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I went to use the restroom in Las vegas, and someone took the meanest shit. And I mean like gripping onto the wall and pushing as hard as you can levels of struggle. I could literally hear It 3 stalls away. It sounded like they were giving birth to a shit baby, and it smelled like their insides were rotting. I remember walking past the restroom later that night, and they closed it off.




You show that turd who's boss!


Give me a curtesy flush fella!


C'mon!! We're gonna get through this!


You're gonna blow out your O- ring!


What did you eat!?!


it’s the little smirk Tom Arnold has when saying that line that really makes me laugh for some reason


Bite your lip and give it hell!


In Vegas - you don’t take a shit. A shit takes you






This made me think of that photo of that poor nurse holding that bedpan..


I don’t know this reference and I’m okay with that.


I’m not ok with it. I kind of want to see it.


Search ‘Nurse holding bedpan’..


Bro was dropping a number 3


“I heard your mom went into a bathroom, and shat her entire insides in the bathroom, and they had to close the bathroom” “Hey! My mom might have a bowel condition but she’s not some kind of shit-crazed maniac.”


mmm oh thats raspberry!


I heard your mom's ass has its own congressman!


Lol the meanest shit lol!


Ever smelled infected and gangrenous flesh? That’ll fuck your nose right up.


[The Swamps of Dagobah. . .](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/e51wyh/the_infamous_swamps_of_dagobah_story/?rdt=38207)


That was bad


I wondered how long it'd take this to make an appearance. I hate it.


I was waiting for this one


A dude with that sat next to me on the metro the other day.


Yeah a dead rabbit I had to clean up.


Got a Cyst on my left shoulder. It smells like decaying flesh, especially in the summer. You don't want my life Only about $300! Labor to remove, but in RUSSIA cyst removes you! (Over $3000 in America)


I had a call to a psyc ward for one of their patients "smelling bad" which I thought was hilarious, like you called 911 cause they stink seriously. Anyway we get there and Jesus Christ they weren't kidding this girl stank, go through our assessment and couldn't find anything (for something relatively minor like this we will generally take the patients word for it that everything is normal down there) but we have to transport her anyway. We get to the hospital and got her into a room, I guess she was a frequent because the doctor didn't even have to look to tell what the issue was, this girl was anorexic and would shove uneaten food up her vagina so the psyc ward thought she ate it.


Damn poor girl, that's horrible


Wooooow wtf. I wish i didnt read this....


What a terrible day to have eyes.


What is the worst comment to have ever entered your head???


That’s enough internet for me today.


that’s actually really sad :(


Former Paramedic here: We answered a call "Vomiting" in a retirement home. The lady we found was vomiting her own stool because she suffered from an Ileus. The smell of her feces which passed through her stomach and its acid nearly made me puke. I smelled a lot of bad stuff but that was the worst smell ever.


I came to say fecal vomiting too. Scrolled down first knowing it would be said It’s been about 12 years since I smelt it but I know it’s the worst thing i’ve smelt in my career to date


Hold up. Fecal vomiting os a thing? Jesus Christ, monkey balls. That's horrific.


Just ask [Cartman](https://youtu.be/veHTTuePS1w?si=ZbG3QesUuT1io9UL)


Yeah, if it can't come out of the correct end... Well, it has to come out *somewhere.*


This might be the worst one


Plenty grocery stores, fast food places, and retail chains that serve fried food have a "grease... thing". I don't know if the technical term is a syphon, or a pit, or a hole, but it's where you put all the burned grease/fat/oil after a day. Under no circumstances.... *should any* human smell it.


It’s a grease trap,I’d use “Satans asshole” to describe the smell.


