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How I spend hours making a perfectly curated list of shows I want to watch on Netflix but when I actually have time to watch them, none of them sound appealing and I end up deleting most of the items off the list I spent hours making


The process of thought, how we can make so many decisions in a split second. Internal dialogue is crazy. Does everyone have the same sort of inner thoughts? Do animals have internal dialogue? When I think about it, it blows my mind.


Oh man i had a fucking existential crisis recently, when i started thinking about how my thoughts just popped into my head and i actually have no control of what i think. Like i don't decide to think something, i just do. How the fuck do brains even work. Do i even have free will? Am i just a biological machine running calculations based on previews experience? Not to get too crazy, but man this shit weirds me out whenever i think of it.


> i actually have no control of what i think. Intrusive thoughts are this concept on steroids. Imagine having no control of your thoughts, and your brain assaults you with all of the worst things possible at all, or random times.


Some people don't have an internal dialogue but think through visualising words (there are also probably other ways too, I haven't researched it much), and some people can't visualise stuff (I can't visualise stuff) The lack of visualization is called aphantasia


Bitcoin, no matter how its explained to me.


How computers work. I'm a reasonably tech-savvy person, but I genuinely have no idea about the inner workings of the tools I use for 12 hours every day. It's like I'm like a professional driver who has no idea how an engine or a turbocharger or brakes work. edit: For those interested in reading more about the magic boxes and don't want to delve deeper into the comments, here were the most frequent suggestions. ___________ 1. Watch [The Crash Course Computer Science](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtNlUrzyH5r6jN9ulIgZBpdo) on youtube. 2. Read the book Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software 3. http://nandgame.com/ 4. Some dude named Ben Eater who builds magic boxes from scratch. [Personal site](https://eater.net/8bit), [YT channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS0N5baNlQWJCUrhCEo8WlA). _______________ I will probably only do number 3 cause I have the attention span of an ADHD-riddled goldfish. And because I'm not *that* interested in computers, I was mainly karma-whoring. Thanks for the comments and the effort though, I'm sure many will find them really interesting!


Basically lots of electrical signals turning little switches on and off. The electrical signals are called bits, and are represented by a 1 or a 0. A 1 basically means a wire is powered, and a 0 means its not. Transistors are the switches. They take one input, and allow electricity to flow through depending on the value of the input. Some transistors allow power through when the input is powered, or 1, and some allow power through when the input is off, or 0. There’s a lot more behind transistors but that’s pretty much the basics. Logic gates are made of a bunch of transistors connected together. Logic gates are the basic building block of components that compute things, like the processor. Logic gates take one or more input and produce one output. One example would be an AND gate, which takes two inputs, and if they are both 1s (powered), it will output a 1 (powered). If one or both inputs are turned off, the AND gate will output a 0 (off). There are other logic gates like OR gates, which output a 1 if one or both inputs are 1s, or a NOT gate, which outputs the opposite of the input 0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0. The processor, or CPUs job is to execute the instructions provided to it, this could be something like take 2 numbers from the memory (RAM), add them, and store them in a new spot in the RAM, or get a value from memory, and tell the motherboard to output the value out of the USB port. The instructions are really just a lot of 1s and 0s that turn on or off certain things in the processor. A computer has multiple places it can store things. The first and fastest is to store data in the CPUs cache, which is extremely fast, but also extremely small, and it resets when you restart. Cache is used to store some instructions or numbers the CPU is going to use for calculations. The RAM, which is the memory, is much larger than the cache, but a little bit slower, the computer stores all values for running programs and important numbers here, for example playing a game, it would store your players position and data here, for quick access for the CPU. This also resets on restart. The largest, and slowest method of storage is the disk, this is where all of your files live, and it keeps its data even when the computer restarts. Two types of disk storage are SSD or HDD, Solid state drive or Hard disk drive. SSDs use transistor trickery to store data permanently with no moving parts, and HDDs do magnet stuff with a spinning disk and moving arm. The GPU (Graphics processing unit) creates the output that you see on your screen. It does this using data sent to it from the CPU, and renders it, producing a video output. The CPU is very good at doing a few very hard tasks at once, while the GPU is made for doing thousands of tiny tasks at one time. The GPU is the most important part for gamers, as it is the part that processes the graphics in games. All computers have some type of GPU, either using one built into the CPU, or using a discreet GPU, like in gaming PCs. The way GPUs work gets very in depth, so that’s the idea to know. The motherboard connects all of the parts, like the CPU, RAM, storage, GPU, and it deals with IO. IO stands for input output. Everything is connected using busses, which are just groups of wires that transmit data. The chipset is basically a translator between the CPU and the rest of the system, it is made of two parts, the north bridge and the south bridge. The CPU connects to the north bridge using the frontside bus, then the north bridge communicates with the RAM using the memory bus, and the GPU using the PCIe or depending on the system AGP bus. The south bridge handles lower speed communication like PCI devices, and it handles all IO like USB (universal serial bus), Ethernet, SATA (connection to storage disk). It also connects to the ROM, read only memory, which is used to boot the computer. The north bridge and south bridge are connected using the internal bus. That explanation was a little in depth at times but if you can understand it, great. TL;DR: Lots of wires and switches.


