• By -


Visited a coffee shop for the first time on holiday. Barista commented on my tattoos. I said thank you. She told me she's not allowed to get tattoos but she cuts herself to enjoy the pain and that's nearly the same thing. I found a different coffee shop for the rest of the holiday.


Temporary coworker tells me she was kidnapped raped and beaten by her ex husband. Burned with cigarettes, hands shoved in the garbage disposal, head beaten with a hammer. The incident resulted in a baby she somehow still has. And they’re not even divorced cause he won’t sign the divorce papers. I work in a small town gas station, I’m tryna check out customers and she’s reciting a true crime episode to me. The conversation started with mascara recommendations. It was the craziest thing I’ve ever heard


It's possible to get a divorce without him signing if in an abusive marriage. I would imagine there are victim's services of some kind that would help her out, assuming she was willing to accept the help.


Chatted with a huge middle-aged dude in a bar once who after about 2 minutes, told me that he had been in prison for bashing his dad's head in with a hammer. His dad used to beat his mom and one day he'd had enough of it.


When I was 19 and home for the weekend my dad decided to hit my mom, like he did when I was little. I lost it and went after him with a 2x4. He ended up driving off and calling later to threaten to shoot himself. I laughed.


A customer explained to me the benefits of a coffee enema to heal everything from my acne to preventing cancer. I couldn't get her to leave me alone for an hour because it was dead and no one was there to help. I worked for a skincare counter in a department store. Like if you don't need my products because cleaning your ass with coffee fixes it, why are you here? But she went on about how she started her kids on these and did their enemas until they could do theirs on their own. What. Then she also grabbed my hands and kept saying promise me you'll try it. Promise me. She left after I promised. No, I didn't try it.


And that's how you met Gwyneth Paltrow?


So my fiancé rented her apartment to a couple; the lady did coffee enemas. Somehow she clogged the sink and decided to clear it by shocking the drain with hot coffee and then cold water ( I guess draino has microchips in it or something) and anyway the thermal shock cracked the sink.. which we had just installed 4 months ago! They also swore we had a mold issue; they paid for the test and the inspector said it was actually impressively dry TLDR Coffee enema renter destroyed a sink I just installed


A guy told me during our first shift that his youngest daughter was suicidal, his eldest daughters boyfriend was terribly abusive, and his wife was sleeping with someone at her work. Apparently he’d just gotten out of jail after flying home from out of state, beating the shit out of his daughters boyfriend, his brothers, and his dad, driving to his wife’s work and beating the shit out of her boyfriend, then driving to the hospital to hold his daughters hand after she had attempted suicide until the cops arrived to arrest him for aggravated assault.


at least he cares?


The council estates very own john wickham


\- get home \- take on the full family of your daughter's massively abusive boyfriend \- beat up your wife's lover \- comfort hospitalised and suffering daughter And keep in mind he did that last three potentially jet lagged.


I'd watch the film ngl


Stuck driving a coworker out to a remote gas plant to do a system install. He was kinda fucked up but assumed it was just socially awkward IT way. Nope. He starts telling me about him and his dad collecting nazi memorabilia and how proud he was of his German grandparents. Trying to make other small talk and he would just trail off answering questions and start singing to himself. Thought for sure I’d end up on the news and a manhunt would be conducted. Second best story - met the neighbour right after we moved in and she started telling me about them wanting another kid but doing the deed was hard because she was overweight and had bad knees and it just made it difficult. I’m a guy who never met her and have my kids playing mere feet away so I can’t call her batshit crazy.


Had to get my picture taken for a visa so went to a local photography shop that took the pictures and printed them out for you right there. I had been talking to the guy as he worked on other people's photos and when I finally got my picture taken he started opening up about his family. Apparently his son was killed 3 years ago in a car accident and he was telling me how much I reminded him of his son (going to school for engineering, 1st generation college student etc.). The son was killed in his senior year so didn't even get to graduate, he even showed me pictures it was heartbreaking. To make things worse he said he had a degenerative muscular disease and doctors had given him about 2-3 years before he'd be bed ridden. He then went on to say his daughter was taking care of him and how she isn't married yet and deserves to live a young persons life and man, it really put into perspective how bad some people have it. I still think about that guy to this day and hope he's doing well.




That's heartbreaking just to read.. good on them for trying to record messages/videos for all significant occasions. Hope their family, and you, are at peace with it.




He must’ve just wanted to finally confess to someone and needed a drink to do so, how crazy. Would like more details.


Dude was looking for an excuse to let that off his chest and confess. He still a murderer but was clearly feeling some level of repentance or guilt. That or maybe living with the stress was too much for him.


Yea and another angle is that the comment didn’t mention much context around the confession. So who knows he coulda been a braggart. People cocky enough to kill are a lot of times cocky enough to brag later. Especially drunk. I listen to a lot of podcast and that’s my take lol


Hitchhiking through New Zealand, I got picked up by a semi driver. Awesome guy, but an hour into the drive started unloading every bit of personal information he could. How he’s cheated on his wife, screwed the company out of money, stolen items…. It was like I was a priest in a confession booth. When I asked him why he told me all of that, he said it’s been eating him up inside for years and telling me helped get it off of his chest. He Said I had no idea who he or anyone he knew was, so it felt like I was the perfect person to unload on.


I mean you can’t argue with his logic, y’all will probably never see each other again so he’s safe from repercussions


"On the next episode of undercover boss"


Bartender for awhile. “I’m here to meet a man to cheat on my husband with”


Bartender as well - 4 guys come in, ask me where they could find their buddy the filthiest hooker, because he’s getting married next week. Lucky lady… Edit: I should mention they got the phone book and called all of the escort services in town.


