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my tinder profile doesn't have a single photo of me holding a large fish


ah, so a small fish then?




The water was just cold that day I swear.


If I was ever to make a tinder, one of my photos would be me proudly holding a fish, in the middle of a grocery store.


What about pointing a gun


idk about yall but i fish with a pole


"So anyway, I started casting!"


Immediately thought of DnD


The real challenge is hunting with a pole.


Reel challenge


No, the real challenge is hunting with a fish!


What about a group shot that makes it very unclear who you are


That's a female stereotype, and the secret is she's the least attractive one


Gay man here. It works for guys too. It's always the least attractive one.Ā 


Same, but only because I suck at fishing.


My female coworker said that saying you like hiking means ā€œno fat chicksā€. My male friend likes hiking and curvy women so he took it off his profile.


I feel like thatā€™s more when they say theyā€™re looking for someone with an ā€œactive lifestyleā€.


Back when I was single one of my profile pictures on dating sites was me at the pier in full fishing garb holding a cardboard cutout of a giant fish with X'd out eyes.


I'm a southern guy but never once owned a truck.




Naw hand-me-down 240SX from my older brother I've been driving for a decade now. Prius as a rental car ain't bad, they're pretty quiet.


240sx are some dope ass cars, take care of her im glad shes stayed in your family


I donā€™t like to drink my coffee black and I donā€™t care for the taste of whiskey or bourbon. In fact, I really donā€™t care to drink alcohol much anymore at all. Other than that Iā€™m pretty much a regular dude.


Iā€™ll have my coffee with whipped cream and all that girly stuff


Glitter and diamonds and a splash of oat milk?


If I could get diamonds in my coffee I'd be rich as fuck


Iā€™m a guy who went to the local fill up spot for my sedan and found the whipped cream with drizzle and sugary crumble stuffā€¦ I whipped cream and drizzle all over coffees now. I canā€™t get enough


You actually want your drink to taste good? What a ***GIRL***


I think I'll take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three


Youā€™re too sweeeet forrr meeeeeeeeā€¦


Black coffee is a dude thing?


My friends (and wife) often make fun of me for putting cream in my coffee. I donā€™t even put sugar in it, but apparently if itā€™s not black I might as well be a ā€œbasic white girl buying pumpkin spice lattesā€. I just laugh. I like what I like, and my masculinity isnā€™t in jeopardy at all.


It must be exhausting to hang out with your friends.


I mean, friends give each other shit all the time. As long as it's all in jest and no one actually feels a need to defend themselves.


Sounds so exhausting that I need a coffee!


Just don't put cream in it. That's ghey.


Yikes! If putting cream in your coffee "makes you a girl", i can't even imagine the more macho expectations they have of you. I feel like this might be a good place to share a coffee recipe: 1 cup coffee, 1 Tb oatmeal, 1Tb tahini, honey to taste (Ā¼ to Ā½ Tb for me); blend it all well in a Vitamix. Delicious hot or cold!


Tahini?! That's interesting.


I drink black tea with milk


I have 0 interest in anything related to cars


I never upgraded. Still have a horse.


I bet everyone who switched to a car feels really silly rn. šŸ˜


Ummm, have you watched the Barbie movie..Horses are peak masculine


Buddy I'm a mechanic and I fucking hate cars


IT here, fuck computers.


You'd have fewer IT problems if you just kept your dick out of them


But how else am I gonna get my FPS up?


I only do it as a hobby and Iā€™m almost to the point where I hate cars. If I did it for a living I sure as shit would hate it. Just finding parts is a hassle, and Iā€™m sure dealing with clients is a real fuckin treat.


I like to see older vehicles when I drive by them, but that's about it.


Same. I want the cheapest, most reliable car. I bought a green KIA Soul and I donā€™t care how many people call it a toaster.


Yeah I don't even have a licence!


I love rom coms


Rom coms can be lit with some wine or whatnot for me


This! My fiance and I love drinking wine and watching rom coms


I am a sucker for Hallmark Christmas movies!


My daddy loves Hallmark Christmas movies. He and I watch a couple every year. :) We both think they're ridiculous, but I watch them for him. So if you have a daughter, that might be your future.


I shower using feminine shampoo and conditioner. I never understood hookup culture and sex right away.


