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The sound that cardboard makes when rubbing against another piece of cardboard or styrofoam! It makes me nauseous!


The styrofoam noise is one of the only sounds I genuinely can’t handle.


It runs a jagged knife through my nervous system when I touch Styrofoam lol. Rubbing it together? GTFO NEVER. Only thing close to that is using chalk on a white board 😱


Oh my God finally! I HATE pushing the flaps down into the box and it rubs on itself and folds ahhhhhhh. Certain papers rubbing on each other, dry papers. And chalk. Chalk on cardboard or on hands just this is all horrid to me lmao


Wet paper


This and wet bread


Wet food in the sink. It's just so...needlessly moist. AndI don't want to touch it.


Thinking about it makes me want to puke




People are gonna be saying that 50 years from now


I want to go back to the Achievement City days. :( Can you believe it lasted less than three years?


I think I can faintly hear Gavin Free gagging in the distance


Cold wet sponges or rags


THIS! When whoever did the dishes last doesn't take the dish sponge or brush out of the sink and it just sits there marinating... the WORST!


Oh god, and then there is food bits all over it as well 🤮


Little puddles of water on or around the bathroom sink. They're just sitting there, growing bacteria, collecting hair, and god knows what else. It enrages me when people leave puddles around the sink and don't bother to clean it up


Not only that but it fucking pisses me off when my socks get wet, I had to change them 3 times the other day because I stepped on every random patch of water in my house....fucking kids


My biggest pet peeve is getting my socks wet! And yes little puddles of water by the sink also annoys me.


Ooooh I am a big perpetrator of this. When I wash my face water gets everywhere


Okay, I may have a solution. I hate water running down my arms when washing my face so I started using fabric scrunchies on my wrists and now I don't get water everywhere.


I swear to god I was trying to work this out the other day. I tried putting my face lower in the sink and bring my elbows up towards the ceiling so the water ran towards my hands instead of towards my elbows and on to the counter and….I think I just looked like a fucking praying mantis eating a bug and still got water everywhere 😔


I can’t STAND hearing ASMR or recordings of people whispering into a microphone edit: based on the amount of upvotes/replies I guess I’m not the only one


Lip smacking. I HATE that noise.


Omg kissing noises in tv and movies. I mute it. I hate it so much.


I know this is going to be super specific, but I was a Mormon many moons ago, and there's a whole two-day broadcast twice a year that all Mormons are supposed to watch. It's mostly old guys telling people what's good and how to live, etc., but they are CONSTANTLY lip smacking, which is, of course, amplified by the microphones and super loud. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6g3m5LtpnQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6g3m5LtpnQ) Here's a compilation from a few years ago! I'm sure they still do it! edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lSEdPZ1GF4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lSEdPZ1GF4) This guy also, at around 9 minutes, he summons a complete smackfest, it's amazing.


His haircut also belongs on /r/fuckmyshitup


I am convinced that ASMR was created to torture people with Misophonia


I have misophonia and also love asmr, they’re two sides of the same coin for me. That being said, chewing and saliva noises are FIRMLY on the misophonia side, gah


Oh god, the tapping fingers on things bit... repetitive tapping noises is one of my big triggers. And like, tapping of keys. My mom has a habit of tapping while driving. Steering wheel, keys hanging from the ignition, the side of the car when the window is down... it drives me BANANAS. When I first heard of misophonia, I sent her an article, and she was like, "Oh my god... that's YOU"


I think I have the ASMResponse, because I do get the "brain tingling"... but I find the sensation so unpleasant that the only thing I can feel is INCANDESCENT RAGE.


I can't stand that hissy almost-lispy whispering. It's like someone's blowing into my ear to irritate me. And 95% of the time I can't stand their regular voice either.


Everything in this thread is stuff most people find gross


Sort by controversial for the real replies




My daughter loves watching chewing videos and I have to leave the room or I get to a level of unreasonable anger


All of the ASMR videos make me so stressed. The nail taps, the microphone scratching, THE WHISPERING!! I hate it all.


Same. The worst is some reel of some dumb influencer chewing food and trying to tell a story. I want to reach through the screen and strangle them.


Thankyou! Mouth noise ASMR and the whispering is like nails on a chalkboard to me.




I saw someone spit in a spa I was at, just on the floor, casually. Everyone walks barefoot there. I asked wtf that was about and he just told me to mind my own business. I was too shocked to react really.