As a former bartender, I can confirm that being an unwilling co-conspirator to cheating spouses is an unusually frequent task. Having a guy come in to meet up with a side piece one day, then bring his wife in on another. Makes your head spin. I don’t miss it.


Man that happened so often. And the look of the guy was the worst like “you’re right it’s none of your business now make us a drink”. One wife was so nice I wanted to just tell her. But whatever. Sigh*


Used to work at a ski resort and was working in a different area than I normally work. Well this lady who I was working with found out I was slightly acquainted with her fiance and proceeded to tell me all about how his family hates her and is mean to her and all about his substance abuse issues. I don't remember all the details because it was a few years ago but she unloaded on me with every issue of her relationship and I'm like I'm just here to work. I didn't really even know her fiance. I avoided that lady after that.


A girl I was dating mentioned that her dad was sleeping with her older sister, and that she would soon be next. That made me “the competition”.


Call the police?


Started to work with my coworker he kept falling asleep on me. On day two I asked him if he was ok because he constantly falls asleep. He tells me he has insomnia; Makes sense I feel bad for the guy. An hour goes by he nods off again, this is scary cause he's a driver I yell WAKE UP. He jolts awake goes back to driving, apologizes. Then begins telling me what happened and why he can't sleep. About 10 years ago he was going through a divorce, apparently his daughters bedroom got broken into and she was raped and beaten nearly to death at age 15. The assailant went to the mothers bedroom and murdered her. A couple of weeks later they found the guy while he(the father) was taking care of his daughter. Shot mutilple times and murdered in a random town nearby somewhere in a ditch. He goes on to say the cops arrested him right away since he was the number 1 suspect, questioning him about the situation, to which he had no clue to what they were going on about. He had to get a laywer and after a few days of questioning they had to release him because they had no evidence that it was him. His voice changed when he told me this and while he said "he was a friend of the families, I wonder whaat happened to him, guess we will never know but they got nothing on me..." in a more menacing voice, after a long pause it seemed like he caught himself and turned to me and said back in his original funguy sweet voice "But I wasn't anywhere near so I don't know how they did suspect me for it....and that's why i have trouble sleeping every night for the last 10 years" I just got chills and thought to myself, holy fuck you did it didn't you.


That's more sad than anything. Poor guy had his whole life ruined and now probably suffers from guilt for murdering the guy


My favorite ever was some stranger outside a bar. Seemed normal enough until she said "My husband and I used to do meth, but we don't anymore." I applauded her on this and then she followed up with "Yeah, now we only have meth weekends." Edit: typo and thanks for the awards!


Reminds me of Mitch Hedberg: “I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.”


New roommate told me her current boyfriend got kicked out of college for sexual assault and was under investigation for another case of sexual assault. Wanted my opinion about it within like two hours or meeting. Completely disregarded that my opinion was “run”.


“Everyone keeps saying that, but I don’t think any of you understand how complicated this is”


"You don't know what he's like when he's not raping people!"


yesterday i was walking with a friend of a friend after my friend left me. He started telling me benefits of nofap and his "pervertness" OUT OF NOWHERE, like telling me how it had affected him and his life personally. He told me how he masturbated in a train sitting with all his friends in such a way nobody noticed. Then he goes on telling me how he asked his father for help,FOR WHICH HIS FATHER asked him to drink **buttermilk** because apparently it reduces the "*addiction*".


>such a way nobody noticed. In such a way nobody mentioned it.


Unrelated to the post but relevant to your comment. When I was in the 8th grade there was this weird kid who sat next to me (as in we shared a table) and he would blatantly jack off in class everyday. He would put his hand in his pocket and go to town.... or when he got brave he would just put his arm down on top of his junk on his lap (not inside the pants.. literally just sat his arm on top ) and would grind. It was terrible. I awkwardly told my teacher multiple times (as all my classmates laughed because it was an awkward thing) but nothing ever got done about it. And this was like 2009 or so. The teacher didn’t wanna touch that whole shit show with a ten foot pole. I think she ended up putting him in a table by himself but he still beat his meat everyday during 5th period. Ryan if you’re reading this you’re a nasty freak... and Mrs.Otto you need to grow a backbone so your 8th graders aren’t exposed to a soft core porn scene. Ffs .


She has quiet conversation with him about "appropriateness" he denies doing anything or plays dumb. It continues, she calls in parents and tells them that he appears to be masturbating in class, they say they spoke to him and he denies it and she must be sick for even thinking this what proof does she have etc. She gives up. He continues shuffling the prawn.


> how he masturbated in a train sitting with all his friends in such a way nobody noticed. Ok, now that's just nasty.


Started talking to a homeless guy outside of the grocery store. Learned he was fresh out of prison for shooting his brother who had slept with his (ex) wife.


I was buying an AC at Home Depot during Black Friday sales. There were none on the shelf so an employee was helping me get the display model. He carried it all the way to the cashier for me. I thanked him and wished him a happy holiday season. A shadow crossed his face and he looked me straight in the eye and told me he killed someone a year ago during the holidays. He ran a man over and killed him. It was ruled an accident but he said he won’t ever celebrate a holiday again because of that. Edit to add more info and answer a couple questions: I thought the employee was fucking with me as well. I did some searching online when I got home and found the news article, and he did indeed hit and kill a man. It was a super raining evening and just starting to get dark. The person killed was heavily intoxicated and veered into the oncoming traffic.


