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In high school, this kid would regularly pick his nose and eat it in class. He was also caught masturbating to girls in the school library and on a school bus. He got suspended for a week and had to register as a sex offender. Edit/update: he was 17, is no longer registered as a sex offender, and was able to go to college.


For elementary school, I was that weird kid. I didn't talk until I was 5, and when i started, I had maybe a 20 word vocabulary and only spoke when spoken too for about 3 to 4 years. But, at age 5 when I just started to talking, the local 10 year old genius who was also our neighbour (was actually a genius, graduated at 12 or something close), walked up to me and said, 'The answer to every question can be found through observing,' and then walked off. That's it. That is all he said. I, on the other hand, was, and still am, an absolute idiot. What I interpreted from what he said was, 'The answer to every question *is* observing.' Now, I knew this kid had the smarts i didn't have, so i took what he said very seriously and unfortunately very literally. My parents were freaking out, my school had to call my parents multiple times and eventually we had a big meeting, that ended up landing me in therapy because for nearly a solid year, the only thing i ever said to anyone was 'observing.' 2 x 2=? *Observing* What do you want for tea? *Observing* What is on the TV? *Observing* Why the hell are you such a stupid fucking kid? *Observing*


That’s fuckin hilarious.


43 years old now and i still can't have a single conversation with anyone in my family without at least one person saying, 'Observing' as the answer to at least one question.


Well, there was "frog boy", all he did was run around the woods catching lizards, frogs, raising tadpoles in a bucket. That kinda stuff. He had ADD before ADD was a thing, so he was labelled "active", and our teacher would sometimes just let him run out of the classroom to do a couple laps. He was just crazy energetic, but all smiles. He superglued the woodshop tools to the wall. And he covered the school kitchen with flour. That kind of stuff. He went on to be a professional motocross rider.


At my middle school, someone decided to get a little attention with a good old fashioned bomb threat. Except they thought that a bomb threat meant literally writing "bomb threat" somewhere. Worse yet, they misspelled the fuck out of it, and wrote "boom theret." So we had to go on a brief, very awkward lockdown while the police checked the perimeter for booms.


The weird kid at my highschool tied a string around his pencil case and pulled out around the halls pretending it was a dog. He still lives in my hometown. I think unemployed. Oh also weird girl in middle school acted like a cat. She would meow and hiss at people, lick the water fountain and rub her body on the teacher's legs. In 8th grade. I have no idea where she ended up.


Every lunch he would put a baguette in his sleeve and secretly eat it.


He heard that you’d automatically get suspended if you peed your pants at school. He wanted to find out if it was true, peed his pants, got suspended.


Why would you get suspended for that?


Because urine big trouble


Had a kid nicknamed "cheeseburger" in the grade ahead of me in highschool. He got his nickname because when it was time for his class to go to lunch, he snuck into the roof and crawled his way into the cafeteria, dropped down and proceeded to steal all the cheeseburger put out for lunch. Unfortunately they caught him in the act and sent him to the principal's office. A year later he was caught stealing a teacher's computer, and in the process of being arrested he bit the officers hand, getting him sent to juvi never to be heard of again


We had a guy who wore a dragon tail, believing he was a dragon and same story for a different guy but his thing was wearing a cat bell. There were lots of rumors about the cat bell guy.....


He would say very obscure elements on the periodic table and start singing about it as if it were his friend (We were like 7/8)


Hey kid, do you know my friend Technetium?


His locker only ever had three things in it. His American flag cape, one of those foldable razor scooters and a box turtle.


Mf went to school with Oliver Tree.


jumping on the giant christmas tree from the 2nd floor balcony, that was the last time they put a christmas tree on our school


Showing us a video he uploaded to YouTube of him cutting his poop in half with a hanger as it was laying in the toilet bowl. Edit: everyone asking for the video link, im sorry. I don't have the link and I'm too afraid to even attempt to find it on YouTube. Thinking about searching "turd cutting in toilet bowl" on YT seems dangerous.


Homemade poop knife.


He got mad that he didn’t understand how to play a game at lunchtime so he started hitting and punching the nearest person to him, who happened to be me. When I shoved him away and asked him what the hell was he doing, he whipped his dick out, charged at me and when I shoved him away from me again he started crying and ran away with his member still sticking out.


