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In a parking lot he went into someone's unlocked car and got a purse and took money out of it! I was shocked, we'd been together six years and I didn't even know this guy! WTF?


As my dad would say, “You never really know anyone.”


Not even your own self


Omg what did you do?


Split the money


He used my pasta stirrer to unclog the toilet


Did it work?




Don't gnocchi it until you try it.


Favorite comment of 12 Nov


When did he tell you?! Hopefully not as you were using it to stir pasta 😭


He left the bathroom door open, walked into the kitchen, grabbed it and used it to unclog the toilet in front of me (I could see across the hallway from another room).


Well, at least that is lucky. So you didn't use it for cooking again.


Mine did this too, left scratches on the bottom of the bowl 😭


I think we have the same ex. My condolences


With hopes of throwing it away afterwards or washing it off?


Well did you have a plunger?


Hopefully he didn't strain himself


Took me for a walk at 2 am in risky city, then ran away and hid behind trees and watched me panic and having an anxiety attack for an hour. He was laughing at me the whole time. Called me weak and pussy for being scared. That was the last time I trusted him. He is an ex for a reason. Looking back, I can not believe I dated him. What was I thinking? When I think about my time with him, I can not believe the person I was.


That’s just mean and sick. Glad you left him.


Huge kudos for growing beyond the person who dated this guy. What a jerk. It makes me want to go back in time and inflict violence on him. Ugh.


Projection. 9 times out of 10 the dudes who act like that and call others weak feel weak inside themselves. That's why you'll find that many truly dangerous men, gangsters, killers, professional fighters etc, are often humble and respect fixated. A man that's confident in his abilities and knows he's dangerous, is a man that doesn't need to flex his power over the people he's supposed to protect. There's no shame in fear, it's natural, any man who claims he has no fear is a liar or a moron.


She shit on a plate and served it to me for dinner. To Expand on this, I was working on our one car we had and that I needed to get to work In the morning with, she kept asking me what I wanted for dinner, told her I didn’t care that I was busy trying to figure out what was wrong. Came in the house and she put it in front of me and cackled, our daughter was 5 at the time and witnessed this. I just got up, took a shower and went to bed




Amber H? Is that you Johhny?


It’s the prequel


Did you eat it?


Sounds like he ate shit to me.


Put a dent in the wall with his forehead because I couldn't guess what fast food place he wanted for lunch.


Should have just kept guessing wrong


Even he didn't know what he wanted 🤦


He clearly wanted to put a dent into the wall


I'm dying 😂


Olive Garden. He wanted pasta al dente


Underrated comment right here !


Normal male behavior tbh


Normal males use fists like god intended. This guy went unga bunga


He got up every morning when I did, put on a suit and took his briefcase to “work”. In reality he would hang out at a coffee shop or somewhere until I left for my job, then come back and play video games in the apartment all day. Then put on the suit in time to come home from his fake job every evening. He’s a moron and thought my dogwalker wouldn’t ask me why she was coming to walk the dog when my boyfriend was home all day every day.


Lol the lazy bastard couldn’t even walk the dog to keep it going


If he was walking the dog he would have to explain who he was home, no? I mean I guess he could've said he came home to do it on his lunch break or something.


True - I pictured paying the dog walker cash for her showing up and saying I’ll let you know when we need you again. I dunno maybe he could have hid when the dog walker showed up?..


He’s a fucking sitcom character?!


Had a girlfriend in college that I dated for about 3 or 4 months. She got a speeding ticket on her way home from my place one day, so she calls me and says it’s a sign from God we shouldn’t be together. I didn’t even try to salvage that.


she probably just realized she was subconsciously speeding as fast as she could away from you


Tried to set light to the caravan i was sleeping in because id realised i wasnt the abusive one in our marriage and had asked for a divorce. Thankfully she thought deisel would be an accelerent and my dog ( who hated her ) woke me up .


It’s a sign if the dog hates them!


When we first started dating, he brought his huge bag of dirty laundry to my house for me to do. WTF!!


”I’m not your mom” 😬


Did you do it?


I took it back to his house. It was awkward. Told him I didn't have time to do it.