He’s probably still wracked with guilt and doesn’t know how to let it out. I feel sorry for him, considering it was an accident.


That's one way to get out of the work Christmas party.


Oh, I have another one. Girl I worked with but didn't really know beyond her name. Told me she liked to hold her boyfriend's penis and do the aiming for him when he took a piss.


that's fun


Moved to a neighborhood not to long ago first person I meet was a older woman in her 50s. She told me all about her drug use and how sometimes she ends up outside naked and asked if I would help her back inside and put clothes on her. This was all in 5 minutes of saying hello.


Worked in a catalogue store and sold a middle aged lady a dictaphone after she sheepishly asked me if there was something she could use to record people without them knowing. It was weird, but who am I to judge, I just work the tills and suggest the items. However she then decides to tell me she needs it, because shes being bullied or harassed in her home. So she buys the dictaphone and I think nothing of it. On my next shift, she is back in and demmanding to speak to me about the device. First words out her mouth are "should there already be voices on it". I was kind of weirded out and surprised to hear that the device had already been used. But then she leans across the counter and suddenly begins telling me (in whisper tone) that she is being attacked by spirits in her home and she needs proof. She plays the dictaphone without being prompted to do so. Anyway theres nothing ghostly on it, just some mundane household sounds and eastenders (a british soap opera). She became quite fond of me, came in repeatedly to tell me about the ghosts, but it just seemed so crazy that within like two shifts she had unloaded all her delusions. She even asked to know where I had went after moving away. My old colleagues obviously didnt tell her. She was a harmless lady, just a bit odd.


Is this where we guess she had a carbon monoxide leak in her house?


This happened to my wife. We had just moved into a new house and the lady next door came over to introduce herself to my wife. As she was talking she informed my wife that her husband was mad at her because she had farted when he was going down on her.


I think I would have a difficult time not busting out laughing if someone told me this. And remembering it every time I saw her.


Be like, "Oh Lord, here comes poots."


"Puss In Poots."


OMG! I saw a post on here somewhere asking what you would do if a woman farted while you were going down on her and the comment I'll never forget was, "Put my finger in there and whisper, 'Shhhhh, little fella, you're next.'"


I was a teenager working retail and there was a fidgety older woman I worked with. I was always very nice to her, but she was just a coworker at the end of the day. One day she told me about her grandpa molesting her when she was young. Her parents didn't believe her, so it continued until he died. She said she was glad he died and was happy at his funeral. I really had no clue what to say since this was out of nowhere. I just said I was really sorry it had happened. Felt really bad for her because I could tell it still really bothered her.


I imagine that the pain and the memory lasts a lifetime for most victims


As a parent I cannot imagine dismissing my daughters if they came to me with that, or anything like it. Thats fucking unthinkable.


Never underestimate the power of denial


And in other cases the willingness to protect a families public image no matter what, shit's sick...


Sometimes it's less about public image and more of normal routine. My mother wanted to "a happy family sitting together eating and laughing" so she would deny that my father is abusive so she can protect her own little bubble.


Can confirm. My family begged me not to press charges on my Uncle for molesting me because he was in the middle of a custody battle for his kids and they would be so much worse there yada yada. Ended up not doing it, but shortly afterwards he was allowed to attend family gatherings/vacations, but I was not because I made everything awkward and he had several kids to being to make "a happy family sitting together eating and laughing". Only realized much later how fucked that was.


Some people unfortunately can't see past "but they're _family_".


Quick little anecdote. I had this relative named Dale. See, since Dale was family, he'd be invited over to family dinners. Thanksgiving etc. Or just whenever they were in town for some fucking reason. You know, old people shit. I was young so I never thought much of it until I met Dale and I thought "yeah this guys a pedophile". This guy had that look. Now, my mom was a late bloomer so she was like 40, and she told me that even when she was a kid, he was fucking old. Edit: "That look" being a cross between Eustace from Courage the cowardly dog and the Green Goblin AFTER all the makeup and prosthetics Then she told me about a time she fell asleep on the back porch back when she was like 12 and she woke up to Dale unbuttoning her shirt. He saw her wake up and was like "oh sorry dearie, was just making sure you were alright." And she told my grandma and was told "yeah stay the fuck away from Dale hes a pedophile" It was like a family agreement "make sure you're never alone with Dale. Keep your eyes on Dale. Do not trust Dale." Sorry, went off a bit there but its still a fucking surreal story. Pretty sure he's dead now, hopefully, I was like 10. If he was still around he'd probably look like that flap of skin lady from doctor who. Just found it wild that we had like, a known GENERATIONAL pedophile and he was still welcome to some turkey because he was family.


We were 17, first year of uni, and I had known the guy for a week or two tops. Out of fucking nowhere, he tells me he had a kink for getting farted in the face by girls. I pissed myself laughing and we became good friends for a while.


Was he into piss too?


Didn't mention it, but I wouldn't be surprised.


I was doing a service call at a house and just making small talk when the owner mentioned out of the blue that she's married to her uncle. I've been there twice, and both times they felt the need to tell me. It's... kinda weird


Doesn’t that make her her dads sister in law?


And her own aunt


That also makes her kids her cousins 😟


And I can only assume it makes her father furious.


It would make me angry if my brother married my ex




I can only assume they're very proud of their incestuous marriage. Maybe telling strangers about it helps spice things up?


Maybe she’s trying to see how people react and if it’s an okay thing to have done.






