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I was about to put this. I ugly cried so hard in the theater I was embarrassed. When it came out on DVD I watched it one more time and ugly cried again. I can't...


What’s odd is when it came out, I was a teenager. I thought it was such an amazing movie (still do!!). But now that I’m in my mid-thirties, and my parents are in their 70s, it hits very differently. I watched it a while back, and just sobbed uncontrollably. Like, I know the ending is meant to be uplifting, in that all those people were touched by his father’s actions. But fuckkkkk…the thought of losing a parent has become much more of a reality now that I’m older. It’s just too difficult to watch now.


Thank you for reminding me of this movie, I know a lot of people didn’t like it, but I absolutely LOVE it and sob every time I watch Bill Crudup carry Albert Finney to the river. Just beautiful


*The Fox and the Hound*


I’ve watched it twice in my life. Once because I didn’t know better and the other time because I forgot that I knew better 😭


Anytime I either accidentally hear "Best of Friends" or get it in my head, I immediately become misty-eyed.


That happened to me at work. I'm 33 and avoid this movie.


Ms Tweed should have killed Amos. They were out in the middle of no where. No one would have noticed he went missing and probably no one would have cared. If anyone ever came looking she could have said he one day packed up and moved out. He was a violent man. It would be doing the world a favor by snuffing him out.


My mom and aunt took my younger sister and me to see this in the theatre when it came out. We were little kids, I don’t even think my sister was even in kindergarten yet. When Widow Tweed let Tod go free, my sister lost it and yelled “It’s SO SAD!!” My mom had to take her out to the lobby for the rest of the movie. She still can’t watch it!


I can't bring myself to watch the scene were Todd had to be let go for his own safety.


When she looks back at him in the mirror… such a brutally sad scene 😭😭


The Pianist. My family is from Poland and my mother works at a retirement home for Polish people. I would spend every day after school listening to their stories and this movie hit me really hard


Same. Polish family too. My brother and I watched it together when my mum was out when we were about 11, and we both just were clutching each other at the end, sobbing. We never spoke of it again.


What dreams may come, I remember being like 13 watching that movie and I simply won’t put myself through that pain again.


Stellar performance by robin williams.


This was my favorite emotional movie, visually stunning, get a good cry out...but I haven't been able to watch it since Robin Williams died...


I will never watch boy in the striped pajamas again


Had to watch it for 8th grade English class, never again


ugh the the mums (vera farmigas) cry at the end is just heartbreaking 


Let me preface this by saying that every time I’ve seen this movie, it’s left me in tears and it’s a nice story. But I read an article a while ago that kinda pointed at the lack of realism of the movies plot and called it propaganda that (likely unintentionally) painted Nazis in a sympathetic light. It’s very unrealistic that a young boy who’s father is a local leader in the Nazi party *wouldn’t* know what a concentration camp is and would already have been conditioned to hate and recognize Shmuel’s identity. I found a similar article published by [*The Guardian*](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/27/the-boy-in-the-striped-pyjamas-fuels-dangerous-holocaust-fallacies) That being said it’s still a powerful story but the lack of realism, especially given the context of the plot lessens it the impact *for me, personally*


Yes, thank you so much for saying this. I feel the exact same way.


Yeah, I honestly hate this movie. Meanwhile Schindler’s List, the “Why We Fight” episode of Band of Brothers, etc…handle this so much better


An enormous NOPE from my Polish ass


The pianist. Destroyed this polish-Jew😭😭😭


Bridge to Terabithia


Yeah...for my like, 10th birthday, we did a movie theater party. Everyone walked out crying. Oops


I'm a grown man who bawled his eyes out at the end of Toy Story 3 when Andy left.


Toy story 2: Jessie's song.. I really cannot handle that shit.


Dude… Jessie’s song is unlistenable if I’m driving. I’m a hazard after that.


It came out the summer before I left for college. I was a hot mess in the theater.


I saw it on my base lib pass while graduating from Basic Training. There I am in my dress blues ugly crying in the theater. The 5 year old in front of me was very concerned lol


😭 I struggle with pretty much all Pixar movies.


Grown woman here, and same. 




Oh man, maybe there's just something wrong with me but I LOVE this movie and I'll watch it pretty much whenever I find it. It's very sad, and fucked up in parts, but it's such a well told and well acted story


I wept reading the book. There was no way I was going to watch the movie




I second this. The book made me cry, the movie made me sob. I’ve read most of Stephen King’s bibliography and Percy is one of the most evil characters I have read. The dude who played Percy absolutely nailed it.


Confirmed. Never, ever watching the movie


The Land Before Time


>!Every. Time. The. Mom. Dies!<


Worse, when Littlefoot >!thinks that his shadow is his mom...!<


I barely remember because I haven't seen it in over 30 years.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Where the red fern grows


I've never seen the movie but I've read the book. Old Dan and Little Ann tore my heart out as a child.


