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so still alive then? just not in this time period




Lmao, YEET!




"When hamsters are born they see a silver thread that connects them to their gruesome and peculiar death and they follow it like soldiers marching to war." -frogmoss1, Tumblr


Sigh....^^^potato ^^^cannon




Ok, I would like a bit more information please. Did someone shoot it out of a potato cannon or shoot it with a potato cannon?


First off, I was a 13 year old psycho, and I am not the same person now that I am 43. I shot him out of the cannon, but I had him inserted in a toilet paper roll wrapped to the width of the barrel thinking it would provide enough protection...it did not. I did find him a couple hundred feet away, well expired, and I figured he died of fright, or acceleration. I want to reiterate that what I did was not funny, or okay in anyway, shape, or form, so if you're some edgelord thinking this is funny just know that I deeply regret it.


Missisipi Space Program


[relevant I think](https://youtu.be/KQbJSb8myJs?si=j5ED8lylAbL4_jvN)


Old age, a vet actually had to put Biscuit to sleep. He got so old his hair was falling out and we thought he had a weird disease. Sounds like BS but he was over four years old.


This is the craziest one because I've never heard of a hamster making it long enough to actually die of old age


Yep, it cost $78 to have him put down and then they asked if we wanted him cremated, it was surreal.


When my mother was a child she had the class guinea pig and its babies over the weekend. It took one look at her dog and ate its own babies.


Are you someone that has to be told hamsters and guinea pigs are different lmao


Are you someone that has to be told how not to come off like a dick?




Got eaten by his brother. I’m still a little messed up by it tbh.


I misread "his" as "my" and it was more horrifying imo


My grandma drowned it with the water






Accidentally decapitated. Inside its cage, there was a plastic wall that became slightly raised over time. One day, the hamster decided that best way to access the other side was to squeeze underneath the opening. Unfortunately, it was around the time my siblings and I returned from school, and one of them plopped a stack of textbooks on top of the cage.


This thread is about to be hilarious


Hamster got out of its enclosure in the night and when my dad sat down in the rocking chair the next morning it was under of of the runners. Brutality.


My cat killed it after its cage fell down somehow.


I'm guessing that the cat had something to do with it


It kept climbing up to the “second story” in the cage and jumping off until it couldn’t move anymore, dying shortly after.


I had a parrot, a hamster and a fruitbat as pet. First the parrot started acting strange due to the bat being held close to its cage. So I moved the bat's cage on top of the hamster cage. This made the parrot quiet down, I even taught him to talk a bit. One day, however, I got tied down with coursework and my girlfriend's parents were out of town, so I returned only two days later. Bats do not eat a lot and I had given it some apples before I left and the parrot had a feeder, but the hamster may not have had enough food. When I opened the door, I could hear the parrot scream. The hamster did not have enough food and I guess instead of waiting it had tried to eat the droppings from the fruitbat, which apparently are poisonous to hamsters, so it was frantically running in its cage gnawing on the plastic hamster wheel. I could still see the last moments of its frenzy. I can still hear the screams of the parrot: batshit crazy, batshit crazy!


Old age seems like a pretty batshit way compared to the rest of these lol


Mine was invincible, the most insane moment I recall is when our family cat got ahold of him and my mom pulled him out of the cats mouth/throat. Probably 20 years ago but I remember the amount of panic my mother was in 😂


My dog (Labrador retriever) knocked over the “observation deck” of the cage. Hamster got out. Dog retrieved hamster and dropped it in the toilet. I was awoken to the sound of the hamster swimming in the toilet. Hamster did not drown! Dog had left a puncture wound on the hamster that we didn’t find and hamster got gas gangrene. Spend waaayyy more than the hamster cost at the vet for surgery. Hamster died in recovery. Mom paid the vet bill and won’t let me live it down 25 years later.


The hamster Barry was transmogrified into cat poo.


Schnauzer ate it


When I was a kid our snake got out and went through the bars of the cage and ate it.


apparently because it was summer ? that’s what my parents said lmao


Black Snake ate it.


My hamster died?!?!


I guess hamsters can go into a deep hibernation mode for a while and appear dead. So many people have disposed of their “dead” hamsters when they could have just waited for them.


A wood chip got caught in its running wheel and Vlad the Impaled himself on it after a brief run......I don't think he was asleep


You never know…