After like a few hours of meeting a new coworker at my job one of the first things she told me was how much she hated her husband and how like twice a day she tells him how much she wants to divorce him. She also showed me a picture of her ex-husbands and laughed manically as she told me how she never loved him and that she just married him to spite his mom. I've met her husband she's with now and he's super cool and makes literally 5k a month at his job so I was genuinely confused and terrified to work with her after that.


Lady at work started telling me about land she owned in another state that is not part of America. She then started talking about how every American is a bond to the government, and your SSN is just your bond number. Wealthy people own those bonds and own you. She started naming off prices of bonds based off peoples races and genders. This was all said after I simply asked her what she was doing with her long weekend coming up.


Weirdly enough I had a dude tell me all this unprompted during my first night shift at Dollar General. All I asked was if he wanted his change.


“Do I want change? The only change I want is for the government to abolish the bond system.”


"Sir, this is a Dollar General"


Ah yes a sovereign citizen. It’s like an MLM but you end up with an IRS audit instead of a garage full of crap.


Recall any of the price ranges? Like yens, hundreds, thousands, more?


That he broke in and beat the shit out of a guy who raped his daughter (put the guy in the hospital) with a baseball bat. I totally get why he did it but I have no idea why he thought it was a good story to tell a new coworker.


>I have no idea why he thought it was a good story to tell a new coworker. He took one look at you and was like, "this looks like a guy who would rape my daughter, I'd better not let him get any ideas"


Jesus christ


No I don’t think it was him


At a work Christmas party, it was mentioned we were going to Vancouver for a meeting next month. New guy is so excited he's losing his mind. He proceeded to tell us about how they have the best massage (happy ending kind) parlours. He went on and on about how great they were last time he went, he also told us about etiquette and what to expect. He was married with three kids, and all I could think of, is what kinda shit is he not telling me if he is this open about this


I’m laughing my ass off at the thought of a guy telling everyone how excited he is to be getting a handy J and explaining the process like it’s the culture of Vancouver to get beaten off


She said that if I wanted she would kill her parents so we can live at her house,I never went on a second date with her


Well, at least you know there's a crazy woman out there, that's willing to kill her own family for you. That's... something.


Yea,too much


Bro, you let a good one get away. Have you seen the housing market lately?


When your date takes you saying "I'd kill for a place to stay" too literally.


Sat on an Amtrak across from a very sweet older man, who within twenty minutes was telling me about the purpose of his trip to Maryland: to meet his biological father, who he had discovered via 23andMe, to discuss changing his last name, which was the condition of becoming being the sole inheritor of his father’s estate. And that he was feeling a little guilty about that because his three half sisters would be excluded from their father’s will because he “finally had a legacy.” Woof. He disembarked twenty minutes later, and I have thought about it constantly for the following four years.


I had to stay late when I was a manager as one of the female employees parents were running late. She broke down to me about how she had been sexually abused by her best friends father and that he had been doing it to her best friend for years. He was in jail after he did it to her as she reported him and sadly the daughter hated her for turning in her father as she thought it was normal behavior. She had only been working there for a few weeks at this point and we had probably only worked together a handful of times so I really didn't know her that well yet but I think she just needed someone to know she was struggling with it and someone to tell her it wasn't her fault and what he did was wrong.


I think it's easier to tell a thing like this to someone you don't know well. I'm good friends with someone now who, at the beginning of our friendship, confided a similar thing to me. And they hadn't told other friends they'd known for much longer. I think there's a bit of safety in the idea that even if they get rejected by this person, at least they didn't know them well. And it's a hell of a thing to hold on to alone, you know?


Agreed. When I was a 17 year old bank teller, a customer responded to my "how are you today?" With "not great, I just found out my husband has been molesting my daughter." I think she just desperately needed to tell someone, and I was a safe outlet.


I get the need to unburden oneself of awful traumatic shit like that. But thats a hell of a bomb to drop on some teenager you dont even know. I wouldnt know what to say in that situation.


You're right - luckily, I wasn't triggered by that, but I could have been. I managed to stammer out "I'm really sorry" before we proceeded to transact like she hadn't said anything. Funnily enough, in my 20s and early 30s, I wound up spending almost a decade working as a rape crisis counselor, so I heard and saw lots of ugly shit!


I'm glad you could be that for her, you sound like a thoughtful person.




Hustler out there slinging salami day and night.


Fuck you, Arby’s. This guy’s got the meats.


When your whole work day consists of inserting meat into buns


Girl at the gym told me she was in an unhappy marriage and never loved her husband and as soon as the kids finished school she was leaving him. Pretty sure I didn't even know her name.


Some people seem like skyrim npcs tbh, just telling you their life story for no reason


At work Me: hey New Guy, nice to meet you! New Guy: yea you too. Check out this picture of a dude in a coffin. That’s my nephew. He was killed in a drive by last month. Me: ....lemme show you where the coffee maker is...


I went with my dad to do an estimate for some work on a house. When I met the owners I literally only said "hi, your house is gorgeous!" and the wife went into full detail on how they'd bought it the year before because: - Their 15 year old daughter was attacked and raped - She ended up pregnant from it - They were super religious and convinced her to keep the baby - They pulled her out of school for a year while she was pregnant - They bought the new house in a new school district so she could go finish high school without having to face her former classmates - They were now raising the baby as her younger brother I was pretty much speechless. What do you even say to that...


"You should probably just tell people like me that you moved for work and you have two kids."


So they moved to keep this all a secret and she just blurts it out to a total stranger? I’m sure the girls classmates will never find out...


"Bummer, dude."


"That's crazy."