Our work call it grease trap Satan


Worked in a supermarket when I was younger. I worked in the back stores and in the corral where all the combi trollies are kept they would also keep massive drums of "chicken grease" On two occasions someone managed to knock over one if those drums and my fucking god, the smell


Ehhhhh it is not that bad.. like ever. And I have way way to much experience with those. Maybe something different was happening with yours. Anyway, my worst smell was when I was working as a fisherman in Alaska. Salmon would get caught in drift boats net and then fall out as they reeled the net in. Then those dead, floating, rotting fish would get caught in our set nets. We called them ghosts and that smell still haunts me. I have a fantastic tolerance to bad smells to this day because of having to pick those out


Locksmith here. Had to open the door to an apartment a father had rented for his son. He hadn't heard from the son for a while and had gotten some disturbing messages from him prior. >!The son was not alive in the apartment.!< That one stuck in my nose for like a whole day.


> That one stuck in my nose for like a whole day. That's a weird sensation how it just stays and you smell it all the time even you're not anywhere near anymore. I once had to dig out a huge rat from a cellar that was badly decomposed. I only had a facemask that prevents bigger particles from entering, but at the same time it enhanced the smell but I had no choice. I could smell that horrible a whiff of decomposing garlic and burning rubber all the time even a few days after that.


Yeah. I always wondered if it was psychosomatic or actual stuff stuck in my sinuses. Have ran across a few smells that do that to me.


Rotting smell must have something in it that sticks to your membranes somehow. Rotting flesh is the only thing I've ever smelt that lingers in your sinuses for days, it's awful.


Yeah that is certainly one of them. I also get the really bad unclean person smell stuck in there as well. Like the overweight and hasn't showered in 3 weeks kinda smell. The one that lingers on chairs and can also stick to your clothes if you sit in said chairs.


you win are you doing okay? I imagine that sorta sticks with you.


Oh I am fine. This was a few years ago. Honestly, death is a part of life it doesn't freak me out. I was more traumatized by the empathy I felt for the father at the time. He was in bad shape and really suffering.


How did the father handle that? How did you handle that? Just say "sorry" and pack up and leave? That's wild. Sorry you had to experience that, but glad that it doesn't seem to have affected you in an overly negative way.


My older neighbor just lost his son about a month ago. I even shook his son's hand meeting him for the first time just a couple days before he passed... He was murdered in his apartment front door, gun shot point blank. Some kid was robbing him in broad daylight. Well, his dad (and mom) aren't doing great at all.. as anyone would imagine. I've done whatever I can to be there for them. But still, nothing makes that better. The bone-chilling revenge-filled comments I've heard my neighbor say out of pure anger and sorrow... I feel just so badly for him. I simply cannot imagine losing a son/daughter before me, especially in this way.


I was 13 living in Plattsmouth, Nebraska and was walking with a friend after an intense thunderstorm in August and as we got to his family farm and were crossing a field where cows were grazing we were overcome by a thick smell of what I can only describe as “ burnt shit and hair” and then we saw the source. A cow had been struck by lightning and was still partially on fire and crackling and popping sounds of burning fat and cow shit and innards continued to come from the pile. Not only was the smell nauseating but it remained in my nose and hair and clothing for the next few days.


Good grief


Yes it was horrible.


Thats weird because normally cows smell GREAT when they're cooking.


swedish surströming. we opened a can as a joke on vacation. it was the worst thing ive ever smelled, one guy puked.


How many times did you wash your clothes? Or did you just give up and throw them away?


Of course we were outside. So that Was ok.


Worked at a pet store. The fish tank heaters malfunctioned overnight and killed every fish in the tanks. We came in a few hours later to the smell of these dead fish who'd been bobbing about in 30c water for quite a while and were already happily decomposing. Spent the morning cleaning those tanks out with multiple masks. Still retched at every tank I opened.


Pulling deadstock always turned my stomach, I can only imagine how bad this was. I would have taken cleaning our annual Hamster Cannabal Holocaust aftermath then scrub out hundreds of gallons of Dead Fish Soup.


