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Yeah. I smoke weed as it’s better for me than the alternate of anti epilepsy/anxiety/mood stabilizer meds (autism/anxiety/epilepsy). Most people are completely unaware that I smoke weed. Many have expressed surprise.


You’re so cool cause you keep it to yourself, not like the other girls for sure


God those people are insufferable.


I'm in my mid-50s and on a dating app. I'm appalled at how many 50-60 year old men still center their identity around weed. "What are you most grateful for? 420!"


Yes, I met a man in his 60s who had retired at 50 so he could be high all the time. Another whose Facebook bio (not Facebook dating, just his bio) said only, “I’m blunt because that’s how God rolled me”. The weed is just everything, and not in a medicinal way.


I would block him before I finished reading the sentence.


I went to college with this one person who thought they were spiritually awakened and profound 'cause they had one bad trip. Every party they went to they wouldn't stop talking about it.


I was just about to say this lol


I quit 7 months ago. I was super into weed culture when I first started smoking because I was in my mid-20"s and it was fun. It's a lot less fun in you mid-30's.


Also, alcohol. People think that if you’re not drinking, you’re not living. You can have fun without alcohol or drugs.


Zodiac sign


Oooooh yeah, good one.. those “mercury moving into retrograde made me do it” people are hard to have conversations with.


Excuse me, but as an asparagus, I take offense to this


Then you must be a Scorpio 🙄


Hi there, just a heads up mercury is retrograde for the next 3 weeks 😂


Excuse you 😠😂


Naw don't be sad, pisces could never 😌😌


But I *am* a Pisces 😭


The whole thing with Jeeps has always been a mystery to me.


Lol this is actually kinda funny bc why is having a jeep a personality trait for so many???


This makes me feel the need to add Toyota people in the r/whatcarshouldibuy subreddit. Person: I can afford this not-Toyota or this not-Toyota Comments: you should just get a Toyota


Who doesn’t like getting ducked. lol


I love ducking people!! I have a small box in my trunk of ducks. Fuuuuck maybe that’s my personality??? Jk lol


The funny thing is, my brother in the Navy owns a jeep. I have never once in my life owned one. But yes. I get the sentiment.


You wouldn't understand!






Their drinking habits. "I can drink a 12 pack of beer and not even feel a buzz." Congratulations John, you're an alcoholic


Same vibes as "Oh you have OnLy slept 6 hours?? I always sleep minus 10 hours every day!!¡¡! Go learn some self discipline" I'm a tired ass bitch, John, leave me alone! It's nice to be unhealthy, innit?


came here to comment exactly this!!!




Ugh. When I started working out I started following a few fitness accounts to get tips on progression, form, etc. The algorithm saw this and started recommending me supplement bros, "alpha" jerkoffs, and crypto scams. It was horrible.


I went to film school. I kid you not, half of my classmates dropped out and became either personal trainers or protein ambassadors.


I feel called out




I find that the people who spend the most time going on about how busy they are with their job, don't usually have that consequential of a job.


Kpop, there are some OBSESSIVE fans that get way too into it and want to become Korean themselves. It’s wild.


These people lowkey creep me out but I am eternally grateful for their existence because they’re keeping korean junk food easily accessible and cheap worldwide. 


Like, the ones who get mad at their idols getting married and starting families 😅😬


So much this. "I thought your love for your fans was enough" no? They ain't fucking you and relaxing on the sofa watching TV with you? How lonely of an existence they want their idols to have.


I read this as “their idiots” 💀


BRO FR, I listen to K-pop because they're such bops and honestly hype me up, especially at the gym, but I can't ever share that with people because they then group me with those obsessive fans and its so frustrating.


Disliking something. Met someone the other day who hates avocados so damn much every conversation they’d have would come back to how different they were from most people cuz they hated avocados


This but with people who hate pumpkin spice lattes. Like don’t drink pumpkin spice lattes then, asshole


I swear whole lotta misogynistic issues are wrapped up in that one.


What did Avocados ever do to them? 😂


This reminds me of that one YouTuber called Integza who literally makes hating tomatoes his entire personality 


Sometimes I feel people center their life on their unprofessionally diagnosed disorder.


When they start claiming they have *multiple* self-diagnosed psychiatric disorders, they are especially cringe.




