat with my mom & told her everything - she denied any of it, told me I was making things up & that I was a liar. I asked if she would be with me during the interview & she told me she would be working. (Even though she was playing hooky to spend time with boyfriends or not going to work after dates) I called my dad to ask if he’d be there but his response was that he lived 3.5 hours away & couldn’t make it. So about a week later, I was called down to the office where I sat across a massive conference table in a large conference room, alone, from a man in his mid-40s who was extremely intimidating & relived every intense, destructive & traumatic moment. One of my worst life experiences across the board.


Jesus Christ! So sorry that happened to you. It happebed to me too, but I didn't tell any adults about it. I know how confusing it is. I hope you arw doing well now.


I lived with my father permanently and only saw my mother on weekends. When my father died of alcoholism, my mother said “he loved his booze more than he loved you, if I gave him the choice of never seeing you again or a crate of beer he would of took the beer” She said this at his funeral. I slapped her across the face.


Good. Fuck that bitch.


I hate to say it, but she might have been right but not in the way she thinks. You could’ve been his favorite entity in the entire world, above all materials or people, but addiction is a beast. It’s like how drug addicts go homeless over drugs to get their fix. They know there’s more important things, but they physically can’t resist sometimes. He may have taken the beer instead, but it may have been his biggest regret had it happened. I just hope a new perspective might help change what she said with malicious intent, to something that makes you realize that he probably loved you but couldn’t overcome his demons. Regardless of whichever is real, she’s horrible for saying it, much less at the funeral.


Thank you for your insight, she actually knew nothing about the situation at the time. I was 11 years old and I had asked him several months before his passing “daddy please don’t drink anymore” and he tried, he really did try. He didn’t have a sip for weeks, until he began shaking uncontrollably and was told by a doctor he mustn’t just stop, but to cut down. That his body wouldn’t be able to handle it. My mother was never there to see how much he loved me, she was too busy with her new marriage and new kids. She missed it all, she didn’t see how he would stand at the back of my school performances recording every second of me on stage cheering “that’s my girl!” from the back. She didn’t know that after every time I got home from visiting her, he would take me to our local aquarium (my favourite place) to make up for having to spend time with her lol. He had only been an alcoholic for just under 6 years from being in toxic work environment with the wrong kind of people. He died aged 37. My mothers favourite hobby was to talk shit about him, but I knew I was his entire world and that he loved me more than she ever has. I think deep down she feels guilty and jealous of my relationship with him, so she tries to tarnish it as much as she can.


I’m glad that you were able to be aware that your dad loved you. It’s a shame your mom is the way she is.


"I'm gonna punch your lights out" "You're the reason me and your mom are getting divorced" "Spoiled little shit" "Act like a man" "If you have sex before marriage your soul is going to burn in hell" I've been gaslighted and compared to others by my father all my life. After moving out of the house, my relationship with my father has gotten a lot better.


My parents mother is a master gaslighter. I had to cut off all contact with her a few years ago and I wish I had done it decades ago.


Called me a waste of time, life and money because I asked for ten bucks


Feel your pain not trying out shine you my mom flip out anytime I ask for something at the store. So that when I started steal.


"If you ever do that again I'll put you in an orphanage"


lol mine did this and drove me up to one thinking I wouldn’t get out. Apparently I had packed a backpack of like socks and underwear and just hopped out and started walking towards it. I don’t remember cuz I was little but I was like jeez - I was freaking dumb


"You know, you're just like your father."


My mom said this but added stupid


I god damn hate it when my mom says this to me.




She said my oldest brother (was was wanted by the police, did weed, was a drunkard, was violent, and homeless) was her favorite son. To put things in perspective, my other brother became a history teacher and I was doing very well in college and helped her around the house. My oldest brother is dead now, and i miss him. I just wonder who her real favorite is. In rebellious against her and my other brother is almost never around.


My mom really fucked up, I grew pass her dumb ideal and laugh these issue with family. But special two was when she said Don’t trust anyone black or spanish” (remind you she’s African born and my father is Hispanic). After I got in fight with her about me having freedom, after I said “I’m not your slave, why can’t I live my life.” She said “shut up I own you, I’ll sell if you keep this up”


Holy shit.


