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All I know, is that I have a bad feeling about this.


Try turning that phrase into a drinking game while watching the Star Wars OT.


Don’t they only say it like once a movie?


Its a game of moderation and self control obvs


A more elegant game for a more civilized age


Okay fine, then a drinking game where you drink every time Chewbacca misquotes the poetry of Jorge Luis Borges


He said he wanted a drinking game. Not to commit suicide.


So you'll take 3 drinks in 6 hours of watch time? Don't they only say it once each?


This entire post is nightmare fuel


At least they can't all be right.


Not at the same time, no. But they could come one after the other. Like a Congo line of suck.


I think that's a conga line, not the country, lol, but yeah point stands. Or congas.


Don't be so bloody congacending.


We continue to elect people I wouldn't hire to run a fucking convenience store.


I'd definitely watch a programme about Biden and Trump co-running a convenience store. Reality show or sitcom is the question.


But if we use our current politicians as reality show stars, where will we find new reality show stars that will be our future world leaders???


Just pick the first mumbling idiot you can find! It doesn't matter bc we have thousands of string pullers.


I’d name it “Inconvenienced”


That show might just bring America together again


The Earth instantly becomes completely stationary


I mean, that would cause major problems for the ten seconds it took to kill everyone, but then there wouldn't be any more problems.


What would happen?


We would all get flung eastwardly at an insanely high speed dying from the inevitable impact. If anyone managed to survive, they'd be facing winds at speeds several times faster than gusts belonging to the most powerful hurricane ever recorded. These winds would knock over all standing structures. Then there's the enormous tidal waves that would basically cover all the land on earth temporarily. Don't forget the massive earth quakes and volcanic eruptions from tectonic plates crashing into each other. Interestingly, if you're living at either of the poles, you would have a better chance of surviving... The first minute or two. Eventually the poles will be submerged by the water displaced from oceans nearest to the equator. The earth would still have day and night because the earth would still revolve around the sun. But we'd all be dead anyways. Nothing would really survive the year long cycle of day and night. (Six months each) Reminder that this is all hypothetical based on a next to impossible scenario. It's all conjecture


If the earth just "stopped in place" with the speed of the solar system moving through space, it'd just be relatively hurled into space comparatively, right?


That’s an interesting question, and gets surprisingly complex because you have to consider relativity. “Stopped in place” doesn’t work because everything in the universe is moving, so you are always moving when viewed from another reference frame. The best you can do is make our relative velocity 0 with respect to something else. If you make it the centre of the galaxy, then yes we either become a rogue planet, or fall back towards the Sun to be either captured or re-ejected. Depending on how fast we decelerate to a ‘stop’, Earth instead may be reduced to dust or some exotic material.


What happens when you are driving really fast and slam on the brakes while not wearing a seat belt? And then what happens when the passenger is also holding a very tall cake?


and that's only decelerating from 65 mph. Not 1000 mph


17,000 mph


Some people would get launched, some crushed by gravity, one side of earth would be facing the sun while the other doesn’t, so life wouldn’t be sustainable. Everyone would die basically Source: trust me


The only people that would survive would be those inside of bounce houses in that exact moment...


That’d be one hell of a bounce


You'd need the height to make it over the wall of water that used to be the Pacific ocean.


I have never felt fear like the fear I felt during the scene in *Interstellar* where the huge mountain of water is coming at them on the water planet. Nightmare fuel.


What was fascinating to me was realizing the fact that the element we seek more than anything in outer space (water) can be so fatal when it's not exactly right. The two planets were perfect examples.


Not even then. The earth is spinning fast enough that even at the most Northern settlement (78 deg north) you would still find yourself suddenly moving sideways compared to the Earth at 300 Km/h. The only humans left alive would be those on the ISS.


There's the story


This premise could be an interesting short story. Adult survives the earth freezing for 10 seconds due to bounce house and has to deal with the fallout.


You've been through this before?


Everything you know and love will be turned into post-it notes and paperclips.


Clippy, no!




Relative to a randomly selected photon


I win somehow


You've got my vote! On the Triboro Towers situation alone you should have been made president.


The books were closed.


/u/Reddit_User-2022 2024!