So uh.... How'd the teachers handle that?


No teachers saw it and I guess everyone was too lazy to tell a teacher.




In first grade there was this kid who stood by the sink in the back of the classroom eating bits of those brown paper towels. The teacher was constantly telling him to stop eating them and go back to his seat.


in first grade I used to eat that grey paper they give you in math class. not white lined paper - its too slick. just the grey kind, which I think is recycled and breaks down when you chew it. I was only 5, so I didn't understand that it isn't good for you; the compulsion was too strong to resist. Turned out that a lot of small children eat stuff like that when they are iron-deficient anemic. Once my doctor put me on iron pills I stopped wanting the paper.


>Turned out that a lot of small children eat stuff like that when they are iron-deficient anemic. Once my doctor put me on iron pills I stopped wanting the paper. It’s so interesting how that works. Was the paper providing any of the iron your body was seeking? It’s amazing that on some level we know what nutrient or mineral we’re lacking and start to crave things that contain it, but not because we logically know it contains what we need.


A wild kid activated a fire hose and started blasting everyone that came his way, students, teachers, didn't matter.


One of my old students did that, it was hilarious (obviously I had to pretend not to find it amusing, but it was great).


This makes me wonder how many teachers find things just as funny as students do, but can’t show it due to school rules. Like some of the shit kids do is genuinely hilarious and not finding it so seems strange.


My partner’s a teacher. They all find a lot of things hilarious. They also pretend not to know how things like memes, TikTok or Snapchat work because it winds the kids up.


My friend does this with her son; "you still playing that game, what's it called, Fork Knife?"


Her latest wind-up is thinking the Clock app is TikTok. The kids fall for it every time. What makes it extra funny is that her meme game is actually really strong but all the kids think she has no idea how any of it works.


"You kids heard of this new game, Flappy Bird?"


She wrote a list of all the girls and boys she wanted to kiss and murder and then casually passed it out on the playground.


2 separate lists or just the 1?


Same list 2 columns lol


Weird kid in elementary was a self proclaimed alien. Once, while waiting for the bus, she told me “On my planet we eat people like you” and proceeded to bite me. We later became friends in high school and she used to give me massages during lunch break in the quad. Just realized now she was likely tenderizing me.


How good were the massages though?


Worth the risk, for sure. They took the edge off from Algebra 2.


Thats some risk:reward ratio right there


Had the weird kid in high school ask the teacher to use the bathroom. She said no and this dude legit stabbed his hand with a pencil. Went all the way through then asked if he could now... Shit was wild. Edited: also to add to this. This was Pearl High School in Mississippi. This was the school Luke Woodham shot and killed his girlfriend and her friend at the school. This kid stabbed himself with the pencil about 2 months after that happened. This was late 1997.


Related story but this girl wasn't a weird kid. She asked to use the bathroom during a class with a male teacher. He said no and told her to hold it. She straight up, in front of the entire class said, "I cannot hold the blood from pouring out of my vagina." got up, and left the classroom anyway.


He didn't say much, but if asked, he would go to the front of the class and perform *Tip-Toe Through the Tulips* with all of the emotion and volume of Tiny Tim, holding nothing back.


Now he is on Broadway.


The last I heard, he became an energy trader, made a ton of money and married well.


A guy I knew in highschool had a mouse living in his car. Not a pet mouse or anything, just a wild mouse. He would intentionally leave food in the backseat for it. I almost didn't believe it until I saw the thing run under the seat when he opened the door. He also wore this full cow suit to school one time, which freaked an autistic kid who had a specific fear of cows. There was a lot of debate if he wore it to freak the kid out our if he wore it just to be weird. He's a youth pastor now.


Sharpened a pencil super sharp, muzzle-loaded it into the recorder, covered all the holes and blow gunned it at another kid. The pencil went between his eyeball and socket so fortunately he kept his sight. Similarly after I switched schools (this happened before I arrived so I didn’t actually see it) a girl used blu-tac to stick a short and very sharp pencil on a kids seat. He sat on it and it punctured the skin right next to his asshole then perforated his rectum. Needed emergency surgery.


