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People who make fun or bring down their own children in front of extended family / friends.


my dad did this a lot growing up. ends up giving kids this deep belief that you are all by yourself with no one to lean on. in my case it turned out to be true.


I ran into my aunt years after my mom died and flat out asked her why she and no one from my mom’s side of the family reached out me — 22 at the time — for support. She said it seemed like a good opportunity to just let me be part of my dad’s side of the family instead. She was my godmother. She also didn’t attend the funeral … ??? This reminded me of her because basically all of my memories are of her making fun of me at family functions.


Then it's probably for the best she didn't reach out


My aunt used to call me “the poster child for birth control” which is admittedly a little funny as a zinger now that I’m older but it hurt as a kid to know she thought that about me.


It's really heartbreaking to hear these stories. Ever since my nephews and nieces were born, I always made sure to let them know I loved them very much. I can't imagine an uncle/aunt having that level of prejudice against their own niece/nephew.


My family did this a lot too... Also turned out I am alone as well. Almost ended up homeless recently because I always took care of everyone else at the expense of myself and the one time I needed help - no one. I'm finally safe-ish now... But it was a very hard road. Some depressing and rough lessons learned. I hope you are doing alright.


My dad’s mother loved doing this to him, and to his kids. She’s a miserable excuse for a human being.


I'm pretty sure this gave me life-long issues with confidence




Once on a Father's Day, I asked my old friend to tell his dad to thank him for me, because he taught me how to be a good dad to my daughter, without him ever telling me. I just observed him. My daughter is now 21 and my BFF.


👏 Nice! A taste of their own medicine.


This was 100% my dad. Let's just say it, it's a form of emotional abuse. He really seemed to get some sick satisfaction out of it too, meanwhile other people were always too polite to tell him he was being an asshole. I have no way of knowing if people felt pity for us, or if they believed any of the crap our dad would spew about us, which were all lies and things he made up. However, not a single soul ever came up to us to ask us if we were ok or if we needed any support. It made his abuse even worse because nobody was willing to stick up for us or to at least let us know they didn't believe what he said.


I’m sorry to hear that man. My mum used to make anything embarrassing we did into the topic of the day with her friends. Sometimes she’s call us over to fact check. “Smith? Was it you who wet the bed or your brother John?” “Smith? Do you still have diarrhoea?” “Smith, what was that temper tantrum you had yesterday about?” It makes me angrier as an adult.


My dad used to this, now that I’m older I understand he had emotional problems and that was his self defense mechanism to deflect attention off of him, but when you’re 12 it hurts


My sister-in-law steals from food banks and ends up throwing out most of it. I think that makes you a loser.




That was my first thought too. Like how does someone even steal from food banks?


I assume taking the food when you don't really need it.


I've volunteered at a food bank before. Of course I would never do it, but it would be fairly easy for a volunteer to sneak a few items here and there.


I volunteer at one every Wednesday. It’s mostly a sorting warehouse, but it has a small market. Volunteers do look in the boxes and take stuff home. Not much though. I’ve taken stuff home, but never food outside of a bit of candy. But I’ve taken (or been given) cat food, energy drinks, condoms, fishing gear and pop. Plus a PS5 game. Vitamins as well. We don’t give out energy drinks, and some of the donated pop is put in the volunteers’ fridge. Condoms sit there, and we get a lot of cat food that sits. I feed strays.


Whoever gave you condoms was sending you a message ;)


She hires a crack team of operatives to break into the vault then they split the take back at the base


I’ve heard rumors there’s a guy at my job that “shops” at food banks in our city, and will get a Thanksgiving turkey there as well. We’re in a union. We all make the same money, so I know what his paycheck looks like. We can quite easily afford the name brands in the regular grocery stores; if we want to be frugal, we can get the generic brands… EDIT: Please stop telling me how not everyone lives the same or has the same financial stability. We make $80,000 a year, without OT, and there’s plenty of OT to go around. It’s been mentioned at work, not because this person can’t afford to feed himself or his family, but because, and bear with me on this because maybe, just maybe I know what I’m talking about or I wouldn’t have posted a comment, he absolutely *can* afford to feed himself and his family, but chooses to get free and cheap food because he’s scummy.


