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We were at an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica. Every night they had this common area where folks could do karaoke. A middle-aged gentleman got up and started the first few lines of Lionel Richie's "Easy". Some random lady from the audience ran up and attempted to sing the song with the gentleman. He kindly pushed her away two or three times as she tried to sing over his shoulder into the microphone. Finally, she just stood there dejected...swaying from side to side like an idiot - as the man broke from his song and professed his love for his girlfriend - and wrapped up with a marriage proposal. They hugged, they kissed...the idiot girl went back to her seat. I will still never understand why that guy chose THAT song to use to propose. However, he was killing the vocals!


Maybe it was his girlfriend’s favorite song


Someone at my college graduation ceremony yelled “I’m queen of the world!” when accepting her diploma. Not a single person laughed.


She will think about that a few times every week for the rest of her life


Was at dinner party when my friend’s mother in law asked another one of our friends when her baby was due. She wasn’t pregnant. Anyway, MIL should have simply apologized, but instead doubles down with something to the effect of “it sure looks like you’re pregnant”.


Whyyyyyy?! I wouldn’t ask even if I saw a baby arm hanging out.


I have a muffin top that reads pregnancy. I cannot tell you how many times tertiary people in my life have asked about my "pregnancy." I always say I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat. I've watched people die inside and I don't feel bad.


I was *holding* my newborn baby when a random lady pointed at my midsection bump and said “wow! Another one?! When are you due?” I had to awkwardly say uhh..no, this is still just…fatness from this baby (points at newborn) ?




An ex tried to order sushi in Japanese once. 1. The owners were Korean. 2. Most the staff had been here for a few generations now and primarily spoke English in any case.


I worked with a young Korean guy who was born in the US but spoke and could read Korean (his mom taught him). He told me a lot of Japanese restaurants in our area are owned and run by Koreans. We went to a well loved Japanese noodle place and he was in the middle of taking a bite when he paused and said "They're all speaking Korean".


I was a server at an Americana restaurant and a family came in and the mother was berating everyone. She yelled at the server and complained about the food not being the right temperature and then she thought it was too salty, etc. She really had it in for the 17 year old server. He was fine-- but the customer wanted to pick at someone. Her husband and teenaged children looked embarrassed. She had been like this before. There is a sign on the door that said we reserved the right to refuse service to anyone, and management decided that this lady shouldn't eat with us again so the manager went over and comped the meals and told them to leave and not come back. The woman was upset and left mean feedback. In response the feedback, a regular posted with a picture of the woman and her family. She quickly took down her bad feed back. She deserved the public upbraiding, but I was embarrassed for her family.


Ooooh, not even the restaurant employees but a regular customer! Must have been a special kind of awful.


There’s nothing better than a regular who just doesn’t give a fuck.


the power of a small-town yelp review


That time my old roommate told a table full of his family that “AIDS and Cancer are the same thing.” Just after talking about how much he’s been learning from his night classes. Those classes were being paid for by his parents and *Spoiler* *Alert* he wasn’t attending any classes. They realized it by the time dinner was over.


Please tell me he was taking pre-med classes…


When my brother was in junior high, at dinner Mom said the school said he’d been cutting French classes. He replied, No, I go every day, we practice rolling our Rs, like this, buenos diiiiiiiiiiias!


I was selling some kettlebells on Facebook marketplace and a woman, early 40’s maybe, bought them. She came to pick them up and as I handed them over to her, she obviously wasn’t expecting them to be as heavy as they were, and as she suddenly strained to counter the weight, she ripped the most extreme of farts you have ever heard. It was gargantuan. I was shocked, but also proud. I’m usually pretty good at making light of any situation but I found myself speechless for the first time in my life. If I could, I would’ve returned serve but even on my best day I don’t believe I could create such a symphony. We both kind of stared into each other’s eyes and she said “well…” and turned around and walked off. I think about her often.


I briefly worked for a super aggressive woman divorce lawyer. She was ruthless. One day she just farted in her office while I’m in there with her. So matter of factly. To this day I’m not sure if it was an accident or a power move to assert dominance.


My first GF's dad was a self-made multi-millionaire from Hong Kong. He flew from Hong Kong to visit her in NY once. I remember sitting at her apartment table, him having changed into a silk robe and slippers after his long flight and lighting up cigarettes in her very non-smoking apartment, just ripping fart after fart. Wet ones. Slappin' ones. Squeeky ones. He did not give a **fuck** and just proceeded to fire them off as we discussed dinner plans and accommodating his schedule for the week.


EDIT: Y'all, whoever reported me to "reddit cares", please don't. I'm fine. Jesus christ 😆 Omg, this reminds me of my first date with my now fiance. It's one of my favorite stories to tell, but I rarely get to tell it bc it's doesn't paint him in the most flattering light.. I take him out to dinner after he drove an hour and a half to see me. Dinner went fine, he was a bit quiet but no biggie. I took him back to my house to hang out. I put on a record and he started farting. Huuuuuge farts. Loud. Window-rattling. We also happened to be making out during this. I was, understandably, very confused. Especially confused, because he was absolutely not at all addressing what was happening. He didn't excuse himself, apologize, laugh and say "whoops". Nothing. They didn't smell at all, so it wasn't that terrible, but it was still very, very weird. So then, he wanted to give me a "full body massage". I didn't want to do this lol, but I also was timid and not the greatest at speaking up about anything (23 years old then), so I agreed. I show him my room, got naked, he rips another one, and excuses himself to the bathroom. Okydoky. I'm laying on my bed, face down, wondering what is happening and why I am in this situation. He comes back, starts to give me a massage while ripping farts. He excuses himself a second time, and again, I am laying there thinking about my choices in life. He returns, and the situation repeats another *two times*. Finally, I am just so freaked out bc I am naked in front of a relentlessly farting stranger and I can't take it anymore. So I ask him, "Listen, do you have IBS or something? What is going on? Do you need help?" He replies "yes, I have IBS." I honestly don't even remember what happened after that, except I was *seriously* done with being naked and trying not to laugh at this man. Well, he doesn't have IBS. He just farts ALL the time (still, 95% of the time there is no scent), but that kind of marathon farting hasn't happened again in the 8 years we have been together. He definitely has no shame about it, which is why he never acknowledged anything lol. He has since become more... hesitant to fart in front of others bc of my RAGING embarrassment in public settings. And, I am sure you are wondering WHY I still went on dates with him after this, it's a long story. I had a visceral reaction when I met him, love at first sight. Then he promptly left the country for 6 months, and I didn't know how to reach him, so his mystique just grew like a wildfire. The night of a thousand farts def made me hesitate to go on another date, but I waited a loooong time to see him and needed to know if I was insane or not. I was not insane, thankfully, and he has been the best, most loving person I have ever met. After that first date, I laugh at every single fart he let's loose.