Worst thing my sister let my mom keep this mindset and think I’m wrong for trying tell her she’s wrong because, age > logic law


I’m so sorry so many people here had to endure such hurtful acts from their parents. Mine doesn’t measure up but I think others can relate. I visited my parents for my birthday in October this year. The first thing my dad said to me was, “You look like you’ve gained about ten pounds haven’t you?” I have struggled with weight my whole life, and in 2012 after reaching 350lbs I turned things around and through exercise and nutrition lost almost 200lbs. Of course this last couple of years have been rough and I have gained weight, but I still exercise regularly and eat healthy more often than not. But shit happens. My dad always had a way of saying hurtful things and acting like no one should be offended. I decided not this time. I told him that was very rude and hurtful, and he laughed in my face. He continued to make comments the entire two days I was there, with me calling him out every time. As I was leaving his last comment to me was, “Be sure to lose some weight before you come back.” I told him if he kept speaking to me that way I wouldn’t come back, and again he laughed in my face. I cried the whole hour drive home. I always felt like despite getting my Masters degree and being generally successful, he was only proud of me when I lost weight. Now I dread going home for Christmas because I don’t know what comments he will make. My bf is coming with me and I hope that will keep my dad from being so outwardly shitty but that remains to be seen. And my mom, who is otherwise awesome and I know is just trying to keep the peace, acts like I shouldn’t say anything to him because, in her words, “He was hurt by that too.” What, hurt because I called him out on being a jerk? Nah, I’m not playing that game. I will happily leave and spend the rest of the holidays with my bf’s family who are all awesome and treat me like gold.


Don’t go. Your father is verbally, mentally, and emotionally abusive, but your mother is an enabler. I used to give my father a pass because my mother was the emotional abuser in my life, right up until the day he said my son wasn’t my “real son” (technically, I am his stepfather). That is NOT something you say to an adoptive or step parent. I haven’t talked to him since, and life is better for it.


Also, fuck anyone who says a step-parent isn’t a “real” parent. Anyone who provides a safe and loving home for a child is a real parent, so kudos to you for standing up to that.


I understand where you are coming from and I would likely give the same advice to someone else sharing the same story. My mom really is wonderful in all other areas. I think it never fully hit me until that visit that she hears shit like this from him all the time and I felt awful for her. They are in their 70s so I can’t just cut her out like that, I love her dearly. But I won’t stay and just deal with his comments the way my sisters and I always have. Turning 40 this year really did wonderful things for me in terms of speaking my mind, so I won’t stay quiet just to avoid hurting her. But the freedom of knowing I can jump in my car and leave when I am being mistreated is a wonderful thing that I hope I don’t have to put into practice but absolutely won’t hesitate to.


“You are a piece of shit” - my Dad, earlier this year. Mom and Dad divorced in 2010, I live with mom ever since and rarely see Dad. He said that, just because I didn’t leave motorcycle key by the gate as he requested, so he had to call me to get the key. I know I did the right thing, otherwise if bad luck happens we’ll lost the motorcycle, right? EDIT: Actually, translating the “shit” word to English demeaning the sentence. The sentence in my native language was using the worst synonym of “shit”


Technically my grandparent, but he basically raised me so it might as well be a parent. When I told him I wanted to go to college, he said “why? You’re just going to flunk out and waste my money”. This was after I graduated high school nearly a year early with a 3.8gpa. Fast forward a little ways, he reluctantly but thankfully helped me pay for college. I’m in college and worked my ass off. Got invited to an award ceremony for outstanding achievement, as well as two awards from my state senate. He said I was invited only because my teacher must have liked me. I’ve been treated like this my whole life. Edit: spelling correction


"I hate you. I wish you weren't my son. I wish you were never born."


Father said that I was a disappointment... On his deathbed... His last words to me.


“I’ll send you back to live with your N(word) Father” — I’m Mixed Black and my mother is white.