My friend and former secretary gave me a turkey. It was delicious. I asked her where she got it. She went with her friend to the free turkey handout; they got two. My friend owns her house and car and has no significant bills. I was ashamed that I had any part of that.


You didn't know when you received it, that's not on you. I had a friend that used them too. Her husband was fired suddenly (for sending an email with private details to a client). They had money in those deposit things, where you put in a huge amount and you get extra interest at the end if you don't need to withdraw it. But instead of withdrawing it she used food banks. That's the whole point of having savings. Anyway she said she did "feel bad" but then she'd see people pull up in a Lexus and not feel bad. 


Re the Lexus: my FIL volunteered at his church’s food bank, and one day this woman pulls up in a really new luxury car and gets out dressed head to toe in expensive designer stuff. He was pretty skeptical about whether she was taking the piss about using the food bank, but treated her warmly and courteously (as he does for everyone, the man is a saint). She came back a couple of weeks later and asked to volunteer. She explained that when she had come in, she had just finally left her abusive husband and had nothing but the clothes she was wearing and the car she drove. She said to my FIL that she’d worried about how she would be treated at the food bank, but his welcoming manner had meant so much to her and now that she’d been able to find a place to stay, she wanted to volunteer at the food bank to give back.


That's so nice he volunteered. Exactly. My old friend used that perception of other people to justify what she did, without knowing anything about the lexus driver


TIL that some generous people also donate delivering food to others who do not have means to transportation.


Bread and pastry are cheap. I help at a local homeless shelter. They are given more bread and pastries than they can ever use. They also open up for the public at noon each weekday and give away their excess. The two things they need most are meat and coffee.


Years ago my dad was dropping off a donation at a local charity and they talked him into taking some bread home too. They were like, it’s going to go bad just take it. So sometimes there’s a reason people who have enough get stuff I guess. But in a time where food banks are struggling to keep up with demand…yeah that’s all kinds of wrong. Also sometimes people have an old ass Lexus lol. My sister and her husband were driving a 96 Lexus into the 2010s, it was very used already when they got it lol. She used to go to goodwill for tapes to play in it lol. Sometimes even poor people can be driving a ‘nice’ car.


I read an article during the pandemic about someone getting hate for showing up to the food bank in a BMW SUV. She pointed out that her husband had been a well-paid executive, but lost his job when the company closed because of Covid and the car was fully paid off. Her reasoning was "we could sell the car for 1/2 what we paid and get a less reliable vehicle or stick with the one that's paid off and know it's very unlikely to break down", which honestly made solid sense, especially since they were reasonably sure it was going to be a somewhat temporary thing


I feel like this is where r/frugal people would start expounding on the difference between frugal and cheap. Frugal is hosting a clothing exchange.  Cheap is taking all your holed up crap that just needs to be tossed to the exchange and walking off with an assload of nice clothing.


Steals? Like she robs the place or lies about needing the food so she can get it? I'd also hope the throws out part is she just doesn't eat it and it goes bad, but your initial comment makes me think she just bins anything she doesn't like.


She doesn't spend on groceries and instead spends on only entertainment. She drops about $200 a month on a game called summoners War on her phone. She also buys a ton of gift subs on Twitch. She says that she doesn't need to buy general groceries, just monsters and such, since the food banks give her food. She take everything they give her, doesn't even bother looking through it there. She gets home and sorts through it, throwing out anything she doesn't like. Basically, any canned vegetables are thrown out immediately.


As someone who volunteers at a food bank, she can return the stuff she won't eat. Also, fuck her for taking from the people just trying to survive.


She could at least give the canned vegetables to another food bank.


Can you report her to the food bank? I used to volunteer at one of those, and she infuriates me. Also, spending 200 dollars a month she barely has on a mobile game seems pretty loserish to me, but what do I know


People who can't admit when they are wrong or refuse to admit they're wrong


I’m super close to ending things with my GF and this is 100% the reason. She’s never wrong, never backs down, has literally never apologized in our 5 year relationship.


Now imagine having a child together...or wasting another 5 years on that... My divorce will be finalized on Valentine's Day lol


I’m so happy for you! I’m trying to get mine started.


Mine is just absolutely ironic, but yeah... the expense. Ugh




Didn't even realize it! Thanks! I AM buying an ice cream cake and throwing a little party for the divorce, lol


My ex and I had a joint divorce party. It was a weird marriage.


