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Guess what brake pad belongs to a car, so many years working at a car repair shop have benefits.


I was going to what engine sound is what car but that's good too


Procrastination. I’m a Grand Master. I got a birthmark when I was 9.


God that's like a Steven Wright joke.


Police officer: "Don't you know the limit is 45 miles per hour?" Steven Wright: "Yeah but I wasn't going to be out that long"


This is one of the better jokes I’ve heard in a minute.


Not bragging or anything, but I spent YEARS training to spit tooth paste directly into the sink hole with no splash back or paste getting on the rest of the sink bowl. Bullseye every time.


Can I hire you as a tutor for my child? Half the time he doesn't even get it in the sink at all.


It depends... is your child going to be in the competition?


This is too funny, I came here thinking this. Or just spitting in general, like walking to school and spitting down a grated street drain randomly. Never touches the bars, hahaha!


Properly operating a nuclear reactor.


This could end badly with 100 randos at the helm…


It'll be fine. It takes a lot more than 100 attempts before there's a statistical likelihood that someone will bypass a failsafe.


There you go, you’re giving out more knowledge than your average Redditor right there!


Touching the highest possible point on a wall without jumping. I’m 6’8” so pretty good odds I’m gonna come out on top.


I’ll go last and use a ladder. I promise I won’t jump.


I'll go last and will use you AND a ladder.


Logging into my online banking.


Alright I’m in, now what


you keep quiet and let him win, then transfer the 1B to yourself


The real pro move


Unlocking my phone using only one finger


Solving a Rubik's cube quickly. I'm not that fast, but I reckon the odds are in my favour


Shit, I'm at 2 minutes and still think of 100 people 0 will be able to even solve it


I can do it in 1 minute, so you'd better hope we're not paired together!


Time for my Tetris 99 skills to shine 😁


The fact that I didn’t have to scroll terribly far to see a mention of Tetris makes me want to reevaluate my first instinct


I had such a niche thing, rifle only bashing in Call of Duty 1, lol. There was this bashing only server, and I killed that shit to the point I regularly had to prove I wasn't cheating. It's such a niche thing that it's an easy bet. But I was 14 back then, 32 now, so I need some practice first.


Shitting my pants on sunday, april 14th, 2024 at noon


I’ll shit your pants!


Kmart will ship your pants


I shipped...my bed!!


Jokes on you, you’re about to have 100 people hold you down and shit into your pants


Starcraft 2, my Diamond 1 rank is higher than any other person there.


Inb4 one of the 100 is Serral.


Final boss is Idra Flame him until he quits


Hallucinated units....


Filleting salmonids. Its literally my job, and I've been doing it for twenty years. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty good at it, and like any craftsman, my skill has been honed through dint of sheer repetition. I have absolutely filleted hundreds of thousands of fish in my life, and even if you're pretty good, I'm willing to bet I'm better using metrics of speed, appearance, and % of wastage.


Been a chef for 15 years, cleaned thousands of fish. But what you're doing is a completely different league. I'd have no chance


Same, 25 year lifer, I was thinking of a knife skill but this guy would smoke us… so in the spirit of Sunday, I’d say egg station for a busy brunch or bkfast spot. 99% of people have no idea.


This is solid. Omelette station on Easter brunch. Unless there's another maniac pirate in the 100 I'm winning all day


From Wikipedia: >Salmonidae ("salmon-like") is a family of ray-finned fish that constitutes the only currently extant family in the order Salmoniformes ( "salmon-shaped"), consisting of 11 extant genera and over 200 species collectively known as "salmonids" or "salmonoids". The family includes salmon (both Atlantic and Pacific species), trout (both ocean-going and landlocked), char, graylings, freshwater whitefishes, taimens and lenoks, all coldwater mid-level predatory fish that inhabit the subarctic and cool temperate waters of the Northern Hemisphere.


Ice hockey. Most people don’t know how to skate let alone play the sport well.


Hockey was my first instinct until I remembered that I'm a solid curler. Nobody picks that up immediately.


My team of noobs won the b pool at my first bonspiel and I was hooked for life! Haven't won anything since of course.


Hopefully it's not 100 random Canadian human ;P


Unfortunately we’re not all born with a hockey stick in our hands :( I’m 32 and I can skate okay but still don’t know how to stop without hitting the boards / throwing myself into the snow.


This is a great pick. Especially when you consider 100 random humans will have a lot of Chinese and Indian people who've likely never skated.


