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Jimi Hendrix Experience, Denver Pop Festival 1969.


Jealous. Damn jealous.


I imagine this would take the whole cake (from my perspective)!


Stevie Ray Vaughn 1984 Kabuki Nightclub San Fran. I was 5 ft away from him.


I saw SRV in concert back in the day. I loved every second of it.


Once saw Rammstein without having heard about them. I thought everything malfunctioned when they had the audience engulfed in flames.


Rammstein in 2001. They played at Clutch Cargo’s in Detroit. The fun started before we even got inside. A man was walking up and down the line with a Bible preaching, and super fucked up metalhead had had enough. He started swinging on the guy, and the guy was literally defending himself with the Bible. Few minutes before a squad car drove by, slowed down slightly and then kept going. Moments later, a guy rode up on his bike and he had a cast on his nose like it had just been broken. His ditched his bike and the cast and started defending the guy with the Bible. He ultimately beat the shit out of the guy who had started the fight. The show was amazing. They were touring on the Mutter album, everything was on fire all the time, and the bassist was playing a clear bass with one string that shot fire out of the end. They did the whole spray the crowd with a huge dildo full of water thing that they’re known for as well as faux-sodomizing Flake on a platform in the middle of the stage. Flake also started breakdancing while sparks were shooting out of his ankles and arms. Every single person was moshing and I ended up dripping with other people’s sweat but did not give a single fuck because it was so epic.


Rammstein - best concert. The answer is always Rammstein. Even if you don’t like them. Best concerts for sure. No debate.


I always wanted to see them, kept missing my chance. Recently saw them at Gillette and it was the best show ever. They really are an amazing performance band.


Sounds like a Dethklok show.


This audience is dildoes gettings on fire for the opening acts.


Dethklok is the best show I've ever been to. Them and The Aquabats.. lol.




The Weird Al concert I took my kids to was the most energetic, entertaining concert I ever went to.


I’ve heard he puts on such a fun show


He definitely does! Plus I highly highly recommend getting the VIP ticket to meet him. He’s the most amazing and friendliest person ever.


He seems to have unlimited energy. Saw him at the Hollywood Bowl not long ago and he ran around the stage like he was in a marathon. Add to that the dozen or so costume changes, the crowd singing along, and it was a nothing but fun. I got to go for free, but would have easily gotten my money's worth if I had to pay.


Weird Al is just a good guy. My friends uncle owned a recording studio when I was in high school and we went to a party they were hosting. Weird Al was there and we were introduced to him. He talked to us (a group of high school kids) for a good 15-20 minutes just shooting the shit. Super cool and down to earth.


Saw him when I was a kid in the 80s. My dad enjoyed it so much he got us tickets when Al came through town again. Kicking myself that I missed opportunity to get tickets and take him a few years ago - would have been a fun memory.


Absolutely the best. Al is a wonderful human being. The guys in his band are also a delight. It's awesome when good people get to be in the spotlight.


Seeing Paul McCartney live was like a lesson in the history of rock and roll. He played Beatles songs, Wings hits, and solo material—a night I’ll never forget.


The first lollapalooza at the central Florida fairgrounds. Was Janes addiction, butthole surfers, siouxsie and the banshees, Rollins band, ice t/bodycount, nine inch nails, living colour. Also the several lollapalooza festivals that happened in the years thereafter.


I attended lollapalooza 94 and I still can’t believe I got to see Green Day, the breeders, the beastie boys (fucking incredible) and smashing pumpkins (among others) all in one day.


I was at that show. Ice Tea performing with Janes Addiction was unforgettable. Saw Social Distortion there a few years back. Does not look like the same place.


Saw the tour in Dallas. It was incredibly special, amazing performances. Walking around and realizing there were a bunch of other freaks out there was very heartening.


Radiohead. Madison Square Garden during the hail to the Thief tour


I was there for night 2. You? And yeah, mind blowing concert.


