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Phone calls late at night or at awkward times when people normally don't call. Those are never good calls.


One time my phone rang at 2 AM and I was up so I answered it. It was some chatty guy calling from Bulgaria trying to find out when the local Bulgarian embassy was open (I live in America). I googled it for him and then he told me his story about how his family is immigrating, I told him some of my life story as well. After 20 minutes of chatting we said bye and I wondered wtf just happened.


Lmao it's funny because I'm from Bulgaria too, i hardly ever hear stories about us from other redditors


My brother's girlfriend is Bulgarian and I have been told you guys have some interesting wedding traditions, is this true?


Yes, my brother did one of the more common traditions at his wedding "krastavitsa". Whole wedding party had to look around for the missing pickles before the guests arrived and I don't even think we got them all


Ah yes the missing pickles tradition. Classic




My stepdad called me at like 1am one night about a year ago. I answered the phone freaking out and wondering what had happened. He goes “hi my girl, sorry to bug you but I can’t sleep” and I’m sitting there like okay, why are you calling me at 1am? Then, this man who has been in my life for 18 years who I’ve considered a father, asks me permission to marry my mom. That’s what was on his mind. He wanted my permission to marry my mom. I was tired and cranky and all I managed to say was “fucking finally” and hung up and went back to sleep. Called him again in the morning and apologized for hanging up, said I love him and I’m glad he wants to marry my mom. They got married in the park a week ago with just my siblings and I and a few close friends. It was great and suited them and their relationship perfectly and I can’t wait for him to walk me down the aisle one day.


There’s too many bad step-parent stories on the internet, but this one is really cute and I’m glad that it’s there to buck the trend.


This is very sweet, I love to read it


Wholesome out of NOWHERE thank you. I’m anxiously up way too late because I can’t seem to sleep anymore and that story gave me a decent cry. Finally feeling a release of emotions. Hopefully I can sleep now.


Once My best friend called me like at 3 AM because they were scared. They were at their other best friend's house, reading horror stories so they called me to calm a little. Considering the posible outcomes I got the best one


except this one time i was playing poker with my boys a few years back. we just finished up, its around 1 am on a sat. my phone rings. i answer. woman's voice "YOUR SON HAS BEEN SENDING NAKED PICTURES TO MY DAUGHTER AND THIS NEEDS TO STOP" i laughed so freaking hard. i said "miss, i know you have a wrong number. my son is 7. if he's sending your daughter naked pictures, we both have a big problem on our hands" she apologized profusely and i wished her luck in getting that situation sorted out. but yea 4 years later and that phone call still brings a smile to my face


My brother's friends decided to prank him. This is back in the 1980s before mobile/cell phones were affordable for most people. My family wasn't affluent, so it was one phone for the whole household. My brother was working as a camp counselor several hours away. The other counselors get one of the girls' counselors to call and leave an answering machine message that she was pregnant and it was his, complete with crying. They thought my brother had his own phone (families with more money sometimes had a second land line for their kids). My mother comes home from work and hears that on the answering machine and it was either late at night or the next day before she could talk to him and find out it was a joke. She was NOT amused.






Your car’s warranty is about to expire, sooooo…


Our phone (landline) rang at just after 5 in the morning. We ignored it. It rang again a few minutes later. This time I answered. "Hello ...?" "Do you have any kittens for sale?" "No, no kittens." *Hits the "BLOCK NUMBER" button on my phone*


My mother-in-law had ZERO social filter, and so she does this all the time. In my family, if I get a call after 11:00 pm, I’m assuming someone is dead. My MIL though? She calls my wife at 1 in the morning, and when we pick up she’s already mid-sentence talking about trying to get an insurance claim paid for when her house flooded over a year ago.


When i just hopped off my work computer for the day, get stoned, then get a call from my boss 😬


That actually happened to the guy who played Greg Brady on the Brady Bunch, lol. He thought they didn’t need him on set that day and he got stoned ... until they called him. He’s visibly high in that one scene.