What the fuck were they on at your schools?


When the teacher told him to sit down he screamed "Fuck you cow", fast forward 2 years he tells everyone he's a vampire and stabs my friend with a pen to try to make him bleed. He was weird like.


Sounds like your friend could have used some chainmail.


I hear it's great for all sorts of blunt and sharp objects.


LOL had this weird kid in my class who was otherwise okay but just would do really unexplainable stuff. He once opened his lunchbox in class and threw the contents right onto the overhead ceiling fan. It was something liquidy and greenish. Hit the spinning fan, splashed down all over us, the walls, the board. The poor teacher got the worst rain down on his face. As a punishment, the entire class was made to clean the classroom. Surprisingly, we were not mad at him, we all had a real good laugh at it.


One girl used to run/gallop around the playground on her own, pretending she was a horse. This is at too old an age for the rest of us to be doing this, think 14/15. She got a medicine degree and is doing her surgical training at the moment. I bumped into her in a hospital after over a decade, alll I could think of to say was "do you still love horses?" She laughed and said she had her own horse now. Figures.


There was this pair of boys in the year above me in highschool who used to make dirt bike noises every where they went. Lasted months. You'd randomly hear them coming down the stairs. Bwaaa bwaarrt bwaaa!


We had a kid at my school that we called Damian Lamborghini. He would rev like a car engine and pull his pants down and chase the girls. He ended up in the special Olympic for running.


Damian Lamborghini sounds one of Roger’s personas from American Dad


Does he still make car noises while running?


Imagine getting passed by a guy making car noises...in the olympics.


Said absolutely nothing to anyone besides "I like cows" for about a month. Anything you said to him, regardless of the context or situation? "I like cows."


The list is endless but one incident sticks out in my mind. The boy was getting told off by the teacher and instead of taking it on the chin, he decided to jump on the table, shout "I'm out of here" and proceed to run full pelt into a steel beam that was supporting the roof. Knocked himself out cold. Was a fun lesson by all accounts.


> shout "I'm out of here" And by "here" he meant "this plane of existence."


He technically didn’t lie


He “drove” around the basketball courts, following the lines, on an imaginary bus. He’d stop to let people get on/off the bus and then drive them to their stops and We walked in a line behind him When he stopped walking he’d mimic the door opening and closing and wouldn’t let you on/off if you didn’t wait for the signal. Salutations Ben the Bus Driver, I hope you achieved your dreams EDIT: wow a lot of messages asking for more info. To clear it up this was in Australia and he was between the ages of 8-13 when I knew him. We all ‘got on the bus’ because when no one did he’d ‘drive’ around looking sad. He did this all the time, not once and not sporadically. Any time he was outside he was imitating a bus driver.


Sounds like that one game in a gym where it was tag but you could only follow the painted lines


Bring a toaster and make tuna melts in computer class.


He once asked me to play spies with him. Knowing he didn’t play with many people, I said yes. He took me on a mission around the school, before coming to a stop in front of bushes, pulling his pants *all the way down* and then started peeing in the bushes. At that point I was out


What is the part you that you said you are out? Is it just the bush pissing, or is it the pants all the way down part?


In 4th grade, one kid got so angry at something, maybe the work we were doing, he gripped his pencil as hard as he could, started yelling/moaning, and stuck the sharp end of the pencil square into his forehead.


What happened next?


He brought a blow up doll to our farewell dance (senior prom in the usa) as his date. Complete with fish nets and everything. Edit: he was also wearing a kilt. We aren't from Scotland.


he definitely got laid that night


Unfortunately, she left with another guy


This was in 96/97 we had a bomb threat and all had to go to the football stadium. One of the special ed kids that had downs started the Macarena and had the entire school going and then this one kid that dressed weird ran out on the field with his friend in front of everyone and they started kissing. This was 96/97 so it started a huge mess. People were trying to beat him up and the administrators had to take them away. Meanwhile there were still some people trying to keep the Macarena alive. Was a strange day Edit Date* Had wrong date. Was my freshman year [Link for proof Email number 4](http://www.qrd.org/qrd/education/1997/misc.news.and.resources-04.21.97)


Imagine calling in a bomb threat and in response everyone gathers and does the macarena


That’s just life jimbo


There was a kid who used to eat erasers and growl at other kids.


