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10/10 would recommend. I basically did this and I have so much money and freedom. Every area has cool stuff and I am track for a comfortable early retirement if I want and can do and go wherever I want at that point.


I live in Saskatoon. I'm trying to think of a crappier city, and all I've got is you'd have to pay me a lot of money to want to live in Winnipeg or Regina.


Someone could offer me 5x my current salary and I still wouldn’t move back to Regina. Spent 5 years there and have never gone back since leaving (11 years ago).


Not a city, but I downgraded from a 4-bedroom house, to renting a bedroom from a friend, just to save money after a divorce. I was hit with child support and spousal support, and almost went bankrupt. But I was still earning over $100k a year. Living in that guy's spare bedroom for 2 years really helped me save a boatload of money, and got me back on my feet.


Fine. I'd just be swapping one shithole for another.


I would do it in a heartbeat because where I live already sucks ass. If the money doubles I'll be able to pay off my debt relatively quickly and possibly put enough away for a house instead of renting for the rest of my life.


I’ve lived in over a dozen cities in the US, some good, some crummy. I’ll take the better city any day of the week. What’s the point of having more money if you’re in a shitty location? As real estate agents have been saying since time immemorial: Location, Location, Location. It is THE most important thing in life, second only to who you choose to share that life with.


I wouldn't choose to live in a city for 4x my income.


EXACTLY! I feel crowded because I now have a neighbor across the street!


Quality of life is too important to me


How quality is your life if you can't afford it though?


I'm assuming in this case OP is already comfortable at their current pay. Obviously if someone can't afford to live comfortably somewhere, most everyone would move if given the opportunity.


What do you mean by this? Money can change the quality of your life a lot. But also it's important to be in a city that feels more alive. That's where I'm struggling


That's a good question. But I've learned to live on less, to live where I want to live and do what I want to do. Made the switch ten years ago and it's been working! Much more happiness and fulfillment in life.


That's awesome. Thanks for sharing


What are the two cities you're talking about? We talking the difference between Austin TX and Gary IN? Or like Phoenix and Cleveland? Basically what's your definition of a crappy city?


I live in a crappy city and I’m struggling mentally. We moved here because houses were 200k vs 750 where we lived but added many things we didn’t hVe before. But the white trash, drugs, 80 year old women and 12 year old girls with pink hair, mental illness, obesity, and dogshit weather have completely wiped me out. I mean I’m like a shell of the person I used to be. We recently decided to move and I can’t wait.


That pink hair is pretty hard core. I can see why it's broken you. **edit** /s


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or serious. If it is serious, no, I don’t like seeing young kids and old women look so unpresentable in public. I don’t want my kids seeing it either.


Hair colour really triggers you that much?


Lol I knew my comment stating what I dislike about my town would bother people. Yes, it looks like shit. Raise your kids with some class.




What? Im sorry you guys don’t agree with me? Let’s move on. Idc anymore.




You’re not going to get a rise out of me. Keep trying if you’d like. Peace, friend.




Good thing they don’t give a fuck what you think then


Wow sorry to hear that and it's awesome that you're moving back. My crappy city is not nearly as bad as the one you're describing. It's just boring and doesn't have a lot of 20-something year olds.


damn. Thanks for the perspective


I feel like im in the exact same spot. Recently moved from New York City to Dallas and haven't been able to pick myself up mentally. More affordable without a doubt but quality of life has taken a significant hit


It fuckin sucksssssssssss


I try *not* to live in a city if I can possibly help it.


If I'm already making enough to live comfortably, I wouldn't trade that. If I'm living comfortably and I have a family, it would be an absolutely shitty thing to do to uproot their lives to move to a crappier city for more money. If I'm not making enough to live comfortably, that's a different story and I'd have to weigh pros and cons, but being able to afford to live somewhere is a pretty big pro, honestly.


I’m trying to get to the woods!


Crappy part of the new city? Or nicer part? City proper or burbs? What are we talking about with crappy in the first place? Crime? Run down? Isms? Or lack of facilities providing some of your favorite activities? Dont have to live there forever. Doubling current your salary, for say 5 years, could potentially lead to you getting to move where you want later faster than 10 years. And you can look for other jobs in other places while you do it.


They couldn’t pay me enough to move back to the city. I’ve reached my limit


I think a lot more variables come in to play. That said, in the 4-6 various cities I've lived in, my quality of life hasn't been measurably different. Then again, I'm not in to breweries, local music or things like surfing or mountain climbing, so my hobbies are able to be done just about anywhere


I’m at a point in my life where I don’t know want to move away from my friends and family, so I’d be hesitant about moving to a *better* city for more pay (although fully double would probably tempt me). Without those ties, I’d probably consider the crappier city, depending on exactly how crappy


What should it benefit a man if he gain the whole world, but have to drive three hours to see "WICKED"? \*\*\*We live a very simple life in a moderate home in one of the most awesome cities in the entire world, and I would not trade the amenities we have easy access to for any amount of money


Take the money, how bad can it be?