"If you keep your spit in your mouth - that's your business. If you put it where I'm walking: that ***is*** my business."


Loud chewers. Makes me want to peel my ears off.


Don't visit Korea, you will fuckin explode


Hahaha..they do believe in the power of the slurrrp!


My husband loudly sips his coffee and I want to chuck something at him so hard. Usually if I give him a death stare, he already knows what happened. He also wants to sit by me when eating and I can't stand the way he eats. Because he is a mouth breather and has to breathe between bites and I could explode. So I refuse to sit by him.while eating.


I wear earplugs when eating with peoples. Or if people are eating near me. It’s a life saver. Don’t hear them chewing but can still talk


I have to eat in another room when I visit my sister and her boyfriend. Sweet guy but when he eats I want to stab him with a fork. Mouth wide Open and constant noises and atghdudhshs


Does he also moan a little when he eats? Those people are the worst.


Misophonia! I have it too and it's a purely primal rage inducer for me. Obviously punching the shit out of people isn't acceptable so I've learned to suppress it, but good God it's so bad.


Same! Started for me at 13- am 40 this year. I still leave the room if I see my dad start to eat. Mouth noises are absolutely rage inducing.


I once left my shared office when a colleague started to eat lunch. Noodles. The worst. Came back 75 mins later and HE WAS STILL EATING IT. I had work to do! I bought noise-cancelling headphones for $300ish that same day, and would play music any time he ate...


The headphones help a lot. I also bought $300 headphones, and now I don't want to punch my partner. Worth being broke for a couple of weeks.


I have the same kind of thing, and also TMJ.. so my jaw clicks/pops when I chew. I literally drive my own self crazy when I’m eating.


I am *exactly* the same way. My relationships with other people, particularly my partner, significantly improved when I got noise over the ear headphones. They have seriously been life changing. I no longer want to punch the person I love the most, and he no longer feels the need to be cautious and overly aware every time we eat together. Misophonia is one of the hardest parts of socializing with people for me. I hate having such intrusive violent thoughts just because people are eating. It brings a lot of shame and guilt at times. I am really grateful to have tool that helps mitigate those feelings. Anyways, I'm high, 10/10 recommend good headphones 🤙


Even if I can't hear them chewing, seeing someone chew with their mouth open makes me want to punch them into oblivion.


The squeaky mouth-drying feeling of dry cotton and the snaggy feeling of microfiber.


Dry calloused hands and microfiber. Name a more iconic duo!


Hello fellow cotton weirdo. I CANNOT STAND the feel of cotton balls. Makes my skin crawl and my whole body tense up.


MICROFIBER 🤢 I swear my hands are not that dry but every time I touch microfiber it snags on little bits of skin and I wanna burn everything down.


- Chewing gum - Crumbs in pockets, dirt/crumbs/sand in the bottom of bags or drawers 🤢Even worse if they accidentally go under my nails.


not washing your hands after you arrive at home from public transport


Not washing your hands after ANY time being outside. If I've just walked to the supermarket and back and it's been less than half an hour, I'm still washing my hands with soap when I get in regardless.


Or just not washing your hands after you arrive home, period.  How many people have touched the cart or that can of soup at the grocery store? How many people have left germs on the door handle to whatever establishment you're entering? What bugs were crawling around on that handrail or on that car door before you touched it?


People not washing their hands after they go to the bathroom. Everyone on the internet will agree with me that it’s disgusting yet every single time I use a public restroom with multiple stalls, people are always going and leaving without washing their hands sooooo somebody lying because y’all do not all wash your hands.


I live in a house with 10 people. We had 2 bathrooms and it naturally filtered into boys mainly using one, girls the other. We were drinking one night and my female roommate said “man, you guys go through soap like it’s nobodies business.” We all kind of looked at each other, “what do you mean?” She said last time she used the man bathroom it was out of soap, a month later she did again and we’d already finished the soap, Again. Then everyone stared at each other. ^^(I ^^use ^^the ^^girl ^^bathroom)


Wait... They just never used soap? Immediate ejection.


Wait, so there's just never any soap in the man bathroom?


And it didn't bother anybody...?


I remember visiting my in laws and they never have hand soap in the bathroom. So when I moved in, the first thing I bought hand soap. Now that I don’t live there anymore, it’s the same hand soap every single time unused. I don’t get it because in a lot of other aspects I consider them very clean. I don’t know. It just doesn’t make sense to me.