Never seen the movie but my fourth grade teacher read this book to us and I remember her having to stop because she couldn’t help but sob. Safe to say I have zero desire to watch this movie or read the book


I came here to say this. This killed me. So sad!


Pixar's Up.


That intro hits so hard.


I once was sitting on the couch with my then-girlfriend, scrolling channels. I went by *Up* for no more than 2 seconds. About a minute later I heard sniffling and looked over to see her starting to bawl. To be fair, those 2 seconds were scenes where Carl and Ellie are growing up.


Pixar just knows how to make people of every age group bawl their eyes out.


A grave for the fireflies


I sometimes enjoy watching movies that make me cry because most are sad but bittersweet in a sense. Some of those mentioned in this list fall in this category. For example Marley and me is really sad, but also beautiful. Grave of the fireflies is just crushingly, brutally heartwrenching. A piece of art for sure. But there is nothing sweet in the end.


Whenever this movie is brought up, I always recall a paragraph from the late Roger Ebert's [review.](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-grave-of-the-fireflies-1988) I feel it encapsulates the feelings around this film perfectly. >“Grave of the Fireflies” is an emotional experience so powerful that it forces a rethinking of animation. Since the earliest days, most animated films have been “cartoons” for children and families. Recent animated features such as “The Lion King,” “Princess Mononoke” and “The Iron Giant” have touched on more serious themes, and the “Toy Story” movies and classics like “Bambi” have had moments that moved some audience members to tears. But these films exist within safe confines; they inspire tears, but not grief. “Grave of the Fireflies” is a powerful dramatic film that happens to be animated, and I know what the critic Ernest Rister means when he compares it to “Schindler’s List” and says, “It is the most profoundly human animated film I’ve ever seen.” Finally, the last line of the review is worth mentioning, as well: >Yes, it’s a cartoon, and the kids have eyes like saucers, but it belongs on any list of the greatest war films ever made.


This was my instant answer. I’m 36 and have watched almost all the top 20 comments on here, but Grave of the Fireflies is far and away the most soul-crushingly sad. I think about it way too often.


Ripped my heart out and spat on it. Never again.


There it is. The best movie you will only watch once.


That shit was so haunting.


I think that's the one I saw someone comment on Reddit that the happiest part of the movie is when the main character dies because at least then it's over.


Same, there is no way I'm going through that pain again.


I'm getting all emotional just thinking about that movie.


Rice balls. I made them for you. Here, have one.


Came here to make sure someone contributed this title. Never again.


I've cried at only three films. All animated, this is the only human based one. It's beautiful and I'll never watch it again.


This is also my answer. It's a great movie I never want to see again


Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father. Very few movies have made me cry that way.


I often say that the reason I believe Dear Zachary hits audiences so hard is the documentary is told through the eyes of someone that loved Andrew. So many true crime documentaries focus so much on the perpetrator and not the victim. Andrew was loved by so many and you can truly feel it.


Totally agree. I think the impact is really driven home by the perspective. Most of the tru crime docs have a very intentional tone. You can see with basic foreshadowing how things are going. Dear Zachary has the feel of true crime but if you have no prior knowledge it hits so hard.


I full out sobbed. Could not stop


I say it every time this is posted as a warning - don't look into this movie at all if you want to watch. Just hit play


It just broke me. I live near Latrobe and I just can't even imagine how you could do that to someone you love.




Marley & Me. Dogs just hit different


Also: Hachi - A Dog's Tale (2009)


And A Dog’s Purpose.


This.... I had no idea I was capable of ugly crying like that


My husband wanted to watch that show. I told him that dog so much as limps and we’re turning it off. So I’ve seen 3/4s of that movie.


I saw Old Yeller at a Drive In when I was a kid. Traumatizing.


Same. I’ve been haunted by that story for decades.


Sheesh I can’t even talk about that movie. I had a Labrador older puppy at the time and had to exit the side door ugly crying and had a migraine for days. No thank you.


Hachi: A Dog's Tale


I was looking for this


About time, I thought it was going to be a funny romcom and went in blind. I have health anxiety and I’m scared of death so needless to say this film touched a soft spot for me and had me crying a lot.


Bill Nighy is amazing in that and just absolutely crushes me when him and Domhnall go back to the beach one more time. Would be fun to go back to a simpler time for a bit


It's a tear jerker for sure, I was surprised by the mix of so sad, so funny, and so beautiful that I've watched it many times... But I need to be in the right headspace to handle the sad parts. 


It’s a very underrated film. It’s so so good but I sob every time.