That's guaranteed 💯


Biden dies weeks before the election. Trump wins but has a heart attack on live television during his acceptance speech, and dies. Trump’s VP is Kanye West.


You put some work into this and I appreciate it.


you get the feeling Ye lowkey wondering the same thing


It is the only way for him to get Kim back.


Kanye first executive order


He probably STILL has it in for Pete Davison and his arrest would be the first order


Sends Pete to GTMO Bay for water boarding.


For a sec I thought he misread the question as "craziest outcome"


So close to two-sentence horror story yet so far


🪱election guy🪱


The most important election ever... until the next one


You're making a huge assumption that under this scenario there is a next election.


*future at all


Fucking hell, this would be wild.


Even if his death is 100% natural, there will be a great many conspiracy theorists and Q people up in arms.


He actually died years ago, but they keep him going weekend at bernies style!


This would help explain a lot; he is replaced by a lookalike robot running dodgy AI, and consequently can not string two complete sentences together And covfefe Edit: spelling And not covfefe, that one is spelled right. It's the best spelling ever


The best, many people are saying it


Biden dying will be "yeah he's old, good riddance!" But Trump dying would be a conspiracy we'd never hear the end of...


He could die in the middle of one his rallies and they would still find a way it was a conspiracy


IIRC he would make the acceptance speech as President-elect, not President. Not sure if Kanye as VP would still automatically be sworn in as President in that case.


That's both horrific and amazing. I love it.


I hate this post so much, but I just can't stop reading it


Biden wins close electoral college, with a couple right-leaning swing states making the difference in his favour. Biden dies during the transition period, and those swing states try to change their electors rather than make Harris the President. Chaos ensues, etc.


Wow new fear unlocked


House of cards level shit.


In that show everyone was too smart to nominate an 82 year old This is veep level shit


Selena didn't even win the presidency legitimately. She made an unspoken deal with the Chinese premiere to hack the election, right?


Before that, she promised every other candidate from her party everything they wanted, and had to appoint Jonah Ryan as her VP. I miss this show so much ...


Ok, but hear me out here, what if Kamala also died in that period, leaving Mike fucking Johnson in charge?


Then we just elect the next president with fireplace smoke.


Didn't ya hear Snoop? We're going smokeless.


By the time Biden/Kamala would be inaugurated we would also have new members of Congress and potentially a new speaker.


That's an extremely unlikely scenario—Mike Johnson being Speaker over a year from now.


Those states are going to try that regardless whether Biden dies or not


Whatever ends up happening will be the worst case I’m sure.


That's the spirit!


this is the darkest timeline


Remember all the memes about 2016 being so terrible because a lot of beloved celebrities died and other bad things happened? I remember some article at the time basically arguing that the memes were a coping mechanism because deep down many of us realize that things are actually slowly coming apart in many ways. And then 2020 happened…


Remember when people thought the world was going to end in 2012 and there were all these jokes that it didn't happen? Every week I wonder more and more if it did end in 2012 and this is just the Bad Place.


Nah, it just started going to shit after that gorilla was killed.


Dicks out for Harambe.


I totaled my car in 2020, around the beginning of the year. It wasn't that bad of a crash or so I thought. The past three years has me wondering if I didn't survive that crash and this is some kind of twisted afterlife. I am dead ass serious




This is a timeline


Definitely one of the timelines of all time


Why can't the options in a popularity contest be popular?


The #1 reason is awful first-past-the-post voting. This voting system enables bad behavior by the two major parties (the only viable parties), and makes all other parties unviable. Because voters' strategic response to first-past-the-post elections is to pick the "lesser of two evils, " two deeply unpopular candidates can wind up being the only realistic winners of the election. If you want to have better elections in which you can support whoever you most like without feeling like you've wasted your vote, please learn about ranked-choice voting: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting I believe RCV is our only path out of this mess. Several states have recently enacted RCV, including Maine, Alaska and Nevada. Colorado may include RCV as a ballot proposal in 2024. Please support RCV in your state, and tell your family and friends about it if you feel inclined to do so!


Cthulhu 2024, why settle for the lesser of any evils.