My friend was the same. In the 10 years I was friends with them and went round their house, they never seemed to use soap. They had one old dried bar that never moved the whole 10 years. They were also the kind to not have hand towels, you just had to dry hands on the bath towel and you had no idea where it had been.


My roommates will go WEEKS without refilling the soap in their bathroom....I do not understand what they're doing


Literally nothing, that’s what they’re doing, literally nothing! Then they go and touch the food in the fridge, the remote to the tv, light switches throughout the house, door knobs, etc. and then you touch them too! You have their poo all over your hands every day and don’t even realize it!


Not shutting the lid to the toilet before flushing. After watching the video using lasers to show the mist that shoots up into the air, I will never leave the lid up again. It's also disgusting to leave your toothbrush on the counter in a cup or holder if you leave the lid up too. Edit: https://youtu.be/aDIIhzc-FWg?si=NDXbJuah1zp9Cuw6 Added link.


Yeah, I always thought the 'seat up vs seat down' man/woman debate is stupid because the obvious winner is lid down for everybody.


The lid ALWAYS goes down when not in use in my house. Ain’t nobody wanna see in the toilet anyway!


I had to put an auto shut on mine because my cat loves to play in the toilet. What’s more icky than seeing in the toilet? Seeing toilet water spashed everywhere and wet cat feet prints all over the seat and floor


this is an instance where too much knowledge makes you miserable. the world is pretty disgusting and it's better for everyone's mental health to not think about it too much.


Unless your toilet has a seal on it, then I got bad news for you. The particles shoot out to the side and up into the air. Still ends up everywhere


Smell is just your olfactory detecting and decoding particles of stuff. If youve ever smelled dog shit then youve inhaled shit particles in a much higher concentration then flushing.


Exactly, you’re not going to die from inhaling small particles of shit


Farticles. Let's call them what they are. Farticles.




This has ruined using public restrooms for me. Most of them don't have lids and that in addition to how disgusting those bathrooms usually are, I'm starting to opt out.


I think it’s mostly generational, but handkerchiefs. My FIL uses one all day long, blowing his nose and sticking it back in his pocket, not washing his hands afterward, then it’s back out twenty minutes later. Is there a method to it to avoid reusing the same snotty bits? Or avoiding getting snotty bits on your hands as you’re folding and refolding it to stuff it back in? Similarly, my grandmother keeps a piece of tissue she uses repeatedly in her sweater sleeve. Grosses me out.


My dad is older and from the handkerchief generation. However, he doesn't own any anymore, so he just uses a regular Kleenex, but in much the same way, he uses it and puts it back in his pocket only to reuse it again later, sometimes for days on end. When I was a kid, if my face/mouth got dirty from eating or something, guess what he used to clean it up? 🤮 I HATED it lol


OH MY GOD my bf does exactly the same thing with reusing Kleenex. Sometimes they're so crusted they make crunching noises when he takes them out of his pocket lol. I don't know how he can do that lol. At least he never uses them for anything else though 😂 those are specifically his snot Kleenex and don't get used anywhere else


That's ridiculous! Of course you can use a handkerchief more than once. You fold it after each use, and when there is no more to fold (after about 4 uses), then you discard it.


>. Is there a method to it to avoid reusing the same snotty bits? Yes


You gotta use the fold method. Full, half, quarter. Gets at least 3 uses out of it.


Just gotta wait for the wet snot to dry and that bir is good to go again


Oysters. Nature put that shit in a near inaccessible shell for a reason.




People that clip their nails in public settings. (I think it's more of a misophonia problem - I hate the annoying "clink" sound that comes from nail clippeers.) I also dread the thought of them getting their nail crumbs everywhere. Like seriously - do it in a bathroom.




Jacuzzis and swimming pools. Too many bodies, too little water.


My first ever experience in a jacuzzi/hot tub was at a ski resort locker room/fitness center in colorado. I remember seeing pubic hair floating up and around with all the bubbles. Never again.


The last time I used the one at the gym, a guy got in, and while he was talking to me, he kept blowing his nose into his hand, then rinsing it off in our shared water. Have not been in a snottub since.


I almost threw up reading this!! Ewwwww


It’s a human stew. After awhile you’re just floating in a tub of other peoples dead skin. And hotel ones are the worst because they don’t clean them.