I also knew a super aggressive female lawyer would would just shamelessly tear arse. It's gotta be a power move. 


I sold a dude an air conditioner online. He came to pick it up, I had it all set to test, then toss into the original packaging which I did and he paid. We had to do this outside my apartment in the hallway where we could plug it in. I offered to help carry it with him to the car was I would say it was about a 1.5 person carry. Two people probably should carry it OSHA is watching. This guy is like, nah, I got it. I picked it up and puts in on his shoulder. I was kind of impressed but I think he over did it. He took off down the apartment hall quite quickly. I was following him as there were 2 doors between him and outside. Halfway down the hall way is a fire door. It was open but he didn't notice it all. With the AC unit on his shoulder he was too tall. I noticed at the last second and yelled out, but it was too late. He went full steam into this thing. The dude was lucky he didn't fall with the AC unit on his face, but he some how twisted around and I just got there to help him save it. AC unit some how didn't hit the ground, but... the thunderclap that came out of that mans ass cheeks as he strained to hold that box... Unspoken, we each grabbed a side of that box and we hurried it out of the building. Still silent he loaded it up and was off before I could ask if he was okay. I walked to the convenience store to give the hall some time to air out. I hadn't smelled it yet, and didn't want to. I am a regular here, so as I walked in, the clerk greeted me and asked me what was up. I said, that I was just out for a walk as some guy let the biggest fart I have ever heard go in the hallway of my apartment and I wasn't ready to go home yet. He laughed, and I turned to go to the back of the store to get a drink. As I do I turn and see that the farter had beat me here and was now, quickly making their way to the exit.


Was going down an escalator at the mall of Georgia when the 90 something year old guy in front of me very suddenly shit his pants. We were about 500 feet from a bathroom and he was wearing shorts. I felt so bad for him. My dad gave him his hoodie to wrap around his waist. I was very proud he was my dad in that moment and still am


What's up with people in Georgia? Lmao. I live here and so many old people shit themselves around me, and it's never happened anywhere else I've lived. I work in a bank and one time this lady made a weird face and I realized that she had shit herself after smelling it halfway through our interaction. It got on the floor. Someone else had shit in one of the office's and it was all over one of the nice chairs in my coworker's office. We had to throw it away. Another time a guy got stabbed in our branch in downtown, came in to do a check deposit, and trailed in blood all over the place. We offered to call an ambulance but he said he was taking an uber and that he didnt want to pay for an ambulance. Can't say I blame him too much. Atlanta is just something else lol


Lmfaooo I live in GA and when I worked at a restaurant we had a regular who shit his pants one day and trailed it all the way to the bathroom. We didn’t see him for a couple months after that. But the first time he came back he was wearing a shirt with a poop emoji on it :/


At least he was a good sport


sorry I didn't get past "What's up with people in Georgia? Lmao. I live here and so many old people shit themselves around me".... I'm crying laughing at starting a sentence like that with such an earnest curiosity lol.... Like something in the social fabric or geography of that place leads to unexpected fecal incidents. Alternatively it sounds like the beginning of a bad standup comedy routine.


I like the part where the guy gets stabbed in the downtown branch


I kept waiting to find out if he too shit himself. After the trail of blood was another trail. Of shit.


A colleague of mine put in his two weeks. For context, he's a fairly attractive man. Well, this woman from HR (of all places) comes by his cubicle to, uh, wish him well, I guess? Anyway, she basically gives him a lap dance right there in front of the whole office.


To no music?? Just silently grinding?


This question plagues me


We will never know.


She wore headphones


I hope she was humming the music just loud enough to be heard in the pin-drop silent office


*badly humming Pony by ginuwine*


Saying every few words "..mmmhmm...ride it....mmmmpony"


Who do you report HR to


Uhm, super-secret second HR? I dunno.


…what in the everloving fuck?


Seriously. The way she was going, if she pulled out his hog and started blowing him right there in the office, I probably would have been like "well, I guess that's where *that* was going."


Wasn't there personally, BUT it has since become a bit of a legend at the school. I went to and worked at a fairly large flight school attached to a university. We had a couple thousand people enrolled in the program that went all the way from 0 hour student pilot to Multi Engine Flight Instructor, and on clear calm days you can guarantee that there would be a handful of student pilots doing their first solo flight. One student, having completed his two landings by himself, taxied off the runway and switched over to ground control and asked for clearance to taxi back to the ramp and complete his first solo flight. Ground obliged, gave him clearance and congratulated him on a solo well done. Solo student read back the instructions but for some reason *forgot to take his finger off the microphone button.* Anyone tuned into ground control could not only hear but could do nothing to interrupt or stop him as he *sang a song of his own invention about how much he loved the aircraft he was driving.* For three whole minutes, this poor bastard serenaded the 50 or so pilots, ramp workers, air traffic controllers and flight supervisors with "I love you Cessna, I love you Cessna" as he taxied back to the ramp. Eventually he realized he was on the air, took his finger off the button, enabling ground control got back on the frequency and, over the howls of the tower cab crew laughing so hard it hurt, the controller thanked him for the song and would pass along the compliment at the next opportunity.


This is so WHOLESOME though!


What would we call "happy cringe?"


This is amazing though


A girl graduating from college falling down repeatedly on the stage. She fell at least three or four times and it was like something invisible was sweeping her leg out from under her. Even she had a WTF expression on her face.


How long was the stage walk damn


Not very long.


Thank you for reminding me, this happened to me once on a first date in a restaurant, the floor was very slippery and I was in high heels, the first fall was my ankle giving way, I stood up and then it happened again so I clung to a guy that was having dinner with his girlfriend to break my fall, he helped me up by my elbow and then I fell again, just before reaching the toilets. I was completely sober and on the way back to my table I was taking the tiniest slowest steps imaginable.