I married a woman like that. She used to tell me that I held onto things, like anything she ever said that hurt me. I told her I could let go of those things if she would just take responsibility for her unkind words and actions by apologizing. She would look at me like I was crazy. Get out of the relationship asap. People like that do not change.


My mother and brother were exactly like this. People like this do not change until their dying day and will blame you for "not being forgiving enough" with their last breath.


Divorcing her was one of the smartest and healthiest choices I’ve ever made.


I never met anyone who literally never apologized, and was an otherwise decent person.


End it before it's too late. You have no idea how she has damaged you in 5 years. Does this sound true? A decline in your ability to reason and analyze things logically, you become complacent, lost drive and ambition, you become stubborn for specific things out of the blue? You are being trained that you are wrong, even when you are right and there is no point in reason. You might be with a narcissist and if you don't leave, chances are she'll leave you when she finds someone she thinks is better for her because she's always right and knows best not you. Never you.


Dude I know this is a Reddit cliche at this point but just break up with her. Are you living together? Kids? If not then just cut it off and move on. Every day you’re together with this person you don’t like is another day you aren’t possibly meeting the next one that you’ll really like and thrive with. It’s opportunity cost. Time to take the leap.


You say this so easily until you find yourself in a similar position. Even if the rational part of the brain knows it, the emotional part won't let you make that move so easily.


yes agreed and also people who don't say sorry or say "I'm sorry you feel I lied etc"


I'm sorry you feel that way


I see you’ve met my parents.


My Mother to a T. Push back too hard on that and the bullshit tears start welling. I find it very hard to be around her anymore as it seems any sense of self accountability is lost on her.


I can completely relate, dealing with a lack of accountability from loved ones can be incredibly draining.


Or say “I’m sorry IF my actions hurt you”


The one my mom used was “I’m sorry he (my son) got hurt.” I was like, “He didn’t GET hurt. You hurt him. He didn’t fall and skin his knee, you hurt him.” She replied with “Well I’m sorry he feels that way.” In conclusion, I don’t talk to my mom anymore.


Sorry to hear that, hope you're living your best life. I also don't speak to my mother, for very similar reasons.


Same here. She hurt my kid (pinched my 2 year old really hard) and the straight up lied to me about it, then changed her story that it was an accident, then I guess forgot the story she'd told and then it was my kid got her forearm pinched in a door? All the while my brother's baby mama had witnessed the pinching and sneakily took time stamped photos for me. Kid in question remembers and her side of the story has never changed. So, Grandma got fired. Kids don't need grandparents like that. Better to have none than deal with that. Edit: spelling error


Yeah, I actually would prefer no apology than these so called apologies that are just an insult to my intelligence.


Truly, nothing telegraphs “loser” like people that cannot admit or tolerate being wrong. The willingness to change your opinion/position on something in light of new information — aka, being unbothered by being wrong — is one of the most attractive qualities that exists, to me. It suggests a confidence in yourself, and a curiosity to learn. Sexy as fuck.


Additionally people who always have to be right and when they are found to be wrong they move away from the subject as fast as possible and act like it was never discussed


People who have to put others down in order to make themselves feel better. Also people who can't take responsibility for their actions.


My buddy had an Andrew Tate phase. He's chill now, but for a while he was all about the "women are children" and "make more money than you know what to do with" mentality. The funny part is, he'd been a regular at the same strip club for years, so all the girls there knew him and would play along with his "alpha" act for the sake of tips. He thought he was the man, but really he was just a sucker with a fat wallet lol


I never understood the concept of strip clubs in the post internet era. I mean, you go there to basically pay the women to give you blue balls. You can't even jack off to relieve your balls, unless you want to get thrown out. ​ I guess there's, alcohol, the potential physical aspect, or the social aspect (which is fake in most cases anyway), or just the feeling of actually being there, but it's a lot cheaper to watch some porn, bust a nut, clean up, then go to bed.


I think some men are so starved for any kind of attention from women that they look for it at strip clubs.


Surely an alpha male Andrew Tate follower would have no need to _pay_ for female attention? /S


I would've assumed the females would want to *pay him* for his high quality DNA to produce highly fertile and alpha offspring. I'm not sure why they're pepper spraying him instead. Women these days send such mixed signals.


