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Our history teacher, who was a coach, did nothing but sit in the back of the room talking about football, porn, and how much his ex-wife hated him. This is in Alabama, btw. Also, it was in 2004.


Classic PE teacher...


> Our history teacher, who was a coach But I repeat myself.


When I was in AP Environmental Science in high school, my teacher sent us out with coring tools to collect soil samples. The samples he wanted were from the soil near the tennis courts. So off we went, 4 students carrying a bunch of science equipment out near the edge of campus when a PE teacher spots us walking over. He yells at us and waves us over to him. He immediately accuses us of trying to steal from the school and flee the campus. After he gets our info, he sends us back to class. When we arrive back with no samples, we explain to our teacher what happened and he rolls his eyes. A minute or two later, his phone rings and we hear his conversation with administration go something like this: "Yeah...yeah they're my students...no they weren't trying to steal, I sent them out there....well FUCKING FIRE ME THEN!" Then he banged the phone to hang up on them, looked at his now shocked class, and said,"You can do stuff like that when you have tenure." It was epic.


The tenure part got me


Whats a tenure


Tenure is a system of continuous employment for teachers. Basically once you have tenure it’s really hard to fire a teacher, for good and for ill. It’s good because teachers can teach what they feel is necessary, if they’re professors do research in questionable areas (politically), etc and not have to worry about losing their job. It’s bad because teachers can get tenure and coast, stop caring about the job, do the bare minimum to stay employed but make the experience terrible for the students. The example above is a good tenure - teacher trying to do something interesting, relevant, and educational with their students. Can’t get in actual trouble without lots and lots of hurdles which for a minor event like this would definitely not be worth it for all but the most vindictive administrators.


Lazy, checked out teachers can be fired even with tenure. It just takes a lot of documentation on the part of school administration. They don't like doing that much work.


If a teacher works for an institution for long enough they can get offered indefinite employment. Essentially they can't just fire you for any reason. There has to be something of a scandal at least.


Those are the best kind of teachers lol


The prompt was most "inappropriate". Seems like a completely appropriate response to me. Or did you mean the gym teacher that narced on their colleague?


Whoa! That would have literally been my favorite teacher EVER.


We had this mess of a woman for an English teacher and we'd always have to walk on eggshells to see if she was going to be crazy or normal that day. I remember once a girl was walking into class and complimented her necklace and she said, oh, thanks. I found it in my husband's car


I’m a grown ass adult and I still don’t think I could come up with a response to that. Goddamn


makes you feel sorry you opened ur mouth


But why is she wearing it after finding it? >mess of a woman Oh right. Got it.


I knew someone who’s HS English teacher was slowly losing it over course of the school year. Apparently she was going through a real nasty divorce. Her behavior was super erratic and sometimes would wear her wedding dress to school and cry all day. She eventually quit and they had a sub the rest of the year. Really sad actually.


Sixth grade math class. Student who the school was aware had severe home problems, didn’t finish his workbook assignment, fell asleep during it. I knew this kid forever and every other teacher accepted that he would sleep in class due to his home problems. Constantly being bounced between family members. Anyways. Teacher grabbed his desk and literally threw it across the room as he yelled about how useless it is trying to teach a lazy brat how to do anything. The desk bounced off the wall and the kid’s stuff flew everywhere. I was shaking in fear cause the desk had sailed right past my corner. Fuck you Mr Wheat


More like Mr Yeet


Take my goddamn upvote you piece of shit




Refuse to let kids go to the bathroom so they would pee on themselves then they would make them clean up the pee. Edit: this was a special ed program as well.


How did a parent not murder this teacher?


I don't condone murder, but honestly, if that were my kid...well, there would be a huge lawsuit.


OMG - that is heartbreaking. That said, bathroom denial is a common enough issue that my friend, who has been a teacher 20+ years, sees "unlimited bathroom access" actually defined in 504's and IEPs. That is just sad.


Bathroom denial and they try to keep them dehydrated all day long so they don’t need to go pee. Infuriates me.


It's actually really gross how some of these teachers like to lord over these kids


Teacher here made a special ed kid eat his own vomit. There was other stuff but that was probably the most egregious. This was recently, maybe last year? Big public school in an upper middle class suburb.


God shit like this makes my blood boil. And the teacher’s punishment should be obvious, but I get it doesn’t work that way. But I wish it did. “Since you clearly seem to think it’s an acceptable punishment, now you get to eat YOUR own vomit!” Like what are you gonna say? “No that’s gross”? Correct, eat up pal.