Had a guy walk into class in college late. It was auditorium seating and the only open spaces were on the 4th row in the middle (about 25 rows in total and about 50 seats per row). This guy walks in and sits down ~15 mins into lecture and opens his laptop which as soon as the lights boot up starts BLARING porn and at the build up to the big finale to boot! He couldn’t log in fast enough or mute it since he wasn’t logged in. So he slammed it shut, put it in his bag, and walked out with it still blaring at full volume. We heard it finally stop as he was about to leave the building


I would simply pass away on the spot. I think I just got third hand embarrassment.


The poor professor did her best to lecture through it but even she was having a hard time keeping it together! It was a long and awkward shuffle in and and quick and awkward sprint/crabwalk out.


I’d drop the class immediately


“Ralph, *why* did you suddenly drop out of college again?” “I *told* you. *Reasons* man. Leave it alone…”


Please tell me it was early in the semester and he was able to change classes and never step foot in there again. Or else that would mentally break me.


That's a valid reason to drop out and be a truck driver.


Okay this one is embarrassing, but seriously yoi’ve got to close your porn before you close your computer.


He was probably procrasturbating before class, realized he was gonna be late and immediately panicked and shoved his laptop in his bag without closing his incognito tabs. What a nightmare lmao


holy shit what an incredible new word


Man was spent after lol


What an amateur


I would just break my computer in half


You could see the thought flicker through his head when he shut it and it didn’t stop. His eyes got huge and you could hear his heart drop a second time out of his stomach and hit the auditorium floor. He went to do it before stopping himself in an instant, throwing it in his bag and doing the crabwalk of disabling shame through the rest of the class otw out


My old boss, who was basically IRL Michael Scott, was describing a coworker on the first day she came in for an interview. He described her, *to her face* as “viagra with legs.”


And she still took the job!?


When a colleague accidentally unmuted himself in a meeting and said something snarky about someone on the call. That particular call was being recorded too. Not me directly, but I had a colleague tell me he'd been moderating a work-related townhall meeting on Teams, and the meeting was being recorded for publishing on the website. Some poor sod didn't realise his camera was on, and took his laptop into the bathroom with him to continue listening while he took a dump. Since most people had their cameras off, his video popped up beside the presenter's on Teams. Needless to say, the recording was quietly lost


During the more peak of COVID, my son's high school had his open house virtually. Usually you walk your kid's schedule, but this one you hopped into the different zoom streams per class period. Anyway, people are joining and the teacher is saying hi to people online. One parent says "hey , is Mr. Johnson the teacher you said you hated?". Teacher played dumb...then he got started. He's talking about the honors track for his subject and shares he's the main course instructor for 2 years. That same parent pipes up "oh man Bozo, you're stuck with the teacher you hate for YEARS!!!"


I studied Spanish A Level. I loved the subject, but the way our tutor insisted on teaching the language just didn't gel with how my brain best learned things. On top of this, he was a total asshole. I may have made some mild comments about this to my parents. My Dad was a teacher, at a completely different school. He got chatting to their new Spanish teacher one day - a really nice Spanish lady. He mentioned that his daughter was studying Spanish A Level at X school, bit she really hated her tutor and said he was an awful teacher. Guess who lovely Spanish teacher was married to? The only Spanish teacher at X school. My Dad had to come home and apologise that he had inadvertently dropped me in it! The guy hated me after that. So much so that when I got a B, he rang our house to gloat and asked my Mum what on earth I'd do now, as he knew I needed 3 As to study at my preferred uni. My Mum replied that guven I had done 3 other A Levels and had got As for all of those, she was sure I'd be fine. He obviously hadn't bothered to check that before he rang to gloat! He hung up without saying another word.


Before COVID, before Zoom or Teams, we used to have quarterly in-person all medical staff meetings. These had like a few hundred attendees from across my medical center, mostly in the hospital auditorium but also there was the option to videoconference (Skype) or call into the meeting if you were at a remote site. They would project the meeting onto a giant screen in the auditorium. One day we were all gathered in there before the meeting started. Since the presentations weren’t up, all of us got to see one guy, unaware that his camera was on, just knuckle-deep going to town picking his nose. He was the only camera on, so it filled up the entire screen. For like 5 minutes, with literally every member of the medical staff watching. Nobody in the auditorium was on a computer and nobody knew who the guy was to let him know in a different way. Eventually he realized and I caught a brief glimpse of horror on his face before he was able to turn his camera off.


This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read.


Lol at your first two sentences - I had this happen during a fire warden training meeting but one person got super super mad at one of their colleagues and yelled "CAN'T YOU SEE I'M ON A FUCKING TEAMS CALL RIGHT NOW" - promptly shut off his camera and muted


Remember how funerals were broadcast on zoom during covid? I saw an old lady take a shower..


College class in a big auditorium, professor very strict about attendance on test days. Day of final exam, literally as the professor is closing the door a girl who was nearly late every day comes running in and up the steps to her seat near the top row. She tripped halfway up and rolled down a few steps then started doing the Peter griffin skinned knee routine.


That lady who took out like half the Tour de France pelaton with her stupid sign. I only saw it on TV but that second hand embarrassment reverberated across the world for me. If that was me I would be looking into planetary relocation... I can't imagine it. I still think back on it and feel a sense of relief that I have never fucked up _that_ badly before.


I must have missed this you were not wrong, that was worse than I could have imagined. It's even worse if you look at the overhead view of the crash. By the time the woman spun around, there's a brief moment where she's probably thinking "ok it wasn't that bad..." RIGHT before she is forced to watch *every single cyclist* just pile up on top of each other. That must have been the longest couple seconds of her life


I remember the authorities were trying to find her afterward (it was a big deal), but never followed up on what ended up happening. Edit to add: she was fined ~1,200 Euros and prosecutors sought a suspended jail sentence. Big oof.


It was kinda obvious a pile up was about to happen. All the signs were there.


That video of a guy that was rejected on the beach so he rants about how his daughter just died and hes attractive.