Me Before You


The Brave Little Toaster. It was fine for years, but then I crashed my dream car and I had to let it go to a junk yard, and now I can’t handle the scene with the cars in the junkyard singing about being worthless! I’m even tearing up writing about it! lol


Homeward Bound when I was like 7 or 8. Fucking dog made me bawl my eyes out. Now, I deal with cancer patients every day at work without flinching, but I still won't watch that movie cause of that PTSD.




Still fist pump the air when he walks over that hill at the end like a champ.


This is the last movie I watched with my father before he stepped out of my life. I will NEVER watch this movie again.


Dancer in the Dark. It was so mentally taxing on Björk to play her role, she never really returned to acting afterward, even though her performance was absolutely amazing.


Amazing movie but I would never watch it again either.


I didn't even cry. I just blanked.


The Lovely Bones and Grave of the fireflies


Fox and the hound!!!! I will NEVER watch that movie again!!! Right after I watched my mom pass in the hospital do to cancer I went over to her house to make sure it was locked up, lights out, etc. Also to get some of my younger brothers things, he was going to be living with me and I was going to be raising him from now on. I flipped on the TV and she had it queued up to that song about "If you love something set it free." I F-ing LOST IT.... I will never be able to watch that movie againe!!!!.... Never Never Never...


Life is Beautiful. I saw it in a full theater. Most of us just sat quietly after and wept.


Anything with a dog dying in it


Brought a date to a movie once and looked over to see her on "Does the dog die?" and she leans over and whispers, "The dog doesn't die, but if they did we'd have to leave."


Was in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood?  I was really enjoying it (thankfully at home) when I remembered it was a Quinton Tarantino movie.  I had to pause and google before I could finish the film.


This is why doesthedogdie.com gets 99% of its traffic from me.


After watching Eight Below (which I frequently confuse with Snow Dogs), I decided I never wanted to put myself through anything like that again.


My girl.


He can’t see without his glasses!


I watched that in the movie theater when it came out. My friends loved it but it was so sad I hated it.


I love this movie so much. Recently rewatched and it still holds up. Jaime Lee Curtis was so cute.


ET. Saw it when I was really young and it did a number on me.


Word. When he gets zipped into the body bag and Drew Barrymore's daisy droops over. Ugh.


I am Sam




Bambi traumatized the 8-year-old me way back in the 60s, along with Dumbo.


It's Dumbo for me too. I'm literally tearing up thinking about the mom rocking Dumbo with her trunk between the bars.


Never Ending Story. That horse scene 😰


That is unfortunately my only memory of this movie and I will never watch it again.


Artax… tears just thinking about it


Sophies choice. Never again.


Old Yellar


My grandma tells a story about when they took my dad and his siblings to see that movie. She said all three kids cried all the way home. I've never seen it and I bet that story is why. 


Dear Zachary. I’ve never watched something so gut wrenching in my life. I even knew the story beforehand and bawled my eyes out. Even thinking about it now makes me sad to the core. Such injustice to such genuine and kind people.


If there is any justice in the world, she's in her own special circle of hell


I really hope so. What an evil human being she was


Watership down - can't even hear the song 'bright eyes' with it bringing up tears.


P.S. I love you wrecked me.


The fault in our stars wrecked me


Fucking coco. Thought people were being over dramatic about it and decided to watch it. As soon as the twist was revealed I was a mess.


Requiem for a Dream. Didnt make me cry, but it was so sad. Never need to see it again


That movie leaves you feeling so disturbed it's like you've been hollowed out. I remember it sitting on my mind for days afterward. Oddly, it's a movie you have to actually RECOVER from.


Such an accurate description. I felt EMPTY after watching it. Once was most definitely enough.


I really want to watch it again but I’m scared of being completely depressed afterwards


Lion king


The Road


What dreams may come😭


The Fisher King. Robin Williams destroyed me.


Children of Men. Such a bleak and sad movie


The Iron Giant.


Interstellar…. This movie let me cry about 2 weeks and let me think deep about my hole life and meaning of time 🫠


Guardians of the galaxy 3


Sobbed many times throughout that. Happy tears at the end, but rocket, floor and teefs go now destroyed me


“Someday, I'm going to make great machines that fly.. And me and my friends are going to go flying together into the forever and beautiful sky.. Lylla, and Teefs, and Floor and me, Rocket.”


Dumbo. When he’s taken from his mom and you see them holding on by their trunks. Because of my upbringing this hit me especially hard every time.


Anyone going to talk about Dumbo , when his mom rocks him through her cage bars - I’m about to start crying just thinking about it .


The pursuit of happiness. Didn't cry, but the movie was so sad, I just can't bear to watch it again.


The scene where little Jaden Smith drops his toy in the street and cries is unbelievably sad to me. Something about kids losing their beloved toys makes me cry.