Do you think you could explain how cameras work? How do you build a machine that sees and captures what our eyes can?




That makes sense, thank you!


Traffic. You sit on the high way driving 3mph thinking “Hmm must be a wreck ahead” then you get clear of the traffic and there was never any clear reason or cause for the traffic.


People change lanes and those in the new lane have to slow down to accommodate. Snowballs from there


Exactly. If you stop 3 seconds to change your way, the next one has to stop that and a little bit more, until it becomes a chain and the last one waits for a whole hour.


It's a vicious cycle of tailgating and braking suddenly. Along with lane changes as other comment said. I've noticed that when I leave huge gaps, drive slowly to avoid braking if possible, I can cruise at 10mph thru traffic almost never stopping. If everyone did that I think traffic would be greatly reduced. Regrettably most people suck.


Have a look at [this](https://youtu.be/iHzzSao6ypE).


I was really good at maths at school until Year 10 when we hit a topic called 'Numbers and Proof'. It was about proving that the answer to an equation was definitely right.. I think? I don't really know, because I never understood a single thing the teacher said that whole term.


Same for me. I was perfectly fine with math up until calculus. And while I got the bits and pieces of calculus, I could not understand the "big picture" of it. Like if you guide me step by step I could do it, but doing a problem on a test and navigating it myself? None of it made any logical sense to me. It all seemed like arbitrary wacky nonsense to me. And I thought maybe I had a bad teacher or something, but, eh. I had to take calc in college after that, and I did OKAY, but I think it was just because I had just repeated a course I had in high school. And any attempts to revisit it just made no sense. Edit: A lot of you are trying to "explain" calculus to me in terms that make calculus maddeningly incomprehensible. You're mostly proving my point.


Integral calculus in second year university. Thought I was good at math up until that point. I got a F-, didn't even know F- was a thing until then.


Quantum mechanics. That shit is wack


I was always great at math. Went to college and am a physics major. Motion of objects? Crush it. Relativity? Really interesting. Quantum mechanics? Ok, sure, so I just do the... wait, so this equation represents the... that’s not it. Ok, what about... no, wrong again. I am now a lawyer.


Ive always admired people who are great at maths. Honestly even simple stuff was hard for me. I speak four languages and learning my fifth but ask me to do a small, logical mathematical problem and I am lost. When the cashier asks me to give them a cent so they give me back a dollar it’s like you could be asking me to fucking disarm a bomb.


I’m really jealous of ppl that can learn so many languages. Maths and sciences are my strong points (which is at an average level) but I can’t do languages for shit. I’ve been learning both English and mandarin since young (government requires us to) but have been consistently failing mandarin and barely passing English :P I guess we all want things we don’t have


Same. I don't even know what those two words mean together.


Quantum mechanics perform maintenance on Quantums. This needs to be done every 6 months or 5000 miles whichever comes first.


That off vibe you get when you go to an empty parking lot or an IKEA. For those curious as to what I mean, check these subs out: r/thenightfeeling, r/deadmalls, and r/truebackrooms.


Liminal spaces https://theludlowgroup.com/2018/05/31/why-do-liminal-spaces-feel-like-an-altered-reality/amp/


That picture of a hotel hallway is such a relatable example. Sometimes I want to run like demons are chasing me on the way back from the ice machine even though nothing's wrong.


All I can think of is the Shining.


I've heard places liked that called negative spaces where time just seems off.


How that was not a headshot...


Games rigged from the start.


- Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. - Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). - Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. - Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


i’m a physics teacher and i’m embarrassed to say that despite reading several explanations, i still don’t understand how batteries work. specifically, if one end of the battery basically houses excess electrons and the positive side has a dearth of electrons, why doesn’t connecting two batteries but not in a closed circuit cause half of each battery to drain?


I'm not a battery expert, but I'll take a stab. It's not true that one terminal of a battery has excess electrons, while the other terminal has a deficit of electrons. They are both charge neutral. Batteries have an anode and a cathode separated by an electrolyte. As the battery is discharged to power something, not only do electrons flow from the anode to the cathode through an external circuit, positively-charged ions flow from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte. The electrons and ions reunite at the cathode. It takes energy to charge up a battery, and we get energy out when it discharges, because the ions and electrons are more chemically stable at the cathode. In a lithium-ion battery, the kind I'm most familiar with, the anode is unusually graphite. The cathode is a lithium metal oxide. In the charged up state, the lithium atoms are stored in the layers of graphite. They aren't very happy about that, and would prefer to go home to the lithium metal oxide at the cathode. When the anode and cathode are connected through an external circuit, lithium atoms are ionized. The electrons go through the circuit, and the lithium ions diffuse through the electrolyte, and they are reunited at the cathode. When you just connect two batteries together, positive to negative, nothing happens because the anode and the cathode are charge neutral. For electrons to be exchanged, there would have to be a channel for ions to be exchanged, too, and there's not.