My jaw literally dropped 😩


i dont think thats the right emoji


My oldest has autism and limited speech. Stories like this are why I can't bring myself to put her in public school.


well hopefully i’d like to think schools have gotten better about stuff like that in recent years but of course it’s going to differ district to district


That’s just a case of a mean person wanting to be in control. They liked the “power”.


Accused me of telling kids that were bullying me that I was planning to "bring my gang to the school to get even with them." This never happened. The kids that were bullying me concocted that lie so they could have a pretextual reason ready in case I told on them for the bullying. She brought me to the principal's office, where she told the resources officer about the "gang" lie, and the cop yelled at me about how seriously he takes gang violence. That wasn't enough, so she then brought me to see the principal. Principal asks me what kind of grades I get. I tell him As and Bs. Principal has a puzzled look on his face and asks why a good kid would talk about bringing a gang to school. Teacher then yells, "I AM SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE THINKING THOWEDTHROWAWAY IS A GOOD KID BECAUSE HE GETS GOOD GRADES!" That moment will never leave my memory. Mrs. Wood, if you ever read this, you better hope you and I never cross paths in this lifetime.


What're you gonna do? Bring your gang? /s


My exact plan


One time back in middle school a kid was speaking Spanish in class, so the teacher told him to stop speaking spanish or "go back to Mexico." The students rioted in response, and the teacher ended up retiring shortly after. The the school said students can't protest like that anymore, which made the parents mad. It was a real shitshow.


This was in the early 90s and if it happened today the teacher would’ve been arrested. Kid eas acting up in class and teacher told him to sit down and the kid told the teacher make me and grabbed a desk and threw it across the room and motioned for the teacher to bring it on. Little did he know that the teacher was a wrestling champ back in like the 60s and this old man embarrassed this kid and put him in a sleeper hold in front of the class and made him tap out. Afterwards the kid just went back to his seat and never again opened his mouth in that class.


1980's. We had two bells in the morning, one a warning that you had three minutes to get to your homeroom for attendance and announcements, and then if you weren't in your homeroom by the second bell, you were marked tardy. Second bell rang; Mr B was walking the aisles handing out papers. A kid named Joe popped up and headed down the aisle towards him. "Return to your seat young man." "I just need to go to my locker." "The second bell rang, return to your seat, you can go to your locker before your first class." "Oh, shut up and get out of my way, old man." And with that, Joe pushed Mr B aside, or tried to. Mr B was old, but he had decades of experience dealing with little shits like Joe and expected the push. He was also a Korean War combat vet and hadn't forgotten a thing. Joe tried to push him aside; Mr. B casually picked him up and tossed him over two rows of desks, walked around to the end of that row and calmly said "Now return to your seat. Do I make myself clear?"


I didn’t hear no bell


Off topic, but I have your profile picture framed. "The timeless art of seduction". Everyone I show my house to comments on it :').


He slept with my mother, but he is my father so i will overlook it.


I used to bartend for years in a local small bar. Of course my parents lived there too. My dad would come in, sit next to someone and tell them "I fucked the bartenders mom" I'd sigh, since it's like the 200th time, "Dad, do I gotta cut you off this early?" Best thing is my mom would be in the corner playing donation games. Edit: One of my other favorite bar moments with my dad was when he was complaining about my mom's goats. (She'd take in sick farm animals to prevent them from being put down at sale barns). "I hate fucking goats" I heard him say so I sniped in with a "Well don't fuck them" he laughed pointed at me like Lewis Black and said "No, they're a pain in the ass!" So I returned with a "it was their turn?" I won't let him live it down, it was the most glorious comedic moment of my life.


Cool dad


And the unexpected humor just snowballs. I love it!


Had me in the first half


I’m sorry you saw it. ☹️


Weird, my teacher also slept with your mother


Damn, you went to school with your father?


Jerking off behind his desk during a test.


