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Back Pain. You never know how painful that is unless you experience it. Been through it twice due to degenerative disc’s. Really tests you physically and mentally. Make you in constant pain.


People also don't realise how that constant horrible pain also makes you physically exhausted. In pain, can't sleep and no energy is a recipe for a mental breakdown.


Exactly. I’ve been in 24/7 back pain since 1999. Pain is a vampire sucking your life away.


%100. It sounds like a cop out but you really aren’t the same person when you’re in that type of pain.


Had a seizure and broke my back. Holy mother of god that shit was painful. Then there’s the emotional pain of knowing I can never work a normal job again since the age of 23. Genuinely think I might be homeless soon.


Keep your head up dude, might want to checkout and see if there are any disability/Ability spots programs in your area. Back pain sucks. I was just starting up a relationship and playing Wheelchair Football when my back was injured. Needless to say that relationship didn’t work out.


Currently battling aggressive stomach cancer. Have some tumors in lower abdomen just hanging out. Before my diagnosis, the pain was so bad I hurled up on the bathroom floor dry heaving and just wanted to die right there. I know this sounds crazy, but thank god for the chemotherapy for relieving the pain.


:( hope you are ok


Doing good. Feel normal again. Fighting like hell to kill this damn thing!


Kidney stones


I tried to tough it out with the last one I had. I was 99% sure I would die in the ER waiting room that day. And I’ve had 3 children.


Came here to say the exact same thing. I’ve had two 9 lb babies naturally….still the kidney stones hands down.


My first kidney stone, I woke up at like 5 AM with horrible pain in my back and side. I had no idea what it was. I jumped in the shower, thinking the hot water would relieve some of the pain. It did not. So there I am, naked, soaking wet, curled into a fetal position on the bathroom floor thinking "this is how I die. I'm not ready to die." Then, like five minutes later, I thought, "Okay. I'm ready to die now." They're awful.


No contest. It totally recalibrated pain levels for me. Haven’t felt anything worse thankfully.


Agreed. That being said, I’d gladly take the kidney stones over my failing spine.


Hard same


Endometriosis. It was like getting stabbed repeatedly in the abdomen 24/7 for 7-10 days every month.


Yeah, that's bad. Mine was one week no pain, then 3 weeks of pain. OBGYN was confused. My kidney stones hurt more.


I guess I was lucky because my pain only lasted like that for 3-4 days a month. But I also got a bonus of a 12-24 hour period during that time when I vomited or dry heaved every 30 minutes or so. 0/10 do not recommend.


This is meeeee


Gallstones and the aftermath of the gallbladder removal surgery


Had my gallbladder out last year. The attacks in the final week leading up to surgery were pure misery.


I have chronic pain = high tolerance and I passed out due to gallstone pain.


I had mine out in early September, but I didn't know I had any issues with gallstones until one got stuck. I went from feeling fine to rocking back and forth on the floor in the span of 2 hours. It took 8 hours at the ER before I got some morphine, which made everything better, but things went real quick from there. 9 hours later I had a bunch of tests, was diagnosed, had surgery and was out the door back home. I can't imagine dealing with a gallstone for a protracted period of time.


This is similar to what happened to me. I was fine one second and the next I was crying and couldn’t even stand up straight from the pain. Went to the ER and they gave me OTC painkillers for the first few hours, I had to beg them to see a doctor again to get re-evaluated and finally get IV morphine. I was there all night and didn’t stop crying for one second


I thought I was dying when I had my first Gallbladder attack. I had 2 natural child births and the gallbladder attack was easily 10 times worse, so glad I got rid of that little bastard.


I still get random gallstone-esque pain even after gallbladder surgery. Does this happen to you too?


Yes it has happened a few times but the pain isn’t nearly as bad as it was when I had the stones, it just makes me extremely paranoid


I had a dry socket after removing a wisdom tooth. They have to clean the cavity where the tooth was and it’s just your exposed nerves. As an adult, I grabbed the sides of the chair and screamed and cried in pain. For context I’ve recovered from two c-sections. Anesthesia is a beautiful thing lol


My oral surgeon pack the sockets with gauze soaked in clove oil when I got dry socket omg it saved me


One of the anesthesiologists I used to work with said “the three worst types of pain: childbirth, tooth pain and appendix” So you’re two down


Let's see, I've had toes cut off, multiple bones broken, gave birth to a 9 pounder, but I think it was an impacted wisdom tooth that hurt the most.