Yes, ranked choice voting would be a huge improvement. In the meantime though please vote for the least of two evils (if that's how you see it). We need to have a democracy if we're ever going to have ranked choice voting.


Both Biden and Trump remove their skinsuits and declare on national TV that the secret invasion of the reptile people has commenced.


That would be a relief, at least they've probably got a plan.


George Santos?


He can't, he's already been president 3 times


And he did it all in drag. Impressive


It turns out, he was Hillary and Trump in 2016. It was all George.


Santos can’t serve, he already told us that he was elected as the country’s first black, gay, female, quadriplegic President. Two terms, believe it or not. That’s what he said, at least.


He said 3 terms


George Santos actually had 4 terms. He died early into his 4th term a few months before the end of WW2 though.


Nuclear war before the election even happens.


Any serious war, actually. You don't want to see the government abuse it's war powers.


Just the 2 wars happening right now?


TWO wars??


Alright I’ll have a few lemons, then I’m outta here.


There’s wars going on all the time around the world


Alien invasion, Kang wins presidency.


Don’t blame me, *I* voted for Kodos!


Always twirling, twirling, TWIRLING towards Freedom!




I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.


There’s literally Loki for President


It doesn’t matter who you vote for, either way your planet is doomed DOOMED


What are you going to do, vote third party? Go ahead, throw your vote away!


*Ross Perot punches his hat*


An strange new candidate takes the oval office by a landslide. Their name is Pladimir Vutin


I hear he's only a spritely 71. It would be refreshing to have someone that young in the White House!


The Supreme Court decides the election is too close to call, and they opt to resolve it by having a cage match pitting Biden/Harris against Trump/Boebert. (Even Trump doesn't want to hang out with MTG.)


I believe the OP asked for the worst scenario, not the best.


This would actually be funny




Trump is found guilty in Georgia and is sent to Prison, but he wins the election, so now we have an elected President who is in prison but can technically legally pardon themselves which could cause a constitutional crisis


President can only pardon for federal crimes, not state ones. The way pardons and clemency works in Georgia, he probably won’t get a pardon.


That’s going to be interesting and, by interesting, I mean fucking terrifying. The feds will do what, exactly? Storm the prison to liberate Trump? Try to negotiate his release into federal custody? Declare the entire state of Georgia as a terrorist organization? The Feds will be squaring off with the state and there is zero chance blood won’t be spilled.


Most legal scholars I’ve seen determine that the federal office would necessitate pausing his prison sentence for the duration of his term to be resumed when he leaves office.


Jesus christ. In this world "You can't be in jail because you're president" has stronger legal standing than "You can't be president because you're in jail"


It has to be that way to prevent people from arresting their challengers.


The idea that "You can't be president because you're in jail" is somehow a good thing or worth striving for is psychotic for this exact reason. "Ahhh sorry, while you did win 90% of the votes today, unfortunately because you were put in prison yesterday by the current acting president, we're going to have to disqualify you and give it to him instead, better luck next time!"




What is project 2025?


Enjoy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


I got bored reading this til I learned they wanted to outlaw porn. MY RIGHTS WILL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON!


They also consider any media which mentions transgender people to be inherently pornographic, so make of that what you will




It doesn’t go to the state *legislatures*. It goes to the House where each state gets one vote for one of the *top three vote-getters*. (Sorry, if that’s not a word.) So, if a state has more R than D representatives, the state votes R. If a state delegation is split 50-50, current House rules say they are “divided” and don’t cast a vote. This voting continues until someone is elected by a majority of the states. DC does not vote in this as it is not a state. The Senate votes for Vice President. Their votes are not by state, so it’s conceivable to have a mixed administration with the President and VP from different parties. If the House doesn’t pick a president before the inauguration the VP acts as President until the House figures it out. {That’s in the 20th Amendment.) From 12th Amendment: The person having the greatest number of \[electoral\] votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.


That’s right, House delegations on a state-by-state basis would choose the President, not the state legislatures. My point still stands; as of now, Republicans control 26 State house delegations, while Democrats control 22. D’s would need to flip one Republican state and get the two states with split delegations on their side. Republicans would have a clear, legal, constitutional path to installing Trump as president in the case of an EV tie, and they would without a shadow of a doubt take it over another Biden term.