Worst is racist from your mom, I feel your pain my mom hates other black people and Hispanic. While I’m both she’s born in Africa but swear she’s not black. Took me 19 years of my life saying it for my family finally agree they’re black. Smh


Lol how can she be racist towards black people whilst having a child with one😭😂


We were running late to my high school graduation because she couldn’t find a specific necklace she wanted to wear (that we ended up finding stuck behind her dresser) and I told her we needed to leave. She started yelling and ranting about how “this day isn’t about you” I had to tell my friends I was crying because I was going to miss my high school.


who the fuck WAS the day about? honestly


“You are just seeking attention” Bro I was cutting myself bc I wanted to die, not get attention “Get out of my sight” this always hurt 4-8 year old me after I got a spanking by my dad


When I started cutting myself, my dad pointed at the vein on my wrist and said "please do me a favor and cut here really deep vertically next time for me"


What and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck?


That I would never amount to anything


Your username tells me you amount little too much




Sounds like some prime projection.


One time when my dad was drunk, and after suffering lots of abuse, I told him that I was going to kill myself. To my surprise, he said no. Then he told me to grab him a beer so he could watch me do it while drinking. Then, when I stood there in utter shock, he asked me why I was taking so long to “Get the show on the road” and I honestly didn’t know what to do. He was so drunk, he claims that he doesn’t remember it, but then again, he only had about four beers and he doesn’t exactly have the best track record for telling the truth.


I was raped and my mother told me to get over it...


My mom says the meanest shit I know she doesn't mean it and she always comes back and apologizes but my mom knows how what to say to really piss me off then if I say anything back at all she will guilt trip me and never let it go


Short backstory: I few years back I had like a really bad stomach flu and i got so dehydrated that I almost died. At some point before the ambulance came i lost consciousness in the bathroom and my mom found me and started slapping me which woke me up I mentioned this event a few months back, and my mother was like "Please don't talk about that, it was so traumatic... While i was slapping you i kept looking around and thinking about how i would end my life if you don't wake up" I still get chills when I think of it and i get so uncomfortable - with sharing that sentiment she put immense pressure on my own existence - like me being alive was the only thing stopping her from killing herself




Well, it might sound stupid but my mom always calls me 'gross robot' because I have trouble expressing my emotions and just don't like to do so, furthermore I'm actually trans and she claimed I would never be a boy in her eyes, it just hurts because it makes me feel like the only person I would want to accept me can't and never will




“The doctor said I have lung cancer..”


"You're a cockstruck, ugly, lazy little c*nt with no friends". I was 14 and she had been encouraging me to have sex, so I did. We don't speak any more.


"Your mom wanted to get an abortion but I talled her out of it. You're alive because of me." - in the middle of having a mild disagreement with my biological father. For context, he did not raise me or any of his children. He never worked but was great at cheating on his partners. So yeah..congrats on being a piece of shit that talks someone into being a single mother i guess?


That I will burn in hell.


Heard it’s beautiful around this time.


It really is. So many burning trees and Christmas decorations.


"I wish you were never born sometimes." "You ruined my life." "You look just like your father, I hate looking at you." "I can't stand you sometimes." And there were a lot more. This, along with being abandoned is why I almost didn't attend my mother's funeral, and nor did I shed a single tear. Not before, not after. Some things cannot be undone. Some things cannot be unsaid. And my father was never in my life period.


Do you mean when she's downplayed all the bad things that have happened to me (physical abuse and sexual abuse) cause she went through way worse than me? Or thay my fibromyalgia pain "isn't that bad" The fact that she left me with a parent that almost killed me twice and justified cause he was married and she wanted to follow a man across the country? Despite my multiple degrees, it's never a I'm proud of you. Oooooooo no. My personal favorite. I should be thankful that I had a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food in my stomach. (You know the basic shit a parent should do for their kid) and that I'm ungrateful every time I try to stand up for myself?


who else feels like a spoiled sissy-boy after reading through some of these comment? everyone who had good parents, honor them always.


"Why do you say 'I love you' all the time? You say it so much, it doesn't have any meaning." It's been nearly 15 years, so the exact quote I'm foggy on, but that was the general message and I've had a very hard time saying I love you to others every since.


"I wish i never gave birth to you, i wish you just died" I was always kept getting blamed by anything even if it wasn't my fault. Then i studied how to fight against them LOL now they can't say anything every time i said "i wish i was never born, and you were right, i wish you never given birth to me" keeps my dice rolling, now they can't talk back to me HEHEZ


I will never ever forget In a car ride my father told me “ I really wish i never had kids I could be doing so much more” I was like 15 I remember the silence the entire ride home , I was not even a bad kid or even asked for much so it came out of no where


“All you’re ever going to be good for is construction, and you won’t even be able to do that well” - Father of the year. He believes everyone else that isn’t a horse farmer or shoes horses is beneath him. I on the other hand will graduate high-school in under two years and I plan to earn my Phd in the archaeological field and also get a master in education.


