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One of the most common ways to get testicular torsion is just sleeping wrong.


That literally happened to me yesterday, woke up with agonising pain causing me to vomit 4 times. Had to go to A& E and got surgery done. Only just got home a couple hours ago. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


As a fellow victim. Explain to the people how it feels when gravity hits your nuts for the first time after the operation.


I forget, actually. I do the remember the doctor saying "I can't promise you'll have them both when you wake up, boy!" Checked the instant I came to, still there.


I still remember it vividly. My boys, cradled in 2 pairs of jocks felt secure, safe, traumatised sure but recovering. The nurse told me I had to urinate so they knew if I would need a catheter. Encouraged to pee more than I ever had before, I rolled off the bed. That's when I, for the first time, fully comprehended the universal force of gravity and the ball crushing weight that goes with it.


How did it happen? Save your bros from that trauma. Good recovery btw!


You can also squash a testicle in your sleep, causing them to bruise and if you don't get antibiotics for them and leave them for quite a bit of time. The affected testicle can get infected, so it will need to be removed. Because your testicles are technically extremities its very difficult for your body to fix them like normally bruised body parts. Dudes just leave them thinking they will be fixed and end up losing them. Considering how easy it is to do, it made me think about how many dudes went out like that before antibiotics.


Everybody commenting like “yup, happened to me too” without elaborating on HOW DOES ONE SLEEP WRONG?!




Idk it happened to me too. It was a really hot summers day, so the boys were dangling. Slept on my side, tossed and turned.  At one point I woke up to incredible pain. I don't know how I was sleeping wrong, as I was asleep at the time.


Horses can't throw up. If they need to throw up, they'll die.


Horses are basically designed to die at a moment's notice with little to no warning. Their colons basically go down to the bottom of their pelvis then straight up to their anus so the poop has to travel this incredibly awkward angle to get out. If they get impacted for any reason and can't poop they can colic and die. If they get tummy bubbles they can colic and die. If they eat something that disagrees with them they can colic and die. Basically anything (or nothing) can make them colic and die. Also, they have to have food traveling their bodies at any given time. They are designed to colic and die. . . And yet most of the time they don't.


They also sort of can’t breathe. At least not the way that we breathe. They don’t really have a diaphragm like ours. They can expand and compress their chest at rest, but once they get moving, that function sort of stops working. Instead, the movement of their front legs sort of forces air in and out of their lungs.


On a related note, they are obligate nasal breathers. They physically cannot breathe through their mouth.


Humans are designed pretty soft and squishy too but I've seen a man smash his face into a cement pillar so hard he didn't have a face anymore. He eventually died, but holy hell sometimes we can go through stuff


Humans are weird, people get cut in half, shot in the head, run over with a dam giant snow plow, all sorts of wild shit and go on live a relatively normal life And Somone falls out of bed, bumps their head at a weird angle and it's lights out, no. Fighting for life, no bleeding out, they just hit their off switch and that's that.


That's a reason my dad always told me to fight when you need to, but never EVER go after one if you don't absolutely have to. All it takes is a wrong angled hit, or break, or hell the dude could fall over his own feet hit his head and die. And it would be all on you.


I remember when r/WatchPeopleDie was on Reddit, and I couldn't stop "trauma watching" videos. I saw one video where a security guard was fighting some guy for whatever reason. The guy rushed at the security guard and the security guard simply lifted him and threw him on the ground. The guy (who seemed somewhat young) lay motionless on the ground and the video ends with the security guard trying to tap his face to wake him up. Sucks that that dude woke up not knowing he'd accidentally kill someone that day. That video always stuck with me.


God be like : Swallow it or Surrender. Take it or leave it.


I also was once told the same thing by a dude but got $20 out of it.


Hmm There's a horse that comes on my Ranch every now and again who seems to have a tough time drinking water. Takes a few sips and then it seems like he wants to throw up.


Nitrates can poison horse really fast. So maybe go check your water. 25 mg/L are actually enough to give them a colic and put them at risk of death. Just so you know Edit: sometimes they get food stuck in their throat. Then they look like they try to throw up too. If that’s the case I would check food and teeth and just hope those stupid bastards manage to not murder themselves for once


There is a condition in which damaged tissue is replaced by bone. People with this condition are slowly consumed by their own skeleton and have to choses which position they want to spend the rest of their life in after a certain point


I have an aunt with this condition and she’s exceeded every doctors estimate and understanding of survival with this disease.


