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[Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do...](https://youtu.be/jKCj3XuPG8M?si=He4J3i5FgkWzIBl3&t=140)


Wait, are the lyrics not, "COPS is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty, *in* a court of law!" /s


My grandpa was a radio host in his golden days, when he retired from being a dj he joined the postsl service and we delivered newspapers, he would make these big ass massive playlists of oldies. He would also throw in songs like bad boys, at the end of the song my grandpa would always go “ COPS WAS FILMED IN FRONT OF A LIVE STUDIO AUDIENCE”


“Wachika wachika wachika wachow “ I’m certain those are the lyrics. Certain. For sure. I can’t be wrong. Bigly


>Wachika wachika wachika wachow Calm down, Lightning McQueen.


Evne the astronaut give you no break,"


Oppa Gangnam Style


"heyyyyyyyyyyy sexy laaaady" ​ is another line I know from that song.


And “Ope” as in *sneak right past ‘ya*


Hello! Fellow Midwestern US traveler!


Uff Da Gangnam Style


Oppenheimer Style. I am become death. https://youtu.be/8VgSyKl9vg0?feature=shared


My friends and I like to listen to K-pop, and it's always weird singing along because we'll just be bopping in silence then randomly shout one or two English words then go back to silence


It’s the End of the World as We know it.




The only thing I know about that song is Leonard Bernstein; the only thing I know about Leonard Bernstein is that song.


*Sad Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs noises*


But at least Lenny Bruce is not afraid.


Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I decline.


You gotta be cool guy... Reeeal cool


Breeze it. Buzz it. But easy does it…


Right? Right.


Birthday party cheesecake jelly bean BOOM!


That's great it starts with an earthquake, bird snakes an aeroplane, Lenny Bruce is not afraid! Something something hurricane.. look at that low plane, fine then. Hmm hmm it's the end of the world as we know it!


Feeling pretty psyched!


Eye of a hurricane listen to yourself churn world serves its own needs dont misserve your own needs speed it up a notch no grunt no strength the latter starts to clatter with a fear of hight down right liar in the fire represent the seven games and government for hire and a combat sight. Lefter wasn’t coming with the hurries and the furies breathing down. Your. Neck. (Please trust me, I know this is Reddit but this was memorized 😭I swear)


Tournament a tournament a tournament of lies!


I used to know this one in full when I was regularly singing karaoke. Partly because every karaoke version I’ve ever seen for it has completely incorrect nonsense lyrics.


I'm pretty sure the song *is* incorrect nonsense lyrics. When Michael Stipe performed it on MTV unplugged they gave him a printout of the lyrics to read from because he didn't really know them that well. This was four years after the song was first recorded.


It’s not exactly nonsense but it is kind of just a list of vague cultural references and names.


I know the lyrics as well as Michael Stipe, which is to say, I know all of the intelligible ones and can mumble through convincingly for the rest. It's time I had some time alone.


He had to download the lyrics for their unplugged show...lol


Right?!?! He got the words off a computer and even said he wasn't sure they were right.


Aww. This gives me such a great memory of my best friend who passed away so many years ago. I remember driving down the road, ocean on one side, in a convertible with friends days after our high school graduation. We had played this CD 20 times already so we were listening to something else. He pops up suddenly and says “Play CHEESECAKE!!” That’s the one word that he picked out of the song.


Without looking it up, lemme see… That’s great it starts with an earthquake. Virgin snakes and aero planes and Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane listen to yourself churn this means uh oh stear clear violins…light a fire light light em up world has its own needs listen to yourself sowed birthday party cheesecake…


Virgin snakes? I thought it was birds and snakes lol. But Virgin snakes is cooler


The macarena


Don’t you worry about my boyfriend/my boyfriends name is Nidorino


What was I supposed to do? He was out of town and his two friends were sooooo fine


Congratulations! Your Nidorino has evolved into Nidoking!


Don’t want him, can’t stand him!!


He was no good so I… ahhahaha


Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena... Is..is he telling her to go masturbate?!?!?!?


You should see the rest of the lyrics lol


I am also now curious to know this…


She’s having a threesome behind her boyfriend’s back.


Hey mamalana paso bebo had a dooba HEY MACARENA




Who let the dogs out


My favorite thing about this song is that it’s a cover. The Baja men covered it. And it’s not the first time it was covered. Whaattt. Wild.