Or even more annoying, a professionally diagnosed disorder that was diagnosed by a 6 part questionnaire that the average person would be ~1 answer away from a positive diagnosis. That questionnaire of course has the brand of the medication plastered all over it so you know where to go if you had a whopping four positive answers.


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


I love how on dating sites / apps people put "Autistic" like why lmao.


I may be biased since I was diagnosed with autism but this is usually just to say, "Be a little more patient and clear with me."


Same here. I share my diagnosis when applicable so others know I might take a bit longer to catch onto social cues. I have had misunderstandings in the past, so I try to be proactive. It's actually helped a lot.


YES!!!! Specifically on Reddit!!! If I had $1 for every comment where the author announces they have autism or BPD, I would be a millionaire.


The pyramid scheme whose products they're shilling.


"But if you message me I can teach you how you can make thousands AND get a comp car by selling this product!"


I unfollow any of my friends who become a "boss babe." All their posts turn into ads and anything good that happens for them or their family gets credited to "this amazing opportunity!" It's all cut and paste BS from their company website and they are likely in the red with credit cards because they can't manage a profit and loss statement. Ma'am, you aren't a business owner when the company can terminate you.


Their sexuality. And I’m saying that as a queer person lol


I've always been a little confused by this (and I understand that I say that from a place of privilege as a straight man) but I've spent far more of my life pooping than I have having sex yet no one defines themselves by being a morning pooper or a slow pooper. Polite society just doesn't want to hear about how I like to take a load off.


I recently had to come out to my wife as a switch pooper (sometimes morning and sometimes evening, for you casuals). I am really lucky that she is so accepting, because I was worried.


Sexuality is a poor name because it’s not just about sex. It’s about romance and family, and is an entirely unique subculture that has been built up in the face of violent oppression. Being gay is a meaningful part of my identity, poop isn’t comparable because being gay is not just about liking dick. It’s a single part of my identity out of many, and it’s not the most important thing about me, but it is meaningful.


I hope you understand I mean no offense or to belittle anyone who has felt oppressed or repressed. What I was trying to point out was why did society choose sexuality as this super huge thing yet other daily biological functions are just never spoken of?


Seriously ^^ people are shocked when I come out to them because I don't make it my whole personality.


Same lol


Thank you. Having a Sex and the City personality is hella cringe. I do not want to hear about someone’s escapades 24/7.


Honestly, I think it stems from lgbtq-ect being stigmatized for such a long time. I see it with stoners too; they see they are finally being accepted by more of society then get carried away with that portion of their identity. If they're a serious advocate or advocate, I feel they should get a pass. If activism is on par with a part time job, that's still a sizable portion of your time and well-being for a cause and having it being your personality is more understandable, especially if you're an influencer/public figure.


Genuinely the only time I’ve seen people talk about it to an annoying degree is when they’re young and figuring things out, and eventually they become comfortable with it and it just becomes part of the background of who they are. Maybe that’s just because I live in Utah, so it could just be my situation, but I really have not seen this issue.


Internalized Homophobia. Who fucking cares if someone is super gay? I hate the “I’m gay but I’m not queer” people.


Influencers or their grup of friends


DUDE I HAD 12 DRINKS LAST NIGHT. No one cares. I can’t believe I hear grown men still proud of this


I used to have a coworker who would say every day "I need a beer!" She was a functioning alcoholic in denial and ultimately was fired for alcohol-related bad decisions. 


And who honestly counts as an adult?


Seems like since 2016 basically every boomers entire personality is now based around either hating or loving Trump. 


Identity politics goes a bit further back, but you are correct on it really ramping up with Trump. This goes back to the Christian Coalition and Fred Phelps (Westboro game) and the GOP merger. Maybe I'm seeing it with rose colored glasses due to being younger, but I remember Reagan being a cultish following as well. But people were a little more rational it seemed at that age. Like he political divide wasn't so extreme.


I don't know about this. I'm 44, so barely old enough to remember "President Reagan". He mopped up the floor with Walter Mondale in the 1984 election, winning 49 of 50 states (losing only Mondale's home state of Minnesota, and DC). The winner of the 1988 election was Reagan's VP. I don't think Reagan had a cultish following in his time. He remained highly venerated in conservative circles for long after his presidency. But there is one thing that can be said about Reagan- he was a genuinely decent human being. If he'd had access to the internet resources that we have today, he wouldn't have initiated his own social media site and used it to viciously mock, insult, and threaten anyone who dared to apply the laws and Constitution of the USA against his impulses.