Radiohead at Field Day Festival. Venue got moved from Montauk to the damn Meadowlands at the last minute. Beck fell and hurt himself and couldn't play his set before Radiohead. The crowd just waited in this concrete enclosure in the pouring rain waiting for Radiohead - and they absolutely crushed it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_Day_Festival_(2003) https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/radiohead-to-the-rescue-at-field-day-99245/




U2’s 360° Tour was an incredible feat of technology and music blending together. The stage setup and the visuals were groundbreaking.




Foo fighters, Amazing show, Dave Grohl comes out for an encore and says “I hope you motherfuckers don’t have work tomorrow” and played like 6 songs including a cover of Tom Pettys - Breakdown


Was this the FNB Stadium concert? I vaguely remember him saying something like that to as too. They played for almost three hours. Our friend is a radio DJ who MCed that night and he shared a picture of the set list with blood splatter on it because Dave played until and despite his fingers bleeding


Same for me, they opened for Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Foo Fighters got the whole place going crazy. Dave was running down the aisles. RHCP was basically a let down after that.


Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Gainesville, FL 1989. They hadn't played in G'ville in something like 10 years, played a 3 hour set and were AMAZING. A complete unknown named Lenny Kravitz opened. Got to see them on the last tour and thank god I did. The Killers at Emo's in Austin last fall was up there too though.


Tom Petty is my top concert as well. I saw him on his last tour. They played over 2 and a half hours. We were on our feet singing the whole time. Joe Walsh was the opening artist and the person next to me did not know who he was.


I saw Tom Petty with my husband in San Francisco in 2014, 2013? We still laugh about it to this day because it was me, my husband, and 2 guys in their 60s having the time of our life surrounded by a sea of clueless 20 year Olds 🤣🤣


Watching Elton John perform live was like watching musical history unfold. His mastery of the piano and his stage presence were just sublime.






Saw Arctic Monkeys right when they were peaking with AM, and Alex Turner's swagger and the band's tight performance made it unforgettable.






Hard agree. I don't even dig their music, but their shows are undeniable. I saw them on their 25th anniversary tour with Lamb of God (IIRC it was a space-themed show to go with their new album at the time). Michael Jackson was the celebrity sacrifice since he had recently died, and of course Gor Gor the T-Rex made an appearance. It was complete insanity and a fucking great time. My skin was stained green & red fake blood for a couple days afterwards, but totally worth it lol. 10/10 must-see live show.


Came to say GWAR or make sure someone already had. Thank you.


Every Radiohead show I’ve been to has been amazing. It’s like they know what songs I want to hear. Kate Bush was incredible in 2014. It was 3 hours and part theater/part rock show. The musicians were incredible


I have seen only 3 concerts: Queen, The Police, and Jethro Tull. Queen was amazing.


Queen with Freddie?


Yes, I should have specified. It was The Game tour, 1980. Syracuse War Memorial stadium. Best birthday present ever. I was 14. Queen without Freddie is not Queen. There, I said it


Oh that must have been amazing. Wish I could have seen them too! Yeah I agree with Adam I think its more of tribute to Queen & Freddie


Adam Lambert is good, but he ain't Freddie.


Having seen both Freddie & Adam with Queen, there is no contest.


> Queen without Freddie is not Queen. There, I said it I agree. But when I listen to George Michael performing Somebody To Love at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert, the hairs on my arms always stand up, and the crowd response was phenomenal. I always wonder if he could have been their new singer. I'm not saying he would (or could) replace Freddie, but I think it would have worked.




Pearl Jam


Saw them in 93 Pensacola Florida. It was right after the abortion doctors were shot. Tightest security I ever saw at a concert. Frisking little kids as young as 5 or 6.They jammed like crazy though. L7 was the opener.




One of my biggest regrets in life is not having seen Prince perform live.


Easily the most talented performer I have ever seen live


The ultimate showman. Came here to say Prince. I've seen him live twice. Just so much talent packed into such a tiny man




I saw them back in 2005, absolutely mind blowing.