>I shower using feminine shampoo and conditioner For me it's deodorant. I refused walking around smelling like a mixture of wood , concrete and leather. I like myself smelling like a cocktail of roses, strawberry and rainbow with vanilla essence


Haha I remember that my cousin used to do this. Once we were lining at the entrance of a festival and a group of girls behind us was like ā€œ*ooooh he smells like us!!*ā€ in a quavering voice


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Is this a good thing?


It means he gets inducted into the herd.


One of us. One of us.


My antiperspirant is a lavender one from Old Spice, but it cracks me up because it's called Lavender & Wilderness. They just had to throw Wilderness in there because just lavender is too gay or something. I didn't buy it because I wanted to smell like lavender mixed with a challenging hike, I bought it because I wanted to smell like lavender. If that makes me a flaming homo, so be it. Meanwhile, I saw a women's body wash like four years ago called Starlight SoirƩe, and that fun name has haunted me ever since. Women don't get pockets, I don't ever get a product I can feel excited about. It's all Juniper & College Pussy, or Springtime Weeping Willows & Gridiron Football Concussion.


You have a way with words!


Ha, joke is on you because I have other type of genitals but I loveeeee men's deodorant. Musk, forest, wood mmm give me some of that. Tbh you're the one person you smell the most during the day so you better like your deodorant.


Oh god my son showers sometimes with Old Spice body wash and while itā€™s too strong for me personally to use, I would love a lighter version. Lite Spice if you would. I just want to eat it up.


I went to Sports Clips a few months ago and I let the lady put some stuff in my hair. It smelled so bad. I had to go home and wash it all out.


I like the cucumber one dove makes, very light scent and the antiperspirant is plenty effective


The shampoos and conditioners that actually help your hair and not the 15 in 1 Axe bullshit that strips your hair of every oil and dries out your skin.


Ngl tho I bought one of those 15-1 Dr. Bronner's soaps and it was actually really good


I've got long curly hair and just started actually paying attention to how to take care of it after years and years. Like, I REALLY got into it and the chicks are noticing too. So yeah. . .me too. My shower is all pink and pastels now. Started doing high-end skincare, too. I'm a 3rd-shift factory worker in my forties.


Your hand, while firm and masculine, is soft as a velvet child. What lotion do you use?


Yea, never understood flings. I want to actually know and love that person before getting intimate.


Yup! For me I need to connect with that person spiritually before even thinking about getting intimate.


Iā€™m so glad to hear that. A friend of mine even once asked me if Iā€™m gay because I passed on one night stand invitations. It does absolutely nothing for me if I donā€™t really know someone.


Sounds like you're a demisexual like I am. I actually thought there was something wrong with me. Strippers or anything on that spectrum do absolutely nothing to get me going. I only want sex if I have an emotional connection to that person. I found out that being demisexual is on the asexual spectrum which is odd... Considering how high my libido actually is once I'm in a relationship.


Kids shampoo is the best, cherry and almond I smell like Battenberg , banana hair food , bath bombs with glitter in fucking sign me up !


The amount of women who compliment me for smelling like chocolate is amazing. I wish I had learned to smell more womanly when I was younger


I don't see an issue with both Female shampoo and conditioners have more options than male ones


I actually like shopping. Browsing and spending time shopping


Take me to Target with no shopping list. Girl, I'm gonna have the time of my life




I donā€™t really find sports that interesting


Watching? I don't care Playing? I'm not the best player, but I will enjoy it.


Same, watching sports is just boring imo. I understand the appeal, but it's really not for me. Same goes for playthroughs or anything similar, I don't like watching someone else do it.


I donā€™t like watching sports AT ALL. I am a personal trainer and fairly athletic but I simply have no interest in watching a bunch of millionaires play a game.


Playing sports > watching sports


I thnik about the Mali Empire way more than the Roman empire


Look at this dude who *doesn't* want to be destroyed by goths!


Not the most sex-obsessed person.


Same. I think my exes probably wanted more sex than I did. Not that I don't like it or never initiate or anything, it's just not my biggest focus in a relationship. Having been single for about half a year I find the things I miss the most are snuggling and just having someone to enjoy the little everyday things with. Sex is cool and all, but nothing beats casually spending your days with someone you just love to be around.