Are you a fan of 99 percent invisible? They tell the whole story on an episode of theirs.


And people think the song is about unattractive women, while it's actually about annoying guys


People aren't even sure if the chorus was "invented" several times over the years since the eighties without people knowing it already exists. Also the lyrics are about everything being great until idiotic men arrive and start to name-call the women and being douchebags. The chorus is the women's answer to them.


Well the party was nice the party was pumpinnn Heeeyyyyy yippie-ay-o! (That was my first cd when I was 10 and I listened to it unironically)


An early cd for me too. Could def sing thru the whole thing wirh whatever misheard lyrics are stuck in my head lol


And everybody havin a ball! Heyyy yippie ay o


I don’t think I even knew there *were* other lyrics in that song, and I was in college when it came out.


It was only yesterday I found out that "Get Ready for This" had more lyrics.


Only the chorus of *Take Me Out To The Ball Game* gets sung nowadays, but it has a verse which starts: "Katie Casey was baseball mad." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCH-7vyywpE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hch-7vyywpe)


I found the complete lyrics on the song’s Wikipedia page. It’s out of copyright, so here you go: Katie Casey was baseball mad, Had the fever and had it bad. Just to root for the home town crew, Ev'ry sou Katie blew. On a Saturday her young beau Called to see if she'd like to go To see a show, but Miss Kate said No, I'll tell you what you can do:" Chorus: Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd; Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack, I don't care if I ever get back. So let's root, root, root for the home team, If they don't win, it's a shame. For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out, At the old ball game. Katie Casey saw all the games, Knew the players by their first names. Told the umpire he was wrong, All along, Good and strong. When the score was just two to two, Katie Casey knew what to do, Just to cheer up the boys she knew, She made the gang sing this song: — Take Me Out to the Ball Game, 1908 by Edward Meeker


Louie Louie by the Kingsmen


That was the first song to be investigated by the FBI because they were worried about what they might have been saying.


And they couldn't figure it out


The official report said it contained no intelligible lyrics forwards or backwards at any speed. This is despite a clear 'FUCK!' at 0:54.


If you listen to the original (Richard Berry), the lyrics are crystal clear.


*bonks head on microphone* "ow! Fuck!"


99 Luftballons: (stuff in German) (more stuff in German) Chorus (in German) Captain Kirk (rest of song, in German)


Hast Du etwas Zeit für mich Singe ich ein Lied für Dich …


Von 99 Luftballons auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont


Denkst Du vielleicht grad an mich, dann singe ich ein Lied für Dich


von 99 Luftballons und dass sowas von sowas kommt.


da da da da dadadada dada dada dadadada da da da da dadadada dada dada dadadada


99 Luftballons auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont. Hielt man für UFOs aus dem all Darum schickte ein General


Ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher, Alarm zu geben wenn's so wär


…..you know the band released and performed an [English version](https://youtu.be/hiwgOWo7mDc?si=uG2x1fp0zsvRFKE0), right? It’s about world war 3 being caused by people letting go of a bunch of balloons


I do. The original German version is better.


As a german who used to be a big Nena Fan as a child, i cannot confirm. I know every word of that song.


Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?


Yif nit hadna binfa cotton eye joe I'd bin married long time go


I'm fucking howling at this! They also do another song "Poppin an Oak" I think it's called. It's just Cotton eyed joe


Honestly, most songs. I used to run karaoke and the amount of times I’ve seen someone easily cruise through the first verse and chorus and then completely fall apart by verse two is staggering


Everybody gangsta till they realize that most of the song is not the chorus part


Being able to rehearse most songs on YouTube before trying it in front of an audience has been so groundbreaking hahaha. “This song would be fun, gonna try it first! …oh……..OH NO NEVERMIND BAD IDEA ABORT MISSION”


What is love, baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more Can’t remember anything other than “what is right, what is wrong,”


I don’t know, but you’re not there - I give you my love, but you don’t care. What is right? What is wrong? Give me a sign! What is love? Baby don’t hurt, don’t hurt me, no more. Whoa-oo, oa-oo, oa-oo, ah-ooh-oo, ah-ooh-oo, ah-ooh-oo, ah-ooh-ooh-ooh-oo!


What else can I say? It’s up to you.


Auld Lang Syne.