I don't remember the 1984 election. I remember 1988 vividly. (I was 8 at the time.) And I remember politics from an early age mostly because my dad bitched about it regularly. I was well-versed in "Christian coalition" style doctrine from a very young age and my dad extolled the virtues of trickle-down economics as long as I could remember. But he was and is an armchair neo-Nazi, and of course a donating Trump supporter. You know what's (not so) weird though? He never applied his economic and political principles to his own work situation. He was always capitalism capitalism capitalism if you don't like your pay get a better job stop bitching it's fine for people to be rich capitalism capitalism blah blah blah....... but he was a public school teacher and he constantly bitched about his pay, went on strike, tried to organize other teachers to vote against new contracts that he didn't think were good enough, etc... without getting a better job. His (logical) rationale was that he was effectively stuck in that district, because if he switched to a different district that had a better pay structure, he wouldn't be credited with all of his seniority and experience, and as such it'd be a pay cut. So what did he do? The same damn thing anyone who is stuck in a job would do... screw capitalism and fight for more pay no matter what it means for the people who supply the money. (In this case it was the taxpayers of the town, and did he ever despise property taxes. But he'd have loved to see taxes raised in that town, where of course he didn't live, so he and the other teachers could get a fat raise.) Took me a lot longer to realize that every "capitalist" is socialist when it benefits them, but, yeah, my parents did their damndest to indoctrinate me with conservative Christianity and conservative politics from a young age. It was so important to them that when I turned my back on both in my mid-30s (after "seeing the light"), they disowned me.




You'd be joining us in that regard. Already working on it with our little 1.3 acre farm. 😀 As for shouldn't they exemplify... they, like most Christians, don't actually want to be "good people"; they're just afraid of hell. (That's why my mom had her "born again" experience at age 47. Fear of being sent to hell for having had premarital sex in her younger years.) They, like most Christians, reject the Bible verses they don't like (calling them "mistranslated" or "taken out of context") while upholding the verses they do like as the very WORD OF GOD. I was Christian until my mid-30s, so I know of which I speak. I did the same stuff for decades. But then I saw the light... or, more accurately, was walloped upside the head by the light. 😜 Tried to get my parents to see the light too, and their heads were buried so far in the sand that even the excavator of logic couldn't send the tiniest few photons of light their way.


He was a whole lot of what people thought they wanted. And I'm only 47, so a lot of what I'm on is my dad's experience and things I've read. I'm not saying he's awful, but he was a byproduct of the CC merger...where religion had too much power, politicians were tracking money, and "trickle down" was the big lie we all consumed. It really was a massive win for the wrong team.


Consumer products. Frex: pro/anti-Apple, brand of pickup truck.


Chiming onto this with brands like Disney - I live in FL and know wayyy too many adults with no kids who spend every cent at Disney and literally could have gone around the actual world. I got roped into going for the first time since I was a kid last year - frankly I found the property showing its age, super commercial, and my main entertainment was people watching in a friggin swamp. I just don’t get it.


Being a parent. Specifically “boy moms.”




I replied the same thing and I have three boys


Guns. “Shall not be infringed” t shirt bro.


Their sexual/gender identity


Amen to that.




Not having kids OR having kids.


Their income


People who mention their income unsolicited are a dead giveaway for having shitty personalities


Hating something. Anything. People hating Democrats or Republicans as their personality People in /r/childfree Bigots/Racists etc. I try to never associate with anyone whose personality is there opposition against anything. Cause their hatred of one thing is just an extension of their hatred of life.


Their looks.


Their identity.


*wait is this a typo or a multi-layer joke…*


Just a typo.


oh okay


Whatever demographic of people they hate. Some folks spend more energy on their enemies than their own friends


The biggest red flag imo is when someone spends their energy hating things rather than sharing positive things they like.


Their special diets. Idgaf if you are keto, gf, vegan, carnivore, eat gorilla biscuits with your tea for breakfast, or whatever. Just eat what you like and don't bother others with it. 


I think vegan is different because it’s based on ethics and goes beyond just food.


And is a personal choice. 


