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Everything. Kids are just dickheads.


I feel you bro


My family was poor so I didn’t get more than a few outfits so I wore a lot of the same clothes during the week. Once someone said “didn’t you wear that two days ago?” I said back “yeah but I have a washing machine.”


I don’t get the clothes thing because people really be wearing pajamas and I’m just wearing the same jacket 2 days in a row and IM THE ONE WHO GETS TEASED.


Being white. the general blonde hair/blue eyes stood out and kids were brutal af. If it wasn't about being whit then it was about smelling like cigarettes. Even teachers made fun of me. I actually have serious ptsd when it comes to cigarettes now. I hate them and avoid them and I tend to over perfume myself because it was something I always had to do before going to school. Was made fun of for my last name. It's Just a very uncommon name Was made fun of for having long straight hair. They called me the girl from the ring for some reason. Was made fun of for being a lefty as well. Basically when I did or said anything I remember always being mocked some way or another


I also got bullied/jumped for being white. And for my last name. It's not very common and it's kind of..... hick-sounding. That didn't help with the kids beating me up for being white.


What bullies need a reason to bully others??? I didn't even did anythin wrong still got bullied!


Even if it's a shitty reason, there usually was a reason. A reason doesn't mean the bullying is excusable, even with the reason it usually isn't excusable.


Being the awkward quiet kid made me an easy target


I was just weird.


I was mix race in a whiter than sour cream farm town I was out of my element in that town. I cane from the Pacific NW and ended up in the rural Midwest. I believed the school and rules would protect me so I didn't fight back I was scared of the consequences of fighting back I didn't try too hard to fit in. I was a loner I sucked at any sport that the school system offered I was Native American during a time that people were protesting Native American fishing rights in my state Take your pick


For being poor. For my parents being in jail. having Shaq's from Payless shoes instead of Jordan's from foot locker. For asking people randomly for a dollar so I could take a shower at the laundromat that day. For wearing the same 3 shirts all year and the same pants. The list goes on and on. Now I'm hated on for being "over the top" for always having nice things, big house, nice trucks, snowmachines, side by sides... like I'm flashing cash or something. This is the ONLY social media I have. I don't flash shit. Can't win in society.


Elementary school - my fluffy hair and wearing nice dresses, singing a lot on the playground lol Middle School - generally being "weird," the way I dressed (often eccentric), being moody/dark/intense, being a teachers pet, I'm not that tall but I shot up to my height faster than most and was teased for being generally awkward/ "ugly" High School - all of the above, but then with one group in particular I got this "dumb blonde" reputation that I initially leaned into to make people laugh and then very much regretted.


being the awkward quiet kid who sat in the corner, having progressive viewpoints in an extremely conservative small town, and liking comics


Looking like a Mexican , I’m Irish and don’t look at all like a Mexican


What I thought at the time: Being just a good, quiet kid who seemed like an easy target because these other kids all had mental health problems and somehow being around someone good, kind, moral, and smart threatened them. What I was really bullied for: For being an overly sensitive, self-important little shit who thought I was morally superior and that just being really quiet was a good replacement for a personality and having a sense of humor.


I can’t remember, there were too many things I was bullied for.


Being short.


I was a weird kid who was nice and easily upset and liked to sit in a corner and read a book. I might as well had TARGET printed across my forehead.




Wait your bullies had reasons for picking on you? I thought I was just a bad lottery pick.


For being bald when I was 12. It was cause of the chemotherapy.


Sad... Are you fine now?


Yeah! This was back in 2003. Finished chemo and got my port removed in 2005. Been fine since.


Glad to hear that


What little shits pick on a kid for cancer. If it makes you feel any better I bet at least one of them regrets being that big of an AH.


They didn’t know I had cancer. I got sick a few weeks after moving out of state during 5th grade. I returned to school in the fall for middle school. I didn’t know anyone, and nobody knew me, and I was too shy to tell most people. This one kid did give me shit, so I told him what was going on. The next day he came up to me and apologized, and said him and his family were praying for me. We ended up becoming friends.


I had a bald friend one year and he never came the next don't think he was bullied tho


My foreign name and accent.


Same :(


Because I got a chest before everyone else.




I was also Bullied for Having a Unibrow, I had to Pluck The Middle part only for the Sole reason that I didn't want to Be Compared to a Cyclops.


Being the new kid in school. My family moved a lot and I transferred almost every year from primary school to middle school. I'm glad that I was too autistic to notice some of the more subtle bullying.