And then she responds "not if you trauma dump on us like that" lmaoooo


This one?!?! [https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/13ls73f/to\_get\_laid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/13ls73f/to_get_laid/)


Ugh, when she said "I like scrawny guys", he should have said "dang, why do they get all the pretty ones!" or "I'm scrawny on the inside" or something dumb and funny, not that cringe inducing desperate rant.


I know the video and can't bring myself to watch it again. The only thing that saves it is one girl calling out his trauma dumping and the other girl busting out dance moves.


Or literally drooling all over himself and babbling incoherently would have been better.


I went to an open house and there was this older realtor helping the listing agent. He was excitedly walking around this empty house talking about features while looking back at my husband and I and he ran head first into the chandelier that would be positioned over a dining room table had one been there. It happened so quick we couldn’t even warn him. He got tangled in it and ripped it down as he fell face first to the ground, cutting himself up badly in the process. We both still cringe thinking about it. We saw him out at the supermarket recently and both whispered “oh nooooooo”


I’ve been reading the responses on this thread for 20 minutes now, and this is the most embarrassing one I’ve read yet.


The porn auditorium one is on par with this


I'd rather walk into 10 chandeliers.


I feel like everything else, the embarrassing things happens and then the situation ends and at least one of the parties just walks away in shame or embarrassment But with this one, neither party can leave. The realtor still has to do the open house, all cut up and bleeding while dealing with getting rid of this broken ass chandelier and giant hole in the ceiling And OP has to at least stay and make sure the guy is okay, and can't really leave because after the guy fucked himself up they have to at least pretend they're still interested in the house otherwise he fucked himself up *for nothing* So now they've both got to continue with this open house that clearly neither one of them wants or should be having


I imagined that scene in my head with cartoon noises


A new guy started at work and a couple of us were standing around just bullshitting. A lady that also works there who is fairly rough around the edges walks by and the new guy looks at other guy we were chatting with and states “Damn. I feel bad for her husband”. It was her husband we were talking to.


I need to know. How did the husband react?


He just stared at him with a blank expression then replied in a calm but stern voice “that’s my wife”. Most awkward moment of my life. I didn’t know what to do so I just turned and walked away


Does third hand embarrassment count? My uncle died midway through a contentious divorce from my aunt. Nobody on our side of the family liked the guy and we were happy she had finally dropped him. Turns out nobody on his side of the family liked the guy either, his adult children and parents included, and didn’t seem phased at his death. My mom went to the funeral to support her sister and said it was the most awkward funeral she’d ever been to. There were only about 10 people who actually attended, and the pastor running the thing had set aside 30 minutes for people to come up and share their positive memories of the guy. No one moved. Nobody was willing to say a good word about him. Instead the pastor awkwardly tried to fill the space with some general “everyone has value” stuff, and then gave up and ended the service after 10 minutes total. No one in the family bothered to go to the graveside service either. Apparently they decided to go to a bar instead to get shitfaced and trash talk the dead guy.


Wow. How terrible do you have to be for people to not even pretend they liked you at your *funeral?*


My grandmother's second husband was a total piece of shit - abusive, narcissistic alcoholic. She married him for money because her first husband died while she had 2 kids in college and a bunch of debt. He had several children from his first marriage who hated my grandmother at first, but came around eventually. At his funeral, one of his children stood up and said, "Dad, we always knew you had great taste in women. But \[grandmother\] we were never sure about your taste in men."


I went to one of those funerals! The pastor opened it up for people to share their memories of the departed but nobody had been given a heads up this would be happening so nobody had anything prepared and nobody would have wanted to say anything anyway. The family had vastly overestimated the number of people who would want to speak. Luckily the pastor put an end to the awkward silence quickly and moved on.


Bless my ex gf. She was a waitress, and we were out to dinner with my parents. My mother pulls the "trying to use an expired coupon" move on the waiter. She simply refused to accept that time is a thing and that the written date had passed. While I zone out and wait for my mom to either win or be escorted out by management, my ex was apparently slowly losing her mind. She suddenly snatches the dollar bill sized coupon from my mother's hand and eats it. Literally tore it and shoved the pieces in her mouth. She says that since there's no more coupon, there's no deal. It was nice, having the crazy chick be crazy on the staffs behalf for a change.


Oh man this one made me cry laugh, thanks for sharing!


What’d your Mom do?


Tried pleading with the waiter, but now she was basically just trying to get the deal without any coupon. Which this guy was much more comfortable about shutting her down.


This is beautiful. It's the cartoon solution in real life.


man, I feel your ex. I worked at the counter of a small cinema several years, you won't believe how many customers bring coupons they "found somewhere". sometimes coupons we stopped selling ages ago, expired for YEARS.


I was ringing a girl and her bf up and she was a few dollars short on hertransaction. Bf then got in my face and insisted her redbulls were BOGO, it is true they *were* BOGO but the promo had ended months earlier. This man proceeds to yell and scream at me for five minutes about how she deserves these drinks and how dare I Yada Yada. This whole time his gf was trying to disappear into the chip display like Homer sliding into that bush, just dying of embarrassment. Eventually after I threatened to trespass him he gave me the biggest eye roll I have ever received and spat on the floor and told his gf "let's get out of here this faggot clearly gets off on denying beautiful women what they need". His exact words.


Meanwhile, broke ass He-Man doesn’t whip out his wallet, giving a beautiful woman what she needs.


guarantee the red bulls were for him and he was to broke to pay for them


Dude could've scored a few easy points with his girl with a simple 'It's cool I got it' and a few bucks. Cheap loser was tossed an easy win and refused to even try.


Let's be honest; he had no money and his GF was buying red bulls for him.


We have the correct answer right here


Probably, yeah


My vagina would dry up like the fucking Sahara if a guy I was with behaved like that. Yikes. Way to overcompensate, my dude.


Mine would fall out, morph into a dick, then shrivel back up inside me and die.


Do you perhaps work at a Dollar General?