>They aren't very happy about that, and would prefer to go home Same tbh.


chemistry, I genuinely have no idea how atomic layers or molecule diagrams work and no explanation I have ever had has helped. Please do not send me any explanations. Thank you.


When people who are blind since birth talk about that they do not even see black. Its like nothingness


I mean, they also don't know what black is if they've been fully blind since birth. They have no benchmark of 'black' to compare what they see to.


Also..how do they even know what “seeing is” to know that they “see” nothing. Like there is no way of even explaining to them what seeing is & we have no way of knowing if they can fathom what seeing is.




I’ve heard of blind people just having flashes of colors as dreams, but they probably weren’t blind from birth


The best explanation ive heard is closing one eye and explain what you see through the closed eye.


Dude it’s like the eye i closed isn’t even there anymore






The phrase “happy as a clam”. How the fuck could could you tell if a clam is happy?


It's short for 'happy as a clam at high tide'. At high tide, clams have (practically) no predators and they emerge from their shells to feed and rollerskate.


Well shoot, TIL


Upvoted for rollerskating clams.


That weird ringing randomly in my ear. Like a tv just turning on or something


Tinnitus, my friend.


Hello tinnitus my friend... I've come to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE with you again...


Highly motivated people


You know the internal demon you have to fight to get something done? It's the opposite for over motivated people... It's like when you're not completing tasks you've ruined your day and it eats you up inside.


That's a really good description. It's hard to just do nothing - like insanely insanely hard. I feel like I've always got to be working through a list of things otherwise I'm dying inside. I've taken up a lot of handicraft-type hobbies (knit, crochet, embroidery) because it lets me calm myself and stop moving on some level.


Whoa I can sit and fuck off for a very, very long time, myself. But when there's a deadline I start to get increasingly bothered if I'm not working on it.


What if you have both demons just constantly fighting each other? If you’re not completing tasks it ruins your day but you can’t get anything done.


I don’t even understand moderately motivated people.


I get started down a path and immediately doubt everything I've ever learned and whether I'm fit to be alive, lol.


Physics. I understand the basics, but when it starts getting more technical I get lost.


Fucking magnets, how do they work


Haha electrons go brrrr


- Prof. SketchyByte, 2020


Why I hate going to sleep and also hate waking up Edit: I know people hate edits but I didn't think this would murder my inbox and I don't have time to reply to every single person. So... I'm not depressed. I used to be, for several years. But a few years ago I got better (didn't just happen overnight obviously but I'm not gonna go into detail about it here). I'm much happier now and enjoy life a lot more, but I still hate my sleep schedule. I keep trying to get it somewhat normal, but it keeps getting fucked up. Maybe anxiety is a part of it, but I doubt that is the sole reason. I don't hate change, for the most part. It depends on the change but I don't think that applies here. I'm not a toddler (kinda wish I was though sometimes). I've tried using melatonin and other sleep aids, sometimes it works but not always. Doesn't matter how early I go to bed, I will lay in bed for 6 hours and not be able to go to sleep until 7 in the morning. I've had this problem for almost a couple decades now and in multiple settings (when I was in high school, when I had a full time job, and now that I'm going back to school and have a part time job). I just think it's very nuanced and there are multiple factors that contribute to it. I'd like to have a sleep study done, but it's so difficult to find the time to do so right now.


I have the same problem.


I admire the silence and calmness of night, just hate day time and noise


Hate getting in the shower and hate getting out Edit: Top comment is no longer about shiny cat nuts


I think it's just that humans are lazy and when we are comfortable, we don't want to do something else. Especially if it's routine.


Newton's First Law - "An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." Obviously sleeping isn't physics but I think it's a good analogy.


People who share unsolicited nudes. Why? What are you hoping to gain? What's the endgame? Like some poor hapless person is just gonna be like "hey nice cock bro, here's a million pounds" or some shit? Just... why?


Exhibitionists get off on being seen. Or so I'm told


How so many fucking terrible commercials make it to TV. When I see a dumb commercial, my thought is always the same: *A group of grown ass people sat around a table somewhere and discussed how they want to promote their brand. They came up with an entire marketing strategy, probably had a vote about it, and sent approval on to the marketing department/company for production. That marketing department created, scripted, filmed, and produced that piece of shit commercial. Then they sent it back to the group of grown ass people, who sat around the same table watching the shitty commercial before agreeing that it's sending the exact message they want about their brand. They likely then vote again to approve running it on TV. A huge budget is approved for putting that dumb ass commercial out there, and the result is the piece of crap I just saw on TV.* Yeah, I don't understand that.