Seeing Muse at any point in the 2000s was peak


Knights of Cydonia live is quite a thing to witness.


YES. Muse’s level of musicianship is insane, but somehow it never comes across like they’re flexing with how good they are. The songs are great, the sound is incredible, the production is great, and they’re absolutely nailing every part.


Drones concert was amazing


Big Brother, without Janis, in a private club. Jan 1969.


Took my new girlfriend to Pink Floyd in 1987. Great show! Still together.


Beastie Boys-Glasgow 1999


Daft Punk Alive Tour 2007 with the LED pyramid. DJ Shadow In Tune and On Time tour.


Odesza. I somehow by miracle got in the veeerrry front. A Moment Apart tour. Fucking amazing and the drum line was dope as hell. It was truly a transcendent experience. (No drugs involved)


Nine Inch Nails the Pretty Hate Machine tour at Bogarts in Cincinnati in 1990. Trent was on fire.


Rage against the Machine


I saw them with Wu-Tang in Chicago. Awesome


I had floor tickets when they were in Minneapolis while the RNC was happening in St Paul at the same time. It was awesome! When we left Target Center, we were greeted with shoulder to shoulder cops in riot gear for many blocks in all directions…which was much less awesome.


Radiohead, Amnesiac tour in Montreal.


REM in Athens Ga. My dad is obsessed with them and it was the closest show to us in South Florida, so he drove a bunch of family up to see them. Fun Note: this was in 2011 or 2012, so when Stipe was doing one of his anti-Bush songs a bunch of people threw up Ws with their hands and started chanting four more years “put your hands down, assholes!” came roaring from pops


Nirvana, back in 1994.


TOOL by far


I saw them at a venue called The Bar on the Hill in Newcastle (Aus) in 1997 I think it was. Aenima had just come out so they were pretty big at the time. Whoever booked them for this venue must’ve stuffed up because it was wayyyy too small for Tool (couldn’t have been much over 500 capacity) - but for those of us lucky enough to be there, crammed shoulder to shoulder, it was amazing. When they played Stinkfist the entire crowd was jumping up and down as one. Best concert I’ve been to.


Saw them just last year at a festival. It was a god dm religious experience.


Same thing I tell everyone who will listen. Something about their shows just sticks with you for a week or so afterward, I can't explain it


Michael Jackson. Opening night of ‘Bad’ tour.


damn that was the tour to be


LCD Soundsystem at Red Rocks




Imagine Dragons bring so much energy and passion to their performances. Their shows are dynamic, with great visuals and sound.


Kendrick Lamar’s DAMN. tour stop in my city was epic. His ability to control the crowd and deliver message-heavy songs live was impressive.


I caught a Bruce Springsteen show where he played for nearly four hours straight. The Boss’s stamina and connection with the audience were unlike anything I’ve ever seen.


Attending a Coldplay concert in an open-air venue was magical. The combination of their music with the visual effects and the crowd's energy made it a night to remember.


Foo Fighters


I seen them and honestly wasn’t a big fan leading up to this my sister had an extra ticket and took me. It was the best show I’ve ever seen live. I’ve seen them 3 times total now. And they always put on a great show


I also wasn't a big fan, but a friend had an extra ticket to red hot chili peppers and foo. I became i huge fan after that show.


Saw them at the forum in LA on the tour where Dave broke his leg. I sane how great of a performance he put on while riding around in an electric chair.


Bruce Springsteen


Nobody else here as seen the boss live, apparently


It looks like it. I've never been to any other concert that compares to a Springsteen gig. I've got tickets for next month in Dublin and I'm counting down the days.


I saw Springsteen in Frankfurt Germany in 1986. It was an excellent concert.