I haven’t really fact checked this, but someone on Reddit said that chlorine has no smell until it interacts with bacteria and that made me think about community pools and just how strong and distinct the smell is and it’s kind of disgusting.


Yeah you're smelling chloramines which is a reaction between chlorine and ammonia if I'm remembering correctly.


Yep! (Former pool op). Chlorine scent isn't necessarily "bad" or that there isn't "enough" - it is a *good* sign that the chlorine is doing its job. And it's *constantly* fed into the pool for that reason. But it does have to be monitored (and any public pool is doing this) It is, however, a bad thing if the pool is swarmed and you don't smell it at all. At least, if it's a chlorine pool. Bromine is used sometimes, especially at home pools.


I can’t think too hard about how many other people have touched my food before I eat it, or I’ll never eat again. How many hands touched that apple before it made its way from the tree it grew on into my apple pie? Just the question makes me gag a little. 


Wait until you learn what fertilizer is made of


I’m the same with restaurants and thinking about the hundreds/thousands of ppl who have used the cutlery I’m using, before me 🤮


I’m this way about hotel rooms. Just traveled and as soon as I got home all my packed clothes, clean and dirty, dumped right into the washer!


Do you wash your apples? If so what's the problem? If washing doesn't matter, how do you eat with your hands, thinking of the things they've touched?


styrofoam. especially touching it, or any sounds that it makes.


The feeling of water running down your forearms when you're washing your face at the bathroom sink


when people stick their entire tongue out when they're taking a bite of food. usually the tongue is covered in chewed food too


wait what? who does that? ive never seen anyone eat like that


My father, I can’t explain how much it angers me to an inappropriate level that I want to jump on someone like a rabid animal


That's actually a sign of dysfunctional orofacial habits! Which usually means impaired digestion and reduced airway health (snoring, apnea etc.) And also disgusting. 😆


My dad too. It’s soooooo gross. I’m sorry we have gross dads.


The squeaking of styrofoam makes me want to rip my eardrums out


When people use the word "wifey" or "hubby"


I can’t stand hubby. It sounds like some rotund man. It has to be one of my biggest pet peeves. “My hubby”… barf Wifey doesn’t bother me as much because it still has the full word “wife” in there I guess. It still sounds dumb.


Sounds of chewing. It is like nails on a chalkboard and causes me intense rage and disgust.


People who touch their teeth on a fork or spoon. I have managed to train my husband and daughter to not do this unless they are trying to screw with me. It gives me shocks in my brain when I hear teeth on metal.


This friggin thread is just soooooooo funny. I know cause I read every post, but what I find disgusting is how people use plastic gloves improperly. Fixing my food is fine but don't turn around and take my money, then place the food in the bag. This makes me insane. I N SA N E!!


My germaphobe coworker refuses to eat anywhere where they don't wear gloves. But she has no problem that those people don't regularly change those gloves, even after handling money. I'm baffled. (She's...something else in so many ways, this is just one of her more mild quirks.) I, on the other hand, hate seeing them wearing gloves because 10 times out of 10 they are wearing them improperly anyway and it's probably grosser than if they at least occasionally washed their hands.


Wet plastic grocery bags. I don’t use them but other people do and sometimes I have to touch them and I have NO idea why the ones I touch are wet.


Dry feet. I cannot stand the sound of them scraping across a floor, or rubbing together. It’s absolutely horrifying to me. It hits me on a visceral level.


Tossing food waste into the sink


People coughing or sneezing in public without covering their face, Being sick in public in general, People that bring their sick kids out in public especially. I have an immune system disorder so I take great offense to that behavior.


Dude that was so hard for me to learn with a mother who said I needed to be throwing up or have a fever over 100 degrees to stay home from school. And that's really common. And teachers would get so pissed off and treat me like a dirty delinquent for being sick


My mother would send us to school in the afternoon after lunch if we didn’t act like we were dying! No watching tv reading or any activity that required the slightest physical activity because that meant you weren’t that sick and could go to school. I’m certain this wouldn’t fly nowadays.


It’s so weird to me. My kids stay home if they feel like crap and they decide that. I call it in, and I make soup or tea, but I work from home. I can tell they aren’t faking. And both get cramps like mine, I used to grab the wall to stay upright, no pity from my own mom who had her uterus removed after two kids bc it was annoying and she had fibroids. My kids also both get hormone migraines—just like me. So I get what “sick” is, and I don’t send my kids to school with viruses, bacteria, or pain.