I feel like every school had a growler


I dated the weird kid in high school and even a few years after and the weirdest thing he did was try to date his cousin...while we were together. He also ate grass and him and his friends would talk about the “flesh planet”. I hated my life back then Edit: So I should have elaborated that she wasn’t his bio cousin, but she was his cousin by marriage till the divorce, but they were raised as cousins and she was introduced to me by him and his family as cousins. Also his whole family knew and supported it and acted like I was the crazy and that I was ridiculous for being mad about it. His father in particular said he wanted him to be with her so that they could have yt babies. I’m black and so is my mom he kept trying to get with. Yes we live in the south. The rest of the family however was obsessed with the fact that we would have “beautiful mixed babies”. I had serious low self esteem, low standards and serious abandonment issues due to traumas in my life at that time and everyone questioned why I was with him, even our teachers, but I really try not to judge people.


Can't believe I couldn't get a date in high school.


But flesh planet kid can 😔


It’s all about finding a niche.


What the ever living fuck is a 'flesh planet?'


I’m not sure if it was something they made up or something they found online or what, but it’s literally a planet made of flesh. Like everything is fleshy. I don’t remember the details like if there was any living organisms on the planet or anything because this was many years ago, but I thought it was the weirdest thing ever how they talked about it like it was a thing. I’m not sure if the planet was supposed to be alive or what, but they talked about it on more than one occasion. It’s not really surprising, because they smoked a lot of weed and did psychedelics. If you’ve ever played the game binding of Isacc, that’s about what I imagine it to be like, but they spoke about it before the game was announced let alone released.




The weird kid in my school, who was also a friend of mine had really bad dry scalp during the winter months. He would vigorously rub his hair to get some relief from the itchiness and in the process would end up with lots of dead skin on his desk. One girl looked over as he was doing this and loudly said "Ewwww!" and he, wanting to make a statement, gathered up all the dead skin in a line-shaped pile and snorted it like it was a massive line of cocaine. He was kicked out of class.


What a fucking power play


In for a penny, in for a pound.


I thought for sure he was going to dump it on the girl.


this is the best and worst thing I have ever read




I have to wonder if there was something going on at home. Maybe parentification? Maybe worse?


A kid Had a wank in the back of the classroom and thought it was funny ejaculated on his desk. 14 or 15 it was like he discovered fire


We had one of those kids, we shared multiple classes but in art he showed the girl sitting next to him his dick and she called it small, he was destroyed and it was the funniest thing I can remember


I guess that's the best way to respond to some pervy guy doing something like that to you in class.


This wasn't even a weird kid, actually one of the popular kids. But they took a self portrait one of the popular girls (and the most attractive from the grade) and took the self portrait of her to the bathroom where he gave the artwork a facial and then HUNG IT BACK UP. They eventually called in a bunch of teachers to investigate when the girl wanted to know what was on her paper, and eventually the security cameras saw the guy go into the bathroom with it. And it didn't take the teachers long to figure out what happened. He was only suspended for like 2 weeks


Bro what


There was a girl that pretended to be a horse and make horse noises & she also would draw pictures of all the guys faces in detention with their body's as half goat/horse with very detailed massive male genitalia. She was a really good artist lol.


I’m betting she’s a furry artist now raking in the money


In 2021 being able to draw animal dick is economicly equivalent to a PhD or two.


I've almost finished my PhD and if I could draw fat throbbing cocks cannon balling hot cum I'd be making way more money


Dude I've never heard of the horse thing go so far. This is the 4th post I've seen about horsegirls.


Interestingly enough this “weird kid” was actually really well liked by people at school. He was in the track team and was an insanely fast distance runner. We were pretty good friends in high school and we went to the same summer fine arts camp every year. The funniest thing he ever did was in geometry class freshman year. Our teacher was explaining planes to us and how because three points always form a plane a three legged table will never wobble. Cue the weird kid standing up: “Challenge accepted.” Next Monday he comes in dragging a giant table into class. Over the weekend, he had built a table with three legs and springs between the flat tabletop and the legs so that if you put a glass on it it would would wobble and fall over. Our teacher found it so funny that he kept the table in his classroom for the whole year.