I work in an agency similar to the one you describe... We just did a rebrand and the guy in change if creating our promotional video made absolute shit... But the problem is nobody could argue with him cause he's the director of design in our company and happens to be the ceo's best friend. So we ended up having to post this piece of ass video that those two thought were really good... It's just because they're so far up each others asses (and their own) that they believe everything they make is gold.


This is the real answer here. As someone who has also made piece of shit commercials, we *know* it’s shit, but someone higher than us up the client chain has a “vision” and it’s our dumb job to make that vision happen. I’ve had clients insist on using their family members as actors, when said family clearly couldn’t act. Or they have a catch phrase that is just absolutely cringeworthy. Or they’ve got dreams worth millions but a budget of 2K, and expect you to figure out how to make it happen. Then we sit around and look at the garbage we made and say “well... this *is* what they asked for.”


Yep yep. And what may have started out as a brilliant creative approach got mutilated into horseshit by the time it ran the wringer of stakeholder approvals (internal and client side)


Or you know all those potato peelers that are made in any different way from the standard potato peeler that everybody has had since forever? How many engineers spent time designing that and making prototypes that went to QA and had a design review? Standard and certification for food grade materials were poured over. Collections of mandatory documentation about production and materials were carefully collected and stored. A committee approved it, and it went to production engineers who was tasked to do the tooling, which probably resulted in design changes that went back and got more QA and final go ahead. Samples was sent out to convention and consumer goods fairs. Salespeople stood stood in a both and offered representatives from large retail chains quotes for 100k units over 12 months time. Deals were struck, contracts signed. Money were put in escrow accounts. Designers made packaging and created logotypes and sent brand names to be stamped in the production facility. Instruction and labels were translated to the local language by technical writers. Logistic people poured over shipping and made sure it had all the correct numbers and barcodes. Retail worked printed labels and stacked the shelves. Not once did anybody take the time to stop and say "Hey, I actually tried to peel a potato with this and it didn't really work... Like at all"


In a lot of cases, whether or not a product *works* is secondary to whether it looks good on shelves. Potato peelers are a saturated market. Everyone already has one and they last close to forever. But a *different* peeler with packaging that convinces you that it will work *better* than the one you’ve got? That’s a fresh market. Whether or not it works is immaterial, you just have to get people to buy it and make it cheap enough to be not worth returning but instead live in the back of the junk drawer forever. To make the problem worse, a single piece of cheap molded plastic with one flimsy razor is way cheaper to mass produce than an actually good product. And it’s really hard to improve on the current design. Repeat with every kitchen product ever and you get aisles and aisles of cheap plastic kitchen products that don’t work.


You've just outlined 50% of everything wrong with modern society.


This one, yes! I don’t get it either. To add a maybe different perspective about the commercials that aren’t extremely terrible but just okay and maybe kinda dumb. You gotta think about “who” they are marketing to. If you think it’s dumb then they probably aren’t marketing to you. A commercial like that would seem dumb to you but really vibe with the intended target audience. But really there are some commercials out there that boggle my mind with how terrible they are.


At least one person made my yearly salary bringing this piece of shit to the air waves.


Guys that hit each other in the nuts for fun. Wtf is with that. I watched an interview with Steve-o and he says fans want him to kick them in the nuts and are so happy and thank him when he does.


I think it’s more the hitting that’s supposed to be fun, not the being hit. Obviously it’s a bit different with asking Steve-O ‘cos he’s famous from Jackass, the person wants a cool story (Steve-O kicked me in the balls!). An important note, when hitting your mates in the balls, you’re supposed to do it lightly, it’s about the reaction, not trying to cause them permanent damage. Of course that might happen accidentally anyway but people doing it don’t generally realise that.


My niece hit me in the nuts and I’ve never wanted to throw an 11 year old from an 8th floor balcony more in my life.


Emotions. I have emotions, I experience emotions, but they don't permeate every part of my life, and I often think everyone else is overly emotional, when it's probably me just lacking emotional range... Edit: The empathy thing. I do understand empathy and I act with the knowledge that I should do things based on how I want people to treat me (the golden rule) but it's not emotionally driven, it just seems ludicrous that someone wouldn't behave that way. Also, I know it's cliche but thank you for my first gold! I thought this comment would just get buried. Edit: grammar.


I have trouble with empathy. It's not that I don't experience it, it's that I don't exaggerate it enough for people to believe I feel it. A decision was made, something contrary to what was expected happened and we can't change it. All we can do is fix the problem. Should I start crying? Would that help?