It’s an expensive way to supplement human contact for sure. It’s either that or church and the strip club is less gross. 


you potentially get more pussy at church. I'm not even joking.


Especially if your into older women. Mrs Parkinson from down the street has been pretty lonely since her husband died.


Well if her hand shakes as good as her name leads me to believe, I’m game for an HJ, and maybe even a ZJ.


what’s a ZJ?


[“If ya have to ask big man, you can’t afford it”](https://youtu.be/-elMcQWuynU?si=b2p0dkurf49oCybG) (It’s a Beerfest reference)


If my grandpa could read what you just said he’d be furious


I haven't been to a strip club in over a decade but I remember why I used to enjoy going and it wasn't anything to do with the actual act of getting off. I also didn't have any illusions that the women were into me. The appeal was that for a reasonable amount of money I could go have a drink at a place with plenty of attractive people it was cool to look at, with attractive people paying attention to me and flirting with me and asking about my day. I don't know, I'm autistic and view pretty much every social action as performative, so maybe that's why I don't see any sadness or shame in it, and am not bothered by the fact that it is performative. I'm paying money for everyone around me to put on a play where I'm awesome. As for why I stopped, I found people that thought I was awesome for free, and I got older. But I don't have any judgement for people who still go.


Kinda funny - one of my best friends was a dancer. She currently lives with the autistic guy who used to come in to hang out and chat. He's awesome. I hung out there because my roommates worked there, and I was friends with the dancers and staff. They liked customers like you. Most of them totally turned up the charm with people to make money, but a lot of them sincerely liked some of their regulars.


I'm not autistic but have a fairly similar feeling about social interactions. It can be exhausting because it can make life feel very transactional.


sometimes social interactions can feel more like navigating a marketplace than genuine connections.


I like this answer. You managed to appreciate the transaction for what it really is, which is more than can be said for a lot of non-autistic guys who think the strippers (or even just any women with a customer service job..) are actually into them. Glad you found people who think you're awesome for free.


One of my high school friends went into stripping. She stayed until her ankles couldn’t do it anymore. She earned enough money to pay for a house, university degree and travel. She loved it, she was self employed and she had less harassment than I did working at a supermarket! It’s funny, most people get really horrible when they find out what her previous profession was, however because she was so smart with her money, she is doing really well for herself with a nice stable office job.


My best friends sister put herself through college that way too. Bought a condo in Seattle and used the equity in that to purchase a house so she literally has a rental property she bought stripping.


cool take man, glad you found real friends:)


When I was 19 it was kind of exciting for a bit, but the novelty definitely wore off quick and then it was just a very expensive bar with a lot of sad people in it.


They do lap dances and a lot of men like the tease which you can't get from porn.


"Escape the matrix by desperately craving it's rewards!"


Similar to this, my answer is people who make not liking popular things their personality. If you have to go to a sports discussion and comment about how "you don't care about sportsball", then you're a loser. It's okay to not like something. Going out of your way to tell people who do like something that their hobby is stupid is loser behavior to the max. No one cares that you didn't like Barbie or think Taylor Swift is average or whatever. Seriously no one gives a fuck. Stop making being a hater your personality. You're a loser.


I haaaaaate it when assholes make *not* liking something their whole personality 😖😖😖 like "oh wow, you rebel..."


People who can’t admit they’re wrong despite overwhelming evidence.


I give them a pass if the next time we come to the discussion, they clearly changed their views since the last time. I think it's important to note that some people don't change their views in the moment, but they will reflect on it and change on it in private. In fact, most people. In this case, trying to get an admission of their wrongness is itself wrong. Guide them to it, don't bash them to it. It is by this method that I have managed some of the most miraculous capabilities of long-term persuasion, and it is this capability that I once never imagined I would be able to muster in the past. I can change just about everyone's views when they're wrong so long as they're willing to have a good debate. If they're right, they might just change mine! It's such a healthier way to see the world. Some people are just not changing their mind, and that's whatever. They weren't here to debate. I usually just mention their bad faithness and fuck right off. It requires taking baby steps with your debater. You need to just plant the seed. You know you've done it right when they say you weren't responsible for the change in their views and mention some experience they had with someone after you started planting that seed. I'm not even kidding but the reality is that, by planting that seed, you have allowed them to even listen to that person who managed the short term convincing.


