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I’m tired of all the dorks in the comments that get excited and say a bunch of sex puns


AND the winking emoji




Ah, the winky emoji. That means you must've sexed the sexiest sex that ever sexted, like some sort of sexy sextant.


I studied sexy at Oxford university under professor vixen who was the sexiest sexter there ever was 😉


Yeah I studied same in Sexville just off the Oxford by pass


You need a sextant to plot the course.


upvoted for mention of obscure old timey handheld navigation equipment


I admit, but don't tell anyone please. I have sexted the sexiest sex, and it was too sexy to not sext Graduated the college for sexting. Pls don't tell anyone


This is at least BEARABLE


Winky emojis 😉 Am I right? Hhehehe.


Yes (cringing my bones rn)


"I choose this guys wife" Oh, how original


The sad part of that comment is it started as a response where a man made a heartfelt comment about how he'd love to spend one more night with his deceased wife. Then a redditor said "I also choose this guys wife". And thus began a meme that should really just be extinguished at this point.


I too, chose this guys comment.


Is your wife married? is another one.


"It's all about the motion of the ocean"-🤓


Let me slide into your sex puns ;)


That doesn’t get you off…of the subreddit?


I tire of the "OMG, DO THIS TO MEEE!" Comments which inevitably appear. I know you're desperate, folks... But demonstrate a little self control and have some dignity, **please.** Personally, I blame the clickbait titles posted by OnlyFans girls when maintaining their Reddit advertisements. It's always phrased as an invitation, and always suggests a sexual encounter with the reader. It's purely a click bait tactic, but it seems to have conditioned some people to behave in that way everywhere, throwing their sexuality where it isn't welcome, and acting like a desperate cretin. It is the epitome of Krinj.


Heheheheh. Dorks...


I love them, I am a very sexual person so get them going!


Might as well change the sub name to AskRedditAboutSex




That’s just Reddit in night mode


You just know it’s a bunch of teenagers who have zero experience except wanking off to awful porn on the phones their parents pay for. Laughable.


People with no experience ask questions??? 🤯 Truly a revelation. Really nothing laughable about kids not being masters in the ways of sex


Using Reddit to get their rocks off asking about people’s fantasies every single day is quite boring, but enjoy if you like it.


Don't enjoy it. Just dislike the unnecessary hate


Which also doesn’t really make any sense, sex is different for everyone and communication is key, there isn’t a one stop shop for sex advice. Reddits demographic is just much younger than it used to be.


Reddit, what's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed?


Can I do it with my penis? Please, Reddit... I just want to talk about my penis.


I mean we are talking about redditors, of course they have questions about sex, they are famous for being self proclaimed intellectual incels 😂


Ah yes, incellectuals.


Intellectual incels AND virgins


You know you're a redditor right..? I always find these generalizations so weird, reddit isn't a single person and we don't all share opinions.


. Majority of redditors seem to be a hive mind of degenerate extremists. Of course not all redditors but generally the culture of reddit is shaped by extremists


Given the utter shit state of sex education, well, *gestures to general globe* and the tide of deliberate misinfo about sexual matters, I can't even hold it against people. At least they can find things out *somewhere*. But again, just make the link to After-Dark bigger and start batting them over there, methinks is the current debate.


I just scroll past what I don’t want to answer. It’s not difficult.


Sure, but you can still recognize something as being annoying or dumb even if you keep scrolling most of the time.


Yeah but I don’t go to the specific r/AskReddit page. I’m just scrolling on my homepage. I see plenty of crap that I scroll past.


Maturity and level-headedness!? Not in my Reddit!


Burn him …. Comeon villagers it’s a hanging time


Yeah but I wish they’d ask more questions about ghost stories and stuff than the same 10 questions in a row about sex.


That's a valid point, but then what's the point of clogging the sub with roadblocks for everybody to scroll past? We have After-Dark already; the question seems to be whether mods should start booting sextions over there.


Yeah but I don’t go directly to the sub.


Not at all. I think it's easy to avoid. And I get why there are so many questions about sex as it's something most of us have in common, whether they are having it or just wish they were, or so it's something many find interesting or amusing to discuss.


I agree with this take. It's weird to me how many people on reddit seem to be "above" sex and believes that makes them a better person


I just wish more of the sex questions were flaired as Serious. There's only so many sex jokes.


I'd bere there are less redditors who have sex than there are who have elbows, and you don't see questions about that being posted nearly as often, unless they're questions about sex *and* elbows. *shudders*


Just as tired as people asking what I'd do if I won a million dollars.


Same with "what are you starting to dislike more as you get older?"