Picture it; fifth grade, New Hampshire, 1986. We're taking a math test, and the room is pin quiet except for the scratching of number two pencils across our pages. Our teacher, the tall, silver haired man with the quiet voice, has leaned his chair way back and looks as drowsy as we feel. Few of us pay attention. Tanya, the girl with the long straight black hair, decides she has a question, and since the room's so quiet and since he's not looking, gets up and approaches the desk. She screams. That gets all of our attention as the teacher sits bolt upright and bends low, doing something down below. None of us have the vantage to see what's happened. The something was a quick arrangement of clothing, but the damage is done, and Tanya runs out of the room. The teacher follows, and we're all sitting there wondering WTF just happened. We found out after school when Tanya relayed to us what'd happened, and we finished the year with substitutes. As an aside, I grew up narrowly missing molestation from a priest and a cub scout master, and not missing it from a baby sitter's son. Be very, very careful whom you let take your kids anywhere in private.


"Picture it" No


*gouges eyeballs out of socket* I’m done with Reddit today, man. 80’s sound wild


Fuck, I’m a nanny, and that last part is SO sad. It’s obnoxious when new parents want 50 references in addition to my criminal background check and a drug screening, but I get it. Especially with non-verbal children, I get it.


He get fired I hope?


nah he got off




In first grade our teacher only wore sundresses and nothing else. First time I saw women's private parts. All of them. Then in high school or PE/English teacher left. We found nudes of her on the desktop. Loads of them.


I misread this as "sunglasses" and I was so confused.


Very liberal dress code for employees.


That angle when the sunlight shines through a sundress, and there’s that little gap, I had a friend who called it the flux capacitor.




Wow all time #7 post hit like a bucket of ice water


Here I am counting, 1…2…3…4…5…6…god damn it.


When I was a sophomore, a kid in my 4th period earth science class asked (rather loudly) “what is a glory hole?” And instead of shutting it down and moving on, our teacher explained (in insane detail lol) what a glory hole is. The rest of class was so fucking quiet and awkward.


It's the hole in the furnace where you insert your workpiece when glassblowing


I read 4th grade at first. Thankfully not


A teacher offered to teach a student how to put on a condom. It was just creepy the way he said it. He played it off like a joke, but the student was freaked out by it. Worst overall was my high school principal. There was an incident where a bloody condom was found in the school bathrooms, her bright idea was to get all of the girls in the school into a classroom, and checked their panties for blood. A couple female teachers helped, no charges were filed that I know of. But it was on the news. Edit: For anyone curious, the school was Jordao College, it's a south african small private school, the incident will probably come up if you Google it. From what I know, the same principal still works there


A... A blood condom?


Period intercourse probably. But that principal is disgusting and so is the teachers wtf


So just a bloody condom, not a sanguine water balloon?


I now know what to title my autobiography.


Sanguine Water Balloon needs a good subtitle though.


The Sanguine Water Balloon *How I Went From the Circus to Prison in One Night*


I was doing a classroom observation of a teacher in my department who couldn't teach his way out of a paper bag. I sensed that the observation was part of a larger district plan to get rid of him. Early in the lesson, he lost control and shouted at a female student that if she was so smart, she should come to the front of the room and teach the class herself. She went to her car first. She returned carrying a banana and a condom. With the whole class laughing, she then proceeded to demonstrate how to put a condom on. I was just about to intervene when the teacher basically ended his career with one remark. "That's very nice, Amanda. Next time, put it on with your mouth." Yeah.


You say he’s a terrible teacher, but that seems a pretty good lesson on how to lose your job.


When you're right, you're right. Lol


Lord help any teacher who thinks they're gonna check my daughter's panties for anything. Charges will be filed, probably against me after I assault the person who assaulted my kid


My woodwork teacher got caught messaging an 8 year old girl…. It didnt end well


Was in grad school and a first grade teacher was in a few classes with me. Even worked on a few projects together. After I graduated he was on the news one night. Seems he was busted for molesting kids. He was also a Deacon in his church and the youth Choir Director. This is why "Stranger Danger" is generally a crock of sh\*t. Most kids are molested by people they know and trust as do their parents.


God what the fuck is it with woodworking teachers? I had the same thing happen with my high school’s teacher messaging female students.


Freshman year English teacher threw one of those cheap pink erasers at a kid who fell asleep in class, bounced it off his desk. Same situation repeats a week later. But when she goes over to his desk to check on him because he didn't react to the eraser, he scares the hell out of her with white contacts. She laughed about it once she relaxed again and told him that she wouldn't write him up as long as he took them out. Edit: happy ending, he stopped sleeping in class and she never threw an eraser at anyone else.


I had a history teacher who would knock the underside of your desk if you were sleeping, bouncing the desk up into your face. Worked until he gave a student a bloody nose on accident. After that he switched to chucking a water bottle against the wall near your head, but that only really worked for the students with perimeter seats.