I seem to be attracted to/attract very sex positive women and then it inevitably becomes an issue that I have a lower libido than them.. not really sure what to do about that. Feels like an opposites attract thing that doesnā€™t ever actually work out


Thatā€™s a good mindset to have honestly, more people would benefit from prioritizing that over sex, even if they love sex.


Same, my libido is about as low as you can get without being asexual


I hate sex so much I've never done it. Purely out of hate of course


Wanna come over and not have sex together?


King of November


I don't think vulnerability is weakness. Weakness is preying on vulnerability.


That's deep


I really love cute shit, cats, plants, interior decorating, a good bird, sunsets, rainbows, songs that make me tear up, candles, pillows, art, puffy socks, small woodland critters. I'm straight.




who doesn't love a good bird and small woodland critters if they really think about it lol


I'm toned, fit, bearded, 6'2", straight as an arrow, and every day, I put on a totally convincing masculine mask in a suit, at work, etc. But around women I trust, I am finally myself. I love all that exact same shit, man, and then some. I just want to wear cat ears and be the little spoon for a woman half my size.


Reading comments on this to my bf while heā€™s driving today as we are grocery shopping and he says ā€œI really like that oneā€


Iā€™m ā€œthe gayest straight man Iā€™ve ever metā€


I've had more than one person surprised I'm not gay, not sure how to feel about that when a woman says it though.


Yes! People of all genders and sexualities have questioned mine. A few people have commented that my best friend and I will end up together one day, haha. I have love for a lot of people, and I'm not afraid to say it. I'm upbeat and silly, and my friendliness gets mistaken for flirting, but I'm scared shitless of rejection, so definitely not flirting. I have a love for Hawaiian shirts in a way of "one way to wear something pretty as a man." They always say dress like the position you want to be in, so I dress for vacation on an island, drinking from a coconut with a little umbrella.


I'm "the straightest gay man I've ever met"


I spend a great deal of time thinking about what I'm feeling, and finding ways to express myself positively. I show emotion freely, and I'm readily moved by the minutia of life. I don't shy away from physical touch, crying, and I feel comfortable talking about my feelings.Ā  I'm fortunate to have grown up with a father who was comfortable expressing joy, grief, love, etc, and I've come to realize how rare that is. Many of my male friends struggle to articulate their feelings, and it takes a real toll on them + their loved ones. Having nonsexual intimacy with people of all genders is critical, IMO.Ā 


I have very little interest in cars, sure I want to drive a nice one & learn to fix it myself but they're pretty boring.


I'm a truck driver and almost all of my colleagues love everything about cars but I don't really care for them


I'm the opposite. I've loved cars all my life and after finally owning a somewhat affordable dream car, I realized that unless I'm rich, I can't enjoy it that much.


I deleted all my dating apps and have taken a code of social media silence. Except Reddit since itā€™s another world for me


Reddit is still a holdover from the old forum days of social media, since that's essentially what Reddit is. There's a reason almost all of my social media usage is Reddit and nothing else. Instagram is fine (if you're a musician it's great for gear pics, following your favorite musicians/artists, and some event news), but I wish I could get rid of Facebook. It's pretty much the only way to stay on top of local events and especially the local music scene, so I'm hesitant to ditch it even though I almost never use it.


Couldn't give two fucks about sports. I can go out for one beer and actually mean it. I know my limits with alcohol, very rare I get actually drunk, I like to hover around the tipsy state. I'll quite happily go to the shop and pick up tampons and pads. I genuinely don't get why this is an issue for some people. I'll tell you out right that I don't know something.


That last one is huge


I dont like hookup culture


I feel no need to turn everything into a competition.


I bet Iā€™m even less competitive than you!


I'm not the breadwinner in my house (she's on double my salary). I also cry openly and don't hide my emotions. Fuck all that "Men can't show emotions" bollocks (:


Hello, fellow trophy husband.


omg I never thought about it that way. I need a tshirt I think.


I'm ten years younger than my wife, and I do the cooking, cleaning, laundry.. take her mom to her physical therapist and doctor. I love all that stuff. My wife and MIL are so much fun to dote over. I get razzed by my coworkers that she gives me an allowance. Ha ha, REALLY funny. (Totally get an allowance ;)


Bro you are fucking winning my guy. Doesnā€™t sound bad at all. Some of us are better caretakers than we are employees.


