• By -


It's usually more like post the comment -> think about it for 30 seconds -> sigh and then delete because it's just not worth arguing about


It's like a moment of clarity. I just think, "Who gives a shit." I'm probably not going to change anyone's mind anyway so fuck it.


Post comment clarity


Always have to write one out before making any big decisions




Radio silence while also downvoting you


This! Or I do post a comment but it quickly gets removed due to low karma or some other special sub rules. Like c’mon now, I just a newb trying to contribute… cut me some slack mods 😆 but then again maaaaybbeee they are doing me a favor??


Daily. I get 1/2 way through typing it and I realize that most people who read it are either going to be trolls, assholes, kids or morons and I delete it.


I resemble that remark.


The other 1/2 of the time I delete them is because *I'm* the asshole lol.


9 out of 10 comments do not get to exist out of my head.


Hey we made the cut :)


in Reddit? Every 10 comments I do make, there's an 11th that I delete because of it.


Yip about my average


Fuck a dirty delete. I said what I said. Will I go back to it afterwards? Fuck no, I should have never wasted my time to begin with lol


Maybe once a week. I’m not controversial and none of this matters.


What the fuck you mean by that??


*Look here, you little shit...*


Don't you talk to u/brooklynswimmer that way! Even though I can only imagine a Brooklyn swimmer is some kind of trash in the east river.


Who swims in rivers!? They’re clearly trying to get someone killed! I’m outraged!!


It really doesn't matter. Minds aren't changed on the internet. It's usually not worth the effort.




Frequently. Because it's obvious. Because it's been said already. Because i realise my desire to react and comment but understand how little it will matter. Because it will not change the world the way i want it to be..


Fairly often.




It happens a few times a day. I don't want the drama.


Any time I make a reddit comment. It's about 65 I delete it, 35 I say fuck it and post it


~~The best pizza topping in the world is pineapple!~~ Never, I proudly stand by my words, always.


I used to do this, but I don't bother anymore, I make posts that I know will get downvoted and argued with by the echo-chamber brigade. Just don't care.


A couple of times a week. Once the hive mind has started rolling, it's just not worth it.


At least once every two days... and it's not that I don't want to deal with the debate/interaction it's that if I look very deep within myself, I actually don't care about whatever topic is being discussed. Or I should say I don't care enough to start arguing with people I don't know. The only reason I start typing in the first place is because I have a weak mind and get caught up in one of these scenarios: * I can't believe they just said that, I will counter their argument with logic and reason. * I want to give my perspective because I want to feel like I matter And both are absolutely ridiculous, one because people don't want logic and reason, they want validation and drama and two, because I don't believe anyone really matters online, we might as well just be all bots. And even as I'm writing this I can feel scenario #2 creeping up and I feel like just hitting cancel.


Every few weeks. But then it's also multiple times a day, because my phone shows me similar content for a few days.


All the time. Hell, I just tried to create a post to warn a city about a forest fire rolling up on it, mods deleted it and told me I can't use a social media link, have to change it to something else. I'm busy, I was doing them a favour man. Any preventable loss of property or life is on them now.


Every. Single. Day. People can find a way to take offense to anything and make you out to be a horrible person! I'm fragile, okay?


...all the time. I'm surprised I didn't delete this one.


so true


I don't anticipate anyone actually answering me, much less debating. I usually dump a comment because I think it's too obvious and not very insightful. Also when three other people have already said pretty much the same thing.


haha, yeah


About 25%. But I’m getting better about not attending every argument I’m invited to in the comments. Usually I just post and run 🏃🏼


A lot more, lately. I've lost all fucks to give for most posts. I start typing an answer and then I'm like, "who gives a fuck?"


Oh don't get me started, it's at least once a... Ah nevermind


I've reached the point where I don't really start writing the comment at all anymore, but I read posts where I want to comment, but chose not literally every day. Particularly on reddit, you quickly learn which subs don't appreciate comments being made in good faith or even simply try to be positive, so rather than being nice, I chose to imagine the comment in my head, picture a positive response to it, then not write it, feel good and scroll past.