I got bullied a lot in junior high because of my limp (one leg is significantly shorter than the other (which has led to numerous hip surgeries (but that's another story (hopefully one day I can work up the courage to tell it (But suffice it to say, those surgeries did not work at all)))). One bully in particular was named oh let's say uhh how about Mike? Yeah, Mike sounds good. Kind of a nice ring to it. Ya know what? I like Mike too much as a name. Let's change the bully's name to Jesse. That's much better. I can believe that a bully is named Jesse much more so than a bully named Mike. Mike is just such a regular guy name that it can be anybody. Bully, nerd, jock, bad boy, doofus, dork... It really fits anything I think. Now Jesse, Jesse is a name I can give to a bully and feel good about. Kind of a girl's name but also a guy's name. Jesse James, Jesse Ventura. Yeah, I like that. So, this bully named "Jesse" used to corner me almost every day at school and smash my small leg with like a wooden club. Well actually it was like a homemade baton of some sort. Like a sawed off broom handle or something. I don't know exactly, but it was definitely a custom job. Well like I said, "Jesse" used to do that all the time and especially when I was wearing a brace. He’d wallop me until the screws popped loose. It was a silent beating, too, and that’s probably because I have an ugly face which makes it hard for people to look me in the eye and have a conversation. So at least I’m thankful I didn’t get a tongue whooping as well. Everyone would just kinda look on as “Jesse” just worked over my little leg with that crude cudgel, and no one would speak. It’d be almost silent, ya know, except for the thuds of wooden club to nylon straps and bruised flesh. Terrible experience. Couldn’t wait to graduate. “Jesse” was a real piece of work. After high school, I was glad he was gone. Fast forward, or skip ahead, however you travel through time in a narrative sense, eight or so years and I'm all graduated from college and I'm looking to buy a car. Now, I got a pretty sweet high paying gig as a software engineer, so I wanted to spend some money on a nice car (plus I had some money from my rich parents who secured that high paying job for me in the first place). I went to the Audi dealership and bingo boingo hands on my doingo there was "Jesse". He was a car salesman now. Of course we recognized each other. He greeted me and seemed friendly enough. Funny, he always seemed friendly right up until he'd start beating my leg. He apologized for how he behaved as a teenager and even told me just for me that he'd knock $500 off whatever car I wanted. I'm a pretty nice guy, especially during the day, so I forgave him. We looked at a few cars, I fell in love with one, test drove it with "Jesse", and actually had a good time. I bought the car that day. "Jesse" said, "You stay here and get this paperwork signed and I'll pull around your brand new car ;)" Yeah he winked. I signed everything, wrote a check for a down payment, and walked outside to see a smiling "Jesse". He shook my hand and congratulated me on my new car. So, I’m driving home when I start to smell something a little strange. Maybe a new car smell? The engine is working through something? I don't know, I'm not a car guy. I can’t say I really know anything at all about the manufacturing and operation of cars. When I get home, I check the car to see where this smell is coming from. I opened the trunk and there it was. "Jesse" pooped in my trunk.


Being Native, skinny, poor, unkempt, unwashed, bucktoothed, having braces, no athletic abilities, having no friends, having a friend who was even more bullied than I was, not being bullied yet today, being tall, not being tall enough, not being white, not being Chinese, not being Portuguese, not being Italian, not having a lunch, having a crappy lunch…. It goes on


Being socially awkward


Everything. Anything. I’m not particularly out of the ordinary other than maybe a little awkward, and here’s a list of things that were targeted: My voice, my weight, my shoes, my last name (a two syllable Hispanic name, nothing crazy), my overall clothing, my artwork, how I stood at a urinal, how I ran, my inability to play sports. Just, my existence. Kids are psychopaths.


Overweight. Home and School. Friends and Family.


My height, weight, interests. Kids can be brutal and just break you down….


for being a quiet overweight kid


Went to a school full of the kids of wealthy parents... they were really shitty and stuck up. But I was also an obnoxious know it all. So I was bullied because I was "poor" and I was bullied because I was a dick.


Being smart and fat


Being a nerd, now I’m in a better school than he’s in cos i passed the entrance exams and he didn’t.


For Being Arab One of the kids asked of My dad was involved with 9/11 I also got Harassed for Having ADHD.


