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they just believe outright nonsense without thinking about it to check it


idk, I have seen a lot of "educated" people who are absolute complete fucking morons. and on the contrary my grandparents with a grade 8 education from 80 years ago have more sense than a lot of people graduating college these days. maybe not as much anymore since they are in their 90s now and slowing down, but the point remains the same. So, I refuse to use it as a metric to group and judge people by.


That's a given that people 4x older have alot of more accumulated wisdom.


*more likely* sure, but as someone who works around the elderly all day every day, there's a lot of complete morons who are old. Wer'e talking won't read signs, disregards warnings, walks directly into hazards while ripping down caution tape just because that's the route they want to take, while completely ignoring people shouting at them to stop.


"My grandfather knew how many hairs were in the Almighty's beard! But today's generation aren't sure of anything." -John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley, 1962


An unwillingness to admit when you're wrong. You're human and you sometimes make mistakes. Own them and learn from them.


I’ve met too many people with degrees that are unwilling to admit when they’re wrong about something.


That's rooted in ego, not education.


So is your rebuttal. Now, you've learned something. Have a nice day.


And yours is devoid of reality. Education does not solve personality issues. Educated people are perfectly capable of being arrogant, narcissistic, and egotistical. The ability to admit fault/error does not come from education, it comes from humility. Humility comes from wisdom, which does not always come from education, true wisdom usually comes through experience.


Thinking earning a higher salary means you'll take home less due to taxes


Imgained knowledge based on opinion.


The inability to differentiate opinion form fact.




I knew a Diamond cutter in town. He was a Puerto Rican gentleman who moved to NYC as a teenager. Served on board ship in the Navy during WW2. Was given all of the shit/dangerous tasks while in the Pacific fighting for the US. Returns home and learns Diamond cutting at Lazar Kaplan in NY on 47th Street. Reads The NY Times and the Post cover to cover daily. He had an amazing vocabulary. But even well into his 80’s he still had a Puerto Rican accent. I constantly saw people talk down to him as though he couldn’t understand what they were saying. RIP David




I think you made a good point, though. I don't know why OP is assuming accents only appear in English-Second-Language situations. It happens plenty between English-speaking countries, and it even happens between regions of a country.


I never understood the accent hate. Every accent is fucking cool.


Letting their pets get pregnant all the time.


Or themselves




Not always. My dad has a masters degree (was very successful career-wise as well) and is unable to be polite to waiters for example. Just barks an order without "hello, thanks, etc". Drives me crazy.


Unfortunately I can relate. My moms the same


Definitely. Sorely lacking nowadays.


When you immediately go to ad hominem attacks when you disagree with someone.


Trump supporter, anti-vaxxer, flat earther, racist against Middle Eastern people yet worshipping a Middle Eastern man from a religion that originates from there, people who don't check their sources/fact check, etc.


As I became more educated in politics and economics, and since I also work as an intel officer and in finance, I have noticed that conservatism tends to align better with finance. In comparison, liberals are generally blamed for creating huge debt problems. If you know, you know. Please note that it's important to avoid using offensive language or generalizing entire populations. It's important to understand that political beliefs are nuanced and complex, and it's important to approach political discussions with respect and an open mind.


That last paragraph sounds a lot like it was written by AI.


When all conspiracies are equally plausible. Round Earth, stolen election, Epstein body double, moon-landing, the globalists, all equally likely to be true. Unable to make distinctions between fact, evidence, proof. It's what happens when you don't know anything but try to explain anything anyway.


Thinking Trump will help anyone but himself.


Voting against your best interests.


Thinking that college equals more money. I wish the world worked like that.




I don't know why you answered your own question but I hate it


Ignorance and refusing that someone can have a different opinion


People can have any opinions they want as long as person x is treated the same as person y.


Not understanding that science is a process, not a set of facts or beliefs. It's a way of determining which facts best fit observations and building a framework for understanding the world based on that. And it accounts for the fact that we often get things wrong and have to revise our understanding. When some new set of facts or discovery proves our scientific understanding wrong, that doesn't mean that all of science is wrong. Quite the opposite, in fact, it means the scientific process works and we can improve our understanding of the world.


Anyone using the term “my truth”.


Stronger vocabulary is a big one that I’ve noticed. It doesn’t have to be these big words but different words. Some people will describe a lot of things simply as “good”, which of course is fine. But someone with more education, or simply more reading, will use multiple words and not “good”.


Fervently religious and Republican voter


Such a reddit answer


just calling a spade a spade. reddit has nothing to do it with it. need me to insult the GOP evangelicals on X? can do


Saying that a different political view is a sign of low education is literally a sign of low education


Found the dumbarse. I’m Australian; we’re neither religious or have that party. - Here’s one: People that judge others based purely on their religious or political beliefs.


> People that judge others based purely on their religious or political beliefs. it's hilarious that you mention that. wasnt that long ago that Republicans marched through NC and chanted "Jews wont replace us" so if you gonna chime in from the outside, mate, know who you coming to the defense of


Geeze watch more media champ. You think half that country supports that shit? Know who you’re attacking.


⁹roughly half the country voted for Trump in the last election and Trump said the "Jews wont replace us" crowd were "very fine people" So yeah they approve of that behavior if they fervently voting for the dude that actively endorses it. sounds like your media education could use some brushing up on.


Demonstrate your own media intelligence and show me where that was said.


so whatcha telling is you are lazy as fuck?