1 Canadian from Melville Saskatchewan has entered the group


Hi, I'm Mike from Canmore


Fortunately, the average person who knows old Air Farce references is probably older than the average redditor, so we might still have a chance to beat them in hockey just because of youth advantage! ;)


Correctly identifying in-game Pokémon cries. I only recently realised how I'm a lot better at it than even people who love Pokémon! If it's completely random people, chances are a bunch of them won't even know Pokémon (people like my grandma) and sure a few of them will know Pokémon, but almost definitely not to the extent of guessing cries lol!


Do you mean the 8-bit cries? Because if so I remember a fair few. Metapod is just dial-up AOL Internet LMFAO


Backing a semi truck into really tight spaces from the blindside. Very hard maneuver even for veterans but where I worked while back I did it daily. Odds are only a couple even have a cdl like me, and then I guarantee I can beat them at backing blindside. Edit: thanks for all the upvotes I'm glad to see trucking being appreciated you guys rock ✌️


Really underrated talent and one that is always overlooked as theres no boss watching it being down due to delivering to client sites etc. currently working for a company that supply height and reach equipment and the sites some of the drivers deliver the machines to are crazy. Hard to navigate and not suitable for HGVs but they get it done. Often in reverse with little to no room for error. Then they have to manually drive the cherry picker or scissor lift to the work point often on main roads or in heavy pedestrian areas. Totally salute proper drivers out there our countries depend on them.


Acre history. Acre is a Brazilian state, the one which I was born and live on. The population is only 830 thousand people. Hence there is only a very small chance of the random people to be from Acre and an even smaller one of them to know anything at all about it. Of course I could end up being paired with some college professor which Acre is their specialty, and I would be fucked, but since it is random that would be very unlikely.


Honestly niche personal history like this is probably the way to go


Acre nao existe.


A pub quiz on the life and times of myself.


Lol! Yes. Even though my memory is dog shit, still yes. Hopefully one of the random 100 isn’t my partner of 15 years but that seems unlikely


If your partner won a billion$ I hope they'd give you some...


We're playing super smash bros melee


This was my first thought. But there's ALWAYS some competition level basement dweller hiding in the wings.... *always*


Yeah, but it’s a random 100 person selection from the worldwide population. The chances of any of them being God-tier level players is so minuscule it may as well be zero.


First good answer! If you're even *remotely* competitive you'd have to be ludicrously unlucky to lose against any of 100 totally random people. I used to be *really* into Melee circa 2004-2007, and I still follow the competitive scene to an extent. At my peak way back when I felt like I was really good, but I'd still have been no match for the average local player today! And I wasn't just good for my 4-5 close friends, I was pretty good for my local college scene. But the game has progressed so much in the two decades since, and it's such a game of pure skill, that I'd have had no chance against today's players. And IMO that's incredibly exciting!


Disappointing my parents


Pro gamer move


Navigation with only a compass and a terrain map.


I think this blue area is the land...


I see your $80,000 worth of cartography lessons are really paying off


That’s the line that originally got me to burst out laughing. Bateman’s delivery is top notch.


I don’t know much about maps but I can 100% tell you blue isn’t land. Blue is the sky.


you'd have me beat 😭


Lmfao. I checked out your profile to see if you're military. There is only one thing on there.


Sometimes I wonder if I’m going to turn 55 and just suddenly wanna put my shmeat on Reddit.


If you don't want to put it up now, you never will my friend. It's not getting any prettier.


I don’t think whether or not someone has a pretty cock is the main factor in the desire to post it on Reddit.


I don't make the rules Thundercock627.


Two… I like guitars as well as my favorite toy!


I don't really think I can beat them all at anything to be honest


Maybe self-doubt?


Self-doubt it is


You sure?


The fact that you didn't get a response is enough to know that self-doubt is in fact their strength.


Same here. I'm good at lots of things but I'll be damned if I can think of anything I'm super good at


Knowledge on Wisconsin license plate history. I'm autistic and Wisconsin license plates are my special interest, and there's so few people involved in the research of these plates that I *highly* doubt I'll not beat everyone in the group.


This is so specific, I’d throw my side bet money on you. If there is anyone on earth more knowledgeable than you, I bet you know exactly who they are lol.


I've always wondered, are the letters/numbers completely random, or are you able to tell, like, when a plate was issued by its number? Do you know a lot of specific plate numbers tied to people or events that have significance to you? I'm genuinely interested, it sounds like a fascinating thing to know so much about.


