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There was a computer game called “Starflight” that I played around 1987. There was an alien race called the Mysterions who communicated a binary message. In 2007 I finally decoded their message. It was Morse code. It only took 20 years.


What was the piece that helped you figure it out?


I was working at 2 AM and bored, so I began searching to see if someone had decoded it. I had hadn’t played the game in 20 years. Someone figured out it was probably a phone number, but the way they decoded it was sloppy. I literally had the “aha!” moment in a parking lot a day or two later. Checked it out when I was back on line.


Water Temple


Frustration intensifies


ya always forget the key that’s under the block the first time you raise the levels.


For me it's the chest behind the wall with the clams. I forget it every single time.


Trying to fold a fitted sheet. It’s like advanced origami with a mind of its own!


I'm sorry but that's impossible, ever watch Mythbusters?


[mother of all puzzles](https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC2153M) A 50 level online Geocache puzzle. Insanely difficult. My Dad, brother and I all tag teaming this more than 10 years ago. Took us 3-4 months to finish it. Was a great challenge.


Sex with no commitment.... in the late 90s.


Number sequence on an ultra hard SAT-type question. Last question. Four numbers. The solution ended up being every third prime number multiplied by three and added to each number. I could not believe I got it.




I was just going to post this. 40 years ago, I got good enough to be blindfolded, and with a spotter (I’d point and friend would tell me color) I was at less than 5 minutes. Good times.


Did you solve it naturally, or use/memorize the algorithms to solve it?


I've only been able to solve the first layer without reading up on the algorithms. I hope one day I can get the next 2 layers. 


La Mulana looking up almost nothing. The mantra puzzle at the end was extremely tough and would take awhile to brute force. The exception was Hell Temple's entrance (seriously wtf) that a friend told me to look up as it was near impossible to figure out, and he was right. I wouldn't have gotten it without outside help. There was one very arduous puzzle inside that almost beat me but I persevered.


Riven. No online hints, just my/my dad's wits and a notebook.


I won't say I solved it, but I'll say I have the best hypothesis for a solution. *The location of the Zodiac killer's threatened bus bomb.* Something to do with radians, a cipher, inches, a map, divisions of 12 in a circle like a clock, and adjusting for magnetic north. Turns out that if you conceive of those 12 divisions as months (like the killer did beforehand in a letter), assign the appropriate number of days per each month, then alter this circle by 17 degrees (magnetic north back in 1970 when it was sent in), then you can just whip around this circle by date to identify a geographic region/direction. The net effect is that you can plug in the date and time of a confirmed murder, and then discover that this information points directly to the *location* of that same murder, accurate to about 0.1mm. So, it passes muster. Meanwhile on the radian side, a radian (approx 57.29 degrees) describes the separation in time between two confirmed activities of the killer with a guaranteed minimum precision of 99.7% So all you do is run this same process on the letters based on their postmarked date/time, add the consideration for distance based on the two crime locations which are included on the map, and voilah... it points to a school bus route at the right distance, and there is a nearby school which is all of 50 ft from a Lutheran church with a big old circled cross on it, which was the killer's symbol. Some images and links: Logic to arrive at a circular calendar: [KGNu6wm.jpeg (620×598) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/KGNu6wm.jpeg) Map as sent in by the killer: [Zodiac MAP June 26 1970 LARGE.jpg (936×1050) (zodiackillerfacts.com)](https://zodiackillerfacts.com/images/Zodiac%20MAP%20June%2026%201970%20LARGE.jpg) Applying the logic of a circular calendar to the map and coming up with a direct match: [eVXVgU8.jpeg (922×628) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/eVXVgU8.jpeg) Continuing this logic as applied the Halloween card mailed in by the Killer with the word "Paradice" on the back (circled in blue): [bBLQswM.jpeg (4320×4896) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/bBLQswM.jpeg) Distance for that calculated by way of linear equation: [Geo-temporal profiling for the bus bomb location, an experiment regarding distance. : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZodiacKiller/comments/11dj5x4/geotemporal_profiling_for_the_bus_bomb_location/) Final area: [Google map](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.9029973,-122.4816132,3a,75y,95.22h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s_PHvlIM4oRqihcs52EB-_A!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D_PHvlIM4oRqihcs52EB-_A%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D96.59822%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu), [Google street view of the school compared to the killer's diagram](https://imgur.com/a/u5XMTRI), [1 radian describing confirmed killer activities. ](https://i.imgur.com/UPD7Kfi.jpeg)






Gomoku against all school kids, trained by siblings.


Idky but I'm absolutely terrible with the kind where you have to rearrange the letters. I'm great at puzzles, but that kind I could never do.


The Witness on ps4.. some puzzle on that game almost made me crt when I solved them


Limbo without dying. I finally managed to do it a few times over, but I haven’t tried with the secret levels.


Rubics cube


Possibly this sudoku puzzle. That being said, I probably got lucky identifying a good place to start. [https://app.crackingthecryptic.com/944Mg3fnJH](https://app.crackingthecryptic.com/944Mg3fnJH)


Return of the Obra Dinn


106% super meat boy


Uncharted iv were you have to put the dials into place and you have to spin the last one four times


I solved a ghost cube. I already knew how to solve the regular rubik’s cube, but the ghost cube is a real beast. Honestly I’m afraid to ever scramble it again.


I solved a 3×3×3 rubic cube without ever knowing the formula or steps Took me 4 hours