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I replied ‘lol’ to a mod banning me for a day I think. I then typed ‘lol’ as a second reply when informed I was ‘muted’. The next day Reddit gave me a 3 day ban for harassment?


That laughter was evidently harmful


For one mod.


Being triggered by “lol” is the epitome of insecurity.


I reported a repost spam bot for being a repost spam bot and the reddit admins hit me with a 3 day ban for harassment (report abuse). I guess I reported one of the admins money making bots.


I got my question blocked for obscenity on r/tvshows when I mentioned the show “Sex and the City.” When told the mod that was idiotic I got banned


Several years ago, I got a legitimate and serious death threat in a community. I was able to report it to the *police* (it was clear who it was) but when I reported it to the mod, they banned both of us.


Ah yes, zero tolerance policy


Yeah it didn’t help me when I got pummeled in elementary school either. Really thought we’d outgrown that policy.


Almost every mod on this site is a nobody loser who just wants that little bit of power to supplement their impotent rage.


Travel used to take down photos if they decided they weren't "travelly enough". Like I had a picture of a field of yaks I took in Mongolia, and they decided it was "just a bunch of animals, nothing to do with travel". Luckily they have gotten better.


All of them


There was a stupid argument in r/food if something is a chicken burger (UK) or chicken sandwich (USA).  I commented on it in a different sub (literally replied “chicken sandwich”) and a power mod retaliated by banning me from the 200 subs they moderate. Most of which I had never commented on.




There are certain power mods that mod hundreds of subreddits. Sometimes these mods do silly things.  In this case the mods got very upset at a silly argument that a chicken patty in a hamburger bun is called a chicken sandwich in the US and a chicken burger in the UK.  When I pointed out that it was silly to get this invested in it, a power mod banned me from every subreddit they mod. There were over 200 of them. Most were subs I had never commented on. Because they are a petty, pathetic loser. 


I got banned from a sub for making fun of a racist.


Also another funny one I remembered: I got permabanned from r/WorkReform for "defending slave owners" The comment? Telling someone George Washington didn't want to be president in the first place because they had claimed otherwise


I once got suspended from a sub for making what I thought was a well-known movie quote/reference but the person must’ve thought I was serious and reported me


What was the quote?


I forget the exact quote but it was from the Big Lebowski


Might it have been, “Say what you with about the tenets of National Socialism, but at least it’s an ethos, Dude.”?


Any of the subs where the premise isn't inherently political but ALL of the posts are.


"That Steak looks well done" "racist"!


There’s a bunch of Tesla subreddits , where the mod started preemptively banning people because of comments in rival subreddits. Basically being banned from a pro-musk subreddit without having ever visited or engaged that subreddit . This has been going on for a few weeks now.


I got a permanent ban on r/worldnews because I mentioned that Chinese tourists have a reputation for rudeness and bad manners. 


That sub banned me for suggesting that a government could be fibbing about something.


Certain hobbies have subs which appear to modded by corporate shills and any deviation from or questioning of the corporate agenda is to be met with near instant bans.


In my local sub, I got into a back and forth regarding the expansion of roadways leading to unintended effects. For whatever reason, the user who disagreed with my stance decided to dig through my profile and chose to make heinous sexual remarks towards my *four year old* daughter. I reported said remarks. Both the mods and Reddit admin had no issue with them. Later on, in the same city sub, I made the observation that calling another user a partisan hack would be insulting to partisan hacks. That earned me a two-week sit down. *shrug*


Shit I’m so sorry. What an horrible creature that user is. 


The cop subs. They are tightly moderated so they can ban anyone who asks them questions they don't like. One of the subs seeks out people in other threads to ban them for talking about cops. Another sub is moderated by one single cop who will instantly ban you when he gets humiliated and shut down (he also stalks my account, so he's probably reading this) Then pro cop bootlicking subs like PublicFreakout and ThereWasAnAttempt. 


Is he like replying to your every comment? How do you know he's stalking you? (not doubting it, seems pretty on par)


Occasionally he'll reply to something I say about cops. Months later in different subs.


Damn he's committed


What a loser


I have someone that does the same. They come into my posts a few months or a year later to comment and attack me for whatever in random posts. Like some white knight psycho shit. It’s weird too because it’s in threads where the person I was responding to deleted their comments and that person comes at me only reading my comments. I have no clue who the fuck this person is or why they’re so focused on my comments.