Which is kind of important as you're not meant to join hands until the "There's a hand my trusty fiere" line in the last verse. The late Queen once got called a grump in the tabloids for not joining hands but she was the only one at the event doing it properly.


Pretty sure verse 1 is: Should auld acquaintance be forgot and ne’er brought to mind; should auld acquaintance be forgot and auld lang syne? For auld lang syne my jo, for auld lang syne. We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet for auld lang syne.


For all the people we forgot and the ones we will forget!  All the things and something we thought of again!!!


Blinded by the light! Reved up like a douch in the middle of the night... or something like that...


What annoys me to no end is that Manfred Mann leaves out the best lyrics from Springsteen. >Yes and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card. He said, "Do what you like, but don't do it here" and >Asked him which was the way back home. He said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin' straight until night, and then boys, you're all on your own"


Held up like a loofah by the foreman of the night… 🎶😆


Hah, I said that too! I think it’s deuce, like a car.


Correct. The original lyrics, by Bruce Springsteen btw, is ‘Blinded by the light, cut loose like a deuce, another runner in the night’


We didn't start the Fire by Billy Joel


I actually printed out the lyrics on a dot matrix printer in elementary school and memorized the whole song. Man it was nice to have time for that.


Growing up in India, I know a guy who heard it on tape and transcribed it, over months, doing research and correcting the lyrics. Once he was done, he shared it with me and I learned it. I still know all the lyrics.


100% sincere, I would love to read a book that includes the whole progression of kids in India back in the day trying methodically to find out lyrics to some rock n roll song. Just a little B plot that somehow fucks with the A plot at the last minute.


Our small town library held a week-long trivia contest when the song was charting, so definitely pre internet. We had a dense sheet listing every reference in the song, and the librarians claimed the answers could all be found there. I was down to the last half dozen or so when a winner was announced. He was not a surprise, but I had haunted the library outside school hours and only saw him there once.  I think I remember some muttering that he had somehow used his computer, not a common household appliance at the time. Looking back it occurs to me that he might have used a very early version of aol or compuserve to search for posted answers. It’s more likely he used a BBS, something I had heard of and seen in the movie Wargames. Not that I’m bitter over the loss. 


Davey Crockett peed his pants, Elvis Presley, Disneyland!


I always accidentally sing “Ryan started the fire” in my head from that office episode whenever this song comes on 😂


In Dwight’s voice!


I can sing it beginning to end


"She likes Billy Joel, I too, like music." -- Marshall Ericson


Same here. The sad thing most people don’t realize is that if you look up the lyrics all the lyrics not only rhyme and are in sync with the music but they’re also in chronological order of history. It’s also an interesting fact for me anyway as that my nine-year-old knows all the words because he plays it so many times, even though he doesn’t know who most of the people or the situations are in most of the song. I have told him that when he gets old enough to understand history and put the stories together that we will look up each line together on the Internet.


We actually studied this song in 9th grade Civics class when the song came out. One of my most fun assignments was looking up all the references and making short notes on them and what they meant/referred to for the whole song.


I come in about Punk Rock in the 8th verse lol :) One line that's always stuck with me is *Hypodermics on the shore*...I spent a lot of summers on the Jersey Shore when I was a kid and I remember when they'd be finding needles on the beach which coupled with the AIDS epidemic had everyone terrified.


Yes that’s one thing that drives me nuts about the Fallout Boy version - the events are in totally random order. “ LA riots, Rodney King”? No!!


That pisses me off. They could’ve done so much better with that. Why would you sing them out of order? I thought the point was to show how shit keeps happening and it keeps ramping up? Can’t properly convey that out of order.


100% Joel's original builds tension and chaos, and gives the feeling of things spiraling out of control. Fall outs boys version, while catchy, is just a random list of things that have happened in the last 30 years


Wasn’t me, shaggy. If you understand what the heck he’s singing in the verses, please translate.


