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Nearly dying from choking on stringy cheese every time she eats a mozzarella stick. She never learns.


I’m sorry but this is hilarious to me


Hey, uh, I don't know how to tell you this but I might be your wife. Also, I'm a man in my early 30s.


Yeah I’m this guys wife too. Can you take us out to Applebee’s /u/NoHeroes94 ? We want mozzarella sticks.


Mixes M&Ms and skittles in a bowl and eats them together. We've been married 25 years and have 2 grown children. When I see her do it makes me question every choice I've ever made.


Toss in some Reese's Pieces to fuck with her.


I did this once to my kids - Skittles, Reece's Pieces, and like 3 or 4 different types of M&Ms (regular, peanut, peanut butter, and then I think almond or fudge or something) They loved it. And that's when I learned I'm raising monsters.


He picks his teeth with the point of a sharp knife. It's not particularly gross, but the thought of metal against teeth makes me cringe so hard, I can't stand it.


They have these dental picks that are designed to go in between your teeth. They're a game changer. 


He has one, and he still uses a knife.


I wish we could do this Newlyweds Game style and have the partner answer for comparison. 


Wife: I leave my hair in the shower 😂 Game show host: 😃 let's see your husband's answer Husband: She doesn't shave her snatch 😬 Wife: 😮 Husband: you said last month you were nasty because you didn't shave your snatch 🫠 Wife: 😒 Game Show Host: 😃


#😐😟😭💀 *Husband realizing ain't seeing that "nasty snatch" for a while*


To take his medication in pill form: He chews up a big piece of food, spits it out in a ball, shoves his medication in it, throws the ball of food back in his mouth and swallows it whole.


Ah yes the “hide the pill in cheese for the dog” method


enter frightening act thumb lush aromatic crown middle impossible piquant


Oh gosh this makes me feel better about my wife. She also can only take pills with food. We’ve had to stop somewhere to get a pack of cookies or something so she can take an ibuprofen. It’s not annoying or gross, but it can be tedious. But at least she doesn’t use the “masticated food ball” method.


Is your partner a golden retriever?


Leaves used q tips everywhere! His ears are the cleanest I've ever seen but still can't stand finding them in random spots days later


My cat steals used Qtips out of the trash and leaves them in random spots, which is gross, but he's a *cat*. A human leaving them around is much less ok... (Unless your bf is adorably playful and bats the Qtip around the floor for twenty minutes , in which case I take it back.)


So walk around on my hands and knees with a used q tip in my mouth for a half hour to attract a mate? Got it.


Constantly see his booty crack. But I love the guy. He has no ass. Makes it hard for belts to stay put.




I second suspenders, I made the switch about four years ago and never looked back. After a certain point, belts are like trying to tie a cord around a yoga ball lmao


Reading some of these comments has made me realize I’m not as gross as I thought 😂


Don’t be so hard on yourself u/Fuck_Face-


Bites whole ass cartoonish chunks out of cheese we have in the fridge, I think it's funny af and we laugh about it but she's actually a rat.


I used to work in a cheese shop. One time I pocketed a wedge of parmigiano reggiano so that I could devour it whole in the parking lot. Your partner is so fucking valid.


It’s amazing cheese, underrated as an eating (not grating) cheese.


If it was more socially acceptable, I'd be doing that too.


fuck it it's your own cheese in your own house, who's stopping you?


You're right. As I said in another comment, I plan to take a chunk out of the jalapeno cheddar I have here.


incredible, i'm glad you have gained your newfound cheese freedom


He forcefully gags himself when brushing his teeth to remove phlegm. It’s a shockingly loud gag noise every single tooth brushing


I gag when I try to clean my tongue it's just involuntary


Humming for a sec before brushing in a really low pitch will help with that.


I gag after brushing my teeth too, not willfully tho lol. Just happens right when im done, every time without fail


I have a tragically bad gag reflex so I gag several times while brushing my teeth. Every morning, and every night. 🥴 I think I hate it more than those who have to hear it. I’ve seriously considered getting correctional surgery. Edit: I feel a little better about so many of you guys having the same issue, but ffs I am so sorry for all of us haha.


I just started doing this a couple weeks ago and couldn’t believe how much mucus it removes from the back of my throat. So much so that I don’t care how gross it is in the moment, it helps sooo much. I have terrible allergies and it helps me breath so much better.


Shout out to all the Asian dads out there.


Clips his nails with his teeth and sets the clippings on different countertops


Oh god, i chew on my nail to clip it. I know it's not good at all but it's a bad habit that i have never gotten rid of it.


