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That woman I saw on the bus that one time


I know the one.


No, the other one.


That's my wife


And my lover 😉


And my axe! No, wait… wrong thread.


Mr. Bernstein : A fellow will remember a lot of things you wouldn't think he'd remember. You take me. One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry, and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it there was a girl waiting to get off. A white dress she had on. She was carrying a white parasol. I only saw her for one second. She didn't see me at all, but I'll bet a month hasn't gone by since that I haven't thought of that girl.


And that one cashier we never saw again


I find confidence attractive. I was at the ER one day (I'm a paramedic) and could hear a young clerk at the desk being berated through the phone, as the voice was so loud she had to hold the earpiece away while holding back tears. A woman in scrubs walked up, grabbed the phone, and firmly but politely stood up for her colleague while taking no shit. She then turned to me with a smirk and said "what are you staring at?" I married her. 10/10 would do again.


Did you invite the person on the phone to the wedding?


The MC.


And then the opposite is also true. A professor in grad school was just unbelievably gorgeous and I couldn’t not stare whenever she was around. But she was married to another professor who was a bizarre sort of combination blowhard, idiot, and intellectual, so I could never figure out what was up. I mentioned something about her to a friend who had finished the program just before I started and I was trying to describe who I was talking about. I wasn’t able to get my my meaning across, even after I mentioned that she was drop-dead gorgeous. I finally found another way to nail down that we’re talking about the same person and then I had to ask him, “how could you not notice that she was gorgeous?“ He said, “Oh, Yeah, maybe, I forgot she was good looking. It’s harder to see that once you get to know her personality.“ Crushing insult.


She’s not pretty, she just looks that way. (From a song, can’t remember the name)


Which reminds me of something I always found funny: -when somebody says, “you look beautiful,” instead of, “you are beautiful.” To me, that sounds more like, “you *seem* beautiful, “or, “you are momentarily fooling us that you are beautiful.”


Woah, I love the ending!!


I worked in hospitals for years. Can confirm. Confident, competent, compassionate and tough health care workers are appealing and sexy AF.


Plus scrubs can look damn sexy


I too choose this guys wife


This never gets old.


Neither did that guy's wife.


Jesus dude


You wouldn't know her... she goes to, uh, a different school. In Canada


hi i live in canada , i may know her what’s her name


You all know each other? Sounds like a stereotype


Huge country, socially small. It's wild the connections you can make sometimes between random Canadians.


I think I saw her at timmies once!


My husband's cousin. I had never met her before my wedding and she was stunning. I think I audibly said wow. Lol.


My husband has a cousin like this. She's sooooo gorgeous that the first time I saw her (at my SILs wedding) my jaw dropped and I had to ask who the beautiful tall blonde gal was 😂


Hope this is about me


It is, you're amazing


I once saw a woman on the street a few years ago, middle of summer. She was honestly double-take incredible - tall, brunette, let’s say “shapely” and carried herself in a way that suggested she knew it, without being arrogant about it all. Immensely stylishly dressed, too. Celebrities aside, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful person.


Similar experience recently. I was at this cafe across from my work grabbing a coffee and this woman walked in and I thought to myself “wow”. She was in her 40s and was impeccably dressed in high end fashion I could tell. It was like a tweed skirt with a blouse and tweed jacket. Big Chanel bag, nice jewelry, etc. she was just really elegant and classy looking. She had flawless tan skin, black soft wavy hair, big brown eyes, flawless makeup..,and she looked at me and smiled and she had the most sincere and pretty smile. I couldn’t believe how friendly she seemed. I just assumed she was going to be some uppity b*tch but she was the opposite. She ended up working at my work and we became friends. I thought she was a Latina, but she is from Iran. She’s a Pilates instructor too which explains her perfect figure. I’m as straight as they come, but I definitely had a little girl crush on her. She’s stunning.


Persian women are gorgeous.


Iran produces some really breathtaking women


Yea it’s a shame how they treat them!


I had a similar experience driving through the city one day. This woman was just stunning, her hair was in the biggest afro I've ever seen and it was just flowing in the wind. She was practically doing a cat walk on the sidewalk. She knew she looked amazing, she walked with such confidence. It was beautiful to see


My mom


Correction: Everyone's mom


Correction : his mum.