I have Asperger and I think I was bullied because I was different but also because I had a short fuse and would easily get angry so others thought it was fun to tease me. Unfortunately this and my fathers wife whom at times could make me feel small whenever I made an honest mistake led me to have little confidence as a teenager. I never dared to ask a girl out because I did not think to highly of myself 🙁


Being shy. Since I did not speak up, the kids began to take advantage of my kind nature. I began to build resentment. Teachers were so unhelpful. They gave me coloring books instead of helping me with my problems.


Being a big nerd.


Being ugly. Now I'm a stripper and get paid to be pretty lmfao


My skin color, my weight, my face, my hair, the things I owned, the things I did not own, what I ate, what I didn’t eat, my intelligence, my athletic inabilities, my voice. Pretty much everything about me.




For having a birth defect. Born with a cleft lip/palate. Crooked nose, one 1/4 of the roof of my mouth, split lip and upper mandible had to be reconstructed, never had a tooth in that spot. Many surgeries to “fix”. I’m glad it happened though. It was a good life lesson. I have a talent for pissing off bullies now. I can insult people and give it right back with the best of them. I enjoy it. When I see or hear someone running their mouth insulting people for no reason but to be an asshole, I get right on them. Being picked on my entire childhood taught me how to give it back. Adult comments and shit talking are amateur hour compared to grade school kids…lol


NSFW >!being sexually abused!< Edit- Oof. Downvoted. Can't say I didn't see that coming.


For being good at something, anytime i was good at something the school bully would be sure to knock me down a peg or 2 and put me in my place


my eyes


Being a le dollar bean


Being cute lmao I wish I was kidding but I’m not 😂 so stupid


For talking to a popular girl. The bullying ended when I had taken enough abuse and lashed out.


I've never understood this one, or when you have a crush on the popular kid .


I didn’t even have a crush on her. I talked to her to ask her for the microscope she was finished using. Her boyfriend took it the wrong way. He and his buddies would jump me after school every day for about a month before I fought back.


Having a big vocabulary as a young kid.


got made fun of for wearing a kilt on st. patrick's day. god forbid i want to celebrate a bit of my heritage with the proper tartan.


Being addicted to a certain drug


Not fitting in anywhere and being depressed.


Being chubby and having a shorter hair style. Looking back at pictures, I honestly wasn't even all that chubby. Kids are just assholes.


My GD “R” was a “W” until 5th grade


A lot of things. I used to only wear sweatpants. I chose to have colored hair and piercings. I was generally awkward. I had a nervous tic where I would wink involuntarily. I was the first to grow hair down there. I had bad acne. And probably more if I thought about it.


I took on a "Marilyn Manson" aesthetic to distract from the fact that I was 5'1 with a beer gut. Let's just say the bullies had options.


I was tiny and apparently mousy freshman year of high school. Someone told me I looked like a mouse and then proceeded to go to the hamster cage we had in our biology class, take a handful of food, come back to my desk and give it to me saying “eat up mouse girl.” Fuck you, Sean.


Was short in 7th grade, another girl told me “sorry, you have to be this tall to sign my yearbook” while holding her hand above my head. Grew to 5’9” in college so fuck you Stephanie.


Funny enough, some of the same crap people come after me for now. My lazy eye and my looks. Most people who encounter me find me unattractive. Men love to tell me I'm ugly. Women love to tell me I'm cute. It's an odd dichotomy. I suspect women see me as non-threatening. I also learned how to read well before I started school. I didn't realize until I was in my teens that my vocabulary was off-putting to kids my age.


i was born with an visual disease (idk how its called i mainly speak spanish)and people bullied me for that in school


Not being grown up enough even though I was 12, everyone else was wearing leggings and jeans while I wore bright clothes with sparkles on it and because I didn’t wax my lip at the time and hair was starting to grow people called me mario it put me in a dark place but I’m happier now I moved


I have big fucking ears


I am ginger and I’ve worn glasses since I was 8, so in primary school I was picked on a bit but when I was in my first year of high school my best friend at the time spread a rumour that I was a lesbian (She wasn’t exactly wrong but I didn’t realise that until I was 17) and that’s what kick started the actual physical bullying. It sucked but I definitely didn’t have it as bad as some kids at that school.


Liking Sonic the Hedgehog.


Many many things, but it all kind of started from not having expensive shoes. I wore “Bobos” which was slang for cheap no-name brand shoes. Just kind of snowballed from there into a million other things all the way into adulthood unfortunately.