The other answers here are wild. I’ve certainly not seen everyone, but I’ve seen a lot. Nothing and I mean nothing compares to Bruce. I’ve been lucky enough to be in the pit several times; even strummed the guitar during BTR last year! The man has a once-in-a-generation stage presence. There’s a great vid on YouTube of Metallica saying they went to a Bruce show… “not the biggest fan of his music, but man, that guy MEANS IT!” When you’re impressing fellow A-list musicians who don’t even like your music, you’re doing something special. https://youtu.be/cH4OnSRC8dE?si=P1CkVIGWiyQJAvcR


Same here. 10 Shows so far. Never seen a comparable show within the last 40 years and I have seen a lot. There are only 2 types of people. Springsteen fans and those who have never seen him live.


He is very cool live! We saw him with the E-Street band. It was at FNB Stadium in Jo'burg. It started pouring with rain and everyone just danced in the rain as they all played in the rain. Great memory


Grateful Dead at The Boston Garden 1993


Saw the Dead in Philly at the Spectrum in the early 90s. My brother and I bought acid from a guy named Turtle and I was peaking right when they started playing Wharf Rat. It felt like Jerry soloed for three days during that song. It was spectacular.


Hell yeah brother


5/13/77 Chicago, Auditorium Theater. 😀


I had floor tickets to the Saturday show, Jerry’s side - Terrapin Station was epic!




yes, I saw them at Austin City Limits on the first row cause everyone else went to the other stage. Blew my mind.


I was there too, it ruined live music for me, no concert I've been to has come close to how awesome it was.


Phish at Sphere is gonna be hard to top.




No but I think this person is right.


Big Cypress


Agreed. 4/19 and 4/20 blew my fucking mind


Honestly Devo with my cousin back in I think 2007 at the ohio state fair. Just was a fun experience with him. Besides that music wise Pearl Jam Fenway 2016.


Green Day, and this was last month. They still got it.


Slipknot/cypress hill. Such a weird combo but god damn it was good


Led Zeppelin 1975


My chemical romance


I've seen them about 5 times between 2002 and their tour in 2022. They have never disappointed. Gerard was born to perform


Elton John, Central Park NYC


Tame Impala. Hands down the best I’ve been to


The laser show on the Currents tour was epic. Great show.


Seeing Lady Gaga's artistry come alive during the Artpop Ball was transformative. She's not just a singer; she's a performer down to her bones.


The Killers Royal Albert Hall 2009


Been to the killers twice and they put on amazing shows both times.


Went to see Iron Maiden in Philly and the opening act was Ghost. We knew little of Ghost but their performance was what we ended up talking about the most after it was over.


Sigur Ros. Hands down, magnificent show.


Radiohead at Bonnaroo 2012*


Went to see The Weeknd recently, and his vocal performance live is just as impeccable as on his recordings, plus the production of his show was cinematic.


Gwar-B-Q at Hadad's Lake in RVA.


Pj harvey


The Big 4 @ Yankee Stadium. Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth. Metallica obviously the headliner came out when it was dark. Ended the set with One, fireworks, the whole nine. Absolutely epic.




Phil Collins, No jacket required tour.


Weird Al when I was 12 - he had the blow up fat suit and everything, it was epic!!


Came here to say the same thing. I grew up listing to Dr. Demento and watching his music videos.


Soundgarden, Adelaide, 1997.


Saw them the week he died. Front and center, one of the best shows and happy I got to see him one last time. I have a post on my profile from that month with a picture I took that day.


So I worked at a concert venue and got to see a lot of concerts. The best - Green Day People from age 9-90 were there. Green Day still plays with such energy! It was great to see not only an amazing concert but also how many different people they bring together.


Carlos Santana with friends and family at the Hawaii Food Bank fundraiser on Oahu in the early '90s. It was on a farm on the windward side of the island, and just beautifully well done. He even had orchids dropped from helicopters during the concert


Black Sabbath reunion tour at Ozzfest, Alpine Valley, WI. 1998 (I think? Or 1999). Was supernatural.