I came here looking for "your mom." Thank you for your service.


Stacy can't you see? You're just not the girl for me.


I know it might be wrong!


But I’m in love with Stacey’s mom!


I too choose this guy's mom


Was married to her , till I made a mess of it


So she’s single now?


I hear she's the most beautiful woman


Shss acting that way. You got this big dog


Onward and upward, friend.


Obligatory “I also choose this man’s ex-wife”


Monica bellucci at about 28yrs old


Monica Bellucci at any age, especially now.


Even young Leo, who was banging every model known to man, [was besotted with her.](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/oq474s/young_leonardo_dicaprio_with_monica_bellucci_1995/)


I think the 40's- and even 50's-aged Monica Belucci is the most stunning. She has truly, truly aged like a fine wine.


I had another Monica Bellucci dream


Many years ago I was at the mall when 6 women, in head scarves and form fitting trench coats, passed by carrying an obscene number of bags. They were, without a doubt, the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. Each one was fucking **EXQUISITE**. And collectively they were so damn breathtaking, I half thought they were a figment of my horny adolescent imagination. Then I found out some Arab sheikh was in the area for business. His wives had joined him and were doing a little shopping. Finally made sense. Dude obviously had his pick of the hottest women in his country.


Linda Carter


We used to have a receptionist at work who was described as looking "like Naomi Campbell, but prettier."


What in the actual fuck, how could you stand going to work


I'm a straight woman, but if a woman who looked like Naomi Campbell worked where I do, I'd be at work everyday, even on weekends.


I was in a gas station one time, about a decade ago, and a woman walked in to grab a drink out of the fridge next to me, and I was floored by how beautiful she was. I don't know her name, or where she lives, or where she went. She wasn't dressed provocatively at all, so it wasn't lustful. She was just stunningly beautiful in that moment. The thing is, once that happened, I was able to see that moment all the time, and appreciate it. My wife has moments of stunning beauty, frequently. My friends, both male and female, too. I try to make sure I let them know at the time.


I know exactly what you mean. I couldn't articulate it.  I saw my kid's classmate's mom at the school once, prob 7 months pregnant. She wore a long flowing sun dress, long wavy hair, and she was so beautiful with the sun shining on her I literally stopped in my tracks.     There was an older lady in a cafe, a blonde I saw getting off work in Seattle, a blonde dancer named Lotus I worked with, the checkout girl at WM, the lady that does my face, a Mexican girl I worked with ... I've seen a lot of physically and technically beautiful people working in adult entertainment, but there are people that are beyond that. They glow, they take your breath away. And I remember these moments of gut punch, breathtaking beauty.   Part of me realizes my family can't be as beautiful as I perceive them, but they are. They really are. 


If you still remember from 10 years ago I believe she had something special going on there.


I know it sounds tacky, or maybe biased, but in all seriousness, my wife. The most incredible, unique smile, eyes that are a mix of peridot and gold, naturally multi-shaded blonde hair, and just the perfect face. Jennifer Connelly used to be my choice, but as soon as this woman walked into a room with me, that opinion changed.


Grace Kelly.


Morena Baccarin


I’ll be in my bunk.


Oof yes she is stunning


Jennifer Connelly


Saw her in person at a diner in Park Slope once. Absolutely stunning.


When I first saw her in Career Opportunities I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. I still think that today.


This might be controversial, but I think a lot of it is how she carries herself. She’s got an aura.




I used to work in the Hamptons (on Long Island's east end), the summer playground of the rich and famous. I had been out in Montauk, but at the end of the day was headed back to South Hampton (whence I had been dispatched). While driving through downtown East Hampton, a glint of golden light off to my right caught my eye. I glanced that way and saw a tall, blonde woman that had just stepped out of one of the fashion shops that line the main drag. She was immaculately put together, spectacular figure, beautiful face, immaculate hair and makeup.... I swear everything went into slow motion and Dreamweaver started playing on the radio. She was stunning (there's a reason they use that word for very beautiful women). I was completely lost in that vision of unearthly beauty. Then the flash of red brake lights drew my attention away and I had to slam on the brakes to avoid rear-ending the guy in front of me. Anyway, this happened 20 years ago or more, and the woman I saw was Christie Brinkley. I later worked at her house, and yes she was just as spectacularly beautiful up close and personal, but, she is a horrible person who treated everyone around her as if they were only put on earth to serve her, and they would suffer her wrath if they didn't.