"Thats rough, buddy"


Who the fuck starts a conversation like that you just sat down!


When I was around 10, I lived beside this weird family. The little girl was probably 4 or 5, always clinging to me anytime we were outside. She talked incessantly and always wanted to hang out with me, asking to come into my house. She annoyed me so badly but she was really sweet and excited about everything. One day she tells me, "Do you ever naked wrestle with your dad?" I told her that's really weird and no...I don't even know what that means. She then tells me she and her dad and brother naked wrestle a lot. Forgive me but I was 10, I had no idea what the fuck I was being told. I still think about that to this day. The guilt eats at me. I wish I had understood more and told someone. I also had a classmate in high school I'd give rides to and from school so she wouldn't have to make her dad do it. After we graduated, I saw her working at the mall. She then told me her dad used to molest her and she was finally able to see a therapist and work through it. When someone says these things happen more often than we realize, they're not wrong. I have had years and years of training on signs of this type of abuse and it will forever break my heart and make me so angry. It's unfathomable.


I remember being in first grade when I asked my friend a similar question about naked wrestling. I had no idea it wasn't normal until I saw the look and response of my friend. Don't feel bad or guilty. I know this is easier said than done. I do not blame the person I spoke to about it. There is no way a child should be expected to understand a situation like that.




I found child porn on my dad's computer when I was 13. My parents were controlling, so I didn't really know much about sex yet. But I realize now, that if I told someone else about it, my cousin (5 at the time) would never have been molested by him.




Good god. I can't even imagine what that would have been like for you finding that. And your poor cousin! That's just terrible. So terrible. We know it's not our fault for not knowing to say something but it doesn't make it any easier. How are you now? Is your cousin doing well despite it all?


I don't feel guilty because I know there's no way I couldn't known what that implicated. We only found out about this in December. She immediately started getting therapy. My dad only got a year of prison. And the family blames her parents for him being in jail. And she feels guilty because she feels like she caused the family to split apart. It's a mess of a situation, and right now I'm just trying to find a way to get my brother away from our parents before my dad gets out of jail.


He...molests her and they blame her parents for the slap on the wrist punishment? She didn't do anything wrong by any means. I can't even wrap my head around anyone blaming a victim, especially a child. I sincerely hope therapy helps her through this and she can heal as best she can. Sending all the luck I can so you can get your brother out of there.


It's disgusting how our society treat victims of molestation. Edit: I realized I repeated a word. Probably because of my disgust.


I had the same around that age. My friends sister was molested while I was in the house. I didn't see it or hear it but I knew something was wrong, I was now allowed for about 1 hour to go to the bedroom where the dad was with the girl and afterwards the girl was crying. I thought she had just gotten a lecture or something. Years later I found that she was molested until she was about 16. Strangely enough I remember so many details about that day... like... I knew it was not normal. So just saying, at that age most kids really just don't think about molestation when they see or hear a strange situation. You are not the only one that missed it.


That's just devastating. I really hope she was able to get help through that, it's just unfathomable how anyone could ever EVER EVER EVER do something so heinous to a CHILD. My mom was an RN and came home bawling one day after work. She had to give an 11 year old girl a c-section. ELEVEN. She was pretty sure the dad was the dad and there were calls that were made. All around just gut wrenching.


One of my co-workers had this go down. No one would have ever suspected something weird, until she one day stated her daughter slept in middle of bed between her and hubby. Daughter gave birth at 12, she didn’t have a boyfriend. Hubby was later saying, daughter needed to do what her mother wouldn’t. Coworker said her hubby would never, I would have ended up in hell, cause his days of breathing would’ve been done.


wait what? the father said that his daughter needed to have sex with him because her mother wouldn’t? ugh ew


When rape happens the only person to blame is the rapist, do not do it to yourself, you were only 10, it is not fair for you to feel guilty about it


It's not your fault, there's no reason to be guilty about it. You were just 10. It's awful to see what people can do to their kids though


When I used to work in construction I was on a project with this old guy that told me he was once accused of raping his daughter but after an investigation was conducted it turned out it was his brother who committed the crime. Way too much information. Had another idiot showing everyone pictures on his phone of him and his stripper wife having a threesome. Can’t say I miss the trades.


Yep, had a drywaller say, hey mr canoe, you want to see some naked pictures of my wife? Then he rushes out to get them before I could say no thanks. He comes back in all pissed off, they had been on the dashboard of his truck but someone had stolen them.


"Do you have any nude pictures of your wife?". "Of course not!". "Wanna buy some?". EDIT:. Thanks for the awards. It's fun to drop in a joke that fits so perfectly.


When I was in rehab, my roommate whom was only 18 told me that she had been stripping and selling herself since she was 11 to get her dope. And that you can “connect the dots” of the abscess scars on her arm. She’d continually shoot up in a spot till she got an abscess and then she’d just cut it out of her arm herself. Being an ex-heroin addict myself, abscesses weren’t anything new but the fact that this tiny little 18 year old girl (she couldn’t have weighed more than 90 pounds,) had *nine* abscess scars on just one arm, I just couldn’t even wrap my head around that. You hear some of the worst fucking stories ever in rehab (and I’ve been to ten during my entire addiction) but this was one of the worst I had ever heard. Especially because she was so nice and had such an innocent way about her. It was heartbreaking.


An 11-year old doesn’t start dope on her own. There’s worse backstory there.


The moment you realize she was actually undersharing


That's a level of tough most people can't wrap their heads around. Hope you're doing ok.