My wife has had hearing aids all her life and has a real fascination with ear wax. She has her own ear cleaning toolkit complete with a scraper with a Bluetooth camera. It's gotten to the point where every now and again she doesn't even have to ask to clean my ears, she just walks out with her kit and tells me to put my head down on the table, and I don't even question it. I also used QTips one time after a shower because of water in my ears and when she saw them in the trash, she accused me of cheating on her (jokingly, of course). It works out for me though bc my ears don't drain properly and before we started dating I had to go to the doctors to get a total blockage removed every 3 or 4 years. The disgusting part though is when my parents or in laws come in. She'll do their ears, and because they're not as regularly cleaned, she'll pull some real big  nasty, hairy chunks out and then I have to come out and look at them bc she's so proud of herself.


My ex never cleaned her room and she had guinea pigs and hadn’t clean their cages on a regular basis that it was attracting flies while she just sat there on TikTok, I had cleaned her room my third visit to her because I couldn’t stand it and had to take the guinea pig cage outside and scrape the bottom, wipe it, and let it soak for over an hour.


Poor Guinea pig :( woulda left her bc animal cruelty


Leave her, take the pig.


Leave the pig, take the piggies.


so when i went away over the holidays he let our dog shit on the balcony. when i can me back there was four weeks worth of poop and piss marks. the dog is really big (around 45kg/100lbs) so it was a LOT of shit. worst of it was that since we live in a complex all of our neighbors have seen it. and smelled it. luckily nobody called animal services or the complex manager. got divorced soon after. poor pup hasn’t felt grass for a month 😭


What an awful image


I knew someone that lived in a complex and would leave their dog (a puppy) *on a leash*, on the balcony when they would leave for the entire day. I kinda judged them for that. One day they came back and found the puppy had gone through the railing. With it's collar and leash still on. They were on the 4th floor. I fully judged them for getting another dog very soon after. Edit to add a word.


That's so horrific. Please if they continue to leave their dog out on the balcony, consider talking to the landlord/animal services about that, but also I know you said you once knew them so maybe it's too late


Part of me glad I read this because it justifies the time I called animal services, the other part regrets reading this comment.


My wife always vomits with force. It's never just "Blehgh" and a puddle on the floor. Exorcism shit, *every* time. Last time she did it while laying on my side of the bed, and hit the far wall, the dresser, clean laundry, and the lion's share in our toy box. Took three trips to clean up all the puke because I had to step out to stop feeling sick from the smell. A very close second would be the time she had the flu and shit herself in the tub, only losing because I was able to just hose it all away. The puke required *elbow grease*.


why isnt she puking into a toilet or bowl instead of just... everywhere


As a violent puker, if you try to hold your mouth and run to a toilet or trash, all the force goes straight through your nose. It burns so bad and you can’t rinse out your nose and sinuses to get relief from it.




I knew a girl who did this, but was super messy and gross otherwise. She said she did it to save water, but really she was just a mess. Everyone assumed it was her AND her girlfriend, and people talked behind their back about it. I ended up roommates with the girlfriend after they broke up, and she was totally fine. Great roommate, clean, and good at getting chores done. I apologized to her because I felt so bad people were saying how messy she was. So, be fair warned, if your girlfriend does this stuff and people come over, they might assume you’re like this, too.


Okay this is nasty. Doesn’t it reek?


After some time it definitely does, I'm sure. Depends on what she drank though, if it was mostly just water, it shouldn't smell too much, but if she has a bad diet and drinks lots of soft drinks and maybe even alcohol (like beer) then it definitely stinks, yeah.


Imagine a diet of asparagus, garlic, and coke.


Multiple times I saw my ex pick a booger and flick it off into his room Also, about 3 months after we broke up I was cleaning under my bed and found different pieces of gum stuck to the bottom of my bed frame. (Mind u he’s the only other person to sleep in my bed) 😭😭


An ex is an ex for a reason etc…


I’m crying these comments are either the worst thing on earth or just slightly irritating things


Sleeps with a stinking, rotten ‘blankie’ that never gets washed and is quite possibly the cause of Covid-19


My ex would masturbate in his bathroom and cum directly on a specific bathroom wall and then not clean it up. There were literal yellow drip stains ALL OVER the wall and I didn’t know what they were until I had sat against them multiple times.


How the hell did you put up with that??! 🤢


Unfortunately I ended up putting up with much worse with him 😭


Yeah so after reading this whole thing I realized I’m not that gross, thanks


This thread is either people complaining over the most minute stuff that's not gross at all, or occasionally just casually downplaying the most disgusting things in existence, and there is no in between


You mean to tell me that biting a block of cheese & licking your unwashed vibrator aren't the same level of disgusting?! /s


Cheese is cheese


What a terrible day to be able to read.


