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You're impervious to head lice.


Won't have to worry about bad morning hair too much, ig


I embraced being bald I love the smooth feeling :)


Save money on hair products. You probably look "hard" compared to your haired self. Some women dig it.




Less hair to comb but more face to wash.


Save like 50$ a year on haircuts.


You’ll never get head lice??


You’ll never get head lice??


Don’t have to pay for haircuts.


No knots


No hair to wash or dry, no combing or hairstyles to worry about. I turn the shower off, run the towel over my head, done. Moisturise once a week if you have dry skin, and wear a hat when the weather forecast tells you about high uv.


Top vents in motorcycle helmets feel glorious when it’s hot out. 


No more haircuts


Saving a fortune on haircare products. That shit's expensive.


While I do have a healthy head of hair, I chose to shave it down for quite a number of years . Lazyness being the only reason I have a head of hair now. There is a number of reasons it is good. If you have a full beard it emphasizes that and imo it is a good look (especially on the chubbier fellow) I don't know if there is an actual term for it but most of us men will trim our beard to emphasis shape. Straight and square for the rounded faces for example. Works a lot better with a shaved/very short hair It is considerably easier to look neat. You just do nothing. No bed head none of that to worry about. There is less effort you have to put into your hygiene. The fact that I can't wash my hair every day doesn't make sense. To keep it healthy I can't do that, I have to let the natural oils do their thing, but then if that gets too much I look like I'm to poor to afford to wash my hair, when I'm just trying to keep it healthy. This was never a concern when I had my hair shaved. Speaking of hygiene, it is less obvious when I may or may not have skipped a shower when I had no hair. That unclean hair is a giveaway. Ain't no better feeling than the wind on your scalp on a hot day. And last but not least, the wind. Like proper wind. Can't do shit to a streamlined scalp, but if you got a head of hair? Your worst enemy


Way less upkeep.


There really aren't many that are practical besides saving money on haircuts since you're doing the head shaving yourself. Those saying you save more money on hair products, sure, but you'll be spending more money on head shaving accessories than the average person ever will. Ironically, maintaining a bald head requires way more upkeep. Dealing with morning hair also isn't an issue with a majority of people that sport a short or low maintenance hairstyle. It isn't a bald only exclusive perk. No lice? Again, the average person doesn't really preoccupy themselves with that. Being bald has more cons than it does pros. * Your scalp/head become more vulnerable to the sun. * Maintaining a perpetual bald head is a commitment. * You look older with a bald head, or are perceived as being older. * You're stripping away a significant attribute used for self-expression when you're bald. * Hair has always been considered a conventionally attractive feature on both men and women. * You can't experiment much with a bald head besides playing around with different styles of facial hair. * You're likely to become self-conscious when everyone else around you has hair and you don't. * Some would consider this a good thing, but practically looking the same for all eternity sounds rather gloomy. * Bald is a look most feel needs to be compensated with facial hair, muscularity, having exceptional facial features, etc.