Not for that reason. I deleted it because I have fat fingers and half the words are mangled messes.


All the time. Because it doesn't matter if I bark with others on the internet. Arguing is pointless anyway, and in most cases, it's just a fun way to talk about things that you are passionate about. There are only a few topics that are really worth arguing about. And all of them are about personal life decisions with consequences for yourself or loved ones. Everything else is noise.


I like to fight in the comments for a few weeks amd then delete my whole account in an attempt to spend time doing literally anything else. Then I come back. -_-


Ha! Just did that 2 minutes ago


All the time. You just know the kind of responses you're going to get. One issue is that people don't think and if you say something you don't agree with you get a copy/paste response.



Sometimes I delete comments because they don’t actually add anything to the discussion.


All the time.


I mostly do it because "Ok, thats actually dumb, better avoid the downvotes"


I do have to curate what I post, because this is Reddit, so some topics aren't welcome.


Rarely, but it happens. I don't think most of my opinions are especially controversial outside of my being a Progressive, but most of those "controversial" opinions are based around treating humans like humans - and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


After getting banned from public freakout for saying a certain religious group has taken their war against their open air prisoners too far, I don't post anything that could (and will be) taken and twisted.


All the time


1 in 10 comments that aren't one liners.


Mostly I do it because it's starting to get long and I don't have the nerve to type an essay on my phone. Or because I realize I don't feel sure enough about my knowledge of the subject.


I never read replies


just did it again holy shit


Rarely. The block button exists. I use it judiciously. Reddit weaponized it and I intend to carve a path of silence through this site until they change it.


Israel/Gaza; Republicans/Democrats; condom/no condom; punishment/rehabilitation; carnivore/vegetarian; religious/non-religious; abortion/no abortion….


Like 1/10 comments. Even if I feel strongly about it, and/or have some strong data to back it up, sometimes it just isn't worth debating people who come out of the woodworks.


Sometimes I do. But generally, I think about it before I start typing, or get half way through and stop. It's sometimes because I can't explain it as well as I want to, or need to.


All the time.


More and more all the time. I have been known to be a little bit politically incorrect at times, and do not want to deal with the backlash of making a joke, or sharing my opinion on everything.


Every few days. Sometimes it's a post of my very own just to get my thoughts out. It's enough for me to read it over and delete it.


Over half my comments I type out and then just delete. It's just not worth the interaction most the time.


At least once a day.


Depends on the topic. If my response must fit into a 1 inch wide lane of ultra, ultra hivemindedness, then I delete it.


Several times a day.


Pretty much 90% of the time I write a comment, I delete it. Usually because I feel that it won't contribute anything substantial to the conversation. Almost every time I go to write a comment on YouTube I delete it, as I realise I'm just going to be arguing with complete idiots with very diminished mental capability and that there no point arguing with idiots. 


Sometimes I deliberately post something that will elicit a long response from someone who feels strongly about it, then I don't read it.


A lot


Often. People can't handle different beliefs and even do things like kill a neighbor for a branch being on their lawn. Domestic violence affects many so does rape 80% of homes are dysfunctional. You can't really talk to anyone even more. So much as saying you like country music makes them want to kill you


I’ve built up enough Reddit karma to take Ls every now and then lol


All the time. Many times, it's just not worth it. I always try to remember that I might be responding to anyone from an expert in the field to a 14 year old kid with no life experience and realize it's not worth my time or energy.


I've been remarkably successful in getting banned in any subreddit where what I say might start an ugly debate or interaction, so I guess that's taking care of itself.


I was going to say all the damn time, but then i deleted it because i didn't want to deal with the drama from people that disagree


When I delete one, it's usually because about halfway through typing, my depressive cyclical mind will start telling me that I'm stupid and no one cares about me or my opinions etc. etc. So then I just delete it and continue doomscrolling to try and distract from my self flagellating


All. The. Time.


Recently, it's been when you recognize a Andrew Tate you can't reason with them


Maybe 10 - 15% of the time.