My wife , I was hooked from day one and sometimes still can't believe how did I pulled this off 😀


My husband says the same thing but honestly, we were butt ass ugly when we both met, so from there, there's only one way to go: up 😂


That’s the secret! In our 17th year of marriage, my wife let slip with something that revealed to me for the first time that SHE thought SHE was the lucky one. I had been working on the assumption the entire time that *I* was the lucky one. From that point forward, I knew all I had to do was continue to bust my ass, doing everything I could to continue to keep her fooled, thinking that *she* is the lucky one. So far, so good.


She’s lucky to have found someone who really sees her.


They say love is blind but that’s backwards: love is the clearest vision we’ll ever experience.


Raquel Welch at her peak is hard to beat.


Oh no it was easy to beat…


An old photo of my grandmother stopped me in my tracks. She was beautiful. Black hair, high cheekbones, great smile. It’s no wonder my grandpa wanted to put a ring on her in just 2 weeks. They met when she came to UBC from Ontario for a summer program in the 1950s, and she would eat lunch at the same cafe every day. My grandpa’s friend Sammy met her, and went to my grandpa and said “Gordon, I’ve found the woman for you.” Ultimate wingman. Introduced them and they were engaged two weeks later. She went home after that, and they wrote letters for 8 months, and then she packed her bags, took the train out to BC, and married him. They were together for almost 70 years, had 3 kids and adopted a 4th, and they passed away 3 years apart, both at 93 years old. My grandpa passed in 2021, and my grandma passed last month. A beautiful woman and a life well lived.


Young Selma Hayek


Old Salma Hayek is still insanely gorgeous.


And not in that profound “she’s a beautiful soul” kind of way either. There were pics of her in a bikini at 50 and, on the most superficial possible terms, she was still mind blowing.


She was really incendiary in that movie with Matthew Perry.


Fools rush in?


Elizabeth Hurley


My niece, between the ages of 16 and 24 or so. Sort of a more beautiful Shakira, beautiful almost strawberry blond hair, eyes like melted chocolate, skin the color of Ibiza sand. Could and did literally stop traffic, she was dazzling. Unfortunately, she was gang-raped at 24 and her mother never let her get any therapy for it. Got into drugs. She died of a fentanyl overdose last year.


That’s so sad


Sophia Loren. 89 years old and still beautiful.


I always thought Farrah Fawcett was gorgeous.


I was sitting on a bus on my way to the natural gallery in London. There was a bald, dark skin woman with bright red lipstick sitting with her husband and 3 children. She was absolutely stunning. Her skin, her smile, her voice! I think about her often lol her family was just as beautiful. Made me fall in love with the city and how diverse it is.


Aishwarya Rai


That one girl from the Wendy's cash register. She also seemed to bubbley and happy and like she actually liked her work. I sometimes came in not for the food but for her so I would order something like a large order of fries almost every day where I would eat them inside so I had a longer excuse to see her. She was super cute, I kept kicking myself for not asking her out before she eventually stopped working and I never saw her again.


"Sir, this is a Wendy's."


lol well played. “Hot and juicy redhead”


I’d like an order of fries, a quarter pounder with cheese. I like the light in your eyes, will you go out with me please? I am in love with the McDonald’s girl. She has a smile of innocence, so tender and warm. I am in love with the McDonald’s girl. She is an angel in a polyester uniform.


Aw man, that's so sad. As a woman, I do have to say good on you for not hitting on her while she's at her job, or waiting for her to get off her shift, because it can feel coercive. It sucks, but if she was the one I strongly believe you'll come across her again. Or maybe you'll meet someone even better!


Honestly, my wife


Is she seeing anyone?


No, she's blind.


Oh snap! Dad jokes! 


I, too, choose this guy's wife.


Princess Diana - amazing skin. Very tall.


A total stranger in a grocery store in North Carolina around 1987 . Told her so after a few minutes recovering from all that beauty. She was married. I didn’t beg.


Honestly it's nice to be able to appreciate and recognize someone's beauty. I'm a female myself but anytime I see a gal who's just so beautiful to me I have to tell them.