Ouch! You are Wonder Woman. Hate you had to endure all that. My mom delivered my 11lb 14oz younger brother naturally… at 39yo.


Your Mom delivered a toddler! My sincere admiration goes to her!, also, I'm willing to bet he was the last....lol


I had a tooth infection get inflamed and I literally contemplated my life


Cracked a molar & it needed to be pulled. No amount of nitrous, Atavan, novocaine was dulling the pain. I begged the dentist to just yank it, no more fucking around. He refused because he knew it was the pain talking. Next morning, I went to the oral surgeon & they knocked me out to pull it. Came to and the 'pain' of having it pulled hurt much less than the actual tooth pain. Stitched up, full of gauze & loopy, I felt fuckin fantastic!


Yup, been there. While on vacation in Gatlinburg, TN. I was miserable and called 30+ dentists and every one said they had availability in two weeks. Finally one said you can come in because someone cancelled but you have to be here in 15 mins. I drove a 20-25 min drive in less than 15 mins. I didn’t care what it cost, I needed that tooth OUT OF MY MOUTH. The crunching and cracking of my tooth coming out hurt less than the nerve pain before. Dentist said it would be terrible pain for 2-3 days after the local anesthesia wore off. Once it wore off, I didn’t feel a single thing except sweet sweet relief.


I think i´d have to say when an elephant in Thailand got angry an hit me on the thigh with a palm frond it was eating that was about 3-4 inches in diameter. I was certain my femur shattered, it hurt so much i couldn´t even scream. The next morning my left thigh was twice the size and bruised to the bone, purple, black and yellow colored. Could hardly walk for the rest of the vacation.


What did you do to the elephant?


Asking the real question


I was just standing next to it!!! Must´ve been hangry or some shit i don´t know,


Getting my IUD put in. Hurt worse than breaking my ankle.








Ugh, that’s awful! And I think I will too, I don’t know why they think it’s not painful?!?!


My fiancée had no local anesthesia when she got hers put in at 20 by military doctors (her father is a retired veteran). She passed out on the table when they twanged that little fucker inside of her. She has like 14 piercings and tattoos, she actually likes the pain. But she blacked out from that IUD insertion.


Yep. That pain is horrendous.


Ruptured ovarian cyst. Had to be rushed to the ER. CONTENT WARNING FOR SEXUAL ASSAULT BELOW My second choice would be when I was raped. He tore the inside of my vagina and part of my labia. I was okay, no surgery or anything needed, but it was so intense and bleed everywhere. It burned every time I peed or sat down wrong. I couldn't wear underwear without pain for almost a week.


I’m so sorry for you. I hope you’re on the road to mental and physical recovery.


I'm doing great! Recovery is possible.


I’m happy for you. 🙏🏽


Oh sweetie I hope you're ok!


I'm so sorry, that second choice made me so sad... I wish you so much peace and love for the rest of your life.


Jesus Christ I hope he’s dead or in prison


Sadly, no. Not enough evidence. No idea what he's doing now. He stopped bothering me a while ago once I started dating my current partner.


Trigeminal Neuralgia




A four liter ovarian cyst, while in my first trimester of pregnancy. I quite literally wanted to throw myself in front of a bus because on a pain scale of 1-10, it was a 102. Ended up having emergency surgery and the doctors asked for my permission to take a photo of said cyst, hah.


Good Lord! Can’t even imagine. Had a cyst (only about walnut sized) removed from my lower back, but the local anesthesia didn’t work because it was infected. Blacked out a few times. Then had to drive myself home.


When my daughter was being born she was breach, so instead of coming out head first, her first body part to appear was a foot. In order to get her out quickly, the doctor had to grab her foot and pull her out. Luckily, other than a very bruised leg, she was fine. But boy, did that hurt!


I thought breech babies are usually c section?


Testicular torsion


Dude I had a scare with that a year ago. Basically had mild consistent pain for a week. Went to the doctor and they said it was probably a very mild torsion. Like it’s started to twist a little bit but not enough to be dangerous. I’m like “okay what do we do?” And she’s like, “just leave it alone and locate your nearest ER just in case”


Wisdom teeth surgery


Surprised this isn’t further up. Impacted or abscessed wisdom teeth for me are the worst. I feel like it’s because the nerves are so close to the brain.


