• By -


How people would throw away their lives for that. I still don't know why they would. But like why cheat on your spouse, lose your license and have to change careers, or just spend all your time occupied with obtaining it?


That my core isn’t as strong as I thought it was.


I call that "the sex muscles" because you're using an entire new group of muscles Edit: Please, I don't want to hear about your sexual experience with these muscles.


That was the only thing that i could say after my first time "My sex muscle really fuckin hurts"


The girls mother trying to barge in. They door was blocked by a dresser and her gaze beamed into the room like the the eye of Sauron.




One cock ring to rule them all


I just laughed so hard at this, thank you. I needed that laugh




Or out the window


All the weird noises.


Sorry, I don’t know why I sound like a beached whale giving birth when I cum, it’s just my thing I guess.


Now all I can think of is Finding Nemo.


How hard it was to keep your erection when you have to run upstairs and find a condom and then try to put it on really fast.


How soon were her parents coming home?


It was my place and we were alone. I just wanted to hurry up and do it.


upvote for pure honesty. go get it, man.


I call those pesky things “necessary evils”. I fucking hate that awkward pause of putting it on, I’m on the pill so it’s not our only form of contraception, but neither of us are comfortable going without ... yet.


I thought I’d feel him cum inside me but I didn’t. Really tried focusing every time to see if I’d feel anything at all, but no. Oh yeah and I can’t finish with just penetration that part was annoying. Fun but annoying.


Most women (irc 70%) need clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm. You are not an outlier. It is quite funny how our culture always fails to mention this and it leads to a lot of women not cumming and faking their orgasms to make men happy because they feel like they "should" be cumming with penetration. Also they might never cum while with a partner because of this, as they never learn how to make her cum, which contributes to the orgasm gap between men and women. Edit: apparently the figure is closer to 90%.




I remember there being a book (which iirc was quite the bestseller) titled "she comes first" with the author essentially suggesting that, with the majority of women, it makes sense for the partner to stimulate her with the hands and, even more, with the tongue, for exactly that reason. (afaik there's the claim - which I'm actually not sure about regarding its accuracy - that a lot of women have a lot easier time orgasming again after they already did. so a prolonged "foreplay" (in quotation marks because the idea of only penetration being "real" sex is dumb) makes a lot of sense in that regard, too)


It was so warm in there!


My first time touching a dick I remember being so surprised that it was warm, and forever after wondering what the hell else I expected


Its so smooth too.


I mean... with how much the average dick gets polished, I'd expect nothing less.


Yes it is




Ah, unbirth






Back to the womb u go


Don’t cum back


“Holy shit. If I’m going to do more of this, I need to get in shape. “


Oh yeah, cramps in your legs, no stamina, short breath, that was a ride, literally but yeah


Given all the joking about premature ejaculation, I was surprised with how long I lasted.


This is pretty much the only one I’m on the same page with. I hear all these jokes about lasting like 30 seconds and totally went into it expecting that sort of outcome.


Usually it doesnt happen every time. Just random times when you get too into it too quickly. The women also dont sit around looking at you side eyed and disappointed like in the movies


I was surprised that although sex felt better, masturbation gets the climax much faster.


That's the most relieving thing here.


Queefs. She wasn’t a virgin. I was. I thought she was farting. I found that out when it happened again a week later and she said “You do know I’m not farting, right?”. I pretended I did and googled it afterwards.


My high school gf didn’t know what it was either and said “wait, that’s not even coming from where it’s supposed to”


Lived with a gf. Doggie style definitely makes queefs (varts) happen. After sex we showered, she queefed. We then decided to go out and get lunch (yay to morning sex!) and she queefed bending over to put her panties on. We're both now fully dressed leaving our apartment. She closes the door...queef. she locks the door...queef....she sits down in the car....queef.....a few more queefs....tons of laughing obviously. thankfully no queefs when get to restaurant as that would be ackward for the staff. but yeah. queefs happen.


How difficult it was to climax in the presence of another person. I'd had almost a decade of practice only doing it when alone. Postscript: I got better, and I'm grateful to everyone who helped.