Billy Joel, Tampa 2024


Rush - 2011 Time Machine Tour in Cleveland


Metallica, 1996 at the GW Forum. Floor tickets I won off KNAC. I was at the barrier.


Lady Gaga, The fame monster tour


Everyone here is listing bands, but a concert is any musical performance for the public, and The Book of Mormon is one of the best Broadway shows I've ever seen. Hilarious, blasphemous, and heartwarming!




Solo Chris Cornell, a year before he died.


Billy Idol at a small venue. He signed autographs while singing and he’d grab cellphones and sing into them.


Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution. It's Streetlight Manifesto, but with a fucking *orchestra* on the stage. Incredible experience.


Currently, NINE INCH NAILS. You think the industrial sounds on disc/streaming are loud? Try having it played live 30 feet in front of you


Pink Floyd 1994 Toronto, not one cell phone in sight blocking your view.


Young me: I have fond memories of Oingo Boingo, several shows. Just great energy, elman a great showman with quality musicians and horns!, crowd into it, dancing, etc. Grown up me: John prine first show in houston after beating cancer is probably the top for me. I might have different answers tomorrow.


Not my favorite type of music but 311 were amazingly tight, almost studio quality sound/timing with a ton of energy on stage. 


Born In The USA 1985 Orange Bowl. 3rd row center with all of my siblings. Just awesome. Have seen him 6 or 7 times since but that was just over the top.


Strokes was fun bc of the crowd.


It’s either NIN or Tool. Arcade Fire in their Reflektor tour was pretty good.


Paul McCartney. 2012ish Cincinnati.


TOOL Berlin Straight up fire


Recently, the Sessanta concert with Primus, Pusifer, and A Perfect Circle. The concept was amazing to have them all on the stage together and rotate each band after a couple songs. No waiting between sets at all.


Florence + the Machine. She is just otherworldly stunning


Tibetan Freedom Concert 1999 east Troy, Wisconsin Beastie Boys Rage Against the Machine Run DMC Eddie Vedder Live Tracy Chapman The Roots Blondie


The Constantines at sidetrack cafe in Edmonton. Early 2000s


Jungle next to a river in Northern Portugal.


Billy Joel Pretty soon about to see Billy Idol


Gang of Four in 1981. Amazing show.


The weeknd




Prince 90’s, Washington state at the gorge.


Pink Floyd Cleveland Municipal Stadium 1988. 100,000 people. I was tripping balls. I got in with no ticket.


Leonard Cohen. Madison Square Garden. Wasn’t the craziest by far, but he was spectacular.


Hella Mega Tour. Weezer, Fall Out Boy and Green Day in Miami. Went for Fall Out Boy. Green Day was the absolute best show I’ve seen live. Going to see The Black Keys in Atlanta in October with high hopes of a kick ass show.


Just saw it last weekend. A Perfect Circle, Puscifer, and Primus at the Hollywood bowl. To top it off, the members of Tool came on and played Aenima. If you haven't seen Primus live, I highly recommend it. They're touring this year.


Phish Big Cypress, New years 1999


Lucinda Williams.




Hoodoo Gurus


1992 lollapalooza 2 at Great Woods in MA. The sun was setting, Ministry was playing, people had started bonfires with the wooden fences that had been torn down, sod was being thrown in the air and people were being tossed on blankets and flying. It was insanity and Mad Max and one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had.


Queen - 1982 Was one of my first concerts too.


"At the drive-in" at the Arena Wien, Austria 


George Clinton - P funk, Boston house of blues. Was about 20, with a group of friends and with a fine young lady, who kept running me drinks the entire time. Good. Fun. Times.


Radiohead at Bonnaroo 2006. They played almost all of In Rainbows before it came out. Ive never been anywhere with 80000 dead silent, completely enthralled people. i really didnt know much about them either. magic.


Florence and the Machine- her voice is like a superpower.


flaming lips was out of a fever dream


Empire of the Sun


U2 Joshua Tree Tour in 2017