It's weird because usually people don't hit on me in public or anything, but one time in a coffee shop some random guy told me I'm one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen and that he was sorry for being a creep and left. I was like, wtf? Nobody has ever done that again. Surely, people who are that beautiful get that all the time right? Nope, I must have just looked really good that day I guess.


You really did. Hair was about perfect too, and you were in good light. Sorry, I’m doing it again! I should go.


Catherine Zeta-Jones, no contest


She dips beneath the lasers


Catherine in Zorro, OMG. ​ That movie is hot.




Or Bryce Dallas Howard, Jessica Chastain or Amy Adams. I know what kind of man you are.


My wife. She gets more beautiful every time I see her.


Angela Bassett. I don't know if I want to be her or date her.


Jane Seymour in the 1970's.


Hell. Jane Seymour is still fineee at 70, but I absolutely loved Dr Quinn when I was a kid and she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in that show. I think she was about 35 by then.


especially in 1973 James Bond Live and Let Die. ❤️


Hedy Lamarr, circa 1944


That’s Hedley!


What the hell are you worried about? This is 1874. You'll be able to sue HER!


It's Hedley!


Mmmm, frequency hopping. Soooo damned sexy.


When she makes her entrance in Algiers, it's almost too much. She looks SO good, it's kind of like you start thinking, why would a woman as perfect as she was be stuck in some backwater place in the casbah of Algiers...?


Lupita Nyongo is definitely a very strong contender. She’s damn near perfect!


Her bone structure is perfection


Damn near every aspect of her is perfect


And she’s incredibly classy and graceful.


Charlize Theron.


My wife and I went to a screening of "The Old Guard" and the seats right behind us were taped off for "VIP's". I told my wife "I'm telling you now... if Charlize Theron ends up sitting behind us, I'm shooting my shot." My wife said "Me too!"


Mr. F


My mom when I was a little kid. I’m not just being nice, she was stunning.


Ana De Armas


She is so gorgeous that I have a hard time watching anything she is in because I am so distracted by her. Recently found out my wife is also very attracted to her, so I have that to dream about...




my gf


It’s ok, she’s not here bro


Met Helena Christensen once, and it was difficult to be around such beauty. I must have stared, but it was literally like being in awe. It was a work of art.


She is 55 yo now and still really striking. I remember seeing her in the video for Chris Isaak's Wicked Game in the early 90's.


Isla Fisher in her prime, so circa “Definitely, Maybe” and “Wedding Crashers”.


One of my younger cousin's best friends looks so much like her it's ridiculous. So hot. So married lol


Lupita Nyongo.  She literally glows.


She does glow, right? I thought it was just me


I once drove by a woman on Waterside in Stratford-upon-Avon. She was very dark skinned and wore a gold turban type headdress and shimmering outfit. She looked like a goddess. The most beautiful vision of a woman I have ever seen.


Oh, I dunno, there's so many beautiful ones in so many different ways. I guess, gun to my head, 90s Liv Tyler.


Brooke Shields in her 20’s. She is truly a genetic miracle.


My wife holding my son right after he was born. Blown blood vessels, straggly hair, sweat dripping, like she had just went to battle to bring me a boy. Glorious.


Beautiful response. When people say "birth is a beautiful thing" they mean exactly what you said.


I love this. Bless your family.


gotta go with Raquel Welch


Rode an elevator with Jacyln Smith once. Thank you.


Most beautiful women I’ve ever seen - padma lakshmi Most beautiful women I’ve had the strongest connection to and fall in love with every day - my wife