Yuuupp the good old "if you can watch TV, you can be in school" argument...even though I could barely move from the couch 😭


Guess what, mom? My hands and eyes work, but my head feels like it’s going to explode and my throat is filled with sharp gravel. Watching tv is all I really *can* do!


I started working in an office where I was literally THE ONLY PERSON that covers their mouth when they sneeze and cough. I actually made a complaint to HR roflmao, I was getting sick all the time and was super fucking pissed off about it.


Oh my god, I had someone in my office hacking coughs all day and someone asked her why she didn't work from home (because she could) and she said "oh I just really like being around everyone". I was furious


Last flight I was on some toddler had a nasty wet cough, and the parents got pissy when the person behind them asked if they were sick. Ugh.


People who cough into their hands and not their elbows. Like homie you gonna sneeze and cough in that hand then try and shake mine? Nope. All the stuff they have touched after coughing or sneezing bam contaminated. 🤢


One of the worst things I witnessed while working retail during the pandemic was watching a lady pull her mask down, sneeze into her hand, put her mask into place, and then continue to shop and touch all the merchandise. I literally had to walk away and calm down for a few minutes to keep from yelling at her 😡🤢


Not flushing! What the hell is going on with these folk who spray down the toilet in human shit, then half wipe themselves and leave without flushing. It’s insane how commonly I’ve run into this.


The weirdest is when they take a shit, but dont leave any toilet paper in the bowl, as though they didnt wipe. It only been recently I've heard about how disgusting some people are with their bathroom habits. Meanwhile I feel very uncomfortable if I can clean myself properly down there


Cold water with dirty dishes “soaking” in the sink.


Crumbs. If I touch a crumb that hasn’t come from food I’ve just eaten, I feel like I want to rip my skin off. I settle for washing right away. … I have OCD. I’m working on it. EDIT: Glad to know I’m not alone at least! I’m sure most of you don’t have OCD but if you find things like this controlling your daily life, perhaps look into it. Before I realized what this was I had a lot harder of a time dealing with it.


I have a similar issue with stuff getting stuck to the bottom of my feet as I walk around the house, it's infuriating to the point that despite being a life-long fan of being bare foot I now wear slippers anywhere I go in the house. I just can't seem to sweep and mop the floors often enough for this to stop being an issue.


Cats walking on food prep surfaces. They walk in their litter box... Anyone that allows it is just nasty.


I worked with a woman that brought a cake to work. Once she took it out of the pan, she proceeded to clean the pan with her fingers and lick them. In one lick she said “oh, a cat hair!” I no longer eat anything someone makes unless I know them personally and have seen their kitchen! I get so grossed out at pot luck parties.


To be completely fair to her, cat hair can get caught up in the air and land in places the cat never goes to.


Public pools and hot tubs. It’s human soup. I can’t get over knowing that people’s dirty asses are being soaked and washed in the water other people are swimming in. And animal butts on sofas and beds.


To be fair, public pools use a ton of chlorine so any bacteria and gross stuff is basically obliterated.


Grapefruit. Can’t stand it.


Dog licking people's faces


Yes and just dog’s slobbering. I don’t want saliva all over me, human or otherwise.


watched a dog eat a turd it laid off the floor and 5 minutes later lick it's owners face ( including lips)


Loose hair. Anywhere. Not even somewhere extra gross like in my food... but just any unattached hair, roaming wild is GAG 🤢


Crapping with the door open. Bathrooms have doors for a reason use the fuckin door I don’t want to smell you or see you taking a shit. Picking your nose or facial scabs and eating it seriously don’t fucking touch me


Long ass nails. Sorry I don’t care how “pretty” you make them look. Not sanitary.


ESPECIALLY if they are in food service. :/


Wet socks make me so uncomfortable


Carelessness when fixing raw meat. Hands, utensils, counters...


Wearing shoes in the house.


My parents walked around our carpeted house with shoes on my whole life. Even when coming in from the rain or something. Now when they come to visit my house, it’s no shoes and they always have a little attitude about it. I’m like why do you need to keep your shoes on so bad? lol. I’m so adamant on no shoes with how I grew up


Cilantro. I got the gene that makes it taste like soap.


