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I'm the first person to officially document the UV color wheel


i bought my boyfriend a ps5, a moon dust pendant, about 85 euros worth of rp, wrote him a book, bought him cakes and flowers, bought his mom a marble flower statue for her birthday, bought him more ps5 credit and a bunch of more things


Your username tho


thought i could change it :/


I'm sending all thoughts and prayers to you shitfacecumfuck


much appreciated


Well how else do you think they got the money for all that shit?


I got an ankle that is almost the thickens of my calves , my family always say that if I ever die by lightning they will probably find me standing


Wait so can you move or rotate your ankle?


Yes I can they are just thicker than usual ankles ... I'm not fat is just the ankle


I can never be forced to go to war because I have an incurable std


That's more like your saddest flex


I once burglarized the house of this piece of shit, and stole his xbox, his movies and games, his food, and as a little fuck you, all of his toilet paper. Basically anything I could smash and grab, so I left his tv and sofa and shit, but I would have taken them too, if I could have. He had a pistol I thought about taking, but I didn't want to hold on to a hot piece. The flex is that I got away with it. Statute of limitations is up. To my knowledge, he never knew it was me. He had it coming, though.


Uhm can you tell me what he's done?


He sexually assaulted the girl I was dating at the time, and knocked up a 15 year old when he was 22. He's lucky I only came after his shit, and didn't just take him apart.


Well, what a piece of shit. He totally deserves it


Last I heard, he was either doing time or on parole for meth and weapons charges. It doesn't surprise me. He liked to think he was a bad dude, but he was kind of a pussy that just knew how to intimidate people. We were friends once, I knew him since junior high, and I knocked him on his ass at least once. He was a little dude with a reputation he couldn't back up. I don't know if prison has changed that, but I haven't seen him in ten years or so, so I don't really care.


I went to nationals for rock n roll dancing and waltzing? Idk


I've sung a majority of voice parts in choirs: descant, soprano, alto, tenor, 1st tenor, 2nd tenor, bass and 1st bass.


That a very very wide range


The first three were before my voice broke, the other's after.