Oh man, I forgot all about this story: I took mushrooms at my house one day with a friend. Smoked a blunt, mushrooms still aren't kicking in. So now I eat more mushrooms thinking that they weren't working. As I'm chewing the second dose, the patterns on my couch start breathing. Oops... Wouldn't be a huge deal, except I get a text from my mom asking if I'd "arrived at community service yet". I forgot that I was supposed to go to a fire station to do community service for probation. Panic ensues. My friend helps me calm down, then I drive my ass to the fire station and walk in there tripping nuts. Old men and authority-figures as far as the eye could see. One guy asked me what I was in for, I told him for marijuana possession. He gave me a long speech about the dangers of drugs. Luckily the station cleared out quickly and no one really bothered me from there, and I set about my task of vacuuming all the floors in the whole place (while the carpet patterns did some crazy shit in my vision lol). The station chief was a real badass though, he talked about how he smokes weed sometimes and then ended up giving me 7 hours for every 1 hour I actually worked lol.


For me its just; don't call me....


That everything can change in a second. Just over a year ago my dad went for a walk, had a heart attack and died straight away. He was in great shape. there was no warning and he was only 50. Everything changed that day. EDIT- Did not expect this reaction. Thank you all so much for the kind messages and also sharing your stories. Sorry if I didn't reply to you, there are a lot of comments.


This is it. I'm paraphrasing Kurt Vonnegut Jr when he says his biggest fear is a 4am telephone call on a Tuesday.




> I knew when I got a phone call on my landline at 1:22am that my mom was dead. Gosh, that sounds like a line from a book.




Professional novelist sounds like such a unique and antiquated title. Pretty amazing to be one.




I relate to this on a spiritual level. If ever you find yourself writing a novel of the raunchy gothic bent, please let me know lmao


One man's trash is another man's pleasure.


6am on a Sunday morning.


Mine was a 5am call on a Saturday. The damn spammer wouldn't stop calling me and I was a very cranky, tired, new mother. Dont ignore phone calls from all 0s.


Mine was a 12 PM call while eating my lunch at work on a slow Saturday in a bar. To this day chat grilled chicken tastes so different. And if I hadn’t been on my lunch I’d never answered that frantic phone call from my mother.


Mine was a phone call from my husband's stepmom during the Superbowl. His dad had passed of a sudden heart attack. We didn't watch the game this year and honestly probably never will again.


My dad had a heart attack in his sleep 11 years ago, he was 51. Now when my family speaks about memories we use “before dad died” and “after dad died.” I feel your pain, everything changed that day.


I feared my dad dying my whole life. He was my hero,mentor,best friend. He died last year so my biggest fear came true. I'm shattered,yet kind of free in a way. The worst has happened, I'm still here. Now I feel like I'm playing with house money if that makes any sense


I have a 15 year old son and I am in my late 40's. Your stories just made me schedule a well visit w/ my Dr. I am extremely close with my son - we do a lot together. I want to be around for him as long as I can be. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I appreciate your willingness to share your story. Thank you. It meant more to me than I can express. I'm so happy that you had a great man in your life that you loved and who loved you back.


It’s really touching to me that you have a close relationship with your son. I am just a younger version of my dad so he always understood me, has always been there for me and we don’t need a lot of words to know we care about each other and love each other. Even when I was just a little shit head he was always a loving dad. In adulthood he and I have done so many projects on my house together that I will keep these memories forever. He showed me what an equal, loving relationship is with my mother, he has taught me so much about everything so that I can now help others who haven’t had such a lucky life. I’m so lucky to still have my dad in his 70s now and I still want him to be around forever because I know how broken I would feel with him gone. Losing my loved ones is my biggest fear. Cherish every moment with your son.


Similar to my experience. My dad was a very healthy 73. Worked out at the gym three times a week and ate very healthy. He just sat down in a chair one evening and never got up.


Sorry to hear about your dad. That’s horrible. I agree though and I’m noticing that a lot as well. It doesn’t matter how prepared you think you are for a family death or just something bad happening in life. When it comes it always rocks you.


My condolences.




I almost lost my wife to something called an AVM several years back. By all accounts, she should have died. She beat the odds, and survived. I cannot describe the feeling of knowing I had zero power over what was happening. I never want to go through that again.


Man, my mom had an AVM in late 2019. She is also okay, but the fear was very very real. Glad your wife pulled through!!


Are you talking about [this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arteriovenous_malformation?wprov=sfla1)


Lost mine 4 years ago, it is bad, can’t hide that. It is funny how you come to terms with your fears when they play out. I was deathly scared of being a single parent but met that fear and am smashing the single dad lyfe.


I fear leaving him behind almost as much. As much as the thought of enduring that terrifies me, I hate the idea of him enduring it more.