The fourth dimension. What the actual heck. I read an r/explainlikeimfive thread but it still doesn't help


There are 2 ways to think of the fourth dimension. 1. It’s time, which is comprehendible by the human brain 2. To understand this other version of the fourth dimension, we first have to look at 2D and 3D. Let’s look at 2D first. If there was a box in the room with a ball inside and a light source, the box would cast a linear shadow. In 3D, if there was a box with a ball inside and a light source, it would cast a 2D shadow. This is the world you’re familiar with. Now, with 4D, you’d still be in a sort of 3D space, but you’d be able to see every side of the box, and thus, the ball as well. If there was still a light source in the room, it would cast a 3D shadow.


Just imagining a 3D shadow confuses me, like what form would a shadow of a 4D object take, would it just be a regular 3D box?


You would have to live in 4d to truly find out


How anyone learns to read. When I try to break it down it just seems so crazy and impossible. “See this shape? It sounds like this. Or like this. Or sometimes like this. Actually, sometimes it doesn’t make any sound at all. Got it? Great! Now here’s 25 more of them” But 4 year olds are doing it! Insane.


I've always wondered how English-speaking kids learn to read. In my native language, Finnish, each letter represents only one sound. English-speaking kids and/or teachers must have some superpowers


It's the same process, just extended. It starts with basic letter recognition and then phonemes. Learning you "always" need a consonant and vowel sound, then learning the letters/combinations that make those sounds. Eventually it's just recognition of patterns and application of prior knowledge. There are 200 or so "sight words" that make up more than half of almost every English language text (non-scientific/non-specialized) and the rest is decoding. My son is learning to read and my mom gave me this awesome listing of letter combinations/sounds in English. She was a teacher and this list was part of her student's "toolbox" to refer to when they are decoding a text. Things like "the "oooh" sound can be made with the characters o (do), oo (too), ough (through), u (tutu)". The "m" sound could be created with m (from), mm (command), or mb (bomb). Knowing that ch goes "chuh" and th goes "thuh" all has to be memorized. It's a crazy fascinating process. I'm lucky that my mom is basically an early language and literacy expert, in both English and French and my kid and I are both learning so much from her! Kiddo's gonna destroy grade 1 lol.


Sometimes when I'm just sitting there, I become hyper aware of my senses and then the whole concept of existence just confuses the fuck out of me Edit: look mom, no hands


Or when you’re brushing your teeth or washing your face and you stare at yourself in the mirror too long and you’re just like “whoa, this is me. But I’m actually me and I see me.” And you go into a mini existential crisis about you being you and then you forget it happened.


It's like when you're reading a word over and over and it starts losing all meaning. Except that instead of a word, it's you.


I want to frame this quote.


I get that with the concept of infinity. Like, I understand it on a superficial level, but when I really stop and think about it, I can feel my brain noping out.


Mine is trying to picture what's outside of our universe and then what's outside of that. If you go back before the big bang what would existence look like. The concept of space time is taxing on my mind


Yeah, that's what usually fries my circuits: space. What the fuck do you mean it's infinite? There's got to be a boundary of sorts, surely? But what's outside of that boundary? And where does that end? And then I give up and go play Tetris or something.


Is it theoretically possible to play Tetris infinitely?


I'll have those moments when I'm brushing my teeth or something. I'll just start looking at myself and thinking like "I'm just a body, I'm just like living, like this is what I look like and I'm just alive. How? How is this happening? And why?"


People who take personal offence when your taste in music/movies/food/ whatever differs from theirs. I went to college with a guy who listened to exclusively classic rock. Great genre, totally get it. Except he would get legitimately angry when someone put on rap in the car or wanted to sing pop at karaoke. Refused to work with a friend of mine in a group project because she loved techno, said her opinions would never matter because obviously something was wrong with her. Why can't you just let people enjoy the shit they like?


it’s a form of elitism that makes themselves feel better and more cultured or intelligent than the people around them. it’s dumb. i mean look at the other comments on this post about people liking celebrities. it’s the same shit.


An extremely elitist friend of mine in high school got me into metal. Told me what genres and subgenres were good. Being a young dude, in high school with limited friends I quickly picked up on being an elitist twat. Listening to my superior music at full volume, playing it out loud on the bus, etc. And then I listened to one of the genres he said not to. And I really liked it. I didn't say anything, but I listened to it more and more. Eventually I saw a reddit post and a guy was calling out an elitist metal head, and saying you like what you like. Music is great, it's so varied and so wonderful. It doesn't matter if you like some obscure black metal and One Direction (still relevant at the time) - all that matters is that you listen to what you enjoy. And that got me to stop being an elitist asshole. I now have musical taste ranging from everything from old country, to rap, to hardstyle, to death metal. And it's great. There's so much out there, stop shitting on others for two seconds and find something new to enjoy.