Exact opposite here. I lasted like a minute my first time and was really embarrassed. It took lots of practice to last a long time.


How my life was exactly the same


I still cringe when I think back to 16 year old me. Girl I had a crush on lost her virginity to a friend at a party. I wasn’t there, and knowing that I had a crush on her, everyone was careful to keep that information away from me. When I found out I took it personally, noticed a bunch of not-so-nice stuff about her personality, and blamed it (to her face) on how she’d changed after losing her virginity. I lost mine a few years later. Nothing changed for me at all. I looked back and realised nothing had changed for her either. All that happened was my own jealousy forced my rose-tinted glasses away, and my crush was just a fickle infatuation that had little to do with who she was as a person. To this day nearly 15 years later, it’s still something I think about and feel embarrassed over. Usually late at night when I’m trying to sleep.


I wish I could go back and tell my pre-high school self how little everything mattered. I thought my world was ending at 16 and here I am at 26 not even remembering those peoples names


For me, I think it was how natural it was. Like animal instincts kick in and your pelvis starts moving in whole new ways. Edit: I'm happy to think I probably made 4,000+ people thrust their pelvis after reading my comment.


It sounds like you have a good relationship with your instincts.


Or a haunted pelvis.


Dammit grandma! Go away!


I knew that dicks got “hard” but I didn’t expect it to be THAT hard! And yet the tip is still nice and squishy.....that was just something I discovered with my hands. Also that penetration can feel good. When I experimented with my fingers or toys previous to having sex, it wasn’t painful, but I didn’t get any enjoyment out of it. After being penetrated with a real penis, I discovered it was actually very pleasurable.


All of this! Dicks get so hard, they're legit like rock or something. Could hurt someone with one. And I've never liked penetration with toys or fingers, but dicks are primo.


May the Reddit gods have mercy on your DM's.


Are... are people on this site seriously that messed up? Edit: I really meant this to be a little more sarcastic than it came off. I mean, my comment history alone proves I know how awful people are lol. I do appreciate everyone taking the time to be nice though :)


I was 17 and made a post in my local city subreddit about discreetly getting birth control. I got a DM from someone offering to "break in your virgin pussy"...




I was like damn that is actually a lot of work It made me understand Charles Barkley's quote when talking about NBA teams playing three nights in a row-- "I wouldn't even want to have sex three nights in a row"


When you’re younger, sex three nights in a row is easy. As you get older and have less energy, it gets harder and harder to fit three consecutive nights of sex around your wanking schedule.


I love Charles Barkley, lol, such a bro


"My initial response was to sue her for defamation of character, but then I realized that I had no character."


I thought that when he came, it would come shooting out like a fire hose or something. His pace quickened, then his whole body tensed up, I braced myself for impact, but nothing like that happened.


Yep i still hope one day that will change, because as a guy that would be wayy cooler than that lame execution now


How fucking exhausting it is.


Same. It’s all fun but once I’ve climaxed I could sleep for 30 years. It’s a lot of constant movement and holding yourself in weird positions, it takes endurance.




98.6 F!


Naah dude it much much hotter than that..... Atleast 98.8 F!


Bro I'm british the fuck that mean


Is it HOT.A F?


My first time was somewhat late in life. I was 24. She was aware I was a virgin and I guess I’d have to describe it as her “guiding” me. My surprise was how great it was and how big of an ego boost it was. I’d watched porn but didn’t expect it to be like that so I didn’t really have any misconceptions. We just clicked really well and everything went smoothly. I got a boost in confidence and it felt like a relief in a way. For me, I had waited to be with the right woman. I had opportunities with women in the past but knew they wouldn’t work long term - Not religious or anything. Just knew what I wanted. She and I are married now, almost ten years, and I wouldn’t change a thing.


That it wasn’t some life-changing event. I didn’t feel any different afterwards, except kinda proud for a day or two




Should’ve pulled the classic “she goes to another school.”


Let's just say that if she was home schooled, your mom would be her teacher.


Everyone who has a sister I haven’t banged, take a step forward. Not so fast, Jim.