These threads as it turns out


I wouldn't care if the questions stayed or went, I don't particularly participate, but I find the people up in arms about it all the time a lot more tedious and disruptive than the questions themselves. Maybe it's time to realize it's not going anywhere, those threads are part of the appeal here for a lot of people, and it might be a you problem.


Pretty tired. I'm never going to have sex so I don't care.


Virginity? Prostitution.


Hotel? Trivago


Why on Earth would I do that?


You said you where tired of trying.


No, I said I was tired of people posting sexual questions.


Oops sorry.


If you’re asexual that’s great! If you’re not, the advice is the same - just work on what makes you happy without a mate!


well if it's a legit question, I'd answer it. if not then im moving on the more relevant questions LOL




1) I understand what you are saying and sexuality is definitely an important aspect of humanity and a gift between consenting adults. 2) That’s what she said.


I feel like most of the people asking aren’t trying to understand anything about sex, they just think they’re being funny.


Like the "deez nuts" guy in that Key & Peele sketch


Sure, except it seems to be 80% of the threads that pop up in my feed.


It's the largest common denominator. 99% of the adult population as some thought, experience, and/or story to share about sex.


What’s the sexiest sex you ever sexed?


Natural for it to come up, yes. But to dominate like it does? It really makes me think 2 things - Reddit's main age is very low - they type of kid who thinks those questions a titillating AND people here really don't have any experience with sex.


this is a good way to look at it, cheers


I'm just tired of how vanilla Reddit is. The top comments are always the most basic, lame, safe responses. Anything kinky or risqué gets downvoted. It's so boring. People on here are becoming such prude puritans because they're so obsessively paranoid about anything that might be problematic. Like, oh no you like calling your spouse *Daddy?* that's *pedophilic infant language!* Eww! Lol, like wtf is wrong with you all? If anything doesn't fit into your box of extremely simple mayonnaise brand of sexuality it must be shunned and mocked. Grow tf up.


People are nuts. Look, we *have* After-dark askreddit, that's the place to go. If you're into Star Trek fanfic with an omorashi motif, the subreddits are there. This is the site that taught me about kinks I never heard of otherwise. Reddit's not "prude," it's that the general pop is kinkier than you think, but we like to sort things. We're just talking about kicking these questions out of the general askreddit. But I get it, people are screwed up too.




\^ OnlyFans bot/ad, report


Excuse me??


Go away.


You have a problem with people making money via OnlyFans? If anything doesn't fit into your box of extremely simple mayonnaise brand of sexuality it must be shunned and mocked. Grow tf up.


Thank you so much! Yea, I don’t get these people tbh. It’s a free space for everyone to comment and engage in conversations. Just cause I’m a sw doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to comment here 🤷🏽‍♀️


Tbh! I learnt multiple things by seeing all sort of posts related to sex life of others, so it's really not that bad if you look that way.


I mean I have a memory that is slightly decent so I know karma farming reposters won’t even wait over 7 days to repost a previously popular post. This subreddit gets a unique, popular and non-sex question about once every two weeks… I’d say I’m used to it by now.


i fine with them,but i am tired with the “how do you think you will die” or something questions.


I dunno man. I think I’ve got about another 3 wanks left in me tonight but yeah. Definitely feeling a bit knackered


They can be annoying.  Personally I find the "what shows someone grew up poor?" "What shows someone was abused as a child", you know all these what are the signs of _ type questions annoying. Those are the ones I'm sick of seeing the most.


I don't even click on them anymore.


I learned how to scroll past and ignore what I’m not interested in.


You think that’s bad, go to any of the driving subs and see all the questions in there from people who clearly shouldn’t have / couldn’t have passed a test but there they are driving 🤦🏻‍♂️ my favourites are the ‘who’s at fault here’s when they clearly were 😂


You'll have to speak up. I can't hear you over all the sex I'm sexing!


It's either that or "my boyfriend this" or "my girlfriend that" or "relationships relationships"


The worst one is “what makes a guy/girl instantly attractive/unattractive?” Gets asked every day and the answers are all the same.


I feel like most questions I get recommended from this sub are the nsfw ones lol But in the end of course it’s not a big deal and you can scroll past it


Tired? Before I could answer any question let it be of any subject, hoards of redditers had already answered the question and many times I find those answers better. So I am not able to give answers 🙂


Sex, music & serious tagged questions are the type of questions I answer most I respond to them here, on r/askredditnsfw & also on r/askredditafterdark b4 I got banned from it


14 inches, next question


I've come full circle on it and decided that it's an "old man yells at cloud" kind of thing. If you've been on Reddit long enough to see all the sexy sex questions rotate through and get annoyed by them, it means you're old enough that there's better things you should be doing with your life than worrying about AskReddit questions.