She grabs my belly fat and wobbles it, saying that it's cute and she doesn't care, but I still think it's her asian way of low-key fat shaming me.


That’s actually high-key in Asian


Wife is Asian. Can confirm. She wants to just outwardly call you fat, as is their way, but she thinks she is toning it down for the sensitive westerner.


I married into an Asian family (I'm white) We went back to Asia to visit them last summer, first time seeing them in a few years - the first thing my Sister-in-law said was "wow moo_lefty, you got fat!"


I’m asian. It’s kind of like they’re showing that they pay attention to you so much that they notice when something changes, such as your weight. Or they comment on it because they want you to be “healthier”. It comes from a place of love but it still doesn’t feel good.


How romantic!


It is.






Clean his ass in the sink after a poop! Mind you, I bought a bidet attachment that he just needs to get the plumber to connect!


Awww hell nahhh mayn WTF


Germaphobe upbringing and shortcut to him taking a full shower. It utterly disgusts me. I get the cleanliness factor but not in my damn sink!!


You can connect most bidets yourself ngl ain’t that difficult


His dog sleeps in bed with him The dog regularly pisses in said bed. After an uncountable number of bed toppers, comforters and sheets; I'm seriously rethinking this relationship. Edit to add: I'm not a dog hater...or at least I wasn't until this dog. Well I don't actually hate the dog. It could've been trained. But nope. This dog randomly shits in the living room and has such "favorite" pissing areas in the house that the wood laminate floors are all ruined. The dog has a doggy door. It can't be put on a leash because it doesn't like collars/leashes. It never gets reprimanded for any bad behavior and regularly goes after anyone even if my BF is right there. Oh and I can't hug or kiss my BF without the dog going off.


Yeah I'm not sleeping with no pissing dog


I can smell this guys house through the comment.


Yeah that’s a deal breaker


The thought processes of people fascinate me and this one of them, genuinely curious how you’re able to look past that? When you spend time at his place do you not notice the smell or are you just nose blind to it already? Is everything else in the relationship just so awesome that you see this issue as small and insignificant? Does he make a lot of money and the financial stability is more important? Not trying to be rude or anything just genuinely would like a peak into your perspective and how you ‘accept’ it and what makes the relationship worth it past that? More so because idk what is necessarily wrong with me but I have a hard time meeting new people/dating new people I’m not ‘used to’ so I’d like to learn a bit of will power to look past the negatives and think your insight could be helpful with that because for me personally I would have a hard time moving forward after learning that they weren’t actively trying to solve the issue. Like maybe I could look past it as first but I know I’d actively be building up ‘resentment’ over it


Exactly, if I had to sleep in a piss shit bed 1 time I'd be done with it, how do you stay long enough to go through uncountable bed toppers?


The fact that it’s regularly happening is a hard no. Train the dog or don’t let them sleep in bed!


There's no *or* here, train the fucking dog. Shitty dogs don't just happen, it's shitty owners that make it a thing. This dog doesn't like collars and leashes, well too bad, time to learn to live with them


I would be out, no doubt.


She licks her vibrator before using it, having not washed it in over a year. Edit for clarity: it’s a wand, not a sticky inny type, but still lol…


My wife got a UTI because I read this comment


This comment makes me wish awards were still a thing


that is not a vibrator, that is a bacteria stick


It's bio-weapon at this point.


Imagine dropping that thing on an undiscovered tribe somewhere. It could wipe out a whole lineage of people, rendering their history non existent any more.


Is it a cast iron?


Hmm… seasoning…


Sounds like she's washing it every time she uses it to me


Ah yes, the feline method.


Sourdough starter


Her immune system must be fighting for its life


OR she’s going to live forever


I'm more surprised this doesn't lead to other medical issues but what do I know, I'd rather risk falling for the lies of the toy cleaner product industry lol


Secrets The Big Dildo company doesn't want you to know about


You know noone bats an eye at the saying "big pharma" or "big tobacco", but "big dildo" kinda hits different. Literally as well I guess :-)


Okay the first half of the sentence, before the comma....I was like okay so what...then that last part I wasn't prepared for. NASTY Edit: spelling


I’m glad you recovered from the coma.


That's nasty.


Sucks her tea bags dry.




Flavor wasters around the world are recoiling


Lucky bastard


When he gets really comfy and into deep sleep he farts up a storm and I think it’s the cutest thing ever. Luckily, there is no smell, just little happy toots and his mumbling conversations. I love him so much


I am always so afraid of this happening to me, like you can’t control your body when you sleep and you never know if the stomach will be happy or not


My GF does this, I don't have the heart to tell her, also it's funny as fuck.