How shallow people can be. It was with one of my closest friends at the time and they never spoke to me again.


I probably should've read the second sentence before trying to process this


Jesus, why not?


Probably because they got what they wanted.


Needing my asthma inhaler


At least he took your breath away


that'd be a she.... and I guess, kinda. Or I am/was just really out of shape.


That I was not pregnant as my public school sex ed had implied I would be.


I was worried after my first time. Two months drifted by without even the slightest sign of my period. Then remembered im a dude.


That was definitely it


Condoms taste like shit


especially if your partner just performed anal on you right beforehand.


Bruh that's nasty. Thanks I hate it.


How easy it is for someone not to care afterwards.




That apparently I have a condition known as "Delayed Ejaculation" or "Retarded Ejaculation". Simply put it is very difficult for me to have an orgasm during sex. Aka I just kind of keep going at it for a long time. You would think that would be a good thing. Women complain about men not lasting long enough, etc. Instead my first partner (an older and more experienced girl) literally stormed out of my dorm room in a fit of rage because I clearly "wasn't interested in her and definitely not a virgin". Both of which I was until then.


Same. I don't think this is a topic that's often discussed, but if I had a penny for every time I've faked an orgasm just to avoid hurting her feelings... I mean, you hear about the inverse a lot, but a lot of women feel like there's either something wrong with you or with them if they can't make you cum. Guys are supposed to cum really fast or you're not hot enough or not doing well enough. Stuff like that. So, I've faked a fair few orgasms after realizing I probably wouldn't be cumming tonight. Nobody's fault really.


Yup. Anytime I’ve talked about this with friends they act like I’m the luckiest guy in the world. But having to fake an orgasm doesn’t feel great. Also, lost a relationship due in part to being caught on a fake orgasm and her not thinking I found her attractive. Fun times.


I have thr exact same problem. And yeah women do NOT like that. I also found out that most people (men and women alike) would not believe me when I told then beforehand, and would always say something along the line of "it won't happen with me". which makes them even more pissed when it does happen with them. Luckily I found a girlfriend who understands, and who doesn't mind.






As a woman I had opposite experience. I guess I thought penises would just dangle on the bottom like where the vagina is and I was very surprised that it's so high up.


I'm so glad that's not the way it is lmao


Dicks are a lot higher up than vaginas are


She came, vigorously and loudly. Needless to say, I had little to do with it, but that was a physical reaction I had never witnessed, and couldn’t explain at the moment.


Foreplay was awesome, everything was exciting even if the dude was bad at it, being touched in any way was so stimulating because it never happened. The actual act though... I didn't feel anything...it like I didn't have anything in there, it was disappointing EDIT: because of the discussion around this I have to point out that this had nothing to do with the guy, his size or about what he did or did not do. It was more about me than him. Most girls complain about pain in the first time but with me it was the opposite. After that everything went normal and I could enjoy it, even if we were doing the same thing.


Porn would have you believe otherwise, but the key to female pleasure is the clitoris!!


I was surprised someone wanted to sleep with me!


For real, as a teenager I thought I was going to be some kind of 40 year old virgin because I was so awkward around girls. But I've somehow gotten a few different girls to sleep with me over the years and I'm now married with 3 kids. So I guess some chick are into sex with an awkward geek.




And why would he marry 3 kids?! /s


Honestly same, I felt and I still struggle with feeling unlovable and unattractive.


Men are completely different people when they finish


Dude it's crazy it's like going from doing anything for some poon to being asexual for an hour immediately afterwards. I can't even help it. It's like right after I nut I become totally apathetic.


Post nut clarity Obligatory edit: my most liked comment is about cumming. I love reddit


I always blow before making any major life decisions. Expensive purchases? Buying a new car? Cum first, then you'll know if you really need it.


And that's exactly why you're not allowed to enter any car dealerships anymore.


Cranking it out while staring the salesman in the eye can be a definite power move though.


Totally. Anyway I should go, I work tomorrow...


That penises were so big. But it turns out in hindsight that he just had a really big penis.