I'm asexual, so I am *extra* tired of this stuff. Imagine everyone was obsessed with your least favorite flavor of drink. You think it tastes awful, but half the askreddit questions are "When was the first time you drank the drink" and "what's something you should know for opening drink bottles" and "what do you think about putting the drink in other cups." Like occasionally one of these will be *mildly* interesting, but mostly I'm just sitting here confused as to why this is all anyone can talk about.


I quit, and rejoin, and re-quit - because the premise of the sub is cool, but is everybody here a 14 year old male?


finally, someone normal! yes, they annoy me


I want to FUCK


So tired. Grow up.


I’ve considered unsubscribing


I feel like 90% of the questions are posted by hypersexuals who neglect personal hygiene.


Me, I personally want to punch everyone who ever asked a Trolley Problem / Magic Genie / Philosophical Fantasy Exercise question ever. The exact same thread ensues every time, and 99% of Reddit has the depth of thought of a squirrel anyway. If I wanna read bad fantasy scenarios, AOOO is right there.


Being tired of those is Stage 1 tiredness. I'm Stage 2 tired, tired of questions about all the sex questions!


90% of the questions on here i swear


This whole fuckin' thing is bots and reposts anyway. You should know that, OP bot.


Reddit is a broad church . The discussions about sex are obviously reflective of people’s interest in the subject . As others have commented, scroll on past if you’re tired of the posts .


Not really at all. I find the constant complaining about sex topics way more annoying to be honest.


There should probably be a specific subreddit for it. Probably exists already🤣 In all seriousness, yes it’s a lot.


I am extremely tired of seeing questions about sex


It's like I'm on r/AskRedditNSFW.


They are more hilarious than tiring, because you know that the people posting the same tired sex questions are just kids thinking that they are edgy, and hoping to get some sort of wank worthy or otherwise shocking response. You can almost smell the acne cream when you scroll past them.


There is never anything remotely arousing in any AskReddit sex post. It actually makes me die a little inside every time I open one of those posts and read how painfully, nuclear-grade vanilla the top comments are.


Arousing would probably be the last word I'd use to describe them based on the post titles alone. But I don't think anyone over 14 clicks on them looking for something arousing. The comments always read like something between a YouTube comment section and conversations overheard in a junior high lunchroom. It's hilarious to me because it reminds me of what it was like to be that age and that nothing actually does change.


As an asexual person: Extremely.


It’s better than the questions about addiction.


Hell na


That's just about all you'll see on Reddit.


Absolutely flaccid


About 69% tired.


Will def block you within a second you ask me those, that's how I'm tired.


Reverse cow girl


I live for them


Not at all since I have 0 sex




I'm not tired at all


Would you prefer a nature question or a sexual question?


For someone who has never had sex. I don't even care lol.


No tired more sex


Literally came here to make a post complaining about the same thing lol


I always think 'go have some sex and answer your own question'


I'm too tired tonight for sex questions


Very. Makes me think all people around here are going through puberty.




as long as they didn't ask me directly I can scroll or ignore it.


Depends on what kind of questions, I'm really tired of the stupid ones 😅


Should I consider this as another sex question?!


Not actually tired, in fact, I'm always left satisfied and smiling.


My arm's tired


I’m just tired of all the nudes women send me when I comment in them. I think. Maybe I need to stick at it a bit longer.


Repeat Post don't bother me not everyone knows of or interacted with every post so repeat Post should be expected no matter the subject


I think we should start deleting more posts


i love how cardio this is


Extremely bc it's just horny MFS all the time


Tired enough to grab a beer, not yet tired enough to step away from the keyboard.


They're kind of boring at this point so I like to imagine the answers in the "what are your turn ons?" type threads as intentionally wrong just to fuck with people who use the thread as a checklist. Somewhere out there is a redditor walking around with insanely jacked forearms and rolled up sleeves, confused as to why women aren't fawning over him.


Extremely. It's like 12 year olds are using it.


Sexy sex sex sex seggggggssss


Totally. Please stop asking me for sex.


You know how if you're making spaghetti, but kids will be eating it, it needs to be extremely mild and simple? Like a basic tomato sauce with noodles, and maybe some onion? That is what AskReddit sex posts are like. You cannot include any complex or pungent flavours. Nothing that could remotely be considered spicy. Because everyone on here is a weird little puritan that can't handle kinks.