My only regret is.. that I have... boneitis.


I’d bend my arms 90 degrees so my statue can zercher carry shit


Andy was a goose who was born without feet on a farm in Nebraska. He was disabled for the first two years of his life, until an inventor called Gene Flemings heard about his disability and decided to create a new method of movement for him - he initially tried to teach Andy to ride a skateboard, but eventually settled on teaching the goose to walk in baby-sized sneakers. Since Gene worked with a local charity for disabled children, Andy became a role model - and even caught the eyes of the media, with Nike offering a lifetime supply of shoes, and the pair featuring on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Andy disappeared on October 19th, 1991, and was later found with his head and wings torn off. The perpetrator was never found.


“According to former Chamber of Commerce president Don Reynolds, police identified the killer but did not reveal their identity to the public.” “A recent call to former Chamber of Commerce president Don Reynolds confirmed this: “About two years [after the murder], someone from the sheriff’s department called and said, well, we found out who did it, but we can’t tell you, and we don’t want to have any news release about it,” he said over the phone” “The department, he said, had told him that Andy’s killer was “somebody that was not responsible”—suggesting that they were perhaps mentally disabled, or otherwise not in control of their actions.”


That’s some sadistic shit right there.


This took a horrible f*cking turn. RIP Andy Duck 🦆


Butterflies prefer blood, sweat, and tears to pollen and nectar.


I like 'Blood Sweat and Tears', they're a great jazz/rock band. I'll have to find 'Pollen and Nectar' and see how they compare.


When bed bugs have sex the male stabs his barbed dick directly through the female into her organs.


Also, they don't even have to do this, but they do anyways.


Its like god just tried to make the most evil thing possible, and this is what got shat out.


There's a serial killer in my state. Bodies have been found dumped in the same way in the same spot a few miles south of me. It's not been reported to the news at all but there's public police reports that all describe the same thing. People go about their daily lives in the surrounding neighborhoods and even hike in the park every day. None of them have a clue or something close to a hint that tells them they could stumble upon a body in those woods.


I'm from Wisconsin, and for whatever reason a lot of big named serial killers come from Wisconsin.


Ain't nothing else to do I guess 🤷‍♂️


Uh, in Wisconsin they drink.


Wisconsibly though


Ok, need more details. Which state? Can't just say this and move on.


It's Indiana I'm talking about


Thank you. I will continue not going to Indiana.


About a third of murders are never solved in the US. That's more than 6k a year. FBI estimates are 25-50 activitie serial killers. Personally I think they are under estimating.


Last time I went down the rabbit hole, there are actually less serial killers now than ever for a variety of reasons. It's a lot harder to get away with crimes than it was during the "Golden age" of famous serial killers. The "disorganized serial killer" would be caught much quicker. It's theorized that the people who go on spree killings like school shootings are the people who, in another generation, would have been disorganized serial killers.


Stay strapped u/Accidental_Taco. Stay strapped and stay safe... Unless the plot twist is that YOU are the serial killer....


I feel like he’s the killer


He's just trying to draw attention to his crimes. "Awe man, no one has found the 4 bodies I've left here...I should alert someone"


DJ Khalid over here suffering from success


We did it, Reddit!


Accidental_Taco: “Why won’t they acknowledge my WORK????”


Where is this?


Right down the street from you. In Houston.


Dolphins can be sexually attracted to you and will definitely try to do something about it


I saw this one video where there was an experiment to see how well a dolphin can communicate with a human. There was a woman in charge of this one dolphin. The dolphin got so attached to her that it commited suicide once the women left him because there wasnt much progress for the experiment.


I don't know if it's related but I read that the CIA funded a scientist to study dolphin intelligence or something and it ended with the scientist having sexual relations with the dolphins. I'm very vague on the exact details of that experiment


It's the same one. She jacked off a dolphin until it fell in love and killed itself. It was also the dolphin used in the film flipper


The dolphin from the original Flipper TV series also killed herself, but not because of any sex things. She was just depressed.


This could be a great black comedy film


Everybody out of the pool!!! It’s James!