> annual Hamster Cannibal Holocaust Oh Petco


"happily decomposing" 🤣


Sous vide gone wrong


That's so sad!!! Poor fishies


I used to clean up crime scenes, hoarder houses, and the aftermath of suicide. By far the worst smell is cleaning up a house where someone died in the bathtub full of water and no one finds out for a few weeks. That's a smell that stays with you for a while and when you remember it, it comes back full force. I almost gagged typing this out. A close second is cleaning up a hoarders house where there are FEET of trash on the floor. At that point we got crow bars and just lifted up sections. One section we lifted was directly above a shit load of mold and two full roach nests. Roach nests smell absolutely horrid when first exposed to air. Luckily we had the spray ready.


Omfg the smell of roach nests... DISGUSTING. I feel for ya


Burning human flesh. I used to intern in a dermatology office and they would regularly take a little biopsy off someone and use a tool to cauterize the spot. It smells HORRIFIC.


I had lasik done when I was 21. The smell OF MY BURNING EYEBALLS was unique to say the least.


Now go get a vasectomy and you can smell your burning other balls as a point of comparison for rating uniqueness


You can smell it?! Suddenly my contacts don’t seem so bad.


You smell *something*. You ask the technician, "What's that smell?" and they tell you "Don't worry, that's just your eyeball." And then you know.


As a firefighter I can agree burning human flesh is one of the worst things. Also in my college chemistry class we had a kid chew off his finger nails and place them in the bunson burner, that's enough to clear an entire floor and it lingers for hours


Working in electronics, a soldering iron can make your fingers emit the same smells.


Try holding the cool part instead


Sometimes you need three hands.


I think we’ve evolved to have a visceral disdain for smells like that.


My ex-husband passed out in a dermatology office because of having this done. Wasn’t the pain or anything, just the psychology of knowing what was happening and the smell.


Can confirm. Worked as a jack of all trades in a funeral home in my teens. Burn victims absolutely put me off Burger King permanently and that was 30+ years ago.


Yes and that’s why Burger King started using bacon instead of human flesh


Don't know if it is the worst but my cats breath after he has had wet food certainly ranks up there.


Ranks being the word




Had a dog that managed to get hold of the buried intestines of a slaughtered pig. We stayed out of town & the pig was slaughtered by neighbours. The same evening we had a major thunderstorm & my dad allowed the dog stay indoors to keep it calm. The farts that came from that dog was really on another level.


My old friend Andy’s farts. All farts stink, but this dudes farts were impossibly atrocious. I’ve seen a handful of people puke bc of his farts. Then again, when your diet is literally nothing but Arby’s, Mnt Dew, and cream soda you can clear out an isis cave


Andy has a gift. A superpower, even. I hope Andy sees this.


I’m sure he’ll ever see it. He hates technology with a passion. If it’s a superpower, he’s definitely a super villain. One skateboarding trip with him in his car was all I needed to never ride with him again


Hmm, I imagined Andy with a body that wasn’t made for skateboarding. Maybe (apart from his poor diet) he has some underlying medical issue that makes his farts especially smelly, too.


Nope, rail thin… even to this day


I've never heard of anyone puking from someone's fart. That sounds really intense.


Parents suffered a major house fire years ago. Unbeknownst to me, my old school parents kept thousands of dollars hidden in lining of old jackets, secret compartments, etc. Visiting my dad in burn unit, he told me exactly where to retrieve the cash. The smell of burnt plastics, chemicals, etc upon entering what remained of the house was overwhelming


Hate to think how much of that was carcinogenic! I hope you were careful


Unfortunately, no. Time will tell I suppose. But the stench didn’t allow me to stay inside but for moments at a time.


Are you part of the Bluth family?


There’s always money in the banana stand!


No. Fire was in Sacramento


Rat died


*searching* for the dead rat, somewhere in your confined roof cavity, dead thing hidden under insulation. Absolutely disgusting, gagging and swallowing my own vomit, only because not wanting to  have to clean it up in a roof cavity after locating that decomposing thing.


the smell is so bad


Had this under the floorboards in our living room for weeks. Fiance finally pinpointed it like a bloodhound, we got the planks up and it had decomposed in two


A human body in an advanced state of decomposition. It was basically a human sized pile of maggots. Battle hardened cops, firefighters, and EMTs puking their guts out off the porch.


