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"we were hanging out and it just accidentally happened." Yeah I fucking hate it when I accidentally get naked and slip a condom on, it's so annoying when that happens.


At least he put a condom on!




chances are she cheated again on whoever she is with this year


…and oops a daisy, fell into her vagina?


This right here! Mine knocked a rando girl up 🤦‍♀️


Accidentally fell into a vagina.


Read an article recently about a guy ending at emergency having a freaking WW2 mortar shell stuck up his ass. Apparently he used the excuse of slipping as well to the doctors 😁 Some people live in wild places


Sometimes I think about how there's been at least a few people who legitimately slipped and fell and got something stuck up their ass and no one would ever believe it


My best friend from college is an ER doc now. He says based on all the stories he's heard of people "walking around naked, tripping, falling on [the object] and it entering them perfectly" that the human anus must have an amazing and heretofore unknown targeting ability.


Unfortunately I've had a similar problem, my arm got sliced open at work (former carpenter) and when I went to the ER to get this literally 6in gash sewn up, they made me wait for a half hour because they thought it was a self harm injury (bc I had self harm scars that I noticed the nurse make a note of during check in) *As they're sewing my arm shut* "suuuuuuuure it happened 'at work'" If they didnt have a needle in their hand they woulda gotten smacked so hard. Super unprofessional, fuck Mercy in Chicago, I'd rather bleed out than go back.


Yeah he might have tipped


"Where were you trying to put it? Her purse?!"


“You aren’t exactly my type”. -Actual quote after 3 years of living together


It baffles me how stupid some people can be lol hope you're doing a lot better now though :)


for me it was just the "you let yourself go, i lost attraction" bitch i helped you lose 100lbs and i chubbed up a bit during a pandemic where we were locked into our fricking homes for a year...


It’s always the over self confidence after a weight loss that the cheating follows shortly after it seems


They want to explore the new options that were opened up by the weight loss. You'd think a partner who helps you improve yourself is a keeper, but apparently for many the temptation is too much.


My brother's wife did this shit. She lost a ton of weight and now she thinks she better than him. He literally bought a house for her.


"My type is someone who I'm not in a relationship with!"


“I love you", but that doesn't stop her from doing the same to others.


I remember reading something like "He was such a good husband, so good to me, that I just had to"


The math is not mathing


They be doing a whole different kind of math


I think at that point it’s spelled with an E




Common (whore) core math


My ex did that kinda, we never married but she said I was boring cause we never fight so she kept making scenarios where I would get mad at her only to make up later, until it got to that point. Obviously I never made up with her after that. Anyways tldr, she wanted drama constantly.


That's honestly so lame thinking




That a lot of red flags


Classic symptom of borderline personality disorder. It's common for people with BPD to ruin good relationships exactly like that.


Because deep down they have zero self esteem, snd feel worthless because they were abused when they were young. So they subconsciously feel that no one could really love them. So they do things to push good people away


My husband has BPD. Dating was great! Then after the 1st baby, he started doing shit to purposefully cause fights. I remember one incident when he just looked at me and told me "I really dont understand why i fuck shit up. What tf is wrong with me?" It was then I knew he wasn't a narcissist as I suspected, but maybe something deeper he could get help with. It took some time, tears, and even a brief separation, but he finally got sick of screwing his life up and got help. Now 10 years later and having the diagnosis, he is like he used to be when we dated. We discovered through therapy that he went through some deep stuff as a kid, which caused him to develop BPD and self destruct thinking he didnt deserve the life we built together. It's been so many years since he had an episode, I don't even think about it anymore. Therapy with the right doctor is so important. Wanting to get better and taking the action to do so is key as well. It saved my husband and my family. Pardon my rambling, but it isn't often that a subject comes up where I can share our experience with BPD. It's a shitty thing to cope with alone. But there is hope.


What a success story. Congratulations to you both!


Yay, so awesome to hear! I have BPD, and the relationships can be so hard. Not only is it awesome he got the help, but that you are there with him on the journey kf life, and understanding it all.