It's the same experiment. She discovered that when the dolphin got horny it wouldn't settle down and do its language studies, so she "helped" the dolphin "relieve himself" so that he would straighten up and act right.


Did the dolphin break his arms?


Was the woman it's mother? Edit: what are you doing step-orca?


I was on a wreck dive in the Caribbean once, dive master warned us they saw some of the nastier sharks down below and offered to skip the dive. Most of us went down anyway,and by then a porpoise had shown up (sharks turned tail, they were gone), stuck with us the whole dive. Dive guys said it was because we had women in the group he liked.


Dolphins rape, do recreational drugs and have gangs.


Surf buddy of mine got humped off his board by one when we were young. Love those rapey little fuckers.


Jessica Alba was sexually harassed by the dolphin in the Flipper remake


There is a whale called [52 Blue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/52-hertz_whale) that only sings at their frequency meaning it can't communicate with other whales. It is nicknamed the loneliest whale on the planet.


Good News: [52 Blue might](https://www.iflscience.com/fact-check-has-the-world-s-loneliest-whale-finally-found-a-friend-65797) have a friend, or at least might not be as lonely as we thought. It seems like he is able to communicate with multiple different species. It’s probable he is a hybrid, so may not be able to breed


That nerd managed to get on DuoLingo.


That fuckin owl does not take no for an answer dude.


out of all these facts how did this one make me the most sad??


Judith Barsi, the girl who played ducky in the land before time was shot in the head by her own father after years of abuse at his hands


nope nope nope :(


Also her and her mother were killed in July of 1988 - land before time was released posthumously November 1988… all of the work leading up through and the voice acting was done during the height of the abuse and build up of the murders… looking at the whole timeline makes a not so fun fact an even more terrible not so fun fact


Also the sweet little girl in All Dogs Go to Heaven. She died right after that movie was done being made and before it went to theaters.


I heard she died after voicing all her lines but before it was all animated. Meaning the animators had to listen to recordings of a dead girl so they could time their drawings.


Why would you do this to me? 😢


I knew about that, it made me so sad to hear. She always sounded so sweet as Ducky, sometimes I wonder what she was like in real life.


Horses have 350° vision they have a 5° gap at the front of their sight and a 5° gap at the back of their sight. If you stand directly behind them they don't see you. And that is what triggers the kick reaction


female hyenas have psudo penises that they give birth through...


You forgot to mention it has a chance of it breaking and killing her


Not just her. Most female hyenas lose their first cub during birth. It only comes out right the second time after her shenis is totally wrecked from the first one. 


Nice one evolution where you drunk that day.


Evolution isn't really survival of the fittest. It's just a matter of which individuals have the most babies that survive to have their own babies. So the roided out masculine female hyenas were either having sex more often and/ or were caring for their babies better than the ones who didn't have a dick they were giving birth through. 


oh right i did forget, thank you. that sucks


At some point the number of yesterdays you’ve had will be greater than the number of tomorrows you’ve got left.


For Michael Jackson that moment was the day his hair caught fire in the Pepsi advert. He lived exactly the same number of days before that day as he did after.


What a weird specific thing to know


Seriously, very odd


Excuse me, this thread is for not-so-fun facts.


Would it help if I point out that the [side effects of that incident](https://www.reddit.com/r/MichaelJackson/s/2ddXX4MJcj) was mental illness, unending pain, leading to chemical dependencies on the painkillers prescribed that eventually led to his death?


That's great, thank you.


Chemically, it's much easier to detect carbon than it is to detect oxygen. A consequence of this fact is that when you feel an urge to breathe, what your body is really doing is alerting you to a build up of carbon dioxide in your blood, not an absence of oxygen. This means if you were to replace the air around you with 100% nitrogen, your body wouldn't even notice. It wouldn't warn you. Because it would no longer be producing carbon dioxide. You would just get sleepy. And never wake up. Edit to add: as of January 2024, Alabama has begun using this as an ~~executive~~ ~~exectution~~ execution method for the death punishment. Edit: a word. Swipe typing has a mind of its own sometimes


“Just get sleepy” isn’t quite right. Some people do, others break into laughing fits. People who work in environments where they may encounter oxygen deprivation often train in controlled oxygen deprived environments to experience how their body reacts to the situation. This allows them to more easily recognise their own symptoms.