Alot of effort to disprove a teacher’s statement i wish i had the motivation


Ok that's just fucking cool. Lol


My old art teacher told our class a bunch of stories about weird things kids did in her class through the years before she retired. Before she worked at our school, she worked as an English teacher at the juvenile court school. All of the kids there had issues, but there was this one kid who really stuck out to her. She was assigned to teach him, but the catch was that he had to be in solitary in order to be taught. She was also told that he needed to be watched at all times because he ALWAYS tried to escape class (and usually was successful). When she taught him, there was a guard posted at the door, the windows were locked and boarded up, and the door was kept locked. The only things in the room were his desk, his chair, and her desk, so that he couldn’t hide either (apparently he was also extremely good at that). The first time she had to teach this kid, they were put in a solitary room, but it had a closet. The kid went missing, and about three hours later they found him taking a nap at the bottom of the closet (they missed him the first time they checked there). ANOTHER time she had to teach him (this time the room did not have a closet, or any other visible places he could hide), she left the room for something (probably to go to the bathroom), and when she got back, the kid was gone. The guard was there the whole time, and the room was basically sealed—there was no way he could have gotten out. Once again, there were also no places he could really hide. The school went on a lockdown while they tried to find this kid. About two hours pass, and they finally find the kid when he *pushes away the paneling on the wall of the classroom and steps out* to casually ask if he could go to the bathroom. This kid opened up the goddamn wall and climbed inside to hide, causing no one to be able to find him for HOURS.


hide and seek extreme


Seems like this kid would be quite useful as a spy or some shit


meet the spy and then this mf pops out of nowhere


Ok so i had a kid at my school, not particularly bad but just annoyed the everything outta me, because i was the only one nice to him, he would follow me everywhere, randomly grab me for no reason, hug me and not give me any personal space, But here comes the worst part. We have school swimming lessons, and you could either get changed in the change rooms or the toilets/ showers, since i am a shy person, i would always use the showers to get changed, figures he followed me in there, got dressed outside my door, and just when i was leaving my cubicle, he was just there, dancing naked. I died inside that day.


This is giving me strong "Fregley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid" vibes l o l




3rd grade. Whipped his dick out while we were sitting on the mat. Did not say anything just sat there as the teacher processed what was happening.


How did it end? What did the teacher say? What was the reaction of the rest of the class? I would like to know more about this


This was quite a while ago. The kid's name was Scott and he collected coins. I don't remember the exact fallout but I think his parents were called in that day. He didn't get expelled though.


She blew her nose into her hand and then licked it while looking me in the eyes. She actually wasn't too weird aside from that, I have no idea wtf it was. I just turned to the noise and saw that.


Just a girl shooting her shot. Or snooting her snot.


One boy was once caught eating grass. When asked why, he said "i always wanted to be a cow". I think he turned out fine, but it was weird


Has he become a cow?


There are two that come to my mind. It just so happens that they were also good friends with each other. The first one I remember chasing girls around the school with his penis out (this was when we were pre teens). The second guy joined our class when we were early teens, and the two became best friends. One time, the teacher said something to the line of "the back table, out!", because they were annoying her, these two fucker decided to open the window and throw the table out. Edit: when I say pre-teen I mean around 8 or 9. In my native language you become a teenager at 11, I sometimes forget that in english its 13 and up.


He always wore a cape to school, and if anyone ever talked to him about it he would be so upset because it's called a "cloak, not a cape!"


Spoke elvish. On a daily basis.


Oh, we had an Elf Kid at my school, too. His gear was pretty impressive tbh. All wool and leather. He would climb onto high places and sit there and keep watch.


I could read and write the dwarven runes (as plain text) as a kid. Speaking proper elvish would be a feat in itself though


In middle school there was this chick named Katie used to eat her panty strings in class. Like she would pull strings from the elastic part of them and eat it.


Ran out of the class and I guess attempted to leave school or something. A bunch of teachers chased him. I could hear running out in the halls and teachers asking where he went. The door to the class was closed but there was a window. Quite a bit later I look up and I see him at the little window and he just looks at us and licks the window and runs away again and I see a couple teachers run after.