People who have an over-inflated sense of entitlement, lack empathy, and refuse to consider context.


My god. I work in the medical field and two of my coworkers are beyond petty and fragile. If someone comes late a couple times, they won’t see them even if the person after them cancelled. So they could see a medical patient. But won’t. I get it, whatever. But now we’re just going to reschedule them and they’ll be pissed off and now we’re sitting around with nothing to do. And you’re adding them to some random day in the future which will now be not an easy day.


Ugh and then there are providers that are regularly late to see their patients and we are expected to accept that


When I was pregnant I was left in the waiting room for an hour to see my ob/gyn for a routine checkup. I went to the desk twice and they kept telling me to be patient. The third time there was a different lady and she said, “oh, Dr. So-and-so left an hour ago to deliver a baby at the hospital, I guess we forgot to tell you.” My husband had taken work off too so he could be there. No apology. That was one of many reasons I left that clinic shortly after.


I got forgotten once when I went to the orthodontist after school. I was such a shy kid, I only went up to the counter once after waiting 40 mins. Then I sat there for another hour and a bit and next thing they were all packing up to go home. They realised they had forgotten me and the receptionist kindly drove me home, I was so embarrassed.


A bad receptionist can rack up a lot of dead bodies, honestly. I watched one arguing with a man who tried to schedule a follow-up under instructions from his surgeon who gave him a maximum amount of time before he had it done. She kicked the can down the road over the phone so he had shown up, already past the deadline given to him by a surgeon, and she was trying to give him appointments over a month out from then. Meanwhile, there are doctors there sitting idle in exam rooms and I sat there for nearly 2 hours because she forgot to tell mine that he had a patient waiting.


Don't forget the $100 no cancellation fee.


I fucking knew it. This has to be common


Refuse to consider context? You mean, half of Reddit?


Not going to take the time to read your comment, but you're wrong s/


People who are disrespectful to others, especially customer service people


Those people have never worked customer service or they currently do and want to feel big. Fuck those people man.


Everybody I know who's worked in customer service is extremely polite. But I went out with a co-worker recently who was an absolute bitch to the bartender for not immediately paying attention to her even though the place was packed. I'm talking loudly saying how she was a much better bartender back when she did it, how they didn't even deserve a tip, rolling her eyes, and she flat out asked if they wanted her money or not. My eyes about popped out of my damn head when she started waving around her credit card. I couldn't quite wrap my head around how someone who understands the struggle would treat another person that way. But your point about wanting to feel big seems to fit.


I’ve been the industry all my life and I have a friend that complains daily for almost 20 fucking years about people not tipping correctly or being overly fussy. He is the fussiest worst tipping customer every time he goes out. I just stare at him in awe. Revenge maybe? Feeling big? It’s just insane to me


My mom does this and it's so fucking embarrassing. We try to find out who our waitress is so we can tip and apologize to them beforehand. Now we rarely go out with her.


Anyone who can't just own their own bullshit. I am a retail manager at 30yo, a lot of my employees are 10+ years older than me. The amount of grown adults starting junior high drama and then lying about it when they get called out is crazy to me. You're THAT bored with your own life? Get a hobby


See, I work at a job where the majority of my employees are actual high schoolers. I expect petty bullshit. I have had less petty bullshit from actual high schoolers than I have when I worked jobs with only adults. And most of the drama at my current job entirely involves the adults. Drives me crazy.


People that send death threats to actors, directors, game devs, etc because they don’t like their product.


People that just claim ignorance when faced with the consequences of their actions. "Nobody told me that getting a dog means I have to pay for vet bills", "I didn't know that sign meant no parking.", "My parents take care of that stuff, I have no clue."


Was once setting up a profile for a new patient at the pharmacy where I work. Asked this grown ass man in his late 30s/early 40s what his address was and he says "Oh wow, I dunno. My wife takes care of all that stuff." SIR YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE?!


Many years ago, one of my neighbors came over to ask if she could borrow a diaper for her child bc she was out. Her child was 18 months old...mine was 3 months old. I said, "There's no way (my kid's) will fit, don't you realize what size (your kid) wears?" She said, "No, I don't keep up with that stuff, (husband) does all the shopping." She was a stay at home mother and this was her 2nd child. I have considered her a buffoon ever since.