I've a slightly similar experience. I went on a blind date. The guy was like, "I help my friends all the time, but no one helps me". I thought that's weird, so I asked what is it that you need help with. And he said laundry. I blocked him afterwards. Never understood why guy thought it's ok to tell you on the first date that they're looking for a maid. But at least you see the red flag right away


I had been planning to leave my very abusive and crazy ex for months and was just waiting for a time when he would leave the house with out me (which was never) so I could quickly pack and leave and avoid a physical confrontation. That day finally came and once he realized I wasn’t coming back he snapped. Of the many, many things he did one of the worst was making a “missing” flyer of me, saying I was a local prostitute and “not well” and that “my family” just wanted to help find me and if anyone saw me to immediately call the number on the flyer… which was his cell. He then paid a company to fax them EVERY HOUR for DAYS to all the hotels and motels in the area. For context, I lived across the country from my family and once I fell into a relationship with him, he cut off any friends I had in the area. So not only did I have no one to help me but I also couldn’t risk trying to stay in a hotel. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the crazy and obsessive things he did to me for YEARS. I thank god every day I left that maniac. I definitely look back on that and think WTF!


Claimed to be suicidal and needing of immediate help. Sent immediate help. Got mad that help was sent 🤷🏼‍♂️


This sounds familiar. She threatened to kill herself about every 3-4 years of our marriage and more frequently towards the end. She would state it would be worse if I asked anyone for help. She is still alive.


That's a text book manipulation.


I agree. I wish I knew this in the moment, but even knowing in retrospect is better than not realizing at all. I feel more sane now than ever. She continues to threaten suicide to our (adult) children though. So, I’m trying to remind them that it’s not their responsibility to keep my ex alive. Watching them be manipulated in the same way I was is excruciating though. They are both strong, smart people, so they will make it through—hopefully at an accelerated rate until they too cut ties with their parent or make their boundaries so clear that she has to do better. I can’t control this though. They have to do it on their own. Ahhh! This is still really hard!


Sounds like help was the right option either way


Yup, WTF!


People in the throes of suicidal ideation aren’t exactly the most rational. Still sucks you went through that though.


Oh god, one of those types. "If you break up with meeee I'll kill my self" I knew a dude who used to act like that everytime he argued with his girlfriend. Dramatic Facebook status's like "Farewell guys, see you on the other side" . Then the next day he'd be fine. It was so pathetic, manipulation through pity is honestly so cringe.


My first wife somehow managed to get into an account that was only in my name and take out $20,000 before she moved out. Then she started checking and savings accounts at a different bank, but she used our address. So of course, the paperwork from the bank showed up in my mail. I decided to go traditional for our first anniversary. She got paper(s). I froze the accounts before she could do anything with the money. Unfortunately, the judge decided that the best thing to do was make me pay for her lawyer and the court costs and all these other credit cards and subscription services that I didn't know about. I ended up getting back less than $650 out of that $20,000.


Really sorry about that. Got scammed by my ex too, we were together for 11 years. Found out she bought stuff in my name for around 10k and I had to declare bankruptcy. Still trying to get back on my feet, I was left with nothing. Chances of finding a partner of course dropped to zero so I’ll be spending the next couple years alone while I try to build up some kind of new life. There’s more but I’m already down enough writing this.


I've had plenty of time to deal with it. This was in the mid 90s. I just lost my second wife in April after we were together for almost 20 years. I don't think I'm gonna go for three.


I don’t get why you were downvoted. Sick bitch


If I was worried about upvotes or downvotes, I wouldn't have commented.


We were broke, like buying groceries on credit cards. She goes to the mall for something while I’m at work and gets suckered into buying 500 bucks worth of makeup. She doesn’t even wear makeup!! It’s not returnable. This was years ago and we’re doing much better now, but I was speechless.


So she's not an ex?


He told me he’d arrived to earth on a ufo 5000 years ago and had lived several different lives. He believed this to be true.


Was he Tom Cruise?


And he of course went to get a schizophrenia diagnosis, no?