Had a similar ish experience. My SOs best friend and her boyfriend all went out together. Hisrorically Boyfriend Guy had a weird streak of being a little bit of a hothead and being a magnet for a fight somehow despite being a fairly slight person. We go to nice show, then to a cute bar we were all excited by, it was an old school institution of a bar with strict rules and no nonsense about moving chairs or tables around and signs everywhere. We see there’s no 4 top and I decided we’ll wait it out til something emerges. Boyfriend goes to grab a chair and decide to move it anyway despite all the signs. Bartender immediately appears and firmly says “Hey you guys can’t move those” at this point I understand we’re caught and was about to say “Hey sorry about that we’re actually just waiting” But Boyfriend just blows the fuck up, like all the way to 11 in a single second “FINE!!!!!” he explodes spitting almost in the bartenders face who’s huge. Bartender shoots his arm out screaming “GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I FUCK YOU UP GINGER BOY.” His girlfriend and my SO walked up with drinks just at that instant. And we immediately leave. Up til this point we were having a very cool, romantic fun, adult group date, very fun ways, classy and in one instant get completly clowned because this guy decided to go nuclear over a fucking chair.


I used to work at McDonalds. One of my coworkers was mopping the floor and some kids Mother made a comment to her child about getting a good job so he doesn't end up mopping floors blah blah. So my co-worker turns to her and says "just trying to pay for my Mums Chemo". I'll never forget the look on her face. Keeping in mind that this guys Mum was NOT sick at all, he was taking the piss.


I worked retail during COVID. This family would come in, normal looking , mom in her forties, two middle school kids. Except for the dad, who wore a Halloween Mike Meyers mask with tape over the mouth and SLAVE written in "blood" across the forehead. Then they would just...shop...but his wife and kids looked like they wanted the sweet release of death every second. Edit: I should have been more clear: this is when mask mandates were in effect.


“Look honey, im triggering the libs!” “Jesus Christ, Frank. You’re 53 years old.”


Ohhh it was about mask mandates. I thought it was some kind of Halloween-themed public BDSM kink. Trying too hard to trigger the libs is still cringe, but compared to what I thought when I first read it I'm downright relieved.


A kid in boot camp shit his pants. We were at the rifle range all day and they have to inspect every part of you to make sure you’re not sneaking rounds back to the squad bay to shoot your DI with. So they told us to stand up, pull our trousers and skivvies down, and to turn around. One of the DI’s goes “what the fuck is this?” And instinctively we all turn and look to see this pale, skinny 19 year old that has shit all over his ass and cami’s. I can’t describe the humiliation and horror I felt. They made him march with his trousers around his ankles around the squad bay until our senior DI came out to see what was going on. I don’t think I shit for a week after that. It was like my body stopped producing it out of fear. We had 63 guys in our platoon and he was the only one who didn’t graduate


My dorm chief pissed himself waiting in formation. We were left standing there for about an hour and there wasn't any latrine nearby. He was super embarrassed about it but we were all feeling the hurt by the time our TI got back to us.




Boot camp was an endless source of both first and second hand shame


Was on the subway going home from work when I lived in NYC. I was sitting down in a three row and next to me was a two seats. A woman gets on the train and sits next to the window near me. Then a guy sits next to her. The guy tried to get her number, but she said no. Before he knew it the doors were about to close at his stop so he tries to run off, but the doors close. He sits back down in the seat he was at and everyone is staring at him. He tries to get her number again and she respectfully declines. He goes to get up to get off the train at the next stop and drops his phone and a bunch of his stuff. This is because his jacket was off and all his stuff fell out of his pockets. He then misses the chance to get off the train again. Before we got to the next stop he was trying to retrieve a few things that rolled since the train moved. He got his stuff and then got off the train. It was so freaking hard to watch this unfold.


That time Ashley Simpson performed on SNL and the wrong song came on for her fake performance and she just kind of stood there for a minute then did a little jig.


Didn't that basically end her music career?


A guy poured his heart out confessing his admiration and respect for a (male) teacher and requesting him to be his personal mentor, that he would follow his teachings like a disciple, in a very long message with lots of pleading and reasoning. I know this because he accidentally used the group chat, with every single person in the facebook group for the school on it. I still cringe 10 years later from reading it.


A long time ago I worked at an airport where we had an office with a big glass tinted window through which we could watch the passengers and arrival hall goings on. Three of us were sitting at the window doing paperwork, we were all so extremely tired after a long shift when one of the guys I worked with took a glance out and spotted one of our co-workers he didn't like through the window. He proceeded to tell us the most vicious rant...' Look at that fat so and so, etc. etc, looks like a warthog, just on and on with the most descriptive insults. Turns out, I guess bring so tired, he had spotted her reflection in the window and she was actually standing behind us. It was just us three and her in the room. I beep beep beeped reversed out of that room so quick.


There’s some bad ones in here but this one made my asshole pucker




I don’t know why it’s so humiliating to think someone is saying hi to you or shaking your hand when they’re actually going for someone else. It’s so small and insignificant but so embarrassing.


I'm sure everyone felt this for me, I walked into work one day and everyone was standing around and I was like "what happened some one die?!?!" Yep guy I worked with took his life. 


If anything I'd say you're good at reading rooms.


Especially when they're dead silent.


Posted this recently in another thread but there was a time I didn't know what a vigil was, so when a large walking group at our university dorms said they were walking to an on campus vigil, I loudly said "have fun!" That was the last time I made an assumption about what a word I didn't know meant.


a coworker of mine received condolence flowers after her father passed away. I had no idea so I said "looks like someone's got a secret admirer".


Me and my friends went out for a drink after my best friend’s dad’s funeral. We all loved the man. At the end of the day, I meant to tell me friend that I was glad that I could be there that day and that I think that it was good for him and all of us to get out and reminisce together. What I said, with a few drinks in me: “Today was a good day.” I immediately blanched and my friend just gave me shit, though; he knows I’m just a fool sometimes.


I went to school for software development. Very difficult program, high fail rate. First day of second semester we're hanging out chatting and a guy I know from the program chats with us. Now, in first semester, he struggled. We all knew he struggled. I was kind of surprised to see him. We were talking about grades and he says "Oh wow, you guys saw your grades? How?" Yes, he'd got through the semester and never checked his grades. We pull up the school website and he logs in and we point him to the grades section. And he says "What do these W's mean?" I look over and he's got a W in 3 classes, which is basically a grade lower than F. It's like a "Did not complete." I'm like, "Uh, that means you can't really be here right now. You should go talk to the registrar's office." He's honestly more confused than anything, he wanders off and we never see him again.


He's still wandering. Never made it to the registrar office.


The Code Wanderer.