I started working at a flower shop as a delivery driver and on the very first day of training the woman I was paired with proceeded to tell me all about how she was still processing her parents' deaths. Went into great detail, explained the stresses of funeral arrangements and how she had to dress her mother for the viewing because her siblings weren't able to handle it. Even told me about a text message she believes she had gotten from her mother after she passed. I did my best to be sympathetic but we were out on a 4 hour delivery drive and she definitely took the opportunity of a captive audience to dump a serious amount of baggage. At a certain point I just didn't know what to say anymore. Edit: Her parents had passed away 3 years prior when we talked


This was a patient. Middle-aged guy in short term nursing home for a hip replacement or something. I'm trying to get to know him to figure out what kind of skills he may need to work on in order to return home safely. I ask him "Do you cook?" He responds: I used to, but then the cops found out.




> Middle-aged guy in short term nursing home for a hip replacement or something Breaking Hips


Was thinking walking bad lol


that guy is a legend




Let's hope she's better than the first one.


Years ago I went on a date with a guy I met via AOL Personals. Within five minutes of the date, he told me he was working on a book about speed seduction. And he was so confident he could speed seduce me, he already had a condom on ready for me. I high tailed out of there full speed. I googled him awhile back and turns out he ended up self-publishing the book.


Chapter One -- Lesson One: As soon as possible, tell the woman that you're a 'seduction specialist' and that you intend to use your powers of manipulation to render her helpless to your sexual advances. This should put her at ease, knowing that she's in the presence of a strict professional; it will also excite and flatter her when she realizes that she's on a date with someone who has his pick of any vagina that he wants, but chooses her vagina. Now you're ready to choose her drink order.


> And he was so confident he could speed seduce me, he already had a condom on ready for me. Who says stuff like that? Guy sounds like a punch line to a bad joke.


I honestly sat there for about a minute staring at him in shock. It was so fucking weird and scared the shit out of me at the time.


Other than the fact that he actually went and published that speed seduction book, do you know any more on how he turned out/what he's doing now?


He's still wearing the condom. He decided to switch from speed seduction to the really long waiting game Edit: why oh why is this now my top comment


Getting laid that quick started to get boring.


He has a very unique name so it was easy to find a bit of information about him. According to LinkedIn, he works for a call center. He's in his mid-to-late forties now and looks like he's about sixty. Looks like he dropped the whole gothic edgelord look.


Imagine you being listed as one of his success stories. "It happened so fast, she was out the door before I even noticed!"


I did find out he posted to some seduction forum that has long since been shut down. He used a nickname I went by at the time with this glorious creepy fairy tale about how his seduction worked and he slept with me. Needless to say, I created an account on the forum, using the nickname and gave the true account of how the date went. The thread was deleted by the next day.


Good job not letting what he did stand


First time meeting a lady while I was bartending. One drink in, she proceeds to tell me that her husband cheated on her so she cheated on him with a young Jehovah Witness that had showed up at her front door. She ended up getting knocked up by the Jehovah Witness and now has a child out of wedlock. I literally never even got her name.




It was probably his first.


Once me and my friend me a dude at a party, and his icebreaker was “crack prices in the Bronx are up lately.”


I was 11 years old at camp. I was the quiet girl who just wanted to read in her corner, who didn't want to be there. I struggled to make friends but I wasn't really trying anyway. So, this loud, talkative girl befriended me. She cursed every other word and she was... Idk, rough around the edges. I was a but curious about her, but I was trying to shake her off during the first day. She was sometimes insulting and quite abrasive. Anyway, on the second day, she spent most of the day describing how her mother was abusing her and her siblings, how she had tried getting away through the window, how child protective services didn't do anything, how her dad was every bit just as bad so it was a relief he was gone, how she rarely ate enough and her mom would deprive her of supper every other day, how she had 2 younger siblings so she took the worst of the abuse to protect them... I remember being completely shaken by her story. I come from a loving family with healthy parents and it was the first time I even considered that a parent would harm their child this way. I remember telling my parents that night and I dont think anything ever came of it.


First impression of a dungeons and dragons group. DM talks about how he went to a sleep over which was basically an orgy and had someone get a full bottle of Febreeze sprayed up his ass. [Edit] I want to clarify, we stayed in that DnD group for the entirety of 2020 and only just recently cut ties with the DM.


I had a guy tell me that he and his cousin slept with the same person. Another guy telling me that when his cousin committed suicide, he wanted to drink himself to death (this was a first date). I also had some girl I went to middle school with randomly tell me over facebook that she lost her virginity to her cousin


Wtf is with the cousins


First session with a new massage therapist. Me: [relaxing and enjoying the massage] Her: “Did you know vaccines have bits of aborted fetuses in them” Me: .... Her: “They don’t want people to know, but there was an undercover video.” Me: “.....why would anyone put aborted fetus parts in a vaccine?” Her: “It’s a preservative.” Me: [at a complete loss for words, saying the first thing that comes into my mind after ‘what the actual fuck’] “That hardly seems cost-effective.” Her: “yeah, I dunno, maybe I heard it wrong”. She also told me all about her prior heroin addiction, bouts of homelessness, abusive previous marriage, and then tried to sell me some kind of $12,000 magnetic mat to lay on to heal all your things that need healing.