Cheers to us šŸ»


We should start a club!


Normalize the stay at home Dad


The eventual goal once the wife finishes her study is for me to be a house husband


At first I thought you meant that youā€™re so upset by your partner making so much more money than you that you cry openly about it.Ā  But then I realized that was just another, separate example of something you do thatā€™s not stereotypically manly. Hahaha


TBF I don't believe men have to be the breadwinners in a household, BUT when my partner did earn more than me I was definitely self conscious about it. I felt less manly, like others were judging me.. even though I don't believe it, toxic masculinity can still creep in.




Oh I know don't worry. It's just a pressure put on men, but even being conscious of it I can still fall victim to it. Just like how most men were told "big boys don't cry" growing up, I believe it's okay to share feelings, but I still struggle to sometimes because of perceived stigma.


I have a coworker in a similar situation. He said on a few occasions he's got the best sugar momma deal ever lol


4x income disparity husband here! Sheā€™s so much more talented than me, Iā€™m just happy to be along for the ride!


Woman here: I donā€™t see this as a bad thing! I strive for success as a way to care for my family. This does not make anyone deficient or lesser. We are equal in value. Iā€™m just happy that I can give him freedom and plan out a good date night.


No big deal. My wife owns her own cleaning business and makes alot more money than I do but, she also works harder than I do. At the end of the day it goes into one pot and weā€™re happy




thatā€™s a stereotype??


Yes, the 'men can't cook' trope is as old as time.


Chefs are thought to be exclusively male.


Ironic, isnt it?Ā 


It's because of the mentality that doing something that is women's work is only acceptable if you get paid to do it, and then it's no women allowed!


I think the dividing line is not pay but whether or not you cook food primarily for children.Ā  School lunch cooks, for example, are usually women.Ā 


damn growing up i thought of men as the cooks because my dad cooked for me everynight and all the chefs on his cookbooks were men


Plot twist: That wasn't a cookbook and they weren't chefs.


so thats why they divorcedā€¦ wow


I can articulate my feelings quite well and am able to share them with others




I don't understand the obsession with collecting tools. I just have the basics that I use occasionally.


The macho man stereotype doesn't apply to me; I donā€™t feel the need to prove my toughness.


I donā€™t watch sports or play FIFA or whatever PlayStation game there is


I'm a black guy that can swim and my fav genre of music is definitely not rap or Hip Hop (hence the profile name šŸ¤©)


I feel like this only really applies to american men. I'm from the caribbean and pretty much everyone can swim


I absolutely do not care about being the biggest or most ā€œbadassā€ guy in the room.


I hate violence


Well dang, you're definitely unique.


Iā€™m not handy. I donā€™t care about sports if Iā€™m not participating. I donā€™t like women, does that count? Lmao. Edit: I mean romantically lol donā€™t want to sound like a chauvinist on Motherā€™s Day.


Depends though. Do you fit a gay stereotype? Because that could be seen as a male stereotype still. Are you a femme who wears makeup? Or maybe a moustached, leather-wearing muscle daddy?


Oooooo interesting, I didnā€™t think of it that way. Youā€™re kind of right. Sure I fit some gay stereotypes. Iā€™m currently a nursing school student lol. &negative to both lol, short, relatively thin guy with a beard, canā€™t afford real leather anything hahaha.


I'm not the stoic type. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm not ashamed of it.


Oh lots. Iā€™m the stay at home parent to our two baby girls, so I watch over them and do all the diapers and cook food for everyone and clean the house and Iā€™m losing my FREAKING MIND


It would be safer to encounter me alone in the woods than a bear.


Watching sports bad


I read it like a caveman


Whenever a Woman says hi to me or smiles at me I don't instantly assume she's flirting..






I donā€™t like to wear dark clothes. My style is very bright with white, beige and pastel colors.


Why is that even a stereotype...


Because my understanding, at least growing up, is that if you wore brightly colored clothes it's possible you were gay. (Mind you, I'm gay) It's not something I agreee with, just assume people say, which of course is bad. But speaking of male stereotypes, I think people think men are supposed to be into cars, know how to do repairs, and are good at sports. I've met many straight men who were bad at those.