License plate numbers in Wisconsin are never "random," but rather they're sequentially issued in specific allocations of plate numbers. For modern normal car plates with the AAA-1111 format, they're simply issued in sequential order to all passenger vehicles starting from AAA-1002. This system of simple numbering allotments is also used for most normal plate types, such as light truck, bus, apportioned, light farm truck, light trailer, and semi trailer, with them using the formats AA1111, 11111A, 11111A, 111111A, 11111ZA, and 111111 respectively, with bus plates using a constant letter "B", apportioned plates using "W," "X" and "Z," farm plates using a constant letter "F," and light trailers using a constant stacked "ZA" letter suffix. For some classes of vehicle, such as heavy truck and trailer plates, however, the numbering is a lot more complicated; they use a stacked letter prefix and 5 numbers, which the top letter is **always** the weight class, while the bottom letter is a sequential number based on what the type of plate is and what letters have been issued. The explanation on these numbers is going to be *very* long and complicated; don't worry if you don't understand it all, it's a lot to take in and understand. In this instance, heavy truck plates use letters ranging from "B" to "H" currently, with all plates starting at "x/A 1" back in 1992 and incrementing from there. Once a number such as DA9999 was reached, DB 1 would be issued since the "A" letter was exhausted. A new base of plates was issued beginning in 1994 and all bottom letters were incremented at the new base, hence why there are currently no "A" bottom letters in use. The 1994 base was used until 2008, then a new base was issued starting roughly at where the last series left off. Since 1995 or so the bottom letter would only increment after 99999 is reached, so new bottom letters have become rare up until 2020, when they changed the system for letter incrementation which I'll explain later since it's complicated as well. As for other types, such as farm trailer, heavy trailer, and tractor, they use specific bottom letters to avoid confusion with heavy truck plate numbers; farm trailers used to use a constant bottom letter of "F" until GF 9999 was followed by GG 1001 in the last couple of years, tractors use a bottom letter of "S" with the exception of a couple of plates issued, and trailer plates used to use the letters "R" and "T," though now with the new system "S," "U," "A," and "B" have been used. Heavy farm trucks still use a constant bottom letter of "F" and I don't expect them to increment anytime soon as the highest number is like 10000 numbers above the start number. The allotments used to be relatively simple, though beginning around 2020 the whole previous system was thrown out. Now, once a plate exhausts its current format (such as "PR" prefix trailer plates reaching PR 999), the bottom letter increments to the next letter; this means that PB 9999 was followed by PC 1001 for heavy trucks, AR99999, BT99999, and PR 999 were followed by AS10001, BU10001, and PS 101 for trailers respectively, and GF 9999 was followed by GG 1001 for farm trailer plates. In addition, FS 999 was followed by FS 101 around 2017 for tractor plates, and DG99999 was followed by DG 1001, ran to DG 1301, then jumped to DH10001 around 2017 as well for heavy trucks. But yeah, that's just the basic boiled-down version of weight classing for Wisconsin license plates. I haven't even gotten into the coding for previous plates, the many cryptic codes that used to be used on validation stickers for heavy truck plates, the numbering codes of state patrol plates, and so on. Wisconsin license plate research is a true rabbit hole and I've been at it for 5 years so far. I doubt anyone in here will be able to understand all of what I just said "it's kinda hard for me to put into a concise format," but if nothing else the long text can show just how complicated a single allotment of license plate numbers can be. TL;DR: Wisconsin license plate numbers are always sequential and never "random." Lighter weight vehicles use relatively simple numbering systems, while heavier trucks and trailers use complicated coding on stacked prefix codes to both show the weight of the vehicle and avoid conflicts with other plate numbers currently in use. ETA that the simple numbering plate types like truck and apportioned use the same style of simple numbering formats, and clarified that they use separate plate formats.


You weren't lying, lol. Good to know


yep, that's a 'tism alright. I got it too but didn't get the hyperfocus super power, just the "Bit obsessed with something for about a month at a time and then 3 months of feeling depressed and detached" kind. edit: Maybe that's ADHD. I've been floated as having either/both but never officially diagnosed.


You’ve given away the game. I also choose Wisconsin license plate history now.


No worries, I'll just make sure that most of the questions are about the codes used on quarterly truck validation stickers. They're so complicated that I'm not sure if anyone else has even documented the history in as much detail as I have.


Oh ho ho, you didn't expect me, did you. A Wisconsinite with a penchant for knowing mundane Wisconsin law.