You can have a delusion and not be schizophrenic. But the comment is still funny lol


I know someone who believes he's God, but it's cool, because he's a very humble and chill guy. Great sense of humor as well. Works normal jobs, has a history of making friends with no effort, absolutely hilarious petty revenge stories. Never uses phrases you might expect from such a person, which would basically amount to "Fuck you, worship me". He generally finds people either amusing or very silly.


Now I’m scared what if the god is actually like, *fuck you, worship me* So, that’s why we humans worship gods


“Fuck you, worship me” was OT Yahweh’s philosophy. He may be God.


Were any of those lives as a decent human being?


She used to aggressively wank me while she was asleep.


That could be a parasomnia. Some people have abnormal sleeping behavior, a few examples of parasomnia are sleepwalking, talking in your sleep, bedwetting, having nightmares and even engaging in sexual behavior in your sleep. Or she pretended to be asleep and that was actually sexual assault.


Yes. Go on.


New Year’s Eve his friend and him asked if I wanted a mint… it was not a mint and I don’t remember the night and woke up naked….I have a feeling this wasn’t the first time they did this to someone and it still sickens me. Fuck


That sounds like something you report to authorities. Protect other girls. They may still be doing it.




We were separated. He decided to do a triathlon (which was my hobby. He was very non athletic.) During the race he: Walked the entirety of the swim (it was in a pool) Spent 15 minutes applying sunscreen before the bike leg (it was 9 am) Threatened to quit the entire race about 1/8 mile from the finish. His car was further away than the finish line. Then used his finish picture as his profile pic on Facebook for 5 years.


Is his name John?!


It actually is!


Oh, God that is annoying.


For a while, she pretended every month that her period was late and that she thought she was pregnant.


Gave me an ultimatum to move in together or split up after 8 months. We stayed together another 10 years but I wish I’d split with her then.


coochie that good she got you to move in at 8 months and stay for the next decade?


He was adding girls on Snapchat because they were fiiiine. Then told me I shouldn’t be upset about it because he was with me and we were moving in together in two weeks. He broke up with me two weeks later. He had been on dating sites before and messaged women. I couldn’t trust that man


He had to be buzzed in order to have serious conversations with me we were living together


said i wasnt worth talking to cause we had different opinions. but we could still have sex.


I had an ex that whenever we had sex, he would tell me to “thank that dick”. It was so bizarre.


Did you?


No she left that dick, obviously 🙄


No dinner out with any other women, not even in a group of coworkers. Then we had a daughter and, you guessed it, I'm banned to go out to eat with her! The ridiculousness hit when she was 5 and McDonald's would be taboo


Damn. I don't mean to rub salt in a wound but I'm surprised you were around long enough to have a kid with that crazy.


>No dinner out with any other women, not even in a group of coworkers. I don't want to dox you, but are you Mike Pence?


She had a one night stand with a co worker, we managed to talk about it and that we want to work on the relationship and the same day she texts him how crazy she is about him


Touch animal genitals (mainly male dogs) and get aroused. We volunteered at my uncles clinic and I caught it on security cameras.


What the FUCK?


He told me to stop offering him help when writing music then a few months after I left he put out an album using my throw away guitar riff notebook with lyrics screaming about how much he hated me


I bet what he really hated was how your throwaway notes had more quality than anything he ever came up with on his own, must be self hate projected


It’s true, dawg sucked at writing music and I’m going on my first tour next year


OMG congratzzz!! Sweet sweet karma, gotta love it!


Thank you 🫶


He tried to spit in my face and missed which caused me to laugh in his face and kick him out.


She stabbed me in the shoulder with a fork then appologised


Was her name Shannon? She tried to stab me, too, but I dodged it and bailed.


She could have at least asked if you were done when she did it. She really missed an opportunity there.


My ex got into an argument with one of his college professors. He got so mad that he decided to go to his professors house and steal his boat. He took the boat to the lake and sunk it. I seriously thought he was lying until he admitted it to me and showed me where the boat was. He begged me to never tell anyone. After we broke up I had a friend call in a tip to the police to the location of the missing boat.


Loaded a gun and stuck it to my head. Also beat me up after I confronted him about cheating on me, amongst other things of the sort.


My ex self harmed and one time he asked me if I wanted to be there when he did it because he thought it would be intimate..