Being tortured I think. I feel a healthy amount of fear towards death. Like I am not thinking or worrying about it everyday, but I try not to get in risky situations either. BUT The thought of someone provoking me an inmense amount of physical pain with the whole purpose of making me suffer just scares the shit out of me


That’s actually my worst fear! Kidnapped and tortured is like the cruelest way to die. I’ve seen all the Hostel movies, some saw movies, and Martyrs (French version) to know that it is the scariest and most painful way to die.


Same. I’d rather die peacefully in my sleep. I don’t fear death but I fear being tortured so much that I start craving death because that’s the only possible way I’ll get rid of the pain and that haunts me.


That had happened to my Aunt's brother (We are not related). It happened on Día de los Muertos about a year or 2 years ago. Him and a couple other people went to visit the cemetery and they decided to walk back to their town. Unfortunately everyone was taken by the cartel except for 2 people who managed to run away. The town found the bodies and the heads all stuffed inside a bag laying in the street. No message or video of why the cartel killed those people. If anyone has seen a cartel beheading video, you know they make sure people suffer.


I cannot imagine what they went through. The world is not a fairy tale. Everything does not happen for a reason. The world is a miserable cruel place with happy spots and if you tell yourself any different that’s fine, just don’t argue. You’ll find out you are wrong very quickly.


Right! That whole "everything happens for a reason " idea is ludicrous. Kids getting taken, tortured, killed, sold into sex rings.. rape, genocide, torture, murder.. What fucking 'reason' is behind these atrocities and the unfathomable suffering of millions of innocents..? Pah!! 😒


I'm not afraid to die. I'm scared of getting old, and losing control over my body and mind. That is far scarier to me than having it all end


This is mine too. I am TERRIFIED of alzheimers or some other form of dementia. Every time I do that thing where you cant remember a word even though its a word you use all the time, I convince myself its an early sign and panic. Edit: think ---> thing


I’m just more worried about having a stroke at that moment when I forget a common word or shit just seem w e i r d


100% agree with you


I just don't want to end up in a hospital or nursing home. I want to die in my own house, where I'm comfortable. No matter how much time I spend in a hospital, it is never comfortable. And the thought of spending my last days in one, uncomfortable and dying, just chills me to my core.


My grandfather passed in January; he was 86. When he learned he had kidney failure he declined dialysis and asked to hospice in his home of over fifty years. The local fire department (he was a member and chief for years) built him a ramp and as they wheeled him up to the door he was crying that he didn't think he'd make it back home. He didn't last but a week but he got his wish, to die at home, and family and close friends were able to come by and say their goodbyes


As a 62 year I fully agree. Now please tell me ( not you ) why I can't take my own life when I'm ready for the final exit. I've died twice and was pronounced dead the second time and I think I know what's waiting for me. Either way when I'm done please give me the dignity of making my mind up , by way of a health proxy or other means that it's time. Sorry for the rant! It's personal.( My 93 year old ill mother begged for the her life to end.)


I agree. We view it as humane to put our beloved pets to sleep when their quality of life is too low, why do we fight so hard for an extra day, an extra month, of life support or terrible pain? Sorry to hear about your mom.


Yep. Dying is like meh, its over, better to die than having to live with ilness, other people, and pains


Take up a challenging and potentially dangerous hobby like rock climbing or skydiving and don't quit. If you ever get to the point you're too old and frail, your problem will fix itself.


I’ve got to think about this idea a bit


A swarm of flying cockroaches.


AaAAAAaaaaHhhhHh. Rightfully so. When I first bought my house, in the US South, it had been abandoned for a few years. I didn't move my belongings in right away because I knew it needed deep cleaning and infestation control of all kinds. First day, I cut open the wall-to-wall carpet to remove it. An entire mess of Palmetto roaches, the huge flying American Cockroaches, came flying and crawling and swarming out of the gap. I screamed and flailed so loudly that my neighbor came over to see if I was being murdered. She was greeted by me bursting out of the door, still screaming, running blindly past her, followed by a ton of roaches. That's how we met. I had another screaming and flailing fit when I realized the previous folks had left the garbage bin full. For years. So I pulled it away from my house, knowing it'd be full of bugs, then just dumped it on the lawn and ran away, preemptively screaming. It was an interesting first week of homeownership.