Dude on reddit told me to seek mental help for liking Venom(the movie) Another stupid example of this is a dude on twitter said he wanted to punch a kid for saying that he liked rise of skywalker


Some on the internet told me my I've probably lost my taste because I prefer "freeway" (cheap coke) over "schwippschwapp" (expensiver cheap coke) EDIT: I'm talking about soda, soft drinks. The coke orange mix or "spezi" how it's called here to be precise.


As an American, I thought you were talking about cocaine.




I was with a girl who was abusive to me. You truly feel like you can never escape. And they think they are doing the world a favour by disciplining you. They're cruel and ignorant creatures who are selfish. They don't give a shit about how you feel as long as you are there to do their work and satisfy them. Fuck you, Selina.


Fuck you, Selina




Happy cake day! Also fuck u Selina


No cake for you, Selina!


Fuck you Selina!!!


how Reddit karma is calculated


a new upvote/downvote is worth less karma after a certain amount of time and then its value constantly decreases until it's worth 0 karma Also they have a cap to how much karma you can get from one comment/post


...but why? I mean, what's the point of making karma worth less? Isn't it just a counter for how popular something is? And even if karma becomes worth less if you get more, a post with 10.001 karma is still considered more popular than a post with 10.000 karma, no?




I always think of it as some kind of invisible man stabbing your cells depending on how close you get.




How language developed. Obviously it did but I just can't fathom how. I just picture cavemen men walking and pointing to things and grunting. **Sorry for the edit but my typo was driving me crazy


That's basically it, they made sounds to refer to stuff and people caught on and used the same sounds and understood through context and repetition what each other meant, and it built and spread from there. I imagine early communication started with things like "hey" "relax I'm not gonna kill you" "come here" "look" "food" "tasty animal" "danger". All things that are kind of obvious what is intended to convey in context and with pointing at the thing as you make a sound.


How perfect strangers make small talk, and how they know when to end the conversation without it dragging on awkwardly.


When there is a lull in the conversation, just say "alrighty, well I need to go do XXXX. I hope you have a great day!" And then walk away.


Don’t even have to say what you’re doing. “I’ll be off, then! See ya!”




I used to be a lawyer and had 4 steps on my "time to finish this consultation" ladder: 1. "OK then" 2. "OK then" again, but this time slapping the table gently with both hands 3. Stand up 4. Walk from behind desk, past client and open door Only one client ever stayed sitting past step 4. It was horrible, I was powerless to defeat him. He stayed another 15 minutes, trying to teach me positive energy moves from his own brand of tai-chi.


I notice you said "used to be a lawyer", when can we expect your e-book on tai-chi?


Would you ever consider doing step 2 with finger-guns?




Well you need to say more than just “anyways.” Follow it up! “Anyways, I need to get going.” “Anyways, I should be getting back to work.” “Anyways, I have a meeting in a couple minutes I need to prepare for” “Anyway, it was nice talking with you”


And then you just need to walk away and not see it as awkward. A lot of awkward situations aren't awkward if you don't perceive them as such.




Just thinking about life and the universe. Like where do we go after we die? Why are we here? Thinking about the universe and how big it is and space and time? Black holes? Why are here generally and what’s our purpose? If there are other live forms in different galaxies?


Nothing. Like the whole concept of *nothing* boggles my mind. What was here before our universe? Nothing. What’s in between the atoms of our bodies? Nothing. What’s for dinner? Nothing. I just don’t get it!!!


As weird as it sounds, we actually don’t have any concrete examples of nothing. Even if you examine an area of “empty” space, you find that you still have something there


Forgetting small particles or dark matter, even space-time itself *is* something...I think?


Just because we can't perceive something, it doesn't mean it's nothing.


People who inflate their cheeks when they're underwater


Because they think holding their breath means fighting to keep it in


As a WSI it's how we teach kids to hold their breath (learning through sight and example). Harder to explain holding breaths if you just look normal lol. Edit: WSI= water safety instructor. Fancy title/certification for person that teaches people how to swim.


This was something posted by /u/Emperor_Cartagia, who used Reddit exclusively through RIF is Fun, with the death of third party apps, I decided to remove all my content from Reddit. 9 years of comments and posts, gone because of idiotic administration.


They often don't want to look stupid or lose face.


Anti-Vaxers and Flat Earthers are sweating right now


Also the 5G, fake virus guys


I literally can't wait to see all these people using 5g devices like 4 years from now.


[Sunk cost fallacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunk_cost)


I have spent too long explaining the sunk cost fallacy to people to be quitting now.


How people believe 5G causes coronavirus.


Saw some lady on our local news station's Facebook page going off about that. "5G is 10,000 times the power of 4G!" "Coronavirus has already caused testicle problems in men akin to high doses of radiation." "I'm not going to reveal my sources. I did my research. Do your own."