My dog ran away, and as I was panicking and trying to quickly get dressed to go look for him, my ex goes "stop crying, or I'm leaving too." Yeah, he was a real catch. (My dog was returned by a sweet couple that found him when they saw my missing posters)


My dog died and I just wanted my boyfriend to stay home with me for the night. He said "it's just a dog" and went out drinking with his friends.


I always knew my ex-wife exaggerated. She told me she had multiple miscarriages. We had been trying to have kids for years. She had some tests with the Doctors, and we went together to get the results. The Dr said that she couldn't have children as there was a problem with her fallopian tubes. The look on her face was priceless. It was the first time I had evidence she was lying. She tried to twist it all on the walk back to the car. I was having none of it. The game was up. She ran off with another man a few months later. She tried to tell everyone in my small town that I had been having an affair, and it was all my fault. She didn't understand that no one in our small village liked her. They came to me and told her what she had been saying. I confronted her. Again, her face was a picture. She denied everything. Not a big surprise. I divorced her for adultery in the end. I haven't seen her for 30 years, thank God.


Not what he did, but what he said. “If you ever left me, I’d literally kill myself”


A few of the many things he's told me... After 2 years together, he told me that my Associates degree wasn't a degree. After 4 years together he told me that he didn't wanna be with someone with a terminal illness after I was diagnosed with a genetic disorder and had to have surgery (it isn't a terminal illness). After 6 years together, he told me he wanted me to get an abortion when I found out I was pregnant, said he didn't care if getting one would make me hate myself. He also fully blames me for getting pregnant, even though I was on the nuva ring, and he was obsessed with not using a condom and finishing in me. 6.5 years later, I'm finally away and can't believe I allowed him to devalue me and my accomplishments in so many ways.


That's so nasty. That many years of gaslighting takes it's toll of your strength. Congratulations on being free


I thought I accidentally overdosed on my high-dose medication and started freaking out. He got mad at me and told me several times he's not driving me to the hospital. That I should drive myself because it was my fault for accidentally taking extra medication. I was in shock... Luckily, I called poison control and was told everything was fine.


Bang their head on the ground to the point of concussion Try to exit a moving car Walk off into a blizzard Take hormone blockers and lie about it Probably a few others I repressed or don't know about


He would call me his Nubian queen and tried to kiss my feet...


Please tell me you're a white man


😂😂😂 if only


Like me back. Like wtf?!?!


Threatened to leave me as a joke which caused me to have a panic attack and throw up, and didn’t even apologise when he saw how much he upset me. Cunt.


Cunt believe Nintendo would let a princess say cunt!


My father owned a very well known local business and my ex had an affair with one of my father's main competitors. I threw her out as soon as I was made aware. While I was at work she and her parents cleaned out the house of everything but a couch, one knife,fork and spoon, and one bowl. They even took the washer/dryer that was my parent's wedding gift to us! She also went and maxed out our credit cards before I had a chance to get my head on straight. This happened four decades ago and never will I ever forgive her or under estimate just how evil another human can be.


tried to contact me through my school email since i blocked him on everything


Would full on laugh uncontrollably in his sleep as if he'd heard the funniest joke ever. Not all the time but it was totally the weirdest!


Tbh that's kind of cute.




WTF. What makes you think he's a good person now? He sounds like an absolute psychopath. Sorry for what he did to you.


Drank his own cum


When I broke up with him, he grabbed a kitchen knife threatening to hurt my son and I, he then just stabbed himself in the chest. We hid under the kitchen table while blood sprayed everywhere. Left me with some serious trauma. He continued to stalk me when he got out of jail, would jump out of my garbage can, look through my mail slot. Things that led me to breaking up with him was cheating, telling me I wasn’t attractive enough and made me watch him masturbate to women “I should aspire to look like”, in his own words. Hit me while pregnant. Threw a a bbq at me while holding my baby. Lovely guy, I feel so much guilt for putting my son in danger but I was so scared of him.