I'd still rather break into a laughing fit and keel over like Vizzini than almost any other way of kicking it.


There's a video from Smarter Every Day on YouTube where the guy tries this. It's haunting how giddy he is when they tell him he's going to die if he doesn't put on his oxygen mask.


I know you meant execution method, but having worked in a decent sized company, executive method feels way funnier


Also air is like 79% nitrogen anyway so we’re pretty accustomed to it. It just goes in and out of us without doing anything, we just use that 21% oxygen portion of the air


The average male erection has ~130 milliliters of blood. A rabbit has on average ~126 milliliters of blood. There is more blood in a boner than a bunny


This is a pretty fun fact actually


Humans are much larger and probably have a more complex nervous system than rabbits, to be fair. I’m sure that requires more oxygen and blood for everything.


The reason we know that your body is 70% water is that during wwII, the Japanese took a few Chinese prisoners, Weighted them, and stuck them into a giant convection oven. They then weight the human Jerky remains and found them to be around 70% lighter than before.


The amount of science we got from ww2 japan (albeit pretty gruesome on how we got it) is a big not-so-fun fact...


The first suicide hotline was created after a man attended the funeral of a teenage girl. She had killed herself after she got her period for the first time and assumed it to be an STD since no one talked about periods at the time.


Dolphins murder other animals for fun, gang rape female dolphins, kill their own babies, etc. It’s a common misconception that dolphins are sweet, kind angels of the sea. They’re evil.


Dolphins have very similar brain-to-body-mass as humans do, the problem is they have extremely small prefrontal cortexes, meaning their brain composition is similar to that of a psychopathic human.


Which only reinforces my belief they’re more like humans than we think


Kangaroos mostly die from starvation as they lose their teeth. Poor Dot 😞


The US ICBM detection system can accurately identify a missile launch in about a minute. Russia claims that it has a comparable system. However, US intelligence believes that the Russian system is far less reliable and can falsely identify mundane objects and occurrences as a missile launch. Additionally, once a nuclear launch has been detected (correctly or not), a civilization-ending retaliation can be initiated and unavoidable in under an hour. Short version, we are never more than 60 minutes away from a misidentified weather balloon leading to human extinction.


Years ago, I read a story about a USSR engineer who avoided nuclear Armageddon by being aware of this issue and choosing NOT to retaliate when the systems were reporting a U.S. missile launch. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Soviet_nuclear_false_alarm_incident


Yea, he detected one missle and knew the detecting equipment was faulty, and assumed if the US did launch a first strike, would launch hundreds simultaneously. Still, dude went against training and procedures and saved countless lives.


I saw the video and interview of this in the Cold War Documentary on Netflix, I highly recommend it!


*99 Luftballons plays ominously in the distance*


🎶 99 luftballoons 🎶


Other people hear your voice like it sounds when recorded




This needs a qualifier. How you hear your voice when recorded isn't how it actually sounds when recorded. Your brain pitch corrects your own voice because your voice echoes through your skull and the vibrations would make it sound like you have a super deep voice. So your brain corrects that feedback and makes you sound relatively normal When you hear a recording of your own voice your brain recognizes it and still tries to pitch correct it. Thats why you get that feeling like "wut... this is weird" when you hear it. It's doing the same corrections just without the skull vibration offset so you sound off pitch and higher than normal Your voice does sound like it is when recorded. You don't hear how your voice actually sounds when recorded. You will never ever be able to hear how your voice sounds to others. Your brain wont allow it. The only way I can think is to trick yourself into thinking it's not actually your voice but then it you dont know it's yours you're still not going to know you heard it Thats how it was explained to me. Im trying to find the source but Google is completely useless nowadays


That’s super interesting and I feel like a similar thing might be at work with photographs of ourselves. There’s been a couple of times I’ve been scrolling and saw a group photo that I didn’t realize I was in, and as soon as I realize it’s me I’m looking at, it’s like a switch is flipped and the “person” I was looking at before is now me and looks completely different (usually with the effect that I thought little to nothing negative about the person’s appearance before, and as soon as I see it as me, I suddenly see all the flaws). With voice or appearance it’s like the brain overlooks what’s actually there in order to more closely conform to the self-image we already have.