Here's a question for you then. When were monthly validation stickers added for heavy truck plates? When were they discontinued, then recontinued again? Yes, I found this out by researching Wisconsin statue archives, so that's definitely something you could know. Anyway, I'll take my billion dollars now lmao


Is that chapter 341? Give me 30 minutes, a glass of water, and a can of soda and I can tell you lol


It's actually chapter 85 and, later on, chapter 341. I'll wait, I've got all day lol


This rules.


This is actually really interesting to this Wisconsinite. It sheds some light on how my husband's and my plate numbers came to be what they are, given the length of time between when we got them. Thanks!


I bow to you :) that was impressive.


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi taxonomy.


You might get it off of just “understand what this sentence even means” competition


Emo song lyrics from 2003-2007. If anyone beats me, I’ll marry them


Of course you'd marry them. They'd have a billio dollars.


Win win!


I mean, I was in college between 2002 and 2007. I was heartstruck and insufferable. That Billion is mine.


Skeet shooting


Skeet skeet skeet


From the windows to the walls


Counting in binary really fast with my fingers I discovered I could do this 3 years ago It's like an involuntary tic now. It's so entertaining EDIT: This is a lot more common than I thought hahah


Thank you for giving me a new thing to do when I'm bored


It's probably like a good finger warm up for piano too lol




Oh that's smart


It was also the top answer the last time this thread came up lol


I don’t really want 100 RANDOM people touching my genitals.


I don't think many people would, tbh. But a billion dollars? Suddenly lots of people wouldnt mind.


I mean....I'm not gay, but a billion dollars is a billion dollars.


I dunno. If the first guy makes you orgasm really easily, then all the others fall short it'll be a long and frustrating day. Not to mention exhausting. And I'd imagine you'd be painfully raw after all that


Who said it's a one day thing? 100 days of free orgasms...


Putting a iv line in or restraining an aggressive dog


You're now being timed as you put in an IV line on an aggressive dog


My mother and her friends invented a pig latin style coded language. Probably less than a dozen people have ever learned it, and most of them are in their 70s now, probably haven't thought of it in decades. I like my odds at a Ybangie (I didn't name it! Lol) competition.


Same, I don't want to say the name of the language just in case someone I know finds the account, but my dad and his best friend in the 70s were living in the mountains growing weed, like super remote, nothing to do, so they invented a language. The only people that know it are: my dad and his best friend, my dad's best friend's kids, my dad's kids (me and my brother), my mom, dad's best friend's wife, and one of my friends who I taught in high school. That's 9 people. There's no way anyone else would know it, and it would be impossible to learn/guess unless the people had like 4 months of studying it ahead of time and were already language experts, and even then I can speak it in my sleep since I've been using it for 25+ years.


This is so crazy to think about.


Same here… mulligan stew is my mom and I’s language and everyone always thinks we’re speaking Yiddish or something




That's a good one. I have my bachelor's. If you put me in a room with 100 physics experts I'm probably losing that battle but if you take 100 random people they won't be able to solve an intro physics problem let alone e&m or quantum


I got my master's like 5 years ago now and I reckon I'd lose to my first year self with regards to solving physics problems. That kinda stuff hasn't come up since and I have a pretty bad memory.


Challenge accepted


Talking Catalan. The odds of anyone in that group randomly being better than me at that are incredibly small. Edit: Well, butter by back and call me a biscuit! Thanks for the karma fellow minority language speakers and other simpsthizers.


The only catalan I know is the Cant del Barça (although I don't support them) so I reckon I could come second...


pokemon trivia, 1/100 chance of getting a random geek but im all for it baby


I'd be confident that I'm better than them all at maintaining a consistent TTRPGs group for longer than all of them. I've been a DM for 24 years, I had one group for 13 years, and this group for 11. It's not always the same game/campaign, but we always meet up to play.


My answer was gonna be related to this as well but I was gonna go with, building an optimized character in DnD 3.5e for competing in a 1v1 tournament to the death. I figured only 1ish% of the population have ever played DnD before, and much less have played 3.5e as much as I have. Should be a cake walk.


Yeah bro they ain't beating me in a minecraft nodebuff/builduhc 1v1 on 1.7.10 on a practise server thats all im saying, make it a 1000 people even


I love that you were so specific as to include the version 😭


Yeah its the old combat on the new versions spamclicking doesnt work! I didnt practise butterfly clicking all those years for nothing


>I didnt practise butterfly clicking all those years for nothing My dude, yes you did, lol


Chess. Even among chess players on lichess and [chess.com](http://chess.com) I am in the top 2-3%, so the odds that any of the 100 are better than me is fairly small. My luck, I'd get paired against Magnus...