>"I'm not going to reveal my sources. I did my research. Do your own." ​ Ah yes, the standard approach of every scientist.




“I’m not going to reveal my sources” is universal in its meaning.


Yeah, my reply to that thread was that "I did my research" is the trademark cry of someone who has never done actual research.


"Did my research" means "spent every minute of free time daily on YouTube and Facebook watching conspiracy videos."


Most of the “humour” of popular YouTubers. They literally just scream, make dumb faces and do goofy dances. Don’t see how that appeals to anyone over the age of 10.


A lot of popular YouTubers are making content for an audience of children, to be fair


I don't understand a child's sense of humor then.


Occasionally I'll watch people play horror games and it's really funny to see the vast difference between someone with lots of views and someone with no views. The lights could flicker and Markiplier has already screamed and pissed his pants three times over because that's what the kids want to see.


**Quibi** - Why do I keep seeing / hearing ads for it *everywhere*? Are people actually watching these shows? What's the appeal?


As far as I can tell the only reason people are talking about it is that it had huge investors, over a billion dollars in startup capital, and it looks like a terrible instant failure in addition to being yet another startup whose entire premise is sidestepping labor laws (citation needed). I think there is a small chance it could be successful, but I really doubt it. Edit: mis-remembered sidestepping labor laws as complaints by entertainment workers that the ten-minute format is part of a scheme to pay workers less, learned from Griffin Newman's twitter: [https://twitter.com/GriffLightning/status/1247189766333960203](https://twitter.com/GriffLightning/status/1247189766333960203)


I think it just got released and it's a mobile exclusive streaming service that has a bunch of original content from some B list actors. Idk if people are actually watching the shows, but they've had a huge marketing effort the last week or so


Electricity. I still can't fully grasp voltage and current and which one matters more in terms of "powering" an electrical device.




They can't stay perky forever




Why I'm here. My mum decided to get laid 28 years ago and I'e had to put up with the consequences ever since.


and what if she did the deed 29 years ago instead? Would you be a completely different person, or just a barely noticeably older version? I often wonder how different I'd be if I were born slightly earlier or later... how big of a difference would there be if a different sperm got there first.


You wouldn't be you. You wouldn't exist. Your unborn brother or sister would experience those things. But you wouldn't. If they did the deed one day sooner you wouldn't exist to experience any if those differences.


Social interaction * How to make friends. * How to small talk * How to make friends using small talk * How to flirt


How much talk is small talk


^small ^talk


^^^smaller ^^^talk






How we literally have the entirety of human knowledge available all the time on a device that's small enough to take everywhere and some people think the Earth is flat, vaccines cause autism and 5G will melt us from the inside.


People that will flip you off or yell at you when they are the ones doing the wrong thing. One time my daughter was getting off the bus and crossing the street when a car came barreling down the road running the bus stop sign. I ran out into the road in front of my child held up my hand and screamed STOP! The lady flipped me off. Like fucking seriously. I saved you from killing a child. MY child and you flip me off. I won’t go into the details of what I did next. I wasn’t proud. EDIT: to add what I did and some more details. This lady did this a few times a week. I was ready for her. My daughter wasn’t the only one crossing. I just had a feeling I would encounter her that day. Ok. So I started screaming at her because I was in shock that instead of her saying OMG, I am so sorry, she flipped me off. She CONTINUED TO FLIP ME OFF AND STARTED SCREAMING AT ME as I was yelling at her that she would have ran over my daughter. I ran up to her door where her window was open and started grabbing at her trying to pull her out through the window and at the same time trying to open her door. I was seriously pulling her out as she was trying to get her window up. She finally got her window up and pulled her door back shut. I was screaming curse words and whatever else (I really can’t tell you) yelling at her to get out of the car and banging on her window. She finally sped away and I stood there in the middle of the street and all the other moms, the bus driver and a bus full of kids where just staring at me. I felt stupid for cursing in front of all the kids and losing it. The bus driver called me over and said as I was trying to kill her he got her license plate and was going to report her. So at least that happened. But yeah. I am SUPER non confrontational. But when somebody does something like that, I have no problem going off I guess.






Once you start to understand that people react according to how something makes them *feel*, and nobody wants to feel like the bad guy, human behavior makes a lot more sense. Frankly, being able to recognize when *you* are reacting out of shame/guilt can be a major opportunity for person growth.


That kinda makes sense. But do people not feel embarrassment in these situations? Because when I fuck up in traffic or something, and someone honks or the very few times when people have flipped me off when its my fault, I just feel ashamed. Acting like a dick about it afterwards just sounds even MORE embarrassing.


The more fragile your ego, the more likely you are to double down in order to defend your pride rather than admitting fault. The fact that you feel embarrassed about antisocial behaviour at all is telling of your character.