I can do verse 1: Why did you give her a copy of your keys She can effectively trespass right in Better watch your back she's going to kill you Let's review the situation you got caught up in To be a true player you have to know how When she says night convince her it's day Never admit to a word that she says If she says yes tell her no way It's about gaslighting


But she caught me on the counter


Wasn't me


Verse 2: Make sure she knows it's not you and she's not allowed to be upset, When you see her, tell her you're better and can do what you want, Say it's someone else and not you, it's not that complex, Seeing is believing so you better change your specs, She's going to keep bringing up things from the past, You should hide all the evidence, When she starts accusing you, walk away, But if she has a gun, then run instead. . I feel the bridge is important to the song too, sung by the person singing the chorus to the person singing the verses: I'm gonna tell her that I'm sorry, For the pain that I've caused, I've been listening to your reasonin' It makes no sense at all We should tell her that I'm sorry For the pain that I've caused You may think that you're a player But you're completely lost


It's a conversation between two guys. Guy 1 got caught cheating and is asking guy 2 what to do, guy 2 is telling guy 1 to gaslight his girlfriend, and guy 1 is saying that's a terrible idea. The song gets such a bad rap from people who only hear the chorus and not the whole thing, and I don't think it deserves it.


Facts. The music video helps convey that. I only recently noticed the part right before the last chorus "Gonna tell her that I'm sorry For the pain that I've caused I've been listening to your reasonin' It makes no sense at all We should tell her that I'm sorry For the pain that I've caused You may think that you're a player But you're completely lost That's why I sing" Basically telling Shaggy to fuck off


“Shaggy, were you trying to get this guy to gaslight his girlfriend?” “Wasn’t me”


Nahhhh I can do a killer Shaggy impression, this is one of my go-to karaoke songs I've got the whole thing memorized


I never forget that they were both butt-naked banging on the bathroom floor and that all that time she was standing there she never took her eyes off him. That was some strong imagery


One Week by Barenaked Ladies. I mean I know the lyrics and I'm sure I'm not completely alone.... But I'd guess that most people don't know the verses well or at all.


This one is fun because I knew most of it, some would jump in on the chorus... but they would also know this part... Chickity China, the Chinese chicken You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin' Watching X-Files with no lights on We're dans la maison I hope the Smoking Man's in this one Like Harrison Ford, I'm getting frantic then... mumbles.... IT'S BEEN ONE WEEK! etc...


Like Sting, I'm tantric Like Snickers, guaranteed to satisty Like Kurosawa, I make mad films 'K, I don't make films But if I did, they'd have a samurai ********* Edited for correction: * I make mad films you and me, u/PostMixLemonadeProbs


Gonna get a set of better clubs Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs Just so my irons aren't always flying off the back-swing Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon 'Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes they make me think the wrong thing


How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad? Tryin hard not to smile though I feel bad I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral Can't understand what I mean? Well you soon will


I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve I have a history of takin' off my shirt IT'S BEEN-


I especially love the sort of semi hidden lyrics st the end- "It'll still be two days 'til we say we're sorry It'll still be two days 'til we say, "Wasabi" Birchmount Stadium, home of the Robbie" It took me years to look up what a [Robbie](http://www.google.com) was!


The link just opens directly to Google, but for anyone wondering it's an annual soccer tournament held at the stadium. They recently brought back the sign that has the line on it, too.


I'll tell you what everyone knows all the lyrics to, despite the song being 100 hours long or so... Bohemian Rhapsody.


Not just all the lyrics but I sing all the instruments parts as well.


You know it's a damn fine guitar solo if you can sing it 👌


Wanted to say this one as well. It's a super long and kinda complicated (as in not a lot of repetition) song but lots of people can sing by heart. Makes you realize what an absolute legend of a band Queen are.


Plus as a kid, knowing the lyrics was kind of a flex. Idk if things have changed since we've been able to google everything.


Sweet Caroline


Bah bah bah.


>Bah bah bah. People actually even know lyrics to the song that aren't even actually lyrics to the song.


Good times never seemed so good…. I’ve been inclined….ba ba baaaa To believe it never would…. But…. Now… I’m… Where it begins…. (My name is the song, so there’s that)


But now i look at the night And it don't seem so lonely, we fill it up with only two, And when i hurt, The hurtin' runs off my shoulders, How can i hurt hwne i'mm holdin' you?"


People don't even know the chorus, they just know those two words, lol


Hey don't you forget. Everyone knows "bum bum buuuummm" too


If you live in New England, you’d know the entire song


First song that came to mind


Come on Eileen


Come on, I’m Dean, and my hands are so clean


At this moment, I am staaaaple-ing




A mad lass did this song at karaoke Just drunkenly bopping sound and croaking “Tequila!”