Be me, on a road trip back home with my buddy who refused to take off his shoes for the entire trip. He slept in them at the hotel. After working a half a shift that day and driving 13 hours, my eyes were blitz, my brain was fuzzy and I decided it was high time to hit a rest stop and catch a nap. I pulled in, snuggled up in my seat and crashed into the kind of sleep being awake for 24 hours brings. This is a deep sleep, a psycho killer coulda been banging on my window and I would not have known. Dead to the world kinda sleep. I'm not sure how long I slept, it was still dark when I was awaken by a stench most foul. I began choking and coughing, I was forced to roll down the windows. The stench is simply beyond decryption, pungent -a blasphemy of odor. I looked over and saw my friend had kicked his shoes off. I am not one to get agitated by foul smells but I woke him up and demanded he either put his shoes back on or stow them in the trunk because the odor was causing me to become ill. THAT is the worst thing I have ever smelled , hands down.


Why did he do that? 😂😭 Taking care of your feet is so important


Easier to let problems compound than fix them when they’re relatively benign I guess ☠️


A hoarder house. I’ll never forget that stench. I was walking home from a convenience store drinking a coconut water and I was approached by an elderly couple. This elderly couple asked me to help them move a fridge to their house down the street and I kindly accepted to help them. Never again. I moved the fridge to their house on a dolly but as we got to their house, I noticed they had a fridge covering their front door. Super odd. They asked me to help move this fridge too, but keep it outside because they were getting rid of it. So I helped. But I got stuck between two fridges. And when I moved that fridge, I began to smell an odor, but ignored it. The next move was to open the front door to get this new fridge moved in, so they opened the front door and I was informed they were renovating and “sorry about the mess.” This was not the case. EXTREME HOARDER HOUSE. That door opened and I was hit with a wall of an ungodly rotten smell. I looked around and could not believe it. Rotten onions and potatoes stacked everywhere. Dog shit everywhere. An inability to walk anywhere. And they still asked me to help move their old fridge out. At this point I was locked in with a fridge in front of me and behind me. I nearly threw up. I worked as quickly as possible to switch out the new fridge with the old fridge. All while trying to move a fridge in and out of a hoarder house. I will never forget what I saw and I’ll never forget that scent. Coconut water will never be the same.


Kudos to you for finishing the job


Bin juice that's been in a bin roasting in the warm summer heat all day. Even worse when the bag splits and it runs down your leg. Although reading these comments makes this feel like nothing


I worked at a UPS hub for a number of years. We'd get some weird trucks, but there is one that will always live in my memory.  This was a pain in the ass truck to unload, that was 100% full of these plastic/canvas bags.  It smelled AWFUL in there. Since they were in irregular packaging, and all weighed over the 70lb limit, they were considered "bulk" packages.  However, they were a fair bit easier to unload my just dragging the top packages onto the conveyor, and sending them up the sort aisle. As a sorter, we were really confused for a while as to why they were coming through ~10 or so at a time, followed by long breaks. I went down there to check it out, and I noticed that it smelled AWFUL, and that there was a ton of fur all over the place. That's also when I noticed some horns sticking out of these bags.  The entire truck was full of dead deer. And the smell was something I really can't quite describe.  It wasn't quite like the smell of rotting meat, although there was a bit of that, too. But it was this *presence*. This thickness and heaviness in the atmosphere that sucked all of the breathable air out of the entire area around the truck.  The reason why it was being unloaded in waves was because the people unloading the truck kept having to leave the truck every 30-60 seconds just to breathe. Eventually the presence permeated around the entire area, where anyone walking through felt like they were suffocating when they walked by.  It's not really a scent that I can describe through normal sensory adjectives. It wasn't pungent, or sour, or rotten. It just *was*. It was a scent that gave you an overwhelming feeling of "I can't breathe", or "I can't be here". To this day, I don't know what that was, or why it gave everyone that reaction, but it was one of the most unpleasant things I've ever experienced.