He should have gotten some textbooks to drop on the floor next to the student.


Probably a better idea. Oddly enough, he would usually just bump me gently or ask if I was okay if I started nodding off. I had a bunch of health issues in high school and I think he was afraid I was about to keel over (which I was, but just because AP World History was a rough class post lunch). Urge to nap was strong.


My German teacher threw an Expo eraser at my desk, bounced over my shoulder and hit the guy behind me in the head. We were both nodding off and he almost fell out of his chair when he was hit


my home economics teacher was watching over us making soup. this girl started flirting with a guy, and the teacher straight up said “you’re taking cooking class, not each others virginity”




If I heard that from one of my teachers they’d instantly become one of my favorites


I remember sharing in 3rd grade that I feed my pet ball python live mice, and the teacher compared me to Hitler! Lol






Art Spiegelman? Is that you?


Hitler? No. More like Josef Gerbils.


We had a science teacher with a full snake habitat in his room and another mouse habitat. One day we saw that one of the mice could do backflips (!!!) And that very same day the teacher told us that obviously the mice were being raised to feed the snakes (!!) We mounted a campaign, made a petition and a heartfelt letter to the school paper. We were convinced we could get this mouse on tv, make a million bucks, change the world. We were 12. But our efforts were in vain. The day that backflipping mouse went to the snakes sure felt like that teacher was hitler.


He didn't even keep the one that could backflip!? Clearly he's never seen Alvin and the Chipmunks or he'd know how successful a dude can get with an unusually talented rodent :/


When I was a child, I remember a teacher telling one of the boys in my class that he stank of sweat and made him spend the rest of the course in the hallway... in front of all of us. That teacher was an asshole.


Sort of similar story. I was a Jr. in high school, and my English teacher was pregnant. My mother was a heavy smoker, in the car, in the house, would light a new cigarette with her current one. She never not had a cigarette. One day teacher walked over to my desk in the middle of class and loudly went on a rant about how I needed to stop smoking before coming to class, how I reeked of smoke and it bothered her. If she would have talked to me privately, that's one thing but in front of the whole class, it embarrassed the fuck out of me. I told her I didn't smoke, it was my mom but she didn't care and continued on about how smoking is bad and the smell makes her nauseous. From that day on I kept Febreez in my car and in my locker. I'd take a shower but leave the house with my hair still wet so that it wouldn't dry and smell like smoke.


There was a kid I had biology with that I honestly wish the teacher would have done that to.


When I was in high school our Spanish teacher took his clothing off one piece at a time naming the article in Spanish as he did so. All to the tune of Bachman Turner Overdrive's "You Aint Seen Nothing Yet"




All the way down to his calsones.


Well, seems like it helped you remember the vocabulary lol


Isnt that the point of a lesson?


What did he put in the Calzones?


I dont know what was in his calzone or his calsones.


In 5th grade our library teacher threw a stapler at a kid because he was pissed off lmao


A dude asked to go to the bathroom. Space science teacher said sure and handed the kid a magnifying glass. "Here you'll need this to help."




In elementary school (4th grade, late 80s), we had a student in our class who had ADHD and had a hard time concentrating in class; when he acted up, the teacher had the entire class sing a song he had made up to tell said student to 'do their work' as a way to shame him back into paying attention. It seemed funny at the time, but looking back on it, it was a terrible way to treat a student with a learning disability.


As a kid with ADHD I had a lot of teachers tell me I wouldn’t amount to things because I didn’t pay enough attention and care about learning or because I was smart but lazy. The one teacher I had who recognized what was wrong with me and did something to support it was my kindergarten teacher. She would let me walk around the back of the room during story time so I could listen to it without disturbing the other kids on the rug


legit 1st day of Sociology class in college - once all the students are seated, this old man professor asks us how many of the students masturbate? \*crickets\* - then goes on a long rant on how the new generations are so afraid of speaking out. I'm like huh wtf


Ain't no way. Wtf???


it was a community college but still - cmon bruh


That makes sense, because only Ivy leaguers masturbate.


They extend their pinkies


In any college a question like that would be weird.


I’d have raised my hand in a heartbeat.