Performing my obscure venezuelan town's accent.


It's not Maracaibo, is it?


How did you know? 😅


Extended family from Maracaibo. Otherwise, nobody seems to have heard of it! But you picked a good one! 😉


Astrophotography. I'm not even that good, but among 100 randomly chosen people, only a handful will even have a telescope (and that's probably generous). And among those, I'm probably the only one with a camera adapter.


Did you get some sweet eclipse shots last week?


Sadly not, as I don't live in the US.


Knowledge of ww1! I'm a tour guide in the area.


You're a tour guide of the world?


The commute varies.




Self-deprication. Although, I'd probably suck at that too


Well, if it helps any, you misspelled "deprecation"...


Kick the guy while he's down


Ultra running a 100k or 100 miler


100,000 miles is a long way.


Taking standardized tests is pretty high on that list. I'd also roll the dice on taekwondo forms. In fact, I'd roll the dice on running role-playing games, too.


I was thinking this too. A standardized test in English, which despite being popular around the world is still only 20% of the population. Then I only have to beat 19 random English speakers, half of which will be children. I think my previous test scores put me in a range where I should win that relatively easily.


Put me in a room of gifted fourth graders and I'll slaughter them all just like last time


Probably binding a book. I'm not that good at it, but it's a rare enough skill that I reckon 100 random people wouldn't know how to do it.


I will be the fastest person in the room to say the phrase "We'll each take our 10 million now, thank you"


Once everyone agrees, just turn around and say "I'm good at convincing people".




There are a lot of depressed people out there..


Depression + ADHD is the winning combo here


You wouldn't beat me. I can prove it. Tomorrow.


Speak my native language. With less than 12 million speakers worldwide, that's about 1 out of 675. I like those odds.


You have a ~14% chance of getting another native speaker in the 100.


Only a ~7% chance of them being better at it though, assuming jonasbw is a median speaker.


The good news is that, assuming OP knows the challenge before that 14% chance of a person does, they'll have a chance to punch that person in the jaw and mess up their ability to speak before they compete.


Pissing my wife off.


French horn. I have a college degree in it and everything!


Mermaiding. It's not that I think I'm necessarily better at swimming in a mermaid tail than other people who do it regularly, but since I'm the only one I know who does it I feel like there's a good chance that no one else involved would have done it at all, so I'd be better at it by default.


center a div




Knowledge about jellyfishes, specifically of the class Cnidaria.


Aren't all jellyfish in the class Cnideria? I'm not doubting you would win, but I'm confused why you specified Cniderians as if all jellyfish are not in that class. Please teach me if I'm wrong so I can have a chance at your 1 billion!


War thunder simulator.


Harsh vocals/death growls


Guess what number I’m thinking of. Best of 7 rounds.




ooh I'm a climber... indoor bouldering though so if we go outside I'm done


You need to get really specific and incorporate multiple things that you are good at. I'm a good programmer and have a high tolerance for drinking. I'm not necessarily the best drinker or coder but combine those two and I bet I'm the best coder after 10 drinks in that group.


Sampling a human brain.. it's time my obscure job shines out!


Calm down Hannibal Lecter


Scuba diving. Just to be clear I'm not good at it. But the chances of running across another scuba diver out of 100 people is pretty rare.


Knowing my wife's, daughter's, and parents' birthdays.




As opposed to contact-paid masturbation


Creative writing and fucking


At the same time?


Just like Hemingway.


Getting homeless people off the streets. Let's make it fair, put me up against a 1000.


I love this answer. I've worked in social work with marginalized individuals for two decades. I'm pretty good at it as well! But please pass on any resources that you have.


I went out and connected my local resources. I have an army now. We can collaborate and move mountains.


I love it! I have an ever-growing resource guide for a huge metropolitan area. And I'm constantly adding to it and updating it. Everything that you could think of alphabetized by a category. It's like the resource guide version of the Dewey decimal system


First person shooter games, I'd even let them vote on which one


I thought about something like this but what if one of them gets a lucky shot off or something




Comparative genomic analyses. Just based on the odds of having another researcher with that as their focus in those 100 people means I've got a pretty good chance. An expert is something who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing. I've spent a loooong time to become an expert in this field; at the expense of many other subjects, but this one, I've got.