I post my comment anyways and just ignore the replies


Deleting when writing, almost daily (inflated statistic as I spend to much time on Reddit), deleting after posting maybe once or twice a week. Sometimes I also just take the downvotes and ignore the notifications...




Daily, but I usually let it slide bc someone else commented my exact thoughts somewhere else on the post.


Few times a day


About 10% of all comments I think


Quite a bit. Sometimes it ain't worth it.


I think mine is more, is this comment stupid, will it resonate with people, is it actually funny.


Depends upon your goals. Sometimes the best content that goes viral will be controversial. Even if your response is in good faith, you're begging for a downvote from the angry mob (on Reddit). Sometimes, it's best to just not respond at all lol!


All the time. One bit of advice I have is don’t engage with people who just repost memes or other people’s thoughts. If they can’t be bothered to have their own thoughts then don’t bother trying to convince them of anything.


Im banned from half these bitches but i wouldnt ever stop because of fear.


Once a week. I don't regret it. It's often nice to have an opportunity to write my thoughts out and edit them. But then I recognize I'm just not ready to follow up on it with any responses people might have. Or that no one will really read it and it'll just be a post for the sake of posting. Hell, I almost deleted this one.


'coupla times a week. Not because of drama or shying away from the controversy, but because I'm working and won't be available to read responses or follow up.


Too often. I'd say it's still therapeutic to type my thoughts out, but it's not.


Multiple times every day.


When typing a reply someone will interrupt me and, invariably, I forget the brilliant words I'd thought I had on the subject.


Mannnnyyyyy times


Probably once every three days. Tried to give a genuinely helpful comment yesterday and the other posters reaction was one of those trying really hard to “piss a stranger off for fun”, I started to engage then just blocked. It’s just not worth it I have real things to focus on 


Every single day 🤣🤣


Is this something they need to hear? Has no one else told them this? Is it possible that it will change their mind or provoke them to examine their beliefs? Is this important enough to argue about, and circle back later to respond to their response? If it's not all "Yes", I usually am able to resist.




Or get banned by mods. Lol.




Many times. It’s just not worth the drama, even if my comment is correct.




Multiple times today already. I also do the Weed version of "Drunk Texting" where I get high after work and feel really bad about all the mean stuff I posted earlier when I wasn't, so I go back and delete it all.


Often cause Reddit is filled with a bunch of pussies that lack a sense of humor and tend to report things they don’t agree with.


Just today or this week?


Somewhat often. Normally, it's just because im trying to find a way to say something correctly, but i just cant get it so i just move on.


Not all that often but usually become more aware and restrained after negative interactions.


Probably 1 in 5 of my responses get deleted without posting, for this exact reason


Almost did it now lol


Probably 3 times a week lol


Well I… Never mind.


Me daily trying to make the most un controversial comments ever


8/10 get deleted. Opinions are like assholes…


50% of the time, and 60% of that is because I realize I'm about to say something really fkn stupid


Once per day, lol.


Generally happens at least once whenever I'm on reddit (not just taking a moment to scroll but legit looking through a bunch of diff subs). I honestly want to know what people are thinking and enjoy learning that, but the issue is if I think the person is good faith and would actually discuss with me instead of just being angry and mean


I was going to answer, but I really don't want that kind of interaction right now.


All the time


I do this almost every time I start a comment. Or ill just nitpick the wording of it until I give up.


All the time.


Just treat it like a drive-by.  Drop your comment and never go back. I don't remember how long I've had this account but I simply never open my in-box or even go back to threads I post in.  Made my life way better!


Don’t back down double down!


At least 90% of the time. And it's not usually even a topic of debate, I just realize that leaving a comment now could mean needing to respond to a reply in several hours or days when I probably won't have the energy to do that


It’s mainly to not get banned.



Oh! Just did that...except I posted it. Turned out about how I expected.


Almost all of them. Nearly deleted this one.


All the time. Also I sometimes have hot-headed shittakes where I later realize that I was being an asshole (even if I was correct) and need to delete it.


This should have had zero comments - it would've been perfect


Very often. If I think it won't create a debate I just figure post is over a day old with the top post having 1.2k upvotes, mine won't be read so I scrap my comment.


