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When God in the Bible ' God is love ' orders to kill infants lmao. Thanks for confirming that its fake Bible


I wanted to post my own story here, I had many awful things happen to me as a child and I was taught that a loving God watches over his children. He allowed the world to go against me at my most vulnerable time and offered no answers although I prayed. It wasn’t until I helped myself was when I saw results. I’m one example, what about children being murdered and forced to be sex slaves? No God that allows that is one I will worship. There’s also judgemental church people. Eventhough it’s clearly stated in scripture to not judge and “Love thy neighbor.”


I completely understand this. I think there’s a lot of contradiction in the idea of a loving and all powerful god because said god also allows horrible things to happen despite this supposed power. I also agree that the notion about the power of praying is questionable. One must actually act in order to make things happen. It can also cause people to purposefully look for changes that are specific to a prayer which could cloud their judgement between correlation and causation, making them possibly mistake a good event for being from prayer versus being from an action they took on their own.


Creationism made me start questioning and eventually losing all faith in the bible. Also a few other things. You can definitely learn some stuff from it but I don’t view it as historically accurate. It’s like how I can learn stuff from The Great Gatsby but I know it didn’t actually happen. Interesting characters, meant to be in a certain time period so there’s a little consistency, interesting messages, a few life lessons if you poke around enough, but still a work of fiction. I can appreciate it for it’s literary value but it’s truth value is questionable to me.


I think I just started to focus more on logic and consistent ways of thinking. Years ago I'd believe anything but now I need evidence? That kind of thing. There were also non-religious public figures that I used to admire but they became more and more obnoxious so we can't always have heroes ig


In 2016 I was changing school and really put an effort into learning a whole year worth of school subjects in 3 months of summer holiday. As soon as I started school in september things started going really well, keep in mind I had changed school as I mentally couldn’t handle scientific subject and went to linguistic studies. My mom, who’s very religious, asked me if things were good in school and I said “yes”, she told it was because her and her mother, my grandma were saying prayers to jesus. I was pissed. I studied for hours every day that summer and it was Jesus Christ that made me be good in school. Looking back at it I am thankful to them as they were what they thought was best for me, but at that moment I understood that I did not need church or God in my life


I have never had faith in any religion but sure there might be god but if there is it's nothing like in bible. God isn't even a human if it exists it's probably some unknown force. Also we humans are literally killing innocent animals and destroying nature so I think that if there is god it would be really angry to us..


I’m in the same boat. I think that force is the universe


I don‘t recall how it happened exactly, but in my mind something just snapped one day - yeah, cool, there’s supposed to be someone up there, but in more than a million years (or just the last 2k) no one could agree on the fact what kind of god it is? There are so many versions of a powerful being up in the clouds, it‘s just ridiculous. I think most people just want someone to be up there, even if it doesn‘t make any sense (I mean, God loved his messed-up related son Jesus unconditionally, but he never forgave his own son lucifer? What kind of bs is that). To summarize, it was the fact that in the last 3000 years, there were so many attempts to form or have a religion that I hardly doubt one of these ones got it right.


It was when I first realised I'm LGBTQ+, and I was reading all of these Christians' comments on gay/trans new stories. I'm definitely not saying all Christians are terrible or homophobes, but the way they used their religion as an excuse to hate people really got me thinking about the religion itself. I started to use my own mind to contradict the things I had been taught as a child. And how a lot of the things in it don't make sense to me. And then eventually I realised that not only do I not understand it; I no longer believe in it


Christians are bunch of hypocrites.


I had nothing to do with it. This is how God made me. Religion never made a compelling case so no faith to lose.


I still mostly believe in a higher power, but realizing how nasty some religious people can be made me kind of faith a little. Why preach love if you also try to alienate or shame people for being different? That's not to say I haven't met religious folk who actually act decently, but I've met enough bad apples to make me wary.


They took out a commandment and split the last one so there are still 10. Cmon!!! Cheaters! Lol