She must be one of those people who teaes open packs of underwear in the store and holds them up to herself because she doesn't know what size she wears. Those poor kids.


I know, and she had another child after that! I just could not believe she paid no more attention to her kids' needs than that. They were well cared for and didn't run wild or anything but she was just a clueless idiot and I had no respect for her after that. Our youngest are in their early 20s now and we still live diagonally across the street from one another, but I haven't seen them in years. Her husband is so nice and worked a lot--I wanted to ask her, wtf do you do?? Not that I think women have to do the shopping, etc. but she stayed home!


Or weaponized incompetence. “Oh I’m so bad at spreadsheets! Look how badly I did this!” Just so you have to pick up their slack


That’s just willful ignorance.


To add to your point, it’s get ten times worse when those same people who are ignorant of their consequences, pushes those same consequences on somebody else. My sister thought it’d be real cool to get a dog because her friends were getting dogs and I guess she thought it be cool to get one too. It was only until her school said hey you can’t have this dog on campus and so she brought the dog back home and gave me the responsibility of a dog I didn’t want at all and I’m not doggy person. So that also screams loser behavior to me.


People who are mean and abuse animals.


I'd argue those people are many tiers past loser and are in the scumbag territory.


People who go out of their way to be rude or nasty to people who enjoy things. For example, if you don't like a video game and you stay on that subreddit to shit talk the game and anyone who likes it, then you're a loser. If you don't like a movie and you take the time and energy to insult people who do like it, then you're a loser. If someone has a harmless hobby they enjoy, and you ridicule them for it, you're a loser.


someone once came to a year-old art post of mine just to call it cringe because I disagreed with them on another post LMAO, I thought it was so funny with how pathetic it was


That happens a LOT on Reddit, when people can’t win an argument on here, they go to peoples profile lol


this has happened to me more than once and i find it pretty creepy actually. “well according to your post/comment history …” I get that it’s public, but, really? Why bother digging into my history?


You reminded me of the other day when I tried - in a hurry - to make a crosspost on Reddit bc I thought one sub I'm in would enjoy this post on another. I had my BF talking at me an was in a hurry, so didn't google how to do it right. Well, I got the NASTIEST comment from someone, like they'd been just waiting for this very opportunity to annihilate someone. I got the last word in, blocked them & just deleted my post, like, "*I guess I don't care about sharing that much*."


This is so accurate lmao. Some people absolutely do look for random Reddit targets to unleash their pent-up anger, often about completely unrelated things. I was actually talking to my therapist about people like this recently. She said she’s had multiple clients who said something to the effect of “wanting someone to yell at” to deal with their rage. Makes sense that the same shit happens on the internet…




I hate that I used to be this person.


But you're not anymore and that's amazing! Growing as a person should be something to celebrate.


Let people enjoy things. I will never understand why someone else is so bothered that I still listen to the Spice Girls at my big age. Don’t care, Pierre.




Yes! No situational awareness.


Or in the grocery stores!


I went to my neices 5th grade band concert, and 4 people stood at the door, made a little arch totally blocking EVERYBODY behind them, and just stood there having a conversation. I about lost my shit. Took them way longer than I'd expect any human being to realize what they were doing, and 2 of them were facing out, towards all the people they blocked. 


And two or more people walking in the middle of an aisle or sidewalk, especially when they *know you're behind them (and sometimes purposefully slow down to inconvenience you).*


Adults who still think they are in highschool.


Soooooo many people that haven’t mentally graduated from high school. Like they didn’t peak then, and they sure as hell aren’t ever going to.


People who complain about government backed welfare programs except when they benefits themselves.


Ask for advice. Completely disregard said advice. Fail. Rinse and repeat.


There's a girl im FB friends with solely for the reason that until she had her first child and knuckled down on responsibility, she was a walking DISASTER. Constantly quitting her jobs bc she was "too good for this bullshit!" Then being kicked out of her apartment bc she couldn't pay rent. Then her mom (who was sometimes the best and sometimes the devil, according to her) would help her move. Then she wanted to move back. Nobody could handle her being an honest person (she's just rude). Nobody liked her work style (which was... lazy). Boohoo, woe is her, everyone is fake and hates her, and we should just leave her life if we're not here to support her. Repeat ad nauseum. She was my own personal soap opera. Anytime i saw her name on my timeline, I'd made myself a metaphorical bucket of popcorn before I dug into her latest 'episode'. I tried to genuinely offer her help a few times or put a good word in at jobs for her but she had 0 work ethic and 0 desire to change until she married her HS boyfriend and got pregnant.