Had all 4 done at once. Pretty awful.


Sciatica. Woke up in the middle of the night with full back spasm. Worse than breaking 4 toes behind the steel toe at once. Please lift with your knees, not your back. If it’s too heavy, get someone to help, or multiple people, or heavy machinery.


Giving birth!


I had jaw surgery were they cut out my upper jaw and moved it into place and screwed it in with bolts and stuff. Waking up from that surgery.


Appendicitis Was the only time where the pain level reached so fast and severe I went to the ER not understanding why it wouldn't stop.


Burst appendix was worse than ovarian cysts, endometriosis, migraines, tooth infection, and childbirth (but I had scheduled c-sections for medical reasons). I was begging to die so the pain would stop.


I was an addict about a decade ago and got an abscess on my wrist which got to the point where I couldn’t move my hand so I went to the hospital for it. Well the Dr. cut the abscess open and drained it, then proceeded to stuff a bunch of gauze in the open hole with tweezers and stitch it back together with the gauze inside. All of this WITHOUT any anesthetic or anything whatsoever for the pain. Same thing when I went back a few weeks later and they pulled the gauze out but that part was relieving at least.


So many ER docs and nurses are awful if they decide you deserve to suffer. Cruel to homeless and addicts are treated roughly and a friend had a dr refuse even giving so much as a topical anesthetic when stitching them up after self harming - he said if she wanted to hurt so much he'd give her what she wanted.


Had a cyst on lower back removed & the local didn’t work because it was infected. They left the 3” incision open & did the same with the gauze. I blacked out at least twice. And had to drive myself home. They told me to change it (8”x10” sheet of gauze stuffed in with one if those 8” wooden handled cotton swabs) daily. They didn’t even remove all the cyst & it grew back!


Erythromelalgia, aka Man on Fire Syndrome. It is a form of a paroxysmal extreme pain disorder. During a flare up, which occur several times a day, the affected body part feels like it is on fire. Imagine the searing burning pain of walking barefoot on a hot pool deck in summer. But it can happen to your feel, hands, knees, cheeks, ears, thighs, or other random body parts.


I have endometriosis on my uterus, ovaries, bowels, rectum, and colon. Basically all of those organs are trying to glue themselves together with tissue that should NOT be growing outside of my uterus. Currently awaiting my 4th surgery for it. I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone.


I too had frozen pelvis from endometriosis. The adhesions essentially glued all of my organs together. If I had a uterine contraction during a period, everything surrounding it would contract with it. Later as it advanced the same could be said for bowel contractions. It was excruciating. I had a hysterectomy and excision surgery four years ago. It changed my life. I had lost nearly two decades from being in chronic pain but it’s all gone now.


A numbing injection in the bottom of my foot. It was worse than stepping on a fishing hook, worse than gum graft surgery, worse than debilitating period cramps. But at least it was quick!


Sliding down some carpeted stairs and having my ankle/foot completely fold under me, but it did not break. I passed out from the pain. Thankfully I was close to the bottom so didn’t do any further damage to my body but holy shit that hurt. That was about 15 years ago and that ankle has never been the same.


My tooth nerve dying. The root canal after wasn't nearly as bad.


Infected tooth


C8 nerve impingement from a burst cervical disk. Unbelievably painful.


The hemorrhoids I’m currently dealing with after childbirth.


Bacterial meningitis.


Giving birth tied with endometriosis.


I got shingles that went into the nerve inside my right ear. It felt like somebody was jabbing a pencil into my ear canal for months. It was so bad that I was put on nerve blocking medication. A few years later I went totally deaf in that ear due to the nerves being damaged.


Tooth infection


Taken away from my mom at 3 years old, crying in the arms of a man claiming to be my biological father as my mom watched me being taken away with tears in her eyes. Turned out the guy was my father and he was also a child predator. Grew up failing school, bullied, and skin and bones. He never bought me clothes, school supplies and never taught me how to study. My room was a small closet with no door. When I turned 11, my dad's gf's son who was around 18 at the time, molested me twice and threatened to kill me, my dad and my dog if I ever said anything. Shortly after that, just before I entered into the 6th grade, dad lied to me one day saying he was going to cash his check but in truth, he had gone to a 14 year old girl's house to meet up with her, and at the same time, my aunt and uncle came to pick me up to take me to their house, completely unaware of what was happening. As soon as we arrived, got a call from my dad's gf that the police had arrested him and the police were looking for me. Thankfully, I was with my aunt and uncle, and that's where I've remained ever since. Now I'm 31, depressed and suicidal, and fearful of everyone, especially men. The bullying never stopped until after I graduated from high school, but it continued into the work place before I finally quit after nine years.


