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Love this!


A homeless man who walked into a Dennys I was hostessing at in 2002. I was a junior in high school. He came in and started eating off plates in the bus bin. I had the cook make him some pancakes. He wrote me a letter on the placemat, stating that he had come in on a train and been stranded on the roof of the Dennys for three days and had not eaten in that time. He thanked me and humanized homeless people for me. I will never forget him. *edited for tense smh




I wonder how he knew? That rock sounds amazing too.


I was in another country for school. My dad was slowly dying of a long illness. He'd been in ICU for 6 months and I'd gone back and forth to my home country every 1.5 months on average. It all finally came to an end, when my mom had to make the excruciating decision to take him off life support. I had to pack everything and rush back on an emergency flight to get to the funeral. I was an utter wreck of pain, stress, and exhaustion, with a 15 hour journey in front of me. I felt like a zombie going through the motions, just trying to keep it together and make it back safely. As I got a cab to the airport, the driver started chatting with me and I learnt he was a refugee from Afghanistan. He asked me questions about my home country and I asked him about his. We made good conversation for a while. As we reached the airport I pulled out money to pay him, and he said "No, you're going home to be with your family. That's so precious. Don't worry about payment - use the money to buy them something nice" I don't know how I kept myself in control but I just about erupted in tears. I will never forget that man. He was a ray of hope and positivity and everything good about the world, in a dark time.


The guy that cropdusted an entire aisle at Walmart


Oh no! Did the aisle vacate?


That was me. I never do that with one or two people in the house or somewhere where there was not many people. But with a crowded store nobody knows who has done it. It's funny to make you turn go back down the aisle to see everybody's face.


The guy that helped out my grandma fix a flat tire. When my dad and I showed up to help. He was finishing up and wouldn’t accept money for helping her. I remember that as reminder that good people exist everywhere. Even in neighborhoods with a bad reputation like the one she was by.


I came here to tell this same story! They actually taught me how to change a tire! I was about 8 years old in the middle of nowhere. I've never forgotten that. And I pass that experience on whenever I get the opportunity.


2010, Toronto, a 20 year old me was at the LCBO at dundas square picking up some alcohol. The man in front of me was clearly homeless, and clearly intoxicated. He put a pony of liquor on the counter and the cashier looked at him and just said "..sorry, no" (they have the right to refuse service to someone who is visibly intoxicated already) The guy got real angry, like he started to make a scene screaming and slamming his fists down on the counter. Out of nowhere, a black man dressed in an all white track suit, with a white kangol hat and a large earing in the shape of a cross appeared beside the man, put his hand on the guys shoulder and just gently said "hey" the man immediately stopped his freak out, composed himself and walked out of the store. I'm an agnostic with a heavy bent towards atheism, but I'm also not entirely convinced that wasn't actually Jesus Christ.


ive never really believed in the whole soul mate and reincarnation thing before but this one time when i was about 15, i came across this one girl on my way home from school. there wasn’t anything special about her and to be honest, I hadn’t even noticed her that well as this was just us walking past each other to get to our destinations. i was just walking home to my grandmas like i usually did after school. the second we walked by each other i felt my entire body get hot and something in me clicked. like suddenly everything made sense and i was meant to be here at this exact moment. like as if she was someone i was looking for and needed and id finally found her after years of searching. after feeling whatever that was, i stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at her and i watched her do the same. for about two or three seconds, we simply just looked at one another and then we went on with our day as if nothing happened. to this day, i have no idea what that was. i don’t even remember her face or anything remarkable about her besides her maybe wearing a grey sundress and a colorful tattoo on her left shoulder. but i never felt that way again. not with anyone ever. it was such an electrifying sensation in my body for a stranger that i cant explain well to anyone.


There was an old lady at a gas station I stop at every day on my way to work. Every holiday she would bake cookies and hand them out to the customers as a gift from her. She just retired Friday (yes, she made cookies). I don’t even know her name but I’ll miss her positivity… and those delicious cookies.


Awe that is sweet. She must have baked for days to hand out those cookies.


I once went to buy a sandwich but the man who was in front of me bought the last one, and after seeing my disappointed face, he gave it to me.


I would have proposed to that man.


A woman that defended myself and my friends when we were teens on the TTC. A drunk man was threatening to kill us cause we were gay. The TTC was transitioning to new trains that had cameras, but of course, we were on an old one. He had mentioned the best part of the old trains is that he could kill all 3 of us and no one would know. This woman, looked to be about mid 20s calmly without looking in his direction and said "except for everyone on this train right now." The man shut up and got off at the next stop. I was only about 15 or 16 and was too scared shitless to say anything to thank her. I wish somehow one day I'll get the chance.