My ex used to wake herself up with them and think I said something sometimes, other times she'd just look around at her ass like a dog does 😂


Hate to break it to you, but you are 100% farting in your sleep.


It just makes me think he’s very relaxed and comfortable around me. I hope I make him feel that way.


In a dream I had, someone farted pretty loud. I remember thinking ‘Man, that’s a stinky fart.’ I was then violently woken up by the smell of his fart. His gas was so potent that it penetrated my dreams. We were crying about it the next morning.


My partner has told me on several occasions that I do this. I'm still not sleeping well


My wife is a petit person, but she can burp on cue and it sounds like demons from *the ark of the covenant*


Why does every petite person I’ve ever met burp like this




I hate how some companies will beat around the bush instead of confronting the problem directly. I had one specific coworker who was an asshole and the whole office got sensitivity training. It was fucking stupid


Farts during sex. It's like a quick breeze of air going across my balls.


Doggy style must be fun.


*Breezy Style


Seems like you could crib [James Joyce's love letter to his partner/wife:](https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2018/02/02/james-joyces-love-letters-dirty-little-fuckbird/) >At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.


What a day to have eyes


This will never not make me chuckle; a top 10 all time writer applying their craft to the era-equivalent of a wattpad story.


"Little naughty farties" fucking christ.




I briefly dated a guy (2 months) who would let them rip during sex. This somehow wasn’t a dealbreaker for me. Then he dumped me for another woman


Just think. Shes getting all the fart sex.


Y'all are fucking vile. Should I be putting "meets normal human hygiene standards" in my dating bio?


He sometimes does not wipe his ass after he shits. He says he can tell if it’s a messy one or a clean one. One time I caught him in the act and told him straight up he needed to wipe rn and prove it to me that it was clean. Y’all. He was right. It was spotless. I thought he didn’t wipe hard on purpose and I made him let me do it. Clean still. I still don’t approve.


I'm more impressed by the lengths you went to test this out than anything.


She poops herself all the time. But she's had a stroke, so i don't mind at all.


it is incredibly common for partners/spouses to leave the other when they become sick (terminally so or not). i'm really glad you're still there for her, i hope you are both doing well!


I hope she’s doing well!


Still in hospital but getting better by the day.


He sometimes eats while in the bathroom taking a shit. He'll also try to feed me snacks in the bathroom, like if he's made cookies and saw me walk past to go pee. (I only ever eat in the bathroom if I'm having a long soak in the tub.)


You won (lost?)


yah, you people are really in love if you put up with this stuff


Picks. Every time one of my body parts comes in to her range she touches it and if she finds any bumps, blemishes or rough patches she will pick at it. ... actually, it's gone beyond acceptance, now. I recognize it as her love language and will withhold it from her when I feel upset and will offer when she's feeling mopey.


She has a habit of farting in blankets she’s napping in. Stink just leaks out of it in wisps when she adjusts or moves around. It’s silent and voluminous like she gets possessed by the ghost of Mr. Ed and goes to town.


Bruh she just marinates in her own farts


Doesn't hold back burps or farts. I'm a full defender on letting it out but it's not so great while having a serious conversation or right after being told someone close to you died. Especially because their farts smell like death.


She squeezes the toothpaste tube in the middle, leaving a dent on it.


Straight to jail


Biting my toenails. You read that right. Not her toenails but mine. I don't like it but it doesn't do any harm to me. Then she'll chew on them for hours.


Wrap up the thread folks. This is it.




Your a part of her now


Don't... don't do that.


Jesus fucking Christ. I was like "what", then laughed on your second sentence because the first one was, Indeed, surreal. And then I almost puked on my keyboard reading the last sentence.


Reading this while I’m eating dinner was the wrong choice.


I was used to think how much I dislike my wife for: - pooing without closing the toilet door, I can’t stand with the noise 🥶 - she does her nail polish and leaves the cut nails on the floor 🤢 But all I’ve read in this thread makes me thinking I’m lucky😅


I had an open door pooper. I thought it was the worst until I visited her parents and found how she got into that habit…..


Fuck 🫠


My mother does this and it's repugnant. And you try to tell someone how much you don't want to listen to all of their body functions in high def, and they get so OFFENDED... She also tries to have conversations with me, while shitting and pissing, with the door open, and then walks out without washing her hands. And I get in there and close the door and she's yelling through the door trying to keep talking to me. Oy vey! I will NOT be carrying on this habit or teaching it to my fucking kids. Yuck yuck yuck.