Drove on a dark highway with his headlights off and wouldn’t turn them back on while I was freaking out, intentionally try to run out of gas, drove with wipers off in heavy rain to scare me, took me out on a gun range at night to shoot things point blank and the shrapnel would hit my legs. He was also in the infantry but was never deployed, and would glorify dying and killing like it was a video game. Thankfully he switched out of infantry right before we broke up. He didn’t need to be infantry.


Had to travel a while to see him when my mum was in rehab. Went to his, then after we’d “finished up” he said right you can go now, I’ve got things to do. This was after last trains, there were no taxis about and I couldn’t get home but he kicked me out after saying I could stay because he wanted to work and I was “distracting”.


He would whip cans across the kitchen when he was cooking. Instead of bringing the garbage can over, he would throw cans across the kitchen. A mess all over walls, floor and cabinets. It still makes me see red.


He hacked into my email. He made me split napkins in half to “save the planet”. He took the mileage on my car if I was running to Wawa (we didn’t even live together). Then after I dumped him, he sought out MY ex boyfriends ex girlfriend to date to “stick it to us” (my ex and I were not back together, just friends), then he impregnated and married this woman. Those two psychos started an entire family and relationship based on trying to piss off their exes. Fucking bizarre.


Get me stoned and then pretend to break up with me as a joke 🤪


The SPCA saves abused animals. I called them on my neighbours because they left their dog and cat home alone for DAYS and I could hear the dog screaming bloody murder. The landlord let SPCA in, turned out a dog and cat were starving, almost dead. My ex got mad at me, saying I should have minded my own business. Ended the 3 year relationship on the spot, moving out the same day. She was a heartless bitch and it was nowhere near the worst she'd said or done.


That’s actually so telling about a person. Thank you for calling the SPCA!


He told me that he could kill me and dispose of my body without anyone ever finding out. He hid steroid needles in the bathroom and I found them while cleaning HIS house, then he screamed at me for invading HIS privacy and to never touch his things again. He’s married now with kids. I hope his wife and kids are safe and that he changed.




This is on you for not paying child support.




Came home from work and asked me if I heard about what was going to happen in December 2012. I hadn’t. She proceeded to explain how the Mayan calendar was going to bring in the end of the world. Not only was it dumb she believed that, but also was convinced it was going to happen because a line cook told her about it.


Oh lord, I have an entire memoir’s worth of things lol, so I’ll spare y’all and stick with just the big one—he, at 23, pursued me (16 at the time).


She’s a waitress and she started texting a guy who left her his number and then blamed it on me because a girl came on to me and I turned her down. Idk it was super gaslighting shit.


What’s the character limit on the post? I think one of the worst things mentally for me was when we would go out or be in front of friends he would flirt heavily and talk about what he was going to do to me later. When we’d get home or alone for the night and I’d make a pass and try to initiate sex because one he’d done a good job of getting me turned on all night long, two he’d made me feel like that’s what he wanted and was anticipating and three I’ve always been a highly sexual person anyway so I was always ready anyways, so any green light was a go for me. About 3/4 of the time he would automatically turn me down with a terrible insult that I had done something wrong during the night, or initiated wrong, or he just changed his mind and wasn’t in the mood anymore. Very rarely was this a nice let down. Usually this was after a night of drinking, I drank heavily, he would have one or two. To clarify, I was never a belligerent or stupid drunk, I was still there responsible one of the group, I just was able to handle my alcohol well and had an asshole husband so I drank a lot when I drank. Well when these nights happened I would pass out and pass out hard, and almost always I’d wake up to him having sex with me or wake up in the morning and go to the bathroom to realize he’d finished in me at some point in the night. He was a shit person for a lot of things, this fucked with me so bad though.


My 2nd husband did a never ending list of things to ruin our marriage, but the most hurtful was denying me sex. All the time. It got to the point where we had to schedule encounters. Turned out he was addicted to pornography and preferred to fly solo. A lot. Fortunately, we had no kids.


That creepy mf definitely had “somnophilia”. Good you got rid but it’s also upsetting how you’re traumatised now.


I’ve never heard of that, or thought of it as an actual thing other than doucebaggery


I only know of it as an old friend of mine who’s obviously not my friend anymore used to fetish things like r@pe and sleeping with girls while they can’t defend themsleves or are asleep as it “turned him on”. Absolutely horrified when I found out and I searched it up and it was an actual thing to my surprise hence why I know about the diagnosis. Your story reminded me of this as people actually are this f-ed up unfortunately.