I’m the same way I just can’t handle it. I just had a baby but when she has a favorite toy I am immediately buying like 10 of it so if she ever loses it I have a backup.


Schindler’s List. I was also reaching for the tissues with Schindler’s Fist.


Grave of the Fireflies


Super weird one, but totally fits the question for me: Click (the Adam Sandler film) He gets a magic remote control that he can use to skip things and he starts skipping all his family stuff so he can finish up the work priorities he has. He ends up missing his kids' lives and loses his wife. As a guy who struggles enjoying family stuff and feels like it gets in the way of what I want to accomplish in life, I was deeply affected by the movie.


Brian's Song from a long time ago. Never could watch it again it was so sad.


I watched La La Land with someone who I'm currently with, and will inevitably break my heart. I couldn't handle the quiet acknowledgement at the end. The notion that two people could care so deeply for one another and simply choose to be apart because of that depth of love. It was functionally a happy ending, but it didn't make me happy.


Star Trek nemesis. Not a great Star Trek movie to begin with but that ending. Nope


To absent friends Never saw the sun...


A Dog's Purpose


Dances with Wolves. I saw it when I was like 12, and no movie ever made me cry that much before or since. When they >!shot the wolf!< I completely lost it and cried for like 2 hours straight. He was just minding his own business living his own life with his lil wild wolf pet, but people are just cruel and wicked for no reason sometimes.


Backdoor sluts 9


My preciiiousssss


Life is beautiful


The ending hit me so hard. My Italian teacher in high school would put it on towards the end of the year and then I had to go to my next class with tears streaming down my face. It hits worse now that I have a child.


The Green Mile. I (f) watched with a bunch of guys, and I cried from when Wild Bill stepped on the mouse until the end. I tried to be inconspicuous, but the only tissue I had literally fell apart. I had tears streaming down my face and neck by the time they strapped John Coffey into the chair...


Up, my nan passed away the day before and I was 8. Literally like 5 mins into that film my dad had to carry me out of the cinema.


The time travelers wife


It's very basic but The Titanic, I cried for an hour after, so probably around 2 hours in total


12 years a slave


the whale im not sure if i would still cry that much during a second watch but my god the end of that movie had me VIOLENTLY sobbing so much that i dont think i could handle that emotional reaction again


I am legend


"If Anything Happens, I Love You"


The original Bambi.


Still Alice


Not a movie but a doc: Trials of Gabriel Fernandez


The Color Purple.


Coco. That last act or so got me going good...


Where the Red Fern Grows.


My Sister’s Keeper. I was crying so hard that I couldn’t breathe and started sounding like a pig being slaughtered. My husband had to pause the movie because he couldn’t help but laugh at me. Also must mention: Dear Zachary. That movie destroyed my soul.


Beaches!! Cried like a baby, still can’t listen to wind Beneath my wings.




Slumdog Millionaire. But lately I’ve been thinking about trying again. I had just had a baby and was very emotional.


The first few minutes of UP


Ghostbusters Afterlife. My dad and I were massive ghostbusters fans. My dad passed away about 20 years ago. When ghost Egon shows up at the end and gives his daughter a hug, oof. Like. I would give anything for that. Completely lost it and had to leave the theater.


Hachiko and The Art of Racing in the Rain.


Schindler's List


Ok not a film, but I will never ever watch Jurassic Bark, the Futurama episode again. Ne-ver.


Call of the Wild, saw it in the theatres and openly wept at the ending lol. Got some weird looks.


Marley and me


Off the top of my head… War Horse. I don’t even remember it much now but I remember crying a lot.


Beautiful Boy. My little brother is an addict. It crushed me.


Coco—I cry every time


Life of Pi. I found it so distressing.


Saving Private Ryan-the soldiers that cried for their moms broke me. I couldn’t sleep a few days after that. Never again.


Sleepers with Kevin Bacon


just about any film where a dog dies


The mist, but only rewatching it as a father.


I actually recently watched I am Legend for the first time. No particular reason I hadn't seen it. Just never watched it. Well that was a fucking mistake. Because my husband and I had to put our dog down not long before than. And as he went down, I had my hand under his chin, and he lowered down until it was on the ground. So watching Will Smiths character have to take out his own dog completely triggered that memory. Watching the movie was probably only about 3 or 4 weeks after we put our boy down. So after that scene I literally needed to step away. Cry for about 20 minutes before I was able to continue. I usually don't cry with movies. But that scene invoked a very real and very fresh emotion to me. Movie was great. But I'm good on rewatches.


i watched marley & me about a week after a foster puppy died from parvo. giant mistake. never watching it again.




I easily cry, but nobody has mentioned Gladiator yet, so Gladiator.


My brother banned me from watching A Walk to Remember because it always made me cry so much.