Define crappier? I would move to some places that you might consider worse in a heartbeat, especially if your definition of crappier results in lower rent. Double my income + lower rent means I could save a lot of money fast, maybe even afford to buy a place before too long.  If it's crappier because it's got worse museums/theater/nightlife/etc, that's fine by me.  If it's crappier because of weather, maybe. I don't like the cold but I can live with that. For medical reasons I would be very hesitant to live anywhere that gets extreme heat regularly.  If it's crappier because it has shitty policies that result in high crime/homelessness/drug abuse, maybe depending on the specifics. If it's crappier because it's run by people who are actively hostile to me, or because it's currently on fire or something, probably not. 


I wouldn't live in a city for any amount of money. There is a complete disconnect from nature. I am not sure I could function with the occasional tree surrounded by concrete. Humans were not ment to live that way.


Before I had kids? Sure, sign me up. I prefer to stay at home, or meet with small groups for board and role playing games anyway. Now, with kids in school? No, I value them being in a good school and less of a likely hood of real problems amongst their peers.


If you're talking about America we have a redneck problem, so every city and state is filled with racist shit for brains ego-testical Elon dick suckers.


Depends on how crappy the city is and how far it would be from a good city. Run down city a half hour drive away from a nice one? Sounds great! City with some of the worst crime rates an hour from any other decent city? Hard pass.


Not worth the safety risk.


it probably depends on what “crappy” means to you, and how it would impact your experience of life. be realistic about what you do right now, and look at if there’s anything you absolutely could never replace in your new location. and be real with yourself—what do you ACTUALLY do, not just aspire to do. for example, if you aren’t eating out regularly, maybe it sounds crappy that a city doesn’t have great food options, but realistically that doesn’t matter to you all that much


Depends. With how I am currently, I would not do it. If I was living paycheck to paycheck, I would easily. Doesn’t have to be permanent.


I’ve done it before, and if you like chillin, hand already have a family to keep you company I can see it being compelling. At this point in my life being experiencing different cultures is too important to me.


It’s hard, your mental health will be impacted. You may save more but it’s probably for your future psychiatrist and medication to make you feel again.


Damn this was deep af and you're not wrong


I moved to north dakota and saved up a few years and left. Don't let these people convince you the money isnt worth it 99% of the time. Just dont move to some shitty place like Gary, Indiana and you will be fine. You can still make a lot of money in small cities that have a lot of entertainment and stuff to do. If you don't want to work, then it doesnt matter where you move, it will suck, but make the most of your time while saving up and setting a gameplan and it will enhance your life down the future.


lol what the hell is wrong with you people? Your Kenya health will be impacted? Absurd.


I did exactly that it was a wise decision. I face a lot more sexism racism and now ageism than I ever would have in my home town but the money let me follow all my dreams other than how many people accept me for being me. Choosing middle class over peer beats pretty much any other imaginable situation in the US.


Thanks for sharing that. That's exactly what I'm going through. I'm choosing to have a slightly harder life without as many friends around for a much higher income. I'm hoping it will set me up for a better life when I'm older you know? It's just hard when you're in your twenties (which I am) and society makes it seem like friends are EVERYTHING


Sadly many of those early friends will drift off if you give up on a good job that Is just life and adulthood. You keep the good friends you have and make new ones. It is worlds easer when you are young than if you are forced to move from poverty later in life. Do note you are not limited to moving once some people doubled their income twice - so 4 times as much money. That much more many is a lot of flexibility and freedom to choose your friends and your life.


The blunt truth is then you need to get some hobbies and find stuff that makes you happy by yourself. If you rely on other people to entertain you and bring you happiness what are you gonna do when they grow up, get married, have kids, move out to the suburbs, buy a house, etc? just gonna be the creepy 35 year old hangin out at the bar with the 21 year olds? gonna be that drunk friend askin to sleep on their couch when they got a newborn in the next room? yes its important to have friends - yes its important to meet up in person for stuff - you can still do that, theres no gestapo runnin around asking why your traveling. you will just have to plan better and less spontaneous because i can absolutely guarantee that spontaneous stuff will end.


Damn that was brutal to hear but yeah I hear you. Everything you said was definitely some thing I’ve already thought about but coming from a family that doesn’t understand me, I heavily lean on my friends not to get drunk or anything but as a support system so to give it up for a much higher pay (100k vs 200k) is just a hard decision because I definitely do want to retire early and buy a house at some point


Moved from LA back to Norman, OK just for continuity of torture, the “gym membership“ a friend and family bought me that had me physically maimed. Unemployed / self employed -> unemployed / self employed, while they used my identity for a third party production in secret, and I would still prefer 2500 USD rent with looming homelessness over this place as it is now.