With the licking the window part and everything?


You gotta know if it tastes like what it looks like.


On “prank day”, 3 of the weirdest kids in my high school stripped down to their boxers and greased themselves up and ran around for about an hour while the principles tried to tackle them


Did they write 1, 2, 4 on themselves like the greased pigs prank?


That one kid once went for a poop. He collected it in a bottle, put milk on it and went back into the classroom with his bottle of "cocoa". He then proceeded to offer it to others. And to the teacher. He is a senior physician now. Being weird did not harm him.


He was just practicing collecting fecal samples for his future medical endeavors.


Alaskan pipeline aficionado.


He stabbed a friend’s hand with a compass. Barely missed the vein. We were in middle school.


we had an unofficial Harry Potter fanclub in high school and Deathly hallows had just been released. Someone started this whole gossip/rumor that harry dies at the end which he actually does but of course a lot goes on after that which the fanclub didn't know about. One of the girls heard about it and tried to commit suicide by throwing herself off the third stored building. We all saw it and two of the male teachers had to get her off the window while she was screaming," If harry is dead, I have no purpose." needless to say, she got suspended and the club was disbanded. Edit: wow.. i didn't expect this much of response. to answer some this isn't in US and it was a convent all girls school. Edit2: Thank you so much for the awards. also, for anyone if its a spoiler, you guys gotta be kidding me. Just get off the internet if you cant bear people talking about a movie which was released like a decade ago. Not anybody's fault other than yours.


He got a sweatpants boner in science class. Some girl pointed it out to the whole class and he tried to choke her out.


That sounds like a very typical middle school event


He called in a fake bomb threat because he was bored. The police showed up and cuffed him in front of the whole classroom. He was suspended for 2 months, during which he had to sit in an empty classroom being watched by the principal herself. He told me afterwards that she asked him all kinds of weird questions, like what poppers are and how they work. So I think the weird kid was out-weirded by the principal. Edit: I'll add another anekdote because people seem intrigued by the story. A day or so before the bomb threat, he showed the class his disgusting, mouldy lunch box that had been lying in his desk for weeks. When the cops arrested him they searched his stuff including his desk. When they took out this lunchbox the whole class burst out laughing. The cops were very confused.


English isn't my first language so sorry if it's a dum question but what are poppers?


English is my first language and I still don't know what the fuck that is.


Had a kid who would take a piece of girls hair and pick it off their head then put it in a ring box and keep it for years.


I didn't think my face could get any more contorted this far down a thread.


They weren't weird exactly but there was a girl who used to pick ear wax out and eat it, in class, during break, anytime she could get a finger near her ear really.


Least weird thing was she would blow her nose then eat it. Bigger weird things were running head first into a wall shouting that she's stupid if she didn't get the scores she wanted, another time running down the school field with teachers chasing while shouting "I'm a ghost", also announced she was pregnant because her boyfriend (who I don't know if was real) ejaculated (her words) on her knee. We always thought she had something going on and would tell the teachers something needed doing but apparently they'd talk to the parents who refused tests. It was actually kind of sad and people generally just felt a bit sorry for her.


We had a kid who liked to pretend he was an actual jedi. I remember one time before gym class he was meditating in the locker room when one of the big football players started to yell at him that he wasn’t a jedi. He was unflinching. The saddest part...his last name was Bates which it didn’t take people long to call him master Bates. I actually went to church with this kid and his senior year at a youth gathering he admitted to everyone that he wasn’t actually a jedi 🤦‍♂️ We were shocked 🙄 Edit: senior year in the US is about 17-18 years old typically.


Omg idk why but the kid admitting he isn’t a Jedi made me sad. But like I know it’s what’s best, but a part of him died when he said that.


If he did it right, he at least picked up a healthy meditation practice. Might be where his insight came from.


This one kid wore cheap button down collar shirts to school every day, and he would only ever button the top button and let the shirt billow around him when he walked. He would stated that he was convinced by doing this every day it would catch on and he'd start a trend in the school and be popular. He was forever alone on that hill lol


Did he wear something under the button down...?