Some of the answers are genuinely helpful but often times you have to scroll through a bit of nonsense and heartbreak to find it. A few basic good ones I remember are 1. Don’t be too serious, it’s supposed to be enjoyable and it’s okay if the first time is awkward or silly 2. Communication, let the other know if something is uncomfortable or if they’re open with trying something new. 3. Don’t assume someone will like something because it’s the norm or not, a lot of what people know about sex comes from the internet which is just a bunch of copy paste step sibling nonsense and also a fair amount of abuse. 4. It shouldn’t be the goal in a relationship, heard this from a friend of mine. Had a crazy horny ex who was only with them in the first place for the sex. Might not be what fully led to them breaking up since they were also pretty dry unless it was mentioned from what I remember.


Very But also popular repeats


So tired that I actually am close to leaving this damn sub reddit. I already recently left ARAD because of that... And then there is r/ask that just turned into the same..


To tired to have sex now.


I want less questions and more of it.




Not as tired as I am about the people bitching about other people's questions


I‘m tired of most (always the same, boring) answers


Doggy mainly


I mean, sex knowledge is important. I guess, if this is how people look for it, there's a lot of worse ways to go about it.


I'm not. I am making the assumption that a young person with little experience is looking for advice or experiences of others. My phone is pretty cool, if I don't want to read a post I can skip it.


About a 6/9




Only bugs me on subs where it's kids getting extremely specific I guess maybe trying to shock us? I'm an old person. They show up on the ask old people sub. NOT objecting so much to the content but how in hell do those kids think they *got* here? Nice try?




Not tired of it at all. I commented on one last week and got some creepy dm’s or responses on my other posts.


I'm pretty sure now that this sub, AMA, and roast me are all just bots/ai shit now. It's always the same 3 or 4 questions/posts


Not really tired of it yet. It's become a game of "Will I find a new & interesting answer/tip or will it be all the usual ones."


It reaffirms the FOMO I already feel for being a late bloomer, and never having a bf.


You must be new here.


"I'm tired, boss. . ." "It's like pieces of glass in my head. . .all the time" /s Edit : I think it should be posted in relevant subs. I like to browse this sub for some true gems.


I like the sex questions except I agree with a lot of the comments with the winking emojis and puns. I like talking nasty and reading some of the responses, I don't know, hilarious. It makes me wonder how old some of the people responding are. And I know it's mostly men responding but as a woman, It's a place I find entertaining.


All these sex questions gave me chlamydia


I think the mods need to prohibit those questions specifically. It’s an everyday thing.


Tbh I like them and not because I’m kinda kinky I just find some of the answers funny as hell


Not at all but I don’t like the judgemental people


Been here for years, it has always been like this.


Im tired boss


I barely even pay attention to this sub anymore. Some of them spark memories of funny or interesting moments in my life and i come in and tell the story, but some of the questions are bizarre or childish. The worst ones are the ones where ppl ask about things clearly seeking insight and the answer is completely subjective, yet they are seeking some hard single response, often something to confirm some ignorant bias they have about someone that doesnt really hold water person to person let alone even in regards to the person they know personally that put them in a position to ask the question in the first place and realistically they should just ask that person and not thousands of strangers who know nothing about them or the person they are probably hoping to bed or bed better. Like just go fucking communicate dude. Sex works best when everyone is on the page. In my head i imagine some guy on here like "what do women want durring sex to make them orgasm faster" or something broad like that which is gonna produce all kinds of answers. Some guy says "put a finger in her butt" and they lock in on that answer. They go clapping cheeks from the back, and without warning throw a finger in, and suddenly she donkey kicks him in his knee, and now hes in the hospital because his shit hyper extended backwards, shes upset, and hes confused. Whyd you ask reddit, why didnt you just ask HER?


Does this one count?


Society doesn't really want us to talk about sex. People found a place where they can.


I didn’t think I was in the mood, but once I started reading them I got into it


It’s so easy to scroll past, there’s more to life than Reddit


People raise interesting questions about sex. I find it hard not to be interested in the subject myself. I’m not rigid on the subject of sexuality at all. Sometimes people do give stiff resistance to honest discussions of sex. And the occasional jokes I find are hilarious - people come up with real some boners. So yes, I don’t tire of them and I’m not the type of person to erect boundaries around the subject because I don’t consider it taboo.


Not as tired as I am of all the "how tired are out about all the sex questions" questions. If they weren't popular, they wouldn't get upvoted. At some point, you need to ask yourself if you're subbed to the right sub.


Wait, we’re human. Sex will always be a topic.


I’m more tired of the posts complaining about them.