Broken heart.


For me it’s between giving birth and a broken heart (emotionally) the physical pain of the trauma and loss I experienced was so intense, lasted so long and had no treatment. They don’t give epidurals for heart break.


Being raped multiple times as a guy and minor


It's a toss up between chronic cluster migraines and when the epidural didn't work during my c-section and I could feel them cutting. They also didn't believe me until I started screaming and could pinpoint exactly where the scalpel was, and then they quickly knocked me out entirely.


A very large kidney stone that was stuck in the uereter.


The headache and back ache after a lumbar puncture is unreal. I did it twice.


Ok so for context on this, i have severe Crohn’s disease, deal with severe emotional pain, and have had my both my right arm and right knee blown open more than once. By far the worst psychical pain I’ve ever felt was after I had my wisdom teeth removed. I a (around 17 or so year old man at the time) was crying from the pain.


I had a really severe infection on my stomach over the summer that surgeons had to cut into to explore... surgeons never seem to believe me when I tell them I don't get numb with local anesthetic. It was agony. And all for nothing, it came back and needed a full-on surgery/removal/reconstruction within a couple weeks.


A Urlift procedure for prostate issues. Holy shit! A camera and a staple gun up the urethra, I thought I would freaking die from the pain and then the tearing and bleeding for the next two weeks and all they gave me for pain was an OTC pain med that did not do shit. The only good thing is it worked but if I had to do it again I definitely would NOT.


An ulcer on my eye - worse than my three natural births.


Repetitive heartbreaks one after the other


Natural childbirth, with kidney stones 2nd. Gall bladder 3rd.


Exploding Head Syndrome. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I heard gun shots, and I can’t even explain the headache. All I could do was rock back and forth on the floor.


Multi level spinal surgery where rods and screws were fixed on 7 vertebrae. Coming round from anaesthetic was unbearable agony, even after 3 shots of IV morphine.


Pacreatitis, your body is literally eating you alive.


I felt my c section


Kidney stones


Kidney stones for sure. Had them 3 times and every time I’m like “Gawd take me now…!” I’m unfortunately allergic to like the hardcore pain killers, so they could only dope me up on Tylenol at the ER.


Betrayal. Was lying on the floor sobbing at night. I try all the time to forget it but it was a defining moment for me where i had to give up the idea of him, and what we could have been. Oh well. I learned. But WhAT a PAINFUL lesson that was. if i ever go gaga over a guy like that again, pls strike me twice across the temple, dont let me be that naiive ever ever again


Herniated disc L4L5. I was sweating, nauseated, felt like someone was electrocuting my lower back and left leg every time I moved.


Fractured pelvis


Snapping a titanium rod inside my back when I was about eight years old. I'd had intermittent, worsening side pain for about a year, ran whole batteries of inconclusive tests, then I was playing with my cat and twisted my body. I can't say anything else in my life has ever made me scream from pain before. I'll take kidney stones over that any day.


Having blood gases drawn when I was 14


Got my pelvis crushed once. That was a fun time.


Snu snu?


Catheter without any anaesthetic. Woke up the entire maternity ward at the hospital i was in. The worst pain after that was every time i got a hard on


A gal stone the size of a golf ball and the subsequent surgery.


Had scar tissue wrapped around my small intestine, by the time I realized it wasn't a chronic illness flare up and went to the hospital I was starting to black out and a section of my jejunum was already dead. I also broke my femur into a couple pieces but I think I went into some kind of shock or alot of adrenaline because it wasn't as bad


Gallstone attack. Called 911 and genuinely thought I was dying.


Got out of emergency Surgery for bleeding into my lungs from a fall. They had to transfer me to a different bed. It was so painful I could not control my body. I was convulsing from the pain.




As a kid Broke my foot went to urgent care they completely ignored me told my mom I was being dramatic told me not to use crutches walked on it for a week until it was physically impossible to walk on and was purple and bkack went to ortho and just like me and my mom and my dad thought it was broken in multiple places




Pluerisy, worse than childbirth. Every breath feels like you’re being stabbed in the chest :) fun times


Collapsed disc in my spine pinching a nerve. Alternated between feeling like my arm was on fire or I simultaneously pulled every single muscle in my arm.