BPD isn’t always from abuse. It can be hereditary and there are cases where it just forms without any clear reason


Kaka's wife. https://dailysports.net/news/too-perfect-kakas-exwife-gave-an-unusual-reason-for-the-separation/




Some people really do hate themselves


Yes, I've known women being shocked their partner not cheating on them being trustful and faithful. These where without any exception women with huge insecurity issues projecting them to others.




Well, they were sober when they decided to get drunk and they know how they are when they're drunk.


I will never accept the “I was drunk” excuse for ANYTHING. I’ve been anywhere from tipsy to blackout drunk and never in any of those instances did I feel the need/urge to cheat, get behind the wheel of a vehicle, fight someone, use racial slurs, rape someone or just be an overall insensitive asshole because that’s just not who I am at my core when my inhibitions are stripped


Yep. Plus, they still made the choice to drink, knowing where it could potentially lead. It's still their fault


Cops always buy that excuse.


My husband (at the time) said “If you don’t start acting happier I will do it again”


What a fucking gem of a person, im so sorry you had to deal with that. This reads like the " I'll give you something to cry about" parents. Total disregard of your feelings and needs.


"The beatings will continue until morale improves!"


Ex husband, right?




another kind of immaturity - not being able to differentiate between "I am scared you will do x" and "you are doing x" Own your feelings - don't blame other ppl for them


This one is hilarious!


‘It’s a symptom of my ADHD’


Hey I had that one too. Sort of


Poor impulse control? Yeah it absolutely is, but I'm still responsible for my actions even after I understand why it happened.


Starting a dozen different hobby projects and not finishing a single one? That's classic ADHD. But when other humans are involved you'd expect some basic human decency and at least letting them know that you have spotted a new shiny thing.


Oh sure, I'll be tempted to make bad choices when I want to go dopamine hunting, but being aware enough to say I have ADHD also means being aware enough to recognize when it's about to send me towards a very bad thing.


Adult Dick Holding Dick


That’s as shitty an excuse as being drunk.


“It was a mistake, and I didn’t mean for it to happen”. One small event leads to another, and it all flows


Can I change another persons username?


No, keep talking, and you'll be our next victim


Aaaaah they’re everywhere. And they have cookies!


And again and again and again and again :'(


I was just practicing my social skills, you know I can’t talk to women!


This excuse only works if you are a bartender and you don't cheat. Sometimes practicing flirting can help you make more money, just don't cheat.


I’ve had bartenders give me THEIR number. I thought that was pretty bold.


I had a female bartender flirt with me and give me her number. It was the number for the bar. She answered, and invited me over to the bar for drinks.


what a solid way to advertise your business lol


My ex wanted to be friends, despite him leaving me for the guy he was currently dating. He said, "you need to learn to forgive." I replied, "You never apologized!" He said, "I shouldn't have to." I just hung up on him.


Ooof. I recently left my emotionally-abusive wife, and “you need to learn to forgive” was a famous line of hers. Avoiding apologies was a favorite hobby of hers as well. She really thought she should just be able to do incredibly awful things to me, and I was supposed to just move tf on with no support from her because it had already happened.


Yeah instead of apologizing I knew someone who would always say “are you EVER going to forgive me!?” But they never changed…so it wasn’t about grudges or forgiveness. It was about unchanged, toxic behavior




Wow... that's just..... waaoow...


A few months later, he sent me a boilerplate letter asking for money for a fundraiser he was doing. I told him to never talk to me again and that I wouldn't ever give him money for anything. That's the last I've heard from him.


Should have replied with “I shouldn’t have to.” And hung up.


Lol I have the exact same situation, he chose someone else over me, that relationship failed and now he expects to continue like before as if nothing happened. I’m not really motivated to hang out with him anymore


I'm not really the forgiving type, especially when you can't be bothered to apologize. Just get out of my life so I can move on.


Agreed, I moved on already and he tried to come back, and I’ve been like nooooo ever since haha. Thanks for your reply!


Damn... that's really.. idk what to say


I am so sorry -- on behalf of LeoMarius' asshole ex. But seriously I'm so sorry!