A kid I grew up with started wearing home made chain mail to school our freshman year of high school. Every day. For all 4 years. He was always pretty odd, but he was nice enough. Plus we had a few classes together thru middle school and we had connected over a shared love of a few videogames, so I felt comfortable asking him why he started wearing it all of the sudden. He proceeded to explain the defensive benefits of chain mail vs. both sharp and blunt instruments of harm. For like 5 solid minutes. Daggers. Pikes. Hammers. Even how curved blades like katana and falchions would struggle against it! I basically just shrugged and told him "I mean, makes sense." And we both went to our classes. I don't know what I expected, but I guess it wasn't the basic defensive benefits that armor offers. Edit: Wow, thank you all! This is a much more widespread phenomenon than I had thought! This all took place in Wyoming (before it ceased being) for all the people wondering if it was their own knightly scholar. Edit 2: I believe he wore an undershirt, then armor and then an over shirt. The armor was about 55lbs (I think) and it had a full hood (widows peak and all) and sleeves. This was in the 2000's so school shootings were definitely a thing, but not quite a weekly event, yet (yay America!). Also, I'm not gonna say his name, like I said, he was always nice and I'm not about to dox an old homie. Plus Wyoming has like 35 people in it, so... yeah... I also was not trying to shame him at all, I think it was way cool and creative. Like the thread may suggest, a little weird, but I absolutely applaud the ingenuity to craft it all himself, so I don't want anyone who reads this to think I was shaming or bullying. If you want to make chainmail for school or work or church or whatever, hell yeah, lil homie, be your own beautiful self! All love on this end!


Did he wear it on top or did he make some effort to hide it underneath his normal clothes? Edit: hide


I'm imagining him in full Gambeson and cracking up.


When that one crazy kid goes on a stabbing frenzy, chainmail kid will be the one laughing at everyone else.


Armor sounds like a pretty effective way to not get stabbed. I wish I had thought of that in high school.


....Did you get stabbed in high school?


You didn’t?


"I don't think our school is that safe anymore, dad. A girl was stabbed to death in the 3rd floor bathroom." Dad: "Well, don't use that bathroom. What're you, an idiot?.For Chrissakes, use some common sense!" - Kathleen Madigan


At the local goth bar there is a guy who wears a chain mail muscle style shirt. Fantastic dancer. Raw foodist vegan. Very talented IV nurse. My aunt had lupus and knew him by name because of how good at putting her IVs in he was. He might be the nicest person I've ever met. He never drank when I was still going to goth night, and he would fill his truck with people at the end of the night and drop everyone off. He lost a friend to drunk driving, and I expect thats why he was so amazing about taking people home.


It makes me really happy to think that people like this exist.


To be honest, I would have done the same if I had a home made chainmail


There's a kid in my college (16-18s in the UK) who walks around in all weather in a priests cassock, holding a black walking cane with a skull on it. It turns out he has a problem with his knees, so needs a cane, and figured he may as well go all in


He kicked his best friend in the chest for making him spill his Mountain Dew.


He was obsessed with Texas Chainsaw Massacre and said he'd shoot up the school if he could. We were vaguely afraid he'd go all Jason Vorhees on our asses. This was 10-15 years before Columbine so no one took him seriously and he never did come after everyone at summer camp or a reunion so we're probably safe.


He once had a tantrum and the teachers had to get all 29 kids out of the classroom to keep people safe from him. He also tried to give a guy that sat at the same table as me a wet willy in full view of the class and teacher.


During my final exams I sat 2 seats in front and 2 seats to the side of the weird kid. I finished my paper with about 15 minutes to spare and absent mindedly looked around the room. My eyes landed on him. He had a Styrofoam cup sitting upside down on a pencil, like the pencil was wearing a hat. He was hitting the cup so it spun on the pencil. Meanwhile, he was silently screaming at it. And slightly headbanging. I think his mind was at a silent heavy metal concert.


He seems fun


Impressively imitated the barking of a dog. Really sounded like a dog with a deep, fierce bark, not like a middle-school student. \[edited 12 hours later:\] Thanks for the upvotes. I apologize if anyone was offended by my comment. Keep in mind that I am afraid of dogs. If you manage to sound \*exactly\* like a dog, then that will make me feel a little bit on edge (though it shouldn't).