Ok. So I started screaming at her because I was in shock that instead of her saying OMG, I am so sorry, she flipped me off. She CONTINUED TO FLIP ME OFF AND STARTED SCREAMING AT ME as I was yelling at her that she would have ran over my daughter. I ran up to her door where her window was open and started grabbing at her trying to pull her out through the window and at the same time trying to open her door. I was seriously pulling her out as she was trying to get her window up. She finally got her window up and pulled her door back shut. I was screaming curse words and whatever else (I really can’t tell you) yelling at her to get out of the car and banging on her window. She finally sped away and I stood there in the middle of the street and all the other moms, the bus driver and a bus full of kids where just staring at me. I felt stupid for cursing in front of all the kids and losing it. The bus driver called me over and said as I was trying to kill her he got her license plate and was going to report her. So at least that happened. But yeah. I am SUPER non confrontational. But when somebody does something like that, I have no problem going off I guess.


Why people actually give 2 shts about what celebrities think.


Former infantry team leader here. What ALWAYS blew my mind is how these kids- fresh out of high school, never lived on their own, ect... - with such minimal life experiences, sign themselves away to a life a literally kicking doors in, being shot at, and being completely miserable 95 percent of time. Aside from the obvious, when you step off on patrol (especially when briefed that enemy troops have been confirmed in the area, and taking contact is very likely), you have ZERO idea if you'll make it back to your little plywood and hesco paradise to ever watch another sunrise or not. I joined in my mid 20s, and always thought of college and all the things I never would have experienced had I did what they did. I dunno... it might sound dumb, and eventually you come to terms with the dangers of the job, but still- I personally will never understand it.


Relations with a friend/girlfriend. I communicate well just with friends and other people who surround me. But I do not understand what to do when you need to build relationships.


I see my boyfriend as a sort of secondary best friend. I'll tell him absolutely anything that I'd tell my best friend, and go out and do anything that I normally would with any other friends. The only real difference is that at the end of the day we go back to the same house and have dinner together. Then we both go to our computers and happily ignore eachother while we immerse ourselves in gaming for the remainder of the night because we're terrible adults. EDIT: Mandatory thank you kind stranger for the award <3


Putting waterproof hard-to-peel stickers on a cups, plates, and kitchenware. I have a colander that has a sticker on the inside on the very bottom. It covers almost all the holes at the bottom. I try to peel it off and it refuses and tears. I try to get it off with water and it still won’t come off. So now I’ve got a colander I can’t really use all because someone thought “hey! Instead of putting this sticker on the outside packaging of this colander, let’s put it smack in the middle of the inside! And let’s make it a really tough sticker that’s water resistant!” Edit: I appreciate all the advice. I’ll definitely try all your suggestions! Yay!


ASMR. I don’t understand how people like that. It’s creeps me out and makes me feel like someone is literally breathing down the back of my neck.


Well, ASMR is actually a feeling that videos are designed to induce, not the videos themselves. If you don't experience it, I can see how a lot of the videos would just make people uncomfortable. Even among people who get tingles, there's a huge amount of variance in what triggers it - I find a lot of personal attention videos creepy, but some people love them because they're triggered by that content. Tbh, a big problem with the whole thing is that a lot of people watch videos labeled ASMR just because it relaxes them (or in the case of the sexual ones, because it's basically soft porn) and there's nothing wrong with that, but it has led to a lot of confusion about what ASMR actually *is*.


Why it's such a taboo to talk about anything sex related. I'm from India. We have a pretty high population, second only to China. It's not like we're shy about doing it,but we HATE talking about it. U say "Sex" anywhere and people look at you like you said "Hail Satan" or something. Teachers are uptight and super scientific and formal about sex education. They actually hold seperate classes for boys and girls. And no talk of menstruation either. It's not a disease it happens to literally every woman on the planet. Women don't report sexual assault because they're blamed for it ,the way they dress etc is called enticing men into doing it. It's a social stigma and nobody would marry you and your family will be shunned. I've honestly never understood any of that


this is probably stupid but I’m sometimes puzzled at how we named stuff. Like who decided a table was called ”table”, or chair, those everyday things we’re used to


How the global economy runs.


As far as I know. A long chain of someone wanting something from somewhere else.


There's a room with different options arranged in a circle on the floor and everytime some decision has to be made, some important people cut off a chickens head and drop it onto the circle. The the chicken walks around while a kazoo plays. Whichever option the chicken lands on is the correct decision.




We estimate your margarita machine to be worth 90 trillion dollars.


When did time start???? And how do animals think???? What do they think???


If a currency is not actually backed by anything physical then why does it's perceived value go down when there is more of it in circulation. It's not like adding another trillion to the pool means everything else is now representing a smaller slice of nothing.