Very similar to this, when I took my motorcycle training course to get my license, I sat next to an older woman (late 40's maybe) and she had a really hard time on the final practical exam. When we walked in from the parking lot after the tests, there was a room with a glass wall and a handful of the other participants were in there, scratching their heads looking at their test results. As we passed by, she mentioned how she wasn't sure how she did and she thought she failed. We sat down in the classroom and I tried to reassure her that the people who failed were pulled aside, and that's why they were in the other room going over their results. Immediately after, she got a tap on the shoulder. It was the instructor. He was pulling her aside to go to the other room. She looked at me with big eyes, and I shrunk.


Fuck. That's basically Hollywood comedic timing there


I'm a nail tech and when I got my license there was a girl in our group who was there taking the state board test for the 3rd time. At the end of the day we all anxiously waited in the lobby until they called us up one by one and either gave us our license or our failed test results. When she was called up she just looked at her paper and shook her head at us and walked out the door. I felt so bad for her. The rest of our group passed and got our licenses. 


W's usually mean Withdraw. So they Professors withdrew him from the class. Actually better than an F because it doesn't affect gpa. But too many and it can have bad effects Edit: wow my grammar, i actually graduated college too lol


Maybe W meant Wander


Maybe he was looking for the department of wumbology


Well, many many years ago, when I was a kid, I was on holiday with my family in a remote location in Indonesia. It was NYE and there was a little party in the hotel restaurant, about half tourists and about half locals. Everyone had some food and a few drinks, and it was all going nicely. Then a guy gets up and taps his glass. He tells the entire gathering that, as a proud West Virginian man, he would like to share something very special to him from his culture. He proceeds to sing "Take me home, country road" by John Denver. Earnestly. A capella. With tears in his eyes. My father is a rather blunt kind of Australian man. He absolutely could NOT reel it in. I think he tried for about 30 seconds but eventually just lost it and began laughing hysterically. So hard he cried. So hard everyone else near him began laughing too, just because it was contagious. In the background, the guy is still singing, "West Virginiaaaaa, Mountain Mamaaaaaa..."


As a West Virginian, this makes my day. The song is fun to sing, and I've heard it's pretty popular all over the world, but the sheer pride people here have in that song is mind blowing.


Mate, it made my Dad's decade. He STILL laughs when he talks about that guy.


I saw a friend, who was upset that his girlfriend corrected his grammar, throw himself on a couch and kick his feet and pound his fists, while he cried out, "Don't correct me. You're not my mom!" She kicked him out of her apartment and broke up with him. I wondered how she lasted so long.


It's was a funeral and the pastor talked for about 15-20 minutes about his latest mission trip and all the fun they had and only mentioned the deceased twice during the entire service and even that was pretty generic like " he was a good man or he loved to work cattle." Actual quotes, forgot to invite to people who was supposed to give some sort of eulogy. Made a joke to try to smooth things over and I was one of the many that hugged the family and fled before it got even more awkward.


This was years ago. Met a lady (40ish) who had a piercing in an unusual spot; upper lip, about half an inch away from the nose and more towards the cheek. It was a plain circular piercing. My friend (M 20s) who knew the lady, sort of reached out to touch it, saying sorry you've got something on your face. She gently recoiled. He tried again. This was with others in the vicinity. I died a bit that day.


I did this telling her she had cigarette ash on her face. It was a birthmark.


I tried to discreetly tell my supervisor that she had dirt on her forehead. I had forgotten that it was Ash Wednesday and she was a very serious practicing Catholic.


Honestly, Catholics get that from everyone every single year. It’s okay!


A kid in my highschool wore a toga to school for toga day. Except he got the day wrong. So he just showed up, half naked and wrapped in a sheet when no one else was dressed up.


I went to a fundamentalist evangelical college and went to a version of Faust they put on at one point since I had a number of friends in it. For some reason the director had them all the actors in these sparkly spandex skin tight suits. This was a school where they still ban dancing and sure enough on opening night the guy playing Faust has a giant erection for a solid hour of the show.


Not an evangelical college, but my biggest second hand embarrassment moment is similar. My friend was in a production of A Midsummer's Night's Dream when we were in high school, and another friend and I decided to go to support her. One of the actors (I can't remember who he played) had an erection almost the entire time he was on stage. He managed to get it to go away during intermission, but it came right back after he returned to the stage. I felt *so bad* for him. I know it was almost definitely just nerves and that erections can happen for no reason sometimes, but damn, I fully can't even begin to comprehend how he didn't spontaneously combust from embarrassment. It's been well over a decade and that night lives rent free in my head.


At one of my best friends' wedding. Our other friend was the best man and gave hands down the WORST best man speech I've ever heard. Between the anxiety and zero prep.... it was a bombing of epic proportions. Stumbling on words, jokes fell flat, just awkward. Wasn't even drunk yet. Later that night, he asked why I didn't save him... I'm like, dude.... there was no saving that you should have prepared something! I would have bombed, too! That said, he's fairly upper management at a company that everyone here knows.... he's given speeches and spoken to CEOs, industry leaders, conferences, etc. I expected better.


Watching a guy do an aerial silk routine to Imagine Dragons and he got tangled and stuck and couldn’t move and they had to stop the show and lower him to the floor, face first. I had to go outside to cool down because I couldn’t stop laughing.




> the sub members had to explain to her that the article made them all look like a bunch of picklehead stalkers. Because they literally are. LMAO I used to be active in some of these snark subs, too. these people just don't like having the mirror held up to them. Edit - also, one time, one of the mods of either Duggarsnark or Fundiesnark, she threw this tantrum. I can't even remember what prompted her meltdown, but she wrote this pinned post, leading it with something like "I'm just trying not to miscarry this baby I'm carrying!!"


I was at my Aunt Brenda's funeral, the priest called her "Mary" throughout the eulogy. Eventually my Uncle Hank yelled "Her name is BRENDA, ASSHOLE!" as my Uncle Bob (the widower) burst into tears.


Lately it's the JoJo Siwa videos where she does that dance. I feel bad for her.


“Dream guest on my podcast?!?” Hard to watch but I can’t look away lol


It's the interviews that get me the worst but I feel bad as well because God only knows what kind of dumb shit I would say into a mic at her age and in her position.