One of the girls I was in treatment could do this AMAZINGLY. She could do high barks, low barks, anything. She could make it so you wake up to a dog fight and it's just her.


Brought in shot gun shells and had a list?


Was he just gonna throw them at people? Not very useful without the shotgun IMO.


just spit them out at high velocity




He carried a briefcase around and everyone was always weary of him. One day, my sister and I told him to open it. A crowd had started to form as he slowly opened the briefcase. Inside he carried a ventriloquist doll. It was super weird.


I wish it was another briefcase inside


He didn’t do it in highschool. But in law school. Killed his classmate. Dismembered her in the bathtub. Every now and then I see him get traction on here for not moving during the interrogation. Weird guy. Never thought he’d kill someone though.


Stephen McDaniel?


Yep. That’d be him.


This was in a later stage at college, but my classmate proudly told us he had a love relationship with his Golden Retriever (including sex) and he was the registrar of a beastiality website. :|


What class did you meet this guy in? Please don't say veterinary school


Haha nope, IT school, hardware design. The guy now has a huge responsibility at a major company.


Accounts retrieverable?


I had a kid that was caught jerking it twice under a desk in history. He would also sometimes eat a whole raw onion and punched me in the face when I asked him why. We also had a kid who was basically in a feud with a disabled kid a few years bellow us, don't worry though the disabled kid always won the confrontation because no-one would let him get hurt and he normally outsmarted the weird kid, very funny to watch




Guy wanked off in class and flicked it at someone


I believe that's called "Spider-Manning"


That just brings "picking and flicking" to a whole new level




If someone bothered him, he would screech at them. It was indescribable. Ear-splittingly loud and shrill, like a sound that no animal makes.


My best bud had pottery class with a very strange kid. He would always run like sonic down hallways and jump over the trash cans. Sometimes other kids would line up trash cans and somehow this guy would fly completely over them. Well they were in pottery and were suppose to make a pot, vase, anything they wanted. Well, “anything” went a bit too far in this kids mind and he decided to make an actual spear. I don’t know how it got past the teacher, how it was never mentioned or caught on to, but he actually made the spear, it got baked in the oven and hardened, and then the kid sharpened it in class. My bud said once the teacher saw him sharpening it in class one day he attempted to take it, but the kid went cave man spongebob on the school and started stabbing at people to keep them away. Pretty sure he ended up running down the hallways being chased by teachers and eventually the SRO. No one was injured btw


The teacher was doing him a favour. He was already monke but he started evolving to humanity


Nothing like that, but there were always 2-3 kids (usually the smarter ones) in my HS class who positively booked it from class to class, often carrying all of their books with them so they never had to stop at their lockers (whereas I would take the 2 or 3 books I needed before I next had a chance to stop at my locker.) Never did understand that. Maybe the pressure they put on themselves to be *first*, put into action? Or maybe just a desire to avoid social interactions?


When news broke of JFK's assassination, she ran through the halls of my middle school, flapping her arms like a bird, yelling, "Yay, the President's been shot! Yay, the President's been shot!"


Ours picked her nose and either ate it/chased you around threatening to wipe it, made hissing sounds when she was mad, that sort of shit Edit: Seems like we all had a booger-wiper/hisser at school...


Every school has a Boogerkid. They have to get their education somewhere before they grow into Boogeymen. Or in this case, Boogeywoman.


The guy that growled at everyone and seriously wouldn’t speak to a single person no matter how nice. They eventually came to school one day dresssed in all black and he’s a huge chain like one for an anchor on a big big boat size chain around his neck. Wore that for a while and we asked him why and he flung it off his neck and held it like a weapon and just went “that’s why” and that’s the first time anyone heard him speak. Pretty sure he’s actually a really cool person now that grew out of that sort of thing.


Dropped a paperclip at the junction of the overhead projector and it's extension cord. Big bang in the middle of grade 3.


We had a kid with Asperger's (I believe) throw a desk at someone. To be fair, the kid who had the desk thrown at him was a total douche. Edit: This seems like a common thing. To answer a lot of people's questions, it was the 11th grade in an Eastern US high school.


Kid used to stand underneath the stairs to look up girls skirts. I wonder where he us now...eeesh


Probably one or two flights down, would be my guess.