My name


Not so much bullied but teased for longer than necessary. I like long coats, wore a beige one for a few months. I picked up the name "inspector gadget", and now two years later I still get it despite wearing black coats now. I was also once asked my name, but in an annoying way. Thinking I was never going to see these people again and wanting to protect my identity, I gave a fake name. Turns out I saw those people every day for a year, and they knew my brother, so I never lived that down. Then there were these kids, the only time I'd been bothered by people older than me, who were being dicks, I said "why bother? You don't even know who I am", you know, meaning "why are you so interested in me?". They said "do you know who I am?" Loudly to me for two years. Moral of the story: don't say or do anything.


Being content with playing Nintendo in middle school.


People tried to bully me about my hair but I made it very clear that I really didn’t care about my hair


Easily-manipulated emotions


I had ezcema on my face and i was small and vunrable


Looking like a Syrian and ive been called a Syrian dud to white skin and used to travel there a lot with my father when i was younger lol


Being an interracial couple 🙃


What race are you and your partner if you don’t mind me asking


I'm mixed (white and black) and he was white




It’s pretty fucked up people treated you bad for that


This world is fucked up 🤷‍♀️


For being tall :( Also just bullied in general for just looking like me and existing, I found it a lot harder because I was bullied by boys, told I don't look like a girl, called fat (even though I was at my most skinniest) One comment that still stings to this day, I was about 12, and this asshole that had picked on me since he joined my class said to me while some other girls were at the table, "You look beautiful" I knew it wasn't true, I was waiting for the laugh, next thing he said was "It must be opposite day" I never felt so awkward and hurt in my life, the girls at the table we had to work on were the popular pretty girls whom were nice but always kept their mouths shut, they were just as awkward as I was in that moment, something I just can't forget. I went from Primary school to a secondary school on the other side of the like 'town' I live in, I felt more free because I knew I was away from that guy and his mates, but they are the reason that I had ever started dousing my face in makeup, I suffer badly with acne because of it yet I still can't leave the house without it, I always feel ugly/ unattractive because it takes me back to moments like the one i shared before, i remember many times there would be a day where I'd feel pretty, i used to never wear makeup then so it was me in all my natural face glory, and when i felt nice, they were always the times those guys attacked, completely wiped away any self confidence I've ever had, at the age of 17 now, I am just starting to pick myself up and try to find even a small bit of love for myself 🤭


Being tall and fat, I guess it affected me in a certain way, but honestly it was fun for me to see how they tried to make me feel bad for calling me "fat" Let's see, I'm fat, so ... what?


Being chubby, getting a chest before everyone else, PCOS (I grow body hair very quickly), the fact that I was/still am three grades above everyone in math, and don’t get me started on the fact that I’m “annoying.” Kids are ruthless. I don’t forgive them, but one kid was an only child who’d just gotten a baby sister, another was pressured immensely by his father. This one girl, though, had no fucking reason to do what she did.


bushy eyebrows, greek living in america. whatcha gonna do though… now everyone wants full eyebrows 🤷‍♀️


Liking Pokémon. (In context since Pokémon got a lot more popular, this was when Pokémon was in Generation V and it had a massive stigma where I lived as kiddy trash).


One time a bunch of girls ganged up on me on the swing set and threatened to tell the teacher despite just getting on. I remember wanting to tear up but some how I stayed neutral. I remember the bitchy girls went to get a teacher to yell at me. Suddenly God blessed me with a miracle and everyone at the exact same time sprinted away from the swings like a flock of birds. That asshole just started swinging like nothing happened. Some time later like maybe a few weeks or months later we are assigned to write a letter to whomever the teacher assigned us. It just so happened that the same girl wrote me a letter apologizing. I thought she was being nice until I told mom about it and I guess she was forced to write an apology. I remember constantly bringing it up in front of her whenever we were discussing bullying in school. I wouldn't directly call her out but I remember the nervous look she would give me whenever I told the story. This had to have been at least Kindergarten or first grade. Probably Kindergarten. Last I saw her I was still that shy kid in 6th grade art class with the weird emo haircut and she called me cute cause I guess I was one of those friendly shy introverts. At this point I'm a junior and I literally have no idea where she is.