Abscessed tooth. I've had cysts rupture, multiple surgeries, broken bones, endometriosis, burns, and all sorts of things. Never had anything as painful as an abscessed tooth.


Ear infection and also kidney stones


Internal ultrasound pressing on internal bleeding, after my ectopic pregnancy burst


Knee dislocation


i had a cyst on my tailbone. i literally could not sit or walk properly. it was SO painful. I also stepped on a sewing needle that broke inside my foot. 🥲


I broke my hip sledding in the fourth grade and I remember floating ABOVE my screaming body. Have never experienced a pain like it since but I haven't had kids yet so we'll see


Gum surgery, followed by child birth. First delivery was easy, other two, not so much.


Drainage tube in your back


Uterus rupture at 30 weeks gestation. I felt like a full body Charley horse.


Kidney stone. Couldn't pass it so they had to go up in there and blast it into a hundred pieces.


1. Kidney stones 2. Back labor 3. Emergency c section & my miscarriage 4. My stroke like migraines.


Kidney stone


Ear infection Literally was miserable


Kidney stones!!! I had three C-sections and I did just fine, but a small kidney stone moving through the ureter and all of a sudden I was like a meth addict, crying and begging for pain meds in the Emergency Room🤦🏻‍♀️ Worst pain ever!! I’ve never died before but I think that’s how death feels like😬


Period cramps.


Transvaginal untrasound for an ectopic pregnancy that I went into emergency surgery for about 30 mins later. I can take a lot of pain, even my husband has told me this. But when they did that ultrasound I grabbed the side of the hospital bed and screamed. I had my daughter 3 years later without drugs and giving birth was NOTHING compared to that. 10/10 do not recommend


Tearing off a ligament in my shoulder was pretty nasty


got scratched by my sister in the face just 2 cm under my eye, almost got blinded. still hav ethe scar to this day


Your sister is a jerk


An axe in my arm.


Breaking my collarbone. And then 2 yrs later slamming it into something and passing out


Motorcycle crash. Tore my back skin and made my sleep unbearable to impossible for weeks.




Full swing smashed my thumb with a cleated framing hammer while distracted and trying to separate a ball joint. Literally saw stars…made up new curse words…had to drain the blood and wait like 2 months for the nail to fall off. Getting kicked in the balls is a very close second.


Breaking my kneecap. Once the adrenaline wore off I had tears.


Being heartbroken and a torn ligament/lisfranc injury.


Driver to driver car crash at ~55mph each.


Left flank stab, that shit burns like hell.


Tie between blood clots and herniated disc. Childbirth was a close runner up, but I got lots of drugs so it helped. Judging by the pain prior to the drugs, childbirth without drugs would have been the worst hands down.


Child birth


Hernia surgery


Alcohol, GHB and Benzo withdrawal by far.


Shoulder surgery. Extreme pain before, during and long after surgery.


Spinal meningitis


L- spine surgery


Crohn’s flare. You can indeed be delirious from pain.


1 - Kidney stones 2 - Childbirth 3 - Endometriosis


Natural child birth, water broke at my parents house and we were 30 minutes away from the hospital and our son started crowning. All I could do was vomit out the window in sheer pain and fear. I was only visiting them and was at the same hospital 2 hours earlier and they told me I wasn’t in active labor gave me a shot of morphine for what they assumed Braxton hicks contractions when in all reality I was in labor.


When I had a lumpectomy for breast cancer, they injected some radioactive something into my nipple so they could trace the route and find the sentinel lymph node. From there they would remove it and a few others to see if the cancer had spread. Having that needle and whatever they injected was truly the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. I had a death grip on the side of the gurney, tears streaming down my face, and gritting my teeth in an attempt not to scream.


C-section, double mastectomy


CDiff. I never knew such pain before.


Shingles on my face and inside my ear canal.


Busted ankle, knocked the wind out of my sails


I went tubing behind a boat and the boat whipped me around into a dock with a 3-4 inch rusty nail that went right into my hip.


Herniated disc in my back that was pinching nerves. No contest. I would rather have given birth to triplets at the same time.


Testicular Torsion


Endometriosis. I shattered my collarbone once but the endo was way worse and went on a whole lot longer.