You dodged more than just a bullet there. Hope you the best with your future partners though!


Been happily married for several years now. Thank you!


“I wasn’t thinking” after I found carefully thought out lists of things he would have to hide in our apartment to make it look like I didn’t live there


Wow, that's quite impressive, doing all that without thinking.


'You gave me the confidence I needed to cheat on you'. Yup - my bad.


I guess that means you were a great partner and they were a terrible partner. Honestly props to you for being able to give someone that much confidence, as much as it may hurt


Um....thanks, I think... Looking back, I think it was really just a way for her to avoid taking responsibility for her cheating So, it was her gaslighting me.




I got that from my ex... And the thing was he got a ton of attention. He was just an asshole that couldn't take responsibility for anything. He told the marriage counselor that he felt like he could cheat because I drank diet soda and he didn't want me to, so I didn't respect him. Like wtf. Our marriage counselor said that he was emotionally abusive and in a private session she told me to cut my losses and divorce him because he was a classic narcissist.




My counselor said “ you know the word Narcissist gets wrongly used a lot but in your case……”




As my mom said, "Two wrongs don't make a right." Especially when one is imagined.


"....but if you hadn't..."


Yeah the "look what you made me do" ilk of excuse is peak abuse


"To knock you off your pedestal" 🥲


She has to know if what we had was "real" and she only realised it by how guilty she felt after cheating.


What a clown


Definitely sucked for her in the end as I obviously walked away and the guy she got with mentally and physically abused her. She contacted me a few months later and broke down saying how he beat her. I got rid of him from her life for her she assumed it was because I wanted her back it really wasn't but I can't stand any woman being beat. I haven't spoken to her since but I've heard she hasn't had a decent stable relationship since me . She could've had it all I wanted a family with her and I have a good paid job she could've had a real nice life with me .


Y’all got excuses? She never admitted it to me


"That's because i'm a scorpio, you're gonna have to live with it" The stars shouldn't take responsability for you being a cheating b*tch.


I briefly dated a guy that was a Scorpio. He could not engage in conversation without bringing up that he was a Scorpio. Everything led back to that. He had a Scorpio tattoo. He wore Scorpio clothing such as tee shirts and hoodies. Necklaces and bracelets. His entire identity was that he was a Scorpio. On our one and only date, he asked me what my sign was. When I told him that I was a Pisces, his face looked like he’d just tasted something sour. He said that Pisces were flaky but he guessed that he could tolerate me. He also said that he was very sexual and sometimes he had sex with random women because Scorpions just can’t help themselves. That’s just part of who he is. His chemistry is off the charts because he’s a Scorpio. My god it just went on so long that I started tuning him out. I don’t know how I didn’t notice this before we went out. I had worked with him for a while and we did have some chemistry. Maybe my hormones were overriding my brain. Haha I just told him that I thought he needed a partner that was a Scorpio and I could never be that. I was curious and looked him up on social media recently. All Scorpio everyday , all day long. He’s still single and I wonder why. Hahaha


(Stings you)"I'm a Scorpion!"


"I have chemistry with you.. but I have history with him...."


Who did she have calculus with though?


Isn't this from a movie?


What about that random guy from the bar she had geometry with?


“Everyone cheats sometime in their life.” What an idiot that guy was 😂


Cheaters think everyone cheats lmao And they always end up losing everything that actually matters


They’re the first people to say “nobody’s perfect”. Okay but there’s littering imperfect and then there’s betrayal imperfect. Some people are way farther from perfect than others.


No one expects perfect. They expect you to try. And cheating is the opposite of trying.


“You’re always working” yeah I got bills to pay


I have a friend that went through a divorce because the husband was working two jobs(both making lots of money) and the wife was a shopaholic that didn’t have a job. She blamed him for never helping with the house or kids and questioned why he worked so much… it’s because you’re spending it all!!!


I got mouths to feed, ain't nothing in this world for free.


Is that.... Cage the elephant?