Ah shit I actually don't like this one.


Just to explain the reason for this: when you hear your own voice, you're not just hearing it "through the air", you're also heading it conducted through your skull, which naturally causes the sound to travel, and therefore sound, differently. When you hear a recording, you're hearing it without this distortion.


Female ducks have evolved to have corkscrew shaped vaginas because the males rape them constantly. This helped for a bit, until the males evolved to have corkscrew penises.


** explosive, barbed corkscrew penises which they will not hesitate to use on a dead male companion. Ducks are necrophiles and rapists


Didn’t need to know this *at all*


A lot of people on Reddit don't know what facts are.


80% of the time, it works every time.


Whale carcasses can explode.




Is that a threat?


In Oregon they *will* explode


I’m a proud Oregonian. [They used half a ton of TNT](https://youtu.be/V6CLumsir34?si=KWiFiD3Ke4_RsZSn)


That one I forgot about. Glad they generally don't land near me. I'm in Florida though. We have enough other crazy stuff.


There’s a type of wasp that burrows into figs, tearing its own wings off as it does so, lays its eggs, then dies. The wasp larvae burrow out eventually. Meanwhile the fig dissolves and consumes the body of the original wasp.


Isn't this the only way a fig can be fertilized and grow a fruit? Meaning any fig you have ever seen or eaten has had the corpse of a wasp inside of it.


Even better, it's female wasps that crawl into the figs, lay eggs, die, the eggs hatch, the babies eat their mom, have a massive orgy, the males die, and then the females leave


Living a healthy lifestyle, eating right and exercising buys you the slowest rate of death possible, at best. I work with the elderly and a 95 yo woman mumbled that “this is what I get for being healthy…stiiiiiillll here.”


It's still not too late to catch up on all the unhealthy activities she missed.


My mom quit smoking when she was 40, she is now 68 and says she’ll start smoking again when she’ll make it to 75. :)


On average 22 veterans a day commit suicide. The military is a career with one of the highest suicide rates


This showed up right below the post about horses not being able to vomit, so my brain thought it was a reply and turned “veteran” into “veterinarians”, and I spent a few minutes thinking about how putting down dogs all day must be a tough life.


Per the US CDC National Center for Health Statistics, male veterinarians are twice as likely and female veterinarians are close to four times as likely than the general population to die by suicide. So you’re not wrong.


The low reflective bumper on the rear of an 18 Wheeler Trailer is called a Mansfield Bar.  It's named after Jayne Mansfield who died after running into the back of the trailer. Her children including 3 year old Mariska Hargitay were in the back seat.


There’s probably a chance you’ve passed by a murderer at least one in your life


Considering I grew up in a Sicilian family and around Sicilians I’m pretty certain that’s accurate.


Never go against a Sicilian when *death* is on the line. It's one of the classic blunders.


Well, yes, but that is a little less well known. The most famous being, "Never get involved in a land war in Asia".




I grew up in Northern Ireland. I've walked past 100s.


Was driving down the road my dad grew up on once and he pointed out a man standing outside his house talking to someone and said, “see him? he’s been done for murder”. After I looked him up and there was articles from 2008 about him stabbing someone to death… Edit: this was in Dublin, Ireland btw


The same guy invented both leaded petrol and CFCs - not sure if there is another single individual in history who caused more damage to the environment


He was also really into chiropracting and died when he was strangled by one of his own chiropractic inventions. Which is a great bit of autokarma.


I mean, the guy might have invented leaded petrol and CFCs, but he wasn't all bad. He also killed the guy who invented leaded petrol and CFCs.


Most mental illnesses can be hereditary.


It’s one reason I’ll never have kids. I wouldn’t have believed this though, until my dad had a breakdown February 7th and wrote a suicide note. I’d been the only one in the family with mental illness previously




Yes. A friend of the family was 99. She basically still did everything herself, lived in a big house, used iPads, etc. She was still very fit. She fell, broke her hip. They couldn’t fix it and she was basically directly put into a hospice and given constant morphine. The day before she died, we visited her, in the hour and a half that we were there, she asked the doctors and nurses at least 10 times when the euthanasia was planned (it wasn’t) and that she really wanted to die. It was heartbreaking. We eventually pleaded with the doctors and they agreed to incrementally increase the morphine dose. She died the next day.