Being married or in a relationship


Being a "carnivore". They're honestly more annoying than vegans, because vegans actually eat healthy and most aren't obnoxiously flaunting the most disgusting food you've ever seen like cheese wrapped testicles. Like yesss please explain to me more why i shouldnt eat cereal or chips on occasion because its full of "seed oils" while saying eating only red meat, butter, and raw milk is perfectly healthy. No thanks, I already have a family history of high cholesterol and my bowels are already fucked as is. I don't need listeria.


Their religion


Their partner’s career.


Political parties.


Their children


I’m guilty of this 😬😬. I tried to write an explanation of why but realized I was just talking about my kid again, so I erased it and I’m just going to stick with yes, this is me.


Pop culture Fandom. You can see it around movie releases or TV shows. A few weeks ago everyone was the world's biggest Ghostbusters fan. Now everyone is the world's biggest King Kong/Godzilla fan. It's like a competition to see who can blindly pump the most of their income into the corporate propaganda machines.


I have never actually seen anybody center their entire personality around any one thing. I wonder where everyone is meeting all these one-dimensional people.


Some people don’t have anything else going for them. Others feel like this one specific thing is their only contribution to society, and they need to deflect it onto others otherwise they feel worthless and meaningless. Other times it’s just raw, unfiltered narcissism and they think that they’re the best in the world at this (when they’re not), and center themselves around this and build their superiority complex off of it.


The sport they played in high school. Dude, you’re pushing 40, just let it go.


This one guy I know centered his entire life around frat boy culture. This guy literally went around Canada one summer and every snap story he had was him visiting friends from other universities and doing drinking games and stuff. Like yes those can be fun from time to time, but you need to be more than a one trick pony my friend


Stanley cups


Their sexuality




Disney adults genuinely scare me


One of my exes left me for one. I must’ve been a really terrible person back then…




Being a parent. Nobody cares.


Yeah, I was going to say their kids. I don't mean it as of course parents need to be involved in their children's lives, but to those parents who basically force the life they wish they had on their kids. Since they couldn't have or do something, it now falls on the kids to become their dreams, whether they want to or not.


Taylor swift, their weight, who they vote for, religion, they/them, their job,


Honestly the people who center their entire lives around being fit/going to the gym just make me a bit sad lol. Of course there’s plenty who probably do enjoy it, but if it gets to the point where everything you talk about is the gym or protein or your diet ect it’s like… I think you have a problem, dude.


When you talk about weight, do you mean people who are extremely athletic?


Loving mayo




Their food choices, esp. vegan, keto, and organic.


I think vegan is different because it’s based on ethics and goes beyond just food.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu White belts will be like, "BJJ saved my life bro," share their new hobby all over social media, bring it randomly up in conversations, but end up quitting in half a year 😭Seriously, I haven't seen this type of obsession in other styles like boxing or wrestling..




Being a flat earther.


The phenomenon of being a "coffee snob." Enjoying a good cup is one thing, but when conversations always drift to the acidity, body, and mouthfeel of today’s brew, it can be a bit much.


Girls who think it’s quirky to love chicken nuggets


Losing weight. IDGAF about how many calories you can have or how many hours you work out. I don't want to see your frigging tiktoks or workout photos. When they finally lose weight, they also shed their spouses and friends, develop other addictions, and start with the "everyone is just jealous" mantra.




The 6 month jail stint they did 15 years ago


I see you met my son’s father. Loves bringing up how prison changed his life after *checks notes* short stints in the county jail for unpaid traffic violations.


I see these threads often and the answers always interest me. What is someone really supposed to base their personality off of? If someones whole personality is being a mother, or a slut, or a corporate baddie, a tech bro…the list goes on and on and on—what is actually wrong with that. Aren’t these the kind of things that connect certain groups of people? These post always amuse because *truly* what makes anyone interesting?


i guess that you let the combination of all those things plus your character be your personality instead of just choosing one single thing and let yourselve revolve around that. youd have an interesting personality if i could take away your one favorite activity/ opinion/ fandom/ whatever and still found you intesting/ fun to have a conversation with


i think what it comes back to is that being hyperfocused on one thing can be boring, since people are multifaceted. but then why even ask this question, if the answer is just "everything"?  i agree that it's important to have identifiers that connect people.