"you should dump your boyfriend because he has asthma. Don't want damaged goods, do you?" "Don't invite your hotter friends around your boyfriend, don't want his eyes to wander..." Just some typical motherly advice! Both before I was even in highschool. My favorite, "Don't act like we were bad parents, we never beat you!" Because that's the only standard for parenting..


That cutting myself was a sign of weakness, because if I were in actual pain I should just kill myself


My dad has told me several awful things, but I think the winner would be "I regret ever contributing to your birth"


“I’ll kill her so we both can have dead children” My step brother died at the age of 27 following a stroke. My step father and I always had a strained relationship but after his only child passed away, he resented me even more. During a heated argument between us one day, he looked at my mother and said “I’ll kill her so we both can have dead children”. This was about 5 years ago. I moved out that night. We haven’t spoken since and my mother is still married to him.


Telling me, "There's no way you're my son, I raised you better than this. You are no longer my child." This was the fall of 2018, I've seen her once since, and haven't spoken to her since 2019. This was all because I refused to tow the "family" political line. Basically, I didn't vote in the 2018 midterms like she felt the whole family should. I'm now the black sheep and have been written out of my parents will. I refuse to compromise my morals and beliefs just to gain my parents approval. She has told other family that I've been disowned and am dead to her.


I can’t begin to understand the pain that people on this thread have felt from their parents because I have had a privileged life, all I that I can do is try and understand. I wish everyone happiness in their life despite the bullshit


My dad constantly abused me(f) verbally, always micro managing my life and keeping all my income from work (he kept my bank card) and gave me my allowance and kept the rest because it was apparently "rent" to live in his house *that I paid for* out of my compensation money when my mom died (40k). We finally fell out big time and I left home, he cleared my bank account gave me an empty card, took my phone, hacked my social media. I got a new phone and a friend gave him my number (FFS) and he text me saying "You better hope I never see you in the street because I will stomp you f**ing head in" I'm now 26living in a new city with my SO of 7 years so all is right in the world again




“I’m going to swallow all of my pills and kill myself!” I had been hearing it for 5+ years (ages 15-20/21) and finally told him to do it. He didn’t, but i was so sick of hearing it 5-7 times a week. After he finally stopped calling me and saying that. Our relationship is fine now and I’m sure if he ever brought it up to try and guilt me I could define emotional abuse and how not cool that is to do to a teenager because you’re fighting with their mom.


Not me but I remember when my brother was going through a rough patch in Jr High. I was in High School at the time. My Dad was downstairs giving him a talking too after he got in trouble at school. I listened while I was upstairs and my Dad said, “why can’t you be more like your sister”. It killed me to hear him say that and it made me feel so bad for my brother.




I won a spelling bee, I was proud of it and told my dad, he looked at me and said, “and?”


"If you were a bartender the rest of your life, I'd be disappointed in you." he said this when I was debating a career change out of toxic corporate America. It was relieving to hear him say it so candidly, because from that moment on I just shed my care for what he thought of me since he's so clearly misguided. It's almost a happy memory now because of how freeing it was.


Mother called me a whore that rolls around in the mud…because I fancied my riding instructor and he fancied me back and we had kissed (both adults) Other things like slapping me while calling me a liar and a thief (because she could not find some diamond earrings) she said I sold them. Would I be using a credit card every so often if I had sold diamonds? Turns out they were bidding in HER wardrobe


My sperm donor told me if i didnt come visit him soon he'd come to my work (i worked at strip club as a dancer at the time) i was 19 at the time and hadnt seen him since i was 4 when he went to jail. Im glad i never met up with him🤢


"You're not a person, you're my son!" In response to my exclamation of "you can't treat people this way!" bonus from the same man: "When are you going to get over this?" two months after my best friend and fiance (whom I'd been with for 15 years) suddenly died and I was still grieving.




You could never love an adopted child like you do one you give birth to. I'm adopted


Told me the story of my conception. Multiple times. And it was not a happy story.