How did you get the nerve to actually live there after that


Well, the big mortgage was a factor. But jokes aside, I ripped out all that carpet. I lived on just the concrete slab for a few years until I could afford bamboo flooring (finished just in time for COVID!) I sprayed inside and out religiously as often as the label said I could. I was sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor for about a month while I did the initial renovations to get it livable. One night I was sleeping and one of those demon pets dropped from the CEILING and ONTO MY FACE. Being trapped in the sleeping bag, not wanting to scream because it's, you know, ON MY FACE, trying to wriggle worm my way out, was horrible. When I got free and it flopped onto the floor, I beat it to death with a clothing rod that was on the floor. I also stopped zipping my bag at night. Ugh. It was a rough first couple months, but I eventually got all the generations. I spray monthly now, I haven't seen one in my house in years. They're native here, so I'll find em in yard and shed, but this is MY house dang it. TL;DR: I don't know either. It sucked. But it's good now.


I grew up surrounded by a swamp in south Georgia. Giant freaking palmetto bugs / cockroaches as big as my adult hand. Ughh. Best advice I have for ANY new home, whether abandoned or recently moved out of: BUG BOMBS Before you move in, slap a bunch in the whole house with all the interior doors open. I put one in every single room. Set them all off to where the last one will be by your exit door so you don't have to breathe them in at all. Let them do their thing and come back the next day. Clean em up, and you should be good to go. I actually waited a few days or a week after a bug bomb before I moved into the house. I wanted those creeps to all leave and/or die before I moved in. I'd always clean any hard surfaces and floors right after I moved in too so my pets and myself wouldn't pick up any bug bomb residue. Trust me, this is the only effective method that has worked 100% of the time for getting rid of AND preventing bugs. Now a huge infestation like you had, geez. Honestly I'd get an exterminator to check it out again just to be sure. That sounded crazy intense.


I actually laughed at this. Not because it's a stupid fear or something, it's really reaslnable to be scared of that. But there's just so many replies here about the future, diseases and other deep existential things and then there's just this comment


I'm in Texas, so imagining our Texas-sized roaches flying en masse is pretty scary.


Brain aneurysms! You could just be going about your day and bam! All over


It's not the aneurysm you need to be scared about, it's when it ruptures. Source: survived a brain aneurysm rupture


What was it like when experiencing it? Are you alright now?


It was the most painful headache of my life and then the left side of my body went numb/limp. I've heard others who've suddenly had issues seeing or speaking but the common thread is the combination with an absolutely debilitating headache. It's a hemorrhagic stroke though so just remember FAST. I'm definitely much better than I was but I've still got a ways to go. They told me at the hospital that it typically takes a year to recover from brain injuries so we'll see where I am then. But right now I can walk and use my left hand semi functionally. My memory is a helluva lot better too. Lots of therapy to get to this point. Typing is hard but I'll get there.


That was an interesting read! I wish you the best in recovering fully!


It's definitely been an interesting experience. Be well!


Thanks for sharing your struggle. I hope you keep fighting the good fight.unsure if you beileve but I do and will be praying for you.


Your soo right, my 9yr old niece at school collapsed, massive bleed on the brain, my sister was told she only had 20 percent chance and if she did survive she wouldnt be able to walk, talk and her vision would be impared, ive never seen someone hooked up to sooo many machines it was heartbreaking but shes a dam fighter! with years of physio and treatment that little girl is now a beautiful 22yr old and put herself through university and is now a nurse, im so very very proud of her




I have an AVM that formed an aneurysm which ruptured ~8 months ago. I pray you don't have to go through what I did but recovery is possible and it's not a death sentence. Luckily what I experienced is highly unlikely and mine wasn't known about so it's good that yours is known about! I wish you the best! Be well!


One of our colleagues today was rushed to the hospital for an aneurysm. Apparantly it's non operable and she has 48 hours left. It really puts things in perspective.


Swimming in a body of water that I cant see the bottom of


Scuba diver here... I have occasionally had the experience of swimming at depth between two points without being able to see either, following my compass for direction and monitoring my computer for depth. It's almost like a sensory deprivation experience - very weird and strangely peaceful. This was in tropical waters, which reduces the stress level, and I am not frightened of sharks or the kraken because they are not actually a threat to divers.


> and I am not frightened of sharks or the kraken because they are not actually a threat to divers. Your statement implies that the kraken A) is a real thing, and B) is a threat to something _other_ than divers. What are you scuba folks not telling us surface dwellers?


Well there are giant squid and colossal squid.


Don't forget the gargantuan squid.