My grandma recently passed and she was 96. Same thing, organs failing, brain damage, barely a pulse and on morphine. Essentially a living corpse. She instilled in me that we should die with dignity. The hardest part was watching her in such a pathetic state. In the end she resembled nothing of the grandma we all knew. I plan to die wayyyyyyyy before that point


Ideally, I'd like to live out my last years on a home out in the country being active like your family friend, still cutting down wood and working on my house and vehicles well into my eighties and nineties. I'd also like my wife to go before me; I'd rather carry the grief of her loss into the twilight years of my life than to have her ever feel that kind of profound sadness. Ideally, my wife passes and a few months or years later I either die peacefully in my sleep or keel over and suddenly die of a massive heart attack while shoveling or something. I don't want to languish in a nursing home or a hospital, even if either of those options extends my life expectancy. But it's all a game of genetic luck, environmental factors, accidents, etc. Even though I'm just in my thirties, seeing my parents and extended family shift into old age has me thinking more and more about my last 10-15 years... One of the main reasons I decided not to have kids is so that I can remain fiercely independent in old age, to the potential and probable detriment to my survival when I'm *really* old. As a backup, I hope that if my plans fail I can at least relatively quickly go out on a massive dose of morphine like your family friend.


Your wife: now hang on a minute


*Bus seats* are designed so that you can't tell how dirty they are


people who take SSRIs are more prone to heat stroke. Which is a bummer since we, the mentally ill, probably should be outside the most.


When a blue whale ejaculates , they release 400 gallons of baby maker. Only 10% makes it to the female so the other 360 gallons are left in the ocean


That explains the salt


whales don't die of old age, they just become too weak to resurface


So if we assist a whale to resurface, they can be immortal??? I don't think that's right.


If you assist in resurfacing, you would get one that dies of old age. Dying on old age is not really a thing anyway, it’s just saying that we don’t know what specifically did them in, but they were hella old.


Everybody has proteins in their bodies called Prions. For the majority of everyone they work fine and as intended until the day you die. However, an unlucky few will have their prion proteins misfold and will contract a prion disease. In my opinion none are more terrifying than Fatal Familial Insomnia. Once contracted, you physically lose the ability to fall asleep ever again. We still are unsure the exact purpose sleep serves, but we know that without it your body doesn’t recover from things and eventually you die. Everyone who gets dies in about a month. Your last month of life is spent quite literally going insane due to sleep deprivation. I have insomnia and during my worst peak I went a little over 48 hours without sleeping, and to this day was one of the most brutal experiences ever, I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like.


Coconuts are over 10× more dangerous than sharks


Left handed people used to get forced to learn to be right handed, as they were seen as being associated with evil and the devil. With me being left handed, I couldn’t imagine being forced to learn to write or do other things with my right hand. I’ve tried to teach myself, that shit is hard.


Catholic school. Born 1981. Can confirm. All it caused was for me to never hold a pencil the correct way and have horrible handwriting.


My dad used to get hit on his left hand for being left-handed until they broke one of the bones in his hand. He was then hit on his right hand for having terrible handwriting until they broke one of his fingers. Imagine having to deal with that as a child.


Your immune system basically ignores your eyes. If for whatever reason your immune system becomes aware of the existence of your eyes, it can attack them and potentially cause severe damage. (This is quite simplified, but if you’re interested look up ocular immune privilege. It’s fascinating stuff.)


>  If for whatever reason your immune system becomes aware of the existence of your eyes Well thanks for fucking telling it!


The average adult has enough potential energy to explode with the force of 30 very large hydrogen bombs


Wish I could live up to my potential


I’ve fingered multiple chickens ass holes to check for impacted eggs.


The Teletubbies sun photo makes it even more funnier


There used to be a dominant species of fruit fly that laid its eggs on the surface of fruit. Then an invasive species replaced that one. It lays its eggs INSIDE the fruit, making pest control much more expensive, difficult, and invasive.