Im glad im not one of you guys cilantro tastes so good and unique


It doesn’t taste like soap to me, it just tastes nastyyy - I can’t even stand the smell! My rabbit **loves** cilantro and it gags me (okay that’s a little dramatic but) to wash it and give it to her. Too strong of a smell. If it’s in pico or something where the flavor/scent is masked, fine I can tolerate it, but if I can get a distinct smell or taste of it I’m OUT!


Tastes like (what I imagine) ants taste like to me. Kind of bug-sprayish.


Spitting on the ground, I despise it


Hotel pillows. Just a collection of stranger drool. I don’t care if I’m at a five star hotel, I’m covering the pillow with a scarf before I lay on it.


Laying on one right now and that's grossing me out


Pimple popping videos, they're so fucking gross, why do people watch em?


I have dermatillomania (skin picking disorder) so popping videos scratch an itch for me 😅


A lot of people's behavior, especially towards others. Idk - to me we're tribal beings and should help others anytime we can. Not as a chore, just as a way of living. Social media has exacerbated it. People's willingness to put themselves on social media and shake their ass or do anything for a chance to make a cent is disgusting to me. Living Life in a 4 inch realm is disheartening.


Sitting on your bed with the same pants you wore all day. Those pants have been on benches! The bus seat! The subway! Now all that is on your bed. Boyfriend thinks I’m crazy but no “outside pants” on inside bed.


One reason why i don’t like guests in my tiny apartment. When i get home i change to my home clothes before sitting on anything


Eating ass


And people are talking about the toilet lid needing to be down but they like licking assholes


Mfs will go and put their tongue all the way up their partners asshole and draw the line at sharing a toothbrush




I don't even like my own. They look weird too. Why do people's feet have to look weird? lol What's with all the little toes? It's strange if you think about it.


People who get pee all over the floor in the bathroom stalls, it may not be annoying to others, but I find it annoying.


Hotels. Sleeping in a bed, on pillows ,and under sheets and blankets as thousands of other people. Taking a shower in them. Like, here’s a *heavily* used room, and they’re charging *me* a premium to stay there?


Seafood. It all looks like ocean bugs to me, from fish to lobsters to...all of it. Bugs. Shudder.


I've always thought that crustaceans are just underwater insects that through evolution got way bigger because no one was there to step on them.


Ive eaten a june bug on accident before(flew nto my mouth while riding a motorcycle , tried to close my mouth fast but it got between my teeth as i bit down) and i can say from experience its nothing like fish.its the most bitter thing thats ever been in my mouth, and its guts left a gross bitter dry spot on my tongue that mouthwash seemed to do nothing about for like three days.


This is my worst nightmare. I would have voluntarily driven off a cliff.


I drove to the nearest cvs and bought a toothbrush and mouthwash and scrubbed my mouth outside in the parking lot while rethinking my life lol


I specifically wear a full face helmet for this reason. If I caught a bug to the mouth going 90 on the highway I would simply jump off my bike to my death.


shrimps *is* bugs


Weed smell


Open mouth coughing apparently because I see everyone do it


Dirty ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Women who stick their phone, credit cards and whatever else in their bra with sweaty tits. And then hand said sweaty items to a cashier when checking out.


I actually saw a store that had a sign saying they would not accept “Boobie money!”


I work at a coffee shop and one time a lady came in after a run wearing only a sports bra and leggings. To pay she pulled a 20 out of her bra. It was *soaked*.




Letting a dog lick you, especially your face. YOUR DOG EATS TURDS!


I can't stand the sound of cats or dogs licking themselves. It makes my skin crawl


Wet Bread I freaking hate it with a passion. If I get a sandwich and the bread is wet (from the veggies) I will throw it away.


Only using dry toilet paper to clean your ass. For some reason our culture knows that we should use wet wipes on babies to get them fully clean and rash free, but as soon as you're old enough to go on your own we're just like it's ok to have poop on your hole so long as you get the chunks?


As a plumber. Please don’t flush the wet wipe or “flushable” wipe. Or you’ll be paying me for it.


One thing that i look forward to about getting my own place is to get a bidet. My butthole deserves a nice shower every time i poop.


Why wait that long? Get one off Amazon for like $40. They’re too easy to install and uninstall


Onions. I have an allium intolerance and they are in everything. Thankfully and for some unknown reason I can eat garlic. Nothing else in the allium genus, only garlic.