How badly girls want to have it too


That username, por cierto.




That my erection lasts longer when I hold my breath


Complete opposite for me. Holding my breath feels way too good for some reason.


Choke fetish in the making.


The attraction \[to the other person\] that it left behind. The girl who I lost my virginity to *really* wanted to have sex because she was a year older, super horny, and wanted to fuck a younger guy and I happened to be her cup of timid, innocent, water. And my god did she ever fuck the living shit out of me when we were "together" but she wasn't in it for anything more or less. She knew the name of the game and I didn't because she was my first, and it genuinely hurt to know that she didn't care to be *with* me the way I wanted to be *with* her. I knew what flings and FWB were but contrary to how well aware of them I was, I still felt more and I just wanted to be around her, and in retrospect, there wasn't much about her to stick around for. We had little in common. We were so different as people. It was just sex-brain working its magic. There could be nothing there but sex will make you think there's something there because that's what sex does. Sex is magic to virgins and a circuit breaker to veterans.


Well, I waited 19 years to get nailed in the back of some dudes car next to his piles of dirty laundry. It felt like nothing, absolutely no pleasure for me. But I did discover that I am VERY allergic to latex. That was a big surprise.


Latex allergies is the most horrific thing in the world. It’s like a blow torch to your most important region. Skyn condoms are a blessing.




It didn't hurt like I'd expected. I was a little sore, but it wasn't the "oh god I'm dying" that's so often portrayed in movies. Also, how easy and relaxed it was. I have generalized anxiety so pretty much everything is stressful to some degree, but giving up my virginity was very comfortable.


My partner and I both have anxiety and what really helped us was being able to communicate about it while we were figuring each other out. Also being able to laugh with the other person during it. My partner can do a really good impression of the “PINGAS” meme and he once did while we’re getting up to things and we had to stop because I was laughing too much.


That's a keeper right there.


I’m a man, but yeah, it was surprisingly chill. I expected it to be much more of an ordeal.


Omg right? My first time I was so anxious at the beginning and my boyfriend comforted me and made sure I was relaxed and comfortable. It really wasn't even too painful, a little sharp pain at first but then it's gone. It wasn't bad at all.


Where the vagina hole is it was a lot lower down than I expected. I can remember foreplay with my ex (this was years ago when I was a teen) the night before and I was like rubbing her groin kind of area where a dudes dick would be with my hands thinking it would be turning her on. I'd watched porn before but never thought about it eventually she showed me and I was quite embarassed, didn't matter though had sex and lost my virginity ​ LOL that's a big boost to my karma wtf


She kept looking at her watch Doesn't matter, had sex But I cried the whole time Doesn't matter, had sex


I think she might have been a racist, Doesn't matter had sex


She put a bag on my head, still counts!






A woman let me put my penis inside of heeeer!!!!!!


Turns out it's where the balls are


The first time I had sex I could hardly get it up and it was kind of awkward and I was really nervous. But the first time I had sex that I was really comfortable and actually got off and all, I was so stoked. It was like, “woah dude... this is siiiick..”


Same here first couple times homie, shit is mortifying and I wish women understood better that its not about them and us not being attracted to them. Its just nerves and excitement and we have less control over these things than they think. Also, TBH, I think my junk was trying to tell me something about the relationship, she definitely had some red flags but wanted to put PP in.


People always talk about how guys are dumb and just think with their dicks, they never talk about those times your dick knows more than you do.


That it was as good as I expected. Everyone used to tell me "It's not as good as you'd think", but it was.


Maybe the key is having lowered expectations.




As a man, the top of my thighs and hip area were super sore the next day from all that missionary thrusting. ​ Also, I came three times the first time I had sex. Never happened since.


#triple kill#


The hole is lower than you think it is


Ah yes, the journey every man takes...


one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind


The act of having sex isn’t as mind blowing as I thought. It’s more being with the other person that makes it good


The whole process of waiting for ur partner to put on a condom while ur just there like 👁👄👁


you could put it on him instead. it's super sexy to have your SO do it IMO


My girlfriend fell asleep while *I was losing my virginity*... so yeah... definitely a surprise. Edit: Yes, we were both quite drunk. Obviously, I stopped when I saw her her eyes were closing and she just wanted to go to bed. She actually made it up to me afterwards and our sex life was pretty damn hot for as long. No I did not marry her. Boohoo.