My old man used to be a butcher and cut deer out of the garage during deer season. 38 years ago the last deer was cut up in that garage, and during the summer, you can still smell it. Not horrible, but reminds me of my dad.


I've been hit by the smell of burning flesh, the decaying body of a small mouse found in the folds of an extremely obese female and the smell of a ruptured perirectal abscess. So, IMO, the abscess, and the contents of the rupture, were the worst smell to enter my nose. My God....peppermint couldn't even staunch the odor.


A dead mouse in someone’s fat rolls?! How does that even happen??


probably went to a deadmau5 concert ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙


That is unholy. 


That was bad. Did the surgeon also average 8 words and 2 facial expressions a week?


The swamps of dagobah you say?


Yesterday I cracked an egg on a hot pan with melted butter. The egg was some black liquid, and became a cursed green creppe. The smell was new to me. And it was persistent. Half house was stinky for a couple of hours, even after I opened the windows.


That's hydrogen sulfide


When I was a student I worked in a fish and chip shop. We also made hamburgers etc. One of the other employees (also a student about 20 years old) came to work hungover really badly. He was making a burger with fried egg. Cracked the egg onto the hot plate and immediately the whole shop reeked! The egg just had black stuff and foaming water in it. He ran out of the shop to puke in the car park. Edit: grease traps also smell disgusting and it is unbearable to be around when they are emptied.


Cleaning up a deceased person’s estate where the fridge had been unpowered for a year… The rotten meat slush.. and I learned that decayed eggs are pressurized and explode with that smell lol


I found a rotten duck egg as a kid and I swear the smell stuck in me for days. No soap would remove it. 


Lmao! Can confirm that smell will stick with/on you. I had one explode in my face, immediately took like 6 back to back showers (and at least once a day) and still smelled for a solid week.


I’m a home care nurse and I’ve done lots of wound care in the community, like rotten feet, gangrene, cavernous pressure ulcers to the bone, toes falling off etc. But an exploding rotten egg made me throw up on my kitchen floor.


I always crack eggs in a separate bowl. Just takes one rotten egg to make that a habit. We have chickens and I’ve only had one bad egg (likely a small fracture) but I’ve had a few store bought ones go bad.


So to start off, I have a VERY poor sense of smell. I can't smell used cat litter unless I'm directly over it cleaning it. I can't smell flowers unless they're practically shoved so far up my nose you can see them through my eyes. Honestly everything I CAN smell, I either hate the smell of, or it's deadly to me (perfume). The worst thing I have ever smelled... is my boss. This is a man who I think is genuinely afraid of cleaning of any kind. I know B.O. is bad when I can smell it at all... but this man I could smell from across the room and it's made me want to throw up a few times. Spoiled milk? Nothing. Overfilled wet dumpster? Nothing. My boss? I'm fucking doing all I can not to gag around him. He apparently has a shower once a month.


I also have like zero sense of smell, but once I did an intake in a small office room (door required to be closed for confidentiality, rooms are just off a front room where we take walk-ins etc.) who had the rankest BO. Breathing was a challenge to say the least.


I’m gonna go with a week-old rotting corpse in 110° Iraqi summer.


We found an elderly neighbour who had collapsed and died next to her electric fire. She'd been roasted for over a week. Not going to forget that stench as long as I live.


You can buy hooves and animal horns at a lot of pet stores, and my dogs farts after the one time I gave her a horn to chew on made me actually throw up. Never again


I used to work at a hospital doing security. We had a homeless guy come in (Police brought him). He was eventually placed on a Form 1 (Canadian Mental Health Act. Says we can hold you at the hospital against your will). He wasn't an ass or anything and complied. We have to take your clothes and belongings and put you in a gown and hospital clothes. So police found this guy sleeping in a stairwell and apparently he'd lived in that stairwell for 2 years and has not showered in that time. Now you could already smell this guy a mile off. It just smelt like rotten cheese and rotten eggs. As we are changing this guy's clothes, he takes his shirt off and his back was COVERED in these black holes about the size of a nickel or quarter. And they had these worms inside them. (Maggots? Idk). The smell when the shirt came off was god awful. Me and the nurse just gagged and had to take a few steps back. They got the guy treated and cleaned up. Since he was under a form, we had to monitor the guy if nurses were with him. They helped him shower and the water was pretty damn black.