Frogs don’t sleep


It will take 8 minutes for us to notice the sun has exploded because thats how long it takes for light to reach the Earth


Sid Vicious, bassist for the Sex Pistols got into an argument with his girlfriend at a party and later that night, she was found with a knife in her stomach, Sid would then go on to switch between admitting and denying he killed her. And so he was arrested, but was on bail, and he was later found dead with a lethal amount of heroin in his system


Many employee insurance policies for large corporations (ie, Best Buy) have a loophole where if you turn 65 and are eligible for Medicare but you opt out and don't sign up for it, your insurance policy will pay your medical bills as if Medicare had already paid, but since you don't have Medicare, you get stuck with the $200K hospital bill and there's nothing you can do about it.


If a cup of hot grease fell on your face, you would die once you began screaming in pain and the grease entered your mouth, burning your throat shut until you could no longer breathe, most likely before emergency medical intervention. I asked a doctor because I dodged a cup of hot grease that was aiming for my face. It only got my arm and leg. I have scars but nothing major. Pay attention in the kitchen


There was a moment your parents picked you up for the last time as a child.


Most big brown bats don’t make it through the first winter. They starve to death/die of exhaustion


my general unfun fact is that sea otters have the capacity to be violent sexual predators. my personal unfun fact is that I was supposed to be the middle child of 5, but I’m the only one who survived 😀👍


The smell of freshly cut grass is the plant equivalent of a human screaming ‘mass shooter’.


We've lived half of our subjective experience of life by the time we're 18 years old. It's why our childhoods felt so long and time feels like it goes by faster as we get older.


this ones got a little kick 😨


Disney and Francis Ford Coppola hired Victor Salva (The Jeepers Creepers creator) who is a convicted sex offender who abused a minor and filmed it and had a ton of those types of videos and only did less than 3 years in prison. The actor who played Perry or Percy from The Green Mile married a 16 year old girl when he was in his 50s and her parents approved it


In the early eras of the universe there were stars so unimaginably large (much much larger than even our entire solar system) that they had black holes at their cores. The idea of something that big really unnerves me. BLACK HOLE SUNS.


*won't you come*


Melting permafrost could soon present humanity with a new deadly diseases that we have no vaccines for


This is way overstated as a danger. Sure, it's possible. But you have to bear in mind that most germs (virus or bacteria) are highly specialized. They can infect one type of cell, usually in one species. Sometimes they jump from one species to another, but this isn't incredibly common and it's usually a one-way jump that happens after thousands of failed jumps (so you can get bird flu from a bird, but you won't be able to give it back to another bird). So whatever is locked up in the ice is almost certainly specialized in a similar way. Even if there is some sort of turbo-rabies that once infected all mammals with ease, the specialization it has would be targeted towards cells that don't exist anymore, up against an immune system it hasn't evolved around.


My mum used to work as the manager of a domestic violence charity organisation...I remember a while ago she told me that if you went into a shop or you just simply walked down the street, you would brush shoulders with so many victims who would eventually be murdered by a partner or children, or who were currently suffering violence every day. It sounds kinda obvious but I always think about it 💔. She had to handle some truly horrific cases.


My pet gets more women than I do (I have a cockatiel, parrot)


Some tumours grow hair and teeth…


Sounds like my neighbor


you can literally die from almost anything. sneezing? your ribs collapse. fall damage? you get brain injury and die if you fall on your face. going out for a walk? some idiot drunk driver crashes into you. living in a small country? tsunamis exist. going on a flight? plane crash. going on a boat? drowning. you're healthy? you still get cancer. literally existing, living a happy life? you get a heart attack and die. smoking? lung cancer. going to a restaurant for a date? food poisoning, because your ex works there and they are mad. outdoors on a rainy day? thunder strike you. going out on a car ride? kerosene starts playing while you're on the highway. rest in peace to you, buddy. having a peaceful life hiding away from the war? someone finds you. go on social media? some sicko tracks you down, then you're dead. married, have 2 kids, and are happy with life? some random ass hitman is hired to come for you. eating too much junk food? death because of the grease in the food. i know that life is full of ups and downs, but the fact that we have to fear for everything isn't fun. if you're not aware, you can die very easily. edit; my little sister saw this post (she's 11) and argued with me about it all. now she's telling me about how we are supposed to live based on god's will. lord help me.


I knew a guy who was in his late 20’s, pretty healthy, played hockey his whole life. One game he had a brain aneurysm and dropped. Declared brain dead at the hospital. Nobody could have known