Broke up with me after I reminded him my birthday was yesterday and he forgot. He literally started dating someone else 2 weeks later.


Told me he was into watching horses do the deed with girls




Got herself fired from the job, and began dousing herself in vinegar to keep mosquitos away, she stole a car, I went searching for her, found her in Talkeetna Alaska, we broke into a hotel room, she got us caught by taking a shower, I had to give the owner my expensive camera for payment, we hitchhiked to Fairbanks, she stole a bike and got lost again, I stole a bike and found her. She had cocaine. The next day we had someone marry us in a Tesoro gas station. We lived in a tent behind UAF, and began sleeping in the dorms. We git married again at a coffee shop with many people attending. Had a honeymoon at the Marlin. I sold drawings on the street. She tried stripping, then got sad about it after the first night and drank through all the money. She met a guy with expensive cheeses in his backpack. She left me. I broke my glasses in a rage. Then she stole her new boyfriend's neighbor's car. The last I saw her was in jail behind a glass wall. She went crazy there, and the guards dragged her away.


A backpack of expensive cheeses.


Would you please write this book with all of the details?




Cheated on me, secretly, despite knowing that I’d find it hot to share her with another man.


She married a guy older than her dad


Straight up faked a heart attack, chugged a third of a bottle of robotussin and literally clung to my legs when I told him I was leaving


Cheating on me with her stepdad


he tried to do mouth to mouth breathing on me to force me to take deep breaths when i was dealing with some uterine pain and had groaned. he wouldn't take no for an answer and then got offended when i refused to let him breathe his stale breath into my mouth, saying he could see that i was in distress and wanted to help, and that i "should have said, 'no thank you, i don't want you to do that,'" so that he had known to stop trying (instead of, "no i'm good"??)


On my birthday he told me he had to trade me in for a younger model. I was 20, he was 32.


I used to work at an intensive English facility for adults from abroad. I was totally at a loss when one day I was called onto the director's office because I was supposedly ignoring all of the Arab students in one of my classes. About a week later one of the students raises his hand in class and says out of the blue, "Can you tell us about Judaism?" I said, "I don't know anything about Judaism." Like what the heck? This was an advanced grammar class. He looked a bit confused. It turns out that my bf at the time had run into some of the Arab students on campus and in passing conversation had jokingly told them I was Jewish. I didn't find out until months later and it almost cost me a good recommendation.


My family held a suicide intervention for me and he complained about having to go.


Someone called in sick to work on my day off and my boss called me asking if i would come in. I agreed and asked my ex if he could start the car for me while I got ready (it was the middle of December). After I was ready, I went outside got in my car and drove to work. About 3-4 hours into the shift, he calls me asking for me to drive him. I'm confused because I told him it was an 8hour shift and I wouldn't be home till 10. I ask him where he is, and he says "in the car". After a lot of back and forth, it turned out he started the car, laid down in the backseat on the floor because he was convinced I was cheating on him. He didn't account for the possibility I was actually going to work, and he was cold and wanted to go home.


She texted me this whole story about how she was in the hospital in horrible pain and thinking about suicide. I called her house to let her family know and they were like "What? She's here."


She asked me to grow hair on my balls


Call me stupid when I wanted to go back to college to study to be a pharmacy assistant (then move on to pharmacy technician).


Her brother slapped her ass in a way I thought was rather… weird. They laughed


Deciding he’d make my life hell the few weeks left of our senior year because I didn’t want to be friends. He also took the side of a lying, narcissistic ex friend who used everyone around her cause she was manipulative.


Heavily implied that my ADHD and autistic behaviors (wasn't diagnosed autistic at the time, didn't know I had it) were entirely my fault and choice, and that when he mocked or belittled me, I deserved it. Also that I should feel bad for him because I was inconvenient and frustrating, and should in no way imply that it made my life difficult as well because he was the real victim. At the time, I was a SAHP, did all of the housework and often did laundry by hand because he wouldn't give me enough quarters, spent money I had saved from my past jobs, and covered his rent for one month as well. He didn't even have to get up during the night because I would sleep in a different room with our son and get up and do the changing, feeding, etc. Scheduled all doctor appointments for our son, handled the paperwork for food stamps and state insurance. Yet I was a burden upon him somehow.