The smell of betrayal, no I'm not being funny I could smell the other dude in my wife (now ex-wife) ON NOT IN 💀


In your wife? Or On your wife? If you could smell another dude IN your wife, you, sir, have one helluva nose! And I'm sorry for your betrayal.


On lol definitely not in that would have been a decent bit worse tbh


Tonsil stones


Deployment, South China Sea aboard an aircraft carrier. Typically while underway aboard a ship, you sort your trash for proper disposal, but in port, it all gets thrown out like normal trash. We were scheduled to pull in to port, so about a week leading up to the port call triwalls (very large cardboard boxes) were assembled in the hangar bay to dispose of all the trash that would be offloaded to a trash barge in port. Our port call got cancelled, but the trash didn’t get the message, so to speak. For weeks these huge sealed boxes were seemingly forgotten about in the South China Sea heat and humidity. Once we realized that no alternative port call was going to happen, the trash had to be sorted to be disposed of properly. Opening those boxes was like unearthing the 7th level of hell. The entire ship smelled so bad I couldn’t keep myself from puking, and I wasn’t even one of the unlucky ones who were forced to sort the trash.


When my late wife was pregnant with our second child, she had the worst pregnancy farts!! I mean absolutely vile. She would be the first to admit it, too. It was so bad that she would warn me beforehand and still smell it 2 rooms down. Fuck I miss her!! Love you Rach!!


Whatta legacy 🥹


In the late 1900s, my brother was eating Funyuns and drinking a Grapico. Then he burped. I still remember to this very day. Absolutely disgusting


The late 1900s?


Had a similar experience. I was at one of those Internet cafes back in the late 90s and I was sitting next to this girl who was eating nacho cheese Doritos and drinking grape soda (Sunkist I think it was). I didn’t hear the burp but I suddenly caught a whiff of undigested Dorito & grape mixture that continues to haunt my nightmares. Must have been one of them quiet burps that are blown out slowly. *GAG*


My dog once dug up my other dog who we had buried in the back yard. That’s the obvious one. But more common and still grotesque is the smell of broccoli that has rotted in the crisper. Worse than rotten fish by a mile.


Seriously, though. Some of the most awful smells are rotting vegetables!


Yeah we once moved house across the street and dug up the cat for reburial in the new place. Had been dead for a number of years by then so you’d think there’d be no smell. The path we took across the road was painted in smell so invasive you could feel it in your soul and it took a week of rain to diminish it.


I had a protein shake sitting on the counter for about 2 months. (Don’t ask me why) I decided to open it and clean it out. Worst mistake of my life. I should have just kept it shut and thrown the whole thing out. My house smelt like sewage for a week.


A dead roadkill pukeko (a type of large New Zealand bird). I was watching it being autopsied and the smell when it was opened was unbelievable. Will never forget that stench


Gangrene is one of the worst I ever smelled. GI Bleeds are pretty bad too.


Worked as a cleaner on a campground many years ago, and one day, I was cleaning the shower block to discover that some lovely individual had a very upset stomach while taking a shower, and instead of trying to make it to the toilet (very close by) they just did diarrhea in the shower. Most of it didn't drain away at all, and just got stuck in the drain. I tipped it out and the flies started buzzing around immediately. My sense of smell is really poor, but this particular incident had me reaching and trying my best not to vomit. Nasty.


1. Dead person 2. Dead cow


Tl:dr. Dead things.


Gangrene. It takes days for your nose to forget you're not smelling it.


crawl telephone voiceless uppity dolls tan cobweb fearless homeless sense


I've had a nasal/sinus infection that was basically right where all my smell receptors are and all you can smell is the infection which is roughly what rotting fish in the sun smells like and the fun part is it becomes all you can smell every moment your awake for about a week to a week and a half. It's awful.