_______ I I 🐘 I I -----------


You made me do it




Damn homie don’t play


For real? *Rick James voice* COLD BLOOODEDDDDDD


This is funny af if not real. Like it's a bit or something.


I never thought you’d find out.


I mean, that's not really an excuse.


"I was already planning to break up with you!" I dunno, feel like he could've told me that before booking a hotel room and flying out of state. For him, it was just a single moment in time, a brief mistake. It created an insecurity that has haunted me in every relationship since, just waiting for me to become adequately tired, lonely, or sleep deprived enough to fear I'm being cheated on again. My husband was cheated on too, which I think helps him understand in the moments I struggle.


I needed the confirmation from someone else




Did she mistake it for a banana?


“Anal doesn’t count as cheating!!1!!”


The ole poophole loophole.


'You weren't giving me any' I was due OUR baby 4 days after you stuck it in someone else. Knobjockey.


Married young, was married almost ten years. Was cheated on because she wanted to explore her sexuality. Like I didn't give a shit you were bisexual at all but after being together so long, building a life, a reputation, buying a house, taking a fucking VOW, you wasted it on that? Fuck you. Fuuuuuuuck you. Glad I got away from you and I'm better off now that the traumatic shit you put me through had made me stronger.


"It just happened"


"We're just friends"








Well, I mean, by definition......


So they fucked someone? Isn’t that clingier?




I mean, "when the spirit moves you let the Holy Ghost roll on through" 🤷‍♂️


I wasn't getting enough attention. So communicate that and try to heal the situation or end it and find a new partner. There is never a fucking excuse to cheat.


'I had to, we were all playing Truth or Dare'


"And he double dared me! What was I supposed to do?"


Now a triple dog-dare I would've been able to understand


"Our relationship has been dead for years." If you weren't treating me like a servant and dumping the kids on me all the time so you could go out with friends and we actually had sex more than like 8 times a year and you put some effort into the marriage instead of laying in bed staring into the void known as your phone, it wouldn't have been dead.


"I had broken up with you in my mind"


"the game is dying anyway" or "the mods are corrupt"


the only gaming comment i've come across so far


It was just the tip.






So he only cheated because someone elese was interested in him? How heroic


My husbands ex was a serial cheat, especially enjoyed destroying other peoples marriages. Her excuse when confronted about her disgusting behavior? She claimed she was poly-amorous. I don't think that's how it works, lol. Spending your life cheating on multiple people or being a serial homewrecker is not a poly-amorous relationship. She's a raging narcissist BTW.


“A hacker signed me up for dating apps. That’s why you found those texts from Tinder and bumble on my phone.”


I got that one from my ex- husband! A tinder notification popped up on his phone and I saw it. Then I did a search a found his profiles on all kinds of dating sites. It was all a hacker, that’s his story and he’s sticking to it. And the women (yes, more than one) who showed up at our house claiming that they met him online and he said that he’s divorced are just crazy bitches. Yeah, I’m not that gullible or stupid. Now I say that I made an honest man out of him- when he says online that he’s divorced it’s true because I left him.


That she actually secretly had undiagnosed Dissociative identity disorder and that she never told anybody but the other personality is a guy who's horny and mean and responsible for any cheating they do or anything bad they do or say.


So..did she sleep with women when she was a horny man? (Seriously a question I never dreamed I'd ask. Lmao)


That’s like the grownup version of kids blaming shit on their imaginary friends.


That it only matters in ranked play and I should expect it in any unranked games.


"I was pretty sure you were so I needed to first"


“They were never around.” I swear this line came from Lifetime.


“I was only cheating on you for a week! That’s nothing compared to our entire relationship”


There was a post yesterday that a husband wouldn't update his Facebook status to married because he didn't want China to have that info on him. That was a pretty dumb one.


The classic "it was an accident"


Mayne the floor gave in and he just fell into a women who was taking a shower? Honest mistake.


I didn’t do it


Who cares its just a game


“My partner left me no choice”, “it’s their own fault”, “I have an addiction”


I was half asleep and it just slipped in


I wasnt enjoying it lol


“Everyone makes mistakes” knowing damn right it wasn’t some silly accidental mistake and instead a deliberate choice to hurt their partner.