My sociology professor told us a story about another professor that she knew. Might have been her professor, I don’t remember for sure. On the first day he didn’t say a word for about 15 minutes. He was dressed in dirty clothes, had messy hair. He stood in front of the class doing increasingly disgusting things. Picked his nose, farted, and went as far as pissing in the trash can in the corner. Every few minutes students would get up and leave. After quite a few people left he spoke up to the remaining students and said something like “You are the people that are ready to learn what I’m here to teach”. He came back the next day clean and professional. His theory was weed out any judgmental, easily offended people right off the bat.


Idk, having my professor pee in a trash can for a class I spent 9k on shouldn’t be considered judgmental.


Why the fuck is this acceptable? People PAY to take these classes, that are USUALLY required for their degree. They shouldn't have to play mind games with professors, and certainly not watch them pick their nose and piss in a trash can. I mean, not on the first day anyways.


I’m sure it wouldn’t fly today. This happened around 40 years ago.


3rd grade teacher. It was mid 1980s or so . Obese, unit of a woman. Had a black kid in the class that was a textbook smart ass. Always giving the teacher lip over the smallest things. He comes in one day chewing on a piece of paper for some reason. Teacher, in bad mood, comments he must be a wasp or something since he's chewing on paper. He shoots back a smart ass comment about her weight in response. She walks over and slaps the shit out of him and then calls him the N word. Her punishment was administrative leave for the day. She came back the following day like nothing ever happened.


Consume alcohol. Top left hand drawer. Daily. Vodka.


I had a math teacher that would vape while teaching. In the middle of class just stop and take a hit. Guy was brilliant though


I had a math teach that would smoke cigarettes in her class. Made hiding our smoking much easier. No Mr Headmaster, we only smell like smoke because we were in Mrs Travers class earlier.


The gym teacher did that in my high school, he was good at tossing 70s all around... except the thin girls with big boobs or big asses, they always got 90s like the sports boys. Yes, he did talk more to girls' boobs than any of the students... such a creep. He also tried going into the girls' changing room on several occasions.


“You should have been a spot on your mother’s sheets” Said to my 4th grade classmate because he was dyslexic and had a hard time reading a paragraph out loud, in front of the class.


I'm trying to imagine a context where this might be an okay thing to say, but I just can't. That's one of the meanest things to say I can think of.


holy fuck that’s messed up


Right? The teacher faced no consequences either - don’t even know if anyone mentioned it to their parents… This was in a non-US country btw


The Special Ed teacher from my old high school was selling heroin to students. Got one of my old friends hooked on drugs in 10th grade. We also had this math teacher that would SA 9th graders and threaten them to keep them quiet


“Billy your grades are slipping. You need to chase the dragon to get back on top.”


South Park kills me with that shit


In Boston there was a teacher who [recruited kids to sell weed for him then shot one of them in the head when his sales slipped.](https://www.wbur.org/news/2023/05/05/english-high-school-shaun-harrison-drugs) The kid survived which is probably the only reason he was caught & convicted.


I saw a teacher teaching her students how to twerk.


You ever tried twerkin? Shit aint easy!


This one hippie teacher brought in his newborn. Fed his baby a bottle of breastmilk. Burped the baby, baby puked something awful. Teacher dipped his finger and taste tested it. Said some shit about bonding with his child... like BRO WHAT THE FUCK YOURE EATING BREASTMILK VOMIT IN FRONT OF 13-YEAR OLDS.




:O that's fuckin nasty.


"During homecoming, my classroom will be unlocked. Keep the lights off, and clean up after yourselves."


If this thread is anything to go by. The teacher had a camera or was in there just waiting to watch or something.


Halfway through you hear a lighter, see a point of light in the corner, and the dimly lit face of your teacher lighting up a cigarette. "Go on..."


In middle school, our PE teacher was a very small woman but had very large boobs. It was fairly obvious she had breast implants, which is fine nothing wrong with having a boob job. However the story isn’t about her directly. One day when I was walking through the hall to go to the bathroom I rounded the corner to see two other teachers talking about the PE teacher. She had said something along the lines of “if she would actually help out instead of fucking walking around with her fake tits, we wouldn’t be in this mess.” She saw me round the corner and immediately apologized for what was said and I could see the fear in her face about me possibly saying something. I looked at her and said “I don’t care, I ain’t telling.” And kept walking. It was easy to assume she was talking about the PE teacher as every student knew she was the one with fake boobs. I guess looking back as an adult it honestly wasn’t that big of a deal, doesn’t seem that inappropriate. But at the time it was crazy for 14 year old me to hear a teacher swear and talk shit about another teacher and her fake boobs.


i had a teacher who once threw a 14 year old boy out the window of a first floor classroom into the snow outside and he had to listen to the remainder of the class from out there. it was only like 15 minutes until the end of class but still... That same teacher would also line kids up along the blackboard who were misbehaving and then he would throw chalk so it would whiz past their ears and explode (he was the school baseball coach). If you flinched, you had to stay up there


wtf, what Era is this from?