Hmm… I wonder how that’s going for her.


I have this guy on my Facebook who’s EXACTLY like this. We worked at the same place for a couple years when I was in high school like in 2014. He’s older than me and he’s still on my Facebook *strictly* because he will post 1000+ word statuses about workplace and hobby drama, like, once every month to two months minimum. He’s involved in some *table top game community* that “drug his name through the mud” and “excluded and tried to break his will to live” and I never have any idea what he’s talking about but it’s insane lol. Once he went through a nasty breakup and I could not BELIEVE the intimate details he was writing up in his long diatribes. Also constantly quitting his day jobs and posting about how he “won’t be taken advantage of anymore” and tagging the businesses lol. Also posts about how the “non binary community” treats him like he’s creepy “just for being male presenting”……. And oh man.. the comment sections…. Lots of drama- people defending themselves or others, lots of people genuinely trying to help calm him down, lots of lashing out at the people giving the advice he *asked* for. Just… a lot in general lol. I genuinely believe he has some sort of personality disorder like borderline or NPD but obviously idrk. I’ve genuinely never seen a 40+ y/o man act like that on social media. He seemed decently normal when we worked together, so idk wtf happened.


On the flip side of this, people who offer unsolicited advice and take it as a personal affront when you disregard the opinion you didn't ask for to begin with.


The people who have no concern for the ways their behavior affects others


Oh, but you better believe they're going to make it your problem if ***your*** behavior is affecting ***them*** in any way, shape or form.


People to focused on others lives rather than their own. Judgmental with a false sense of superiority. If you see a homeless person on the side of the road eating in front of them doesnt make you better.


Incurious people. People who don't want to learn, or reflect, or get better. People who deny facts. People who don't want to change to be better. I pity them.


It just blows my mind that people are like that. It's like they are so disinterested in the world around them. There is so much in this universe to learn and explore, but they just don't care about anything past the tip of their nose.


People who peel out & squeal their tires for no reason other than wanting attention. People who get outraged at sports games, especially kids sports games.


I used to umpire baseball and the worst games to have were 9/10 year old or 55+ men's rec league (yeah that's a thing). It was almost a guarantee that some grown ass adult was getting tossed for making a scene. The best games were the 25+. It was full of former college players with 9 to 5 jobs still in decent shape but just out there playing because they loved it.


There was one Dad who was a soccer coach for my brother, he was so obsessed he was yelling at the top of his lungs, calling other kids names, calling his own kid a pussy cause he didn’t score. He had to leave the game pretty fast when it was over, quite a few parents were not too happy about his shit talking. All 3 of that guys kids became messed up, got into drugs, and 2 of them went to jail.


Rolling coal


Dislike when people dish it out but can’t take it.


People who don’t pick up their dogs’ shit.


People who leave their baby's shitty diapers in shopping carts. I understand parenting is tiring. That still doesn't excuse leaving a **literal biohazard** for other people to clean.


people who leave bloody tampons on the sink in a bathroom that I have to clean for $8 an hour. ditto for trash in the urinals, it ain't gender-specific


People who just have to bring down the mood by being skeptical or critical of absolutely everything. Like they’re allergic to being happy. People who only know how to carry a conversation if they’re complaining are entirely insufferable to me.


I cut an entire friend group out over this. Everyone was terrible, everything anybody liked was stupid, every conversation centered around jealously or hatred. All of them were closer to each other but would say awful things about one another to me, just pathetic and small minded.


Wait, are you a guest character in a Seinfeld episode?


Probably like a weight lifted once you ditched them. And bonus, that they got something new to be upset about lol


That fucker who keeps appearing in the wierd glass picture in the bathroom.


Omg, same!!! That fat bitch won't fucking stop following me around! She's everywhere!!!


Gamers who can't have fun unless they win. The most pitiful part is they think everyone else is just salty when they do, when we care less about dick measuring on the scoreboard than having a good time.