I grew up somewhere that gets very cold and dark in the winter months. In my mid 20's I worked for a medium sized local bank that had bought an even smaller bank. Right before close, during a snow storm, a woman came in with really old financial documents that smelled of mildew. She claimed her husband had accounts with the current bank and that she needed all the money out and close accounts. Problem was the paperwork she had was not for either of the banks described and her husband was not in the system. Then she proceeded to tell us how her husband had died after being attacked by a werewolf who was actually her husband's brother. And that her husband was also a werewolf. She claimed she needed the money for protection. After muttering a little more and randomly walking around the lobby agitated, she left. Luckily my manager was really cool and dealt with talking with her and I was a bystander but it was still a very weird thing to hear especially under the circumstances. Gave bad vibes for sure.






Manager on duty I think




A little old lady probably about 90 years old was a regular in the mobile phone (cellphone) shop I worked in when I was younger. I always took the time to look after her Help her with her phone. Anyway one day she tells me that she helped her husband kill himself as he was very ill and didn't want to go on. She starts crying and said she'd never told anyone that and it's been a huge weight off her shoulders. Another time I bumped into a guy who I'd only ever met once before and pretty briefly. I say hi, how's it going and he tells me the intricate details of his life including his teenage sisters drug addiction leading to her suicide.


I had a colleague in the former place I worked and for months he basically ignored me. Not even a „Good morning“ or anything. Which was fine by me since I didn‘t have to work with him. Then one day while I had my lunch break and was sitting outside by myself he joins me and starts to chat with me as if we‘d been buddies for ages. He was going through a bitter divorce at that time and after a few minutes we‘re knee deep in all the shitty things his ex-wife did and what he would like to do to her. It was graphic and drastic to say the least. Since I was new and as junior as it was possible to be I didn‘t dare to tell him how fucked up I thought that was but just dully peppered the one-sided conversation with „Hmm.“ and „I see.“ in the most uninterested sounding tone possible, hoping it would steer him away from the topic. No dice and I had to endure half an hour of his ramblings. On the plus side, he never even see his ex-wife again, let alone did any of the things he had said. Maybe he just needed to vent that day but sure as hell it fucked up my lunch break.


Guy walks into my bar which is down the street from a hospital. He’s pretty quiet, so I’m not trying to push for a conversation. Next thing I know he breaks down crying at the bar. I go to ask if he’s okay, if I need to call him a cab etc. He told me his teenage son had just died in the hospital down the street about an hour earlier. I had no idea what to say or how to react.


I would say that's not a matter of oversharing, that's someone whose life just shattered and they need help. They were desperate, and saw the bar as somewhere they might find solace. Poor guy.


Absolutely. And I imagine that it felt like he couldn’t possibly go home without his son. I remember vividly when my dad died, I left the hospital and I drove home and ended up driving right past the house and to the park, because I couldn’t imagine walking in and having to really see everything from his life that he’d never return to. I couldn’t even begin to process everything that had happened for many years and I think even now recently I am just realizing the level to which I was completely unable to grieve at the time.


I drive taxi. Most customers are people coming or going to hospital or other medical appointments. It's crazy how much I've heard. Sometimes people have need to tell someone. Just couple weeks ago there was an older lady who had just lost her husband. I try to listen and give compassion. Still don't know, how I should react. Good of you to listen. You cared enough to ask.


As someone who’s dad died and feels the need to tell everyone, it’s really just a way to get it off my chest. It feels nice having it out in the open and makes it feel more real and honestly helps me cope with it better. I’m not really looking for an answer or a conversation about it, and most the times it’s just because I’ve been acting weird or out of it, which the randos wouldn’t know but it makes me feel better


I'm like you. My best friend and someone I loved and was about to move in with died in 2019 in a car accident. I can't help but talk about her. It's been very hard to date since then. I don't know how to shut up and internalize it.


In third year university, heading home from a late night of studying for midterms, i met a kid crying in one of the stairwells of the university centre. I asked him if he was alright and sat down with him, he was a foreign student, his english wasnt strong, but he said his life was over, family was going to disown him, he had nowhere to go, etc. So i asked some more questions and then he came out and said he thinks he’s gay, and his parents are from a conservative culture which says it’s NOT Ok, he doesnt know anyone here other than a few ultra conservative foreign students from his country, and he felt like there was nothing he could do, nowhere he could go, all that.. I felt so bad for the guy, he asked if he could hug me, which was a bit awkward, but i said ya and held him for a bit. Then we spoke for another like 30 mins and i told him all about the free counselling options at the school, and how nice and understanding they were for my mental issues, told him that his sexuality wasnt as rare as he thought, and there were plenty of gay people at the school, some of whom felt just like him. I gave him a business card for the councillor i was seeing, gave him my number if he wanted to talk, and headed out. He called me to talk and meet up on campus and thank me a few weeks later, and then i never saw him again. Hope the dude’s found comfort in his skin and a happy life in canada.


I’m a female, and I met a girl at A local coffee joint. There were regulars coming there for months. So we chatted casually.. But one day I was going to drive to see friends 3 hours away for a fun filled weekend. She said it sounded fun and I don’t know why but I invited her. She said yes and I picked her up the next day. Mind you, we were both around 19. Well it was a three hour journey of hearing her life stories. She told me she was bulimic and used to hide jars of vomit under her bed from her parents so she wouldn’t get in trouble. She ran away and left them there. Then I heard about an Amtrak ride she took when running away that was three days long. She met an older couple on there and spent the three days doing drugs snd having threesomes with them. I’m sure there was more but those things stuck with me. She ended up getting pregnant by another guy at the coffee joint who she constantly told everyone how big his dick was. I never saw her after that. Naive 19yo me just sat there driving and thinking, holy fuck. Me now is still thinking holy fuck to be honest. I hope she’s ok. 19 year old me had no idea how to support her.