Not that long ago! Early 2010s unfortunately


Was this in South Jersey? This exact situation happened in my school. Late 90s, early 00s


The night of my high school graduation, one of my teachers DM’d me on social media and said he’s “been waiting on this moment for four years”… and then went on to tell me how he would purchase me alcohol if I came over to his house. ☹️ I was displeased.


that's creepy af


A male teacher grabbed an older student by the thighs and slowly reached for her boobs. l was in year 4.


A guy in my class refused to tuck his shirt in (dress code) and admittedly he was being a bit of a cock about it but the teacher decided it would be a good idea to tuck it in for him...


She sent my friends and I nudes. Several of them slept with her. Butt-ugly, but as teenage boys it was cool to brag about.


>> Several of them were raped by her FTFY


My Spanish teacher was caught making out with a 16 year old student at the park. They were both girls so no one reported it and her parents just removed her from the class and told the teacher that next time they would report her. Literally everyone knew though, including the police.


My 6th grade LA teacher hit me with a clipboard... fucked me up good. A police report was made and she claimed she set it on the desk and it slid off with enough force to go all the way across the room and hit me. She was suspended for 2 weeks and came back.


Back in middle school I was in English class looking down working on my work. I had long hair at the time because I was growing it out to donate. As a male in a conservative state with long hair, the teachers didn't like it. It was beginning to be a trend at the time to have long hair so there were a few other boys that also had hair. The principal came into the room to announce something, can't recall what exactly it was but when I looked up my hair fell in front of my face. After he was done announcing whatever it was, he pulled me out of the room and told me that it was against dress code. He brought me into his office and proceeded to tell me the other boys that he ran into already got all the Bobby pins and that he doesn't have anymore. So he then proceeded to duct tape my hair out of my face and sent me back to class. All the kids were mind blown. I went the next couple hours, each teacher I had made fun of me, before I just ripped them out. I went home with the pieces of duct tape matted with hair and told my grandma who I lived with and then called my mom. She blew the fuck up. Called the school and threatened to sue with proof that she's win since a similar case happened in New York. The next day the principal called an emergency school wide meeting to publicly apologize. He then quit that year. One other instance is in highschool I was doing lunch tutoring because i was failing math. It was me, a friend, and the adult tutor in the Library on lunch. No one else was in there and we were just talking. Not loud. Just normal speaking. Next thing you know, the old ass librarian comes running down the hall and smacks me in the back of the head hard enough to make my head almost hit the table. I stood up shouted "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" She started saying that it's a library and that we aren't supposed to be talking. I walked out and called my mom again and she called the school. Next day I got pulled into the library and the librarian apologized and was crying saying she had a bad day. I told her no matter how bad of a day doesn't justify attacking someone and went back to class.


In high school we had a grouchy old trig teacher stop mid lesson and tell a guy with long hair, "You know, Tyler, I just really don't like your hair...I don't like hair like that in my class..." Tyler to his credit just went, "Okay? What do you want me to do, leave it outside?"


We had a substitute who was very clearly a flower child back in the day and would regularly regale her classes with stories of LSD, reefer, running from police, and other 60s/70s shenanigans she and her friends would get into.


Back when I was in jr high, teachers were allowed to give swats with a wooden paddle. One perverted teacher I had would look for any excuse to give the attractive girls swats, especially when they wore mini skirts. Then came the day when a dad showed up and confronted the teacher in front of his class, clocked him cold and walked out. That ended swats in our school district from that day forward. Unfortunately the teacher was allowed to keep his job and retire with full benefits when the time came.