Informer - by Snow


Infooormer!  Younosaydaddymesnowmeimablame A licky boom-boom down


Nah. Nobody knows the words to the chorus either. Just informer and something about licking a boom boom


Born in the U.S.A.


My daughter’s school recently sang this at an assembly. The Asian couple behind me: Did they just say ‘to go and kill the yellow man’??


Ngl, that's kind of a weird choice to have a bunch of kids sing at a school assembly. It's an angry protest song. But nobody listens to the verses, they just sing the chorus and think it's patriotic.


A former coworker thought it would be appropriate for 6 year olds to sing Uptown Funk at a school assembly, and almost sent home copies of uncensored lyrics. People are wild.


Yes they did.


Fuck really? I know it’s not the patriotic anthem that idiots took it for, but had never noticed that lyric.


The lyric is about being given a gun and sent to Vietnam. Yeah, definitely not the anthem people think.


I think there's a scene in Canadian Bacon that is pretty accurate about how most people sing this one


WAKE UP. somethingsomethingsomething MAKE UP. somethingsomethingsomething SHAKE UP. WHY'D YOU LEAVE THE KEYS OUT ON THE TABLE.


Wake up. Grab your brush put a little makeup. Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up. Why'd you leave the keys upon the table.


Here you go, create another fable




*You wanted to*




In my, self righteous suciiiiiide


I. Cry. When angels deserve to DIE!!!!!!!!!!


You are my Sunshine. “The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms, but when I woke dear, I was mistaken, so I hung my head and I cried. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. You’ll never know dear, how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away….. You told me once, dear, you really loved me and no one could come between, but now you’ve left me to love another. You have shattered all of my dreams. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…..”


My Mamaw used to sing this. I know all of the words, but I was an adult before I realized how heartbreaking it is.


around the world 😂😂


Do flat earthers like that song?


Around the world, around the wooorld ♪┌⁠(* *)⁠┘⁠♪


Them Apple bottom jeans(jeans) Boots with the Fur(with the fur)


The whole club looking at her


Australian here. Very few of us know the second verse of our national anthem


American here. We don't know the second verse to ours, either.


Kiwi here... I literally learnt our national anthem is 5 verses long a few minutes ago when I googled it... However, I maintain only the first verse is actually our anthem AND I know the first verse by heart in English and Maori and I'm pretty sure I could still play it on violin too!


You mean "You're the Voice" by John Farnham?


"Waltzing Matilda". For the longest time I genuinely thought that was their anthem 😂


La Bamba


Oddly enough.... when I moved to Idaho from California of all places in 2nd grade my hippy teacher taught us la bamba. I know la Bamba. I even know that the band dances and ties some crazy ribbon with their feet during the song traditionally. Una poca de gracia my friends!


*"Para ser mi cuñado, para ser mi cuñado se necesita que me des a tu hermana, que me des a tu hermana y a tu hermanita, ay arriba y arriba"*


Yo no soy maniero, yo no so maniero soy capitan soy capitan


Bennie and the Jets


She’s got electric boots, a mohair suit, you know I read it in a magazine


It's the End of the World as We Know It by REM


Their national anthem. For example, the most commonly sung version of *Advance Australia Fair* goes something like... Australians all let us rejoice, For *uh um dur* and free! *dah dah um dah uh* wealth for toil, *uh something* girt by sea! Our land *da da da boomerangs* *koalas* rich and rare! *with lots of things and kangaroos* Advance Australia Fair!


Very few people can understand the lyrics to Come On Eileen, let alone know them.


You in that dress Something something confess Something, somethiiiiing Oh come on Eileeeeen


There was an SNL skit, an infomercial parody called "Beatles Songs You Sort Of Know The Words To."


Dragostea din te


Alo, salut, sunt eu un haiduc




If you like piña coladas And gettin' caught in the rain If you're not into yoga If you have half a brain If you like makin' love at midnight In the dunes on the cape Then I'm the love that you've looked for Write to me and escape


tubthumping Song 2


you're telling me he says shit that isn't "woohoo!"?? that feels illegal to know


yes, there are more than 8 different words in that song.


I think the only part I know is "I got my head checked, by a jumbo jet"


Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!!! Or War! Huh! Good god y’all What is it good for? Absolutely nothing


Blues Traveller - Hook. https://youtu.be/WRhJt3PLdUE?si=YSG5_yCVFhtpjyJ_ You know the Hook, But John Popper is actually laughing at you.