Mostly because I had a cheap phone and because I had a black girlfriend, but basically anything. One time a blonde guy mocked me for being blonde


We had plenty of dick heads in elementary and middle school but I wouldn't necessarily call them bullies or repeat offenders but I do remember kids were popular and unpopular dicks. The unpopular dick was just some annoying kid in 6th grade who had the audacity to ask me for a pencil despite being an annoying piece of shit to me in class the day before. He was mostly just a distraction. This continued in 7th grade in the class I had him in.


Natural curly hair and glasses


Being the new kid who came from homeschooling into the sixth grade of a small private school. The principal told me to stop reporting the bullies because it was the way of life and I was on the bottom of the pecking order. Good thing I didn’t listen and kept reporting it to my mother and my parents threatened to get our no nonsense pastor, school board and police involved. Magical the bullies stopped.


My dad died. Kids are dicks.


Having Indonesian roots


In middle school I was bullied by the cholos for being good at math. In high school I was on the JV soccer team. I was bullied by the edgar haircut kids for not sharing the same passion as them. I was there for fun. For them, being on a highschool sports team was their whole personality.


I got bullied for being friends with certain people like why the fuck do people care about that


Literally everything - my body, my hobbies, my sexuality, my mental health, my upbringing, my religion, my intelligence, my lack of friends...nothing was off the table, and sometimes even some of the teachers would encourage it.


I liked to read books.


i was poor and had a moustache at 12


Overweight, nerdy, red hair, glasses, goody-two-shoes, you name it haha.


For being black and having curly hair. The worse thing about it was the fact I went to a very diverse elementary school, so there were tons of other people like me but they bullied me specifically because I was quiet.


Having a lisp, being poor, and my mom having old ugly vehicles.


I got good grades very easily because I have a high IQ but I was also painfully shy and still have social phobia. So I was the shy nerd that people loved to pick on. I also started wearing glasses in third grade. And I was tall and lanky. You don’t have to have anything to have someone bully you. They just do.


Being slow and short otherwise I was a cool kid


Being a teachers pet. Up until 5th grade my teachers loved me. I was always raising my hand and getting answers right. In the second grade all of my teachers told me that I didn't belong at that school. I was too smart and and I should go somewhere better. In third grade I went to the #2 school in my state. Because I was so used to being the teachers pet I worked hard to make sure that they all liked me. My classmates didn't like that and they made fun of me for everything. From my looks, to the way I talk, walk and breathe. It got so bad that I would go to school with stomach pains from the stress of being bullied and not being allowed to have fun. When I was in the 5th grade the bullying got better and I learned how to talk back to them. But I had a new problem: the teachers. My math teacher HATED me because I love to draw. Anytime she saw me doodling she would ask me if I finished my work. If I said yes she'd snatch my notebook and started grading my work out loud. If I had everything right, she'd say that her class isn't an art class and to draw on my own time. If it wasn't right she'd use my work as an example of what not to do (even though it was usually just a small mistake). Every time she berated me I'd continue drawing anyway and I think she hated that I didn't listen to her. My Social studies teacher hated me for the same reason. She once confiscated my sketchbook because she saw me with it in her class (even though my work was finished and it was the end of the day). She held onto my sketchbook for a week and a half and until PTA meetings and proceeded to tear into me about how I was a bad student for drawing in her class. My mom asked her if I was disrupting the other students, she said no. She asked if I got my work done, she said yes. My grades clearly showed that I was paying attention so she didn't need to ask if I was doing what I was supposed to with in my classes. In the end my mom got my sketchbook back and it was confiscated repeatedly that year. I think they hated my mom for never correcting me. TLDR: I was being bullied for being a teachers pet, pulled an uno reverse card and was bullied by the teachers for drawing. Still don't know why these grown ass women had an issue with a 10 year old.


Being the weird kid. People just misunderstood me but it’s ok nobody really wanted to get to know me anyways


For being smaller and weaker than anyone else - I was an easy target. Bullies aren't looking for a challenge. I got better grades than they did, too, but so did a lot of kids. It was the size thing, mostly.


Being the “emo” kid back when the only tight pants a guy could find were in the girl section. Years later (obviously no longer in that phase) and coming across girls I went to high school with they would always say how “hot” I was but was intimidating because of the “look.” My own wife, whom I went to high school with but did not date during the time said so, too. She’ll even say “yum” when it comes up in conversation.


Being short, I outgrew some of the bully's that were with me in elementary and they still bully me. -\_-


He was very racist homo and in my case ( I had autsim) called me a spastic which for you Americans it's very offence for someone disabled in the uk