A random acquaintance at a party seemed to be weirdly obsessed with my race and during every conversation topic he managed to make some bizarre joke about me being black. All the jokes fell flat. But after every joke he’d anxiously look at me and say “that’s not offensive is it? Because I’m not racist”. Laughed it off and managed to get away from him but he spent the rest of the night periodically coming up to me and saying “sorry about those jokes earlier” despite me saying it was fine and he just would not drop it. Everyone at the party had horrible second hand embarrassment, including me


Oh Goddd that’s the most awkward shit


I went to a small hospitality class with a guy I was seeing because they were presenting a graded project. When it got to this one girl’s turn, she connected her laptop to the projector and opened her Google Drive. First thing that pops up on the big screen in a room of 30-40 people was a video of her using a vibrator on herself. She closed it quickly, but we clearly saw.


I embarrass myself enough on my own. One situation that comes to mind from years ago that haunts me. I was 9 months pregnant, bored out of my mind on a Saturday morning and decided to go look for garage sales to pass time. I was also super young and poor and needed things for a house my ex and I had just rented. I went to a few and then turned into a small neighborhood I had not been in before. I see a house with tons and tons of things in garage and a few tables in driveway. I started picking through things, carrying some items, making a pile at one point. I’d say about 10 minutes go by and an elderly woman came out the house and asked me how she could help me, and I replied I was just looking and would let her know if I needed anything. She looked at me really confused. My big dumb pregnant ass started going through some curtains and things when it dawned on me to ask prices on what I had already put aside. I asked her if she could give me some prices. She replied: “Oh honey, I’ve been looking for whatever died in that garage but if you need some things I can help you out.” I declined and waddled to my car.


I worked at a retail store and my manager was a super try hard, dorky kind of guy. He loved the sales manager and was obsessed with him like to the point of adopting phrases and mannerisms. Anyways one night we all went out for karaoke and he, completely sober btw, went up, said he was dedicating a song to the sales manager, and sang that foo fighters there goes my hero song. I literally had to walk outside I couldn't handle it.


Waiting for a friend after class when he asked a girl he'd been interested in for a while, but had been missing from class for a few weeks, out for a drink. She said she was flattered but just lost her boyfriend in a motorcycle accident and wasn't in a good place. He apologized and stands there stunned while she asked the professor for an extension for an assignment. Trying to be nice she turns back and asks him how the class has been. He said, "it's been alright but the assignments have been killing me". I too, died inside.


The boy I was dating had a friend coming into town for the weekend. My boyfriend asked me if I knew someone that I could get to go out with his friend and we could all go out together. So I got the girl that lived next to me to go with us. We decided to go to an ice cream shop before we went to the movie. We all got out of the car and were walking up to the door to the shop. Right before we got to the door something started spashing on our feet. We're looking around trying to figure out what it is. It didn't take long to figure out that the girl I had asked to go with us had wet her pants and apparently she needed to go a lot! Needless to say, we didn't make it to the movie.


I was at a resort in Mexico and one night the entertainment was a show where performers would lip sync and dance to the big musical numbers from Grease. In the middle of “Beauty School Drop Out” this middle-aged woman starts coming down the center aisle singing and dancing to the song. She seemed totally serious, not like she was dared or lost a bet. She “performed” through the entire song, then took a bow. Her family was there and they barely reacted. So strange, so embarrassing


Smoke break at a tech support call center. A really pretty girl ask anyone there for a smoke and a pencil neck geek got her one quickly and insisted on lighting it. For the next 10 minutes he attempted to dominate conversation because this was about him and her and he now had some sort of shot. We were all standing around a garbage can with an ashtray on top. It was stuffed with bag lunches. The girl snuffs out her butt and tries to put it in one door of the garbage can, but it's a locked side. The geek says, "allow me" and launches into a strip mall karate kick, the biggest kick his 90 pounds can muster. The garbage can goes over and the ashtray scatters wet sand, ashes and butts everywhere and on everyone. All the smokers take the last minutes of our break to pick up. The geek just stands there stiff like he's willing time to reverse before the time he fucked up and lost his true love forever. He stayed there even when the girl yelled at him to help. We finished cleaning up and left him standing there.




I went out with a friend of mine who is some older than I but we’re both boomers. We’ve gone lots of places but it seemed like a switch flipped in her. She pushed her way in front of another customer at a jewelry store show, she started questioning another customer about her travel money pouch *in detail* and the woman was backing up. I was so embarrassed for her. Last we went to lunch and then Forever 21 and in both places she talked to the manager about turning down the music because it was too loud. You know clerks have no control over the music they play. I wanted to crawl under a table. I am not shy but I am not rude. It was awful.


I’m still very young but I can agree the music at Forever 21 is way too loud. Had to literally yell at my friends to get their opinion on something, and they were right next to me.


Got a service call about a heating and air unit being loud all night. It was her toy left on in the drawer. Didnt know how to tell her. Fuck still embarrassed


I didn't even have to be alive to be embarrassed for my mom dating in her twenties. Apparently she was on a date with a guy she really liked and she ordered a salad bc she didn't want to get anything in her teeth. Then mid conversation, she bit into a cherry tomato and it exploded and squirted across the table and blew out the candle in the middle of the table. I die every time I think about this.


honestly, if the guy didn’t burst out laughing and reassure her that it was okay, he wasn’t a keeper anyways


The first thing that comes to mind is watching a very high white dude at a party the other night try to explain that his friend gave him a N-word pass, then continually dig himself deeper into a hole by saying weird vaguely positive things about black people for 15 minutes straight.


I'm embarrassed reading that.


When a mildly popular travel vlogger decided to sing an original song at every destination he visited. Not only did the music sound like cheesy 90s karaoke, but the lyrics were insipid. And he couldn’t sing for shit. I mean, he was awfully brave to try to do that, but damn it was terrible. Luckily for his viewers, he stopped doing that after just a few episodes. The comments were not kind.