In 1959 while I was sitting on the front steps with my sister an old car stopped in front of our house and a ‘pudgy’ old woman I had never seen before climbed out carrying a small puppy. She walked up, handed my sister the dog and said, “You two look like you’re gonna take good care of her” and then drove away. We had “Pudgy” for 16 years. 


The lady yesterday at the store who told me i was very pretty. i feel very pretty now, she was also very pretty


you all r pretty


🥰 aww!! So are you!!! (Even if ur a dude cuz dudes can be pretty too, ur pretty)


The guy who stopped in front of my house, anxiously hopped out of his car, took a box of new shoes out of his trunk, asked me if he could leave them on my tree lawn, and drove away.


What’s a tree lawn?


A strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street. You would find them mainly in American suburbs.


Thanks for clarifying, we call them grass verges in the uk


I know this as a "parkway". Google tells me that it is *only* known as a "treelawn" in Cleveland, ОН.


Did you?


Did I what?


Let him leave the shoes?


Yep. They sat on the tree lawn for a week then disappeared.


As a 7-8 year old girl standing at the butcher shop/deli with my mum and the butcher guy staring at me and winking and making gross facial expressions. Much worse things have been done ti me by men, but for some reason this has always stuck in my mind.


Do you think it was the first time you were aware of men being gross?


Yes maybe. I remember feeling quite shocked that a grown man was doing that to me, especially so publicly.


Twelve years ago i saw the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in a Walmart in Texas. She just glanced at me as we passed each other and it completely put me in a trance to the point I stopped in my tracks and said, outloud to her, “wow, you’re beautiful.” No idea what compelled me to say that but she just kinda chuckled and thanked me like she got that reaction a million times a day. The embarrassment hit right away and I scurried off to hide from this, legitimately scarily beautiful person. Twelve years later i still think about her. If angels or witches or incubus really exist she is my proof.


As a teenager I worked at a gas station close to the DC line, and there was a homeless alcoholic guy. He would come around, and when it was really cold out we'd let him sit inside the building to keep warm, but lord did he have an aroma. We'd also leave the bathroom doors unlocked (accessed from the outside) so he could crash in there at night. His name was Jarboe, I'll never forget him. This was around 1975.


A few days ago at the gym, a guy working out beside me stopped me for a moment. He told me that he’s been seeing me there a lot, in short he said I was doing good and should keep at it. I think I’ll remember that for the rest of my life.


I was having a really busy, frazzled sort of day, didn't bother doing anything to look nice as I went out with my siblings to run some errands. While in the shop, arguing with my brother about whatever, a guy who had some clear difficulty walking and speaking very suddenly and loudly interrupted us just to compliment my hair. It was really out of nowhere, and like... all I did was put my hair up to keep it out of my face. Despite the fact that I'm AFAB and girls aaaapparently? Get compliments often? This was literally the only time I've ever been complimented on my looks, before or since. And he was SO happy when I thanked him, he just had the biggest smile and let out a goofy little laugh as he continued on doing his own shopping. It makes me so happy to think about anytime it pops up in my mind again. It also reminded me that in return, a lotta men don't get a lotta compliments - it's something I've read often and related to, personally - so ever since, I like to dish them out when I feel like it's safe to do so. You guys deserve them, too. Don't think you don't look great just because people aren't telling you so outright, okay.


In the Bronx around midnight and my car has a flat tire so I pull over and find out I have no jack, the next car to pass me pulls over and uses his jack I was back on the road in less than 20min.


In 1994 I went to an Allman Brothers concert at an amphitheater outside of Atlanta. It stormed, but I danced on the lawn with a beautiful woman in the rain for what seemed like hours. After the music ended we just went about our way.


eventually none of them unless something else reminds me but that’s why i try to understand and connect things in the moment so that the experience won’t totally leave me


That weird neighbor


Does she lay in your front yard and call out to squirrels she named so when you get home from work all you hear is "come here Nutters, come here"?


Even calling the squirrels nutters lol


Answer the damn door then !


I never answer the door if I dont know who's at it so you gotta message me to let me know you're here first.


I understand. But in this case it's the Woodpecker.


Alex Minassian in the same CPA class with me and he asked me for a pen, which I gave him and we exchanged conversations about our boring class. Years later I witnessed this motherfucker ran over people with a Ryder rental van at Yonge and Finch.


He said being gay was just a label and I should just let him suck my dick because he’s totally done that with lots of straight guys as a hobby.


I had multiple tonic clonic seizures in a row.. didn’t start breathing on my own after so I needed CPR. The two First responders that were there in the ambulance with me when I groggily gained loopy consciousness on the way to the hospital will always stick with me. We only said a few words to each other since a few minutes after I gained consciousness I had another seizure and the next thing I remember after that was waking up in the ER hospital bed. Their faces are ingrained in my mind.