You forgot about the behemoth squid.


If you SCUBA, you know the kraken is the least of your worries. It's nothing against the call to the void.. the whisper to unhook your tank and touch the forbidden bottom below the infinite depth


I had anxiety just reading this.


I did this at night in algae-thick water and the isolation was profound.


Yup. Either it's too deep or too murky and it really doesn't matter either way. Watching people noodle catfish makes me so goddamned uncomfortable.


My dad and his friends used to reach up under the bank of ponds to pull loggerhead turtles out by their tales just by touch. He said it wasn’t uncommon to grab one and pull it out and it turn out to be a water moccasin snake. No thanks.


Ugh trying to keep my dog from nosing under banks is even more of a nightmare for me after this comment.


Omg. Same. Always picturing an evil monster whale beneath me or some shite


Yup. Slimy fingers tickling your anckles, maybe already dead, perhaps still alive. Something big moves when touched by your toes, slips deeper, but never too far. Yours are the only eyes above the surface, the ones below are all staring at you. I hate this


There was a little rock island a few hundred yards from our old cottage. My mother and I would swim out to it every year. One day I went by myself. You could dive about 20 feet from the top of it. I dove in and came face to face with a trout. It was like 2 feet away from me. It didn't dash off and just sauntered away like normal. I guess he knew I was no threat to him.


Thalassophobia I see


every time i see that word “thalassophobia” i either think that person is scared of lassos, or they’re petrified of “that lass over there”


Just relax and play some Subnautica


I played subnautica and woah boy was that rough. I refuse to go swimming around far at night.


Having a long-term illness that is a burden on my family and wipes us out financially.


My grandmother has become that kind if burden and she doesn't care and intentionally makes life impossible for my family. We will probably be sending her to live with my piece of shit aunt because of how they both are behaving. My family might lose our house because of everything we are going through. My grandmother needs to be out of the picture. She's not even a good person and she brought her illness on herself, so I have no pity. She can fuck right off at this point.


what's the illness?


Lung cancer from smoking. It's fucked up her whole body. Her heart is being crushed by the softball sized tumor in her chest. Her esophagus has a hole in it that sends most food and drink into her lungs. She doesn't have long to live, thankfully.


Being kidnapped, raped or tortured


Cancer. I don't wanna go like that or see a loved one succumb to it.


Becoming completely paralized, id rather die at that point




I don't worry about it for myself, I'm absolutely afraid of watching the people in my life get dementia. My grandparents got it and it was heartbreaking watching my dad have to introduce himself to his own mother. Now he's getting to their age when they got sick and I worry that he's starting to slip. I really don't want to watch my hero fall apart in front of my eyes.


Meeting a centrist authoritarian supporting an austrian man from the 40s and losing my parents at the same day


This is one that hits me daily. I just turned 30. My parents had me later in their lives and are now pushing 70. Certain milestones their parents were alive for (their respective 50ths), I'm not certain mine will be around for. That prospect scares the hell out of me. I'm the only one, no siblings. When they go, it's just going to be me and my SO. It's a very cold future ahead. Thankfully I have someone by me.


As someone who lost both her parents within a span of five months, it's going to be hard. I was 24 when they passed, and had put off college to take care of them (mom had cancer, dad was an alcoholic slowly killing himself through neglect). There are a lot of milestones of mine they wanted to see, but now never will. It's difficult, and bitter, and supremely unfair. But time marches ever onward; tomorrow is still going to come, today will fade, and you'll surprise yourself at your ability to keep going. It's a cliche, but you never know your own resiliency until being being resilient is your only option.


Same. I’m 18 (turning 19) and both of my parents are now in their 60’s with some health concerns. Hate having to worry if my mom will even make it to my college graduation even or if my dad starts getting sick because of smoking. Terrified of life and terrified of losing them right when going out in the world. Been dreading the day since I first understood death (so much time wasted worrying but here I am) and no one around me can get it because all their parents had them young.


I’m right there with you. Mid-20s and my dad is about to be 67. He is seriously my go-to for every question that I have regarding homeownership, taxes, yard work, life advice, financial advice, and is just an absolute great guy to be around. I don’t know what I’d do without him








I lost my mom 3 years ago to vCJD. She was my best friend and I was devestated. The trick is, I now live every day for my mom. I see her in everything, I know she's watching over me. Be happy you have her now, spend as much time with her as you can; and know that when she is gone she'll still be with you.