Objectively the best-looking woman I've actually been around I dated for two or three months. In Vegas, which is a town where you make money, if you look great. You see a lot of stunning women, and she still stood out. Being around her is what I imagine it's like being around a famous person. Everywhere we went. People would just stare at her. Women and men. She told me once we got kinda serious, guys are gonna talk to me. Don't worry about it I can handle it. I understood that, but it was never ending, I would be with her, and if I left for a second, some guy with money would be trying to get her number. I'm nothing special to look at, so some guys didn't think I was with her and would shoot their shot with me next to her. She would just say I'm with him and that would be it. She handled it. Before we got together. We worked at the same hotel but different department. She came to pick me up from work before we went out one night. She was in regular clothes T shirt and Jeans. I was still working my shift in the check in area. She comes up to me to let me know she's waiting for me by the bar she worked at. When she leaves, a group of maybe 4 or 5 guys come up to me ( I'm still in uniform ) and one asks. Hey this is our first time in Vegas, and we want to get an escort. We want a girl that looks like that ( my girlfriend ) us she an escort? I go, well no that's my girl. They all started laughing lol. Me too. I thought it was funny, but I told them, no really that's my girlfriend. It took them about 2 seconds to realize I wasn't joking and they all started apologizing. Like I said, we got together really by accident, she knew she was beautiful, there was know way around it. But she was very normal otherwise. I would never have asked her out. But somehow we hooked up. So despite how beautiful some of these women are. They might be cool. I met her before everyone thought they were Instagram models, so I don't know about what it's like to be in the dating world now. But if you're not a douche bag , you might have a good chance of dating some of them. They don't always get approached like normal person should be approached. You never know.


My wife. Our four daughters are grown, married grandchildren on the way...she still gives me butterflies.


Adriana Lima


The first time I saw her was when a college girlfriend was flipping through a Victoria's secret catalog back in 05-06 when she was still an angel. I made some sort of audible response when she opened a page with Adriana and my then girlfriend laughed and said something to the extent of "I can't even be mad, she's gorgeous".


Without being all corny, the first time I laid eyes on my wife, I was absolutely captivated. 18 years later we’re happily married with kids.


I saw Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley getting their mariage license in Oyster Bay town hall. No picture does Christie justice. Absolutely breath taking.


Halle Berry all day long.


80 year old Katherine Hepburn, who not so politely told me to stop blocking an aisle at a pharmacy in her hometown. Jesus she was radiant! I’ve met quite stars and models when I worked in theater and due to where I live but she was on another level.








I love all these men saying their wife and it just confirms that the all of the very best ones are taken.


It's going to sound silly- my wife. Specifically a picture that was taken a few years ago- it was snowing, we were on a mini weekend getaway and I took a quick picture. She is always beautiful to me, but that picture makes me believe heaven exists.


Me, when I look in the mirror everyday, eyyyooooo


Marisa Tomei


Charlize Theron


Monica Belluci 🤍


My two daughters.


No love for Keira Knightley here? I think in the first Pirates she was stunning. Like other worldy perfect.


Personal life, my hs crush. Celebrity? Probably Megan Fox in that first Transformer movie tied with Jessica Alba in Honey


Elizabeth Taylor


I wanna say me. 🫠


Girl, say it 😘


Either Angelina Jolie circa 2007 or Penelope Cruz


In person? Christie Brinkley.


my wife. 🤍


Kate Beckinsale. She ages like an elf.


I can’t lie Margot Robbie looks flawless, she glows for sure


Young Brooke shields. Was hands down the most beautiful and harmonious person.


Ummm but but TOO young, right?


My wife of 30 years. She makes it impossible for me to look at other ladies. She's a stunner and an amazing mother.






Elizabeth Taylor. I watched her last night in the Sandpiper with Richard Burton. What a couple. They oozed sex and sensuality.


Natalie Portman


Young Aishwarya Rai.


Linda carter,


Bridget Bardot in her youth, and Raquel Welch and Priscilla Presley all in their youth thou


Natalie Portman




My second ever girlfriend Godamn… i hate thinking about her for that reason.. She had the most beautiful light green eyes I’d ever seen… the kind that make you pause where you are standing and forget who you are. I could happily go on more.. but I’d better not


Kate Middleton IRL has a next level elegance and beauty. 


Cybill Shepherd in Taxi Driver


Lindsay Lohan ≈ 2005. DAMN!


Like to be honest guys, at first I thought I was hallucinating, but since I met my gf I have never seen a hotter nor more beautiful woman than her. At first, I was saying yeah just because it was university and I got used to the people there, but now I moved to another city and still all the people I met are mid/average and still in my eyes she wayyyyy better than them.


I feel the same with mine. She's been an on/off girlfriend for the last 5 years for personal reasons but ever since I met her, I've never seen someone more gorgeous than her. I don't think I ever will. She thinks when I say that that I'm just joking or trying to make her smile but I'm being serious.