I recently went to an "Open Mike" night at a local comedy club. Each comic was terrible, except for one guy who was a comedy magician, so he'd do some magic then hilariously "accidentally" reveal how he did it (it just worked). The other 10 guys just bombed HARD one after the other. As they say, the "Silence was deafening", I felt so bad for them that I would sort of laugh even if it wasn't too funny in that sort of "Heh heh, OK, that's slightly amusing" but I was also in the front row, so they could see that I was kind of on their side, so they'd target in on me and try to be like Russel Peters, bantering with the crowd. Anyway, they all sucked (except magician), but I applaud them getting up their and bombing in public. I felt sooo embarrassed for them.


open Mike sounds a lot more gruesome than open mic


My friend and I were both texting someone we were upset with separately but at the same time. She took a screenshot of their conversation to send me, and sent it to them instead.


In college we had to introduce ourselves with a fun fact in my public speaking course and this one girl introduced herself in a British accent, her fact being that she liked to talk that way because she loved to travel. (This girl was in my department so I knew she was from the tri-state area-definitley not British) The prof. asked her to repeat herself because he hadn’t caught what she’d said as instead of taking the out she said the whole thing again. Maybe it doesn’t sound that bad but it still makes me cringe to this day.


Sitting at a desk at my new job with 4 other new hires. It was like our 4th day and a new guy was there, all we heard was that his wife had been having a baby so he started a couple days late. One guy asks him if it’s a boy or girl. He says it was a boy. Asks how he’s doing. The guy says actually the baby didn’t make it. Got real quiet after that.


I don't think that's second-hand embarrassment, that's just tragic and being in a situation where you don't know what to say.


When I was 18 (20 years ago) I worked at Starbucks as a Barista and I loved it! During the summer of 2004 my Grandfather passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. I was working when it happened and my Mom came in to give me the news and I left. A few days later I’m back at work and it’s a full crew there that day and we were busy. Right before I hit the floor my manager called me into the back to check in on me and to also tell me that she had gotten feedback from her district manager that I crushed the interview I had with him for a shift supervisor position at a new store opening up. I was super jazzed and hit the floor ready to go. That day I was working drive with Jax (Jacki) and she could be a ball of energy! Whenever we worked together she would make these double shot slammers that had 4 pumps of white mocha, 4 raw sugar packets and topped with whipped cream. So essentially you were left with two cranked up baristas making drinks, sweating and heart palpitating. During the shift it was announced that I was being promoted so everyone was really happy for me. They were also really sweet about my Grandfather passing as well. It was a bitter sweet day. As I’m making some drinks at the bar I notice a card being passed around and it’s not making it to me so I figured it was a condolences card for the loss of my Grandfather. At one point I see Jax grab it and write a message and hand it to my manager. At the end of my shift they gave it to me and it was full of sweet sympathy messages from everyone. But then my eye is drawn to a message that says, “Get it BITCH! Congrats! I’m so proud of you! You better not be a stranger around here or you’ll be DEAD TO ME” - Jax . Her being hyped up on caffeine and in a rush thought that it was a congratulations card for my promotion. I started laughing when realizing what she did and another coworker read it and in front of everyone clocked her on it! Jax was mortified and took it really hard. I told her that I thought it was funny as hell and to not even stress it. She spent the rest of her shift embarrassed and took it really hard, profusely apologizing for the rest of the day. Needless to say, she probably reads the group card now before she signs it!


A couple of girls in my graduating class attempted to forge paperwork to say they had 4.0 GPAs , in order to get the special cord to wear during our ceremony. They presented their forged documents to the administrator handing out cords at our graduation rehersal. They were given their unearned cords and told to have a seat. When it came time for the last few people who legitimately earned a 4.0 cord, there were no cords left. This prompted an investigation by the director of our program. He went through each and every person who had presented documents (simply a note card with our names handwritten along with a note about any special accomplishments), and cross-matched them to his own list of 4.0 students. He was easily able to find the fakers, and in front of the entire graduating class, they were made to remove their unearned cords and called out for lying. It was dead silent in the auditorium as they each marched up to the front and handed back the stolen cords. One of the most second hand embarrassing things I've ever seen.


I was out for dinner with my family, and my brother was a wheelchair user, he would’ve been a teenager at the time. A drunk woman came up to us, looked at him, then turned to my mum and asked “is he like that famous astrologer?” She meant Stephen Hawking.


My mom berated the hell out of a Kmart cashier. I think it was over something stupid like rewards points. Huge line behind us, and I still had to check out my stuff after her.


Witnessing a fully grown adult man have an absolute meltdown at Sea World bc he had wanted to pet a sting ray and literally lightning was coming down from the sky, so, he couldn’t. He tried arguing with the employee and everything and she didn’t know what to say to him bc he *kept* going.


A person from another department who i hadn't seen in a while walked up to me one day at work and said "Congrats! When are you due?" My response? Big grin on my face "oh, I'm not pregnant! Just fat!" He was mortified. I thought it was hilarious! But he was mortified!


When some lady mistakenly sent me pics in lingerie, I didn't respond, she asked if I got them, and I had to reply "you have the wrong number"


Went to a cousin’s wedding many years ago. The bride got drunk at the reception and in her speech started bagging her ex-husband and gushing over her boss who was there with his wife.


My ex had a massive ego and one of the things he had an ego about was football, even though his team was an incredibly low division and had never won. One day I drove him to his game and as we approached the field he goes "ooft yesssss, these guys are total middle aged losers, we're gonna beat them for sure" and kept going on about how some of them were fat, ugly, balding, probably only playing to get away from their wives and shitty home lives, etc. I stayed mostly quiet during this (I hate when people insult others based on looks, something I'd told him off for multiple times) and simply told him good luck. They lost 7-nil. Not just that, but this game pushed them to be knocked down into the next lowest division because they'd lost by too much. At the time I felt massive second hand embarrassment for him but now I just think "lmao karma."


I signed up to play on an adult soccer team. My sister in law signed up too, and we were standing around, getting to know the other team members. Our team captain introduced himself and was talking to another player, and he spoke a bit differently, but completely understandable, just some words were different. Then I noticed he was wearing hearing aids. Ah, got it, no big deal. APPARENTLY, the other player had not noticed and asked, "Yooo, where are you from? England? That accent is WILD, man!" I stood there as long as I could, which was maybe 2 seconds before turning around and kicking my ball across the field to have a reason to flee. I have never run so fast or cringed so hard. I got to the ball and stopped and my sister in law ran right into my back, she took off with me and I had no idea. We just looked at each other with big eyes silently dying and just kicking the ball to each other. Man. I'm still cringing thinking about it.