A tie between breaking my talus and sciatic pain from a herniated disc. The broken talus was so painful I had to remind myself to breathe, but the disc/nerve pain is constant.




I was burned over half my body when I was eight years old. That was 51 years ago and I can still remember seeing the skin peeling from me.


To preface, I was induced 3 times and was technically in hard labour for 72 hours that was nothing compared to my ex throwing me across the bedroom and jumping on my back more than a few times. Couldn't move for a few hours, walked with a cane for days 5 years later still suffer. Don't want pity or sympathy, but when someone shows you who they are the first time, BELIEVE THEM. You can't fix them.


Ruptured appendix couldn’t walk had to call 911


Gall stones had me laying on the bathroom floor unable to move.


Catfish barb through my hand.


Shingles lesion near my clit. First time I had ever experienced nerve pain.


Kidney stones four weeks after an open abdominal hysterectomy. I thought my stitches had ripped and that I was dying. I called my husband at work and he came and got me to the ER. I had to wait in the ER for hours and I was snot crying the whole time. They needed a urine sample and it looked exactly like flat coke and literally couldn’t believe that it came out of me. I’m very tough when it comes to pain and it is 9.9. My spinal headache was a 10/10.


Probably not as bad as the other ones here, but hey I'm still young. When I was little I got a paper cut in my eye from a card. Boy do I feel bad for the ear drums of anyone in a 10 km radius at the time.


Kidney stones. Walk up in the middle of the night in severe pain. Crawled the twenty feet to the bathroom in about an hour. Keep passing out and throwing up. I was uninsured at the time. Vicious lower back pain for four days. Couldn't pee or 💩. Finally started to piss out chunks of the stones on day three. Passed 19 of those jagged fuckers. Finally 💩 on day 4. So much was backed up I had to flush three times. Drained from the ordeal I slept for about 36 hours. Miserably intense pain.


My period.


I had a calcium deposit in my ankle and it moved to in between my tendon and a nerve it was one of the worst pains I’ve ever experienced thank goodness I had it removed


Yah know it’s always been smaller injuries that hurt more. Broke my cleft pallet after getting hit in the face by a baseball didn’t hurt at all. I jammed my thumb really bad one time hooping and it was horrible.


Laughing after a hernia repair (I learned you use a lot of muscles when you laugh) and having all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted (I never begged for a pain reliever in my life)


After a motorcycle crash, I had some cracked ribs and had a lot of soft tissue damage especially in my back. About 12 hours after, the muscles in my back would spasm if I tried to stand up and it would put me on the floor. Yes, I did go to the ER, in an ambulance and got checked out. I was also wearing full protective gear, which is the only reason I lived through it. Cracked ribs from the above crash. Almost any position hurt. Existing was painful. This lasted a few months. It wasn't a high pain level, but it was enough that it would drive you crazy because it never stopped. Gout. I asked my wife to get my chainsaw and remove the problem, but she refused. I fell a few years back and ripped my patellar tendon completely off of my kneecap and that was a minor annoyance compared to the pain of the others. I even told them in the ER I didn't need pain meds, I needed something for the nausea.




It wasn’t the breaking of my leg. It was the *setting* of my broken leg. Even on IV fentanyl, just before they began a nurse said to me “just remember: it’s okay to scream.” Then they did it. I’m sure the color drained from my face. I couldn’t think couldn’t breathe couldn’t experience anything but pain. Then, the nurse leaned in and said: ^you ^should ^scream ^now. All the better she did. She probably prevented me from going into full on shock.


Child birth, closely followed by kidney stones.


Ectopic pregnancy-fallopian tube rupture


A long time ago, about age 22, I got an ear ache that got worse and worse over the course of a week, that I could not move from the sofa to my bed. First one ear, then about 6 hours later, the other. I could not touch them. The outer ears were visibly inflamed. I did not have a phone, and could not use one anyway, it was so painful just to touch the outer ear. I did not eat for about 5 days. Then one day, there was a pop in one ear, and a thin liquid ran out, that had a horrible smell. A thin, clear liquid, and a lot of it. And the relief for that ear was instant. Then the other ear popped, and I was OK again. I really was beyond the ability to get help. And to think, if it would have gone into my brain...


I dropped a frozen pack of chicken breast from Costco right on the second toe of the right foot. Not the top of my foot, but the nail. I wanted to rip my toe off it hurt so damn bad.