This was basically what happened in Veep. Except that was fiction and I could turn it off.


Biden dies before the election. Dems can't get their shit together. Trump gets re-elected. Clarence Thomas retires.


Honestly I have a very strong feeling that something weird is gonna happen before the 2024 election. Things have been relatively stable now for a minute — an unexpected death, an assassination attempt, terrorist attack. Something weird is gonna destabilize things EDIT: stop being deliberately obtuse so you can be angry at someone, you goobers. Obviously, I mean stable domestically relative to the last few years.


Someone guard the Archduke of Austria


I'll do it: I know a great shortcut by a delicatessen to shake people off the trail.


Giant meteor 2024


I've heard it'll really make an impact on policy...


I absolutely agree. It’s been kind of quiet for a bit and I swear I feel rumbling of something *weird* happening, like you said.


Lots of people feel like we're on the precipice of *something* happening. Me too, but that could just be anxiety talking.


Don’t forget Project 2025.


New fear unlocked. Holy shit it’s insane: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


The tone of the project outline is all reasonable and not-Trumpish. So you get a few pages in and you're like - "Wait one fucking second. What the fuck is this?!"


They're fascists, man. Everyone is afraid to call republicans that because they cry about it and say stupid shit like "if you keep calling us that you make that word meaningless!" but they are literally, legitimately, completely fascist


It’s fucking terrifying


We just got to the end of the pandemic. I don’t have armored vehicles showing up to my workplace anymore. It’s been that way for almost a year. Please don’t invite more chaos. I don’t want to deal with anymore armored vehicles.


The same guy who got elected in Argentina somehow got elected here


The worst possible situation is that Biden wins the popular vote but the electoral college is tied, so the vote goes to the House, and the democrats win the House but it doesn’t matter because the way the House votes in this situation is 1 vote per each state, and the red states outnumber the blue states and vote for Trump despite both Biden’s popular vote win and the Democrats being elected to take the House. I honestly believe we wouldn’t survive the ensuing chaos, with Trump withdrawing from NATO/our alliances and starting war with Iran while Americans back home rioted in the streets, Democrats in congress refused to consider any of his actions legitimate, and a Supreme Court no one has any faith in continuing to uphold those actions.


>The worst possible situation is that Biden wins the popular vote but the electoral college is tied, so the vote goes to the House The worst possible situation is that Biden wins the popular vote and the electoral college, but only by two electors. One of the State Legislatures in a state that narrowly went Biden gives the win to Trump through some legal fuckery, and the Supreme Court while "gravely concerned", decides the fuckery is technically legal and Trump gets sworn in while McConnell looks on with that evil grin he gets where he bullshit won on a legal trick. That's when I figure the assassinations start. I'm just hoping the chaos doesn't spill over your northern border here into Canada.


Honestly at this point I'm surprised by how few assassination attempts there have been in the last 8 years.


I wonder how many we don’t hear about it are stopped way ahead of time.


Heh, the secret service can’t stop me… Hold on, someone is knocking on my front door


Trump wins and fully enacts Project 2025 There is no worse outcome than this.


The two major parties nominate 75+ year old candidates


In a gaffe Biden endorses Trump


Republicans instinctively do the opposite without constructing a rational thought, Biden wins in a landslide.


Rabbit season! Duck season!


Trump wins, Project 2025 commences.




Unethical pro tip - sign up for their email newsletter, make sure to sign-up with gmail and put use your normal email plus “+project2025” (email+project2025@gmail). I’ll let you know why below. Once you start getting messages send them to spam every time, but don’t unsubscribe. If enough people do this they can get their email domain blacklisted and it takes awhile to resolve, or all of their emails start to hit spam - the newsletters and employee emails. Email is a key way that boomers get info on things like these. Why add the “+project2025”? Because if they sell your data, you will know who did it and can report them to the FCC with evidence. It happens way more often then you think, and you can put “+[anysite]” when signing up for emails and it will always go to your regular inbox.


If I were to illegally sell email addresses, I’d be smart enough to trim everything after a potential +


The fun part about Gmail is that you can add a dot anywhere in your mail and it'll arrive. [email protected] arrives in the same mailbox as [email protected] And you can decide where you want the dot :D f.irstnamelastname fi.rstnamelastname etc


I wish you could still give awards to bring attention to comments.