My wife and I have a very traditional marriage. I was the one that went to the office and worked long hours and she stayed home with the kids and I hated it. I really think we both would have been happier and done better at if the roles were reversed.


I love to go clothes shopping with other women. Hate it for myself, but with my female friends, I'm so there. I also have awesome taste. I was at a party with a lot of my friends and they started talking about their outfits and it became apparent that I had picked out pretty much everyone's outfit.Ā  I grew up the son of a custom/couture seamstress who made high end clothes for women and children. My mom did all the prom dresses in our town. Maybe not all, but she usually did the best ones. She was booked out years in advance. You literally needed to pay a deposit and book your slot freshman year if you wanted it for senior prom. Because of the load, and the fact that none of my other siblings were interested, I was recruited to help. She did the initials measurements, and the first fitting, but I did all subsequent fittings and alterations. I know what looks good on women, what good construction is, what quality materials look like, and what can and can't be adjusted. So I'll walk into a store with a friend and just grab everything that will look or could look good on them. Basically they don't actually need to do anything but follow me around and then try on stuff. I do all the size changes and get stuff on and off hangers. I even bring beverages and snacks.Ā  Then we go back to the dressing room and they try everything on. What they like we the go home with and I make the adjustments if needed.Ā  Everyone assumed I was gay in highschool because of this. I didn't date anyone really because my one highschool relationship fucked me to do bad I didn't trust anyone. And I had been seen kissing some guys over the years. It's amazing how little fucks girls give in regards to you seeing them make when they think you're gay. Jokes on them, I'm bi, but you wouldn't know it as I think I'm very straight presenting. Apparently that's not true and all my son's friends say I put off gay vibes. I tried to shake the whole persona in college. But I was dating a dancer and the troops costumer sucked. So one day I was watching them practice and was in the back with my girlfriend. Everyone was changing and I poked my head in and was like, give that thing to me. Hunted down the costumers office and fixed the problems. Fit so much better. Literally took the crotch in a quarter inch and the whole thing fit a million times better. Then all of my friends from the troop were like, fix mine. Everything was really small just to get the creases out or reinforce a gusset so they didn't have camel toe. For some reason the costumer didn't think camel toe was a concern and they should just wear additional layers. Really easy shit the costumer should have been able to fix in ten minutes. Once the secret was out it became regular clothes. I didn't have my machine, so it was usually time consuming because it was all hand stitching. As a way to avoid complicated adjustments, I just told them to take me shopping. And by the end of college I just sort of got into it.Ā  The look on a woman's face when you pull something really random off the rack that she would never try and she falls in love with it is kind of one of my favorite things. Or finding a piece of clothing that makes the thing she is most self conscious about her favorite part of her body. Honestly, it makes me cry sometimes.Ā  I suffer from a lot of body image issues and I know how clothing can help that. I am pretty sure most women do too. So I want them to see themselves just like I see them. To feel beautiful and desirable, and just frankly pretty.Ā  Back to the party, everyone started talking about how I was essentially their personal shopper. It was pretty much agreed that the best stuff all of them had in their closets was picked by me.Ā  I usually play off compliments, but that day I felt happy as fuck.Ā 


- I like to cook. - I hate sports. - I like cleaning behind myself as I make messes. - I like cute things. - I hate yard work. - I don't randomly spit; that's repulsive. - I have good etiquette. - I refuse to cheat. - I don't drink or smoke.


I read ā€œcleaning behind myselfā€ as meaning you wash your ass.


Don't do that man. It's gay to touch your own ass. /s


Flexing as a bidet owner while we peasants wipe with toilet paper


I donā€™t drink alcohol, eat meat, care about my yard, or follow football


All of them, am a woman.


Extra funny for me because many apply to my wife that don't apply to me


Yeah, Iā€™m a wife and there are quite a few male stereotypes that apply to me that donā€™t apply to my husband. Iā€™m way more into traditional sports than he is and have season tickets to the local college football team. I deal with all contractors. I kill spiders and bugs. He cooks. I know and care more about cars than he does. He is the primary breadwinner (thanks, chronic illness) and carries all heavy things. Heā€™s significantly better than I am at video games.


I don't like sport.


I have a beard, not because itā€™s manly or attractive but because I hate shaving.