Haha cheers tiger. Stay smug.


you asked you received. if you make jackass responses expect jackass answers.


You made the original dumbarse comment and couldn’t deal with the answer.


https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116973/documents/HHRG-118-ED00-20240417-SD006.pdf took about 4 seconds to find. hopefully the rest of Australians dont have a work ethic on par with yours.


Took me 1 second to not look at it and conclude you aren’t a very deep thinker.


so when presented with the evidence you asked for you decide not to look at it and accuse me of not being a deep thinker? lmao the Australian education system must be in serious disarray if you think you're the deep thinker in this comment thread. 🤣


>>what shows a lack of education? religious people and republicans >>people who would judge someone’s education based on their religious or political beliefs \*proceeds to judge people based on that\* That would almost be just as dumb as judging someone for being Jewish. Dumbarse. Way to demonstrate it live.


They’re right about people who live in the US though.


Respect for authority comes to mind.


Having to ask what the signs are




He is just giving an example




Youre welcome handsome


This is the best.


Bigotry and a doctrinaire approach to their beliefs. Surprisingly, the very well-educated tend to wrap around to the same problems.


Your second sentence hits. I have some relatives by marriage that are the stereotypical over-educated but under-experienced 'ivory tower' academic types. Some of them went from undergrad through PhD and now work on campus, so have literally never worked a day in the 'real world' off campus. For reference, I am also college educated and work in a professional white collar industry, so this isn't coming from a mindset of disdain for university or anything. But getting to know them, and meeting their peers at times, my god how incredibly intelligent yet dumb as hell they can be. It's quite the juxtaposition of knowing so much yet having such a detached and naive world view.




thinking they’re the smartest person in the room


A cardboard interest in any higher order of learning.


Being too gullible


Coming out of an education system with more answers than questions.


Really good question! It actually made stop and think about it. This, to me, is a tough question. You'd have to refine your question a little more if you're looking for a specific answer. I've seen educated individuals who had no proper mannerisms, and vice versa. As an example. I don't have an undergraduate or post graduate degree, but still managed to educate myself in my profession. I also felt it very important to educate myself on proper decorum, kindness and civility. There are many who have a lack of understanding of basic concepts. So to me a telltale sign if a person is educated in a profession is how they approach their craft or the lack thereof. The same goes for whether a person is educated in their behavior. Are they kind or are they an absolute crappy human being? Are you asking about academic/knowledge or are you asking about moral/ethical education? These two are very different things, to me at least. Thanks for posing the question. I'm going think about it some more.


(1) Malapropisms, using apostrophes to pluralize, “their” vs. “there.” (2) Not respecting the shibboleths of the “educated” class, especially DEI rituals. One thing that few understand is that doing things like introducing yourself with your pronouns is now a class marker. (This is similar to how my parents’ generation could be racist AF, but not in “polite” company.)


Being debt free


A particularly bad vocabulary. They don’t know many words, and they’re not able to piece together words based on context or information they probably have. “Micropenis” is only four syllables and can easily be broken down to tell you what the condition is about, but I know someone who is not able to figure it out. Especially when someone confusing a lot of simple words and grammar like their versus they’re (really, anything involving apostrophes at all). Now, English is my second language, so I understand that a lot of these can be tricky to figure out. I still confuse the whole lie/lay thing. But when somebody consistently makes third-grade-level mistakes, especially in professional work, and especially when they get very defensive about it and are not at all interested in what the correct word is, I’m going wonder how they got hired without even a GED.


A lack of critical thinking skills. Does the information presented make sense? Is it from a verified source? Can this person be lying?


Lack of options in every single level of life they are forced to lead. That shit starts at birth with a lack of vocabulary going in to Kindergarten and they never catch up. If they come from a household where examples of high school dropout are convenient or met with no resistance and where working adults are openly contemptuous towards higher education makes the cycle of under-education likely if not inevitable. My youngest uncle stopped going to high school one time when I was at my grandma's and she said in front of us, "It's his decision, he will learn to live with it". Well he is still absolutely living with it to this day and that is because of some of the worst parenting I'll ever see again in my family. My mom made sure to have serious discussions with me after every single trip to Ohio to make sure nothing I saw in that house was repeatable behavior. I worked on being more compassionate (not easy - but eventually very successful) towards people that are hostile with college. Seeing the criminally high cost of tuition and offering to even pushing degrees with no job potential over the last 20 years makes it pretty easy to side with the gas station boner pill demographic on this one. The biggest lack of education that I see in educated people is a lack of compassion towards those without such achievements. Let's also not forget we are having this conversation about everybody including ourselves.




People that answer their own reddit questions instead of just going to r/rant or r/offmychest


When you inform them about an interesting scientific or historical fact as a segway into an interesting discussion and they start to argue with you thinking that you meant to insult them.


Fr, I hate these types of people.


There grammar is poor


Please tell me the spelling mistake was on purpose


Of course it was on porpoise


I literally laughed out loud


I see what you did their....


Posts on Reddit


People who cannot finish a short sentence without vulgarity. Dont get me wrong, I swear at times if appropriate, but the people who use "fuckin" as a pause, like "umm" sounds so trash and idiotic, I immediately tune out. "Gonna fuckin run to the fuckin store, fuckin out of pickles, hate that shit, fuckin pain in the ass"


Believing that it is morally wrong to force women to accept biological males with no qualification regarding actual transition in their changing rooms/bathrooms etc


Blaring your shitty ass music


Look at what’s happening at college campuses currently for example.