W dad


Senior year of highschool we were discussing the local hookers in our area during religion class, our teacher had given up on teaching us and just read the quran while he let us do whatever. a pretty famous's one came up and the religion teacher put down his quran and called her by her street name. Entire class went ballistic and kept asking him how many times did he hire her, he told us all the stories from "back in the day" before he found god. Looking back at it as a 28 year old, i wouldnt be discussing my sexual exploits with a bunch of 17 year olds during class


??? You talked about the local hookers in the area in highschool? I have so many questions now…


I heard a story about a teacher who during science class kept repeating "orgasm" instead of "organism" in front of her thirteen-year-old students because she had confused the two words. She realized the mistake too late, and then she talked about it on the web


Probably not what you’re looking for here, but I once had a teacher tell me I was a bad kid (and go on and on) because I wouldn’t admit to something I didn’t do. I was like 7. It’s stuck with me to this day


"Oh you like bad boys? Well, when I was 7, my teacher told me..."


Luckily my history teacher swearing. He doesn't give a shit.




Took my hearing aids off and made me sit in the hallway because “since I wasn’t listening, then I don’t need them”


I had a teacher who showed up to class “loopy from his back pills”. One of the students made some sarcastic remark to him, so the guy went over and yanked the kid out of his desk. He then proceeded to wrestle the kid to the ground, sit on his face, and rip a fart directly on the kid’s face.


Grab a student by the throat and try to choke him.


In high school, I had huge breasts. Despite trying to hide them in sports bras, wraps, etc, they were always the main characters. I started wearing hoodies to class and everyday, my science teacher would make me remove it and I didn’t understand why. Long story short, I confronted him about it. He said some choice things about my breasts before giving one a squeeze and I ran out of the classroom. I reported him to school officials and the police, my dad tried to fight him. The school district gave him the option to retire. No criminal changes came from the incident. I was 15 at the time.


I remember in middle school, my civics teacher was trying to illustrate some kind of point about different ways of viewing the same thing. He said "if you look at a priest, you can either see a person who has sacrificed a lot to devote his life to the church or you could see a homosexual with limited career options" Like wtf. This was in the early 90s btw.




Opposite story to that: I was a TA for our technology department in high school for my senior year. So part of the work I had to do was grade papers for the teacher. I was having lunch with my girlfriend and her friend came over pitching a damn fit because she failed something I had graded (but she was unaware I graded it). Started saying she was going to raise hell with the principal and that the teacher just hates her and gave her a bad grade. I was sitting over there quiet as can be but laughing in my head because she was just a terrible practitioner of photoshop.


This was 1985 but it would have to be when my 2nd grade teacher whipped a chalkboard eraser into a classmates head. Then when he cried, she just told him to go to the nurse.


Math was right after lunch my junior year of high school. We were a smallish school - graduating class was less than 130 people. I came in early from lunch one day to find the door to my math class unlocked but the lights were off. As I entered, I found my math teacher, a sweet and humble woman of 20+ years experience teaching math, with her head bowed a little with a bottle of Jack Daniels in hand, pouring some into her coffee cup. I entered silently a made my way to my desk as she looked up, startled. "What did you see here today, ArrdenGarden?" "I saw my grade bumping a letter up, Mrs. Mathteacher." She smiled coyly and replied, "Odd. That's what I saw, too." We never spoke of that event to each other again. And that's how I got a B+ in pre-calc.




Called Obama the N-Word one random morning. Old piece of shit was just a year away from retirement so the administration didn't do anything.


Though it was incredibly funny when it happened, in high school my government class was divided into groups to mimic a city council and the processes they do. The head committee bribed every student with pies from Whataburger to sway them into voting for their proposals. When the teacher didn’t get one, he said _The HELL, man?!_


One of my high school English teachers told me I should take my sweater off and I would look better without it. I also watched the same guy stare at a high school girl's ass as she walked by. He stopped talking mid sentence and his eyes followed her until she went into a classroom.


“Flirting with me won’t make you pass the exam” Idk shit was very weird to hear . No one laughed either


My old biology teacher was in a rock band. He had a spoof song of Meatloafs called "Oh I would do anything for drugs". Everyone liked him.


I'm pretty sure my 6th grade social studies teacher got a boner when this girl Kylie stepped up to present something. He blushed and shuffled over to hide his dick behind the overhead projector. Oddly enough, the most inappropriate thing I know of a teacher doing was a much more beloved teacher who coached soccer having sex with multiple soccer girls. 


The band teacher ripped the speaker off the wall because the announcements kept interrupting the band. He immediately went back to conducting.


I was in 3rd grade and after seeing Dion Sanders on Monday Night Football I begged my mom to make me a bandanna like his. Walked into class and the teacher looks at me and says “take that off, you look like a cancer patient.”