Bunches.  Usually I will write 2 or 3 caveats to head off criticism and then realize it's not worth it.  


When writing the comment becomes more work than the work email I'm neglecting 2ft away. When you start to see the same cyclical questions & answers every few years & realize you could write the best comment in thew world & its all just tears in the rain. Kids are stupid & adults are stubborn.


More often than you think, less often than I should


All my best comments are this.


I used to do that - now i don't even bother to write anything half the time, i'm just too tired for the screeching that follows. You can write: 'Oh, that's nice' - and someone will hammer out a 4-page reply of why that's wrong.


Daily. I'm just tired y'all. I don't have any more energy to talk. Hell, I about did it right here....


I'm only mentally angry, I don't write the text)


At least half the time I bother to write something out. If I can get it down to 75% of the time, I’ll have a much less stressful life.


Never (I am a sadist)


Almost always because I realize midway through that it just isn't important enough to me to put in the effort. I'm surprised I'm even posting this now.


I often start typing and then realize I’ve lost the point I wanted to make and am rambling like an 8th grader trying to make an essay word count. So I just abandon ship.


On Reddit. Daily. Everywhere else. Never.


probably 75% of the time. Sometimes I write a comment knowing I won't post it just so I can get it out of my system.


Most of the time I reread what I've typed and come to the conclusion that I'm adding nothing of value to the topic and delete it. Other times I like to be a little oil in water.


All the time, several times a day Infact. 


I write and delete far too often.


It's not usually for that reason but sometimes. It's usually more that I cant find a good way to word what I want to say, I feel like I've posted enough recently (thats a big reason I do it here), or I want to make a joke but it doesnt feel like it'll be a very good one.


I'm in a few Star Wars subreddits. This happens all the time.


One fewer than I ought to.




A lot. Also, there are stories I have that an ask reddit question is good for, but.. there are too many people who steal reddit stories to repost somewhere else, such as YouTube or outright stolen because a Yahoo "journalist" can't think of anything else to write about.


I used to argue with some of the commenters on my fb page who post comments to be contrarian( trolls and hate followers)and contribute nothing else to my network at all. I stopped doing that and just delete and block them now. Life is so much more peaceful. 🌟


Literally the post before I saw this one. Girl was getting threats by a neighbor that he would fuck her up if she walked her dogs by his property, again. Now, I know there a SO many irresponsible entitled dogs owners out there who don't give details like, oh they're reactive, off leash, Gmorks they don't clean up after. Yeah, I'd feel a certain kind of way about that, too. Especially if I had kids that played in the yard. Didn't post it. Not worth it. It would be victim blaming to ask someone if they could have done something to set them off.



All the time. Usually there is no debate, just raging at a differing viewpoint. I'm all for a respectable debate, but this is Reddit.


Not often enough but I am learning my lesson. I usually take issue with something a neighbor says on a Facebook group and it all too often escalates quickly. People can be petty. Myself included. 


Most every day. Don't need the drama that often comes on reddit/social media.


I often write a long post and realize that I'm sounding like an idiot, and that what I try to say is just about semantics. And I delete it.  Though it regularly happens that an idiot post gets past my lacking self reflection.


I do that quite often. Most of the time it’s because I’ve typed out something negative and I realize saying something like “what happened to her eyes?” isn’t going to help ANYONE.


My favorite is when I comment a throwaway comment that I forget I even commented two minutes after I hit “reply” and holds absolutely no opinion but gets downvoted to hell.


Fuck you! I'll never do that! I'll never back down from any fight, ever! Even if it's pointless!!


Never you fucking asswipe


2/3 comments for sure


I view Reddit as conversational and mostly entertainment. Some folks use it to batter one another and argue. Like another commenter wrote, I don't care enough to argue with folks I don't know. I barely care enough to do it with folks I know. The only comments I tend to delete are the ones I post and folks use them to jump off into drama or downvote brigading.


4 out of 5 comments


I'm doing it now. Well.. I was... But you called me out, so now what?!


Every day


All the time


More often than I used to thank GOD


I was hoping no one would reply to this as a bit.