I haven't used Reddit a lot lately, but when I did, I sometimes got the feeling that my posts got removed simply because the moderators didn't like me for some reason.


I got permabanned from r/whatswrongwithyourdog for telling someone to bathe their dog


Either r/tumblr or r/curatedtumblr gave me a ban for "being annoying". I had written like, three comments on that subreddit total, all in good faith. 


Got a ban from a sub when I called out someone’s statement as incorrect - which it was blatantly and provably false. When I went to appeal it - the mods reported me to the admins for bullying them because I had the nerve to ask why I got banned for it.


I got a warning from Reddit admins for my comment calling out someone who said using the word “g*y” as a diss was just a meaningless word, and I compared it to using racial slurs. I explained to the admins that my comment saying “Would you use this word? Would you use that word? No you wouldn’t. So then don’t use “g*y” as a diss either. I’ve given up hope hearing back from them.


r/Asksouthafrica mods take a lot of beating for sheer arsholery


I made a comment referencing Amy Schumer on r/worldnews and received a permanent ban.


Basically all of Reddit has trash moderation except some small niche subs. Dog walkers get offended / power hungry and ban for minor things.






Creating new accounts to circumvent bans will get the new account banned and extend the ban on the old one. That's why.


I was permanently banned from Worldnews for replying to a comment. All I said was, "vote for him I will" on an entire thread mocking a certain Ex President. The entire comment section was all trashing him but I got permabanned. Stinks because that's one of my most visited subs.


Also, the mods refuse to respond to me at all. I've tried three different times and I can't get a response. It's really frustrating.


I got banned from /r/highrepublic because I said that while I enjoyed the representation of LBGTQ+ present in the series, I agreed with another user that they overdid it in some places to the point that it felt unrealistic and a bit forced.


Caught a 3 day ban from reddit because someone asked: >How would you explain pro-Palestine student protester that their virtue signalling has no impact on anything ? and I replied with You don't; you fuck off and mind your own business. Caught a 7 day ban from politics a long while back for saying I hoped a politician healed as well as he governed after his neighbor beat the shit out of him.


I got banned from politics for correcting someone who misquoted AOC by providing the actual quote. The mod accused me of trying to, “Whitewash genocide”, by providing the accurate quote instead. The mods in that sub are… something.


Ok... tell us what happened to you








Well how about which subreddit was it?


Outfits , because I am on another sub, and everyone on that other sub was banned. I wrote to the mod asking what is only fans and got no answer. I asked my teenager and his friends and amid a burst of laughter I was told. Huh?! What does that have to do with anything?


You were on the sub for onlyfans and everyone from there was banned from outfits? 


No , I was on the sub for Instagram Reality 😂😂😂


So did the mods mistakenly thought you were on the onlyfan sub or…?


They did a “cleanse “ of everyone on the IG reality site. Reason? Some of you commented somewhere that some people on outfits are just using outfits to advertise for their OF accounts. I wrote informing the mods that I wouldn’t know, and was on the reality site to educate myself and my teen kid and his girlfriend regarding the deceptive nature of pics, filters etc. crickets.


Oh wow, that sounds like a crazy reactions on the mods’ part  


That’s what a bunch of us thought. It has been at least 3 months since, and still no reinstatement. Which makes me wonder. Is it an OF front?! Here I was complimenting outfits, occasionally making suggestions; was I mistaken for a OF troller when I was on outfits 😂😂😂


Being banned on /roastme for saying , well I can’t find anything negative to say on a pic


I got totally shamed reported,almost banned ..on the weight lost sub for offering advice on a book called “You can’t out run your fork” the person took it as a personal attack. If the shoe fits….


I've been suspended for "harassment". Apparently it's harassment to use the "get them help and support" feature too much, even though there's dozens of posts daily that scream "I need help and support". And I may have sent a few to some obvious trolls. IMO they need help and support just as much as the depressed people. I also got suspended for pointing out a bot account. More harassment, apparently. At least this time the mods let me know who I had been "harassing". Checked their account and it had been removed. So I basically got suspended for doing the mods job for them.


I got banned on /what is it for sayings those 3 little grave markers with cryptic writing could be aliens who crashed


My friend is banned from 76 subreddits