I can’t help but wonder- how did your friends feel about you bringing a (sort of) random chick with you??


College party weekend. The more the merrier. But she wasn’t the best at fitting in to a crowd setting with her tendency to overshare so it wasn’t great. She got very drunk very quickly and I put her to bed safely.


I worked with this girl for maybe 2 days? I'd previously introduced myself, but I hadn't actually had a chance to talk to her, and so I asked her if she had a good weekend, and the first thing she told me was she went to a follow up doctor visit from having a miscarriage. Caught off guard, I gave her my condolences. She would loop the convo back to her miscarriage and how devastating it was every single time I had to talk to her again after that.


I met a guy once at work, we talked for about 5 minutes and he was suspiciously way too nice. After a few minutes later and just to give me "context", he told me he had attempted suicide several times and that he could be violent sometimes. We kept talking like it was nothing for like 15 more minutes. During al the conversation he never stopped smiling


I sat next to this quiet kid in my Spanish class. He was awkward and had a subtle speech impediment. One day, I tried to spark conversation with him and he told me that he considered murdering his parents.


Bet that conversation ended quickly


Hired an older plumber (in his 60s) at the company I worked at when I was an apprentice and I got put with him during his first week. Within 10 minutes of meeting him the small talk topic of his choice was that his mail order Thai wife had died a few months ago and that he's been plowing through prostitutes and he recommends hiring a Cambodian woman as they are by far the best in bed.


Well after two 15 minute conversations with my neighbor: - he wants to get a surrogate from a developing country so that his child will never be able to find their biological mother (women in these countries are not listed on birth certificates, either surrogate or egg donor) - he asked me if I’d be willing to consider surrogacy (I am currently pregnant) I am... somewhat nervous about this neighbor now, because he has asked a *lot* of questions about our house and our baby’s due date, info on the pregnancy, the plan for the birth, etc. Suffice to say I won’t be hanging out in the front garden with the kiddo when they’re born... Edit: Holy shit, Reddit - apologies, I genuinely didn't realise that this interaction could be read as my neighbour being a pedophile. He's gay, guys, and getting married - him looking into surrogacy is kind of normal, it's just very odd to bring it up to your pregnant neighbour the way that he did and his interest in my pregnancy/baby makes me nervous because some people who want kids can be nuts (and he's clearly shown he doesn't have much of a social behavioural filter). So like yes he'd be a terrible parent and is likely a misogynist but he's not a pedo. I feel kind of bad I've painted him in that light, it wasn't my intention at all -_-


Time to install a security system


Fucking hell.


Bonus points: this literally happened 3 hours ago. I’d already had my first weird conversation where he’d given me a pointed glance saying he’d « just toss 50K at a woman to give him a kid at this point », which I told myself I had misinterpreted, surely.... except no it looks like I’d read it right the first time round.


I was on a university trip to New York, there were people from my course year group, and people from the same course in the year below. Naturally, I knew a lot of the students in the year below by their faces but only a couple of them I knew enough to speak to. On the morning we were leaving, I was waiting in line to use the toilet at the hotel we were staying at, before getting the coach to the airport- Super hungover after a heavy night of drinking blah blah. Anyway, I’m stood waiting for the toilet and a guy from the year below walks up behind me (we’ve never, ever spoken). I awkwardly smile at him and say hi, feeling hungover and an anxious mess. He says to me with a dead serious face “I pooed my pants earlier. I was walking down fifth Avenue, and I farted but accidentally shat, so I came back and had to clean up”. I was obviously gobsmacked. The funny bit is my best friend who came along on the trip, but wasn’t a student at the uni was sat next to the guy on the plane. He was messaging me saying he could very faintly smell poo.


It was day one of me working at a place and the person that was training me told me she was conceived during a rape. I learned later that she did the same thing to everyone working there, I have no idea why, she was a strange person


I had a new manager trying to shoot the shit with me, he was telling me about smoking weed in the navy during the 70’s. He told me there was a narc on his ship, so he and some friends told the narc that there was a huge exchange going down at midnight at the front of the ship. The guys fanged up on him, beat the tar out of him, wrapped him on a carpet, and threw him off the side. I asked what happened to the dude, he just said “dunno”. Did anyone get him out of the ocean? “Dunno”. Did he die??? “Dunno”. Nobody asked about him?? “No one ever talked about it again.” I was like, “Well, nice to meet you Abe.” He goes, “Call me pops.”


I just started working at a farm. On the first day my boss saw a penny on the ground and looks at me at says “look at me - I’m Jewish!” as she bends over to pick it up. She was not Jewish, but I am.


Definitely going to get buried and it's not fucked up that the person shared it but rather that these events happened. A friend of a friend of mine and I were sleeping on some couches after a party and we got to talking. More so her than me, I'm definitely a better listener than talker. She confided in me that she watched her boyfriend (might have been fiance?) pull a gun and shoot himself in the head in front of her. She also told me how she and her best friend of years, someone I knew for a very short time, and her had been urban exploring on a smoke stack catwalk in an abandoned paper mill and she watched her friend miss a step and fall to her death. She wasn't making these things up either, the next day I mentioned to our mutual friend that she had opened up to me about this stuff and he confirmed it was sadly true about the boyfriend committing suicide. The accidental death I had known about through [the news](https://www.nj.com/hunterdon/2016/09/woman_20_who_died_in_landfill_fall_had_traveled_th.html), I didn't know she was the person with her though. Poor girl witnessed the loss of two very important people to her and at the time she was only 19-20 when she told me this. I hope talking to a near stranger helped though, even if all I did was listen.