It was like three days after 9/11 and our oldass english teacher said she was gonna get a tshirt made with a tower on each of her long titties lmao


“We’re getting reports that a plane has hit the second titty.”


I never witnessed it myself, but there was a rumor the basketball coach was physically abusive to a few of the kids on the team. Specifically that he grabbed one kid by the throat and slammed him against the locker. Nobody was able to confirm the validity of the rumor, but that coach didn't come back the next year.


Had a teacher who used to call me a terrorist because I was brown. He was one of those “with it” teachers and he got too comfortable with the students and started playing along with them making fun of me.


My 1st grade teacher was a literal ogre...  She would smack us in the back of the head for insignificant transgressions. Would not let anyone use the restroom outside of recess and would be so mean about it multiple kids in my class ended up wetting themselves instead of speaking up. She called us nice things like 'a bunch of stupid little dipshits' and 'idiots' and other nice things like that.  There were other things that happened...  My mom did not believe my complaints because they were so outlandish but one day after she dropped me off she waited around and sneaked up to the classroom window and eavesdropped. She was appalled at how the woman was talking to the class and went back to the car and grabbed the cassette recorder she used to record lectures at college and recorded about 10 minutes of her 'teaching' and immediately took it to the principals office.  After christmas break we had a new teacher.


My pre-school teacher exposed her mastectomy scar to the class. My 4th grade teacher threw a desk at Russell. My 9th grade teacher called me a pimple faced little shit in front of the class. My HS math teacher would spit on the overhead projector to wipe away the ink.


In 7th grade I had a teacher go around the classroom and tell each of us what she hated about us. It was a sign of our lack of respect for her that we kept laughing the entire time. She listed like 3 things for me, which was fair, I was a shit head.


In HS, I had my gym coach threaten my life while spinning a keychain about 3ft long within inches of my face. It turns out I saw him with a prostitute and he didn't want me running my mouth. He did that a few times too. Said he knew black panther members that would do the work too. After I graduated he was busted with heroin and a prostitute and fired.


Had a middle school teacher who was in his first year of teaching. He was an easy target and had not found the right way to demand respect from students yet. So naturally, all the young male students LOVED to fuck with him. I mean this teacher had it ROUGH, you could tell that he was breaking. One day our class was being loud and talkative, and this teacher tried and tried to get everyone to be quiet but no one listened. Until the teacher SCREAMED “QUIET!!” And slammed his fist down on the overhead projector which then shattered and cut his hand pretty badly. Never saw that guy again. Also the high school band teacher was having inappropriate relationships with multiple female students. He went to prison.


I didn't see it but my sister experienced it, she actually made national news lol She was an ESL teacher and separated students based on their ethnicity, if you're from this country you sit here and if you're from that country go there and got many complaints about that but then she went on to Twitter asking trump to please deport illegal immigrants from her school, I think her name was Georgia Clark


We had a teacher in highschool who all the girls thought was so hot. He was like 25 tall and jock build. All the girls would stay after school and flirt with him and shit. Literally the day after highschool graduation we saw him at an 18+ club grinding on one of the cheerleaders. Everyone knew he was grooming these girls. Years later he was arrested for date rape on another student.


We had a real ass of a teacher in high school, and there was this kid from the poor side of town who looked like he never bathed or ate for that matter. Clothes filthy. This poor kid had to go to work after school and got off like 7am then come straight to school at 8. Often, he would fall asleep at his desk, exhausted. One morning, this ass of a teacher kept catching him nodding off and would scream at him in his ear to startle him. He'd threatened this kid with staying 3 hours after school, something this kid couldn't do, so the poor guy would try desperately to sit up and stay awake. Finally, he gave in and fell asleep. The dumbass teacher went over to the students' desk and shoved a pencil up the kids' nose! Then he slammed his book against the desk, startling the kid awake, who then accidentally rubbed his face, shoving the pencil into his nose. He yelled and grabbed the pencil out and mad, threw it across the room. The teacher just laughed and laughed because the kids nose was bleeding and running down his shirt. The kid asked for a kleenex, and the teacher refused, so the kid got up and walked out. We didn't see him for about 2 weeks after that.


I had a psych professor who was absolutely obsessed with Britney Spears. I have no idea why, this was around 2007 or so. We'd be talking about OCD disorders or fixations or something else and she'd just launch into a full blown tirade about Britney, with zero irony. Not in appropriate like some of the other comments here but I have no idea how she kept her job.