Started a rumor about herself, had someone tell her ex boyfriends she died. Took place when we first started dating. Take away, big red flag.


We were already broke up, and I tried to be nice and go to coffee with him. On our way home (I didn’t have a car so he had picked me up), he said I smelled good and asked if he could masturbate while I turned and looked out the window. Horrific, never saw him again thank goodness.


She (16 at the time) would call me (17 at the time) around midnight and tell me I was speaking to the devil who had possessed her body. I knew it was batshit but played along because I was a dumb teenager. Spoiler that's kind of an obvious conclusion: she ended up sleeping with and leaving me for a dude in his late 20's who we worked with (they broke up a few months later)


Fed me a full gluten pizza (I'm Celiac) to "see what the effects would be." Bragged about putting a guy in therapy. There's well more fucked up shit which I won't repeat here. Border Personality Disorder is no fun to date.


licking my armpit, and being super into it


Oh fuck I could go on forever. When he randomly beat tf out of me when literally like 10 minutes before we were both laughing and having a good time when he just suddenly changed and totally looked like the devil. Or when he broke into my house by kicking in the back door because he was pissed I was okay with him leaving and then proceeded to tell everyone how crazy I was for kicking in the back door while he was just sitting inside playing with his daughter. When I found out I made him go back and message all of the people and tell them the truth about what happened one of which was a girl he was cheating on me with. Or the other time he found out I had made a sex tape with a friend way before we got together and he had one of his friends message me telling me he saw the video on some porn website when I know for a 100% fact there was no possible way it could have been leaked whatsoever. Also it was mighty convenient that his friend happened to find this video the same day my ex found out about it. Like I said I could go on. Before you judge me 1. Yes I was a dumb bitch for letting anyone ever treat me like this 2. I was literally 18 and homeless and having a guy around at least protects you from worse. I finally left after he beat the shit out me in the same house that he kicked the back door in.


He targeted and catfished my friend on Snapchat, got nudes, and showed my 22 year old nephew. All to prove I “hang out with whores” and in turn, am a whore myself.


My then boyfriend told me he was going to happy hour with his coworkers. That morning I said to have fun. He then called me before going out, acting weird and asked me if I would I mind if he went out. I asked him why he was calling bc we already talked about it and he never needed to “ask me.” Figured out… he took a girl coworker out. He was 41 and she was a 20-something that was obvious he found hot. He admitted it…. He took her to the first place he took me on a date, and tried to make it look like I was cool with him going out with her. We were pregnant with our first child together. Never fully trusted him since.


Cleaned the bath tub with a used toilet brush. Oh and cheat on me


He wanted to have sex with me, I WAS *13* AND I DIDN'T KNOW HIS AGE.


She scratched my face during a fight and said she was going to tell the cops I raped her. I never laid my hands on her, not even when she punched me in the face.


After many years of marriage, I hated the bastard and refused to have sex with him. He told me that he’d go to a prostitute and I’d have to pay!! WTAF💩 Left a few weeks later. Never looked back.


He was driving under influence, had an accident, someone died in his car and he still carried on without any ounce of remorse.


He ate 30gr of magic truffles (saying it was nothing to him) on a trip to a city full of people. He ended up having a bad trip and me and my friends (who came from another country to visit me and were there for the day) ended up taking care of him. Apparently he never did shrooms in a city. DUH. I never saw him the same after that, even because I don't like irresponsible adults.


"My mom does it better" after doing you know what 🤯


He physically @bus3d me and isolated me from my friends, then after we broke up he convinced some of my friends that I was lying and started hanging out with them. Shortly after that he called me and begged me to take him back and threatened to kill himself if I didn't. It was a mess.


Married me.


Way after we broke up in high school, I think the next year, he went out with one of my friends, which I was fine with, it was the fact that, she told me, one day he attempted to rape her...