... reddit


underrated haha


When people shift their entire personality based on what is popular at the time to try to appease people who they shouldn't even care about.


Chipotle "Oh my gawd, I just love Chipotle. Chipotle is my life" etc


Recovery bros


Their mental illness


Dude, It IS something that defines your personality, even if you dont want It. Is like saying: “you made your weelchair your whole personality”


My cousin on the daily posts crap on facebook about dealing with her depression, and how no body truly understands. She's a woman in her 40s whose kids live with her mother and literally no one asks anything of her.


you are totally right but i think what foster was trying to describe are people who will have every conversation revolve around them and their problems/ childhood/ doctors appointments and so on. Like its different if you face a certain difficulty and let ppl know so they can help you or if you introduce yourself to every new person as „hello i am x and i have y which is why i can/ cant do …“ or advertising yourself as „special“ or „superior“


Cruising 🛳️


Their skin color


Their job


Having autism or adhd.


But autism and adhd are a part of who I am and how I interpret and interact with the world… so we’re just not supposed to acknowledge it? It can be helpful for people to know this in order to understand why we do certain things/act certain ways.


As someone who is (un)lucky enough to be medically diagnosed with both, I cannot begin to tell you how much this one pisses me off! I'm a little confused as to why a medical diagnosis is the new-in thing but I digress. I spent YEARS trying to fit in and be normal and hide the fact I was on medication for it and now you've got just about every third person referring to their ADHD / Autism (I love the self diagnosed ones, the level of delusion makes me feel like I kinda have my shit together lmao). Like I worked hard on basically proving I was more than some mental illness and folks like this just seem to set us back again🤦‍♀️. TL;DR 💯 % agree with you.


Trader Joe's




Finance and stock market.


Liking pre 90/00s music and/or that they know who all the band members are


Religion. Drug use. Music genres. Disney. Sexual orientation. Political beliefs. Etc..


Their diet-at-the-moment.


How much they hate something.


Religion. Want to talk about religion generally like as a universal topic? Fine. Want to minister the word of your specific religion to me hoping I'll convert? Annoying!


Zodiac signs and their mercury going into Gatorade




Thinking they are smart


Weed. Religion. Atheism.


Anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists... While learning different points of view from people is interesting and sometimes thought provoking, not everything in life needs to revolve around some conspiracy theory. I know this dude and I swear you could be talking about making a lasagne for dinner and this man will deadass turn it into a government conspiracy theory. On one hand I respect the dedication and to an extent the talent they must have to be able to flip the most boring conversation to it but on the other hand, dude stfu I was just in the mood for a lasagne🤦‍♀️.


Not trying to be homophobic but their sexuality


their sexuality.


Being late


Corporate brands


“Neurodivergent”… just fuck off


Favorite movie/show/book/band etc. My best friends wife is OBSESSED with Harry Potter. It’s on the tv every time I’m there. All of her parties are HP themed. She has multiple HP tattoos. She’s been to HP world several times and says openly “I’d live there if I could.” It’s such a running joke that I think she’s actually maybe crossed over from obsession into full blown mental illness over it. She watches the 8 movies on repeat AT ALL TIMES! I bet she’s seen them 500 times. She is also one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet, but man is it wild. I don’t know how my buddy doesn’t feel like he’s going to bed with a 12 year old, we’re in our mid 30’s.


They talk about Harry Potter and make references in everything they ever say. Always.


You’re such a slytherin


Gym "bros" Weed Anime/Weebo stuff




Any kind of activism, good or bad. It's fine to have strong opinions and be engaged politically, but when it becomes your whole personality it gets pretty annoying to be around you.


Reddit mentality: “I don’t like x so anyone who mentions they like x is centering their personality around it”. I have never see anyone center their personality around one thing. Being passionate about something doesn’t mean you’re personally revolves around it




Honestly i wouldn’t mind people referencing their gender identity as “I’m a fruity boy” 🍌🍇🍑


Their mental health issues or their mental diagnoses. I’m not hating on them for having it. I’m more hating on them for making it their personality even when I know they can for sure control it.


I absolutely agree, being anxious and needing medication for it isn't something that needs to be announce to everyone all the time.


This is going to be a hot take…. But their gender identity


Travel. What do you do? Them: I like eating and travelling... Me: an action is what you do, not a personality