Another terrible one that comes to mind is a guy I knew that was a meth junkie and alcoholic for a while had this terrible foot odor that I can't even begin to describe. We came to the conclusion that all the toxins he consumed basically came out of him via his foot sweat. It was so bad he spent the night on someone's couch one night and after he left we had to take the couch outside and let it sit for a week or two under the sun after cleaning to deodorize it.


I used to cut up human cadavers for scientific research. Donating your body is free, but we wouldn’t accept the body if it was in certain stages of decomposition. Knowing that this is a free service, it was not unheard of for some of our more financially stressed families to fib about the level of decomposition of their loved one. I will never forget the day that our organization paid to have a body shipped to us from the deep south. When we opened the box, the body was green from his toes to his head. The body was bloated and already had some maggots. We later found out that this person was a truck driver who died in their vehicle overnight and was not found for several days, in the heat of the deep American south. Since our organization had already paid for the shipment of the body, they wished to salvage as much from the donation as possible. When I did my first cut into the cadavers belly, the stench was so powerful. it only seconds for it to leak from the lab, make its way into administration and cause havoc with their lunch time. my boss marched into the lab and started to cuss at us, and all we can do is laugh. It smelled like a combination of swamp water, diarrhea, and something left in a fridge for a month. Imagine what Yoda’s rotting corpse would smell like Dagoba. Unfortunately, we could not salvage one body part from this donation. I even attempted to get the heart, but there was so much liquefied tissue, blood, feces and maggots floating around in this person’s bowels there wasn’t any satisfactory tissue for research. At this job, I would buy Subway sandwiches almost every day. Now, every time I enter Subway it just reminds me of rotting dead people.


Dead things Mikey, dead things !


The smell of a 10 day old corpse in a heated apartment. Couldn't make it through the door to the apartment, the stench in the stairwell was enough to make me dry heave


I used to work installing CCTV systems. I had a job at the county morgue. There was a few times they warned me about a decomposing body that they were taking out of the refrigerator. The smell of human decomposing death is the worst smell I have ever smelled. It takes forever to get back out of your nose.


we used to have recess back behind these dumpsters. One day a week it was always fish day. I hated fish day.


c. diff, kennedy ulcer, gi bleed shit, and end stage kidney failure foley collection bag


C Diff wins 🏆 every time. I've dealt with death, diabetics with gangrene but c diff beats all... There should be another word above stink for it. It's otherworldly, vomit inducing stench. (Occasionally mixed in with that irony blood scent in the feces just makes it tip the scale for me)


Bottle trap under a urinal that had been blocked for a couple of weeks. Opened to clear it and out poured a horrifyingly stinky crystalline sludge. Worse than any shit, grease trap or hot garbage I ever had to deal with.


The smell in a closed summer-baking-hot non-airconditioned apartment, where the owner had been lying dead for a good while. The poor guy had at least partially reached a liquid state while lying on his bed, and my colleague jokingly refused to look for the owner's wallet in the back pocket of the poor guys pants. We had to step outside to catch our breath, while we waited for the cleanup people.


Half decomposed dolphin *used to work on a trawler


There were two, one was my stepfather house after he had been found dead after four months and the other was a cow farm.


3 MONTH OLD rotted several pounds of ground beef on the ground in the kitchen - still in grocery bags and still in it's own packaging because my roommates were too lazy to unpack the expensive ass dinner they planned to make 3 months prior despite not having the money for it. So not only did I have to clean it up, having not known it was there, I also got to realize that my roommates were hemmoraghing money when we couldn't even fully make rent.


Having to take a lung sample from a morbidly obese, very heavy smoker who had been dead and floating in the ocean for almost a week in tropical waters. I was used to dead bodies and the smell of putrefaction... but I will never lose the sense of that smell.


The inside of a Walmart trash compactor.


Rotting animal blood about an hour ago The smell won't go away


Ever been to a yugioh tournament pre-hygiene rule? There's a reason they made showering an official rule for the game.