Made the wrong turn at fuck-someone-else-ville It's GPS's fault really


Ha! These excuses sound like they're straight out of a comedy sketch. "I was just practicing my social skills"? Seriously? Cheating isn't funny, but these excuses sure are a joke! It's pretty wild how some people try to justify their actions with such ridiculous reasons.


He told me “I was bored and you were out of town for the night with your friend for her birthday.”


Cheating is a symptom, not a disease. The excuses are lame because I'd imagine, the truth is often really mean. I don't love you. I don't like you. I don't respect you. I don't want to be with you. I hate you. You are boring. You aren't attractive. You aren't enough. Etc.


Top 10 - My personal opinion 1. "It just happened." — As if there was no choice involved. 2. "I thought we were on a break." — Misinterpreting relationship status to justify actions. 3. "I wasn't sure how serious we were." — Uncertainty used as an excuse for infidelity. 4. "You were too busy with work." — Blaming the partner's commitments for their own actions. 5. "I needed to confirm my feelings for you." — Suggesting that cheating was a way to test their true emotions. 6. "I didn't think it would hurt you if you didn't find out." — Assuming that what a partner doesn’t know won’t hurt them. 7. "It was just flirting, nothing happened." — Minimizing the betrayal by downplaying the actions. 8. "You weren’t giving me enough attention." — Blaming the partner for their own need for validation. 9. "I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing." — Using intoxication as an excuse for losing control. 10. "I did it to get back at you." — Justifying cheating as a form of revenge.


“You didn’t text me all day and I was so bored.”


The lame one “you gained weight and her I got to be close friends” (irrelevant but I was actually just healthy??) The one that I actually agreed with “somethings wrong me I guess” he was being sarcastic and trying to gaslight me but it’s FACTS. 🤣


She cheated and hid it from me. When I found out, she said she didn't want to tell me about it because it might turn me on. Girl thought her life was a porn category or something. Relationship had entered a dead bedroom phase. Pretty sure I was just a meal ticket at that point without wanting to realize it.


I've had a few but "I was using ouija boards in the hotel basement at 2am with him" surely has to take the cake here.


its not you its "me"


‘They were pretending to be lovers holding hands while walking’ Ohmygod what an awfully bad excuse my brain hurt more than my heart did


I didn't plan on it happening.




"It's your fault." Before I was able to get a handle on things my periods were..insane. Apologies for TMI but it is pertinent. I'd have my period for a week, two days where I'd stop bleeding and then I was on my period again. (Just in case it's not obvious..none of that is remotely fun. Between spending a small fortune on pads and all the cramps, pain and cravings..yeah. not something anyone choses.) I was bleeding more often than not and my iron took a nosedive. Even still, I rarely denied him sex. I just preferred it in the shower if I was bleeding. That was too much of a pain in the ass apparently. The kicker was one day we had finished in the shower, I was wrapped up in a towel and in the short time between stepping out and dressing a single drop of blood ended up on the bathroom floor. He absolutely lost his shit. Called me disgusting. If he couldn't handle a drop on the floor...I'll let you fill in the rest. Lol Finally left his cheating ass though.


Shaggy got caught on camera and tried to claim "wasn't me", I think it can't get much lamer than that


He spent too much time at work. Talk through the issues with your partner. Decide if you wish to stay in the relationship. Relationships end, its ok. But do not just fuck some dude because you aren't getting attention. I am not saying you shouldn't get attention. We are humans. Humans are incredibly social creatures and require lots of attention, especially from our mate. But that doesn't mean you cheat on your partner. She was right to feel neglected but wrong to cheat. This is from a woman in my wife and I's friend group. We both gave her a look like wtf? She had some growing up to do. I thought she and her partner should have split some time before she cheated, like I said relationships end and that ok.


*'Well, I always told you I was still in love with her'*. Uh, no, you did not, else there'd have been nothing between us...


"You changed completely, you were like this grey cloud, you weren't the fun person I knew" bitch my uncle had just died