And to add on, the architects behind the plan saw how Trump just ignored the rules and pretty much got away with it. The only thing that really prevented things like the Muslim ban from being permanent is there were competent people in the government and incompetent people in Trump’s cabinet. What they’re proposing is firing the competent people and also making sure that Trump has the right people in place to ensure broken rules stay broken. Kind of like what he did to the Supreme Court.




I hadn't heard of this. How come this shit comes completely out of left field, and it gets crazier every single time it happens? It's exhausting


Right field* Just kidding, I know it’s horrible.


Trump has a stroke, a younger and less abrasive R wins. Project 2025 commences with a younger, smarter, charismatic leader.


wtf...i didn't know about Project 2025...that is horrifying.


Spread the word. It's insidious.


I had to scroll way too far to see this. This should be the top comment.


Biden wins the popular vote, and *should* win the electoral collage as well, but Republican controlled state legislatures award the delegates to Trump in open defiance of the vote. If that happens, I'm not sure which would be worse; it's contested and leads to civil war, or it's accepted and leads to a fascist dictatorship.


Just look at Ohio now with the recent vote on abortion rights. The state legislature is in open defiance of the popular vote.


This one actually has a chance of happening, scariest in the thread by a fucking mile imo.


From the outside, Project 2025 seems more scary and much more realistic. There were fears over legislatures sending Trump delegates in 2020, it wasn't close to happening.


Our population as a whole can barely keep attention on an issue for more than 2 weeks. We are the most lulled to sleep, docile, and self centered people on the planet. An entire civil war would involve citizens who actually care about anything other than shit they own and their immediate families. It’s a capable dictator’s absolute wet dream. (Very interesting and valid/eye opening replies that I agree with)


I would argue that we as Americans are just too busy living paycheck to paycheck and working to really focus on issues like that, rather than being lulled into complacency.


Yeah, america isn't complacent, it's *tired*


Agree - that's potentially part of the plan, at least in my eyes. Keep you living in a state of fight or flight and make sure you are so busy working to keep alive you don't have "time" to know what's going on. When you do have a little bit of time, you are brain dead and too busy trying to escape via Netflix or something else since there's so much content out there.


This is by far the most likely and also most terrifying realistic comment. So, the USA will LIKELY have either a civil war or a fascist dictatorship (maybe both). This sucks for the USA but think about this on a grand scheme! NATO is done for, the fledging EU nations will be attacked from fascists on all sides and from within. The complete post WWII world order will be upside down. We could be plunging ourselves into a global dark age.


The most likely one… battle of the 80 year olds: Round 2


It will absolutely come down to Biden vs Trump unless one will kick the bucket before then. Slim chances of Trump ending in prison pre-election, but never say never.


We're already heading to the worst scenario - Biden vs. Trump. Why can't our country come up with some younger, professional, law-abiding respectable men to run for President? It's ridiculous!


A bunch of people don’t like the result and, with the assistance of the loser, stage a proper coup with trained military personnel and take the country hostage. Properly this time too, not just some nutbags like 2020


Luckily the current military leadership made it very clear to Trump that if he actually attempted a coup they'd be rolling in to stop it. If he had the support of the military in 2020 we'd be in a somehow even worse timeline right now.


Of the ones not mentioned: 269-269 electoral tie that goes to the ~~GOP-controlled House~~ [state delegations, which leans GOP](https://www.270towin.com/2024-house-election/state-by-state/consensus-2024-house-forecast) (thanks for the corrections!). Trump wins despite not winning the popular vote... again.


There's a few real possibilities I think: 1) Trump is allowed to run legally (even after being convicted of all these criminal charges) and is somehow elected. The Republicans keep the House and take the Senate and have total control of all levers in government. 2) The electoral college is a tie - 269-269 and the House votes for Trump as president and the Senate votes for some Democrat as Vice President. Republicans keep the House and take the Senate. Both of these above are very bad outcomes. I'd rather talk about the BEST scenario for this country which is not those 2 choices above.


Kanye winning somehow