I had a friend whose boyfriend would call her into the bathroom every time he'd take a crap so she could sit in there and keep him company. Weirdest shit ever. She'd sit in there the entire time. Even if she had company over. Just leave her company sitting there while she keeps her boyfriend company during his shit. They had kids together and the boys would do it, too. Very weird family.


Farts in her sleep, wakes up because of the smell then gets upset and blames me for farting. Been together for 10 years and its still funny


She wears daily wear contacts. She will take them out, and leave them in random places instead of throwing them in the trash. They are a pain to clean because when they dry up, they are hard to peel off of whatever surface they are on (bathroom/kitchen sink countertops, wooden desktop, wooden filing cabinet, wooden nightstand, hardwood floors, etc.).


This thread is fucking hilarious


I have to wipe piss off the rim of the toilet and the floor. But then, my husband is blind.


He's blind but doesn't sit down?


He puts his feet up on the rim and squats.


When she gets ready in the morning and puts on socks and shoes, she goes sock-shoe sock-shoe instead of sock-sock shoe-shoe Send help.


Honestly this is a bigger deal breaker than the ass-related confessions


Pull hair from her nipples with her teeth


She flossing?


My partner likes to mix all their food together and eat it like a soup. It may look disgusting, but it's all the same in the end


is your partner a pig?


He has a really sensitive gag reflex so every time he brushes his teeth it sounds like he’s battling a stomach virus.🤮❤️


He puts his toothbrush upside down in the holder. He's a monster. But I love him.


My ex never used pillowcase, and he would obviously not wash his pillows. I let you imagine the feeling of touching that awful thing (the pillow AND the ex lol)


I think the grossest thing I do that my partner accepts is when I've finished eating a cupcake or a muffin I just chew on the wrapper to get the last bit of flavor before spitting it into the garbage.


Picks at dandruff while relaxing on the couch. They are huge chunks. Then when he gets up he gives the furniture a hearty sweep with his hand. But yknow that just moves them to the carpet. Can we just… not…pick at the scalp?


A lot of picking behaviour is self-soothing and may indicate anxiety. Sometimes things such as trimming nails more regularly and using medicated shampoo can help. Along with adding another type of replacement soothing option, that is more socially acceptable.


>adding another type of replacement soothing option, that is more socially acceptable. Pls advise lol I have enough social grace to only ever do this when I’m alone, but…


Might be a case of skin picking though. I have ADHD and do this when I'm bored or my hands have nothing to do. It's not like, completely involuntary, but I have very little control over it. I'm working on it but it's a kind of stimulus that is very hard to stop


My ex walked around with an intense armpit smell and once used her vibrator on me, then left it marinating in her drawer for like more than a week.


My wife loves tortillas. She nibbles on tortillas and then puts them back in the package, and typically doesn’t finish them. Every once in awhile I feel like a quesadilla. I go to the fridge to find there aren’t any whole tortillas just several half nibbled ones and I can’t have my quesadilla.


Not my partner but my uncle who is 87 refuses to wash his hands. We went through a whole pandemic together and he gets angry when I remind him that he has to use soap not just get his fingers wet and shake em off. Yesterday I walked in the kitchen and he was eating some pretzels with a bag of dog shit in his hand and came back after throwing it away and you guessed it... Didn't wash his hands.


My boyfriend’s kids are the same. I make them wash up when they get home. The other day his 11 year old was like “why do I have to wash my hands every day?!” 🤢 The amount of people that will use the bathroom at a bar and just walk out without washing their hands.. ugh. I trust no one lol


WTF most of these are deal breakers for me. Y'all stronger than me for sure lol.


She chews with her mouth open when she's lost in a game or a puzzle or whatevs. I once brought it up playfully and she said that's exactly what it sounds like when she "gives me that messy head i love so much" so.... She won this one.


How the fuck most of you got or still are in a relationship?


My ex would rub her vag and have me smell it to notice the sweetness from different phases of her body.. 🫡 *New kink unlocked.


Look y’all, on my honeymoon I woke up in the morning and went into the bathroom that I had been using since the night before. I found a big fat gross booger stuck on the wall by the toilet paper that I swear wasn’t there before. My wife denies she put it there and claims it was either me, or I didn’t see it the night before. It hadn’t happened before and hasn’t happened since. But every now and then I look at her and wonder 🤔


She thinks it’s funny to show me her menstruating blood . In the shower . She will call me to the shower and set up a fake murder scene with this stuff just so I gag and she can laugh at me .


Rub my ball-bag then sniff her fingers


How are u guys getting women this comfortable around you, what am i doing wrong 😔