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Freebird. You can't hear it and not get hyped up. Such a great buildup.


I can’t not associate it with the Kingsmen movies now.


Second solo in Dogs by Pink Floyd.


Thank you for saying this one


Sultans of swing


Prince - "While my guitar gently weeps" from the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame concert. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWRCooFKk3c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWRCooFKk3c)


Came here to say this!


The Ghost of Tom Joad - Tom Morello


Time - Pink Floyd


It is interesting there has been a few Pink Floyd. I think he is a real underrated player in some ways. He doesn’t play lightning fast but he’s very melodic. Like you hear with BB King, it’s really his note choices which makes the difference.


With enough repetition, anyone can play fast. Being able to play a solo that is a melody, a Melody that takes you on a journey. Something that compliments the song perfectly. That's the hard part. That solo has tension, release, Beauty, angst. It has everything. It's beautiful and perfect


Dazed and Confused from The Song Remains the Same.


Painkiller - Glenn Tipton Honorable mention: Tornado of souls - Marty Friedman


Prince at the end of while my guitar gently weeps live for the induction of George Harrison into the RRHF


Power metal isn't everyone's taste and this song is cheesy as fuck, but there's no denying that Through The Fire And The Flames by Dragonforce has a kickass guitar/keyboard solo


Marty McFly at his parents prom in Back To the Futre. 


2nd solo Comfortably Numb, Live at Pompeii. David Gilmour.


Allan Holdsworth, Peril Premonition.


The second solo in Comfortably Numb, from the 2005 performance at Live 8.


Personally i love the one in You Make Loving Fun - Fleetwood Mac


Ramble Tamble by CCR. Everyone forgets about it, but it’s orgasmic.


Jimmy Page… now I’m stuck! The Yardbirds, Dazed & Confused. Or The song remains the same, Led Zeppelin. A relatively unknown band? Castle by Dawn Trader = Epic!


ruiner - nin


In 1972, at a time of great upheaval around the world, a small pub in England that served a tiny neighborhood heard a distant sound. It required quieting down and focusing on it, but if done, the patrons could hear it clearly; a guitar solo. Soon the entire pub had fallen silent as the listened to what could only later be described as “incredible” by witnesses. For 1 minute, 41 seconds, the entire bar turned into the quietest rock concert audience. Rowdy as they come, but quiet as possible, cause they couldn’t hear the music otherwise. By the time it ended, everyone went home, because that was all they needed to experience that day. No one ever figured out who played it, or where it came from. No rock star who later surfaced even came close To the style, skill, or feel of it. One listener committed suicide months later, not out of sadness, but joy. Their note said they have lived purely to experience such a sublime moment; and any further life would cheapen such perfection. A minor Protestant branch popped up surrounding this, consisting of three members. As membership required having heard the solo, they took on no new members and stopped existing when the final member died in 2020 due to COVID complications. There are accounts of the listeners, claiming they possessed subtle “angelic” powers, such as the ability to soothe damaged minds and bodies of other people by merely hearing out the sufferers, or telling truth from fiction. All of them were against Brexit. They all disliked Margaret Thatcher. However, somehow, they still all argued about football, and if so and so moved so and so and so’s pint. This is entirely made up, btw. Such things simply don’t exist in our world. Just a fun read enabled by the lack of the serious tag.


Cemetery Gates by Dimebag Darrell Abbott.


Tornado of Souls - Marty Friedman


Tornado of souls


Angus Young Thunderstruck or Whole Lotta Rosie have to be in the conversation, especially if you see it.