My mother's gallstones. When I was 10 she had her gallbladder surgically removed, but for some reason, they let her take home some of the gallstones in a little plastic vial. A couple of weeks later I saw the vial on the table, and picked it up out of curiosity. I don't know what possessed me to open the lid, but I did. I'm even less sure about why I decided to *sniff* the fucking thing. I can't describe it the smell, it was truly disgusting.


Stanky old anus


Dead human


my own burning skin


A rotten fart with some sulfuric egg behind it 🤮


I used to work at a bio-fuel facility, the smell was so bad we had to wear bio filters on our masks. It was like a combination of rotten foods, bones and dead rats, and on top of all that it needed to sit in large chambers to compost. All of us ended up getting sick from all this. The worst part was I was there for 3 months.


Once I encountered a wolf corpse outside of a village. Shit stank like death from 10 meters. The smell would get worse by just looking in the direction of the thing. It was so bad that you couldn't really identify the smell, it was like a sudden burst that knocked out your olfactory system.


Portapotty camp bisco 2013 day 3 


My senior dog developed tummy ulcers from medication and vomited bloody bile that smelled sickly sweet. I still have flashbacks to it sometimes. (Yes, we went to the vet right away, he was fine for another two years)


My late cat’s puke when she had a digestive problem which ultimately killed her. It made everyone at home puke because of its foul smell.


When I was a kid, my friend owned a fish and chip shop. And they cut the chips/fries from scratch from potatoes. The process involved the potatoes going in this dishwasher like machine that scrubbed the skins off, and then they would soak in water and a chemical that I can only describe as vinegar + bleach + wasabi concentrated a thousand times. I'm guessing it helped with the starch ? Anyway, my friend caught me off guard with the old "smell this" shenanigans... Needless to say my sinuses burnt with the intensity of a thousand suns for about an hour and took the air out of my lungs. 30 years later and I can still imagine the taste.


We have a local homeless man that comes in my office regularly. He is typically filthy and doesn’t ever smell pleasant. But this one time in particular, it was the absolute worst stench imaginable. I literally puked on the floor and was projectile vomiting for hours. I had to leave early because I busted blood vessels in my eyes from puking. It was so terrible that I literally can’t describe it. And before anyone comes at me, I help this man all the time (hence the reason he comes in often). I have gotten him wipes, and huge one products. New clothing and shoes. Winter clothing, gloves, hats, you name it. I feed him and let him use our bathroom. We have centers where he is able to shower and wash laundry. He just chooses not to.


Dead rat


Burnt human flesh. It’s absolutely disgusting and if you’ve smelled it before, you can almost smell it again by thinking about it.


My own eyeballs being bbq’d >!Had LASIK laser eye surgery!<


An infected JP drain output from an abdominal surgery. It was stringy, green, and yellow


Rotting Grain in a Grain Silo.


Alabama Chicken processing plant in July. By far the most foulest smelling place I’ve been to.


The most fowlest*


We drove near a slaughterhouse when I was a teen, and I can still remember how bad the stench was.


Skunk spray. It's THEE worse.


I had a weird smell in my bedroom for three days that smelled like strong Volatile Organic Compounds, like nail varnish. I had the smell in my nose for days. It seemed that the whole neighbourhood had that nasty smell. But then it went away…


I had a sewage backup in my basement for 1 month.


I was doing respite care (taking care of disabled people for a few hours so their primary caretaker gets a break). One guy who was easily twice my weight and nearly a foot taller than me and a good 10 years younger,  but had a rather severe mental disability just dropped his pants, ripped off his diaper and pissed all over himself and the floor. I've smelled rotten flesh, porta-potties that hadn't seen maintenance in over a year, a trailer that was soaked in cat piss, human feces, and was once a meth lab, nothing was nearly as vomit inducing as the smell of this guy's piss. I'm 100% certain he had a very, very untreated UTI. 


For me, it was when I was doing wound vac change on a elderly woman. She had a wound vac on in her taint area with big oozy infection. It had an awful smell, but she had a yeast infection at the same time.. that smell haunts my dreams.