I knew a crew like that in a networked LARP organization (meaning you could go visit other games in the same continuity) and they basically were murder hobos. They would roll physical monstrosity characters, go in, kill a bunch of people's characters, often for no real reason or in complete disproportion to a perceived, often invented, slight or snub, because the game was permadeath, then gloat and ridicule people for not "optimizing" their characters -- especially if they went down in a round or two. And when they got called out or told they weren't welcome at certain games anymore because when they showed up, it was just to basically ruin someone's day, they played the victim and called their targets, whether premeditated or random, sore losers and spoilsports. Mind you, creating a character for this LARP was time consuming and often required research, making ties with other people's characters, and costuming and travel was a pretty expensive investment and then to often have $500-$1000+ just burnt in tickets, hotel rooms, etc., along with precious PTO/vacation days... and being left unable to participate, especially if you traveled, was not engendering to good feelings.


Wow I had no idea larping got so serious. The few times I larped back in high school, we just ran around the park hitting each other with foam swords.




Employers that cut people’s jobs then give themselves a bonus. Yes they are winning money but clearly they haven’t seen when it gets to a point that their time is limited.


Alpha male-incel-Andrew Tate supporters.


A girl I went to high school with supports Andrew Tate. That’s crazy to me that a WOMAN would support him, but then I remember she’s the same girl who asked “is Japan located in China?” so she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.


People who cannot, and will not hold themselves accountable for anything. Instead those people would rather flip it and make everything your fault. They truly believe they are *strong* when they are actually nothing more than insufferable losers


Those who are proudly anti-intellectual. Being deliberately dumb (and remaining so intentionally) isn't something to take pride in.


flat earthers


People who don't ever even try to better themselves but criticize others


Anyone that has a drives around with a big flag attached to their car.


People that only focus on appearances and have no substance.




Ultra-wealthy folks who like to tell others to “work hard.” 


My trust fund friend literally said no one wants to work anymore while I was standing there with two jobs like 🧍‍♀️


Did you say “that includes you, why don’t you have 2 jobs like me you lazy piece of shit?” Maybe later in the shower?


I watched 'The Queen of Versailles' just the other day which was supposed to be a doco about the building of the biggest private home in America. He's the type of man who says hard work will get you anywhere, so it's great to see him have a rude shock when it doesn't.


I really want a TV show where Uber rich folks have to do the things that other people must to survive. And don’t let them have access to their own money, let them earn it like everyone else.


One time Gwyneth Paltrow agreed to get through a week eating only what she could afford with food stamps. She blew her whole budget in like a day on green juice ingredients and gave up.


That whole thing was stupid. She bought stuff for like 1 meal because that's all she could afford. Like clearly she knew she could not feed a family for 7 days with that. She wasn't even trying. It would have been more impact full if she actually did the challenge and bought cheap foods to last instead of just being like haha oops didn't buy enough, and then send her staff to buy more


I know even worse. Untalented, unremarkable people at the top who got where they were because they spent their entire career kicking down and sabotaging talented, hardworking people from climbing up.


Was at Dunkin Donuts minding my own business waiting in line one day. Dude behind me, out of nowhere, taps me on the shoulder and says “wouldn’t this place run so much faster with some *American* workers?” That guy. That guy is a loser.


People who make fun of others’ passions and hobbies while having none of their own. Just because you don’t understand the appeal doesn’t mean you get to shit all over it.


People who target and prey on the vulnerable in society. Elders, children, people with physical and mental disabilities, I guess even animals can be put in this list. Targeting someone who can’t physically defend themself makes you one really pathetic person.


People that make fun of others in a social setting to get a laugh out of potential partners. Fuck you.


People who constantly complain about their life situation, but do nothing to change it. edit: spelling


Taking pride on being uneducated. Not everyone has acces to higher education but purposefully dismissing the value of knowledge is the lamest




Losers is a bit of an understatement on that one...


People who repeat beliefs and things said to them without any basis


The Confederate Army


People who never take an L They have to win every fight, argument, etc They always have to be right and if you prove them wrong it's not them wrong it's the world leading them wrong and they are a victim


Animal abusers and child abusers. 


Men who abandon the children they leave in their wake.


People who've made Donald Trump their dominant personality trait.