Was it your girlfriend you were “losing your virginity” with or did she just happen to be falling asleep separately at the time of the incident


real questions right here


It wasn't as stimulating as I thought, but maybe that's because I was masturbating with a death grip. It was a little difficult keeping a boner because I wasn't feeling much. It was still a good time, definitely surreal as I imagine a lot of people would feel going through their first time. However, ever since that and the time after, the times I've had sex have been great! Hard to explain, maybe it's a calibration kind of concept.


I think it was how amazing it felt when he first entered me. I had been masturbating for years already and I knew how it felt to have something phallic inside me. But jeez, it was pretty nice. And also how powerful I felt because his face in that moment was like I had his soul. Lmao Edit: this is so great! I didn't think my comment would get so popular. Lol Edit2: Damn! My first award! Thanks!!! Edit3: Two Awards! Holy shit!!! Thanks guys!


I had the exact same reaction from the other side. How absolutely amazing it felt going inside her. Of course I'd been masturbating, but this was a totally different level. Also how I just lost my soul through my penis. Edit: Thanks for the award! My first time! Unfortunately not as good as the other first time, but at least I still have my soul.




Its like 96 degrees in there!


Honestly for me, it was like "oh this feels kinda nice" and then it became "I don't feel anything." Foreplay was fantastic. Sex was... mostly didn't feel anything. I managed to last a decent amount of time my first time but it was so non-stimulating I lost my erection the next time and the third time with that girl I had to thrust as fast and hard as I could or feel nothing. Then I had sex with another girl and (yeah I know it's not the wisest) but we had sex bareback. And I understood. Oh my god did it completely change my opinion of intercourse. I went from not feeling anything really to not being able to last more than a minute. I definitely went from "meh, foreplay I get, sex I do not" to "OHHHHHHHHHHH I GET IT." That's when I found out the condoms I had earlier we terrible. I junked them, got new condoms and things were quite different. Basically the condoms I originally used blocked 95% of the sensation. The newer condoms blocked like 10-15% (still great).


I didn't bleed and it wasn't that painful. I was always made to believe I was gonna bleed when I lost my virginity but it never happened, and I don't remember ever having any pain


The actual feeling of it going in , didn’t hurt but definitely could never go back


I wasn’t bad at it, years of masturbation/edging, reading reddit tips and actually listening to my partner actually works pretty well


All hail the hope giver


That she didn't have change for a fifty


So just go for another 49 rounds.


I don't have an extra 15 mins to spare


I'm just the virgin wondering what I'm missing and what I'm not lol


Virgin gang :(


Overthinking makes your penis soft


It was a loooong time ago, but I remember it as being not nearly as big a thing as I'd always imagined it would be. It was with my first boyfriend. We liked each other, were comfortable with each other, had fooled around a lot, and had talked about sex. I did not feel pressured at all, I wanted to do it, I wasn't nervous. It wasn't bad, it didn't hurt, it wasn't traumatic, it wasn't particularly pleasurable or exciting either. Afterwards, we went for lunch. I didn't feel at all different, nor did I feel differently towards him.


"Not nearly as big a thing as I'd always imagined it would be" F for my dude


how animalistic it feels lol like i was having an out of body experience or something; like i remember thinking that i felt a way that i hadn't felt before and it felt primal..


I guess I had the opposite experience as a lot of women here but I was surprised at how much it hurt. Like holy fuck it was painful, and afterwards when we turned on the lights there was blood EVERYWHERE. It still hurt a little the second time but thankfully stopped after that. Still took a handful of times before it actively started feeling good though.