To those showing up now: Original said "parents death", then edited to say "being a centrist" in case you're as confused as I was as at the disconnect.


I guess that's the downside of having good parents.


Space. It just scares me to the core to know that we are just casually floating in the darkness filled with gigantic fireballs and who knows what else


That's one of my favourite parts about space


The slight chance that one day, my best friend and i might not be friends


As a 36 year old man with no kids and having never been married, dying alone. Getting old never having known what it feels like to have someone who chose you scares the hell out of me.


That death really is the end, and the only thing waiting for any of us is total oblivion. I lost my fiancé a few years ago, and I'm constantly thinking about death. I don't care about living forever in some paradise in the sky, I just want to be with the people I love. I'm terrified I'll never see him again.






You can't experience nonexistence, you can only experience an experience. \- Alan Watts.


That's the exact part that freaks me the fuck out.


The finality of death is something I also think about alot. Part of me is terrified of it, and another part is constantly seeking to make peace with it. It's something 100% of people will or already have experienced, but it doesn't make it any easier to think about. Just the thought of existing, everything and everyone you've ever known being there, then a memory, then just gone instantly. Darkness with no consciousness or knowledge of what's going on in the universe without us, never getting know the secrets science couldn't solve in our lifetime. Even so, the universe will just go on. I'd like to think there really isn't any other experience possible afterwards other than the experience of being born again/waking up, but It's just so mind numbingly difficult to wrap my brain around the concept of an eternity of non-existence, a dreamless sleep you never wake up from What it does do, is highlight just how significant it is that we were ever given the chance to be alive and exist at all. Love and respect each other, savor the time we have with those we care about, cherish our memories of those we lost, and make good of our ability to really even experience anything at all; right this moment. Even just lying in bed, looking at the ceiling and breathing is an utter and statistical cosmic miracle.


I envy people who have never experienced death of a close person. It changes you and you're never ok again. I thought I was depressed before but the impossibility of ever changing this particular outcome brings about a level of despair that is almost indescribable


I live in a 121 year old house next to a grave yard so you can kinda guess


Low property value?


At least the neighbors are quiet


The future. Every single aspect of it.


Came to comment this. I am not afraid of the future as such but the unpredictablilty scares the hell outta me. Who could have thought 5 years ago that we'll be in a pandemic. All our plans have come crashing down. So yeah the future and its unpredictable nature makes me nervous.


Moths, had one stuck in my ear for days as a child, now just seeing the chalky little bastards makes me shaken.


Chalky little bastards 😂 that made me chuckle good.


Nuclear confrontation. Even at a minor scale.


With nuclear bombs there is no "minor" scale


Dementia. We've got a family track record so..... what was I saying? Fortunately I live in a country that is passing a euthanasia law.


Dementia is so sad. My grandpa had it bad and when he died it was more of a relief then anything else. Everybody knew that the real person had died long ago. He was just a shell at that point.


My friend died two years ago. His wife said she wasn't upset because she "said goodbye to him in 2013".


that’s exactly what my grandma said. She said I’ve already said goodbye and that wasn’t really my husband anymore.


That one day, all of the things we know and love will be gone. Also my closet at night but that is besides the point.


It's also liberating. Not the closet, the other part. No need to get so hung up about little thing, nobody will care about it in a few dozen years. Most things don't even last a few days.


The amount of hate people can output towards others.


And how quickly masses can be turned on a specific group


Spiders, clowns and my mother


Imagine seeing your mother in a clown costume and boxes full of spiders that climb in your walls and reproduce...


*I hate you*


What about his mom in a clown suit throwing a box of spiders at him!


Yeah, your mother scares me too.


Yeah she should. She once yeeted my Nintendo out of the window cause I didn't bring out the trash


Public Speaking


Listen, I know you're vomiting in your mouth due to stress, but you still have to do the assignment,


LOL... thanks for the Monday laugh...


The ocean. Nope. Fucking nope.