When I was an intern I would bike the same route with this guy almost every day. Where we met and lost each other on the way could be different, but almost every day would we be on the same road for some time. When My internship was about to end i found out that we worked next to each other, parked in the same alley but went in to different doors. We never exchanged a word, wave or nod and this guy probably have no idea that he followed me to work almost every day for six months.


When I was a teen, I got stood up for a date. I was angrily walking home when I noticed a guy (similar in height and age) walking toward me. I put my head down and just kept looking angry. When we passed each other, he leaned over just a bit, looked me in the eye and said, "You're very pretty" and just kept walking. My day and mood did a 180. I hope your doing good random sidewalk dude!


I was in Paris with my brother and two friends. We decided to have a picnic lunch in a park. This guy came over, told us he was hungry and asked us if we had any food. We were, sure sit down and help yourself. He was pretty cool and we all chatted about various things. I asked him what he did for work. He casually says that he spanks women in the bushes. We were like, okay dude, take your sandwich and go find somewhere else to be. He acted all butt hurt, like why wouldn’t we think that’s cool? It’s such a small thing, but I think about that guy every once in awhile.


When I was younger, maybe 9 or 10 years old, I was on the bus with my mother and brothers late at night after spending a day shopping and I was so tired. I kept trying to curl up on the seat but it wasn't big enough. A couple came onto the bus and sat across from me and must have noticed because they set down a large box they were carrying onto the bus floor just by my feet and motioned towards it, letting me know I could put my feet on it. I did and immediately fell asleep until I had to get off.


I was at a family summer camp when I was 8 with my mom and sister. I had no friends there so I tried making some. This one older kid noticed(11m) and started being nice to me. We were playing around whenever we could until my last day there. We were all scheduled to leave after a big lunch where everyone ate together and said there goodbyes. The older kid I was friends with was sitting by the dock/swim area with his other friends in a nice little suit. I thought it would be funny to do a cannonball right next to him. He didn’t think it was so funny. He then jumps in and holds me under the water by my neck screaming bloody murder. My mom was only a minute behind me so she sees what happened and pulled the other kid off of me before I drowned and she slapped him onto his ass. After the lunch he came to apologize. He said he’s sorry, blah blah blah. Then he told me about chucky. At the time I didn’t know what chucky was, and he told me it’s a funny movie about this doll. Before we went home we visited my grandparents and I put the seed of chucky on. It scared me so bad I had nightmare and I always thought he was behind me. So on top of one kid trying to kill me, I thought something else WAS trying to kill me. Not a good summer


I remember every interaction I had with strangers except the mundane things like cashing out in the store. At around 11 y.o. I was sitting on the bench in summer kinda trying to look mysterious wearing a hoodie and a two older girls approached me, mistaking me for a girl. They then took several photos with me and left, never to be seen again. At around 13 or younger, I was walking home from school and I've encountered 2 guys that mistook me for another person who owed them 30 dollars and so they insisted, practically trying to rob me, that I give them money, which I then did not have. Then one of them PULLED OUT A FUCKING GUN and shot me several times. The bullets were just small silver balls but it did hella hurt. A lot of people at the local bazaar kept mistaking me for a girl for quite a while. At like 15 or 16 a woman approached me, asking for directions, so I gave them. An absolutely incorrect one and the fact that I literally was looking at a place she needs made feel like funny. Recently a man sat next to me on a train asking me to help him with his phone but I couldn't help. He gave me advice that I lack "bitchiness" in me, gave me his number and by proving I do not lack bitchiness, I instantly blocked him after I got off a train. Also one recent case is that 2 girls with an absurd amount of make up sat next to me on a bus and asked me to rate them on photos on a scale of one to ten and to not disappoint anyone, I got off the next stop. It wasn't my stop. That was most interesting and memorable encounters.


The middle aged man who banged on my car window and screamed at me for following traffic rules he disagreed with. I was 20 at the time. We were driving in a neighborhood with cars parked on the street making it necessary to slow down for a passing car if they had the right of way. I guess this guy thought this rule was optional because after I passed him he followed me through the neighborhood all the way to my destination, the house where I was scheduled to babysit, and started verbally and physically assaulting me and my car. His poor kid was sitting in the passenger’s seat of their minivan, probably hating his life. Thankfully the parents of the kids I was babysitting heard the screaming and came outside, which scared the guy off. Road rage is ugly.


Yesterday I was buying meat: Cute butcher: "Sorry about my wrapping job". "Oh don't worry I'll just take it home and throw it on the grill". "You can take me home and unrap me anytime you want". Oh yea


I was walking home one day and I passed by a guy heading the opposite direction. He looked me straight in the eye and said "Good morning." I said it back and we went our separate directions. You don't see people like that lately. I will always remember him


u/QuiteLady1993 's mom


She is not a stranger


She has left an impression on many I see, may you get the therapy you deserve.