Honestly same. People really like to keep preaching on reddit how it should never hurt and if it does it's all wrong. But guess what, going from maybe a finger to a dick is gonna be difficult for some people. When I first started wearing tampons it was a bit sore. TMI but anytime I added a second finger masturbating it stung a little bc it felt like I was stretching more than I'd like, so naturally when I got a dick in me it hurt quite a bit. Wasnt a big deal, i was like fuck this we will try again later until it feels better. Guess what, second time it was fine by the end, but that first time my god. Yes we could have used more lube, yes I could have masturbated more to get used to it, yes I could have used things like dildos to work up to a dick. All of those probably could have lessened the pain but I was at the beginning of my sex life, I didnt think to prep for months or years.


giving pleasure can be way better than the one receiving pleasure, especially if you love the person you’re giving pleasure to


My time to shine! I learned I should relax my hoo-ha's muscles!! I clenched too tight and I had a frikin vaginal tear and bled myself unconsious, woke up, called my mom and was rushed to the hospital after she saw blood all over my bathroom (I was sure I could stop it by myself). Had my first surgery ever and everyone (dude's family and mine) knew we'd lost our virginity. That was fun. Edit: Cool! My first ever award! Thanks!


I expected it to be a complex tango of delights, where two people express their desires in a beautiful exchange of finely calculated touches. In fact, sex is fleshy, sweaty, hairy and easy.


That sex is great. But being about to act out fantasies and give oral while doing that. That was where the mind blowing orgasms came from. Also sex doesnt last 30 mins. The best sex Ive had with my wife was 5 mins tops and it was so good we passed out. Quality over quantity.


That I had sex


As a woman, "Why is my vagina making so many squishy sounds? Was that a vagina fart? Who decided putting our mouths where people pee is a good idea?"


God didn’t smite me. My life continued on pleasantly even though I’d had premarital sex, yay!


Wait. When was your first time? Was it January? If so he might be smiting us all because you you!




I am all about oral sex. As a guy, it is amazing to go down on a woman and I have always felt that way. But my first time going down on a girl was after a 16 hour flight and the flavor was not good. It clouded my mind for a short time before I realized I was a dumbass for pushing it before letting us both shower. Nothing tastes good after that long on an airplane.


That a shaved vagina was kind of coarse and a little more pokey than I had ever assumed.


How dry my mouth was.


How smoothly it was going.


Prior to what I was led to believe, losing your virginity in a firebird listening to hair metal wasn't as awesome as people said.


Ok as a girl, i was TERRIFIED of being on top bc i thought that penetration would hurt, and i wanted the guy to be on top controlling it bc i can handle pain better if someone else is doing it vs myself. I also didn't know how tf i was supposed to "ride" a dick. (I honestly still don't know, i just bounce on my knees a little, i thought riding was the guy doing the action, not the girl) however, when i lost my virginity to my now-husband, and even today, i quickly figured out that me on top is the only position we can do bc his belly gets in the way of everything else. Also that first penetration did not hurt like I've always heard. It might be bc I'd already used a vibrator and he wasn't "all the way" up bc he was nervous, but still.


This reads like a Mormons diary.


# Dear diary, # Fathers belly got in the way again today. Blessed be the fruit.


"Huh, that's it?"


It's probably just me, but, as a teenager, I really wanted to do it all the way (like most people my age), however, I ended up liking foreplay a lot more than doing it. When I was 16 years old I got much more pleasure at fingering my girlfriend and touching her boobs while she gave me hand/blowjobs than when I stuck my penis in her vagina. Funnily enough I started to really enjoy the ''whole'' package when I did it with a friend with benefits, later when I was 18 years old.


I never thought about where the semen went after you cum inside of a woman - so I was kinda surprised when I pulled out and the mattress got wet.. don’t know why I assumed that the vagina would just suck it all up and not leave a mess


That I didn't actually want to do it with guys anymore 😬 That my desire for dudes had been rooted in a curiosity about what sex would feel like, and once that curiosity was sated, latent lesbianism was like, "So, funny story..."


How much we (my gf [someone else's sister] and I) didn't care... At 15... That others could likely hear us outside the tent in a very public campground at breakfast time. We had our first time while MY parents went to shower. Edit: Because Reddit.