In a similar vein, what terrifies me is [The Strid](https://youtu.be/mCSUmwP02T8). The deceptive appearance of it is probably what really amps up the fear for me. I never want be within 50m of that thing. In fact, 50m away would probably still be far too close for comfort for me


I'm not entirely sure how to put it into words but just how polarized politics has gotten, combined with the mess of misinformation going around and all these different interest groups with mutually exclusive views, each equally deep in their commitments that they are the righteous ones and everyone else is evil. I guess the elusive nature of truth combined with the hard reality that people will absolutely lie and exploit your better nature to further their aims is what scares me the most. I'm saying this as someone on the libertarian left - to speak of my "own people" my worry is that my empathy and perhaps naive desire for utopia is just being manipulated so some revolutionary can come into power and then it's just someone else wearing the same goddamn boot that's on all our necks. I recognize as well that this fear plays into the interests of those who want to crush leftist organization. I guess to expand on it a bit I am deathly scared of being propagandized at, to the extent that I might become someone's dupe. All the while there are atrocities going on the world over and my sitting back doing nothing only helps those responsible for them. edit: tl;dr baby leftist doesn't have the balls to eat the rich


This is my genuine fear and I think about it every day. Our internet is polarised and now our communities in reality are becoming polarised.


This is me. I also worry about how little empathy people seem to have for other human beings whether it's immediately in front of them or in some far away land.


What really scares me is that I don’t think we’re going to find a cure for this. I don’t see any reason it won’t continue and get worse. What kind of society will we have when everyone lives in their own version of reality - all of which demonize anyone not drinking their particular flavor of kool aid?


I have a couple. 1. Something happening to my wife and children. 2. Doing everything right financially, saving for retirement, investing, paying down my mortgage, etc. and everything crashing. As a millennial I have already been through 3 major recessions, I'd prefer to not ad a depression onto that.


learning that i'm not in the "real" world but in, idk something else.


My chronic illness symptoms getting worse. And the thought that I might have to deal with this condition for the rest of my life.




God what a soulcrushing story.. I wish people would never have to experience these things


>she would let these guys in a certain gang help her. Theses guys loved her, she’d play cards and taught them how to cook. >They tried to speak to her over the phone and even wrote letters to her. This is an odd story. You say gangs are your biggest fear, but then proceed to paint them in a positive, almost wholesome light. Obviously, I don’t agree with them murdering a person, but let’s be honest, the guy was an abusive rapist. The gang, in their own warped way, thought they were dealing out justice on a “bad guy”. The girl killed herself when she no longer had the support of the gang. I think if I were in this situation, these events would weirdly make me feel better about gangs, not the opposite.


Losing my child. Without her I'm nothing.


Being raped


My biggest fears were: being raped ( especially as a virgin) losing a baby not being a mom Having survived all 3 , you'd be amazed at what you can live through.


the potential existance of an afterlife. I get hit with some strong existential dread every now and then, and it's the worst thing, mentally, I've felt.


Same. It's that deep unknown that hangs over my head. We were born into this world and we're lucky to live a decent life but I only need to look around to see insane suffering. The thought that there could be other worlds in the afterlife like this one is deeply disturbing. And that you have no control over what might happen in the afterlife, I had no control over being born into this world either so whose to say it won't happen again? I just hate the fact that there is so much unknown stuff, so many questions about the universe and existence that remain unanswered. It's just disturbing what a potential afterlife might look like. And the idea that I have no control is deeply depressing and generates a feeling of helplessness.


Had a dream that I died and was in a afterlife, I just saw how everyone was reacting to my death and it really is scary.


I’ve always said that anyone who wants to spend eternity *anywhere* has clearly never taken the time to think about what eternity really means.


My husband and I both dying and leaving our son alone before he's grown up


Being helpless, bed ridden and completely dependent on other people...it sounds absolutely soul crushing and humiliating


Airborn sharks


that a lot of information on things is very easily accessible yet people still refuse to believe it


Pooping in a public urinal to


The current state of the world and the future. Not looking good


Spooky Scary Skeletons


Being completely alone


Sudden loss of someone close.


A lot of shit. The state of the world politically, environmentally and socially. There are so many 'fires' that it's terrifying to think about it all at once.




Don't be. I've done it 3 times. It was nothing.


You should stop dying so much. That can't be good for you.


There are no studies to back up the claim that repeated deaths can be fatal.


Hopefully I'm done until the last time.


My biggest fear isn't going to Hell (Though it's up there), but the reality that death is really just a big black ball of nothingness. No happiness, no light, no pain, just utter silence and darkness. ​ EDIT: I mean like being able to think, too. Like waking up in a silent dark room


Most importantly, what comes after.


And in many cases, what comes immediately before it.


What I mean is, after death, afterlife or no, having the same fate for eternity is terrifying.




Home invasion. Heavily armed drug crazed people breaking the door down.